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tv   Good Day Philadelphia at 7A  FOX  February 7, 2018 7:00am-9:00am EST

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parade? that's all we want to know. >> well, they brought home the hardware. and now it is time to party. but how are you planning to get to the darn parade? >> no way you're getting into the sit way car on thursday, so or unless you're going to walk, not going to happen. >> how septa is working over time to get you to the biggest celebration in philadelphia history. >> and a picture with a thousand words. we're meeting a man who captured this cover worthy photo. and space x odd at this. >> ♪ >> elon musk travels into space, that's floating around the earth looking down on us. >> ♪ >> convertible floating around the earth right now with a dumb any it looking down on us. that elon musk, fascinated,
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the rocket goes up, and the rockets come back down to the launch pad where it takes off. >> amazing. >> thought i would never see. that will we want to see nick foles, the philly special one more time. >> yes. >> can't see it enough. >> here goes. he called the play. the coach said okay, let's do it. >> practiced three times. won't do that yet? i do have it. hole on a second. first, more importantly, the wetter. >> well yes. it is a mess out there this morning, we have rain, freezing rain, sleet, and some snow, depends on where you are. and it is highly changeable, too. that's why we have the winter weather advisory in effect for the rest of the morning. for the philadelphia area, down new castle county, delaware, to the north and west of us, and winter storm warning in the poconos, where we are expecting accumulating snow. now we're not expecting any accumulation here. but we will get a mess, even after it changes over to rain. so, it is as four out of ten. bus stop buddy ready for the wet weather, the slippery werth, as well. many schools are delayed or closed today.
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look down the bottom of your screen or check where we have the complete list for you. it is getting wet here in old city. 31 degrees, just below freezing. and there you see the mix of precipitation, showing up, on ultimate doppler radar. we will time it all out for you when we get the change-over from the wintery mix, over to rain, but, right now, we're below freezing in wilmington, and philadelphia, millville, well above freezing at the shore. but 18 degrees, in mount pocono. so that determines the type of precipitation you get. by lunchtime, it is all rain. and high of 45, with some downpours for the afternoon drive. mess this morning, bob kelly, then different kind of mess when you're driving home. >> you know, a lot of folks are getting up early from the robo calls and e-mail alerts about the two hour delay where the school closes cents, weaver them rolling at the bottom of your screen there. live look at 95 right near 476. there is tractor-trailer kind of off the roadway into the ditch here. you can kind of see some of the police lights. but again, combination of
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rain, the wintery mix that's a fine line half mile can make a difference, either way, here is a live look at the freeway, slow going, coming in toward philadelphia, approaching the walt whitman bridge. here is a live look at the 30 bypass out in chester county. and for the gang down in delaware, just outside of dover, downs, again, wet roads, but again, the weather conditions quickly changing, the road conditions, your best bet, for tomorrow's parade, free ride thursday on both the market frankford, and the broad street subway. they're going to be only stopping at select stations cents, trains every five to seven minute, we have all of the details up on our website. the patco high-speed line, westbound service only tomorrow. starting at 6:00. and then they flip it around with eastbound service only at 1:20. i know the latest on the whole regional rail pass situation. steve keeley is standing by. mike and alex back to you. >> he is. we will get to that in a second. make sure to check for the school closings as well as delays, i say closings because we have learned that some schools are starting to close now, the garnet valley school district has just announced
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they're closing. so please stay tuned. we'll keep you updated also on but back to the sticky septa situatio. >> oh, that's good. sticky septa situation. lawyer never malvern but we start with steve. steve, what's the latest on your situation there? >> report we got schools closed up here, that's why a lot of kids have been able to buy train tickets, they've been table stay here in line including the fine boys from corn well egan catholic. you hear the cheers inside. george give them inside of the window. people are getting their ticket. here is the most rowdy guy. mike you're happy. you finally happy? >> oh, i'm happy. taking grounds mom down now, mama you're going. >> i want to congratulate you for not being greedy. you bought two. >> i want everybody else to get to go too. >> very brotherly love of you. >> all right, go birds. >> all right, so, look, we got 38 passes among all of the classes cents of juniors and seniors here at corn well egan catholic. which is off today because of the weather off tomorrow because of the parade. junior, you look like you got the most here.
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>> yes. >> they're already spoken for, right? you bought them for your other friends? >> sister and her friends. >> how much doubt did you have when you got here? >> how much doubt? i'll be honest, i was skeptical at first, but then i saw you, list toned you what were say, i had hope. >> all right. and we said i know were you catholic kids, maybe a power prayer. you guys were praying, you the prayers came through. absolutely. >> nick foles christian talk there. >> oh, yea, ya. >> so how happy were you when you got them in your hands? >> pretty happy. we've been waiting for awhile now. >> since 4:00 a.m. >> yea. >> by the way mom's credit card safely zippered in the eagles jacket. mom and dad thank you because these kids don't have jobs since they're still in high school. that's who paid for these passes, now inside, give awe look at the line as bob kelly mentioned, and bob, the general manager of septa sent 600 up here, hopefully enough for everybody. all right, everybody still in line, very orderly line here goes into this little train station. and there is the ticket window
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where winnie, by the way, how about that, mike, her name is winnie and she works at the ticket window? but there is eagles cheer. we send it back from cornwells heights where there is cents a happy crowd. i don't think the crowd will be so happy at the other train stations cents unless they have passes like this. >> it is a wonder day for win. >> i how about what a great big brother. >> i flow. >> getting them for his sister and friends. >> sister probably has a good looking friends trying to get close to, something like. that will let's see how it is going, by the way, thanks to septa on the phone, steve was on the phone, jeff on the phone, got it together because of our coverage there. thank you for that. let's see if we can dot same thing in malvern now with lauren. >> mike, still no tickets in malvern. you want to hear a frustrating storey? daniel has one for you. daniel is a huge eagles fan who moved to pittsburgh few years back. you have been so excited about this team, the super bowl, the parade. you drove down last night because trying to avoid getting stuck in pittsburgh because of the snow.
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>> yes. >> tell me about your john. >> i well, five hours on the turnpike, got home, got in line at 5:00 in the morning in paoli, sold out. tried malvern, sold out. tried berwyn, sold out. going up and down the main line. kind of sucks. >> tell me, at the beginning in the line at one of the stations you saw somebody buy how many tickets? >> twenty, yes, first guy parentally had 20 tickets, ten limit per person i thought, ten limit per person, but i don't think so. >> us from freighting? >> yes, it is, because you know they'll end up on line. >> yes. what do you do now? we know steve keeley said he got 600 tickets at cornwells heights, we googled it on your phone, hour away, are you going to make that trip? >> i have to do whatever i have to do. it stinks with the weather and you know there is no guarantee when you get there what will be there, so i think it is cents point it is either dealing with scalp, spending the night in a subway station or make that trip today. so we'll see. >> anything to go to the parade tomorrow for you, daniel. >> anything. i drove five hours to get to the nfc championship game few weeks ago, obviously sell brat dollars the super bowl.
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i wanted to be here for the big parade. i'll do whatever it takes. >> daniel committed to the cause, mike and alex, but malvern has no more tickets, we ran three people before daniel came. we found them on twitter. hopefully he can get his hand on some ticket. but we head into the city. septa telling people 30th street station, suburban station might be better options for those out in the suburbs looking to get the tickets. so we'll see what happens when we get closer to the sit. >> i conshohocken, too, just keep trying. thank you, lauren. i mean, what do you want to do? fall from heaven like manna? there is cents 3 million people. they got 50,000. the math doesn't work there. >> it doesn't. and they aren't opening up the lots. not like you can park at the linc or something. >> why don't we get that changed. >> lou do they expect this to work? you can't park. you can't drive down. they tell everyone to take public transportation, but that sounds like it is not an easy thing to get a ticket. >> and the darn weather so cold, or everybody could just walk, you know what i mean, what we did for the pope, we walked.
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>> now people, asking bob pelle, people from new jersey what's up with our situation? how do we get in? >> we'll cover that in about 20 minutes when jeff is here from septa. anyway, if we got a little bit after snow delay today, for the school kids. >> and some closing. >> and some closings, now, rush going to keep your kid out for the parade? take your child to the parade, out of school for another day? >> a lot of par rent face that dilemma, karen do, i take them out, let them stay in? i know you mentioned, karen, what's your son zero son's school doing? are they going to get to watch it? >> they all get excused absences. schools open because it is last minute and because if they close tomorrow, now we will go into the school holiday inn june. so school will be in session but if you write a note, it will be excused. and they will all have a watch party, all of the kids that don't get to go at 11:00 full on watch party. everyone watching it. everybody i know is going. from my mom, way out there in malvern, which they can't get their passes, my brothers, sisters, all of the kids
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friends, this is a happening. obviously you want to be there, and part of history, we all want to be therefore the big parade. we already know the public and archdiocesan schools are off tomorrow. we also know that marple newtown spring feel upper darby penn-delco a lot of other it will strict decide that they'll be closing, or that they're decide to go keep schools open. but give people the option of writing a note. it will be an excused absence. and so many par rent staying this is a thing that they just have to have their kids be able to go, though watching it on tv or watching it in person. >> school is very important to me and for my kids. but his is a perhaps once in a lifetime opportunity. and we wouldn't miss it for the worlds. >> we just decided we'll stay home and watch it from the couch. just getting down there on the trains, and it is just going to be little too much. >> so, they're getting ready. lot of us will be there, for more information obviously come to the website >> there you go, guys. >> all right.
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>> yes, let us bewaring in, parent, what are you doing with your kids? i know someone said they'll just have their kids take them out of school but sit at home and watch with the family, make it a family thing. >> fun. fifty-eight years, i think i can miss a day of school. if they were my kids, but they're not my kids. >> either way. we hope if you're staying home, after can end -- concern, watch fox 29. our coverage start at 6:00 a.m. mike and i are going to the art new same. we'll be liver out there. and we will stay there. we will stay there until however long it takes. might be two, 3:00 p.m. >> hold on a second. we will be out there tomorrow morning at 6:00 in the morning? >> uh-huh. >> and stay through the parade, presentation? >> yep. >> oh, that will be about 3:00 . >> jenn fred, jenny joyce, bill anderson, steve keeley also out and about did different parts of the parade. it will be great. but the coverage even though we're done little bit at 2:00 or so coverage will ends at 6:30 p.m. non-stop. >> what we're trying say, just turn fox on at 4:00 in the morning and leave it there until you die. >> you'll observe covered.
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>> all right. 7:11. congress will be scrambling yet again this morning to stave off yet another government shutdown. are you kidding me? >> how many times have we said there? so the government will run out of monday any less than two days unless quick action, and something happens from the white house. >> doug, what up? >> believe it or not, talking about coming 12 year spending deal it, would be in theory two years before talking about a government shutdown again. but central question involves immigration. >> the president trump listening to stories about violence, a tribute today illegal imigrants, and the ms13 gang, reached his limit. >> if we don't change it, let visa shutdown. we will do a shutdown. it is worth it for our country. i would love to see a shutdown if we don't get this stuff taken care. >> it was a threat he would repeat just as lawmakers down the street seemed to be nearing a spending deal to avert a government shutdown this week. and just as democrats seem to be backing away from their insistance, that it include a deal on daca, the program that
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protect i am legal imigrants though came here as children. >> i'm optimistic that will be able to reach an agreement very soon. >> i've discussed some of the outlines with my caucus that i think we are very happy with. and hopefully the republicans are and then we can get something really good done. >> in fact the house passed stopgap spending measure yesterday that would fund the government for just a few weeks through march 23rd. it included more money for the pentagon, too, to win over defense talks, but the bigger deal emerging in the senate, could include new spending that leaders of both parties may ultimately sign off on. more money for the military, more money for other domestic programs, a gusher of deficit fueled spending, that would bus through existing budget cams. >> but nothing about immigration in that package so far. fan it doesn't include immigration deal, will the president block it? that's one of the big unknowns. but if they come up with a two year deal, we may just have a
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parade here, as well. >> yes. >> mike and alex. >> please. that's great. thanks, doug. >> you've seen his work for years. philadelphia inquirer photographer, great photographer, david, let's take a look at his, well, most famous work i guess, for phillies fans, certainly, 2008. what a classic shot there, when we won the world series. how about earlier this year when we met a guy named jake elliot, and he hit that record breaking field goal to beat the giants in the last play of the game. how about malcolm jenkins, hitting on a guy we don't particularly like, prescott. >> what about his instagram. when i first came to philly someone toll me you have to follow david. he has such great photos from philly does it all on his iphone. forks magazine said he's one of the top people in the worlds to follow on instagram. >> in the world. >> and now, he brought us that cover that everybody wants to frame, and david is with us, and i did, i took your picture
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from the paper, and had it framed the very next day. look at that thing. what a keepsake that is. >> that's great. >> isn't that cool? have you ever been framed? well, not by the police, but i mean have you ever been framed? >> i don't know. i think might be one of the first i've seen. >> isn't it cool? >> very cool. >> okay. tell us about well before we get into, that the cover shot, where are you on the field? >> right in the end zone facing as the eagles are making that drive with ertz catching the go ahead touchdown. so, you know, waiting for the play to come to me, and the celebration photo was a huge. >> did you run over to the podium then? >> you run and try not to get elboed and pushed and knocked over and -- >> do you know, when you see it in the view finder, are you even looking or just firing at this point? >> no, no, i knew what i was looking for, i wanted that shot. foles. >> put it up again, drop the
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lower third. you see jeff lurie when you take it? >> yes, yes, yes, yes. you see all of it, you're trying to capture the con getting coming down, the moment where he, you know, i think he was holding his daughter to most of the time. i pick up the lombardi trophy and holds it up. >> did you know awed classic? >> i don't know. no. i don't know in that moment that i have a classic. and then when you see it and the team that is in the office in philadelphia, that puts the page together. when you see it like that, it transends it to a different level. >> that's what we were wondering, how many pictures do you take of the super bowl? >> my take alone was about 6800. >> 6800. >> oh, my god. >> how do you finds that one? >> as the game progresses cents you get the feel for what's going to happen or what will happen. >> what will be important. >> the brady fumble, look at this, hitting his arm.
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>> that was -- everything going the other way for me, when that happened, it was great. >> and this. >> the jay ajayi one i love too. even though you can't see his face or anything, you can feel the emotion, the ankle snell. >> going down at his level, just being like quiet moment where everything is going on around him and, you know, such chaos, that quiet moment i think was really special. >> now how close would you be to him? put up jay again, please. how close are you to him? >> like right now. >> that close. >> on the ground. and no one else around him. i think me and maybe another tv camera person there. and everybody else is, you know, trying finds foles brady and -- >> i think that might be my favorite even though the cover shot is jay ajayi on the ground, because when we got the right to go to the super bowl, beating the vikings, he weapon the linc turf out there. >> yes, when he was down, like i just, i don't know, for me that kind of like was the moment where i'm like oh, my
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gosh they won the game. you know? >> what a shot. >> it is beautiful. >> you know, of all these years, how many years have you been doing this? >> gosh been with the paper since 98. >> one of the best shots you've ever taken, i saw in the paper the other day, and that was this one here. or this one here. >> dramatic pause. >> yes. the one of you, on the plane? this is on the way to the super bowl right? >> yes, i happened to be sitting next to david. and he took a picture of me eating, because in the back, alex, was in coach, she didn't have anything but a bag of chips. and there is another one there where you caught me sleeping, as well? >> yes, yes, yes. not looking straight in anyway. >> i gave it a shot alex. >> i appreciate it. >> good to see you, man. >> thank you. >> congratulations. >> thank you. >> i have to say, i'm really honored. i know we got to meet and you actually got to shoot me too. >> we did, yes. >> oh, david, i got to be with
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david for a little bit. >> check out the book, the book, that we're going to& produce on the eagles, there will be all of the other photographs, 40,000 images made by seven different photographers at the game. so it lab great book. >> okay. we will stay tuned for that then. >> if you want to get a candid of sue serio doing weather on winter weather day, this is it, there is your shot. >> specially with a wintery mix. because it is such a mess. but i wanted to give some of your tweets this morning, to show you what's going on in different neighborhoods, like there one says roxborough is getting hail. causing a layer of little iceballs, be careful out there. we've got this one, that says, and i love this one, you all heard what sue said. slow your roll today. that will job ain't going no where. leave extra early if you don't want to be late. take public transportation if you k it is slippery out there, folks, mean warrington, snow, sleet, it is cents getting messy. so you get the idea what's going on this morning, here is a look at what it looks like on radarment the pink is the
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wintery mix. the yellow, i should say, the blue and the white, that's snow. and then to the south and east of that is rain. so we're getting the mix in philadelphia right now. and it is getting slippery out there. but eventually, it all changes over to rain. we get to 45 degrees. for the parade tomorrow. is under i, winnie, even 33 degrees it will feel like it is in the 20's, so as we've been saying, layer it up. wear your shades tomorrow. but bob kelly, i hope folks are slowing their roll. >> slowing their roll. actually going back to bed, because what originally started, at least for my kids school district, is two hour delay, they now reverse that and said forget it. school's closed so everybody's scrambling paren scrambling, last night going to school this morning two hour delay, half hour later bamm schools closed see all of the rolling across the bo bottom of screen. live look 422, slow going that's the deal. now there was a salt train that went through here just few moments ago so mile or
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half mile can make the difference from wet road surface, to the slippery icy road surface. here is a live look at the 42 freeway, look how quick that changed, jammed up in toward the walt whitman bridge. all of the bridges have speed restrictions, here is a live look out in chester county, route 30, the bypass, so i think the rush hour could be ittle lighter instantly nowe because of the changing of the schools. either late openings or switching to just saying you know what just forget about it. >> forget about it. >> suppan grilled cheese later today. >> grilled cheese. >> oh,. >> checking with steve, he had some pretty disgruntled people earlier. they're happier now because they're getting septa passes cents but there is not enough to go around, of course. probably 17,000 left? >> also: we will squeeze framed picture in the commercial. >> all right. >> we'll see you in about two minute.
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>> ♪ >> ♪ >> taking a look at the ben franklin parkway. they are still setting up that
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stage for tomorrow. i'm sure the weather will kind of slow things down a bit. but i'm sure they'll get it done. not to worry. now 7:25, i have to admit, i was pretty sad when heard. >> this and i posted on my instagram. it is now the first it was eight track, then cassette tapes, now cd's, they'll be gone. can you guys on instagram, outside of tv, tell me what was the last cd you purchased? honestly tracee i'm very sad about this news, but i can't remember the lasts cd i went in and purchased. >> i'm with you. i was thinking the same exact thing when i read this story. but yes. best buy says that they're going to stop selling cd's i guess because of people like us they can't remember the last time they bought one. they'll stop selling them on july 1st. so, the end of an era here. this comes as more people are using digital downloads for their music, also streaming music. so best buy not really at the destination spot to buy cd's any more.
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interesting, though, they will continue to sell vinyl part of a agreement they have with some vendors. >> for two years, maybe it will be like vinyl it, will go away, come back years from now, and all be happy about t i use today buy the singles, love it, give you the radio edit, instrumental, i love those. >> yes. >> so now, other stores may follow through now that best buy is doing this, then cars, cd players any more. >> no. >> still cd players. >> i don't think there are. my mom got a new car last year and i believe she said there was no cd player. >> wow. >> she actually still buys cd's. >> i used to have the hardest time getting the wrapping off, though. i am just -- >> knives, stuff like that? well, they're gone now. don't have to worry about. that will tracee, see you tomorrow. >> bye. >> we have some more eagles
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parade transportation information. >> okay, and patco is now weighing in, they say they have tickets available. okay, by the way, just somebody just texted me and said mt. airy trans station, they had passes. >> okay. >> yes, you might want to scamper over there real quickly. >> jeff is here. >> yes. >> with septa. so he'll be answering all of your questions, find out where the 20,000 ticket are or passes cents. >> he's not smiling. radar is the big story today. snow, sleet. >> ♪
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new knorr one skillet meals discover organic ancient grains, like barley or quinoa. just add protein and vegetables to create delicious new flavours. new knorr one skillet meals don't just eat, discover.
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>> winter weather advisories through the morning, and fox is here to get you through the morning commute. >> plus they brought home the hard wear. now it is time to party. but can you get to the party is the question? septa's general manager is shear to break it all down for you. we have the questions, if you have any more, just tweet them to me right now. we can make sure we'll ask jeff while he's here. >> you know, limousine drivers are tweeting and texting me now. >> uber, lyft, so many people in a area, the prices go up, they can't get everywhere because a lot of the roads will be closed, like -- >> well, let's get through this morning, because your commute is messy.
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>> right. one transportation challenge at a time. really. we have the winter storm warning up in the poconos, where accumulating snow is falling. it is also happening in the lehigh valley. the rest of us are under winter weather advisory for the rest of the morning, so ready for the snow and/or rain and everything inbetween with bus stop buddy, some of the schools have decided to close after initially delaying, so check or the bottom of your screen to see what's going on with your school district. right at freezing in philadelphia, which makes it so tricky, where we have snow, we have rain, we have freezing rain, it changes by the minute, getting report from folks in the suburbs, that roads are very, very icy in a lot of spots, so be careful. and maybe delay your trip until the change-over to rain which is expected to happen around lunchtime. all right? temperatures have gone up couple every degrees since we got here at 4:00 this morning, but still on either side of freezing just about everywhere except for the jersey shore. and that's where it is rain and expected to only rain there at the shore all day.
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eventually though we get into the upper 30's by lunchtime, 45 degrees is our high today. with some heavy downpours for the evening rush, so slippery mess this morning, and then heavy rain, as you are trying to drive home later on in the day. the good news is the sun as ana says, will come out tomorrow. we will talk about the parade forecast coming up in just a few minute. all right, bob, let's do it. >> let's do it, come on, i got helper here this morning, my man, jeff, general manager from septa, gout your hat on, you're ready to go. you're in a tough spot now i know. because it is like we're having a party for 3 million. but you can only carry how many? >> 550,000 riders. >> that's it. >> so you say 3 million, let's say it is 2.2 million. >> okay. >> i can carry one in four. >> out that far number. >> so it is math. it is numbers. we've been showing everybody the -- yesterday we have so úwe fill them completely. just math. >> so lets talk right now.
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because right now i know you helped get us 600 tickets up to cornwells heights. where are the ticket right now? >> we moved 15,000 tickets over the night. we should be gone by noon. we had 50,000. i'm assuming probably at about the 35,000 are gone at this point. >> okay. >> most of the particular that's we have left, right now, are in center city ticket offices. >> okay. >> suburban, jefferson, 30th. but they're going to be moved out now to replentish some of those -- not many offices have tickets right now. but we're going to replentish some of them. we will put that on line. and it is just a very fluid, very dynamic process. >> so let's bring if steve keeley who i know is with us. he's been at corn wells height all morning long. steve we will gave you a question for the gm here. >> morning, steve. >> all right, i'm going to show you, jeff, if you see, thank god you're in the tv station, first of all thank you for helping these people.
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george give him a look inside. then come back outside. >> jeff i'll show you the inside of your corn well height which is essentially a trailer, and you probably have sold, i would say, close to the 500 of the 600 you sent up here. and i think a lot of these people will be told they're all out. because a lot of people are buying ten. so, george, you gave him good look. come back out here. my question is this, jeff. sadly, and you probably expected this, these things are like springsteen ticket at the spectrum in 1977. and they're already being cap upped if you haven't heard. we were told by some people here, people were offering to sell them at other places cents for $100. now, here is my question. your weekly passes cents are good tomorrow. right? >> if you're regular pass holler, and weekly, or month lip, you're good. >> the weekly passes cents are 47 bucks. a lot of people thought rather than pay a scalp a hundred
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burst, two weekly for 47. will they be good tomorrow if i buy weekly pass today that's sadly the more expensive option for people, but you're going to have more riders than you expected if a lot of people start doing, that right. >> that's true. and that's not what we intended. i mean, obviously this is a type of situation we're trying to sell tickets, and match the capacity that we have. if that happens, that's a big problem. you know, and if you have your pass, and for whatever you can't get in you can still use it for 180 days. so, it is way better to go the independence pass route, if we start to see too much pick up of weekly passes we have to figure out whether we stop them. >> i'm warning that you looks like it is to will happen, more if affordable to buy two under a hundred bucks rather than drive into the city or buy them from scalpers for 200 bucks. >> good job, steve. jeff, step aside for a second. coming in from northeast philly or north philadelphia. what's your best option right now? >> well, market frankford line
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is free. >> okay. >> so that's an awesome play to come into the sit. >> i upper darby, west philly, fernrock, into the stadium area, market frankford will be your best bet. >> just remember though, no parking at the stadium. >> why? >> what with the largest area. >> we did ask about that. we felt it was an important thing for our customers. i think the city just stretched too thin with resources. very long parade route. >> right. >> just can only have so many police to be able to control. >> for the gang coming in from patco, new jersey patco will bring the trains in, exiting what, ninth, tenth street? >> i think they have one station stop. >> all right. so now for the folks coming up from delaware, wilmington? >> we brought just now i know this morning we were bringing in another thousand ticket down there. so that gives you some ability to come in from that direction. >> wilmington line, market frankford, broad street subway for the gang from north philadelphia, west philadelphia, can use again the two big work horses. >> yes, those are your best bets. >> trenton, new jersey for the
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gang coming in from bucks couldn't, been cell many can use the trenton line? >> we have both trenton and west trenton options for people coming in. >> explain why suburban station, which is right here, and the big hub is not going to be used at all then? >> during the phillies parade, and even for security reasons, during the papal event, it just became gridlock at that location. and you can't use the station if you can't get to it. and you can't get out of it. so people couldn't move out. once people were in position for the parade at the stops of the stairways, no one, no one could get in. >> there go. i think we got most of the answer. >> we're out. >> kind of taken care of. mike and alex do you want to throw anything over? >> lisa tweeted and said when are they going to post bus detour route. have those been posted yet? >> i believe they have but i'll check on that. >> we have everything on our website. everything you need to know to get on got for tomorrow. if you go to we will keep it up dated. give me updated list where to get the passes cents between
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now and 10:00. we will put that up there cents, as well. >> twenty-seven routes are detoured right now tomorrow. >> twenty-seven. >> bus routes. >> thanks for coming in. >> you got it. >> see if you can all like bus in and park at the stadium, over? >> well, now they know it is not to up him about the parking, because everyone keeps asking, what about the stadiums in they're not allowing people to walk there. so do you have finds another way. >> that's not a septa thing. >> , no that's them. >> apparently they begged. >> i'm going to be taking a rocket ship. now, elon musk said i'll get me down to the parkway on a rocket. did you see what he did yesterday? there is now a red sports car floating around the earth in a rocket with a dummy looking down. we'll play it for you. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪
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>> success fum rock lawn. oh, musk company launching its first test flight. of its most powerful rocket. the heavy falcon rocket at the kennedy space center down in cape canaveral, caring three boosters, and look at that thing, launched into space, floating above you right now. that's red tezsla sport car with a astronaut dummy. the car is headed toward mars and it will orbit mars for awhile. >> life on mars. >> uh-huh. >> perfect. >> isn't that wild? cameras all over it, the pictures coming back this morning are fantastic. >> took a picture of cape canaveral. >> then the rocket came back down and landed right in the
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same place it took off. >> both that dummy? >> bolt that dummy in. >> all right. >> just like they do every morning here. 7:43,. >> let's take -- >> oh, there is mike! >> it was you. >> oh, they say i'm space. >> i so dumb any space or the dummy right here? >> alex, that's enough from
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♪ hillshire farm oven-roasted turkey breast is carefully crafted with nothing but heart and hard work. ♪ the results?
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well, they speak for themselves.
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>> 7:45, looking at the cornwells heights station, folks getting their ticket. i got up a date. steve's idea of buying weekly pass for tomorrow is not going to work. because septa said the weekly pass you buy today isn't good until next week. it is date stamped. so, oops. that plan is out the window. so again, we're going to get an update from jeff, the gm, as is to exactly where you can by the passes out there, to the jam cams, live look, 422, a great example, it is cents a mix of rain, and snow, coming in from collegeville, and royersford, a slow go everywhere, a lot of change ups here, because schools originally em up, flipped to two hour delay to start, now a lot of them are closing a lot
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of folks making alternate plans, that includes the parent. sue has the forecast in 15 seconds. >> 7:47. we appreciate whether up let us know what's going on in your neighborhood. here is a tweet, example, college individual roads, sheets of ice, careful everyone. sue serio fox 29, that's my twitter handle. so, feel free to tag and let us know what's going on where you liver. because it is truly a mixed bag of precipitation in the area. you see the pink, the blue, the white, the green, everything on radar, right around the philadelphia area. right now, so with conditions so changeable, you've really got to be careful. and allow a lot of extra time this morning. but, if you can wait until maybe noon, to go out, then we will have changed over to all rain. eventually we get to up
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45 degrees. for tomorrow, little bit after deception with the high temperature tomorrow. it is going to be 33 degrees, but mike and alex, factor in the wind, for the parade tomorrow, and it will feel like the 20's, all day, so windchills in the 20's, with a high temperature, the actual temperature, will be 33 degrees. >> layer it up. eagles layers. >> we will be there from 4:23:49 morning until 6:00 in the a.m. noon. >> i still have hand warm presser minnesota. steve e-mail me people are angry now because they've sold out at the steaks where he was cents. >> you knew that would happen. they only had 600, we'll get back to him in a second. there is the scene right there. >> oh, they're yelling. >> still selling some, that was the guy leading the cheer, because he got his passes but they're running lower, but i don't think everybody here is going to get them. and that's just a guess. a lot of people are buying ten. so we'll see.
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they're telling me don't say that, but we hope you are, look, she is praying therefore tickets. george to the right. right next to you george to the right. he can't see or hear me. so think way, we will get an update and 8:00. george come up here, show, we got some passes cents. mike see the plastic thing next to the tupperware? looks like the way they wrap money that's how many passes are left, that bag was a lot more full when they first came. that's the stack they have left. so i wonder if everybody was going to be nice and only buy two here. but i can't tell people to only buy two if they're buying them for their families. so this line looks a lot bigger than that stack of tickets, that's all my estimate. >> sure. giving 600 because they saw our report on the air, people getting upset. so probably down do to 150 or so. jeff from septa said it seems like center city has the most left. >> then he said taking them and trying to spread them out. very confusing, so if you're not taking the train, like i'm not going to bother getting a
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pass watch are your options? jen has one for you. >> reporter: okay, so we know this. by the way we're in a car. with ray, good morning. >> good morning. >> so there is a couple of things, you can take uber but we know this even after the parade sunday or the super bowl win sunday night, people tried to get from center city to king of prussia. cost them $300 with uber surging. you are already book out for car service. but i think it is a good plan. not as much as uber not as cheap as septa. >> sure. if you are coming from the suburbs, you come rye down 69th street to market. market street will not be closed. so you can come all the way down to as far as you can go, 18th street.treet, if you want to go over to the parkway, you just park your car around here, or the driver will drop you off there, i apologize, then walk over to the washing way. >> which isn't craze. >> i or go straight to city hall go around city hall and see them make the turn. either way you're set have the driver pick you back up, local
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car services aren't going to beat anybody over the head. they want to take care of everybody because they're philly people. >> so here is the question. they won't stay with you the whole time. >> no. >> you can't warm up. so how much will you pay to get down, how much will you pay to get back? >> average local car service between six a and $120 each way. >> okay. >> so if you had like say you had maybe two families. >> yes. >> couple of moms some kids. >> sure. >> you can do it for maybe 50 bucks a person? >> exactly, sure. >> and it is a once-in-a-lifetime situation. >> it is. >> how much, like if someone says to you it is $200 each way, you're getting the run around, you shouldn't do that. >> people are taking advantage. you want somebody who appreciates this win as much as do you, and wants to take care of philly people. >> yes. i know do you a lot of stuff with concert quite frankly, we've used you guys in the past for work and stuff. and the cool thing about using car service is that you can tell them specifically where you are going meet them so there is no confusion? >> correct. >> okay.
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>> correct. >> you have the driver sell phone number and you know who is picking you up. can you imagine going in the uber, you don't know if you're going to get the uber because everybody everybody and their mother is getting a uber. already set coming down here in the morning and in the afternoon. >> i love it. thank you. by the way it is like not attractive out. i'm glad we're doing this tomorrow. we talk about this media happening on wednesday, thank goodness, even though it will be bitter cold, it will happen tomorrow. >> i know t they factored in the weather. grade idea, thanks. we found sports illustrated cover of the play nick foles. >> the philly special. >> look at that. >> nice. >> a play call for the ages. a back up quarterback that amazes. oh, look at them rhyming. i like t so now i'm thinking someone tweeted me like every cheese steak place in philly is going to have a philly special. just a cheese steak places? it will be all the restaurant, the diners. >> there is good idea. but going make a philly special sandwich what would you put on it. >> oh, what would that be? >> let's talk to preston and steve, since the big super
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bowl rectory. what do you they think will happen at the parade tomorrow morning? >> what's the craziest thing you think a fan will do to celebrate. >> if. >> one already ate horse poop. how do we top
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alright, i brought in high protein to help get us moving. ...and help you feel more strength and energy in just two weeks! i'll take that. -yeeeeeah! ensure high protein. with 16 grams of protein and 4 grams of sugar. ensure. always be you.
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>> what you do you think is the weirdest thing that will happen at the parade. >> pp parade prediction? >> will be the first to urinate? >> didn't quite follow. that will that's okay. >> you know what? weirdest thing? what's the most normal thing that will happen tomorrow? >> i think after someone has, on sunday night, decided to
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sit down to horse poop buffet, i think really i think you've hit, everything else is anti-climatic. >> i mentioned that yesterday on the air. that's the most gross thing we've ever reported in philadelphia history. >> horrible. >> unbelievable. >> yet it would be my selection were i too of all of the various defacation cents cents, but the, you know, i honestly hope there is not overly weird stuff going on. so the rest of the count rip, oh, that's philadelphia. i'm hoping great commune at reference, ajulation, warmth, goodness. >> listen, following i anna. >> i think it is point, they're looking for stuff. i think people, national media, people around the world, just like if we do anything, 1 foot out of line, and it is oh, philly going crazy again. >> exactly. but i mean, you know, anything can happen again. you saw it happen, you know,
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sunday night but we'll see. >> you don't think someone will follow up with the horse poop, like more horse poop? >> do you think like a tasting? >> like a cheese board. >> not all eagles fans celebrate in the poor taste. do you have to frame it in that way. >> awe always is. >> but do you have to? that's the bs associated with all of it. >> the fact they didn't mention that amherst, they got arrested, starting fires, on the same night. because they were so upset they lost. nobody is talking about that. >> the u-mass cents student, right. >> yes. >> of your morning team, who is the biggest eagles fan, anybody cried or anything like that? >> casey, casey boy. casey cried three times friday or saturday before. before the game. >> before. >> what? >> yes.
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>> excited for myself, cited for the team. >> bleeds green. >> yes. >> i tried to get emotional for the game. at the end, and -- you all cried out? >> all cried out over you. >> just so many inspirational videos, and -- >> i saw casey boy down the celebration, last time i saw him he was following a police horse, that's all i know. >> yes, right. >> with the lobster bib on. >> just don't kiss him. >> no, no, no, now that i have the mike, can i say something? i follow alex on instagram. dude, you're looking great these days. >> oh, my goodness. >> i don't want to sounds too creepy. but we all do. >> she is a stunner. >> oh, my goodness. >> well, thank you, i'm english g, i know you can't see me. but gosh.
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>> mike, you look hot too. >> sure. >> you do look great, mike. >> i'll step up my game this afternoon. >> oh, no. no telling what he's going to post now. >> hey we will be down there broadcasting as well, maybe we'll see you again. >> people want to know where they can see us. we will be right at the eakin's oval. >> okay. we've secured it, at an apartment we be above. yep, have really good views. >> and huge bags of boiling oil to pour down on people. >> oh, my gosh. >> pitch forks, torches, the whole thing. >> watch the hunchback of notre dame to pick up steps. >> thanks, see you down at the parade tomorrow. >> we'll wave to you. thanks, guys. >> good day everybody it is wednesday february the seventh, 2018. >> this is "good day philadleph" >> septa slip up. fans are lining up for train ticket. are there any left? >> snow, sleet, and rain. how weather is impacting local
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schools right now. >> congratulations cents for super bowl ring, and another now ring, but he's not the only one. >> the eagles fan who used the team's big moment to prepare his perfect proposal. >> preserving history, how to keep the super bowl headlines, no yellow, no bridges, just perfect place. we'll tell you how you can do it at home. >> tomorrow big day, ready snowing. >> got to get through today first, it is tricky for a lot of people. getting reports of roadways, especially the suburbs this morning, even walking can be a challenge, just the little glaze on the roadways, temperatures so close to
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freezing, and this is we have winter storm, warning in effect for the poconos, specking, accumulating snow but the rest of the region, most of us, under winter weather advisory, i think at the shore only going to get rain but through the rest of us mixed bag, and that's why it could be slippery, why we have a lot of schools either delaying or closing today, the list is at the bottom of your screen and also on but you know bus stop buddy even with the messy weather he's still wearing his eagles cap. here's what we have. right at freezing in philadelphia. >> that's why it is cents slip strip, precipitation, leaving southern delaware out of the picture for now. >> change over from frozen precipitation to rain, just south of us, let's say, new castle county, and there in some of the counties like salem county, in new jersey to the north of us still seeing some snow, that's where we're getting report of icy conditions, so really very
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tricky this morning with these temperatures. >> twenty-eight in reading, 29 lancaster, right at freezing in millville. 27 degrees in pottstown, 18 in mount pocono. >> everybody in the philadelphia metro area, should change over by lunchtime. eventually high temperature 45 n the other end of the day, different challenge heavy downpours for the drive home. >> what's going to get you in the most trouble, right here, is live look at 95, road looks wet, but it is icy. again, half mile can make a difference from wet road surface to slip rip road surface, this tractor-trailer went off the road, coming down the blue route on to the ramp for 95, here is a live look at county line road, again, if you look close, it is a mix of the flakes, and the rain freezing rain, penndot tried to treat the roads yesterday with the salt brine solution.
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not enough to plow so salting operation to use the cars to kind of get that salt in there. however, the schools some on two hour delays, so less volume which means, less cars, churning that salt into the roadway, here is a live look at 422, really slow, and real a slippery here, we've seen couple of salt trains come through, live look at the 30 bypass for the gang coming in from chester county and south jersey just rain, right now, as you work your way in, on the 42 freeway, mike and alex back over to. >> thank you, let's check out the situation that's been in fluctuation all morning long. steve. cornwells heights station, bensalem. >> we learned 140 passes cents left, that means if you do the that bought them, clay welsh, went with his father, bought two, nice of to you only buy two, also kind of to you create lifetime memory with your father charles home
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watching fox 29 right now. you didn't think there would be any left by the time you got in line? >> , no i didn't. >> doesn't look good for the lasts in line here. >> no it, don't. >> if you didn't get pass you were going anyway? >> yes, i was, missed the phillies, i ain't missing this one. >> live time memory, not just sport, sport transends life this will be a memory you and your dad won't forget. so look, bob kelly, i got little correction to make. i don't like correcting you on the airment weekly passes are good for tomorrow. they have, here's what the deal is, george come back to me. so here's what winnie has. she still has weekly passes for this week. you see the dayton there, february 5th? so she has 80 of these for sale at $47, jeff said they are good for tomorrow. so, if you can get a place that has weekly passes for this week still for sale, it is like newspapers on normal day, a lot of newspapers from yesterday, are still left over for today.
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same goes for septa passes. so, that's a cheaper option than paying $100 from somebody selling them on the street or dealing with traffic tomorrow or having your car towed or what have you. so i'm just suggesting that, if you get frantic and you want to buy two passes under 100 bucks rather than one for $100 which people say they were offered in the city. so here's winnie, who has been very patient and super casino, if septa hands out raises, so there is the stack slowly going down right before on the air she said she had 140 left. there go. and look, mike, you can do the math for us with your eyes. she has got about 130 some passes cents, turn around, george, show them the crowd in the little trailer. lift the camera up off your shoulder so they can see. lift the camera up. little trailer. and i think the line, end of the line is here, and the problem is people saw us, showing that this place was one of the few that has ticket for sale. and so that's the situation, guys. >> looks like one of my fail gate parties. >> no question. >> let me show you something. jeff the jm told me this
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morning, that you can't buy passes to use for tomorrow. >> then winnie said you could. >> so now we're confused. >> we're all confused. >> let's just sit here until it is all over. >> i'm going to get my ten speed bike out of the garage. >> i'm telling you. >> what's tomorrow going to be like? now i'm concerned. >> it will be fine. this is where we all need to just take a moment. >> serenity now. >> maybe if you just start walking now you will get to center sit. >> i weather is the problem. the high will be in the 30's, windchills will be in the 20's, down to the teens. okay. >> i'll get my bike with a basket and get some coffee for us. >> the wizard of oz. >> i'm packing for tomorrow like we're back in minnesota. >> oh, yes. >> getting all of my stuff out, warmer. >> the free beer issue, should we still do that? >> oh, someone did tweet me this morning, so what's up with the free beer? >> we have an update on that with jen coming up in the next hour. >> all right, 8:07. oh, the weather is a mess.
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so let's just see how bad it is on the schuylkill westbound. with lauren, lauren? >> michael eugene, here is the deal, sitting in traffic, cruising along, but the roads are getting bad. so, sue and bob both promise it would get slick once the morning went on and snow started falling t keeps switching over. like rain then stops there is a lull. then it comes back and you their hitting against the windshield. little mixture of sleet and snow. so for now i guess it is just morning traffic. mixed with bad road conditions. a lot of frustrated people that can't figure out who get into the city tomorrowment it is as rough wednesday, right? >> wow. >> so we will keep checking in and see. we see ready, just coming down. >> the main thing, it is so slick. >> and some schools had delays, then they switched to closings make sure to keep checking the particularrer. >> it is septa. look at the temperature at the
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bottom of the screen there. it is exactly freeze being, exactly. >> okay. now, this is what the plan is. get down to the parade, and i mean early, in front of the art museum. that's the place to be. so we will keep you company. we will be out there 5:30 tomorrow morning, go on the air at 6:00. but the whole coverage start at 4:00 tomorrow morning and goes until this entire thing is over. it is going to to go all day long. would you never have to touch the remote. >> eagles fans, so funny, they're look at our full screen here, our graphic, saying why do you guys have stars to mark the start and end of the parade? that's a cowboy thing. >> oh, who works if the graphic department? >> but they're green. the stars are green. >> i don't care. that's a cowboys star. with the white outline? >> oh, my good. >> what's were you thinking? put eagles heads on those. >> i don't think we k i don't think we're licensed to. >> all right then. >> i don't care, make it a leap or head. anything but that star.
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>> maybe just should be a circle, a circle from the start to the ends? how about that? >> what about little lombardi trophies. >> nfl might own the rights to that, too. >> oh, i'm so sick of all of the -- >> the licensing? >> the litigation. >> guys, we can't post anything. >> i have an eagles logo on my butt right now, are they going to sue me? >> they should if it is there. >> but for other reasons. >> all right. super bowl sunday. full of love in the air. joining us, oh, i saw this happening down on broad street. by city hall. would you want this to happen to you? we have this couple in studio. you know the one thing that didn't get on tape. >> what? >> that first kiss after the proposal. >> the most important kiss. >> let's recreate that if they will. keith, hand me this over here. plus ... time to pay up chris long, promised to get tattoos on, you know, one of the coaches, said coach, if you win the super bowl, i'll put your face on my body somewhere.
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he's going get a tatoo of a coach's face. >> where did you get that from? is that from the graphic that. >> yes there is came from the graphics department. apparently how they decided to put stars on the eagles parade. >> on our graphic for the coverage tomorrow watch are you thinking? >> oh, -hey, did i mention i can save you $620
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for switching to progressive? [ engine revving ] you cannot hear me at all, can you?
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>> 8:00; good morning, just to clarify what we just heard from steve, again, passes cents may still be available at some of the outlying stations for this week. if you have a station, that has a left-overpass, just like yesterday's daily news, or yesterday's inquirer, they're selling them for $45. however, if a station doesn't have a left-overpass, and they gave you a bran new one, that's going to be dated for next week. so that's very important if you're going to try to get out, try to get around the limited number of pass that is are left for the big train ride in tomorrow. here's a live look at route 202. near county line road. look how quickly this is iced over. started out at rain, freezing rain, and then some snow, it is not a plowing operation.
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a lot of the schools first decided to go two hours late. some of them are now changing to a complete day off. again, out on the suburbs, it is really tricky, and what you don't see is really what's going to get you in the most trouble with that black ice. sue has got the forecast in 15 seconds. >> changeable conditions, so we appreciate when you let us know waist going on, via twitter, and these are some pictures, this is fallowfield township, thank you for that, sheet of aisles. college park, collegeville park avenue, you can see, totally glazed over as well. thank you, at sue serio fox 29 if you want to tag me on your report from your neighborhood. and you can see, we are in a
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situation here in philadelphia where with the pink here, the orange color, this is an indication of sleet and freezing rain. to the north is where we have snow. and it is making roadways very slippery this morning at the shore, as we mentioned. and we forecasted yesterday that would be just a rain event. and that's indeed the way it is playing out this morning, so real quick look at the future cast, we see things kind of slowing down, by about 10:00. but it won't take long before noon comes. and we're rain and lot of it. and that continues through the evening rush hour, here is the very lays of the cold front coming through with heavy downpours, 5:00, 6:00, 7:00. it moves toward the shore, and then we finally clear out. but it is much colder after that. so as temperatures go down, in the wake of that cold front, the winds are going to pick up. so, 33 degrees is our high for the parade tomorrow. see plenty of sunshine. but it will feel like it is in the 20's, all day long. we warm up again in time for the weekends.
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but i know once we get rid of this mess, mike and alex, we're concerned about tomorrow. because it is going to be quite chilly. so eagles gloves, eagles hats, and you know? >> i'll take the sun though, if the sun's out i can do this. >> oh, yes, yes. >> if it is a blizzards i can do. >> this we waited 58 years for this. >> you know we'll be outside all day. >> oh, i know. it will be fine. >> all right. >> it is worth it. >> it is. >> all right. carson, you know that i work with 95% women on this staff, right? all up in the news room, which i love, i love. >> so you prefer it that way. >> i really do. i love women. it was announced yesterday that carson wentz was engaged, i thought that there had been a gas leak in the building or something. everybody was screaming and then oh, carson wentz got engaged. and they put it on social media. it is gram official. >> yes. i say that he was like i got a ring, oh, baby you get a ring too. so he wasn't the only man with a super bowl engagement plan.
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>> no. >> so, sunday night, it was crazy, right? everybody out on broad street, running around, celebrating, and one fan decided i'm going to take this time and we're celebrating this momentous occasion in history to propose. >> he got down on one knee and in the horse poop and pea and did this. >> ahh! (themes heard). >> ahh! >> ahh! >> ahh! >> jessica and justin, with us here on the couch. good to have you here. >> thanks from having us. >> mike and alex. >> and congratulates. >> thank you very much. >> let's get to know you first. jest, a where are you from, born and raised and all of that kind of stuff. >> hour and a half very small town called banton pennsylvania been there all my life. >> you? úborn and raised went to school
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in west virginia university, doug v. and live in fishtown now. >> okay. >> and how did you meet? >> so we actually met in a uber pool. kind of a funny story. and he must have panicked, and want the my number real quick, didn't even know my name. >> hold on a second. not everybody takes uber. there are uber pool means that the car will pick up a number of people on a route. >> yes. >> that's correct. >> so some people ride alone. >> people you don't know. so who is in the car first? >> i'm in the car first. >> she gets in? >> we're in the back seat. >> yes. >> she opens the door and i was looking at her and i was cents oh, wow, and i didn't have much time. uber pools are very. who i didn't know what was going to happen. i got her number pretty fast. and i forgot to ask her for her name. and i got the name later on. and we've been talking ever since. >> hold on a second. in the back seat of this car. you're rolling along. you know she's -- >> say anything, small talk. >> oh, talking, chatting, instantly started chit chatting. >> and her stop is coming
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closer. have you made the move for the number. >> noting in she is about to leave. >> the door opens. do you have do did right now. >> that's exactly what happened. >> what did you say? >> can i get your number? >> she is like oh, ya take it. i took it, i texted her shortly afterward. and we've been speaking and talking ever since. >> of course. the first question you had to ask what's your name? >> i love that. >> so you guys are big eagles fans. >> big eagles fans, big philly sports fans. >> all right. so you knew were you going to propose. how long had you had the ring and waiting for the moment? >> so i had the ring for a week and a half, but i wasn't sure if i was going to do it then or not. it all depended on the eagles wing. i had a lot of questions over the past couple every days if i was going to do it if we lost. and the truth is i would be crying because we lost,. >> so let guess back to sunday, the fourth quarter. eagles look like they're going to win this thing, then brady and gronk had the last play, what did you think? >> we all saw what tom brady.
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the only man in the history every football that can do, that waist about to do it and i was like observation guess i won't be proposing tonight. we batted the ball down. we jumped out of the bar that we were at in celebration, and then. >> let's roll the footage then from you're on the median there in front of the ritz carlton? and looking at city hall in the background here. who are all of the people around you? >> go ahead. >> i have no idea. i don't know any of those people. the only person that i knew was we were with a friend every mine who took the video. one of their friends. we had actually made friends with a random man at the bar who ended up paying the whole night from california. >> i admit that was me. >> i love that there were fireworks going off though. >> that was of course not planned. >> not a plan. >> who, who knew to videotape it then? >> my friend emily. >> she new about it. >> she new? she kept it from you? >> yes. >> he had told her what a now -- >> i only told her hour or two before. a good friend every mine how
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i, way going to tell him to take care every but he had to go home, he had to go home. >> was he barfing? >> weigh cents cents. >> real quickly herement the one thing that didn't get because there was chaos, they missed the kiss on the videotape. >> ya, they did. >> so let's come over here. let's recreate this. >> we need to see how it ended. >> all right. >> everyone was so excited for us. >> what we call the green jean here. >> oh, gosh. >> so you'll get over here. >> okay. >> now which side were you here weren't you? >> i don't remember. >> i looked at the tape about a thousand times. now we need some crowd in here. >> yes! >> go eagles! go eagles! >> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> okay? >> okay. justin go, ahead, kiss her. >> oh, my gosh. oh, my gosh. oh, no! >> eagles! >> hold on, hold on.
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oh, crap we missed it again. >> everybody out of the way. let's do this. >> i was on this side. >> will you march he me, that kind of stuff. >> do you want me ring from? >> sure, i guess i'll do it. >> mike, on the knee? >> forget the knee. there is too much horse poop. >> will you larry me, again? >> i guess. >> i guess? yeah! >> yeah! >> congratulations. >> keep in touch. >> absolutely. >> thank you so much. >> made the right choice. that's for sure. >> all right, let's check if that's for sure. >> all right, let's check if with steve.
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>> want to watch the final 25? >> well, one of the last to get particular sets irma, from
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bristol, by way of fayetteville. and she was the most excite the. she was the one we saw praying in the back of the line who i didn't think would get passes, your prayers were answered. >> thank you, jesus. that's why we won the super bowl. because the eagles is a praying team. i love them. >> all right, you're real excited and your ride is out there waiting for you. i told her to calm down so people could understand she is marching already. >> i'm so happy, you all, you all just don't know. i came a long way. because i'm from bristol. i love the eagles. judge go eagles. >> these tears will turn sand necessary. winnie how many are you down to? >> how many? >> thirteen. >> she as down to 13 passes. so, sadly, george, 13 passes for this crowd that has filled this trailer-size train station, and so winnie is going to eventually tell people no go. but, again, winnie did tell us she had 80 weekly passes dated
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for this week, with the february 5th date that i tweeted, and telling people to spend $47 a pass to get into that train tomorrow. but, those weekly passes, for this week, are eligible to ride the train this week, which includes tomorrow, obviously, so we'll see if people go with that option for the final 80 weekly pass that is she still has left over from the start of the week that did not sell earlier, but suddenly, maybe the hottest ticket in town. so, alex, mike, 13 are going to go fast. how many are you getting? >> six. >> that tells you down to seven. and there is a ten limit. let me ask you, how many are you guys working? >> five. >> she is getting five. one, so there will be one left after this guy. so if you want to stay with us and get the reaction, and i can tell this, this is very polite crowd. this freezing rainout there. they did not salt this platform. they salted the parking lot. but this platform is very slippery. i just tweeted, cam, with the pa turnpike, says the speed limit around here staying the same. you guys remember that, i think it was seven open car pile up in bensalem when they
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kept the speed limit normal. and it was all icy. so, bob kelly, stay tuned to that, and let's see hopefully salting the turnpike here in bensalem. we know how slippery and dago russ that got when that pile up happened. so, we got bad weather outside and we're about to probably get some bad news inside. you can tell i'm whispering because i hate bringing people bad news, and poor winnie here is her ticket window. she by her so far. see the big safe they have back there. so that's where the money is safe. but i wish we had somebody here helping winnie, because whether winnie says no more passes available, good thing she is behind that protective glass. >> probably, steve, fight with the beanie behind the man in the glasses out the window, he won't get any? >> and he doesn't know it. >> sorry what was that? >> the guy in the beanie, he won't get any with the eagles beanie? >> i can't hear you, alex. so sorry. >> it is okay. >> i can hear you talking to me but what this guy is buying, we're in sink digit now. i think she -- winnie down to
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one? have she is down to her last two passes so after this she sells these two passes cents, this will be it. >> beanie guy. >> the person after. >> if you think -- all right. well you agree in some people were hearing us, i see the crowd thinning out all gone. >> there go. >> wait no, no, no, show the people at the window. show the people at the window. >> so at least, look, at least it is cents well behaved crowd. >> they're smiling. >> the question is now, do they buy -- oh, winnie, are you going to tell them about the weekly passes good for tomorrow? they're $47. but they -- that's a lot more i. i don't know, people will have to de signed i'll give this crowd a lot of credit. i'm just thinking of sunday night and the houle began's, at least this place is still standing because i know how is up these people r see how they get there. they won't go because they didn't get septa pass, but at least disappointment isn't as bad as we thought. >> steve, the couple want to
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talk to you? >> i can talk to them,. >> what are they snake what are they going to do? >> as george carlin once said, you feel terrible being last in line until somebody stands hine you, and you have people behind you, still, bad news. >> yes. >> that sucks. >> we've been here, been all around, we stayed in doylestown for two hours this morning. >> did you see us on tv saying they were available here? >> we jumped upright as they said 600 and we drove here 40 minute, and now the last. >> not like you won't go to the parade? >> , no definately finding a way. >> right now thinking how to get there the alternate way. >> he can actually. >> what's the leading choice in your head. >> might drive down and maybe just spend the $30 i was going to spend on a scalp particular and go by some hooking gear and ride my bike down. >> still going to go, won't miss this even if you don't have a pass? >> i don't know how but i will be there. >> all right. thank you for being so nice. i wish i could give you passes here. you guys, are you high school kids? >> high school. >> did you cut school today or closed? >> snow day. >> snow day.
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>> all right, well you know what, is this cb sees? they should be very proud of you because you're well behaved and in good mood and still smiling inspite of getting the worse news possible. >> good couple there. so maybe somebody will find the kindness in their heart to get more passes, but i don't know, i guess not the we heard from jeff. they have limited number. can only take so many people on the trains. >> steve, thanks a l just got to gig out a way to do it, a l change, man, get close, walk. quick break.
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>> you probably had this paper at last, so i went and had it framed freedly at place around the corner, extreme visions or something like that, on chestnut street. it is pricy.
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>> there are some things we do not want to use. >> people say oh, get it laminated. it will be fine. apparently that's not you what want to do. some things you shouldn't use. don't use the plastic sleeves that have pvc, boxes, tape, anything sticky, even if it says acid-free and archival. the steak i pages, scrap booking, no, rubber cement, no. knowledge podge, no. so if we can't use all of those things, the things people use, what can you use? >> karen, what can we do? >> well, we have lots of fancy pant museums here, so we have experts and in preserving things, look at this amazing space, conservation for art and historic artifact. test a, good morning to you. >> morning. >> what can we be using? what are the sleeves we should be buying and getting?
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>> polyester l sleeves. something that does not have pvc in it, you can see in the store it will say pvc free. this is great plastic it, won't damage your newspaper over time. certain plastics degrade, this one doesn't. called l sleeve, because sealed on two sides, and it is open on two. so you can slip your newspaper clipping right inside. >> we want to get little fancier, why these boxes? >> these are great. these are called alkaline boxes cents. we pick these instead of boxes that are acid free, waist called al call line research, will counteract the acidity in your newspaper. the word archive, something like organic which means it doesn't have a meaning? >> exactly. so these papers are yellow but really olds? >> yes, very old. much older than any newspapers that you might have all papers yellow, but the key make sure to use proper storage materials and gooden vier
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onment. >> we frame it, throw it in a mat. what kind of mat should we be getting and get it at any craft store? >> acid free matisse year to find, but the best mat 100% cotton rag boards. >> why this casino? why does it have to have a win snow. >> because it helps to keep the glass from sticking to the newspaper gives it little bit of space. >> no tape. so you say instead to put these passes of paper on the negligence. >> yes. so you can buy photo corners at the store that like like this, probably have seen them, but these are too small for newspapers. however you can make it bigger with large rectangular papers, kree down the middle, fold it like there is large photo corner to be used on any newspaper. this is okay to put tape on because the tape won't be directly touching the newspaper. >> great tip. then that's the end result. we had from years past with the phillies now hanging these exciting ones here for the eagles up there in all of our basements and and over. thanks so much. >> thank you. >> we appreciate it, guys, back to you. >> remember those tips, we will put them on the website.
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so if you go to ac moore, michaels, somebody said they got one from hobby lobby, looks good to me for 53 bucks. should have been 52 bucks. >> right? >> should have taken that far 1 dollar. >> parade or school. mom and dad, what's the decision that you have made? moms have their own way to test things
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8:41 am
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>> my parking lot is slippery, that's the problem, especially in this area where we see the pink, to the north, seeing accumulating snow. to the south of us, either nothing, or some rain. and that's what's going on at the shore right now. so, we will deal with this for awhile. here is a problem. so close to freezing in some areas, just below in
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wilmington, trenton, with 31, 28 degrees in pottstown, well above freezing at the shore. which is why we're only going to see rain. then, when everything clears out, and it is time for the parade tomorrow, the early morning temperatures are in the 20's, we know a lot of folks will be out there early to get a good spot either on the parkway or broad street. then 11:00 a.m. when the parade begins, sunny skies, 31 d wind pick up tomorrow, windchills in the two's, that's the way it will feel even with the sunshine tomorrow. then we get back into the 50's by the weekends with a chance every rain. so bob kelly, we've got to get through this morning with the icy mess, this afternoon, with the downpours, and then tomorrow, with the winds. >> oh, boy. >> settle down over there. >> yes. ya, ya, ya. >> 843 live look, northbound lanes of 309. guy spun around here off into the ditch. half mile makes a difference, every wet road surface, versus the icy surface, here is a live look, route 202, and county line road. again, aisles, not plowing
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operation, wet roads, but again the temps hovering around the freezing mark, so the on or off ramp, secondary roads, side streets, iced over this morning. live look from 309, that up through the poconos, back over to you. >> jen has been going around, but let's take a
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>> look who is hire. >> hey boom. >> no introduction needed. >> good to see you. >> congratulations, the last time we saw you, minute society, a media night. >> right. >> getting ready for the game. now you've won. >> we're here. >> we're here. >> super bowl champs, man, and i couldn't be more excited. now i'm looking forward to the next year, following year, see what we can keep going. >> really thinking about next year? >> you got to.
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>> do it again? >> this year is already done. we move on to the next one. >> but we're not done celebrating. >> oh, we got the next one. symptom a celebration. you going to be there. >> i'll be there. >> you're showing up. >> i will be there. >> how many people do you think you know want to make it to that parade from glassboro? >> everybody. >> the whole darn town. >> they better be there. you all not there, we got a problem. >> i know you've been asked this a thousand times. roll the footage of the touchdown. what was the play called? >> philly philly, philly special. >> i'm talking about -- >> oh,. >> the catch? oh,. >> oh, here we go. here is philly. >> philly special. >> go ahead, nick, catching that game ball. >> so when he comes over to the huddle and he said we're going to run this darn thing, practiced three times, philly special, what are you thinking? >> it's going to work. >> first you got to start with the account deaf, then keep it moving. then after, that i just made sure i secured my part. then i gave it to tray. i said there is your problem
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now. so you just handle your part now. >> and just floated throughout. >> that's all you got to do. jay ajayi said make sure you don't bullet, he's a quarterback, not a wide receiver. all worked out just fine. >> so the other one where you caught the touchdown, that's the philly filly? >> no, that that was called -- that was 82, 82 maestro. my bread and butter may i been running for the past two weeks. >> just look at 82 maestro. >> there go. >> that's 83, going to the left. >> eighty-three. >> now that's reviewed. 8,000 times. what were you doing on the side lines while they were viewing? >> i was sitting on the bench, and i'm looking at it, like i know i caught it. >> ya. >> but they slow things down -- >> bobble a little? >> little bit of wobble bobble. >> better than that. but i could have made it easier on myself, but i know i caught the darn ball. >> it seemed to me you had possession with that, with your left army guess it was?
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>> left arm, yes. >> took couple of stems, then maybe tow on the white line there. >> i thought a good three steps down. >> i think my tiptoe just grazed it little bit as i came out of bound and i think i had made it. >> all of the ballet you took as a child? >> ballet, or one of those, it was karate. >> it was karate. >> as we get ready for the parade tomorrow. people are real excited s there one thing would you like to see from the fans looking at all of the crowd and they're screaming? >> the dog masks, i hope they bring them out. because that's been our motto all year. so, you know why not express it, when we come out there tomorrow, and just show how far we've come this host sees -- wheel season. >> talking about underdog, did you see the way too early power ranking already? and they have us as second under the patriots. yes. they have the patriots over us. >> they don't like giving us any love, man. do you see this?
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this is what got us here. >> that's what started it. >> this is what got us here. thank you, guys, appreciate t i want to see this tomorrow. >> are you going to bring one out tomorrow too? >> somebody got to give me one. >> they're sold out. >> if anybody can throw me one, a dog mask, i would appreciate it. >> this is yours. >> oh,. >> we cut this out ourselves. see the fox logo there? >> yes. >> so i just tape it to my forehead. >> put it on your face. >> it will be fine. >> look. >> illinois ' just talk like this for the rest of the show then. >> sure i won't have a problem getting a mask. >> somebody got to toss me one. >> any sleep at all? >> here and there. fly back from california, i got a good four hours, you know, however long that took. >> oh, that's right. you went from minneapolis out to jimmy kimmel show, right? >> then i came back across. so i a.m. feeling pretty good. >> you got time to sleep. >> i got time to sleep. >> what does they say, sleep whether you die? >> but i'm not dying any time
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soon. >> so i guess you're not sleeping. >> what was your first stop in glassboro. >> i didn't touch glassboro yet. >> you have not been home. >> did you see they had a pep role. >> i i saw, i wish i could have been there. i hope we can do it all over again. >> where were you last night. >> back at cherry hill. so i didn't even -- i had to pick up my car, shout out to car fax for detailing it up for the car show so there you go. >> congratulations, man. >> thank you so much. >> good to see you. >> and if anybody needs some ticket, the paying, 2018 champions, make sure to look on line and turn out with some players. >> where is the party, when? >> oh,. >> wait. wait. hold on. you're having a party with mike jerrick? wait a minute. can we come back out? i'm upset. hold on. can i get camera three please? because i got an issue with this. >> why? >> this is my first time finding out. anybody in the control room? >> sore. >> i you are having a party with this guy? >> i am. >> hold on. mike, come here.
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with this guy over me? you didn't even ask. >> he's got it be there. >> i didn't even get an invite core. >> i i'm sore. >> i i'm so hurt. i'm done. i'm done. >> here is my invitation. >> thank you. >> that's it? i'm your biggest fan. >> i hope you're there. i hope you're there. >> you have to make this up to me, corey clement. >> mike? were you going to tell me? >> you forgot? >> look what you started.
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>> i'm not pouting, but i'm a little hurt. >> remember when you would get cd's, cd's thing of the past. >> they'll stop selling cd's. >> really? >> oh, no more cd's? >> i have a question. >> when is the last time you bought one. >> mom, dad, ae you going to let the kids go to the parade or do they h
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>> it started at rain, 32 and allentown, people, really got to be careful. my>> good day, it is cents wednesday, february the seventh, 2018,hethe parade. >> all of the people tweeting and sending me meel for you. they said they didn't even know. you put together a party without me. it isam together very late last night. i swear. >> we've been anchoring for how many hours busy. okay. i'm never going to live this down. >> picture mike at a party -- you doyou don't dance. >> well, i said i


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