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tv   Good Day Philadelphia Weekend  FOX  October 16, 2016 7:00am-9:00am EDT

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>> as we get ready to start a busy work week, septa workers could be on strike. what they are demanding and how it could impact your commute. plus the eagles on the road today in washington, d.c., to face-off against the redskins. can carson wentz help the team soar to victory during this much anticipated nfc east match up? >> the trial starts tomorrow for mike mcqueary, suing penn state, he says the college ruined his career after he reported abuse by jerry sandusky. from the fox 29 studios. this is "good day philadelphia". weekend. >> and good sunday morning to you, completely inapropriate for a news person to wear a jersey during the broadcast. not to start the show with it, let's go eagles, good morning, guys. >> good morning, we're excited
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it is a game day so we can all feel that, share your pictures of your pets, your children, yourself in your eagles gear. use the #fox29goodday. >> i can't wear green because of the wall. so i had to go gray. >> try pocket square? accent color? it is a struck. >> i if we got a blue wall there is wouldn't and property. >> so the game is in washington. what's the weather going to be like this. >> i sent weekend wendy down there. i'll show you, it is hot down in d.c. look at the temperature, weekend went i scores, weekend wendy scored some field box seats, 82 degrees, baseball weather. who knows? is sunny, very warm, beautiful game. start to finish. here is the shot we were just showing you. seeing reduced visibility across town, cool start on our way, later today, 51 in town, 30's get into the pine barons of new jersey, north and west of town, lehigh valley into the low 40's, down to the shore points, double five's to
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around 62 at the ac boards walk. only threat for wet weather remains well out to the west, just north of chicago, believe it or not, this system stays well to the north, so we're not going to see any rain here. it is very mild, 69 degrees, at lunchtime, in camden, on our way for 74 this afternoon, we are going to get well to the 80s maybe even break 100 year record. those details all coming up. good morning, everybody, realize something is different on 95 this morning, they got a brand new traffic pattern on 95 tweed bridge and cottman avenue. penndot moved all of the lanes over to the newly opened stretch of the roadway. so check that out as you head north into northeast philadelphia today. and through the rest of the weekends, today into tomorrow morning, septa's airport line will be using shuttle buses. give yourself extra time if you are using the train to catch the plane. have a great day. we'll catch you right here bright and early tomorrow morning starting at 44:00 for good good day philadelphia. >> and coming up on 7:03, we're following breaking news
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on this sunday morning. there has ban shooting at a local college. it happened homecoming weekends at lincoln university in chester county. police are confirming one person was shot in the arm. it happened about 3:30 this morning. neither the police there or the university are releasing much information as of right now. but as soon as we get more details we will bring them to you. also, happening right now, today is the day that septa workers will vote on whether they will go out on strike or not. >> thousands of people say they're unhappy with their contract and they want better healthcare. they say they're prepared to go right to the picket lines to make their point. fox 29's sabina kuriakose is live in the news room with the details. sabina? >> bill, karen, the vote happens at 11:00 this morning, almost 5,000 bus, trolley and train operators, will decide whether to go on strike. if they don't reach a new contract deal with septa. before november 1st. now the union local 234 and septa have been negotiating since july. sticking points include pension reform, workers want to raise the cap for
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calculating pensions, healthcare and safety and fatigue issues are also problems. now the union a septa avoided strike just two years ago, but the current contract expires at midnight on halloween. now remember, election day is november 8th. so possible strike could overlap. now, septa is downplaying any concern, telling media outlets that taking a strike vote before a contract expires is not out of the ordinary. and that it is working to come to an agreement with workers. again, the vote is set for later this morning, and of course if you are wondering regional rail would not be affected by a possible strike. guys, back to you. >> sack even a, thank you. let's look at more of the top top stories making news this morning. we know a pedestrian was struck by a car. it happened in new jersey, it was on 295, in hamilton township late last evening. it was just about 11:45 in the southbound lanes, three cars were involved in this crash. one lane of the highway had to be shutdown for few hours. we know the victim was taken over to the hospital. and one group is making
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their voice heard. they say a rap here performed at the tla last night is spewing hatred. dozens of demonstrators were outside the concert venue on south street where the rapper yg was performing. here is a song with lyrics that seem to involve the home robbery of homes in asian american neighborhoods. over 100 times this summer asian businesses and homes have been the targets of robberies right here in our area. >> ♪ finds a chain east neighborhood. ♪ >> you what saw promoting like chinese families, they don't believe in bank accounts. they have a loft cash at home. and chinese people, you know, yg describe chinese people assisi targets. >> police have stepped up in forcement. fans of the rapper say that they like the music but that doesn't mean that they're influenced by the rapper's words. >> taking a look at political news this morning, women workers taking a stand against politicians who they say
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disrespect women. so this was a group of people from the service employees international union getting on buses yesterday. and to get out the vote campaign, in frankford, canvas ago lot of the communities there. so they're rallying against many of the republicans donald trump, senator pat toomey and state representative john taylor. according to this group, those men have not denounced trump in the wake of sexual misconduct allegations, will be supporting candidates who support women's issues, and that means this case specifically democrats. >> on the trail more trouble for donald trump. >> another woman has come forward with allegations of sexual misconduct against him. that means the total is now up to nine. >> while he was rallying in maine, the republican nominee denied again that he assaulted women and touched them without consent. he called the allegations lies. trump also suggested that hillary clinton may have been under the influence of a performance enhancing drug at the last debate. >> we should take a drug test, because i don't know waist going on with her.
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but at the beginning of her last debate she was all pumped up at the beginning, and at the end, it was like ugh, take me down. she could barely reach her car. >> wow. okay, a real clear politics pole average has trump by nearly seven points nationwide. >> on the democratic side, the big push to win the battleground sites, tim kaine campaigning in miami, florida. he called trump a desperate loser. hillary clinton is now off the trail. she is preparing for the final presidential debate which is wednesday. and wikileaks releasing a appears to be actual transcripts of hillary clinton's paid speeches to financial heavy weight goldman sachs. it shows she generally avoided direct criticism of wall street as she examined the causes and responses to the financial melt down. the clinton campaign is responded by saying more evidence of russian interfere ands to help trump. as of now the clinton campaign has not denied nor confirmed
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the authenticity of the transcripts. >> just three days away from the third and final presidential debate. and you can watch it right here on fox 29, it is wednesday night at 9:00 followed by "fox 29 news". and fox chris wallace is serving as the moderate or of this final debate. >> it is dominated the news really for years now. but the whistle blower lawsuit of mike mcqueary former assistant football coach at penn state is finally going to trial starting tomorrow. >> he says this ruined his career, because because he came forward and spoke out. so we will be breaking down what we think will happen at this trial. also, live reports starting tomorrow. does he have a case? we'll break it down. >> and the eagles back. game day. set to face-off on the road today against their nfc rival, down in d.c. so can they fly high and clinch their next victory? >> and also, it is national boss' day on this day. and also, national sunday school teachers day. and our boss happens to be a sunday school teacher. so there he is.
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there is jim dis coal. happy boss day and also happy national. >> and we have a lot of bosses, we appreciate it, show off the bosses you have and your eagles pride. use the #fox29goodday. >> ♪ >> ♪
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i can't believe we're doing this. gus, you're not scared are you? you're the second most famous groundhog in pennsylvania. i don't like thunder! (bashfully) this is getting creepy! (sfx: loud thunder clap) grrrr, did you say creepy? creepy cash? the new instant game from the pennsylvania lottery. yeah, with top prizes of 50 grand. that's a monster of a prize. keep on scratchin'
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>> the final countdown out in old mikey. says it will be great. i trust him. stay with us until 9:00 and then score a little bit before you come back to watch fox 29 all day. okay, a whistle blower lawsuit filed by a former penn state assistant football coach will head to trial tomorrow probably. mike mcqueary was placed on leave in 2001, following revelations that he reported that a boy was sexually abused by former assistant penn state coach, jerry sandusky, who was later convicted of child sex crimes. now, mcqueary's lawsuit contends his coaching career and personal life were damaged, since he reported sandusky. joining us by skype this morning, fox 29's legal analyst, ken rotweiler, to help us break it down. good morning, sir. >> morning, bill. >> so, ken, explain it to us, the whole whistle blower, essentially you can't punish somebody for coming forwards with solid information? >> that's true. you know, it is called retaliation, can't do that. he actually filed two
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different claims. one for defemation, and one for a whistle blower claim. so, the court will hear both and the jury had hear both. they have to prove different things, and i think one case is stronger than the other to tell you the truth. i think the whistle blower case is more difficult because you have to prove that it was retaliation, and what happened here is you know, bill, there was new coach that was hired a bill o'brien. when any new coach comes in for a football team, they can bring in their own star. the defense for penn state he chose to bring in his own coaches, decided not to rehire mike mcqueary, so therefore, it is not retaliation, it is not a whistle blower case, and they'll argue that he should fail on that claim. i do think it is defemation claim is much better claim. >> it seems, the whistle blower case, seems like that's the normal standard, new coach can bring in their own people, we can all except. that will because of the high profile case, you know, the jury obviously is familiar with this, does penn state now have higher threshold because
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of the profile? >> you know, i don't think so. he wasn't let go right away. he stayed on until 2012. it was only when they brought bill o'brien aboard did they not renew his contract, so they didn't fire him. he served, you know, they paid him through his contract, they did just decided not rehire him. he i think that's a tough claim for them. you had said in the intro to this piece that, you know, the trial does start tomorrow. i think there actually is some question. i think there is good possibility the case may actually settle. i think the lawyers will be very busy today. i think there will be a lot of settlement discussions today, we'll see what happens, and whether it actually starts tomorrow. >> segway into the settle, why, if you think that they have a strong case, penn state does, in defending themselves, at least from the whistle blower case, is this just because they don't want it back in the headlines? is that the reason they would dot the settlement? >> you would think, if you think, they have set every case, they haven't had a case that's gone to trial as
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regards to the damages and in the case. so i think that because they settled all of the other cases, just their track record, i think that this case will be probably settled, as well. if it is not, it will be a very interesting trial. they'll be calling a lot of interesting witnesses to testify in this case. it will be a fun case to follow. >> doesn't the settlement, we see this all the time, you make a settlement, it generally says there is no admission of guilt, that's how you go through it. but people then come forward, it is dug back up again, everyone assumes admission every guilt. isn't that a negative thing for penn state as well until. >> well, it is probably better from their standpoints, probably better to settle a case, keep it out of the headlines. i know lot of people have gone to penn state. everyone is really tired every all of the negative publicity about penn state. penn state ers are real proud of their alma matter. i think the administration would want the case settled, i think the students would want the case settled. i'll be very surprised if this case is not settled. >> i think all of the people involved actually want to be done with this.
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ken, thank you, we always appreciate you breaking it down for us. >> sure, good seeing you, bill. >> exactly 7:16 right now. let's get check on our forecast, because it was glorious yesterday and the sunrise once again absolutely stunning. mike masco, good morning. >> good morning, did you see the super moon also? >> i've been want to go see that, it is the closest. tell us about that. >> actually tonight, 6:00 it will be the closest ever. so that qualifies it as a super moon. now, a hunter super moon if you want to get real technical about it. here's what's going on this morning, visibility, a little, you know, patchy fog out there, so that might be, you know, tripping up the visibility this morning, what i am trying to say. 51 degrees, calm winds right now, dew point up around 50, and the barometric pressure nice and strong, 30 inches. that will lock in the idea after lot of sunshine this afternoon. it is cool north and west, you get into pottstown, allentown, 41 degrees, mount pocono, 47, pine barens along 70, some spots getting around say 40 degrees. but quick rebound in
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temperatures later today, 24 hour temperature change map. this is important. showing five to 18 degrees warmer than what we were yesterday morning. so that's an indication of a much milder day on tap. now, we are watching showers, even some thunderstorms over chicago land. this is a weak front that's going to try to inch its way into the delaware valley, how much, not going to produce any precipitation, just few clouds for your day tomorrow. big ticket items out toward the pacific northwest, seattle, portland, they got rocked. let me tell you something, 50, 60 miles per hour winds along the coastal sections of oregon. >> this system is important because it carves out this mean trough out towards the west. in response to that, it is a huge ridge across the east. what's that mean? ten to 15 degrees temperatures above normal. and that's going to translate temperatures, afternoon highs, to around 808 to possibly 85 degrees. let me show you this in a second. so for today, 73 degrees, 60s while north and west, these temperatures are 5 degrees above average. tonight, nice and comfortable.
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temperatures only down into 509's, low 60s, we take a look at the seven day forecast together, because i want to show you today is spring like to summer, by monday, 81 degrees. now, by tuesday, we are forecasting 83. however, there is a record to be had. eighty-five setback in the 19 hundreds, that's 108 year record that may go down. wednesday, 82 degrees, that's record of 80 degrees. clouds fill in by the ends of the week, some showers by next weekends. so let's get to the beach, guys. >> yahoo. >> do it. that's a record. 82 degrees. let's do it. >> 7:18 is the time. how about this? if you were in center city may have had an unfortunate site, came out to your car, your tires have could have been slashed. happened to a loft people. >> destroyed at least dozen vehicles on this. all of the information for you. the thing police say he had in his hands that helped him track down the person who actually did this. >> and, netflix?
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where are all of the movies? where did they gall? why the company says they have specific movies to offer. and here is your winning lottery numbers. we hope you have them. good luck. >> we're live in las vegas, counting down to the final debate. after explosive allegations about his treatment of women surface, we'll discuss whether trump can recover. live with his runningmate, indianna governor, mike pence. and newly uncovered clinton emails reveal trouble incites about her campaign. we'll ask clinton's runningmate, virginia senator tim kaine, about the revelations. >> and there it is, it is game day. the eagles are getting ready, so is monte g. let's get a win, in his voice, baby baaby. >> oh, thank you, michael
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owens. up early and ready to fox 29 goodday. whatever you want to celebrate, we'll brag on them. we'll be back. >> ♪
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pat toomey and donald trump: they're just wrong for the women of pennsylvania. "new fallout for donald trump." "should a woman be punshied for having an abortion?" "there has to be some form of punishment." "for the woman?"
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"yeah, there has to be some form." "i would support legislation in pennsylvania that would ban abortion and i would suggest that we have penalties for doctors who perform them." pat toomey and donald trump: they're not for you. senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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>> ♪ fly eagles fly ♪ >> do you see it? >> fight. >> it just makes me so happy. hit them low. hit them high. go eagles. >> we'll sing all day. let's talk sports. we also have our fly guys, they've been in action. >> and they mounted big come back, but they couldn't get it done. here is the thirds period, down one against the coyotes, matt read on the attack. he ties the game we go into over time, that's where they lose. you just saw t sadly flyers lose four-three. >> going to baseball, national league championship series, dodgers and cubs, in the eighth inning, with two out miguel montero hitting pitch hint grand-slam for the cubbies. game one hero, comes win it eight-four. american league, we have some indians and the blue jays, cleveland up one-nothing in the series, indians take game two, winning two-one, so game three tomorrow night. here's sports in a minute. >> this is fox 29 sports in
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one minute. >> good morning, the eagles gets their first taste of the nfc east today when they take on the redskins down in d.c. today's game starts a brutal stretch for the eagles, three out of the next four games are division road games. a stretch that has tight ends brent celek's attention. >> take take anybody lightly. >> this team is a great team. obviously they have the better of us. you know, few times we've met, so it is time for us to step it up. we want to win the division, you got to do well. >> seven # sixers pre-season hoops, more of the same for the sixers, embiid fin wished 15 points and the sixers lose 97-76. local college football action. terminable thriller against central florida here is philip walker. he hits key kirkwood for the game winning touchdown. temple goes onto win 26-25, in
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a instant classic, great game there. >> that's sports in a minute i'm sean braid. >> i be sure to join us for all of your eagles coverage today it starts at 10:00 with game day. then double-header, eagles at 1:00. , fox 29 all day, no reason to go anywhere else. >> all right, you have heard this, you shouldn't lends money to your friends or family, and if you do, i mean, they're not going to pay you back. don't expect it. >> but should you still want to be a nice guy or girl? you need to be aware of some rules. coming up: how you can make borrowing and repaying assisi and painless as possible it, doesn't have to be difficult. >> family drama. plus, really need your opinion on this one. we want our kids to help out around the house. and do some chores, but at what ages should they do specific chores? there is a new list, and it is a little bit controversial.
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we want your opinion. >> got to eastern your keep. look at this. what are we looking at? this is the special moon that mike was talking about. >> yes, two things, super moon. >> super moon. >> special moon. >> which means that the moon is closest to the earth. it is in the going to be -- two more dates, one in november, one in december, and won't see this again until 2034. pretty cool. >> and the rocket. >> should be able to see that little later tonight if you look close. >> at 8:00. >> special moon. >> yes. >> at 8:00 you can look out. >> special. it is unique. >> it is a super moon. >> special super. >> 7:26. we'll be right back.
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this. is. everything. honey bunches of oats. it's all of this, this, this, and this.
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it's the mother of all cereals. it's that, and that, and all of that. it's the most cerealriffic cereal. in all of history. yeah, it's that good. honey bunches of oats. this. is. everything.
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>> ♪ >> back it up. in case you weren't sure, get up. time to wake up. >> the sun just popped up over the mountains. it is so beautiful. these october sunrises have been gorgeous, good morning to you, reading, and everybody out there. let us start off this day and enjoy it. all right, let's take a look at the top stories right now, at the bottom of the hour. septa work remembers going to be voting today, whether or not they're going to be going out on strike. this is members of the transit workers union local 234. that represent about 5,000 septa bus drivers, subway drivers, and trolley
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operators. they say they would like to negotiate pension reforms, better healthcare, issues with safety and fatigue. the vote is set for 11:00 this morning. their contract set to expire at the end of this month. >> you know the stories we just say why? police say man slashed several tires last night near city hall. officers saw man with a knife in his hand, stabbing the tire of a sit-owned vehicle. police officer arrested the man on the scene, and then found out that a total of 16 cars were vandalized, five of them city-owned. police have not yet released the suspects identity. police say there is a woman in from west philadelphia who set a house on fire after a fight over money. this all happened yesterday morning. the scene is the 4900 block of west girard avenue. police say she ran off when there was two good samaritans who drove by, but police did catch up with her and took her into custody. the house belongs to the woman's boyfriends. police say she was upset because she thought he stole a thousand dollars from her.
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nobody was hurt. so we've got beautiful sunrise. we've got super moon. we've got potentially record breaking weather. mike, it is all good. >> it is all good. except for that story about the woman and the boyfriend. but here we go. let's take a look, bill perez, showing us, see the beautiful fall colors. we are getting to the point now where we are starting to get to the peak of some of this coloring, especially getting out toward happy valley, get williamsport, just west of harrisburg. this is peak conditions. so if you're going to go leaf peeping, actual lay term believe it or not, up towards the poconos, jim thorpe, great colors in there. past key conditions as you get up toward the ad ron dicks, otherwise talking about morning starting off on cool note. quickly get into the 70s this afternoon, take a look at the numbers, north and west, looking at low 40's, on average, one system out towards chicago not going to be a big deal. look at the sunday planner, just a lot of sun. 67 degrees, at lunchtime. warm conditions, 73 degrees at
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4:00. and mild, as we go into the evening hours with temperature rate around 70. now, today, will start our trend to some very warm conditions. in fact, we are looking at record high temperatures later this week. we will talk more about that in your seven day forecast coming up in just a little bit. you know there is an old proverb that says before you borough money from a friends, decide which one you need more. in fact, according to recent survey, two thirds, two thirds, of family and friends who lends money to each other, never get paid back. so here is a few tips to help you before you strike a check to help your bod -- buddy. first thing, know the rules, talking the irs rooms. because there is a thin line between a gift and attacks and guess what? there are different rules for each one. so before you lend money for a friends and help them out, make sure you're not creating a big tax problem for yourself by visiting get all of the rules. next, getting paid back from your mother-in-law can be super awkward, imagine that?
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asking for money at thanksgiving dinner, instead, check out free smart phone app called send mow, real easy. few clicks, slides, she can pay you directly from her account right to your bank account with ever even asking her for the cash. less awkward conversations, faster pay-backs. finally before helping that friend out after jam, you want to make sure you're not a neighbor letter. thin line between helping out and becoming a neighbor letter. list fen your friends is a financial train wreck, the last thing i want to do is put more fuel on the fire. instead point him or her to consumer, great website where there is all kind of information on restructuring your debts and working with your creditors. that's the kinds of help your friends probably needs. hey, mike jerrick. >> after that i hesitate, you know, i'm little short. what do you got on you? oh, a hundred? >> that's a gift. not a loan. we're cashing out. >> 7:33, we want to update you
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on breaking news right now. police are confirm that a secure i officer, lincoln university, that's in chester county. it was just about four hours ago. police say that the shots rang out there, bullet struck a van caring private security officers that were hired by the university because it is homecoming weekends. and so many more returning alum. the security offers here was shot is at the hospital. no one has been arrested at this hour. and we are expecting more updates. coming up: we'll keep you informed with that and so much more. presidential election just about four weeks away, actually less than that, right? as the race heats up, so does the people having fun with it. >> one of my most favorite things, what they do with what happens, everyone can laugh, and this did phenominal job last night. of course they had fun with ken bone. >> plus, an effort to clean up historic cemetery. coming up why some folks are
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trying to save maria. how tall are you?
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how do we measure greatness in america? the height of our skyscrapers? the size of our bank accounts? no. it's measured by what we do for our children. the values we pass on. i've spent my life fighting for kids and families and it will be my mission to build a country where our children can rise as high as their dreams and hard work take them. that means good schools for every child in every zip code. college that leads to opportunities... not debt. and an economy where every young american can find a job that lets them start a family of their own. we face big challenges, but we can solve them the same way families do. working together. respecting one another. and never giving up. i want our success to be measured by theirs.
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i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. will your business be ready when growth presents itself? american express open cards can help you take on a new job, or fill a big order or expand your office and take on whatever comes next. find out how american express cards and services can help prepare you for growth at ♪ ♪
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>> that's trenton actually. >> i love it. >> beautiful. >> mike's been talking about the leaves. they're just starting to turn. i feel like it was a late fall this year. but well worth it. gorgeous colors. so maybe that's what we could be doing this weekend, or maybe watching a move. >> i beautiful. speaking of movies, seems that something may be missing from netflix. the actual movie. the netflix has come under fire for its shrinking library. in 2014, netflix had 49 of the 250 top rated movies. today that list has decreased by 12%. they only have 31 films? >> best of the top 250. >> right. >> because they lost some of the deals because everyone is like wheeling and dealing right now from some of the titles have been pulled. so, right now, they're trying to focus, this is what mike, you've been watching something, all of the original stuff which i kind of think is phenominal. what's the show you're watching? >> stranger things, and actually into the
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second season. the first season was wild. and it is very, if you're like a 80s, if you like the horror team, sci-fi team, this is your show, not endorsing this, but you know it is a great show. they're doing second season. i'm wondering, maybe the budget is kinds of tied up with the original stuff. they don't have the money to get the top, you know, so much competition. all of the top movies everywhere now, every on demands has it, apple tv has it, most of the people going to netflix and services for their original content, reality shows, not so much the movies. >> they never had a great -- sorry, they never had a great selection. i was just saying, we scroll through, 25 minutes, looking for a movie, just like you give up at that point. >> there you go. that's good. hands full of movies. >> rocky? coming to america. you need like five movies and they would be good. >> i can certainly love to watch it. >> always a million kids shows for that one.
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so speaking of kids, i think this is really interesting. what's the appropriate age, we want you to way in on this one, to have your children do some specific chores. so new list, mom put it out there. and she started really early. >> the list suggest kids should start household -- wait, mom, at two years old? >> isn't that shocking? and these are hard to do things, like make your bed? >> they're just learning to walk. >> knowing my son is doing that? so i mean you can help feed the pedestrians all over the floor, help wipe up a mess. >> and as you get older, more? four to five year old straighten their rooms, put away the laundry, six to eight, mike, what do they do? >> what? clean the bathroom? >> go ahead. >> they clean the bathroom? help pack lunches? pull weeds? >> i get my kids to do the weeds, that one i'm on board w but clean the bathroom? no way. >> that makes sense, vacuum, mow the lawn?
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>> that's nine to 11. >> i still can't mow the lawn and i'm 30. >> wash the car, apparently 11 and a half in that job you have to go get a job, drive everybody to work, pay taxes. >> i did start to bus tables at that age, around 12, i was busing. >> it is illegal. it is illegal. >> i with a going to say, there are laws. >> you have to be a certain age to actually work. that mom just put herself all out on social media, special services 911 right now. >> do you have earn your keep. >> ma'am, you took it a little too far. >> all right, so speaking of kids, sometimes not always easy to learn how to read. but there is a woman, and she has come up with a amazing program. she thinks she has a solution. >> she is using this unique idea to help get children to put their heads in the books, learn something, and have some fun at the same time. >> and would you like to look like a princess? like princess diana? the modern take, and actually pretty cool one, affordable, which i find surprising, she was just a style icon. now you can have some of the best of her looks, and the
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price may surprise you. planned parenthood.
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i would support legislation in pennsylvania that would ban abortion and i would suggest we have penalties for doctors who perform them. would you put people in jail for performing abortions? at some point doctors performing abortions i think would be subject to that sort of penalty. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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>> photo journalist, bill roar, here to show us her
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idea. >> best when you get people's attention. >> popping up all over. >> three years ago, i don't think there were any in this area. now i know of five. >> on this quiet block in ardmore. i was surprised by how frequently i was need to go fill it. >> the little free library filled with children's books. >> new york times best selling. >> has margaret busy. >> i need to be replace being dozen to 25 bucks a week. different from dick and jane. >> more than 50 kids a week pass by, most going to the playgrounds, up the street. >> all of our kids are moved out. so now instead of our kids, we have pinwheels. >> the decorations are thereto real the kids in. >> such a great day. >> by middle of october i'll be all halloween. it will be orange, and black. >> there are bubbles and pink ribbons to go with the children's books stuffed inside. >> it can become part of the life of hundreds of kids in the neighborhood. i just feel that this would so appeal. >> for margaret, way to
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remember. >> aftermath mat died, this was the right time, the right thing to do, and to do it. it is not sexy orphans i. he wasn't a fancy guy. he was just a really warm, caring person. >> matt ann margaret's were married for ten years, until matt lost his battle with stomach cancer last november. >> he loved to teach. he loved to enrich the children's lives by educating them. >> matthew luaten loved books, mentoring children, and teaching in the philadelphia school district. >> it seemed like that was such a perfect way to commemorate him. >> a man who will continue to inspire others. >> i think that my husband would be really proud to have that as part of his legacy. >> in ardmore, bill, "fox 29 news". okay, do you want to look like princess diana? >> you do. would you? >> i do not.
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popular british clothing site debuts their new cloaks inspired by her iconic style. >> so the designers created the looks, the concept came from olds marching seen article that she had done years ago, the article called when di was fly. she was. she found these pictures every princess diana in her street wear. she wrote about them. >> so the 20 piece collection includes suits, shirts, sweaters, dresses, jeans, outerwear, pretty much everything, susan jewelry, prices vary from just $11 to $120. >> so the price is good. this is really about a new look. not like princess diana's gowns, as you can see, wearable. there is one of a similar gown to one she would wear. really nice price point. it looks like preppy, fun, 80s colors. soap, it is very on trends right now. >> leerily i don't want to look like, that but for $11. >> like i'm on board. like the price point is there. i got you. >> you can buy it for your laidy? >> get you some princess diana stuff coming up soon. >> rocking my oversized
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sweater. >> $20 in. >> so generous. 7:47 is the time. we don't need any sweaters right now, we will be seeing almost a heatwave. >> yes. i mean, we're stringing along 80 degrees, yes, we really want to get technical. >> i know. >> maybe warm wave you want to call it? >> thank you. >> that's fine. all right? good morning, everybody, let's take a look, starting off your morning with temperatures into the 40's, 51 in town, the sun will go to work. we are looking at rebounds of around 20 or so degrees. so, widespread 70s, good deal, this morning, much milder than yesterday morning. five to almost 20 degrees warmer than where we were yesterday morning. just a few clouds, and even some thunderstorms across chicago land. this is actually a system that's going to bring more clouds cover here in the delaware valley tomorrow. but i'm not looking for rain chances, unfortunately, we do need the rain, as we are in drought levels. speaking of rain, how about eight to 10 inches of rain across the pacific northwest? wild storm system bringing in
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funnel clouds, and 60-mile per hour winds, crazy out there. now, what this storm will do, is allow for all of the heat situated across the gulf coast states to slingshot in our direction. so, 70 degrees right now in st. louis. look at your afternoon highs popping close to 09 degrees. so this heat will be pick up on southwestern winds kick. we will get our temperatures to get into the 70s today, take a look, 73 in town, to nearing 80 degrees by tomorrow. overnight lows, up ear's to around 60 in town. your philadelphia most accurate seven day forecast will show you spring like conditions today, going to more summer standards for your day on monday. 81 degrees. now, we will flirt with record on tuesday, i'm going to forecast 83, the record is 85 degrees. and i think we have better shot to hitting a record on wednesday. 82 degrees. guys, that's one heck of a forecast. we will talk more about it coming up. >> i'll take it, thanks. coming up one community in the city says their homes and businesses are being targeted. >> they would like one rapper,
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it is kind of alarming. we'll tell you what he says, and want to get your take about what he his lyrics in one every his songs. why they were protesting when he was performing last night in south philly. >> plus, an effort to clean up historic cemetery. coming up: why some folks are trying to save mount mariah. stay tuned.
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socked in. >> that's crazy foggy. that's a look in trenton. that's all right, mike tells it is will get better. we'll have records. beautiful weather coming up. right now, our junior reporter as you know, the brightest, today joining us again, madison elliot from lasalle. welcome back. >> thank you, who are you doing today? >> fantastic. >> today i have a story that i'm real excited about, because one of the great aspect of the city, history. and i explored, one of the history that they have there. >> southwest philadelphia houses 200 acres of forgotten had history, mount moriah cemetery. once the final resting place of betsy ross, it is now the largest abandoned cemetery in the united states.
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it has potential to be so much more. >> mount moriah sort of blank pallet. just so much there is the history, jean owe old gentlemen. >> established in 1885, estimated over 200,000 people of all different races, religions, and backgrounds, are burried there. the friends of mount moriah, non-profit aimed at restoring the historical gem came in and took overment director whose late husband is burried here thought that restoring the cemetery could impact the community for the better. >> so in looking at mount moriah, parcel in the southwest community, i said wow this could make a difference. >> cemetery became neglected after years of mismanagement, and in april of 2011, it officially closed. by this time, mount morae an overgrown by shrubbery, weeds, graves were lost and unrecognizable, it became a place for illegal activity and vandalism. here, over 2400 veterans
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burried dating all the way back to the civil war. commodores, generals, and medal of honor recipients. >> so we have 23 of metal of honor recipients, number of police officers as well. >> friends continue to discover more graves, such as notable people like israel durham, former owner and president of the phillies, they've un covered around 30 acres in the last five years. before avianca show how bad the state of the cemetery was, host volunteer days on select saturdays where student friends local universities, and anyone else consideration come and help turn this piece every history back into something the community uses. such a wonderful teaching tool that can be used in the community and beyond and see it as a green space, see it as a place that they can jog, learning about trees, and different things that are growing here. understanded it is for the living not just the dead. >> there is a need for those types of clean up, a lot of
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places but they're making sure is ongoing effort. >> and so many ways people can get involved. they can go to their facebook page or their website. type in friends of mount moriah, google search bar, sends them e-mail and get involved. >> kneeing job. >> thank you. >> if you have any stories you want our junior report tears look into, just make insurance to use our #fox29goodday. >> if you ride septa could be big problems in this future for your commute. the union representing bus drivers, subway operators, trolley operators, are threatening to go on strike. all of the details on that, when it will happen, what may come out of all of that. plus, also, philadelphia neighborhood that has had its hard times. struggles, certainly, and violence. finds some price spots. real story on the streets of fairhill. >> thank you for continuing to send in your comments and tweets. look at her.
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thousands of septa workers. >> what they're demanding, how it can affect your commute. >> community calling for action. why they decided to come forward, saying that one rapper is promoting crime in asian american neighborhoods. and, the fairhill neighborhood of philadelphia hag so much its share of violence most certainly, a lot more to this community than meets the eye. we're going there to the streets. >> this is "good day philadlephia" weekends. >> good sunday morning to you, for hour two, all of those things, and we've got eagles and great weather. >> the weather is phenominal. just so beautiful to enjoy t we really appreciate t you can come back any time for the
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forecast. >> i gave them the day off. just wanted to say hi. bringing old's, down in d.c., kind of wilds to know that they'll be playing a football game with 84 degrees weather look at this shot, beautiful morning, sun is up. hey, by the way, $25 they got me on pumpkin the other weekend. >> where is fox 29 investigation on that one? 74 degrees. sunny, very warm out there. if you're going to go to media and pick some pumpkins, man is it going to be mild day for that? fifty-one in town, 40's north and west, pine barons still hanging on to the 40's, these temperatures are chilly to start, but know that once the sun really rains supreme, especially getting north and west of the city, we are going to be talking about temperatures getting in easily into the 70s. ultimate doppler clear overhead. we do have some showers up toward chicago, this is actually just going to bryn us clouds for tomorrow. otherwise, look at this planner, lots of sunshine in
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atlantic city today pushing 70 degrees. today's 70, how about 80 tomorrow? we'll detail that forecast coming up. >> good morning, everybody, realize something is different on 95 this morning, brand new traffic pattern, northbound 95 between bridge and cottman avenue. penndot moved the lanes over to the newly opened stretch of the roadway. check it out headed north into northeast philadelphia today. through the rest of the weekends today into tomorrow morning, septa's airport line will be using shuttle buses so give yourself extra time if you're using the train to catch the plane. have a great day. we'll catch you right here bright and early tomorrow morning starting at 4:00 for good day philadelphia. >> breaking news this sunday morning. >> one person sent to the hospital, after getting hit on 295 in hamilton township late last night. police say it happened around 11:45, in the southbound lanes. three cars were involved in
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the accident. juan lane had to be shutdown for few hours, we don't know how badly the person was hurt. >> group making their voice heard, they say, there was rapper who perform at the tla last night, they say he is spewing hatred. dozen of demonstrators were outside where he was performing on south street. the rapper's yg. he has song with lyrics that seem to encourage the arm robbery of homes in asian american neighborhoods. we know we've had problems with exactly that crime, too many times. over 100 times this summer. asian businesses and homes have been the targets of robberies right here in our neighborhood. >> you saw promoting like chinese families, they don't believe in bank accounts. they have a lot of cash at home. chinese people, you know, yg describe chinese people assisi targets. >> so police have stepped up enforcement, fans of the rapper say they like the music, doesn't mean they're
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influenced by the words but certainly the message is one of picking on people, trying to encourage crime and violence. >> you decide 2016. women work remembers taking a stands against politicians who say that they disrespect women, who the women say disrespect women. workers from the service employees international union got on buses yesterday, in frankford, to canvas philadelphia communities. they rapid against donald trump, against senator pat toomey, and against state representative john taylor. according to the group, these men have not denounced trump in the wake every sexual misconduct allegations they say that they should the group says supporting candidates who support women's issues. >> clearly, women that support hillary clinton. >> but also because too many i, and motorcycle guinea race, several races. >> democrats, not saying this was script -- these are democratic women. important to say. so on the presidential trail, more trouble for donald trump. another woman came forward with allegations of sexual misconduct, so that bridges the total right now to nine.
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well, rallying in maine, trump denied again he assaulted women and touched them without consent. he called the allegations lies. almost suggested hillary clinton may have been under the influence at the last debate. >> we should take a drug test, because i don't know waist going on with her. but at the beginning of her last debate, she was all pumped up at the beginning, and at the ends it was like oh, take me down. she could barely reach her car. >> the latest real clear politics pole average has donald trump down by nearly seven points nationwide. >> and on the democratic side, a big push to win the battle ground states, vice presidential nominee, tim kaine, campaigning in miami, florida, he encouraged voters to register before their october 18th deadline. hillary clinton is now off the campaign trail said to be preparing for the final presidential debate that is coming up on wednesday.
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week i leaks, him had i paid speeches to heavy weight golds man sacks. shows the presidential nominee generally avoided direct criticism of wall street, as she examined the causes and responses to the financial melt down. chen con campaign responded mosh of russian interference to help donald trump. as of now the clinton campaign has not denied or confirmed the authenticity of those transcripts. >> just three days away from the thirds and final presidential debate. you can bet on more fireworks there. it will be out in las vegas. it will be 9:00 on wednesday, tan will be moderated by chris wallace. so he's quite a job on his hands. >> it is exactly 805:67:89 we want to get you updated on this breaking news that's coming in, police are confirm that a female security officer was shot by a stray bullet at lincoln university in chester county. it happened at about 3:30 this morning, police are saying shots were fired and bullet strike a van, security
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officers, hired for the university for homecoming westbound weekends, so many extra people returning. office here was shot is at the hospital, no one has been arrested. >> today septa workers voting on whether they'll be going on strike. >> thousands say they're unhappy with their contract, they want better healthcare, they say they're prepared to go picket line if that's what it takes. fox 29's sabina kuriakose is live outside septa headquarters in center city. sabina? >> reporter: yes, bill, that vote happened, just few hours, it happens at 11:00 this morning, and as you mentioned, thousands, 5,000 people to be exact, bus, trolley and train operators, are going to decide whether or not to go on strike if the union can't strike a deal with septa by midnight on halloween. that's when their current contract expires. now, if your you remember, about two years ago, septa and the union locals 234 narrowly avoid add strike. now, at play, right now, are disagreements, over pensions,
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healthcare, and safety is the key. issues. now septa for its part has been telling media outlets they are taking a strike vote before the contract expires, not unusual, and that it hopes to come to an agreement with workers before a strike looms. back out here live, giles, remember, reelection day is on november 8th. so if the workers do go on strike it could laps. those are separate unions, that would not be affected by a strike. but again that vote happening 11:00 this morning, we'll be there, we'll tell you what happens, guys, back to you. >> sabina, thank you. this is an event that brought so many people out. this is fabulous picture, looks like drone shot, 200 runners lining up to help raise awareness about very, very rare fatal disease in children. this is the yash foundation, west chester, saturday morning. all of the money raise from the this fundraiser going to finding a cure for i-sell,
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genetic disease severely affect every orange and in the body, so rare, only two in a million children are born with this i-sell. the group raised about $40,000 in the race. nicely done. >> in wilmington, delaware, more than a thousand people walked all with the goal of ending altzheimer's fox 29 were the proud media sponsors, shawnette wilson was there. this was sponsored this year's walk, the crowd wore tons of purple, about $200,000 was raised to go toward alzheimer's research, for the programs that support and care for tens of thousands of people for their families, delaware affected by altzheimer's, i went out after the show, had a chance to meet several people, shake some hands, and represent our support for the great reason. >> and rufus, and sue serio. >> thanks. wearing purple nonetheless. 8:09 is the timement speaking of colors and fall colors,
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marine, deep orange, burnt umber, how to look fabulous, the make up trends to keep you on point for fall. >> it is game day. after disappointing lost last week, account eagles get back from the winning wentz wagon and smash their nfc rival in d.c.? i say yes. >> heck ya. here are your pictures, see what you think. thank you, al. football sunday. >> congratulates toss my brother and his bride. they got married. mr. and mrs. white, congratulations to you. >> and this picture, oh, we have happy birthday to uncle jimmy turning 21. so cute. >> from edith, shout out, celebrating 21st birthday today. >> shout the to the eagles, by the way.
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>> ♪
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take a look at the ben franklin bridge. nice shot at the top of the roof. later today, maybe chilling on that deck. watching the eagles game. >> oh, absolutely.
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>> some neighborhoods in our sit we all know it they get a bad rap, the phillies, throughout the area, people just say some are just too tough. >> one in particular, fairhill it, has its fair share of violence, hang flynn went to the street. >> nobody has jobs. a lot of drugs up here, and definitely fall to the bad lands. >> long list of reasons some people call this north philly neighborhood the bad land. kids literally dodging bullets. >> news crews usually only come up here once somebody gets shot. >> fairhill section of the city. >> i don't know, i'm not buying it, not entirely. >> i thought i would go up last thursday to go to the other side, bad side, the good side of the bad land. >> they call it the bad land. >> they call it the bad lands, but do you think that's a good name for it or bad name? >> i don't think it is true. >> why? >> i don't finds nothing bad about this neighborhood.
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>> muhammad may have moved up few years back, fair hills square park. the fairhill neighborhood has seen more than its fair share of gun violence over the years, this year, included, still, muhammad says he likes it better than where he was in south philly. >> i like it better. >> why? >> because i feel like i'm home. i feel comfortable over here. >> driving around people are just doing their thing, like anywhere else. >> what's wrong with it? >> oh, man. >> just all that stuff, man. >> i found a kitten underneath a car. trying to figure out what to do with her. >> winds up on a cat rescue mission, when a dude goes by always balance ooh showed up. >> somebody sit down and talk. >> like a lot of people he's trying to make his dreams come real. >> brand building, where our company is called this is infinity. we make commercial music.
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>> he brought his cd, group called this is infinity or tii21 # #. >> i got to see what this music sounds like. >> do it on the old sterio, cranked it up. >> his lady cassandra shoots social media shots, his baby son achilles is just being a baby, always blue knows, he has people counting on him, but fairhill, he grew up around here, like any other neighborhood always blue says fairhill is what you make. >> i know that this neighborhood is not what people perceive it to be. you understand? because it is, like i say, people live here. i've encountered a loft great people in which people think are horrible and people are great. >> so the park has rappers, vials laying on the chest boards, when i got back to the news room, philly police had put out a statement that someone had been shot in fairhill, just an hour after i
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left. but i got a new cat out of the deal, cd rap of someone i can understand. >> the next time, think about it, i'm at hangs fox 29 and we are fox 29 philly. >> 8:16 the time on this super sunday. look at the leaf colors there. absolutely gorgeous. >> where is that? >> poconos. >> the poconos are near peak conditions, karen, bill? >> later this month, that's the deal, with that. let's take a look, i want to show you hey we need the rain. i want to run out this model. up through next saturday, watch. >> a little bit. this is not good. need more rain than this, half inch, one of our american models are showing us by saturday. so, we do need the rain desperately, we're not going to it get rain in the near
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future judge us a lot of sunshine. not a bad trade off. look at just reduced visibility on the ben franklin. otherwise it is 51 degrees in town, westerly wind at three. so the westerly and southwesterly wind will bring in some much milder air as we get into this week. forty's north and west, 40's getting into south jersey, so cool morning definately milder morning than yesterday morning. three to 16 degrees, milder than when we were talking yesterday. now, few scattered showers across chicago there is will bring us some clouds cover for tomorrow, big storm across the pacific northwest, actually responsible for all of the warmth we'll see this week. so it is 71 in st. louis, little rock at 64 degrees. and with southwesterly wind we take all of that mild air from the south, and scoop it up and push it into the delaware valley will introduce the idea of the above normal temperatures being look at your afternoon highs today. it is fall, folks.
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this is going to be more spring like. seventy-three in town, maybe some upper 60s up toward the poconos every low 70s, now, tonight should be into the 40's, and 30's, and no deal. fifty's and right around 60 in town for tonight, with moonlit skies. today 74, tomorrow 81 degrees. now, on tuesday we'll made run for record high. eighty-three is the forecast, eight a the records. we'll come close. i do think we may break the record on wednesday, that is going to be temperature of 82, record at 80, and maybe more unsettled, you remember i showed you the models guys, maybe by next weaken we could pump out a half of an inch of rain we'll see, probably first time in my adult lane i paid attention, i had landscapers and put grass and stuff down. now it matters. sprinklers and everything on there. >> i'm a grown up you.
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>> that's true. official moment. >> i'm all grown up. >> sorry, people talking to me in my ear, voices in my head. if you decide you don't want children, some people celebrate that childless choice in a really odd way. they're throwing vasectomy importance. >> and it is a real thing. >> not a party i want to go to. >> we'll explain, of course our election just weeks away best part about the politics, gotten pretty heated, the fun, the humor, when they go to s&l. what they did last night with the debate that happened last week, and the big star kim bone. keep them coming from john, wesley, big sister molly, ready for the eagles to get back on the winning track. go birds. birds fans of all ages, thank you, make sure you're here watching the game. >> happy birthday, angela lansberry. ninety-one years old. murder she wrote. >> fantastic at 70 years old,
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happy birthday. >> and john mayor, good looking man at any age, 39. >> so corny. >> hey there. your winning lottery numbers.
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i'll have that goat cheese garden salad. that gentleman got the last one. sir, you give me that salad and i will pay for your movie
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>> ♪ >> ♪ >> walking the dinosaur? >> yes. oh, ya. we're doing it, it is happening. >> where are we going, mr. producer snap. >> let's see if jenn fred can save us from ourselves? >> hey, everybody, i'm jenn frederick. this is mama log. and it is fall, want to look fabulous recalling so we ask the mother of all brow whisperer. good morning. >> good morning. >> we have this gorgeous mom here. how are you? i love that you said three words that i love.
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wine, wine, wine. >> i knew you were going say that. >> where is the glass? that's not what we are talking about. >> that's the mom go to thing. >> so, all i see for fall is wine, wine, wine. wine. fingernail color, wine lipstick color, wine eye shadow color. >> wine. >> okay. >> it is fall, seeing the pop of color, so open like this, just like that. beautiful. >> little pop. >> dogs it matter the color? does it have to be -- you want it to be wine. should it be more brown or more red? >> it all depends on the un tone and the pigment. she's got blue eyes, so she can wear anything. >> okay. >> you know, if you're warmer, brown eyes, i tends to go little more red. >> okay. >> open up. >> prep. >> i just little more. >> okay, so it is wine for the
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eye shadow. wine for the lips. and wine for the nails. >> exactly. >> and then wine in your -- (whisper). >> okay, good. brow whisperer, and wine everywhere. wine, wine, wine. she said t she means it. time for to you do it. >> i'm jenn frederick. this is million log in. >> okay jenn fred at the wine scene. police also went to check on 911 call that actually hung up. >> when he gets there, someone throws something in his face watch it was that was thrown right into his face. >> we have feel good story for you, toddler gets second chance it hear because of new technology. we'll tell but this technology, what doctors are a use for him to hear his
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family's voice. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ can you say i love it? ♪ oh love it? ♪ can you say hey? ♪ hey! ♪ that's the spirit! oooooh.♪ ♪ ooh ooh ♪ wooh ooh ♪ wooh ooh ♪ sing sing, baby baby i love you. oh yes.♪ ♪ ooooh oooh. ♪ every little thing.
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>> justin westbounder? >> let us know. >> ♪ >> fancy mike, we appreciate it. let's look at some of this morning's top stories. police in depford township new jersey say that an officer had pine sole thrown in his face when he came to check out a 911 hang up call. police say when they arrived at the scene, on pop moylan boulevard in depford, the woman who lives there, gwyneth henson, calmly talk through the door for several minute before she abruptly opened the door and through cleaning solution in the officer's face. she is facing charges of aggravated assault, resisting arrest. >> today is the day septa workers will be voting on whether or not they will be going on strike. members of the transit workers union local 234 represent 5,000 septa bus drivers, subway, trolley operators, they say that they would like to have some better pension reform, better healthcare, concerned about safety and also issues of fatigue. the vote set for 11:00 a.m.ment there are contract does not expire until the end of this month. >> the un is setting up a trust fund for hatians
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affected by hurricane matthew. the country was the hardest hit when the category four storm ravaged cities and towns there. more than 500 people were killed. storm victims are frustrated when they call a delay in aid, secretary general bonn key moon said he is disappoint by. by the response, need help fighting potential clara epidemic in the country. >> 8:30, right over to mike with our fabulous forecast. >> let's talk the keys down in d.c. wild. how about 80 what did i put thon? 82 degrees. sunny, warm, hey, weekend wendy has football, the shades you will be peeling layers. fifty-two in town. don't let hot's and 50's deceive you. very warm day on tap. fifty's 40's getting into the pine barens, voorhees, 47 new jersey, beach haven at 56 degrees. so good launching pad for daytime hide today to get into the 70s. we cannot buy a drop of rain
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across the region do. go well to the north and west, pacific northwest we do finds nasty storm that rolled ashore. it is seattle, portland, down toward sacramento getting rock with rain, high winds. that is the system that will actually bring heat our way. so look at your temperatures today. as we go into say wilmington, 67 degrees, at 11:00. quickly launches into the 70s, 75 degrees, around 2:00, above average through the 4:00 hour, into 8:00 with temperatures into the 70s. today, the 70s. tomorrow, the 80s. and beyond. we're actually in uncharted waters in terms of how warm these temperatures could go. we will talk about that, and 100 year record, coming up in just a little bit. guys? >> it is time, it is game day, time to talk sports, eagles are coming off rough lost last week, falling to the lions at one point, many people blaming bad officiating and a lot of penalties on the eagles first
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lost. let's break it down, figure out what we have to do it win. >> blame the officials. >> yes. >> a lot of calls and ridiculous once, saying on the field, and leaping? >> fourteen to two. >> right. >> that's where it has them saying half time, wait, half time, half time is eight to one. so, at that point in time, you talk amongst yourselves. you say wait a minute, all right, what's going on here? i'm not saying the eagles are going to commit the fouls, bottom line, when it gets to that, when that aggregious, 14 to two at the end of the game, something not right there. >> pump the brakes a little bit. not of officials fault about certainly had some impact. >> bouncing back. nfc east game, sean jackson back on the feel watch do you see happening? are they ready for? will this proof their impact for real? >> interesting game, redskins started off the season zero and two, went to up giants stadium. i thought, or met life. i thought they would lose that game. but they won.
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they haven't lost since. they won three straight. good football team. but, they are without their number one target jordan reed. he is inactive today due to concussion. sixth since college. thank god he has the weaken off. that's huge loss for the skins. real dow believe if they would have success underneath against the linebackers without jordan reed, number one target in the eagles favor. one thing will help them out. something else to keep our eyes on, rams barks, i'm hearing some things, ryan mathews, might not be getting the bulk of the car thinks game. we'll see what happens. i think you'll get steady dose of the rookie. smallwood today. we would like to see. that will i know eagles fans talking about that little bit as well. things are happening. this is a game the eagle need to winment next three out of the four opponents division games and all on the road. >> i think they win this one, i texted you last week, what did i turks you? >> right again. she predicted though lose.
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>> same thing this time, time for them to win. i think they will. >> and i love, i love making the prediction all karen hepp twitter followers, they start firing away at me, karen got it right. you got it wrong. >> desean jackson made a statement's free agent next year, would like to at least consider coming back. we need a deep threat. doesn't seem like since he left he was the problem child. chip kelly tried to convince everybody he was. would you consider bringing him back? >> course. i want play makers on my squad. but i think we can do a little better. i think desean is really good, exactly what you just said, breaking it open over the top. i think that there are some other receivers throughout that could do some better damage, more damage across the middle, more possession type receiver and on top of being over the top. >> prediction for today? >> two and two, i don't know if you want my prediction, i go this, do you want my prediction, i take the eagles, i think they lose 24 to 20. i've been wrong the last two weeks, so that's good.
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>> save the date. >> all right. make sure you're watching all day game dame live crew we will be breaking it down starting at 10:00. 11:00. fox nfl sunday. pre-game. 1:00 the eagles beat up on the skins, 4:25, cowboys and packers, question of the day actually for game day live of the former eagles shady mccoy, maclin, desean, which one do you want back. >> shady. >> maclin. >> we want to know what you think. tweet me at big a fox 29. >> 8:35 is the time. so drama is continuing in this election cycle right now. >> more and more women come forward saying donald trump touched them inch appropriately. >> trump says he's ready to go to court on this one. and people have been known -- we've been talking about this before throughout the show. they throw parties about anything, a vast em team? why couples they seem to think that's a party they want, as well. oh, let's celebrate. thank you so muchment one of our good friends, good morning, my good day weekend family to the whole gang,
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thank you, pam. >> eagles beavers sign up there. kenya, hey there. that's for me. shout out. hey there. back at you, kenya, good morning, and thanks for watching. most people owe the bank.
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but pat toomey actually owned a bank. and when he went to washington, he voted to change the laws... to benefit wall street and banks like his. voting to gut consumer protections that crack down... on predatory lending and fraud. to take money from you and... line the pockets of wall street millionaires like... himself. pat toomey: out for himself, all in for wall street. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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welcome back. >> so, we've all i should say suffered through baby showers, we've done the baby showers, spread the joy with friends, family. now cup rest throwing parties to celebrate not having children. >> they're hosting vasectomy parties. >> kate says say long. >> sign of the times, more couples are avoiding parenthood, because every rising costs of raising kids. parties are in honor of the toys they'll buy with the money that they save, so just a celebration, and guest razz asked to name their new cars or boats instead of a baby. >> so naming their cars? >> men, they're the ones getsing it. >> even if you want a vasectomy? i don't see men celebrate that. >> that's not a hey, wait for the surgery, so long, boys. that's really sensitive
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subject foremen. >> i don't want that party. >> let's see what you think. #fox29goodday. >> hashtag no thank you. >> we will be right back. how tall are you?
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how do we measure greatness in america? the height of our skyscrapers? the size of our bank accounts? no. it's measured by what we do for our children. the values we pass on. i've spent my life fighting for kids and families and it will be my mission to build a country where our children can rise as high as their dreams and hard work take them. that means good schools for every child in every zip code. college that leads to opportunities... not debt. and an economy where every young american can find a job that lets them start a family of their own. we face big challenges, but we can solve them the same way families do. working together. respecting one another. and never giving up. i want our success to be measured by theirs.
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i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message.
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>> people out enjoying the day, beautiful weather, so stretching legs little bit, come back inside and watch fox 29 all day. let's get you caught up. time for you decide political coverage. wikileaks released saturday what appears to be scan script of hillary clinton's paid speeches to financial heavy weight goldman sachs. now, as of now, the clinton campaign hasn't denied or confirmed the authenticity of the transcript. but has compared the wikileaks hack to watergate. the scandal that led to the resignation, of president richard nixon, fox's jennifer griffin has the latest details . >> wikileaks up loads, from hillary clinton's campaign chair, according to i can with i leaks, latest batch includes transcripts, from three paid speeches, clinton made, to goldman sachs, back in 2013.
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>> sharing private position, then lies to you, the public, with her public position. >> in one speech, about dodge frank, the wall street reform bill passed by the obama administration in response to the 2008 financial crisis, clinton tells goldman sachs executives, who mostly opposed to frank, she supports it for political reasons sake quota lot of complaining, but also a ned to do something because for political reasons, if you were an elected member of congress, and people in your constituency were losing jobs and shutting businesses and everybody in the press is saying it is all the fault of wall street, you can't sit idly by and do nothing, but it is clearly important. clinton campaign responded by saying the hack something more evidence of russian interference to help trump. >> russians are engaged in towns to cyber elect the
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election, weaver to win big, so we can sends a message to anybody else. don't think you can come in here and mess around with our elections. >> and firing back at julian assange on twitter posting picture from recent fundraiser with the caption: i bet the lobster risotta is better than the ecuadorian embassy, where assange has been holdup for the last five years. and wikileaks is still promising to release thousands of more documents between now and election day. in las vegas, jennifer griffin , fox news. meantime, donald trump continues to deny allegations he assaulted women and touched them without consent. he calls those allegations lies. at a rally in main he also suggested without providing any evidence that hillary clinton may have been under the influence of a performance enhancing drug at the last debate. >> we should take a drug test, because i don't know waist
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going on with her. but at the beginning of her last debate, she was all pumped up at the beginning, and at the end, it was like oh, take me down. she could barely reach her car. >> real clear politics pole average has trump down by nearly seven points across the nation. >> now, trump has spoken of suing media outlets that have reported what he calls lies against him. including the new york times, which initially broke a story after woman claim that trump sexually assaulted her. trump lawyers demanded a retraction, though the times refused, though they actually is a case, and when are the liable and slander laws that protect us? and protect him back again, joining us by skype, attorney ken rotweiler. good morning once again. >> morning, bill. >> you sound like you've had enough of this, as women. donald trump tends to threaten to sue people for liable a lot. and has over the years. any grounds for it? >> you're right, he has threatened to sue a lot. matter of fact also threatened
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to sue the new york times before. when they released his 1995 taxes, he threat toned sue them because of that release, and he hasn't followed through with it. does very a claim? i don't think so. he has to prove two things with a liable claim. proof it is false, what they publish is false, also malace. and those are two pretty high standards for him to prove. let me tell you what he would claim. he would claim that the two accusers when they publish their accounts in the new york times that defamed his reputation. now that's an interesting claim. because do you have say that your reputation is actually been damaged. and in this particular case, remember, because of that audio tape, he bragged about nonessential touching of women. so the defense by the new york times would be knock we published defamed your
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reputation, because, other than the things that we reported about you, you have said it about yourself. therefore, there is no claim. >> i'm not going to put words in your mouth but it sounded like you're implying that he's damaged his own reputation so much that other people's accusations can't do any more harm? >> that's it in a nutshell, bill, i think you said it pretty well. that's exactly right. >> it is very difficult, newspaper, or media outlet, not as difficult to sue the accusers or the women who do this. the problem is if he does that, doesn't he open himself up whole line of questioning actually like bill cosby? >> spot on. if he bridges a lawsuit, you have what is called discovery. everybody gets to discover things about each other. what the lawyers for the women would do is they would then oppose donald trump, go into his sexual history, and it would all be discoverable. i don't think that would be favorable to donald trump. so i think what he is doing here is just basically
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barking, making a lot of noise, hoping other media outlets won't publish some of these things. i don't think it is going to work. these things are now widely reported. i mean, new accuse remembers coming out every day, and all of the newspapers across the country, you know, are reporting on it, so i think that him barking about lawsuits is just a failed attempt by him to stop all of these accounts. >> we appreciate your double duty today. thank you very much, sir. >> no problem. good seeing you, bill. >> have a good one. as you know three days away from the thirds and final presidential debate. you can watch it right here on fox 29, wednesday night, at 9:00 followed by "fox 29 news". fox's chris wallace actually serving as moderate or of this upcoming debate on wednesday. >> final check of our weather, sneak. >> beautiful shot. beautiful shots all across the delaware valley morning, it is a little cool if you are stepping out right now things will change. starting to move the needle on the thermometer, 52 degrees, calm win, dew point nice, so
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we have delightful morning out there grade running weather, 46 wild, get into south jersey, 49 in the poconos, believe it or not these temperatures are near 20 degrees warmer than where we were yes. clouds, showers, up toward, most stays to the north, and big storm system sitting across the pacific northwest. which will actually bring in much mild air awaits down to the south. in fact, will carve out what's called trough in the jet stream. when that happens it opens up the floodgates for some very warm conditions. look at the highs today. getting it in dallas close to 09 degrees, all being scooped up on southwestern wind kick, looking at some great conditions, ten to 15 degrees above normal for where we should be this time of the year. seventy-three in town for this afternoon, tonight, only falls back to around 60 degrees ooh in outlying suburbs, talking well above normal temperatures, not only for
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your daytime highs, but also for your overnight lows. seven day shows us spring like conditions today, goes to summer like weather for tomorrow. >> thank you, mike, trending right now, political humor. the folks over at s&l obviously are having so much fun with this election psych. >> i last night continue. poking fun at last sunday presidential debate, specifically the criticism that donald trump was oak guardly standing behind hillary clinton. and of course, they couldn't stay away from ken bone. check it out. >> affordable care act is not affordable watch will you do to bring the cost down and make coverage much better. >> great question. i agree that obama care can be improved, ken, but, ken it, does have its benefits. remember, number one, insurance companies can't dough my you coverage because of the conditions.
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number two, you know, big deal if you have serious health problems. and number three, sorry. and number three, women can't be charged more than -- women can't be charged more than men for health insurance. okay? and number four, and now, since everyone has been so good, it is time for a special treat. >> that's right. ladies and gentlemen, for your -- put your hands together, the one, the only, mr. ken bone. >> ♪ you all ready for this ♪ >> oh, my gosh. he is so cute. >> i really needed that right now. >> ken, you're not --
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>> let's see what's coming up in real political news in just a few minutes on fox news sunday. >> this week on fox news sunday. as both campaigns face new fire storms, we're live in las vegas. counting down to the final debate. after explosive allegations about his treatment of women surface, we'll discuss whether trump can recover. live with his runningmate indianna governor mike pence. and newly uncovered clinton emails reveal trouble incites about her campaign. we will satisfy clinton's runningmate, virginia senator tim kaine, about the revelations. and, a special pour player of the week. this week on fox news sunday.
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>> we want to leave you today with a real feel good study. new type of implant allows toddler to listen to his parents' voices once again. >> so, the little boy's name nathan fry. he lost his hearing when only a few months old. his parents, he can irk -- eric and jamie, try to find solutions, ending up at the university of colorado, new technology, surgically installed new kind of cochlear implant. it is newer and thinner than all of the ones that have been used in the past then they turn the microphone on, and this happened. >> hey, buddy. hi, hi, nathan.
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hi, can you hear us? >> do you want your car back? >> hole your car. >> hi, daddy. >> hi, nathan. >> oh. cute smile. he's also like let me see the car, oh, there you are parent again. such amazing feeling, to see their son's reaction to their voices. that's really cool. >> that, and speaks for itself. to sit there and see the baby turning and responding. that's amazing. and parents, tears in their eyes, a cryer. >> and we want our eagles to win so badly, can we please, please, beat washington. >> there you go. fox 29 all day. watch game day live. follow me at fill a fox 29. thanks for watching, guys. >> have a great sunday. of course we'll see you tomorrow on good day at 4:00 a.m. enjoy your day. >> ♪
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>> ♪
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i'm brett perh in for chris wallace. as both campaigns face new fire storms, we're live in las vegas, counting down to the final debate with both campaigns' vice president vice presidential nominees. the trump campaign plays defense over explosive new allegations about donald trump's treatment of women. >> the disturbing stories just keep coming. >> it's a rigged election because they're taking these unsubstantiated witnesses, putting them on the front pages of newspapers. >> we'll discuss whether trump can recover, live with his running mate, indiana governor mike pence. and newly uncovered clinton e-mails reveal troubling insights about her campaign. >> she should have be locked up. she should. >> we'll ask clinton's runnin


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