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tv   FOX 29 News at 5  FOX  November 28, 2016 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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the horror. police say that man then got out of his car started swinging his knife he stabbed person after person. good evening, i'm lucy noland. >> i'm iain page. first responders raced to the scene where officers say they are forced to shoot the man with the knife. he died. just cole has been following the story since it broke this afternoon and joins us in stud studio. >> campus police confirmed an officer shot and kill the suspect. we are learning more about him at this hour. associated press reports his name is abdul razak ali art a. n so molly born legal. he was a student at university butt police confirm he drove his car through a crowd of people then jumped out and iain reported started stabbing them with a butcher's 95. fbi and other federal agencies have joined the investigation trying to determine if this was in fact a terrorist attack. details are still coming in at this hour. but we do know that it all unfolded this morning outside
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the college's engineering building. police say the suspect drove on to campus in his car and just began to ran into a group of people before getting out of the the car and allegedly swinging that 95 stabbing them with a butler's 95. again, an officer on campus eventually shot and killed the suspect. police say nine people are hospitalized. eight are in stable condition but one remains in critical condition. students just returning to campus after thanksgiving break are stunned as news of today's violence spread. >> first alert it didn't really say anything. it said stay safe, run, stay, hide. another minute later there was a report there was an active shooter on campus, and some people started running -- i was walking down 15th. people started running up 15th and people were like don't go to campus there's an active shooter. >> reporter: just back from thanksgiving break. the school issued a shelter in place warning this morning. but lifted it about an hour and a half later. classes were canceled for the
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rest of the day. no word on motive and police say the quick action by the campus officer who shot the suspect dead likely stopped what certainly could have been much, much worse. a much worse out come. i'm jeff cole. iain to you. >> jeff, thanks. developing right now in wilmington, a teenaged boy in the hospital after someone shot him early this morning. victim's father claims a gang is behind it all. >> and right now police are hunting for whoever did this. fox 29's dave kinchen live at police headquarters in wilmington with the latest. dave, the boy's father is afraid the gunman could come back. >> reporter: that's right. one of the reasons why the father did not want to be identified but says he wanted to do the interview because he wants to send a message especially to young people that this is awake-up call. >> a mean thing. >> reporter: father of a 15-year-old boy handled the phone call saying his son was shot near west 27th and north van burr recent streets in wilmington.
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it happened just before getting to his schoolbus early this morning. >> he just toll me there was a group of guys and they all ran. they just end up being the one that got hit. >> reporter: ninth greater at john dickinson high school according to the school distri district. his father says the boy ran to the schoolbus not knowing he was shot but a source says the bus driver called dispatch which sent police. they took the boy off the bus and got him help. >> he was blessed. he was fortunate. it went through him and came out the other side his hit arm. i think it was three holes and, um, two bullets. it was a gang. >> you think it's gang related. >> i know it was gang related. >> i've been here 45 years. right here. and we've never seen nothing like that. >> reporter: neighbors tell fox 29 they woke up to six to eight gunshots and immediately looked outside. >> when we look out the window, we saw some kids run up this way. we saw some kids jump on the bus, and some of the bus drivers were telling the kids get on the bus for their protect.
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>> reporter: one bullet even piercing the window this car. wilmington has seen a loft youth get shot in the last year. and people here are sick of it. >> this is a sleeper community. the same community you close your eyes and something happen happened. it happened real fast. >> reporter: we are toll the victim is in stable condition. the hunt is on for the shooter tonight. lucy? >> all right. thank you very much, dave. hopefully they catch that person quickly. happening right now, the effort to force a presidential recount in pennsylvania moves forward. green party candidate jill stein is trying a couple of ways to make all of this happen. the first lawsuit filed in commonwealth court this afternoon on behalf of at least 100 voters alleges they're quote a legitimate basis to contest the results. stein also been encouraging voters to file challenges in their individual precincts. at least three voters per precinct must file a petition then go before a judge with some proof of irregularity. the secretary of state's office says the deadline for a voter
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initiated recount has passed even though montgomery county says it is already received such a challenge and will wait to certify its votes. let's check in with your fox 29 weather authority on this monday night as we take a live look at reading much not a bad day out there. kind of cold to start but then we had some sun. wasn't too chilly and you? dry. but not for long. kathy orr joins us now. kathy, you tracking some rain and wind. >> we're talking about a lot. thank goodness eagles game do s tonight we're talking about rain, we're talking about thunderstorms, we're talking about wind but not tonight. that will hold off until tomorrow. market street looking busy this evening the temperature 50 the high for the day 53 degrees with winds out of the south southeast at about 6 miles an hour. so that's a warm wind for us. temperatures right now in the 40s and the 50s. they will continue to fall but then slowly just level off during the overnight with those southerly winds on the increase. ultimate doppler you can see the clouds rolling in. they will thicken during the early morning hours, and the rain this big storm, will be moving toward us.
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a surge of strong storms and heavy rain moving toward the northeast. we stay on the warm side of the storm. as we continue to look at this hour by hour. the rain moves in tuesday morning. the heaviest to the north and west. during the morning rush. and then a few more rounds of rain on tuesday but guess what? this is like a one-two punch. tuesday we get part of it and then wednesday we get the second half but for part one look at this between half an inch to an inch and a half of rain just from tomorrow. so coming up we'll talk about the double dose of rain, the second round coming on wednesday. how strong those winds will get and how unusually warm it will be with this particular storm. for now we'll zen it back to y you. >> all right. thank you very much, kathy. happening right now, homeowners in south philadelphia are worried. a rash of petty thefts hit close to home but this video that has neighbors particularly unset. looks like these break in ins aa group effort. >> the people doing it may just be kids. let get out to bruce gordon who's life in pennsport tonight
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with the story. bruce? >> reporter: by most standards of measurement pennsport is a good neighborhood. and getting better but a recent rash of petty property crimes followed by the release to facebook of security camera video that seems to suggest a home break in attempt does indeed have folks around here tense. video taken from a home security camera shows a handful of young people walking down a sidewalk on the 1700 block of east moyaminsing saturday night. one member of the group walks up the steps of a home and appears to try the front door presumable physical see if it's unlocked. it is not. >> supposedly they would have got in? >> reporter: that could have been ughly. >> yeah. >> reporter: doreen beaver lives right next door to that home and was stunned at what she saw on the video. >> it's scary. i mean that's why they have alarm on my house. got a steal door. what could you do? it's sad. >> reporter: the parent close call coincided with rash of vehicle break ins the in the
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pennsport neighbor. three saturday night alone. >> they smash the side window the back side window. on the passenger side. >> reporter: caroline's van was among the targets. >> i lost a double bag with gym clothes and sneakers and my daughter's wallet was in the glove compartment. >> reporter: there were house keys in the van. we'll have the locks changed later today. >> reporter: pennsport is considered a nice neighborhood. stable, well maintained homes with lots of expensive newtown houses going up all over the place. when crime does strike folks around here spread the word fa fast. >> it is pretty tight knit. i mean, you know, we know the neighbors and so forth. it has a good sense of neighborhood. >> reporter: but some in the neighborhood are worried. doreen beaver says groups of kids come out of the nearby park to cause chaos. she says they torched this newspaper vending box a couple of weeks ago. and damaged cars regularly. >> you just have these kids that are vandalizing because they don't have nothing else to do. come on. >> reporter: we heard from a
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number of vehicle break in victims over the last couple of weeks, and in many cases the vehicle was left unlocked or valuables were visible through the window. bad idea, iain. >> absolutely, bruce. all right. thanks. it is game day for the eagles and they could really use a win. the five-five birds will take on the packers tonight at the linc both teams are fighting to hang on to their play off hopes. fox 29's sean bell live at the linc in south philadelphia tonight. sean, kick off just a few hours away. >> reporter: that's right, iain. i'm here at lincoln financial field. huge i mean huge prime time matchup tonight against the packers. both teams need this one badly. desperately. they almost need to win out if they want to make the playoffs. especially the eagles. at home they're a different team. four-zero and they dominate the team that is they played. they played big teams like the vikings and steelers and got it done. with ease. they'll need to do that tonight against aaron rodgers and a-rod has been a one-man band doubt
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all himself because everyone around him is injured or just not getting the job done. so they'll have to stop one of the top five quarterbacks in the league and they welcome the challenge. >> we enjoy the challenge, you can, aaron rodgers has been in the conversation of elite quarterbacks, you know, for as long as i've been in the league. nothing change the. you turn on tape and he's still playing at a high level. >> i think this week going to be a tougher challenge than last week honestly. i think, you know, with his mobility to move around the pocket and throw the ball on the run it will be a bigger challenge this week we have to do a good job of containing the football make sure we, you know, don't turn into a seven on seven deal. >> we're excited. obviously, you know, we're playing one of the top quarterbacks this league -- this league has had in the past however long he's been playing at that level. so we're excited. really excited for the challenge
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ahead. >> reporter: being last in the division you know they need this one badly. they have to pass up the giants. they have to pass up washington. aaron rodgers is really the only thing in their way from really making a play off run because if they lose this one it might be bye-bye to the play offs they really need to get it done. urgency there and later in sports, we'll talk about the urgency the players know it's now or nothing and they know it's time to get it done. back to you, lucy. >> hopefully they will. all right, thanks so much sean bell. one of the busiest spots on the web this cyber monday is amazon. we're going behind the scenes at an amazon location right here in our area. to see how all of those elves are working to get the stuff that you buy to your house. who didn't love a juicy burger. people in russia are heating this one up. it looks delicious. it's not made out of beef. what's in it might make you lose your appetite.
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loudly professed his support on donald trump on a flight bound for allentown. delta apologized for letting him continue on that flight and they have a new custom for passenger and all other passengers.
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>> breaking news out of the columbus, ohio nine people are in the hospital after police say a man drove his car into a group of people on the campus of ohio state university. that man allegedly got out of his car and began stabbing people with a butcher's 95. campus officer shot and killed the suspect. the fbi is now involved in the
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investigation. and they're trying to figure out if this was an act of terrorism. the attacker was a somali born legal permanent of the u.s. and a student at the school. >> police are looking for the gunman who shot a transgender woman after she left a boy in overbrook. the 21-year-old woman had just left a bar on 66th and lansdowne avenue when she noticed two men were following her. that when police say one of them opened fire hitting her in the hip. investigators say the men were in the same bar as the victim before they followed her. as of now, police do not have motive. they are hoping nearby surveillance video will help frack them down. the victim is in the hospital stable. the holiday shopping frenzy continues today. cyber monday of course. still plenty of time to take advantage of deals online. >> the clock is tick. you can imagine some of the busiest places today amazon fulfillment centers we've got one not too far from us. fox 29's chris o'connell live at that one in middletown, delaware. chris, you got to see all the
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gift-making magic behind the scenes. >> reporter: we sure did, lucy. if you get stressed out over holiday shopping, think about how the workers here at amazon feel on cyber monday. this is one of the busiest places on one of the busiest days take a look at magic behind the scenes here at ma'am son. fulfillment center here in middletown, delaware, where thousands of orders are furiou furiously being packed. thousands of workers all working to get your gifts on time. call it organized chaos. a symphony of conveyor belts and people. >> customers ordered 54 million items worldwide on cyber monday. >> reporter: from your toys to books to gummy bears. if you ordered it from amazon, chances are it went through here. amazon's 1.2 million square foot fulfillment center in middletown, delaware. larger than 28 football fields. >> 24-hour period probably about
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700,000 packages to delight customers all across the northeast. >> reporter: general manager took us on rare behind the scenes tour of where holiday gifts are pumped through nearly 700 items a second. nearly 3,000 employees process packages 24 hours a day seven days a week. all to get your package to your loved one on time. >> we hired about 800 new associates temporary this week we'll bring on board 900 more. next week another four to 500 that combination will get us up to about 54 to 5600 associates in the building for the weeks to come which are really considered our peak weeks. >> reporter: this is the peak week. believe it or not even with those thousands of employees you see working behind me, yes, amazon is still looking for seasonal help just in case. you're looking for a holiday job, guys. iain, back to you. we'll bring you back more at six and 10:00 o'clock. >> chris, we look forward it to, thanks. not just amazon busy on this
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cyber monday. shoppers across the nation are heading online for plenty of deals. experts remind you to make sure you're safe when you're shopping online. the pros say take precautions to protect your identity and bank account information. and that means if a website looks funny or you think something a off, go with your gut and don't make a purchase from that site. experts also say you should make sure your virus protections and operating systems are up to date and finally be careful who is wi-fi you're using when you making those purchases. >> i can stress enough the importance of not shopping and doing stuff online at a location where they have a free wi-fi. that's very critical. >> his last piece of advice is to dedicate one card to online shopping and never follow through with online purchase that requires you to wire money. >> there you go. smart advice. trump's transition still going strong after a long holiday weekend the president-elect is back to business. he met today with handful of contenders for a positions
quote quote
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within his administration. one of the most prominent spots he needs to phil is secretary of state. fox news reports that rudy juliani, mitt romney and david general patreas are all in the running. he's also dealing with a big vote recount effort in pennsylvania, michigan and wisconsin. green party presidential candidate jill stein raised more than $6 million to go toward legal costs. hillary clinton's campaign attorneys say they'll participate and today the white house also weighed in. >> the president's expectation is that consistent with the smooth functioning of our election system on election day is ensuring that the recount system functions smoothly according to the law. >> this comes after michigan election firms confirmed just today three week after the election donald trump it's 16 electoral votes. it gives him 306 electoral votes
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to hillary clintons toes 232. cubans lined the street today for the start of a week long services for fidel castro. crowds gathered at havana's revolution square for the first memorial for the man who rule the country for nearly half a century. 21 gun salutes were heard at the start of the memorial and the capital in eastern city of santiago. that's where castro launched his revolution in 1953. castro's passing has been cheered by cuban-americans and families who left the country and his communist regime. a big makeover for new jersey's justice system could be in the works. today senate president steve sweeney is introducing legislation that add 20 new judges to the garden state it will make the judicial system fairer more effective. announcement comes a month before new jersey i supplements a bail system that aims to deny bail to dangerous criminals but let people who are facing charges of non violent crimes stay out of jail.
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they hope it will speed up the processing to keep folks out of jail. % flight of its kind for jet blee took off this morning from new york but it's where it landed that's make the trip so historic. >> question for you. how does super bowl tickets for life sound? >> if you're interested you'll have to buy some bud light. how you can get your hands on the tickets if you're lucky. parents, are you trying to pry your kid away from video games, not so fast. how one study says the games may actually be helping them. ♪
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♪ fire investigators are looking into what started a fire in vineland, new jersey early this morning. crews were called to the 500 block of landis of a just after 2:30 this morning. flames broke out inside a store with an apartment above it. firefighters were able to get the fire under control in about an hour. no one was injured. baton rouge, louisiana,
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police say the suspect in a deadly shooting and hit-and-run has now died. police say a 48-year-old man shot and killed a woman then ran over two people yesterday. medics took those two people and i'm not sure why but also an ems worker to the hospital. police say the shooter later fired at police officers and tried to run away from them. police say they fired back hit him and ended up becoming a fatal injury. the former president of temple university who forced out by the college's board could soon be land agnew job. iowa board of region says neal field ball a finalist to be the president at the university of northern iowa. officials say he'll visit the campus in cedar falls tomorrow. theobold lead temple university from 2012 until last july when the board took a no confidence vote in him. he resign days after the vote. wonderful children are now going to have toys and search items thanks to donations from students in delran, new jersey. the key club at holy cross academy collected money to
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donate bags filled with goodies for the local foster children. the bags are stuffed with toys and hygiene products and stuff and blankets. teachers say those foster children have been using trash bags to go to their various foster homes so now, now they have new bags as well. >> they found out that there are foster children who are leaving, um, to go into foster homes with nothing but trash bags. we thought it was so important to give back and the students know how fortunate they are so we raised money. >> wonderful thing. if you ever thought about adopting, maybe now is the time to think about it. the club collected about $1,300 to make up all the bag. blasting music in class usually that's a problem. not here. we're going inside a local school where students are picking up new skills behind the turn table. shoppers at one arizona business are going home with a free bag of stuff. not soar them, though. how the business opener is giving back to those in need. hello, kathy.
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>> well, hello, lucy and iain. we are talking about a big storm brewing in chicago and heading down through the deep south. all of this is moving toward the northeast. the not just heavy rain which we do need. it's also some gusty winds. those holiday decorations secure them tonight. you'll be happy tomorrow. we'll be right back. www.evertz.]
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>> tonight police are looking are for the person who opened fire on teenaged boy. it happened early this morning in wilmington, delaware. 15-year-old's father says his son didn't even realize he was shot when he ran to his schoolbus near west 27th and northern van bury streets. the father says he believes the shooting was gang related. his son is in stable condition tonight. in south physical, some neighbors are very worried after seeing a recording from a home security camera. now it shows a handful of young people possibly kids walking down the sidewalk. this is a 1700 block of east moyaminsing avenue in pennsport. one of the people in the group checked to see if front door is unlocked and that very same night several people reported car break ins. police have not yet made any arrests. tonight the search continues for the person who left a package at a man's door in rittenhouse with an explosive inside it. it happen last week and seriously injured the man who opened it. tonight, a crowd funding page
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for that victim has raised more than $12,000. the victim is a member of lgbt community and believes it was a personal attack. according to the u caring page for the victim he's facing big medical costs which will include facial reconstruction surgery. back to your fox 29 weather authority now. if you're just dying to see some fresh snow, southern california might be the place. look at that. skiers flocked to bear mountain about 5-inches of snow fell over the weekend they strayed in their surf boards for skis. that's very close to la by the way. closer to home, a live look at trenton not show we're tracking but rain on this gorgeous night. meteorologist kathy orr has when those showers will move on in just 15 seconds away.
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>> dry now, some clouds and then tomorrow we're talking about rain and a whole lot of it. some strong to severe storms down to the deep south moving through mississippi and heading toward tennessee. so all of this will be lifting toward the north, at different times some of us will be seeing some very heavy rain. you can see this comma shape. now this is a textbook example of very strong area of low pressure. the center of the low over minneapolis on the cold side of it in the dakotas they have the snow. we stay on the east side of this storm as we have many times before. even last winter in the beginning of the season and then things changed. you know they will again this year. live picture from the airport shows a little bit of a breeze out there. temperature still holding at 50 with a high temperature of 53. with that southerly wind temperatures are not going to fall all that much tonight so 50 in philadelphia. it's 48 in allentown and pottstown. 48 in wilmington. 47 in millville. and in wrightstown it's 47 degrees. so i think we'll drop off a few more degrees and then we'll
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pretty much steady overnight. big game at the linc of course monday night football. 46 at kickoff. that will be the temperature at 8:30 and there will be light south wind about 6 miles an hour. so not much of a wind. we'll not have impact on the play of the ball. so hopefully great game and victory. as we hour by hour you can see the clouds thicken during the nighttime hours. by tomorrow morning, seeing some showers for the morning rush. of course, sewer serio and bob kelly will get you through the morning and heaviest rain will be through the lehigh valley the poconos and also in our suburbs. you can see bands of heavier during during the day tomorrow. strong southerly wind, very warm storm and that means winds gusting to 25, 35 miles an hour possible with this heavy rain. it will be warm, though. that will be the silver lining with this particular storm. by wednesday morning, we're relatively dry. and then round two moves in. round two comes in late morning. through the afternoon we could see a little bit of a break and then there's potential for a few
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thunderstorms late wednesday afternoon. so we'll break it down. two rounds of rain, one on tuesday. with periods of rain heavy at times and wind about an inch to an inch an quarter just from this particular system and then late in the morning wednesday then again wednesday afternoon with a potential break in between we see some more showers and additional accumulation. when we look at all of the rain added up together between tomorrow morning and thursday, you can see possibly two and a half to 3-inches. at least to an inch of half of rain from philadelphia south and east. 40s overnight tonight. temperatures pretty much steady. then during the day tomorrow the high 65. we look ahead on your seven day forecast, rain in the morning on wednesday. then potentially breaks and storms in the afternoon the high near 70. do you believe it? with that really strong southerly wind. temperatures fall thursday afternoon. after that front moves in. friday, saturday, sunday looking
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pretty decent in the 50s monday a chance of showers in the morning. but all in all, we should be in the 50s this time of year and saturday and sunday we will have the first weekend of december. not bad in the lower 50s. we'll send it back to you. >> all right, kathy. thanks. all right whom doesn't love a juicy burger. people in russia are eating this new one up but when you find out what it's made of, you might lose your appetite. do you perhaps dream of attending every single super bowl? you know, for the rest of your life? well, now bud light is giving i was chance to do just that. >> and new at 6:00 building bridges in the city of philadelphia. a new roof for a lot of drivers -- route for a lot of drivers making their way through the city.
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>> more legal problems for a former delaware county firefighter already sentenced to 28 years for child porn. 21-year-old john corcoran of glenn olden now pleaded guilty to setting three fires with a 17-year-old accomplice. he was sentenced last month for the child porn charges. he'll be back in court next month for these newer charges. your money and historic day in new york city as a jet blue plane takes off journey to cuba. it is the first commercial flight from new york city to
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cuba in more than 50 years. more than 200 people were on board the inaugural flight. took off from jfk en route to half have a in a it will fly regular flights a few times a day from new york to cuba. american airlines also started flying to cuba but from miami. holiday shopping for pets is big business in the us. americans will spend average of $62 on their pets this holiday season. so says pricewaterhousecoopers holiday outlook report. millennials spend even more average of $81 on christmas gifts for their furry friends. well things could get crazy on black friday check out this video from seattle, washington a nike store just trashed. estimated 20,000 shoppers tour through the store looking for deals. the store was opened from 8:00 p.m. thursday night up until 10:00 p.m. friday. store employees say the scene was just nuts. as you can see it looks like they've got a lot cleaning up to do. >> trying to match those shoes back together again. >> could you just go online. in russia some people are loving
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this new burger it's not beef or turkey or veggies. it's rat from the river bed between bread moscow food fans are wolfing a burger made of rodent meat. latest must have dish in the russian capital. the river rat semi aquatic rodent similar to an other and often valued for its fur. for new parents everything your baby does a mystery at first and concluding when or she goes to the bathroom. >> you may think it's supposed to look like that? you're in luck they're an app for that called poo m.d. plus. that's what it's call. johns hopkins children's center developed free app to help in the research of pediatric liver disease this is an important one. it gathers information about infant stool color and offers guidance for parents. it uses software to determine if your baby's stool is normal or abnormal for babies younger than six months old. however you know you got to talk
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to your doctor. don't rely on the app for that. all right. super bowl ticket give away willie wonka style. listen beer drinkers. bud light giving you the chance to win tickets to the super bowl for decades to come. so this is how it works. you find a special gold can in your case of beer. remember how they had the golden ticket in the would know today bar? >> willie wonka. >> enter a sweepstakes by moving a selfie with that can on social media and you could win bud light says 37,000 gold cans are out there. one grand prize winner will win the super bowl tickets every year for life. 51 years anyhow. >> coming up parents, are you trying to pry your kid away from the video games? not so fast. one study says the games may actually be helping them. >> makes me feel happy. an arizona business giving away bags full of stuff to its shoppers can't keep it though. how the business owner is giving back to those in need.
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fios is not cable. we're wired differently.
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>> breaking news out of the ohio. investigators are trying to figure out what triggered a man to drive his car into a crowd of people at ohio state university. then go on a stabbing rampage. nine people are hurt. police shot and killed the attacker. >> now investigators are star starting to learn more about the man. let's get right out to fox 29 live at the campus of the ohio state university. amy. >> reporter: certainly a lot of alarm, a lot of shock a lot of sadness here tonight as we have been learned that it was a fellow student who inflicted this harm upon folks right here at his own university.
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that individual somali refugee abdul artan he was a legal permanent resident. we do not know of a motive at this point. but certainly investigators have said they are looking into the possibility of terrorism. now this morning, everyone here on campus just around 10:00 just before 10:00 o'clock got a buck eye alert on their phone this is their campus wide alert to let people know when there's something going on, initially it said it was an active shooter situation urging students faculty, staff to run, hide, fight. and they found out before too long what had actually happened was that it was a fellow student who had jumped the curb in his car intentionally plowed into some people on the sidewalk there, then when they went to see if he was okay, thinking someone had just lot of control of their car, that individual artan allegedly got out of his car and started stabbing people with a butcher knife. now we have learned the number of injured has increased to 11 at this point. one critical.
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it's not believed that these are life threatening injuries. hopefully everyone will recover quickly. but certainly a lot of fear. a lot of questions here at this university tonight about just what happened. just why it all happened, and how a fellow student would possibly hurt his fellow buck eyes for now live in columbus amy lang, fox two news. amy, thank you for that. parents either love them or hate them but a new study says that we have to give them some props can video games actually make your kids smarter? now there's a good reason for parents santa claus to give that gift. >> new study shows children who play almost every day tend to do better on math on reading and on science. boom. scores than those who don't play that much. you know what tim johnson developing into this story. >> reporter: where are the bad guys at talk about a dream job. >> head up the street here. >> reporter: oh, jimmy, 500 bit. thank you very much. >> real name adam young plays
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online video games for a living. >> $20. look, ma, i'm on tv. >> reporter: people all over the world watch and interact with him while he does. >> it's kind of like mixture of talk radio, um, a podcast in playing. >> reporter: that's why there are advertisers who pay as they play and subscriber base, too. he work at online channel streamer house he has other gamers like crusader -- >> jesus is playing world of war craft. >> reporter: jesus. >> what are you playing. >> and owes kell who all do the same thing living and working out of this lakeland, florida, house 24 hours a day, seven days a week. >> it's like a community. you can find on the people to play with. they can play with us. perception of gamers has changed a bit over the years. after all, the industry made more than $20 billion last year in the us alone. still, everyone of these guys at streamer house remembers at some point in their lives being told
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that video games may not be good for them. >> i think there was this kind of stigma against them thinking that if you play too much video games you're going to go grow up and be a loser report roar this recent study of 12,000, 15-year-olds finds that students who play online video games not every day but almost every day tend to get better math, reading and science scores. >> we're starting to see those studies rise more and more. >> reporter: ron weaver with ucf florida interactive entertainment academy. he says the study shows online video games essentially give kids a good mental workout. >> there's all kinds of logical reasoning and critical analysis that has to occur in order to be a good player at these games. >> reporter: all the wit quick thinking makes the brain stronger. >> indigo is not surprised by any of it aft after all his own interest in online gaming gave him a really cool career. put his name on the thousands of
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people's screens worldwide and he says did exactly what the study shows. >> i am like the smart test person out there. so it definitely -- it's definitely true in my case. >> reporter: tom johnson, fox news. caught on camera, police are looking for this guy who walked on to south philadelphia porch and grabbed a package. it happened back on novembe november 13th on the 2200 block of south beachwood street. if you recognize this guy, please call police. all right. tiz the season when many find themselves feeling a little extra generous. arizona one company decided to step up its generosity with the help of its customers. >> fox's tie brennan explains how the shoppers are helping a retailer give back to the community. >> reporter: whenever customer buys something at the poor little rich girl boutique in central phoenix they're sent home with more than just their purchase. >> we just want to give these out for, um, homeless people. i wanted to give you some bags. >> absolutely one more a man and one for a woman. >> reporter: goal keep the
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bags in their cars when when ever they see someone in need they can pass along the blessing bags. >> it has searches like snacks, hygiene products as well as really vital information that sometimes demographic doesn't get which includes where soup kitchens and shelters as well as any other resources they may need. >> reporter: through monetary donations and donations of physical items, the employees at poor little rich girl put together quite a few of the bags to hand out. >> we think that it's really important to be able to, um, reach out to those people that might not necessarily have anybody that can reach out to them. >> reporter: customers love the idea. >> i love that they do that. actually my friends and i used to that on our own and it's nice when a company puts together blowing bags and give them to people. >> reporter: boutique says it's a simple way to give back to the community. in phoenix, tie brennan, fox news. coming up we'll take you inside a local school where blasting music is not a problem. what students are hoping to gain by learning some new skills
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behind the turn table. in knew at 6:00 forced to apologize for not removing an unruly passenger on an allentown bound flight. what measures delta airlines is now taking against the man who profanely professed his support for trump. and building bridges in the city of physical a new route for drivers trying to get through one part of town.
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man accused of opening fire inside a charleston, south carolina church is acting as his own attorney. prosecutors say dylan roof killed nine people in the jun june 2015 attack. us district judge is letting roof act as his own attorney in the federal death penalty trial. but calls the move unwise. roof' own attorney advised him not to represent himself. that attorney will be by roof's side in court to provide assistance if roof asks for it. tonight we'll take to you school but this one for reading, writing arithmatic. >> stunts at this school are learning to scratch and spin. fox 29's photojournalist bill rohrer explains. ♪ >> reporter: if you ever the desire to become a famous dee jay scratch dj academy is the place to be. >> ♪ >> you're learning rudimentary music theory, you're learning timing how to count beats, bars and phrases. you're learning how to drop on the one.
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♪ >> reporter: the academy was founded by jam master jay. dj for the '80 '80s hiphop groun dmc. >> it's practice. >> reporter: for years dj's work at home fine tuning their skills. >> guys that were already dee jays weren't offering with their skills because they didn't want the competition. whereas now, with a school like this you can sign up for classes and in a couple of months be ready to be out there doing gi gigs. >> each song you can say two loops. >> reporter: dj mike nice is giving back what he learned back on his own in this song mapping and mixing classes. >> i usually only map three places in the song. ♪ >> right now i'm practicing a lot. more so than i would in the summer. >> reporter: jordon or dj royal teaches a class on scratching. >> specials will this music if you listen to the beat it's a
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chill beat. if you were scratching to this you don't wanted to dub ba, dub ba, dub ba. you want to be real nice. >> dj's third class. >> you have a bad day, you just go in the lab and you just start dee jaying. you can mix your emotions up with a song. ♪ >> you want no room, no lag time, right? >> right. >> reporter: for robert this is a way to take his career to the next level. >> it's getting there. it's a work in progress. but, um, once you learn the building blocks that's when the creativity comes into play and you can put different combinations together. ♪ >> reporter: end goal here is the same for everyone. being good enough to perform in front of a large crowd. >> it's magic, you know, when you get to see that you're making a whole room of people whether it be 200, 300-a thousand people kind of get on
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your vibe gone with your vibe, there's nothing better. >> reporter: in philadelphia, bill rohrer, fox 29 news. ♪ >> that is so cool. did you ever dee jay? >> no but we used to go to those parties back then and have all the vinyl records in the milk crates does i have to find mine. i used to be a disc jockey. >> you were. when we played vinyl i had to spin the vinyl. >> exactly. >> you didn't want to wow the record. >> now we have computer that is do all of that. >> i know we do. fox 29 news at 6:00 starts right now. ♪ a wilmington teen shot on the way to school. >> this is a sleeper community. the same community close your eyes and something happens. it happened real fast. >> reporwho his dad blames for e shooting. >> cyber monday living up to it's representations as one of the business guest days to buy online. what happens after you add a gift to your cart online. fox 29 takes you behind the scenes on the other side of the online holiday frenzy.
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♪ >> live from center city in philadelphia, this is fox 29 news at 6:00. developing tonight in wilmington arc father says gangs are behind the shooting that injured his teenaged son who was on his way to school. 15-year-old boy is recovering from getting shot before his schoolbus pick him up. good evening, i'm lucy noland. >> i'm iain page. delaware authorities are trying to track down that shooter. our dave kinchen joins us live at the will morning ton police headquarters after talking with that teen's father. dave? >> reporter: iain, that's right the father did not want to be identified partially because he's afraid that those attackers may come back but he wants the story out there. he says this is awake-up call to junk people here in wilmington. >> i'm real concern. you know, i'm real real concern. >> roar report not as an easy day for a father of a


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