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tv   Good Day Philadelphia at 6A  FOX  August 21, 2015 6:00am-7:01am EDT

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we have a problem, two sexual assaults near the same golf course and now police think same man is behind both attacks. what they are doing to prevent something like this from happening ever again. it was a case of left the community outraged, an officer shoots and kills a man with his hand up, why that police officer won't face charges. and, a national scandal hitting too close to home. linked to it i hall showing up on the cheating web site what the mayor had to say, when we confronted him. good day, to you, everybody it
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is friday august 21st, what is all that crackling, sit you. >> i think it is you. >> don't change a thing. >> do you want to handle that. >> i will handle it while sue does the weather. >> adjustments will be made while we are looking at the number of the day, here we go, we will go with the seven out of ten because things will be improving today, a after all that rain we had last night, bus stop buddy still has an umbrella we could see a left over shower at the shore but we have temperatures in the 60's and 07's and left over clouds as you you can see here in our view from olde city. it has 6:18 sunrise time, boy those days are shorter and the breezes are picking up, out of the northwest at 12 miles april hour. that should drop humidity a bit, hasn't happened just yet
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82 percent relative humidity. you can see showers hanging around in ocean county and atlantic county. everything else has cleared the coast. that is a good sign this front is supposed to stall but hopefully further off shore when it does. around toms river and stafford you are still getting rain, it has stopped in cape may and dewey beach where jen will be. reduced visibility to the north of us with left over moisture around but most of the us are seeing too much in the way of fog. it is in the 60's to the north and west, the 70's to the south. we will make it to 90 degrees. we are thinking 88, mix of clouds and sun, slightly lower humidity, and still very warm but probably will pennsylvania make it to 90 degrees. of course, i said that yesterday and then we hit 90. we will see what happens. >> do we get a prize when we get -- >> mother nature gets the prize. >> for number of days in our heat wave. good morning, everybody.
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6:03. live look at the curve, this is right here near the conshohocken curve near schuylkill expressway. headlights ape brake lights we have spray kicking off the cars and trucks in front of you. everything is wet, left overs from the overnight thunder boomers no problems on the bennie at least here coming in the city but into the neighborhoods we go. last night was trash night, you will find trash can lids up and down the block. upper merion a down tree blocking balligomingo roth at trinity roth add valley forge park. route 525 is blocked. hello, wildwood we have, high water down the shore. the shore towns where we got so much rain in such a short period of time. high what the's long 26th street. taylor avenue. four of our regional rail lines, out of the gate running with 20 minute delays, because of some signal problems, and last night, a hot mess, at the the airport. folks were stuck on the the tarmac for about five hours. there was a ground stop last night, here in philadelphia. so check the flight status for
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your morning flight, as your plane didn't make tonight last night it may not be there on time to take you out first thing this morning. as we go for a ride northbound i-95 no problems from delaware county but penndot is working northbound today on the girard point double decker bridge. if you go up to the eagles practice today make sure you give yourself extra time on the northbound side. mike and alex, back to you. 6:04. police say a man in his mid 30's was shot and killed in the in tacony section. it happened 2:30 near long shore and gillespy street. >> he was sitting in his car when the shots,. police think the same man is behind two violent sex assaults, that they believe the same man was involve with the two sexual assaults. this is near at philadelphia golf course near cobbs creek. the is what the the story
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here, jen. >> reporter: since we have been here a couple hours now we have seen several police officers, driving, by, and driving up here on to the property of the cobbs creek golf club. adding extra patrols in light of the two recent incident police say the amount of force used is concerning. they happened within 200-yard of one another, in the area of the golf course, in the last five weeks. the first sexual assault happened july 11th at 3:30 in the morning a 26 year-old woman was walking to work when she was dragged off of cardington road and pulled behind some bushes on the golf course. where she was sexually assaulted. the months recent incident happened a week ago a friday night at 8:00 p.m. just off the the course in the wooded area near a bridge, a 39 year-old was the the victim of this rough sex assault. >> she was a approached by an unknown male, who immediately approaches her and begins to pull at her clothing attempting to pull her clothing off. there is a struggle, and the
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male immediately sally assaults her by punching her in the face and rendering her unconscious, for a period of time. at some point she came to, she was being sexually assault by this male before he fled the location. >> the first attack was aggressive. he approached her on the highway and he just appears and literally forces her, pulls her right off of the highway into a wooded a area where he assaults her. the amount of force that is used is something that has us concerned. >> well, one assault happened at 3:30 in the morning, other at 8:00 p.m. common denominator was darkness. this sexual predator is using to it his advantage. we do have a description of the this suspect. he is described as a hispanic male, 5 feet five with a muscular build and short hair. until he is caught police just want people to be aware, and they are advising people not
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to be walk ago loan especially after dark, mike and alex. >> not walk ago loan for a while. well, a second person involved in that deadly accident in burlington county has died. this is horrible. >> yes, police identified the victim as jarisa gall gall end owe, a driver hit her and three children on budd town road in southampton township tuesday night. that stretch of the road has no sidewalk, no shoulder, and no streetlight. police say she was pulling two children in the wagon when they were hit. a two-year old child died shortly after the crash. two other children are still in critical condition, and police say the driver who hit them, they stopped, and they are cooperating and they will not face any charges. a man shot and killed by police when he had his hand up, so why isn't the police officer facing any charges. what officials in south jersey have to say about his case, that has some people very upset. later new accusation as begins former subway
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spokesperson jared fogle hear from the woman who wore a wire for the fbi and what he allegedly told her.
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i saw a commercial that said you can save $500 by switching to progressive. that was me, mom. [ laugh ] i thought you said, "that was me, mom." [ laughter ] yeah, it happened in bridgeton, this is all the way
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back in december. do you remember this. >> yeah, dash cam video, shows, the victim getting out of the car after the driver was stopped for allegedly running a stop sign. you can see, hear the officer, drawing their weapons and firing. they say it looked like, the man reid was reaching for a gun, and they were fearing for their own lives. the community, reacting to the decision, not to charge, the officers. >> the way they killed that boy, it didn't have to happen like that. they could have haserd that by. hell no, how do you fear for your life, when you are running all up there, they had their guns out before they could get out that car and run up to that car. >> cumberland county prosecutor released a statement saying that officer one, told jermaine reid not to
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move, employed expletives, and gave commands in a very loud and strong tone. nevertheless, the passenger told officer one that he was getting out and on to the ground. >> more on that in just a bit. well, 6:12. new accusation as begins former subway spokesperson jared the fogle what a woman who wore a wire for the fbi says that she act you willly admitted. we are looking good as we get behind the newspaper delivery truck here on the the schuylkill expressway but who says it will be a nice day on saturday, so we have a few items on our honey due list, as we take a live look at the benjamin franklin bridge, good morning, philadelphia we will grab a cup of coffee and we will be right back.
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here's is what coming up, as at least it starts to get light out. it is not necessarily sunny where you are but we are previewing the weekend for you. we will talk about brief relief from the humidity. brief relief, hurricane danny, yes, danny became a hurricane yesterday still in the middle of the atlantic ocean and still has a way to go. it is only a category one hurricane not very strong, and it is still less than a thousand miles away from the leeward islands. it is not expected to strengthen anymore, in fact, to diminish back to a tropical
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storm before it makes land fall, first in the lee ward island and then head towards puerto rico by tuesday at 2:00 n wednesday early in the morning, probably haiti and dominican republic. that is when we will keep a close eye on this storm. all right. if you go to the pocono mountains clouds will be clearing today and we will have a pleasant high of 78 degrees. nice weather for the weekend with temperatures in the upper 70's. it will be ideal, heading there for the weekend. to the shore, today is only real iffy day with the funnel system fit decides to stall, off the coast, you could have a shower or two but lower 80's on the beach, saturday and sunday as well, maybe late in the day on sunday, a stray shower or two. there is frontal system we're talking about. it has moved off shore, at least most of it has and mess of those heavy downpours, lightening, thunder has moved away from dewey beach. we will see how jen is doing in a little bit the when we check with her, up toward
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beach have up, it is still raining in other parts of the ocean county as well. no more flash flood warnings for you, just slightly cooler temperatures to the north of us, 75 in the city and south the and east of us and still very mug which temperatures in the 70's, and dew points in the 07's as well with you dew points are slowly dropping from northwest to south east, in fact, a 59-degree, dew point in mount pocono vice comfortable. 12 miles an hour wind out of the northwest. that bode well, as well, for a feeling a little better outside but yesterday we managed 90-degrees, and that was day six of heat wave number four of 2015. and maybe the last heat wave of the year. we have lower humidity for you on saturday, 85 degrees is our high temperature. tomorrow looks like a great day, and philadelphia soul play on sunday. of course, that is an indoor game but we mention it because they are now competing for the conference championship, and
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that is on sunday, yeah, the american conference championship game at wells fargo center. the slight chance of the shower when we're leaving and then phillies come back in town to face mets on monday. it will be 90 degrees then but getting more comfortable toward the middle of the week. split is, your seven day forecast, lot going on there. >> you have a lot there on the breakfast buffet. >> 6:18. hello, villanova live look at the blue route 476. that is ayuky bad hair day kind of a start, the roads are wet, we have fog, we have some debris from the thunder boom their rolled through last night. same deal curb side on the 42 freeway with the headlights starting to make your way in towards philadelphia four of the five regional rail lines are running with delays of about 20 minutes this morning, because of on signal problems. westbound on the pennsylvania turnpike we will see a lot of extra volume today, it is penn state move in day on the main campus. mike, i need some help. >> what do you need. >> guess what i'm doing today?
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i'm moving my daughter out to penn state main campus, we will go all the way out turnpike, she's all loaded up with all of the stuff good what year. >> she will be a junior, penn state main campus, make that trip out there. i just hope that not everyone pick friday as their move in day on main campus. but tomorrow since sue said it would be nice, check out to the do list, penndot will tree trim on the schuylkill expressway again tomorrow. all day tomorrow, only one lane will be available on the schuylkill, between gladwynn, and conshohocken. if you are going to head out toward king of prussia mall tomorrow, alex with your coupon toss do some shopping, a mess on that northbound lanes, westbound side of the schuylkill beginning at 6:00 a.m. bright and early tomorrow morning. mike and alex, back to you. >> if you need help, let me know. >> i will. >> okay. >> 6:19. former president jimmy carter says he is at ease and ready for treatment have after announcing he has cancer in his brain yesterday. >> there he goes, the former
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president, he is trying to stay positive. he says he is looking forward to a quote unquote new adventure. former president carter says doctors found four spots of melanoma on his brain. earlier this month they discover cancer during operations to remove a tumor from his liver. >> i have had a wonderful life. i have thousands of friends. i have an exciting, adventurous, gratifying existence. so i was surprisingly at ease, much more so then my wife was. >> good point. after that news conference he went for his first radiation treatment, jimmy carter is 90 years old. coming up at 7:30 or so we will bring in a doctor, this is her specialty, there is so many things we don't know about melanoma and she will try to enlighten us. you can have melanoma on the brain. you think it is just a skin disorder, no, it can get
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inside of you just like it is with president carter. >> that is what people don't know. hopefully we will clear that up. new jaw dropping accusation as begins jared fogle. >> this gets deeper and deeper, doesn't it. we are hearing from a florida with man who started this whole thing who said she wore a wire for the fbi to help catch this child predator. >> now it has been ten years but michelle herman says she will never forget the conversation she had with jared fogle when he told her he was attracted to teens. after a second encounter, a friend suggested that she contact the the fbi. for years she led him to think she was keeping his secret but all of the while she was recording their phone conversations and getting him to reveal his disturbing sexual desire. >> what he wanted to do was to get a middle school child, in the rest room, while school was in progress and he thought that would be very hot.
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>> jared told her he was interested in both girls, and boys. herman says he also shared his techniques forgetting teens comfortable before intercourse. fogle's plea agreement calls for at least five years in prison and 1.4 million-dollar in restitution to his victims. >> lets see what the judge decides on that. and continuing this theme, rocker gene simmons, they is, now involved in a child porn investigation. but police don't think he was the the one down loading the the porn. what investigators think happened while he was on a tour? who was doing it at his house. but first the eagles get ready to take on the ravens and on the field this weekend, sam bradford, we will tell you why he is excited about getting hit. >> he is excited about getting hit. >> he wants to you hit him. >> okay. >> but first, lottery numbers.
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nobody accept chip kelly is sure how many he will play but likely he will play no more than two series. bradford will start, after getting some play, against the the opponents in practice the
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last two days. he wants to get hit. >> it is always good to get that first hit out of the way. you never like to get hit but i think sometimes it gets you in the flow of the game. hopefully it doesn't happen, hopefully not a big shot, but i wouldn't be, you know, i wouldn't minding to the ground and getting up knowing i will be okay. phillies last night in miami. jerome williams is brutal. four runs in the first. this is second of the two home runs in the second. that is a moon shot. marcell osuna. phillies go on to lose to miami nine-seven, without chase utley. that is sports in a minute. i'm howard eskin. thanks, howard. 6:26. well, the pope, what do the the pope and philadelphia flyers in common. >> um-hmm. >> they need to be in the area at the same time. we are tell you when they are rescheduling a preseason game for the flyers. and then this ashley
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madison story about the hack and all these names released a and cheating scandal. it traces right here to philadelphia, city hall in fact. >> steve keeley, he got dressed up for this one. >> reporter: mike, televisions are made to block adult programming and channels from children. but it turns out we have learned because of this hack the government military computers may need something similar kind of blocking on their official government e-mail accounts.
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ashley madison scan aal hitting close to home, a number of fill governmental e-mails were found on the leaked list. what mayor nutter said when we asked him bit. do you see this guy, gene simmons, from kiss, now involved in the child porn investigation but listen up, police don't think he was the one down loading the porn. no, somebody else was in his house while he was on tour. and someone is hungry. let's try to scoop up this camera and eat it up, look at those teeth. >> wow. >> kind of an animal is that. >> someone need to go to the dentist i'm just saying. it is friday, august 21st, 2015. >> we will be in dewey beach. >> someone will have to be down there and jen fred in to
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i beach. >> we are very excited to be down the shore. >> and now, that is from the airport camera. >> okay. >> that is where people fly. >> right. >> and bird do too. >> well, it works for them as well. so, yeah, things are looking better out there. the weather is improving. bus stop buddy, already on the beach. now we do have the the umbrella with him because we could see a left over shower depending on what beach, is your location: temperatures in the 60's and 07's this morning. we are still seeing left over cloud. in the weather by the numbers we will give you a seven out of ten. wilt move up to an eight or nine with you 75 degrees. 12 miles an hour wind out of the north/northwest and 82 percent relative humidity. you can see the rain moving off shore, a few left over showers at jersey shore, doesn't look like much at delaware beach right now so
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that bodes well for jen fred when we hear from her, we will see exactly what the weather is there. we will get to 90 yesterday. that gave us a six day heat wave. here is your 88 degrees during the day and a cooler night tonight, in the city, we have been in the muggy 70's every night this week. 67 degrees, overnight, it should be lovely. they are once again is your pal and mine bus stop buddy. he is smiling at you, bob kelly. >> he has his tools, umbrella, beach balls, 6:32. good morning to you. live look at i-95. we are seeing delays southbound working through construction zone here at girard avenue. northbound again that new pattern between center city and allegheny. a live look at the boulevard, little haze, we are dealing with some fog, wet road, little bit of everything. ayuky start. ballagomingo road, is shut down at trinity road. a down tree. folks using route 23, conshohocken state as the alternate. valley forge park route 252 closed at valley creek so
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watch out for delays. four of the septa's regional rails getting out of the gate with 20 minute delays this morning. early morning signal problems as a result of the storms from last night. coming from chester county so far so good on the bypass, no problems on the pennsy turnpike rolling up through malvern and then later on today though northbound i-95 heading up to eagles practice or early start to the shore, penndot will be setting up on girard point double decker bridge. they typically have a half an hour delay once they put the cones down. company up that in mind. platt bridge would be the best alternate. otherwise we're in good shape up and over the bridges at the moment. mike and alex, back over to you. we have to be careful in cobbs creek until we catch this guy. police think the same man is behind two violent sexual assaults near a philadelphia golf course, and in cobbs creek. jenny joyce is there live, jenny.
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>> reporter: mike and alex, police say they have increased patrols in this area. they are looking for a second you'll predator that is using darkness to his advantage to attack and sexual lay salt woman. police say the amount of force used is concerning. there have been two sex assaults in the area of the cobbs creek golf course in the past five weeks. they happened 200-yard apart from one another. the most recent last friday around 8:00 p.m. a 39 year-old woman was sexually assaulted. it happened off the course in the wooded area by a bridge. the first attack happened on july 11th at 3:30 in the morning a 26 year-old woman walking to work. she was drag off of cardington road behind some bushes on the golf course and then sexually assaulted. now police want people to be aware. >> the way that the offender approaches both of these women, it would be like he is pounding on them. he just appears, pounding on them, and then, attacks them, and, of course, the sexual
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assault concept here. >> we need to be more safe and more cautious. >> reporter: how would you do that. >> not traveling at night. not traveling through here report. >> the the challenge is that both victims did not get a real good view of the attacker. so that creates a again, a challenge for us. so he is using, the darkness for, you know, to his advantage. so we want to again, we just want everybody to be aware of this. >> reporter: you heard captain darby say they did not get a great look at this attacker but description we have is hispanic male 5 feet five with muscular build, short hair and clean shave even. police have been walking, cruising in cars, looking for clues and searching for a suspect. until they get him here, they are advising people to be careful, take precautions, walk with the buddy and don't walk out here late at night. >> don't be out here alone. 6:35. philadelphia city employees and state workers, they might have some explaining to do today.
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>> some explaining to do. hackers as you know leaked e-mail a addresses used to sign up for that cheating web site, ashley and quite a few are on the list. steve, have you seen the list. >> reporter: no, because i don't go on those weirdo web sites like the dark web. if you did i would need weeks because it is 28 million men and 5 million women's accounts and that is why it is no surprise to anybody that a lot of those 33 million people are government workers. we have learned likely philadelphia city government workers, pennsylvania government workers, white houseworkers, pentagon workers, and sensitive positions, and how about this, vatican staff members coincidently with the pope coming in a month. so, all these people are real worried right now. there is more beyond what some local university proves offer told one of our competitors which was just a salacious story, thinks a real news
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story because there is real problems here in terms of the security f somebody with this information used it against somebody, say in a high security, home land security department, they could use it to black mail them, get highly classified information, in exchange for keeping that person's private information, from going public. so, this is serious stuff, and that is why the it department here the at city hall is investigating, the office have of administration and pennsylvania government in harrisburg is investigating, along with a slew of investigators in the nation's capitol right now. here is the mayor and here is a security expert, talking to us about all of this. >> welshing people in the military, if you are determined to be a cheater, you could end up being imprison for a year, dishonorably discharge. >> we're investigating. >> they are in the position where they are in the public eye and you are supposed to be
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role models just like anybody in the public eye then there should be some consequences if you are a public official. >> if you are a public official, it could be embarrassing and could end up costing you you, your job. if you are an executive, with a institution that is let's say a bank, or a company that is a worldwide organization, you could still have your job in jeopardy. >> reporter: real reason for all those people to be real worried about everything from just being embarrassed public arely to losing their job, and then real reason for the rest of us to worry or be angry that is there real reason for to us wonder what, positions these people are in and what potential they are in, to be black mailed by anybody hacking their personal life information, about any kind of extra marital affair they are having or what else is coming next. the so, again, lots of people in lots of governmental departments, and that goes beyond the anger that people will feel just from having to
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pay with their taxpayer dollars people who are supposed to be working with taxpayer owned computers, lap tops, and phones, and supposed to be paid on government time and doing all this kind of stuff when they are supposed to be working for us, alex and mike. >> it will be a nervous weekend, all around the world, actually. all right, steve. 6:39. how about this. >> people who didn't get pick for septa's papal pass lottery will have a chance to buy a ticket in person. >> so what was the point of the lottery then. if i can walk up to a window to get a ticket what was the point. >> this is after the fact that not enough people sign up. >> we have scared everybody away. >> now they are changing things around. >> starting to day septa will begin selling more 100,000 of the regional rail passes for papal weekend. they will be on sale at or near stations near pope's visit between september 26th and 27th. passes $10 each and visitors can buy ten passes for each day. septa says it will take bulk order request, that is another
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change, from large groups and organizations. >> so they are not cutting it off at ten. >> i guess you have to prove you are an organization or a group and they will say okay, just take them. we are trying to get them off our hand. >> tell me is what between the 26th and 27th. >> yes. >> twenty-seventh in the morning. >> between the 26th and 27th. >> a lot of hours. >> that is true. >> okay. the pope's visit prompts the flyers to change their plans, it is just a preseason game. >> but it will be on friday, september 25th and it will start at 6:00 p.m. >> well, see, they will be playing the new york islanders at the wells fargo center. flyers officials say they want to ensure hockey fans, don't get stuck trying to navigate around restrict routes on their way to and from the game. well, is there a bonus for ticket holders. let me tell you that.
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hot dogs and soft drinks will be handed out for free at all merchandise will be half off. >> you know how i feel about free. >> it is for me. >> yes. >> that is right. >> what is better than pants half off. >> wait a minute. >> someone is waking up a whole lot richer this morning. >> yeah, there are two, well, where a two million-dollar power ball ticket was sold, yeah, two million-dollar. >> is it is in our area. >> could it be you, mike. >> no, it could be still here. >> is it the you. >> no, because i'm still here. it is not bob kelly, because he is still here and i know alex, you too smart to play the lottery. and again, if you don't play, you cannot win. do we have a winning forecast for the weekend? will we get rid of the rain? we will let you know, your weather authority outlook is coming right up.
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yeah, i'm married. does it matter? you'd do that for me? really? yeah i'd like that. who are you talking to? uh, it's jake from state farm. sounds like a really good deal. jake from state farm, at three in the morning? who is this? it's jake from state farm. what are you wearing jake from state farm? uh, khakis. she sounds hideous. well, she's a guy so... another reason more people stay with state farm. get to a better state.
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6:44, and a local power ball player is two million-dollar richer. >> um-hmm. and it is all thanks to a ticket purchased in chester county. mike, were you in chester county. >> i was not, darn it. >> owner of this 76 gas station in thorndale says he has no idea who bought this ticket. that lucky person matched all five white ball numbers in the power ball drawing and earned a extra one million-dollar through power play option. he sold winning tickets before but never anything quite like this one. >> i can't believe, it is in my store we got two million-dollar. i hang up the phone and then i called the guy again back again, just to make sure, that is our station, we sold two million-dollar ticket. >> yes, his store, he himself will get $10,000. it is a big bonus for selling the ticket. person hold ago this ticket has one year to claim the prize. now, sometimes i leave these things laying around for a long time.
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can you imagine. >> you have to find it. >> my gosh. >> here's the thing, on a totally different story, there is a rumor out there that kanye west and his wife kim have decided on the name of their second child. >> what is it. >> god. >> no. >> seriously. >> it the is just a rumor. i will dig deeper on this. >> it sound like something they would do though. >> yes, he called himself jesus. >> yes. >> maybe they will spell it differently. >> gawd. >> exactly. >> it would not surprise me at all. lets go down the shore, shall we. jen is starting off at shark i's in dewey beach. we could see a stray shower but generally mostly cloudy and still humid there. temperature between 68 and 75 degrees. check ago this out this morning. now if you are heading down the shore and most of our shore points this weekend, it is a slight chance of the stray shower, today, and a
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high of 38 right there on the beach. eighty-three tomorrow. a little breezy, little bit of the sea breeze, lovely, ocean walter around 75 degrees, again, a slight chance of a stray shower, late in the day on sunday, and then it should stay nice in the pocono mountains with high temperatures in the upper 70's all three days and evenly some sunshine for today and mix of sun and clouds all weekend long. excellent weekend in the mountains. the cold front has moved off shore although still causing a little bit of rain in our shore points. the just north of cape may around stone harbor, wildwood, some light showers right now, all of the heavy thunderstorms have moved away. dewey beach is okay but up around beach haven that heavy rain still hanging around. the deal is, the frontal system is supposed to stall just off shore. we will see how far off shore it is, when that happens. it is 75 degrees in the city but rain cooled us off north and west of the city, and the
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humidity is down a little bit there. but it is still muggy to the south and east of philadelphia, checking those dew points, it is better with the 69-degree dew point in philadelphia when we're in the 07's it is still quite, quite muggy. northwesterly pleas, helps, 12 n philadelphia, so drying things out from all of the rain that fell last night. in the 90's now for six days in a row was yesterday's high of 90 degrees. 58 degrees tomorrow. excellent day if you have tickets to the eagles preseason game. and then on sunday, it is 88 degrees, maybe a couple of showers at night but generally a pretty decent weekend on the way, heating up gannon monday. and that is your seven day forecast, bob kelly, what is going on. >> good morning, sue 6:48. live look at route 422, 422 right here inner route 29 interchange as we are dealing with wet road working your way
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out of royersford ape through collegeville and that king of prussia interchange. light volume on the bennie. live look working your way in to downtown philadelphia. no problems or delays at all. only delay is southbound i-95 woodhaven to downtown. put 19 minutes on the clock, 15 on the schuylkill inbound between conshohocken and center city. new because of the storms last night the following four regional rail lines are getting out of the gate with about 20 minute delays, signal problems, the reason there, we have high water out here in flourtown, valley green and stenton, and then again you may sees some blockages in the neighborhoods, because of that heavy rain that we had last night. so just take a few extra minutes and go around the block. upper merion a down tree blocking ballagomingo road at trinity road and then tomorrow, all day on our to do list, north bound lanes of 202 down to one lane at dilworth town road where the pj wheelihans comes into play just above route one.
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they are doing construction again, northbound heading up in to west chester. it will be a mess tomorrow. valley forge park this morning a down tree, again, left over from last night that stretch is closed 252 at valley creek. mike and alex, back to you. a child porn investigation brings police to the home of gene simmons. >> yes, of course, he is a member of the kiss, the rock group. not a suspect though. according to police his family members are not suspects either. so is what going on? gene simmons publicist says the the search warrant served thursday, yesterday, at their l.a. home was for alleged crimes occurring when gene simmons was on tour. the lapd took computers and other items in to evidence. so who was using the computer inside of his home when he was gone? they will to have find out. kate len jenner may be living a new life but she could face vehicular manslaughter charges for something that happened in her old one.
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sheriff investigators determined she was not driving safely before that deadly chain reaction crash that she set off last february. jenner was hauling an off load road vehicle so she then rear ended and hit another head on. the 69 year-old woman that she rear evened, died. 6:51. well, forbes magazine has released its list of the world's highest paid actresses. i'm surprised bynum one. >> jennifer lawrence, yeah she topped the list raking in 52 million-dollar this year. scarlet johann son was second, she made 35.5 million and melissa mccarthey rounded out top three earning 23 million-dollar last year. jennifer lawrence highest paid actress. hung are games are very popular. >> the avengers. >> yes. >> someone sure is hungry what tried to scoop up this camera
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here while it was looking for food wow. what is that.
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see now, we reveal what this is. it is a bear. you don't see that very often. instead of the bear's mouth, the inside of it. it is a brown bear hanging out at russian sanction war i where he got serious and took a bite out of the go pro camera that the russian
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geographical society put there by the banks of the river, because, they like to eat sand. so they were studying the consumption of the bears. >> look at his nails, my goodness. >> those or nails, all right. >> he needs to get to the nail salon. >> file those down a bit. listen to this, a treasure worth millions of dollars dug up from the depths off the coast of florida. >> so, 350 spanish gold coins, believed to have been lost at sea, some 300 years ago. the estimated value of the entire hall is about, ready for this, four and a half million-dollar. a group of ship wrecked salvagers made the discovery and they now own the rights to the wreckage. experts say a the coins came from a fleet of ships that sank during a hurricane while in route from cuba to spain. >> they were going from cuba to spain. >> look at that. >> they found treasure.
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>> that is staged to me. >> i don't know. >> you are just jealous. >> i'm very jealous. i didn't go to chester county for my lottery ticket and didn't do deep sea diving. >> i'm's blowing it. 6:56. you know you can use uber to get around but how about using it to run your errands or get so food. how uber is doing all that work for you. >> uber to go. >> well, the list is out, close to 32 million e-mails, signed up. 32 million people signed up, on ashley madison's web site, so apparently looking in the idea of having an affair. so what state in our area ended up toward the top of the list, yeah, there is a list of the 50 states where the most cheaters live. do you think it is new jersey, pennsylvania or delaware.
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unaudible gunshots, do you remember this video outraged an entire community when it first came out last year but now a grand jury says that those officers will not be
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charged, with any crime. their reason why? well, philadelphia city hall gets milk up in the ashley madison scandal, a number of official governmental e-mails were found on that leaked list of cheaters. what mayor nutter says when we asked him bit. and, a topless task force, how do i sign up for this? it is set up in new york city. the it is legal to go top less in new york city all because of that woman right there. why new york's marries involved. he wants to shut downtimes square, you know, scenes like this and what tourist think about all this. is he overreacting. >> wow, shake your groove thing. >> it is art though. >> well, she has body paint on. >> they make her go away, they have to make the naked cowboy go away. >> he is top less. >> here's the thing, i don't believe it is illegal for a woman to be top


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