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eye 28

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Senate Majority Leader Schumer (D-NY) held a news conference to discuss the passage of the Senate's version of President Biden's $1.9 trillion COVID-19 economic aid proposal. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol | Senate Radio and Television Gallery
Topics: joe manchin, joe biden
Source: Comcast Cable
[LIVE] Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and House Democratic leadership hold a press conference on the American Rescue Plan. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol
Topics: yarmuth, biden, clyburn, pelosi
Source: Comcast Cable

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Senate Leader McConnell spoke about re-opening public schools and the COVID-19 pandemic. He also talked about challenges facing the economy. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topic: washington
Source: Comcast Cable
Following a pause to consider an objection from Sen. Lee, House Managers resumed their closing argument. They were followed by the former President's defense team, who summed up their case. The Senate then voted 57-43 to acquit the former President. After the vote, Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell made wrap up speeches before ending the session. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: Charles Schumer, US Senate, US Congress, Impeachment, Elections, Legal Issues, Terrorism, Crime
Following a pause to consider an objection from Sen. Lee, House Managers resumed their closing argument. They were followed by the former President's defense team, who summed up their case. The Senate then voted 57-43 to acquit the former President. After the vote, Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell made wrap up speeches before ending the session. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: Mitch McConnell, US Senate, US Congress, Impeachment, Elections, Legal Issues, Terrorism, Crime
House Speaker Pelosi and Democratic impeachment managers spoke to reporters after the Senate voted 57-43 to acquit former president Trump of inciting the January 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol | House Radio and Television Gallery
Topics: mitch mcconnell, donald trump, jamie herrera-beutler, biden, house, mcconnell, kevin mccarthy
Source: Comcast Cable

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[LIVE] House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) holds her weekly legislative briefing on Capitol Hill. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol | House Radio and Television Gallery
Topics: powell, paychex, trump
Source: Comcast Cable
[LIVE] Senate Majority Leader Schumer, along with Georgia Democratic Sens. Ossoff and Warnock, hold a briefing on COVID-19 economic relief. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol
Topics: georgia, warnock, schumer, ossoff, jon ossoff, raphael warnock, john
Source: Comcast Cable
During a dinner break on the second day of the impeachment trial against former President Trump, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) gave brief remarks to the press. The leader said that he hopes his Republican colleagues have an open mind after being presented with the evidence from the Hose managers. He then went on to say that he gives "tremendous credit to Capitol police officers" for keeping them safe. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol | News Media Stakeout
Source: Comcast Cable
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) reacted to the opening arguments made during the first day of the Senate trial against Mr. Trump. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol | News Media Stakeout
Source: Comcast Cable
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) told reporters on Capitol Hill that the Senate had a "solemn responsibility" over the impeachment trial. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol
Source: Comcast Cable
Senate Majority Leader Schumer announced that he and Minority Leader McConnell reached a deal on organization resolution. He also announced that Democrats will be meeting with President Biden to discuss the COVID-19 relief plan. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topic: biden
Source: Comcast Cable

eye 45

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Senate Democratic leaders held a news conference following their weekly luncheon on Capitol Hill. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) provided details of their virtual caucus meeting with President Biden and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on COVID-19 relief legislation. Sen. Schumer said the president emphasized the need for a "big, bold package" and told Senate Republicans their $600 billion relief package was too small. Sen. Schumer also talked about confirming President...
Topic: biden
Source: Comcast Cable

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Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) spoke to reporters following his conference's weekly policy luncheon on Capitol Hill. The minority leader told reporters he had conversations with President Biden about additional COVID-19 relief legislation and his conference was briefed by the group of 10 Senate Republicans who met with the president the previous night. "We're off to a totally partisan start," he said, observing that President Biden seemed more interested in reaching a...
Topics: biden, new york, mccarthy
Source: Comcast Cable
Senate Minority Leader McConnell says he will vote against Alejandro Mayorkas to be Homeland Security Secretary. He also talked about the military taking over in Myanmar. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: burma, mayorkas, biden, alejandro mayorkas, kelly
Source: Comcast Cable

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Senate Majority Leader Schumer spoke on the Senate floor paying tribute to the late Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick who died during the attack on the Capitol on January 6th. He also spoke about the confirmation votes for Pete Buttigieg to be U.S. Transportation Secretary and Alejandro Mayorkas for Secretary of Homeland Security. He later talked about the need to work on a budget resolution for the next COVID-19 Relief plan. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: biden, buttigieg, pete
Source: Comcast Cable
Mitch McConnell Archive

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[LIVE] The Senate will be in a period of morning business with senators permitted to speak for up to 10 minutes each. Later, the Senate will vote on the motion to invoke cloture on the nomination of Alejandro Mayorkas to be Homeland Security Secretary. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: Mitch McConnell, US Senate, US Congress, Abortion, Energy, Climate Change, Environment

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[LIVE] Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and other Democratic leaders hold a news conference on Capitol Hill. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol
Topics: illinois, mcconnell, biden
Source: Comcast Cable

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Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell talked about the power-sharing agreement between Democrats and Republicans. Both hold 50 seats. The deal maintains the filibuster. Sen. McConnell said that eliminating the filibuster would "break the Senate." Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topic: trump
Source: Comcast Cable

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Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer talked about the recently agreed to Senate organizing resolution, as well as Secretary of State nominee Antony Blinken and COVID-19 response. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: biden, blinken
Source: Comcast Cable

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Senate Leaders talked about their priories for the immediate future. Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer said articles of Impeachment against former President Trump will come to the Senate on Monday. Republican Leader Mitch McConnell said he'd prefer the House wait until Thursday to send them the documents. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: pentagon, biden, donald trump, lott, mcconnell, mr. schumer, lloyd austin, trump
Source: Comcast Cable

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Senator Chuck Schumer began his first full day a Majority Leader by listing Biden Administration initiatives, and contrasted them with the Trump Administration. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topic: biden
Source: Comcast Cable
Mitch McConnell Archive

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Vice President Kamala Harris swore in the new members of the U.S. Senate, Georgia Democrats Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock and California Democrat Alex Padilla. Following their remarks Senator Schumer gave his first speech as Majority Leader and Senator McConnell delivered his first remarks as Minority Leader. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: Mitch McConnell, US Senate, US Congress, Elections, Bipartisanship

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Senate Majority Leader McConnell spoke about the January 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol, and blamed President Trump for inciting the riot. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: joe biden, trump, mcconnell, bush, kamala harris, biden
Source: Comcast Cable

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Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) reacted to the Georgia Senate runoff election results and the potential of Democrats taking the majority in the Senate. He said one of the first things he wants to do is approve $2,000 stimulus checks for the American people. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol | Senate Radio and Television Gallery
Topics: georgia, rafael warnock, jon ossoff, mcconnell
Source: Comcast Cable
Senate Majority Leader McConnell started the Senate day by talking about the importance of finishing work on the 2021 Defense Programs & Policy bill. He also talked about the effort to increase stimulus checks to $2,000, and reiterated his opposition to the plan, calling it "socialism for rich people." He was followed by Democratic Leader Schumer, who refuted some of Sen. McConnell's claims. He also tried to bring up a stand-alone bill to increase the checks to $2,000, which the...
Topics: Mitch McConnell, US Senate, US Congress, Economy, Congress

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Senate Majority Leader McConnell ended Tuesday's session by announcing a LIVE quorum call Wednesday at 5pm ET, followed by the beginning of work on the override of President Trump's veto of the 2021 Defense Programs and Policy bill. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: U.S. Senate Sen. McConnell on Veto Override, Television Program
Source: Comcast Cable

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Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said that a Saturday Senate session was likely as Congress continues negotiations on COVID-19 & federal spending bills. Current funding for most government agencies will expire Friday at midnight. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: U.S. Senate Sen. McConnell on COVID-19 & Federal Spending Bills, Television Program
Source: Comcast Cable

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Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) discussed his party's legislative agenda at a news conference on Capitol Hill. He said negotiations for additional coronavirus relief legislation remains ongoing and refused to detail how talks were going. Other topics discussed included Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine and the Electoral College vote. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol | Senate Radio and Television Gallery
Topics: hawaii, new york, schumer, joe biden
Source: Comcast Cable

eye 22

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Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Republican leadership held a news conference on their legislative agenda. Leader McConnell spoke about the "excitement in the country" surrounding the COVID-19 vaccine, and that the Senate will not leave until a deal can be reached on a coronavirus relief package. When talking about taking the vaccine, the Senate leader said he was "anxious" to do so and that it was important to encourage the vaccine skeptics to take it as...
Topics: iowa, louisville, trump, south dakota, durbin
Source: Comcast Cable
Mitch McConnell Archive

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[LIVE] The Senate resumes consideration of Thomas L. Kirsch II to be U.S. Circuit Judge for the Seventh Circuit. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: Mitch McConnell, US Senate, US Congress, Elections, Job Accomplishments, Public Health, Drugs,...

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Senate Minority Leader Schumer spoke about the federal coronavirus response and urged his colleagues to not vote for Nathan Simington to become a member of the FCC. Also, he paid tribute to Senator Tom Udall. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: udall, simonton, mexico, fcc, mcconnell
Source: Comcast Cable
Senate Majority Leader McConnell spoke about his colleague Senator Mike Enzi who is retiring. Afterwards, Senator Enzi thanked Leader McConnell for his well wishes. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: mike, wyoming, washington
Source: Comcast Cable

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Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer spoke about the coronavirus response and his support for the public health officials picked to serve in the incoming Biden administration. He also talked about the importance of ensuring that the public has confidence in taking a vaccine. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: biden, joe biden, amy peikoff, jack dorsey, parler, kennedy, zuckerberg, trump, becerra, aclu, ben...
Source: Comcast Cable
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said he anticipates that the Senate will take up a temporary spending bill to extend the government funding deadline by another week as negotiations continue on a full-year spending package. He also talked about the coronavirus response and what he views as three common areas of interest for Republicans and Democrats. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: U.S. Senate Sen. McConnell on 2020 Federal Spending & Coronavirus Response, Television Program
Source: Comcast Cable

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Senate Majority Leader McConnell said Congress should pass a COVID-19 package that includes the items that both Democrats and Republican agree on should be in the bill. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topic: kentucky
Source: Comcast Cable

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Senate Leader Mitch McConnell became emotional during his tribute to Tennessee Republican Senator Lamar Alexander. Sen. McConnell recalled his early friendship with Lamar Alexander when they were both young Senate staffers. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: lamar, alexander, tennessee, howard baker, lamar alexander
Source: Comcast Cable

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Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) held a news conference on his party's legislative agenda. He urged Senate Republicans to hold confirmation hearings for President-elect Biden's nominees in January after the Georgia special elections. In addition, Minority Leader Schumer discussed ongoing coronavirus economic relief negotiations. He was joined by Sens. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) and Amy Klobuchar (D-MN). Sponsor: U.S. Capitol
Topics: mcconnell, joe biden, manhattan, biden, un
Source: Comcast Cable

eye 22

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Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Senate Republican leadership held a news conference on their legislative agenda for the remainder of 2020. They discussed possible coronavirus relief, the omnibus spending bill, and the importance of passing the Defense Authorization Act. While discussing coronavirus relief, Leader McConnell stated, "we don't have time for messaging games, we don't have time for lengthy negotiations. The issue is, we have to get it resolved." When...
Topics: chuck grassley, israel, pelosi, nancy pelosi, house, chuck norris
Source: Comcast Cable
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer spoke about the upcoming Senate agenda. Those items include an appropriations bill to keep the government funded past December 11, the annual defense bill and the need for to pass a Coronavirus relief package. He also praised Joe Biden for naming a diverse group of key White House and Cabinet posts. Sen. Schumer went on to defend President-Elect Biden's pick of Neera Tanden to be OMB Director. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: biden, fda, omb, neera tanden, trump, georgia
Source: Comcast Cable

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The Senate Majority Leader gave a brief update on the need for a coronavirus relief package. He also spoke about Arizona Senator Martha McSally's career in Congress and the U.S. Air Force. Sen. McSally lost to Mark Kelly who will be sworn into the Senate this week. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: martha mcsally, mcsally, arizona
Source: Comcast Cable

eye 21

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Senate Minority Leader Schumer spoke on the Senate floor about coronavirus pandemic, the need to work on extending federal spending past December 11th and urged his colleagues to begin hearings on President-elect Biden's cabinet nominees in January after Georgia's Senate run-off elections. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: biden, trump, georgia, omb, neera tanden, janet yellen
Source: Comcast Cable

eye 19

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Senate Majority Leader McConnell welcomed back Sen. Chuck Grassley who recently self-quarantined after testing positive for COVID-19. He also talked about the need to reach an agreement on extending federal spending past December 11th and to work on the defense authorization bill. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: pelosi, grassley, johnson, house
Source: Comcast Cable

eye 66

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Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and other Democratic leaders held a news conference one week after the 2020 election. Sen. Schumer responded to remarks made by Secretary of State Pompeo earlier in the day where he said there would be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration. "Secretary Pompeo, Joe Biden has move on," Sen. Schumer said. The senators also spoke about the Affordable Care Act and the COVID-19 pandemic. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol | News Media...
Topics: biden, wisconsin, joe biden, trump, schumer, georgia, washington, murphy, shannon, michael pompeo,...
Source: Comcast Cable

eye 77

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Senate Republican leaders held a news conference one week after the 2020 presidential election. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said he is interested in passing targeted packages for COVID-19 relief adding he does not think a trillion-dollar package is necessary. He also said he is focused on Senate business not the presidential election. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol
Topic: pfizer
Source: Comcast Cable
Senate Minority Leader Schumer spoke about the rise in coronavirus cases in the U.S. and the announcement of members of President-elect Biden's COVID-19 task force. Senator Schumer also criticized Senate Majority Leader McConnell for not acknowledging President-elect Biden as the winner of the 2020 election. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: trump, mr. president, biden, mcconnell, joe biden
Source: Comcast Cable
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell spoke on the Senate floor about the firing of Defense Secretary Mark Esper and thanked him for his work. He also spoke about Burma's second parliamentary election that was held recently. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: burma, china, pentagon, mr. president
Source: Comcast Cable
Charles Schumer Archive

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[LIVE] The U.S. Senate continues debate over confiirmation of Appeals Court Judge Amy Coney Barrett for U.S. Supreme Court associate justice. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: Charles Schumer, US Senate, US Congress, Supreme Court

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Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Majority Whip Sen. John Thune (R-SD), Minority Whip Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL), Sen. Mike Braun (R-IN), Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX), and Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) spoke at a Saturday Senate session on the Supreme Court nomination of Amy Coney Barrett. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: california, barrett, white house, texas, new york, hahn, illinois, biden, mr. durbin, mcconnell,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Senate Majority Leader McConnell spoke on the Senate floor about reports that both Iran and Russia obtained U.S. voter registration information in an effort to interfere in the election. He also spoke about Senate Judiciary Republicans voting to move the nomination of Supreme Court Nominee Amy Coney Barrett out of committee to the floor. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: benjamin bristow, russia, iran, california, barrett, john adams
Source: Comcast Cable
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Democratic members of the Judiciary Committee held a news conference on Judge Amy Coney Barrett's nomination to the Supreme Court. The senators expressed their grievances over the "rushed" confirmation process and their concerns over potential cases Judge Barrett could rule on. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol
Topics: barrett, trump, amy coney barrett, mcconnell, ginsburg, connecticut, ruth bader ginsburg,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and the Senate Democratic leadership held a news conference to discuss the Democrat's legislative priorities for the next few days, with a heavy focus on the next round of economic stimulus related to the coronavirus pandemic. Leader Schumer (D-NY) began by calling the Republicans' most recent stimulus efforts a "stunt," saying that "to put this political stunt on the floor a second time is cruel, is harsh, and it shows a complete lack...
Topics: mcconnell, mitch mcconnell, michigan, feinstein, nancy pelosi, canada, north carolina, durbin
Source: Comcast Cable

eye 29

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At a news conference Senate Republican Leaders announced a floor vote for Supreme Court Nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett and gave an update on coronavirus relief legislation and negotiations with the White House. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol
Topics: amy coney barrett, nancy pelosi, chuck schumer
Source: Comcast Cable

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Incumbent Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and U.S. Senate Democratic candidate Amy McGrath participated in a televised debate. Gray Television and the University of Kentucky co-sponsored the event. The debate occurred one day before the start of early in-person voting in Kentucky. The debate was the only scheduled face-to-face meeting prior to the November election. Sponsor: University of Kentucky,WKYT-TV,Gray Television
Topics: kentucky, mcconnell, mcgrath, washington, new york, joe biden, ruth bader ginsburg, chuck schumer,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell asked unanimous consent for the chamber to recess for the next two weeks as a precaution after three Republican Senators recently tested positive for COVID-19. He went on to explain why the confirmation hearing for Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett would continue as planned in a virtual setting. He also wished President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump a quick and smooth recovery following their COVID-19 diagnosis. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: barrett, mr. mcconnell, graham
Source: Comcast Cable

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Senate Democratic Leader Charles Schumer said the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett is tied to the future of the Affordable Care Act and whether pre-existing conditions protections will continue in the U.S. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: barrett, trump, amy coney barrett, mcconnell, roe v. wade
Source: Comcast Cable

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Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell defended President Trumps nominee to the nation's highest court. Sen. McConnell said Democrats are overly focused on Judge Amy Coney Barrett's religious beliefs. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: barrett, amy coney barrett, breyer, columbus, hawaii, california, ginsburg, sotomayor, kagan
Source: Comcast Cable

eye 21

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Senate Republican leaders held a news conference following their weekly conference luncheon on Capitol Hill. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said the Senate was moving forward on the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett for the Supreme Court. He also said that his conference would like to pass another coronavirus relief bill but that the House proposal was still too high and included provisions he could not support. When asked about President Trump's failure to condemn white...
Topics: amy coney barrett, chuck schumer, kavanaugh
Source: Comcast Cable

eye 24

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Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) along with Senators Chris Murphy (D-CT), Ron Wyden (D-OR), and Mazie Hirono (D-HI) held a news conference to discuss Judge Amy Coney Barrett, President Trump's nominee to fill the Supreme Court seat left vacant by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Minority Leader Schumer warned that a vote to confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett is a vote against the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which the Supreme Court is scheduled to hear arguments on in November. The senators...
Topics: trump, donald trump, amy coney barrett, murphy, healthcare, mcconnell, emily, fbi, joe biden,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Senate Minority Leader Schumer says a vote for President Trump's Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett is a vote against the Affordable Care Act. He also spoke about the coronavirus response by the Trump administration. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: trump, barrett, amy coney barrett, mcconnell, roberts, ginsburg
Source: Comcast Cable

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Majority Leader McConnell gave his reasons for supporting Supreme Court nominee Amy Barrett, and why it's important for the Senate to confirm her immediately. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: barrett, trump, california, columbus, mr. mcconnell, feldman, harvard, yale, amy coney barrett
Source: Comcast Cable

eye 426

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Majority Leader McConnell gave his reasons for supporting Supreme Court nominee Amy Barrett, and why it's important for the Senate to confirm her immediately. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) hosted a virtual meeting on climate change with the parliamentary speakers and legislative presidents of the G7 nations. Representatives from the U.K., Canada, Japan, Italy, Germany and the European Union spoke about legislating during a pandemic and the climate crisis. Following their opening remarks, the Dalai Lama, environmental activist Jane Goodall and former Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz addressed the meeting, focusing on the urgency for collective action...
Topics: goodall, pelosi, uk, canada, italy, francis
Source: Comcast Cable
Senate Leader Schumer called President Trump a threat to U.S. democracy after the president refused to commit to a peaceful transition of power after Election Day. Sen. Schumer also talked about the current U.S. Supreme Court vacancy. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: trump, mcconnell, breonna taylor
Source: Comcast Cable

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Senate Leader Mitch McConnell talked about the death of Breonna Taylor who was killed by police in March and the shooting of two Louisville police officers during protests last night. Senator McConnell also spoke about the current Supreme Court vacancy. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: trump, kentucky, louisville, biden
Source: Comcast Cable

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Senate Republican leadership held a news conference on the Republicans' legislative agenda and filling a vacancy on the U.S. Supreme Court. When asked about the nomination to fill the seat of the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Leader McConnell stated, "I can only repeat that we have an obligation under the Constitution." He also said that he expects the nominee to be announced by the end of the week. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol
Topics: Senate Republicans Hold News Conference, Television Program
Source: Comcast Cable
Senate Majority Mitch McConnell spoke about filling the U.S. Supreme Court vacancy, following Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's death. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topic: trump
Source: Comcast Cable

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Senate Minority Leader Schumer spoke on the Senate floor criticizing President Trump on his latest remarks about the coronavirus pandemic. He blames President Trump for the number of deaths across the country due to the virus. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: trump, donald trump
Source: Comcast Cable

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Earlier today, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer spoke about a new Coronavirus Economic Aid bill, being introduced by Senate Republicans. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: mcconnell, pelosi, trump, white house
Source: Comcast Cable
Charles Schumer Archive

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[LIVE] The Senate will resume debate on the nomination of Brett Ludwig to be U.S. District Court judge for the Eastern District of Wisconsin. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: Charles Schumer, US Senate, US Congress, Elections
Senate Minority Leader Schumer said President Trump's lack of leadership has caused the coronavirus to spread rapidly across the U.S. while other countries were able to contain it. He blamed Republicans for delaying a vote on the next coronavirus economic relief fund. And Senator Schumer said the Trump administration is trying to block people from voting by mail. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: trump, white house, mcconnell, mr. schumer, johnson
Source: Comcast Cable
Senate Majority Leader McConnell spoke on the Senate floor about not having reached a deal with Democrats on coronavirus relief. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: pelosi, mr. president, ccp, new jersey, florida
Source: Comcast Cable

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Senate Majority Leader was critical of Democrats over Coronavirus aid negotiations. The Majority Leader said the Paycheck Protection Program needs to be extended and that an economic aid bill should include legal liability protections especially for doctors, schools and charities. Senator McConnell warned that the Senate won't be taking a summer recess until economic stimulus legislation has been voted on. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: washington, michael flynn, ppp, white house
Source: Comcast Cable

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Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer was critical of President Trump and Republicans over lack of progress on a Coronavirus aid package. He said essential workers should receive hazard pay which he said Republicans are against. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: white house, mcconnell, trump
Source: Comcast Cable
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell gave his condolences to those impacted by the explosion in Beirut, Lebanon. He also criticized Senate Democrats on their version of the Coronavirus economic aid package. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: pelosi, malibu, california
Source: Comcast Cable