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Nancy Pelosi Archive

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All in Together, the National Constitution Center, the National Archives, & several other foundations hosted a series of conversations looking at the history, legacy and future of the 19th Amendment. Speakers for this program include Nancy Pelosi, Condoleezza Rice, historians and activists. All in Together recorded the event and provided the video. Sponsor: National Constitution Center
Topics: Nancy Pelosi, US House, US Congress, Women
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and members of Congress gathered on the steps of the U.S. Capitol to observe a moment of silence, marking the 18th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol
Topics: Lawmakers Hold Moment of Silence to Mark 18th Anniversary of 9/11 Terrorist Attacks, Television...
Source: Comcast Cable
Charles Schumer Archive

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The veteran newsman breaks down the day's top stories and how they impact American taxpayers. Also: emerging financial trends and top market moves are highlighted in a "Moneyline" segment.
Topics: Charles Schumer, US Senate, US Congress, Health Care
Mitch McConnell Archive

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Landmark Cases explored Yick Wo v. Hopkins, a case in which a Chinese laundry owner challenged a discriminatory city ordinance. The Supreme Court ruled unanimously that the 14th Amendment's promise of equal protection extends to immigrants and citizens. Columbia Professor Mae Ngai and South Texas College of Law Professor Josh Blackman joined us for the program. Sponsor: C-SPAN,National Constitution Center
Topics: Mitch McConnell, US Senate, US Congress
Mitch McConnell Archive

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Landmark Cases explored Yick Wo v. Hopkins, a case in which a Chinese laundry owner challenged a discriminatory city ordinance. The Supreme Court ruled unanimously that the 14th Amendment's promise of equal protection extends to immigrants and citizens. Columbia Professor Mae Ngai and South Texas College of Law Professor Josh Blackman joined us for the program. Sponsor: C-SPAN,National Constitution Center
Topics: Mitch McConnell, US Senate, US Congress
Charles Schumer Archive

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Live gavel-to-gavel coverage of the United States Senate from the Capitol Building in Washington, DC.
Topics: Charles Schumer, US Senate, US Congress
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) joined other House and Senate Democrats in a news briefing urging Congress to act immiedately on immigration policy and pass a bill that would provide a path to citizenship for people who are undocumented or have temporary protected status. Members criticized President Trump's decision to rescind the Deferred Action Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. Leader Pelosi called the action a "despicable act...
Topics: Nancy Pelosi, US House, US Congress
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) joined other House and Senate Democrats in a news briefing urging Congress to act immiedately on immigration policy and pass a bill that would provide a path to citizenship for people who are undocumented or have temporary protected status. Members criticized President Trump's decision to rescind the Deferred Action Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. Leader Pelosi called the action a "despicable act...
Topics: Charles Schumer, US Senate, US Congress
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) joined other House and Senate Democrats in a news briefing urging Congress to act immiedately on immigration policy and pass a bill that would provide a path to citizenship for people who are undocumented or have temporary protected status. Members criticized President Trump's decision to rescind the Deferred Action Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. Leader Pelosi called the action a "despicable act...
Topics: Nancy Pelosi, US House, US Congress
Mitch McConnell Archive

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Alan Alda; Mary Elizabeth Winstead; Desus & Mero. Also: Jared Champion sits in with the 8G Band.
Topics: Mitch McConnell, US Senate, US Congress
Charles Schumer Archive

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The veteran newsman breaks down the day's top stories and how they impact American taxpayers. Also: emerging financial trends and top market moves are highlighted in a "Moneyline" segment.
Topics: Charles Schumer, US Senate, US Congress
Source: tracey pooh
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) briefed reporters and responded to question on her party's legislative agenda. She reviewed the first 77 days of the Trump administration and listed what she considered policy failures of the president and of congressional Republicans. People: Nancy Pelosi Sponsor: U.S. Capitol | House Radio and Television Gallery
Topics: ms. pelosi, susan rice, the bill
Source: Comcast Cable
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) held her weekly press briefing with reporters. Topics included House Republicans' vote to repeal the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rule dealing with privacy and internet service providers, and appropriations legislation that could include funding for President Trump's proposed wall along the Mexican border. People: Nancy Pelosi Sponsor: U.S. Capitol | House Radio and Television Gallery
Topics: ms. pelosi, ryan, trump, nancy pelosi
Source: Comcast Cable
House Minority Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) responded to the decision of Republicans to pull their health care bill from a House vote, calling it a "victory" for the American people. Rep. Pelosi was joined by other House Democrats when she told reporters that the Republicans lost because they didn't take the time to hear from experts and develop something within their caucus. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol | House Radio and Television Gallery
Topics: Nancy Pelosi, US House, US Congress
Source: tracey pooh
House Minority Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) responded to the decision of Republicans to pull their health care bill from a House vote, calling it a "victory" for the American people. Rep. Pelosi was joined by other House Democrats when she told reporters that the Republicans lost because they didn't take the time to hear from experts and develop something within their caucus. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol | House Radio and Television Gallery
Topics: Nancy Pelosi, US House, US Congress
Source: tracey pooh

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Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) speaks on former Sen. Alben Barkley (D-Ky.).
Topics: barkley, kentucky, alben barkley, chandler, roosevelt, robinson, arkansas, joe robinson, campbell,...
Source: Comcast Cable