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Charles Schumer Archive
Dec 26, 2018 MSNBCW

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Updates of the day's news.
Topics: Charles Schumer, US Senate, US Congress, Nancy Pelosi, US House, Immigration, Federal Budget
Charles Schumer Archive

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Local news, sports and weather.
Topics: Charles Schumer, US Senate, US Congress, Federal Budget, Immigration
Charles Schumer Archive

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Senators Schumer, McConnell, Corker, Flake, and others came to the floor to discuss government funding. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: Charles Schumer, US Senate, US Congress, Federal Budget, Immigration

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Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Minority Leader Charles Schumer spoke about the government funding deadline. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topic: mr. schumer
Source: Comcast Cable

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Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer spoke on the Senate floor about funding the federal government past the Friday midnight deadline. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: trump, mcconnell
Source: Comcast Cable
Mitch McConnell Archive

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Brian Williams examines the day's top political stories and current political-campaign news.
Topics: Mitch McConnell, US Senate, US Congress, Military, Foreign Policy
[LIVE] House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) speak to reporters in the Capitol about the government funding deadline and the status of pending legislation to keep the federal government open into 2019. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol
Topics: mattis, mcconnell, pelosi, syria, ryan
Source: Comcast Cable

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Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer spoke about the short-term government spending measure the Senate passed last night (Wednesday) and called on President Trump not veto that Continuing Resolution. The New York Democrat was critical of members of the Republican House Freedom Caucus who want additional funding for a border wall. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: trump, mr. jordan, mexico
Source: Comcast Cable

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[LIVE] House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) holds a news conference on her party's legislative agenda in the final days of the 115th Congress. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol | House Radio and Television Gallery
Topics: syria, donald
Source: Comcast Cable

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Senate Democratic leaders spoke to reporters following a weekly lunch meeting with the party's caucus. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said his party wouldn't support an offer from Republicans and the White House, which he panned as having a "slush fund" for President Trump. Senator Schumer and other Democrats also talked about their efforts to force a floor vote on legislation ordering Senate lawyers to defend the Affordable Care Act following a ruling from a Texas...
Topics: mitch mcconnell, schumer, murray, washington, manchin, booker
Source: Comcast Cable

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Senate Republican leaders spoke to reporters following a weekly lunch meeting with the party's caucus. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said he would continue to work with the White House to adjust details of a bill to continue government funding into 2019. He and other Senate Republicans also talked about their efforts to pass a bill reforming aspects of the criminal justice system to focus more on supporting prisoners reentering society. Sponsor: U.S. Senate | Ohio Clock,U.S....
Topics: mcconnell, schumer, leahy, shelby, texas
Source: Comcast Cable

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House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) talked to reporters about a looming deadline for a partial government shutdown due to an impasse on funding for border security as requested by President Trump. Rep. Pelosi said Democrats would not agree to the latest offer from the White House and Republicans, which would include some reprogramming of funding by the Executive Branch, and called the proposal a "slush fund" for the president. She also said she thought a short-term continuing...
Topics: House Minority Leader Pelosi on Government Funding Deal, Television Program
Source: Comcast Cable
Minority Whip Steny Hoyer and Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy today had what was likely their last colloquy with each in his current position. Hoyer asks McCarthy for the House schedule next week. McCarthy begins by thanking Hoyer, noting "many spirited debates" and claiming most of what happens in the House is bipartisan. Hoyer responds saying he looks forward to working with McCarthy when their roles switch in January. After about five minutes of that discussion, McCarthy says...
Topics: mr. hoyer, mr. mccarthy, washington, texas, nd, el paso, mr. boehner, bush, c.r., maryland, smith
Source: Comcast Cable

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House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) told reporters that Democrats are not in negotiations with President Trump over wall funding since meeting with the president at the Oval Office earlier in the week. "Chuck and I are not in a negotiation," she said, referring to Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY). "We are not going for the $5 billion for the wall. We simply are not." Sponsor: U.S. Capitol | House Radio and Television Gallery
Topics: ms. pelosi, chuck, nafta, mexico, mueller, chelsea
Source: Comcast Cable
Charles Schumer Archive

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[LIVE] Senators are expected to debate a resolution on ending U.S. involvement in Yemen War and condemning the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Off the floor, talks continue on plans to fund the government past the December 21 deadline to avert a shutdown. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: Charles Schumer, US Senate, US Congress, Federal Budget, Immigration
Nancy Pelosi Archive

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The latest political developments of the day and interviews with top newsmakers are featured.
Topics: Nancy Pelosi, US House, US Congress, Immigration, Federal Budget
President Trump said he would be proud to "shut down the government for border security" in an Oval Office exchange with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY). The leaders went back and forth over border security, building the wall, and the Congressional support and votes needed to pass funding legislation on this issue. Sponsor: White House | News Media Stakeout
Topics: Charles Schumer, US Senate, US Congress, Nancy Pelosi, US House, Trump, Trump Administration,...

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Defense Secretary James Mattis honored outgoing House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) for his support of the U.S. armed forces. Both Secretary Mattis and Speaker Ryan delivered brief remarks at the ceremony. Sponsor: Department of Defense
Topics: paul ryan, ryan, wisconsin, afghanistan, washington, pentagon
Source: Comcast Cable

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House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) spoke to reporters about the Democratic leadership elections saying "it was so inspiring to hear my colleagues place my name in nomination once again for Speaker of the House." In addition, she talked about the freshman class, working with President Trump and the legislative priorities for the new Congress. The Democrats were set to control the House when the 116th Congress convenes in January 2019. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol,U.S. Capitol | News...
Topic: pelosi
Source: Comcast Cable

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House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) spoke to reporters about the Democratic leadership elections saying "it was so inspiring to hear my colleagues place my name in nomination once again for Speaker of the House." In addition, she talked about the freshman class, working with President Trump and the legislative priorities for the new Congress. The Democrats were set to control the House when the 116th Congress convenes in January 2019. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol,U.S. Capitol | News...

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Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said that if there's a government shutdown, President Trump and Republicans would be to blame. He added that Democrats will be sticking to the $1.6 billion that was negotiated for the border wall. His comments came during a news conference with reporters on the Hill following a meeting with the Democratic caucus. Sponsor: U.S. Senate | Ohio Clock
Topics: mr. farr, north carolina, thomas farr, feinstein
Source: Comcast Cable

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Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell talked to reporters about the GOP agenda for the remainder of 2018. He also touched on other topics including funding for the border wall and a potential government shutdown, the Mississippi Senate race and the upcoming G20 summit. Sponsor: U.S. Senate | Ohio Clock
Topics: russia, vladimir putin, mississippi, mexico, virginia, tijuana
Source: Comcast Cable
House Minority Leader Pelosi (D-CA) addressed whether she has the votes to become speaker of the House in the 116th Congress. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol | House Radio and Television Gallery
Topics: House Minority Leader Pelosi D-CA Addresses Leadership Question, Television Program
Source: Comcast Cable
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) met with Republican senators-elect in his office in the Capitol. The group included Sen.-elect Mitt Romney (UT) and Florida Gov. Rick Scott, who ran against Democratic incumbent Sen. Bill Nelson and at the time was waiting on a recount in the state. Sponsor: U.S. Senate | Office of the Majority Leader
Topics: Senate Majority Leader McConnell Meets with Republican Senators-Elect, Television Program
Source: Comcast Cable

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Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL) delivered a statement on the Florida Senate recount and why it's necessary. He criticized the actions of his opponent Gov. Rick Scott (R-FL) for claiming voter fraud and accused him of abusing his power as governor to threaten election officials. Minority Leader Sen. Chuck Schumer (NY) called on Gov. Scott to recuse himself from the recount immediately. The two senators did not take any questions from reporters. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol
Topics: florida, scott, nelson, bill nelson, schumer, arizona, donald trump, washington
Source: Comcast Cable
Charles Schumer Archive

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A mix of newsmaker interviews, political analysis, cultural segments and media analysis.
Topics: Charles Schumer, US Senate, US Congress, Elections, Supreme Court, Health Care, Infrastructure,...
Nancy Pelosi Archive

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Chris Cuomo asks the tough questions to newsmakers in Washington and around the world.
Topics: Nancy Pelosi, US House, US Congress, Guns, Elections, Crime, Health Care, Iraq, Bipartisanship,...
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) held a news conference to discuss the results of the 2018 midterm elections. He said the Democratic flip of the U.S. House would provide a "check" on President Trump. He also answered questions on the resignation of Attorney General Jeff Sessions and on how various campaign messages worked for both his party and the Republicans. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol
Topics: mr. schumer, donald trump, wisconsin, trump, pennsylvania, nancy pelosi, schumer, mueller, michigan
Source: Comcast Cable
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) held a news conference to discuss the results of 2018 midterm elections calling it "a good morning for Senate Republicans." Majority Leader McConnell thanked President Trump for supporting Republican Senate candidates saying, "it clearly had a positive impact on the outcome." In addition, he was asked about possible attempts by House Democrats in trying to obtain the president's tax records. Senate McConnell responded saying,...
Topics: pelosi, martha mcsally
Source: Comcast Cable
[LIVE] Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (NY) holds a news conference to discuss elections results. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol
Topics: mr. schumer, wisconsin, robert mueller, trump, donald trump, michigan, pennsylvania, joe donnelly,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Mitch McConnell Archive

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A look at the day's top news and headlines.
Topics: Mitch McConnell, US Senate, US Congress, Elections, Bipartisanship, Health Care, Medicaid,...
[LIVE] House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) holds a news conference to discuss the results of the 2018 midterm elections that handed her party control of the U.S. House of Representatives for the 116th Congress. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol
Topics: ronald reagan, washington, minnesota
Source: Comcast Cable
A look at the day's news and headlines.
Topics: Mitch McConnell, US Senate, US Congress, Elections, Immigration, Infrastructure, Supreme Court,...
Nancy Pelosi Archive

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The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) hosted an Election Night watch party in Washington, DC. DNC Chair Thomas Perez, DCCC Committee Chair Rep. Ben Lujan (D-NM), and Minority Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) made remarks to celebrate the Democrats taking back control of the U.S. House of Representatives. Sponsor: Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
Topics: Nancy Pelosi, US House, US Congress, Elections, Health Care, Medicare, Medicaid, Drugs, Jobs,...
On Election Day 2018, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chair Ben Ray Lujan (D-NM) predicted the Democratic Party would win control of the U.S. House of Representatives. The two spoke hours before polls closed. DCCC Chair Lujan laid out the investments by the party in district races and the policy issues that are motivating voters in the midterm election. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol
Topics: Nancy Pelosi, US House, US Congress, Elections
Paul Ryan Archive

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A weeknight look at the news, featuring interviews, analysis and panel discussions hosted by Bret Baier.
Topics: Paul Ryan, US House, US Congress, Immigration, Legal Issues
Paul Ryan Archive

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CBS' venerable Sunday-morning newsmaker-interview show also aired in prime time in 1960 and '61. When the series premiered in 1954, the first guest was Sen. Joseph McCarthy.
Topics: Paul Ryan, US House, US Congress, Elections, Taxes, Supreme Court, Economy, Jobs, Drugs,...
Charles Schumer Archive

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The veteran newsman breaks down the day's top stories and how they impact American taxpayers. Also: emerging financial trends and top market moves are highlighted in a "Moneyline" segment.
Topics: Charles Schumer, US Senate, US Congress, Health Care
Paul Ryan Archive

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House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) attended a campaign rally in New Jersey in support of Jay Webber, a Republican running to fill the seat being vacated by Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-NJ), who is retiring. Sponsor: Webber for Congress
Topics: Paul Ryan, US House, US Congress, Elections

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Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) delivered remarks on a number of policy topics at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. He talked about what he described as legislative accomplishments since 2016, what he plans to do upon his departure from Congress in January 2019, and what he said was an energized GOP voting base resulting from the Supreme Court confirmation process for Brett Kavanaugh. Sponsor: National Press Club | Newsmaker
Topics: ryan, wisconsin, paul ryan, jack kemp, washington, goodlet, kavanaugh, khashoggi, the v.a., daca,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Mitch McConnell Archive

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Analysis and discussion of the day's top stories and compelling issues from Lawrence O'Donnell.
Topics: Mitch McConnell, US Senate, US Congress, Medicaid, Social Security, Medicare
Nancy Pelosi Archive

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California Governor Jerry Brown and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg began planning a global climate conference after the Trump administration announced its intention last year to withdraw from the Paris Climate agreement. Thousands of leaders from all sectors of society from around the world gathered in San Francisco in mid-September, to showcase their climate action and to focus on lowering global emissions. Speakers included actor Harrison Ford, Starbucks CEO Kevin Johnson, House...
Topics: Nancy Pelosi, US House, US Congress, Climate Change, Environment
Mitch McConnell Archive

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Brian Williams examines the day's top political stories and current political-campaign news.
Topics: Mitch McConnell, US Senate, US Congress, Elections
Mitch McConnell Archive

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Brian Williams examines the day's top political stories and current political-campaign news.
Topics: Mitch McConnell, US Senate, US Congress, Civil Rights, Supreme Court, Women
Mitch McConnell Archive

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Guests include Sen. Lindsey Graham; Ronna McDaniel; and Sen. Ben Cardin. Josh Holmes, Chris Stirewalt, Marie Harf and Juan Williams are on the panel. Also: an interview with Matthew Wendel.
Topics: Mitch McConnell, US Senate, US Congress, Supreme Court, Women, Civil Rights, Elections
Mitch McConnell Archive

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CBS' venerable Sunday-morning newsmaker-interview show also aired in prime time in 1960 and '61. When the series premiered in 1954, the first guest was Sen. Joseph McCarthy.
Topics: Mitch McConnell, US Senate, US Congress, Supreme Court, Women, Civil Rights, Elections, Taxes,...

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Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnelll (R-KY) held a press conference following the Senate's vote to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh as the next Supreme Court Justice. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol | Senate Radio and Television Gallery
Topics: mcconnell, brett kavanaugh, clarence thomas, washington, collins
Source: Comcast Cable
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer responded to Majority Leader McConnell's remarks about the confirmation process for Brett Kavanaugh. He also spoke about Christine Blasey Ford's sexual assault charge against Judge Kavanaugh. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: kavanaugh, fbi, mister, feinstein
Source: Comcast Cable
Senate Minority Leader Schumer spoke about Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Senator Schumer was critical of President Trump's comments about Christine Blasey Ford at a campaign rally. The New York Democrat called on President Trump to apologized to her. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: kavanaugh, the f.b.i., trump, mcconnell, donald trump, dr. blasey ford, clintons, mcgahn
Source: Comcast Cable
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell filed a motion to limit debate on the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. He began by saying the Senate was receiving the results of the FBI report on sexual allegations against Brett Kavanaugh. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: mr. mcconnell, kavanaugh, brett m. kavanaugh
Source: Comcast Cable
Senate Majority Mitch McConnell spoke about the nomination Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. He was critical of Democrats' attempts to block the nomination. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: kavanaugh, fbi, brett kavanaugh, durban
Source: Comcast Cable

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Senate Democratic leaders spoke to reporters on the legislative agenda for the week following their weekly party caucus lunch. All of the questions from reporters focused on the timing of confirmation votes for Judge Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump's nominee to fill a vacancy on the Supreme Court left by retired Justice Anthony Kennedy. Senators Cory Booker (D-NJ) and Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) also spoke on the Kavanaugh nomination and the sexual assault allegations against the nominee. Sponsor:...
Topics: fbi, kavanaugh, ms. ramirez
Source: Comcast Cable

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Senate Republican leaders spoke to reporters on the legislative agenda. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said there would be a vote on the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court. He and the other leaders criticized what they called stall tactics by Senate Democrats. Senator John Thune (R-SD), the chair of the Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, also talked briefly about progress of a reauthorization measure for the Federal Aviation...
Topic: fbi
Source: Comcast Cable

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Senate Majority Leader McConnell spoke about the conduct of Democrats during the Kavanaugh Supreme Court nomination process, saying that they keep "moving the goal posts." He declared again a final confirmation vote would happen on "this floor, this week." Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: kavanaugh, mr. mcconnell
Source: Comcast Cable

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Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer came to the floor to laud the 1-week delay in the Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court confirmation process to allow for an FBI investigation. He was followed by Majority Leader McConnell, who lamented the confirmation process and blamed Democrats for the partisanship regarding the nomination. He also blamed Christine Blasey Ford for being intransigent in her negotiations with the Judiciary Committee. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: kavanaugh, fbi, mister
Source: Comcast Cable
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer came to the floor to laud the 1-week delay in the Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court confirmation process to allow for an FBI investigation. He was followed by Majority Leader McConnell, who lamented the confirmation process and blamed Democrats for the partisanship regarding the nomination. He also blamed Christine Blasey Ford for being intransigent in her negotiations with the Judiciary Committee. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: Mitch McConnell, US Senate, US Congress, Charles Schumer, Supreme Court, Women

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[LIVE] House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi holds her weekly press conference. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol | House Radio and Television Gallery
Topics: kavanaugh, fbi, trump, texas, nagler, mitchell, united states senate
Source: Comcast Cable
New York Senator Chuck Schumer (D) came to the Senate floor to address the recently filed affidavit of Julie Swetnick accusing Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct. He called on the GOP to immediately suspend proceedings on the nomination, the President to order an FBI investigation into the nominees background, and Judge Kavanaugh to withdraw his nomination. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: kavanaugh, fbi
Source: Comcast Cable
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell spoke about the hearing on the sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: cavanagh, mister
Source: Comcast Cable
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell decried "uncorroborated decades-old" allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and then criticized how Democrats on the Judiciary Committee have handled the allegations of Christine Ford and lauded Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley's handling of the situation. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: kavanaugh, grassley, brett kavanaugh, madam
Source: Comcast Cable
Minority Leader Chuck Schumer spoke on the floor, also talking about GOP attempts to "plow through" confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh. He went on to rebut charges from Majority Leader McConnell that Christine Ford's allegations are a "Democratic smear job." Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: mcconnell, kavanaugh, fbi, dr. ford, grassley
Source: Comcast Cable

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Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and his leadership team spoke with reporters after their weekly lunch with Senate Republicans. They talked about some of the details of the forthcoming hearing with Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh and the woman who accused him of a 1982 incident of sexual assault, Christine Blasey Ford. Leader McConnell said that Republican members of the Judiciary Committee, all of them male, had hired a female staffer to ask questions during the...
Topics: kavanaugh, feinstein
Source: Comcast Cable

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Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY) spoke about sexual misconduct allegations against Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh. He called for an FBI investigation on the allegations, and asks why Republicans are against a fact-finding probe. He also criticizes Judiciary Committee Chair Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) for not allowing other witnesses at Thursday's hearing and rushing the hearing. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: kavanaugh, fbi, mcconnell, grassley
Source: Comcast Cable
Senate Leader Mitch McConnell spoke about the allegations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: kavanaugh, mister, grassley
Source: Comcast Cable
Mitch McConnell Archive

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Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and former Rep. Michelle Bachmann (R-MN) were among the featured speakers at the annual Values Voter Summit hosted by the Family Research Council and its FRC Action legislative arm. Speakers talked about the intersection of national politics and social conservatism. Many speakers also talked about the sexual assault allegations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump's nominee to replace retired Supreme Court justice Anthony Kennedy. Senator...
Topics: Mitch McConnell, US Senate, US Congress, Religion, Supreme Court
Seanet Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said the FBI should re-open its background investigation of Brett Kavanaugh to consider the allegations of sexual assault made by Christine Ford. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: kavanaugh, grassley, fbi, mcconnell, trump
Source: Comcast Cable
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Democrats "leaked it to the press on the eve of the scheduled committee vote." He said accuser Christine Ford "will be heard" and Kavanaugh "will have the opportunity to defend himself." Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: kavanaugh, grassley
Source: Comcast Cable

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Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) took questions from reporters on the status of Judge Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court following sexual misconduct allegations against the nominee while in high school. The majority leader was joined by other GOP leaders. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol
Topic: kavanaugh
Source: Comcast Cable
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) spoke on the floor about the allegations against Brett Kavanaugh, noting that the allegations are 36 years old, that Kavanaugh denies them, and that Judiciary Committee ranking member Dianne Feinstein (D-California) has known about the allegations for weeks. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: kavanaugh, brett kavanaugh, bret kavanaugh, grassley
Source: Comcast Cable
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said the allegations against Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh are of the utmost gravity and the vote on his nomination should be postponed, at least, until the FBI completes its investigation. Sen. Schumer says he believes Christine Blasey Ford is credible. And he says there is no reason to rush the nomination through after hastily put together phone calls between the Judiciary Committee Staff and Christine Blasey Ford. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: kavanaugh, the f.b.i., grassley, dr. ford
Source: Comcast Cable
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said the allegations against Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh are of the utmost gravity and the vote on his nomination should be postponed, at least, until the FBI completes its investigation. Sen. Schumer says he believes Christine Blasey Ford is credible. And he says there is no reason to rush the nomination through after hastily put together phone calls between the Judiciary Committee Staff and Christine Blasey Ford. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: fbi, kavanaugh, brett kavanaugh, grassley, washington, kavanagh, dr. ford, c-span
Source: Comcast Cable

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House Democrats held a news conference to talk about preparations for Hurricane Florence and the recovery efforts on Puerto Rico and in the Virgin Islands from 2017's hurricanes, Irma and Maria. Delegate Stacey Plaskett (D-VI) was critical of the federal government's response to the U.S. Virgin Islands and other island territories, saying funding for recovery of electrical and medical services severely lacked compared to response to hurricanes that hit Florida and Texas. Following questions...
Topics: pelosi, fema, washington, velasquez, plaskett, velazquez, texas, houston, donald trump, trump,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Paul Ryan Archive

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During a Republican leaders news conference, House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) was asked about a recent tweet by the president challenging the number of reported deaths in Puerto Rico following Hurricane Maria. The president said Democrats were trying to make him look bad. Mr. Ryan responded that "casualties don't make a person look bad" and that he had "no reason to dispute the numbers." He also answered questions on the economy, the Republicans' legislative agenda and the...
Topics: Paul Ryan, US House, US Congress, Natural Disasters, Puerto Rico, Economy, Religion

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House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) is interviewed by President Jeff Mayers in the U.S. Capitol Rayburn Room. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol | Office of the Speaker of the House
Topics: wisconsin, china, janesville, washington, john mccain
Source: Comcast Cable
Mitch McConnell Archive
Sep 8, 2018 MSNBCW

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Coverage of national and international news, including breaking stories.
Topics: Mitch McConnell, US Senate, US Congress, Job Accomplishments, Supreme Court, Elections