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tv   Fox 29 News at 10  FOX  August 25, 2016 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT

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pouring out of taps in a local community? what officials finally admitted to night. hard video to watch a police officer hit in a hit-and-run. who finally stopped the driver. your news is next.
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♪ >> live from center city in philadelphia, this is fox 29 news at 10. we start tonight with breaking news. an entire city block evacuated over a possible gas leak. skyfox is live over the scene along the 3600 block of g street in kensington. police say a large tank is leaking some kind of liquid. again it may be gas and that has the potential to explode. firefighters and hazmat crews are on the scene and they say the situation is under control, but the block is still evacuated. we do have a crew on the way. we'll bring you more details as soon as we get them. tolls night we're seeing for the very first time a beautiful little girl, the latest victim of a stray bullet.
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the eight-year-old is still fighting for her life as police search for the gunman who opened fire hitting little gabbie in the head. that story is still developing tonight. good evening, i'm lucy noland. i'm iain page. officials are offering $6,000 to catch the gunman while friends and family struggle to understand exactly what happened. fox 29's chris o'connell is live at cooper university hospital where that little girl is tonight. chris? >> reporter: heartbreaking iain i can tell you family, friends, tell me that that little girl, that eight-year-old girl, remains in critical condition here at cooper hospital tonight fighting for her life after being shot in the head. meanwhile, camden police are doing whatever they can to try to find the man who pulled the trigger. >> gabbie don't deserve this. like she was a great little girl. >> reporter: tears still flow from children at the very spot where their eight-year-old friend was shot in the head just 24 hours earlier.
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>> she didn't deserve that at all. she didn't deserve that at all. >> reporter: a 15 in a hall lives just next door and baby sits the little girlfriends have identified as gabbie. hall ran to the girl's side when she was shot while riding her bike on the corner of eighth and spruce. >> i seen the hole in the baby head and i checked to see was she breathing and stuff. it's just wrong. it shouldn't have happened. >> reporter: camden police are flooding the neighborhood. >> there's a reward. >> going door to door and stopping cars asking anyone who may have information and offering a $6,000 reward for information leading to an arrest of the suspect. the little girl was hit by stray bullet during a shootout police say there was a target but it wasn't her. >> we believe that this has gang activity tied to this, um, you know like i said this is on hands on deck. >> reporter: back at the girl's home neighbors gather still in shock.
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violence around here is nothing knew but a victim this young has the neighborhood shaken. >> my daughter is in there crying all morning. like my son telling me he just hope he could live to be an old man. why are kids feeling like kids shouldn't have to go through this. >> reporter: camden police say they are working several leads. they've gotten over the past 24 hours. they're also looking at surveillance video that captured at least some of the shooting's aftermath. so far police not releasing that video. theyly encourage anyone with any information to come forward. lucy? >> it's just so tragic. all right, chris. on your radar another heat wave is about to hit. looking live at wilmington as most of us hover around 80 degrees this will be the coolest weather we see for days. not that 80 is really cool but you know what i mean. people are out enjoying the last of these mild temperatures relatively speaking along the ben franklin parkway tonight. very nice outside. moving life to south philly get ready for those temps to start climbing as of tomorrow we're
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back into the 90s for a few days. our kathy orr just back from the shore where it was so pleasant for you. >> it was very pleasant for me, yeah, there was a nice sea breeze down there, not so much tomorrow. ultimate doppler showing clouds approaching from the west. this is associated with a cold front there's no cold air behind it and these showers are going to fade as they move a little bit closer toward the philadelphia region. so we stay high and dry tonight. still 80 in philadelphia. 70 in the poconos. 75 degrees to the south and you can see in millville it's only 75 degrees as well. as we look ahead tomorrow morning, waking up to more humid conditions and some mild temperatures. 74 in the city. 74 in wrightstown, trenton, atlantic city, wilmington and 73 degrees in lancaster. during the day tomorrow, temperatures starting off in the 70s. by the afternoon we're at 94 degrees. the first of at least a trio of 90-degree days making it another heat wave. look at that evening temperatu temperature.
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89 degrees at 7:00 p.m. coming up we'll talk about the peak of the heat and humidity. when that occurs. turning hot tomorrow. but for how long? heat wave number six will roll on possibly into next week. i'll see you later in the broadcast with the seven day forecast. >> all right, talk to you then, kathy. a fire at a new castle county manufacturing plant has sent three firefighters and a teen to the hospital. skyfox over the scene this afternoon on the 100 block of hay road in edgemoor. you can see firefighters battling the fire at ike manufacturing. paramedic tell us all of the injuries are heat related. with one, 34-year-old firefighter in critical condition. the two others including a 16-year-old boy are stable. authorities say welding pipes inside one of the buildings started the fire. concern is growing in one burlington county town over the quality of the town's water. this all started as photos and videos started to surface showing the water looking brown and tonight town officials and the community came together
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hoping for some answers. our sabina kuriakose was at that meeting to night in maple shade. >> this is coming out of our faucets. >> reporter: this was last week. >> it was dark brown and it was disgusting. >> reporter: thursday bennie showed us how mom has been making him skip a tap for the filtered fridge. >> people in maple shade none too pleased with the murky mess making it clear at tonight's council meeting. >> do you have a question? >> yes i do. >> ask it. >> why is it clogging my fauce faucets. >> residents say the discoloration has been happening on and off for years. officials telling fox 29 last week, it's a result of sediment in the in the aging pipes and it's harmless. yet tonight's meeting answers left crystal clear. council members admitting they don't know. >> what is causing it? >> i can promise we'll get to the bottom of it and find out weights. >> the township utility
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engineers thinks it may be rusty cast iron pipes. the licensed water contractor promises the water is safe to drink. >> the brown stuff mostly gone for now, but not the questions. >> what am i children drinking? >> well i think it's not good for you. >> sabina reports the township is working with a water contractor to try and figure out what's causing the problem and once they figure it out they'll try a better fix. the township insists that the water meets state and federal safety standards. police have found the family avenue young boy wandering alone in delaware county but he's not going back to them just yet. police say they found the little guy walking near septa train tracks on mc cade boulevard in collingdale this morning terribly dangerous. authorities say his uncle was supposed to be watching him but the department of youth services now has the little guy while investigators figure out what happened here. police are crediting a witness who called 911 who helped save the little boy. >> i'm glad that woman stepped up and found him and called 911.
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the business there is gave us the video footage look at what direction he came from, it's a win/win today. good guys in the public won. police do not believe anyone will face criminal charges. this is the second boy found wandering alone in collingdale this year. you decide 2016. hillary clinton unleashing a new attack on donald trump trying to link the republican presidential nominee to hate groups. but trump isn't wasting any time striking back against former secretary of state. it started with clinton release agnew web video tying trump to white supremacists. hillary clinton is attacking her rival over the alternative right group all right for short led by trump's new campaign ceo stave bannon the former editor of bright part. he's accusing trump of taking a hate movement main stream. >> this is someone who retweets white supremacists online, like
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the user who goes by the name white genocide tm. trump took this fringe bigot with a few dozen followers and spread his message to 11 million people. >> today clinton dodged questions about the scandal surrounding the clinton foundation. while campaigning in new hampshire donald trump accused his rival campaign of playing dirty. trump insists clinton's comments connecting him to white supremacy groups are the last refuge of a discredited politician. a day after calling the former secretary of state a bigot, trump accused democrats as paining his supporters as racists. >> it's the oldest play in the democratic playbook. when democratic policies fail, they are left with only this one tired argument you're racist,
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you're racist, you're racist. >> trump double down on his pay to play comments about the clinton foundation. he said it's hard to tell where the foundation ended and the state department began. >> in louisiana residents are recovering after a series of tornadoes through that area. storms did major damage. starbucks in cocoa ma indiana leveled by tornado on wednesday. this was just one of a dozen tornadoes in the state. indiana governor and republican vice-presidential nominee mike pence toward the destruction today. the national weather service is reporting a massive super cell thunderstorm produced at least eight tornadoes with winds around 165 miles an hour. authorities say the storm injured about a dozen people. nothing like construction throwing a wrench into your commute. brace yourself for a month long project near villanova university starting tomorrow the eastbound lane of lancaster avenue between route 320 and barley comb lane will periodically close so crews can white widen it.
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closures will happen weekdays from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. through early december. ♪ video is tough to watch but the victim is okay. a local police sergeant standing on the street when an suv slams into him, hits him so hard he's knock right out of the his shoes. what a witness did next to help catch the driver who took off. trapped in a burning car until one officer jumps in to help. what he didn't realize this decision was about to get a whole lot worse. and she stops at the atm after trip to the doctor. she was only taken out $20. what she saw on her receipt left her floored. why she says she was out more than 100 buck. and this local hospital turned storybook fairy tail castles and all giving children with serious health problems an escape. we're taking you through the enchanted halls of the place families called truly magical.
quote tv-commercial tv-commercial
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♪ for senate, a clear difference. katie mcginty: for background checks, for banning assault weapons, and banning high-capacity ammunition clips. and pat toomey? against an assault weapons ban and against banning high capacity ammo clips like those used in the orlando massacre. listen to pat toomey brag: "i have had a perfect record with the nra." pat toomey gets an "a" from the nra. he's not for you. senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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♪ philadelphia police sergeant incredibly is up and talking after a car slammed into him. the video is tough to watch. the sergeant talking to another cop when the driver comes out of nowhere sending that sergeant flying. well tonight we know that sergeant is 55-year-old joseph cane, jr., a 26 year veteran of the department. >> the driver who hit him took off. fox 29's karen hepp explains how a witness helped catch the guy before he got too far. >> reporter: sergeant was struck so hard he was knocked out of his shoe and hat. a hit-and-run driver plowed into him early this morning around 1am. here's how it happened.
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the sergeant stopped on his way back to the fifth district to check on his officer who's were making a traffic stop on the main drag of the manayunk. as he's standing talking to the officer in the car, he is struck by a suspected drunk driver and hit so hard his hat flys off. he's thrown 15 feet out of view. workers from the late night pizza joint were horrified. >> they came outside because they heard the noise. when they came out they seen the police officer on the ground screaming. >> reporter: you can see the other officer immediately put owl a flash description of the suspect and vehicle. amazingly a tow truck driver heard it on the scanner. >> thank god that tow truck operator was in that area to be able to listen to what was being provided over police radio, and able to be alert enough to know that was the vehicle and being able to flag down one of our police officers and be able to stop this individual before he could hurt somebody else. >> reporter: police caught up with the 21-year-old suspect colin murphy schwenksville. here's his rav four with front end damage. he's facing a whole host of charges including driving under the influence and aggravated
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assault. the sergeant is severely injured but is expected to recover. >> i'm told his spirits are pretty high. he sustained pretty rough injuries, broken collarbone, broken ribs and internal issues as well. so it's going to be a little bit but luckily he's still with you and he'll be able to recover. >> reporter: we know that the sergeant was did he se dated overnight but right now he's in stable condition. he is awake. he is alert and he is able to talk with members of his family. he's been on the force for 26 years. aisle outside police headquarters, i'm kare karen heg 229 news. >> authorities in new castle county released the dent of a woman who died after falling at a ziplining course. state police say 59-year-old tina werner of felton died after she fell 35 feet from the top of a platform. investigators say she was waiting to go down a zipline at the go ape rope course at the state park. she died at a local hospital. go ape releasing a statement saying the woman did complete training that instructed her to
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stay harnassed into a safety system but quote participant witnesses have stated that at the time of the accident the participant had unfortunately disconnected herself from the safety system ". they say they're thoughts are with the victims friend and family. after labor day, septa will start a new express bus service during morning and evening rush hours. septa says the new routes designed to give you more travel options while crews continue to repair the silver liner train five cars much this service gives you flexibility and more frequent service. regular transit fairs apply. the bus route starts september sickth. a familiar scene in philadelphia. crime seen tape marking one of the city's latest deadly shootings. but behind every incident, there's a story of a life cut short. tonight one father wants you to know his son is more than just a murder victim. fox 29's bruce gordon sat down with that dad with a story he hopes brings action. >> it's indescribable. it's just all you feel is pain. >> reporter: inside a steamy
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north philadelphia apartment anthony robinson eulogized his murdered son. >> music was his thing. he loved music. >> dancing. >> he loved music. he loved dancing. >> reporter: 21 year nasir robinson loved to dance. anywhere at any time in front of friends and strangers alike. >> he would teach them and he had time for everybody. he wasn't the kind of kid that he would shun anyone. you know, like whoever you were, if you wanted to learn this dance move he had time for you. >> reporter: nasir's time came just before 1:00 a.m. last saturday. as he was preparing to enter this deli at the corner of g and hilton. someone shot him repeatedly in the head, neck and face. he was rushed to temple university hospital. >> we didn't know anything until the detectives talk to us when i realized the shirt said homicide i knew i lost my son. >> reporter: anthony robinson visitor the crime scene later that same day. he could not bear to watch the surveillance tape of the murder but want the to be there nonetheless.
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>> i wanted to know. every parent you want to know what happened. you want to know how did this happen? >> reporter: nasir robinson leaves behind a one-year-old son and another son born just days before his own murder. >> it hurts he won't see his dad tomorrow. he won't know his laugh. ♪ >> reporter: he'll never see his father dance in person. >> there were people in the music industry that were trying to, um, get him to actually go on tour with them so it was -- things happening in his life. doors were opening, and he never got a chance to walk through those doors. >> reporter: philadelphia police have no motives no suspects in this case. they have not released that surveillance video of the incident. there is a $20,000 reward for information leading to an arrest and cop vection. anthony robinson hopes if you know anything you'll view his son as more than another crime statistic and pick up the phone. at police headquarters, i'm bruce gordon fox 29 news. a dramatic scene plays out on busy city street. the pavement just opens up
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trapping a bus with water spewing from the ground. the one piece of good news as this bus started sinking. what should have been a fun day, a first day of school, turned terrifying for a little girl and her mom. >> i tried to cross the street. >> what did the cars do. >> beep beep. >> why a four-year-old girl ended up by herself trying to cross busy street. plus thousands through every day. major changesare coming to a philadelphia icon. what will soon be missing from 30th street station. now with tomorrow's traffic here's bob kelly. good evening, everybody. watch for work through the overnight and all day tomorrow along i-95 right at girard avenue. crews will be working overnight and into tomorrow morning along i-95 up at the cottman of a interchange. also, at the princeton on and off-ramps and then all day tomorrow woodhaven road work between the boulevard and
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route 13 and don't forget through the weekend it's another septa trolley blitz where the trollies will be terminating at 40th and market. we'll check the friday jam cams. sue has the weekend forecast. i'll see you tomorrow at 4:00.
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iso let me tell you what i knowe about senator pat toomey.. my mom was the principal at sandy hook school in newtown. she died that day protecting the young children in her care. when it came time to vote on background checks, pat toomey crossed party lines to do the right thing. that's who he is, and i'm grateful. independence usa pac is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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for senate, a clear difference. katie mcginty: for background checks, for banning assault weapons, and banning high-capacity ammunition clips. and pat toomey? against an assault weapons ban and against banning high capacity ammo clips like those used in the orlando massacre. listen to pat toomey brag: "i have had a perfect record with the nra." pat toomey gets an "a" from the nra. he's not for you. senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. >> now your winning lottery numbers. ♪
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developing news tonight out of italy. search and rescue crews are still looking for anyone trapped in the rubble after that earthquake rattled parts of central italy yesterday. 250 people are dead and after shocks are not making search efforts any easier. some were shock enough to bring down more buildings. nearly 500 tremors have followed yesterday's quake. take look at this mess that played out on phoenix, arizona street earlier tonight. that is a huge sing hole clearly right there in the street and it opened up around 7:00 our time trapping that city bus. here's the good news. no passengers were on board at the time. we don't any anybody is hurt. crews are working to shut off the water. in or hasn't dough, florida, two hospitals that treated victims of pulse nightclub massacre will not bill survives of the shooting. they're writing off about $5.5 million in medical bills for those not covered by insurance. the ceo of orlando health says it's their wave paying the kindness forward that was shown to the city after the mass
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shooting on june 12th. 49 people died. 50 others were hurt. in georgia, we're getting a look at dramatic video from an officer's body camera. >> that officer risked his life to save a passenger trapped in a fiery crash. >> i need a fire extinguisher, garden hose. >> that is officer dan whitney shouting as he works to grab that passenger out of the burning car. the officer ends up breaking a window to pull the guy out. moments before an explosion knock them both to the ground here's what officer whitney's boss has to say about him and his heroic actions. >> great officer, a professional, he's a native of athens, an army veteran, long time with the department. huge asset. just role model for everyone else. >> police say the driver of that car died. the officer got to the passenger any later would have likely have died as well. talk about out of control. this dump truck goes in and out
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of lanes, slams into parked cars and forced other drivers to steer clear. what witnesses noticed right away about the driver. our kathy orr is tracking your forecast. >> lucy, warm and getting open warmer. it is back to the 90s the jet stream goes way north and we're talking about another heat wave. i'll have the numbers when we come back. and coming up at 11:00 armed with gun this guy takes down a man at a local auto body shop, steals cash, his cell phone, wallet and car. what happened next that makes this really creepy. ♪
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i'm hillary clinton, and i approve this message. michael hayden: if he governs consistent with some of the things he said as a candidate, i would be very frightened. gillian turner: he's been talking about the option of using a nuclear weapon against our western european allies. max boot: this is not somebody who should be handed the nuclear codes. charles krauthammer: you have to ask yourself, do i want a person of that temperament controlling the nuclear codes? and as of now, i'd have to say no. [bill o'reilly sighs]
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not♪ >> breaking news entire city block shut down over a possible gas leak. skyfox over the scene earlier tonight. this is along the 3600 block of g street in kensington. now we've got another look of what's going on this is obviously the ground perspecti perspective. police say a large tank is leak something type of liquid possibly gas. of course, you know that has potential to explode. firefighters and hazmat crews are on the scene. they say everything is under
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control. bensalem high school student is accused of stealing some inmate pictures from borrowed phone. police say 18-year-old senior eric word downloaded pictures of 19-year-old female and her 18 year end friend without consent. the images show the women in their underwear meanwhile word to case for trouble. download revealed videos of word having sex with another females one of which is only 14 years old. word has been charged with computer theft, corruption of minors and invasion of privacy. allegations and predatory towing and now a local company could end up paying. philadelphia department of licenses and inspections say actually pulling the license of george smith towing is in fact on the table. >> the police department major crimes unit is investigating the company's actions along the section of south broad. last night fox 29 reported claims that the company was engaged in predatory towing along south broad near alter an area resident says he got
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individual yost company baiting drivers to park and then towing them. the george smith towing company has refused comment but jenn mark ward listed as a prep of the company which owns the south broad lot tells fox 29 by e-mail "we do not have any contracts with george smith towing for towing cars at or near this property" we will continue of course to follow this story. the nemours hospital for children in wilmington, delaware, doing something rather amazing it's inspired by the man who started ai dupont who's stately mansion and grounds are right next door and open to the public, but you don't get to see everything. some areas are off limits. >> but the enchanting views help kids treated that hospital and their loved ones escape into their imagination butt by looking out the window. here's our joyce evans. ♪ >> reporter: modern meets medieval. the parents and kids at nemours ai dupont hospital for children. isn't you're not expecting.
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>> because it's like something out of a storybook shooting through a cluster of trees. >> whoa, it's like a castle. >> reporter: quick glance is all most families get on their way in. >> what's out there. >> reporter: to handle serious issues with their children's health. >> reporter: awesome he is. backpack and all. >> it's his feeding tube. it pumps formula in there. >> reporter: that his binky and a toy in hand. >> come on. >> reporter: aaron richards is off. >> slow down, bud. >> reporter: aaron chronic intestinal condition and multiple surgeries have made the hospital a second home to the spunky toddler. >> gentle, okay gentle. >> reporter: and his mom there. we're here all the time. >> reporter: it's this incredible view that bright tense days and sparks imagination. >> there you go. >> reporter: for kids and grown ups alike. >> we always play make believe rapunzle and the knight the queen and the knight live there.
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>> reporter: an escape for stephanie richards. >> i always wonder what it would be like to go in there seen wait looks like but -- >> reporter: nobody is allowed inside. that adds to the mystery. we hop add chariot to the enchanted kingdom to see if we might be able to get and side that forbidden tower. >> this is the key that unlocks the tower. but first, the legend behind it. >> 47,000 square feet. 77 rooms built by alfred i dupont between 1909 and 1910. >> reporter: a gift for his second wife alicia. refined and reserved by third wife jesse and the nemours foundation. hundreds of acres filled with french inspired living quarters, grounds, structures and self sufficiency. >> reopening an area we've had many requests for which is the mechanical areas.
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mr. dupont's electric dine 93 mows, central vacuum system. his ice making plant much his bottling plant. >> reporter: more on that ice making and water bottling in a moment. but across the way, the elaborate chauffeur's garage and living quarters. accommodating two separate families. some of the original devices are still in there. ♪ >> hello? >> reporter: there's small boat and a fleet of vintage vehicles. >> this model rolls royce here was made for the queen of england very first one off the assembly line went to her. the second one went to jesse dupont. >> fancy. >> she traveled in style. >> reporter: she and her husband are resting in style inside the private tower built in honor of the dupont's paren parents. >> i don't know that there ever be a time when that's open to the public. >> reporter: we were allowed on the grounds. we were lucky to get this far but this is as far as we can go inside the final resting place
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of the duponts up top the bell will toll every 15 minutes. finally, inside that forbidden castle tower. >> it's an icon here. it's not quite as tall as the caroline tower but it's a landmark in its own right. >> reporter: okay. you make your way up about 210 feet high. >> huge on steal winding staircase. >> it's high. >> it wraps around an 18,000-gallon water tank. yup, hidden inside and elaborate castle clock tower. the estate's private source of spring water for bottling, making ice, watering grounds, fountains and pools. jay shows us the original clock works. >> here we go back to the chimes. >> reporter: and the chimes hidden in the closet. and finally, out on to that balcony to wave to stephanie and
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aaron. >> say hi. >> reporter: watching from that hospital window across the way. >> hi, aaron. >> look she's waving. can you wave to her? >> reporter: stephanie! >> hi. it's truly magical. >> what is she doing? >> reporter: joyce evans, fox 29 news. >> how cute is that. she stopped at the atm after trip to the doctor. she was only taking out 20 bucks. what she saw on her receipt that left her floored. why she says she was out more than 100 bucks. hits keep coming for olympic swimmer ryan lochte. why his behavior in row yo keeps coming back to bite him. >> thousands pass through every day but major changes are coming to philadelphia landmark. what will soon be missing from 30th street station.
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♪ charges now against olympian ryan lochte brazilian prosecutors have now charged the gold med list with filing a false robbery report. a conviction could mean as long as 18 months in prison. of course lochte is not commenting on the charges nor is he in rio any more. during the olympics lochte said a robber targeted him and three
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fellow swimmers at gun point. however later authorities show the robbery was instead a confrontation with security guards after lot tee vandalized a gas station bathroom. in your money tonight did you buy sheets that were fake? >> what. >> people calling out wal*mart, j.c. penney and bed, bath beyond. people thought they were buying premium i yip sean cotton sheets. they were not. shore chains are looking into the company that supplied the cotton. target pulled its sheets last week. no word yet if people will follow suit. >> tech giant apple put out security update today for its devices. apple issuing the update after tech researchers discovered powerful espionage software targeting a human rights active visit iphone in the middle east. the spyware takes advantage of thee previously undisclosed weaknesses in apple's mobile operating system. experts say they have never seen anything like this before. the spyer wear could compromise
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an iphone with the mere tap of a finger. apple says, it has fixed vulnerability it did it immediately after learning about it. you know if you've ever taken train at 30th street station, you know the sound of letters flipping over on the old school departures board. >> soon that classic sign not going to be there mino my more. amtrak removing the sign and replace it with digital board. new board is still being designed so we don't know when the old one will be taken out. amtrak will take it out. to make life easier for passengers. >> this dump truck wove in and out of lanes slammed into parked cars. forked drivers to steer clear. what witnesses noticed right away about the driver. kathy orr tracking your forecast. >> hey, we're on roll with these clear skies, warming temperatures and higher humidity on the way. we'll have the seven day next.
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iso let me tell you what i knowe about senator pat toomey.. my mom was the principal at sandy hook school in newtown. she died that day protecting the young children in her care. when it came time to vote on background checks, pat toomey crossed party lines to do the right thing. that's who he is, and i'm grateful. independence usa pac is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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whenoff the wheel to getands out of a tight spot. when you can relax with your foot off the brake and stay put. and when you enjoy 400 horsepower that's both smooth and controlled. that's the more human side of engineering. hurry in for limited time offers during the final days of the lincoln summer invitation sales event. lease a lincoln mkc for $289 a month or get 0% apr for 60 months and $1,000 dollars summer invitation bonus.
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♪ check out this dump truck out of control taking out cars in california. a passenger in a car behind the truck started rolling on their cell phone when they saw the truck drifting lanes forcing other drivers to move. witnesses say the driver looked dazed. police were able to stop the
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driver and believe he may have had a seizure. eight cars p total were hit and five people were hurt. but none seriously. a mom in maryland says her daughter's first day of school was just a nightmare. her little girl never got off at her bus stop after school. crystal lawson says tuesday morning her daughter simone board add schoolbus for first day of pre k at the bus stop right near their home. the school day was great. but as mom watched the schoolbus pull back home that afternoon her four-year-old never got off. turns out she left the bus at the stop before which was a half mile away. a good samaritan helped contact simone's mom and got her home safely. >> cars was hopping at my child. she could have been hit but thank god for a good samaritan who saw her. >> i tried to cross the street. what did the cars do? >> beep beep. >> they beeped their horn at you? >> um-hmm. >> sweet little voice. that good samaritan knew how to get a hold of simone's mom
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because the little girl had a tag on her with her mom's number smart move. the principal road the bus home with simone on her second day of school but the mom says she wants the district to get to the bottom of what happened here to make sure something this terrifying never happens to another child. so atm's of course are notorious for fees especially when you use one that is not in your network which is why i go to wawa by the way. >> one woman was charged 99 bucks to take out money at a hospital. this is in detroit. there are notices on the atm alerting customers there there are fees but the amount is not posted so it was a shock to bonnie preston when she was charged nearly $100. she called the customer service number to dispute the charges but says she got the run around. next she called her bank and they told her they would take care of the fee. preston is talking to help other customers. >> i'm sure people come in here and use atm machine and some people don't even look at their receipt. they might just fold it up and tuck away and look at it later.
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>> the company responsible for the machine says the high fee was the result of a glitch at least four other customers had also been over charged. spokesperson says that glitch has been fix the and customers are going to get awry fun. >> that's awfully nice of them. i wonder how long that glitch was going for. interesting. on your radar right now, we're a little it. >> chi as far as our temperatures go. it will glitch right through the roof, kathy. >> i was going to say. glitch, i don't know about that. all right. take look at ultimate doppler. we have some clouds moved through earlier today. the skies have cleared. some showers ahead of front and severe weather but that's making it towards central pa and it is really going to be fading as it moves toward the east. and the delaware valley. here is our high resolution model and suing as good grip what's going on right now it advances through the early morning hours. by 3:30 in the morning maybe a few sprinkles in the lehigh valley and the poconos but for the rest of us it look like it dries out. so sunshine for your morning at 7:00. 7:00 a.m. and we see a clear sky
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as well. clear skies in center city philadelphia. the temperature 80 right now. high today 87 with winds out of the south sowm west at 8 miles an hour. 77 in pottstown. trenton 77. 79 in wilmington and 80 in philadelphia. down the shore there was a sea breeze i left cape may at about 7:00 o'clock this evening. it was windy. some sweater weather as well. the temperature there still 75. a cool ocean breeze in ocean city. the temperature is 76. tomorrow morning, it is going to feel like the temperature in the 70s. but by the afternoon with the humidity, we are talking about heat indices or feels like readings in the 100s in philadelphia and wilmington also millville. dover it if will feel like 101. they've been seeing high heat indices over the course of the summer and some of that could become,ing coming from the chesapeake the water temperatures there in the mid 80s. you can see atlantic city feeling like 101 as well. that is the very latest as far as the temperatures are concerned. also, heating up the tropics. for more on we'll send it over
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to my colleague scott williams. >> hi, scott. >> hi there are kathy. of course, we continue to keep tabs on what's happening in the open waters of the atlantic. we have tropical storm gaston that will continue to move on out to sea. but in the meantime, little closer to the lower 48 we're watching just around hispaniola moving into the southern bahamas that disturbance that would turn into hermine. we'll continue to follow that and take a look at the latest with gaston. the 11:00 p.m. advisory just in. 65 miles per hour tropical storm movement to the northwest at 17 miles an hour. it will likely continue moving on off to the north and west but for us, we could see some large swells as early as sunday into next week. so rip current risk down the shore just keep in mind about that. in the meantime, take look at this area. you can see it's poorly organized there's a slight chance that this could develop into hermine as early as this weekend headed into next week but the latest spaghetti plots take it into south florida then
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eventually into the gulf of mexico. something that will definitely have to watch over the next several days. kathy? >> thank you very much. in your weather authority forecast for tonight we're talking about temperatures in the 70s in the city. 60s in our suburbs. tomorrow the high temperature 94. the hottest of the heat wave. it will feel like it's around 100 on your seven day forecast check it out. 90s right through tuesday with some storms. and you can see wednesday and thursday we break the heat but not by much with high temperatures still in the upper 80s. that's a look at your seven day forecast. let's send it over to orr at the shore. take a peek. orr was down the shore beautiful day in cape may. guess what we were doing? making fudge. this is he own the original fudge kitchen and we had great time as he showed us the inns and outs of fudge making. had great time with our orl down the shore wrapped up our season. this week. can't wait for 2017.
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lots of fudge in the newsroom for all you guys. hey, tom, i hope you got some. >> kathy, i must have been like last in line for it. or close. but i pose this question to you this evening and all of out there. i'd like to know when is it wrong to feel sorry for innate animate object. we'll show uh-uh get to make the call while i eat fudge. >> carlos rue wiz. one of the most popular players in phillies history gone. the trade isn't sitting well with some of his new teammates. we'll explain why coming up in sports.
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♪ phillies are world champions! >> hard to believe guys there's just one. guy who caught strike three to won it's 08 world series is now gone heading west to los angel angeles. >> chooch is a dodger tonight. ryan howard remains from that team. rye reweighs was part of the phillies for 17 great seasons came here in philadelphia in 1998 as an amateur free agent. what career it was. once he made it through the major league club. 11 seasons behind the plate. only three catchers caught more catches than a phillies. he caught four hitters.
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this trade not sitting well in los angeles. dodgers gave up a popular catcher of their own 35 year al aj ellis. who was the personal catcher friend of the face of the dodgers franchise ace pitcher kershaw. ellis said tonight quote to know that almost all linin liningly i will never get to catch kershaw again is the most devastating thing i'm feeling right now. dodgers gave up tommy we are january who went to haverford college an player to be named later. eagles will be in indianapolis saturday night for their third preseason game. this is the big one or as big as preseason games get starters expected to play into if not all of the third quarter. one of the questions to answer this season can this guy get it done. >> ryan matthews is the main back in the back field with a sprinkling of kenyan barter and sproles mixed. >> the game is all about ryan matthews. every feature back looks at one number. 1,000 yards.
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number 24 is no different. >> i think every running back's bench mark to top that, you know, but you got to be healthy and you got to be playing the whole season. that's my main goal right now just to make sure, you know, my body is ready and i'm ready and mentally and physically to go through the punish that. we take as a running back even feel like i am. >> good luck to the philadelphia soul tomorrow night they will looking for theirs second a reply in a league title when they take on the arizona rattler's in glendale arizona. the last title back in 2008. finally tonight, little league world series today south korea and mexico. watch the camera behind home plate. bang. take look at that again as the glass and the camera get shattered. here it is coming right into your living room, folks. boom! how many times did your mother tell you not to play ball in the house. that's what happens. >> war the odds. >> the guys had to sweep all that glass some network saying that's too bad. >> that will do it for us at
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10:00. lucy what's coming up at 11:00. >> armed with a gun this guy takes down man at a local auto body shop. he steals cash, he steal the phone, the wallet and the car. what happened next that makes this really creepy. plus your wake up weather and seven day forecast the first five minutes. fox 29 news at 11:00 is next. see you then. ♪
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11:00 pm
>> live from center city in philadelphia, this is fox 29 news at 11. breaking news out of the gate in philadelphia. hazmat crews have taken over a block in juniata where some type of chemical is leaking on the 3600 block of g street. i'm lucy noland. authorities evacuated the area for a short time. fox 29's is a bone in a kuriakose just arrived on the scene. sabina, what's going on right now? >> reporter: lucy, let's take you right to the zone here. you can see police and fire department have this whole section of g street block off. we're at g street and erie. the fire department says this is an on-going situation but they do have it under control. it took them about three hours to get to that point. let's take look add video. this happened about 6:18 pure lake corporation a resin making company. g street manufacturing plant on


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