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tv   Good Day Philadelphia at 6a  FOX  April 21, 2015 6:00am-7:01am EDT

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night. did you get a good night sleep? rain cloud still hanging around for how long? sue knows. >> what happened to freddie gray, that is what people want to know. he died in police custody after suffering a severe spinal injury. what the department is now saying about this. and, stop, police. no, two men walk in the grocery store with guns, handcuffs, bullet-proof vest but they are in the police officers. what tipped off store employees that these guys were faked. it is tuesday april 21st 2015. did you realize it is not kindergarten day to day. >> yes. >> we have asked everybody out there to send in pictures of you, back when were you in kindergarten. >> you could also, send in your kid too. spell kindergarten. >> kindergarten. >> it is t-e-n.
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>> not a garden. >> yes but a t-e-n. >> it is derived from a german word good we have a picture we will put up, it is one of our fox team members. can you guess who this is. >> she looks like that today. >> this is fox 29 good day so who are have staff, our hundreds of people work here who is that. >> she's on the air. >> okay. >> do you remember your kindergarten teacher your name. >> miss o'brien was mine. >> miss mall onsky good who was yours. >> sister virginia. >> i thought i would never forget her because i was traumatized my first day. >> she never for got you either. >> sister laurentius in the second great.
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sister dellfine. >> you got it, mike. >> lets get to the number of the day. it is a higher number then yesterday. we had a two in the beginning and it is a seven. >> there is one. >> we learned tonight kindergarten. >> that is right. >> they have a big deal, the 100th day have the of the kindergarten that is what they do these days. anyway just a few left over showers around right now but bus stop budd i is just wearing a jacket later on. you won't need the umbrella for the rest of the day. we're seeing the last gasp of this rain a little bit left in montgomery count a inn bucks county lehigh valley, burlington county, we will look more in department at radar. the the sunnies trying to peck through the cloud but unsuccessfully so far, 6:15 is the official sunrise time and 59 degrees at the moment. your weather by the numbers as we said, it is a seven out of ten and we expect a high temperature later on today. around 66 degrees.
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now that is 10 degrees cooler then it was yesterday. we got to 76 degrees as predicted. rain gives way to sunshine but wind will pick up. we will get gusts as high as 30 miles an hour. if you have that small car the on the bridge you will have to held on to that steering wheel. >> put both hand on the wheel 6:03. every kid dream, ready, disabled school bus wow wow. get a daze off. not really. if you are my kiddy will drop you off at the the front door of school. the this disable school bus on the schuylkill expressway. it is westbound right here near vare in south philadelphia. police are on the scene there. here's a live look at 492 freeway, road are wet. we are dealing with the spray off the cars and a trucks. it looks like heavy rain at least for right new. we have an accident on i-95, southbound i-95 right here near route 320 south of the the airport down toward delaware county.
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we have flares out and left lane blocked. the in the left to right lane of the majors, be ready, because any of the drains that are clogged is there a big puddle of what the their will send you hydroplaning. today is the the first morning rush hour where we have this closure of route 23, valley forge road. we have talk about it last week, the signs have been blinking. it is a bridge over pickering creek. tough one with this is detour will take you way out of your way and push everybody on the 422. 422 is a mess to begin with during the morning and afternoon rush hour, throw into it the another couple thousand vehicles with that detour so give yourself some extra time there. it is a presidential visit vice-presidential visit. peco power play. we have a motorcade after lunchtime with the vice-president, that will tie us up for our evening rush hour here in center city. mike and alex back to you. >> i would think they with go the airport what the back way. >> what is interesting is mr. biden sometimes drives up,
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if he is in delaware he will bring up that met or cade right up that i-95. >> he loves to take the train walk there 30th street station to the event. >> if we throw him a buck buy him a train ticket and get right off amtrak 30th street and walk. >> yes. >> 6:05. peco crews, speaking of peco have restored power to a few dozen delaware county customers who lost power have after a transformer blew up and caught fire. crew where is called to the 100 block of north wayne avenue in wayne just after 8:00 o'clock last night. power was knocked out for about 80 customers. nobody was hurt. >> two men are wanted for impersonating a police officer. >> philadelphia police say they threaten customers and employees inside a grocery store in juniata park steve is on this story hi steve. >> reporter: not just impersonating police but customs and board patrol agents because among the threats they made in this grocery store on another i
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avenue they threatened to deport all those confronting him. they weren't exactly hiding going into the crowded local grocery store. they will go in at noon time on april 8th, 2 weeks ago tomorrow and among bananas, and plums and with the red inside and rest of the produce section here in the surveillance video these two guys produce handcuffs, a gun, a badge, and one you see wearing right on the outside of his shirt for all to see a bullet-proof vest with his hat on backwards looking like some swat team member. weirdest thing of all no one knows or police or anybody in the store what these two guys wanted or were after to begin w never holding up the store never bothering anybody inside for any money or valuables. the the first give away these were not the real police they parked their minivan. never see a real cop driving anywhere with the soccer mom minivan but unlike real police who would pull upright close to the door who make an arrest or search, these guys parka monk the shoppers in the the back of the lot. >> security guard was monitoring close circuit tv
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and saw these two gentlemen come in the store quickly going from aisle to aisle. it looked like they were looking for somebody inside the store. >> when they first came in they were wearing jackets and sweat shirts. he could not tell then. and then as they were walking around the store the the store security guard who was, in plainclothes, also approached them, and asked to get help and became agitated at that point, identified, and, they threatened to deport them. they had a confrontation inside the store at that time. they went out to a burgundy minivan. they came back in the the store, still appearing very agitated and one of them you could see was wearing a black bullet-proof vest with some type of writing on the back. they went back in the store approach the same security guard and threatened to arrest and deport him again. the one gentlemen reaches for handcuffs which he pulled out ape a witness saw what they believed to be a black handgun in his back. >> reporter: they are not just looking for these two guys but two women who appear to be with them, know them or
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talking with them and may know what these guys were after to begin w1 of them as you can see the older light haired woman who walks with both a limp and a cain likely from the local neighborhood in juniata park. you can see on the police surveillance of all of the four people police are looking for the most recognizable. if you know this woman also give police a call alex and mike. >> i love the minivan thing. police issue a red minivan. >> of all of the things to use as a a getaway car. >> soccer mom vehicle. millville's top cop gets busted for dui but mayor over there is standing by his side what he is saying about all of this. survivors of the marathon bombing return to the race and their messages of hope, two years later. >> big flyers fan the guy in the cowboys hat.
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this is the "name your price" tool. it gives you options based on your budget -- it's a piece of cake. i was told there would be cake. get a free quote at a family has laid david alycia to rest. >> they were trying to cross mash are street in kensington last week. it was a week ago yesterday. when a car ran them over. little david died a few days later. his mother new out of the hospital. investigators say they do have the the car involved but they don't have the two men or teens they believe were in that car. they have offered a $20,000
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reward for information leading to an arrest and conviction. where are the the two people inside that white car. they need to turn themselves in for sure. >> um-hmm. before you you put in this van we were about to show you here freddie gray was walking and talking but when he came out he couldn't not talk or breathe. what the department is new saying about this and he later died bob? we are dealing with an accident on i-95, schuylkill expressway in the bad at least at the moment but we have reports of flooding out near girard avenue. we will check with mass transit and sue with our tuesday forecast when we come right back. ♪ ♪ when you're living with diabetes steady is exciting.
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6:15. things are calming down. we wanted to she you local storm reports. these are all reports of hail, and we actually had hail that was half inch at philadelphia international airport, it happened at 1:30 this morning associated with a thunderstorm. we had quarter inch in new castle, city of new castle will, in new castle county delaware. we also had a report of the waterspout in the chesapeake bay. and that was on the actually down here around the eastern shore of maryland. that is tornado over water. we have a tornado watch yesterday but only report we had was of a waterspout in the chesapeake bay in maryland, just south of baltimore, yesterday. that is what happened. the here's where we are right
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now seeing last drips and drabs hanging on from this storm. it has not cleared the coast just yet and we may see a stray sure or two but looking around the area is there not much going on that is heavy anymore and no more lightening and thunder to deal with either. this is all out of here over next hour or two and included will clear up. we will see plenty of unshine: the gusty wind will pick up to replace the rain and rest of the the day and night we're fine. who are comes another cold front tomorrow, and in the morning, i would say around 8:00 we will see a few showers from that. maybe noon or 1:00 in the afternoon a couple gusty then are storms because there is colder air behind the next cold front that comes through tomorrow and that will leave with us daytime highs in the 50's both thursday and friday. these temperatures you see will be all we will get for highs by the even of the workweek. fifty-nine in philadelphia 40's in the poconos mountains.
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fifty-eight in wilmington and dover and 56 in millville. wind are changing direction new that the cold front is almost out of here but we have southerly wind in the city a at 10 miles an hour and couple wind gusts of 29 miles an hour in lancaster. these will be picking up as well. so over the next several days we don't see too much roller coaster ride but will get cooler then average. your seven day forecast doesn't have anymore temperatures in the 80's. we don't have anymore temperatures in the 70's in the seven day forecast, 66 today and tomorrow, which is seasonal, temperatures, but then we will go below average with thursday and friday and high of only 57, lower 60's for saturday and sunday but it does look like it will be a beautiful weekend around here, cooler then it was last saturday, bob kelly. >> 6:17. good morning everybody. the here's video a live look from our news van on the scene here on delaware avenue. we called it back in the day delaware avenue.
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it is columbus boulevard right now. right here near penns landing. it was closed overnight. it looks like they have two lanes on one side, within lane on the other flooding, had it closed for most of the overnight the but what you want to watch out this morning heading out of the driveway is any road that were flooded there is debris that kind of just floats up from the drain up on the street. kelly drive martin luther king drive i saw that yesterday, that debris all over the roadway. here's a live look, southbound lanes of i-95 their route 320 heading down in delaware county only two right lanes are opened as they roll to the next camera roosevelt boulevard slow here from the kelly drive down to the a approach of the schuykill expressway. live look the at conshohocken curve here you can see that spray kicking up off the cars and trucks there. it the will be a rough morning rush hour in the rain and wet road are naturally going to slow us down. because of the heavy rain, thunder boomers we had last
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night a lot of power outages and traffic lights out like here in brideberg. torresdale and harbison lights are out lights out on the roosevelt boulevard at manner street with cross traffic. flooding at the brooklawn circle right where 130 ape 47 come together. that always happens. heavy rain couple with that high tides. may take a couple that hours. head up for tonight they are having a benefit walk that is closing the martin luther king drive. typically they have these walks over weekend. i don't know why we're doing it on the tuesday night but shutting down a drive at 7:00 o'clock. if you are getting late run out of center city martin luther king drive will be closed beginning at 7:00 so use the the old schuylkill or kelly drive, mike and alex, back to you. 6:19. sentencing phase for convicted boston marathon bomber dzhokhar tsarnaev is set to begin today. air neff was fun guilty of all 30 criminal counts, and, in the death. the tea fence maintains he was
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a teenage inner 2013 and his older brother who was kill in the manhunt was the master mine. prosecution claims he was a willing partner. tsarnaev's family believes he is innocent. they do plan to appeal. the penalty phase face could last for weeks. and several run hours survived the blast return to the race yesterday. they said it was perfect that they finish what they started, but they admitted they were not easy when they neared the location where the bombs exploded. police say they have more questions than answers about a man died from a severe spinal cord injury that happened while in police custody. >> here's the problem, they is being loaded into the the van there, 25 year-old freddie gray, is his name was shot by police thinks back on april the 12th after they say he was running away from them. the baltimore deputy police commissioner says when he was arrested he could talk, as they drug him in the van. by the time he was taken out
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of the van he could not breathe or talk. gray was rushed to the hospital with severe spinal injuries. he died yesterday. >> we want them fired and charged with first degree murder. >> the six police officers involved have been suspended yesterday, you can see these protesters called for those officers to be charged with murder. baltimore mayor stephanie rawlins-blake is calling for accountability. >> we will provide the community with all of the answers, that the community that the community deserves, we will identify appropriate accountability is necessary and we will continue to be aggressive and thorough with our reforms in the baltimore police department. >> baltimore police commissioner says it is unclear why freddie gray was stopped in the first place, only that they -- that he may have made eye contact and ran away from police officers.
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so why did they shoot him. >> lawyer say freddie graves family says the the 25 year-old's spine was 80 percent severed at the the neck. so what happened in that van. head up, a woman gets whacked in the head by a full ball at a baseball game, why she never saw it coming, look out.
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eagles made it official yesterday, they have sign fifth string quarterback tim tebow. he signed a one year kiehl for nfl minimum. i'm trying to figure out why people go nuts over a quarterback that did in the get a look for two years in the nfl. tebow played with three teams and failed with each one. he had the lowest quarterback rating in the nfl since 2010. last time he played was in camp with the new england patriots two years ago. it is a real long shot he a makes eagles at quarterback. nineteenth running of the boston marathon ethiopian alisa won the mens division, in a time of two hours and 19 minutes and 172nd. he won race back in 2013. women's winner was kenya's
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caroline roadish in the town of two hours, 24 minutes and 552nd. penguins/range tours pitberg all tied up at one to one. rangers in white. they get out of their even. break away will core and they win two-is. he they lead the series two-one. that is sports in a minute. i'm howard eskin. a baseball fan thought she luck out when she got a seat close to the field at pirate faced off with the chicago cubs. >> the in the only close to the field but right behind home plate on the first road. >> great seats. >> tom kline seats. >> she soon came to regret her decision did you see that? you think you are safe because there is a screen. >> my goodness,. >> what happened to the screen. >> down she goes. >> her back was turn. >> i don't understand this. >> is her head up against the screen. >> it looks like she is handing someone off. >> she went to the concession
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stand to get something. >> the screen is a chain link fence but i guess you can put your head up. >> the ball did in the travel through but force was so strong the ball pushed back the net hitting her. >> it is in the a net it is change link. >> i wouldn't know i never had seats that good. >> it is made of metal, cable, she had to have her head up against the screen. what are odd of. that she has not been identified but she will by the even of the day many's sure in pittsburgh because she was taken off on a stretcher. >> she was conscious and taken off in a stretcher. >> there is a little thing on your ticket if you are sitting out in the stand and get hit in the ball that you take that risk but you don't think about that when there is a fence. >> you think you are protect. >> i'm good here. >> that is weird. >> the odd of that happening
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well, anyway. let's move on, at what time sit. >> 6:27. >> well a young girl is very upset after her shirt was photo shopped in her class picture. what was written across the front of that shirt. oh man. too offensive for photo. she's in the happen bye this. we will tell you what it said.
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tied up, terrorized in their own home a couple tortured for hours as two robbers run into their home what they were looking for. >> those bruises are as a result of the attack. we saw serious rain how about serious lightening and thunder but that system is moving out now what does the the rest of the day look like. yesterday afternoon was gorgeous. >> what? >> you are from the state of texas. >> um-hmm. >> this file was so confident that texas was the right answer he was not backing down only the answer may no sense. the question steve harvey asked him. >> that is family feud, i like that show. >> it is fun. >> we had our own version on the show. >> i get nervous during that lightening round at the end. come on. >> well good morning. it the is tuesday april 21st
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2015. it is also national kindergarten day. >> i'm getting good picks on twitter, instagram and facebook. >> use that hash tag fox 29 good day. we are playing a game. we are showing fox 29 permit and you have to guess who they are. are you ready for our next picture. >> i cannot imagine who that is. >> my goodness. >> bob kelly. >> look at those teeth. >> my goodness. >> here's the thing he hasn't changed at all. >> not at a all. >> maybe the hair. >> that his dawn timmeney. >> i thought it was you mike. >> of course our quincy harris. the send pictures in and continue to go to fox 29's facebook page. we have a little game we're playing on our facebook page my fox >> go through each one and try on guess because fox 29 personalities they are mixed in with the these pictures. then you go through and pick the number so lets say you fine mike jerrick. >> i do have a picture in the slide show. >> when you find mike then you
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will take that number and tweet us using hash tag fox 29. >> let me give you an example. our karen hepp is in there. karen hepp's picture is number 15 in the slide show. we put lauren johnson's picture in there. try to figure out what number she is okay. accepted us your responses using hash tag fox 29 good day. next hour we will challenge you to find yet another person on our staff. >> were you able to find your picture. yesterday were you going through your picture. >> i found one. >> my mother loved to slick down my hair with a big part. it looked like she made witt a hatchet. sue do you have one. >> yes i could not find the actual portrait so i got a picture in the vicinity of kind gander. >> she was 15. >> photography a had just been invented so it is a little tough. that will be embedded, on the web site as well. now bus stop buddy is about
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eight perpetually he never ages, we tackled that in fox unfiltered not too long ago. so he is past kindergarten but still waiting for school bus. there are a few areas with showers around. you see him here on ultimate doppler, little area in chester and montgomery and lancaster county so a few left overs are still in the region. in other places sunnies trying to burn through these cloud and it will be a seven out of ten today. 59 degrees. we just had our sunrise a half an hour ago or 15 minutes ago. 10-mile an hour wind out of the west southwest. wind will be pick ing up during the day-to-day gust as about 25 to 30 miles an hour at times gradual clearing and cooler afternoon then yesterday when we got to 76 degrees. 66 degrees. 10 degrees cooler today. cooler temperatures coming in the seven day forecast but bob kelly is here right now as the roadways, some of them start to dry out. >> we're starting to dry out but we had a couple accident getting that heavy rain
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earlier about an hour or so ago. southbound i-95 heavy from the airport down to 320 because of an earlier accident another disabled school bus this one causing a big jam southbound i-95 right at allegheny avenue. right here near the construction zone coming south out of northeast philadelphia, we are bumper to bumper at allegheny avenue on ramp. so, folks getting to the left ape right those kid will be late for school this morning. north on the 42 freeway, heavy rain stopped but road are still wet and expect delays coming towards the city. brideberg lights out torresdale and harbison traffic lights are completely out so it is a four way stop hoping we can get an officer there on the scene. same deal on the boulevard at masher traffic lights are out and still flooded on brooklawn circle which is route 130 and 47 coming together. the mass transit looking good and just check with the airport so far so good at
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philly international mike and alex, back to you. 6:36. police in williamstown are reviewing surveillance video after an elderly man and his wife suffered a terrifying home invasion. >> it happened at their home on herbert boulevard last friday. the the victim spoke exclusively to us. jenny has their story from monroe township. police department. jenny? >> reporter: good morning mike and alex. six five-year old man an his six three-year old wife said they were tortured for two hours early friday morning by two masked men who came to their house broke in through their bathroom window. we are concealing the victim's identities for safety reasons according to monroe township police a female woke upstart told find the man standing over her pointing a gun at her while she lay in the upstairs bedroom. victims said they were hand cuffed bound with duct tape while the suspects ransack their home and searched for drugs and a gun.
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>> get up he said do i this for a living. he poke me here with the gun and said i'll blow your head off. i said oh, geese this is for real. i said i have in money. i have in drugs. go get somebody who has both. i have nothing. i don't do drugs. but you did take my pharmaceutical drugs. >> reporter: making matters worst the male victim is disable on oxygen and walks with the cain. now he is decorated in bruces from friday morning's rob rip and assault. couple is hoping police can find the people who terrorized them. police say is there surveillance video with the suspects which is helping them in the investigation and it has not been released to the media just yet mike and alex. >> tortured for two hearst. >> ridiculous. >> 6:37. police officer in cumberland county was arrested for drunk driving. >> yeah, millville police lieutenant, they is right there was a arrested sunday after leaving a local pub. authorities say that the 47 year-old was arrested by his
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own officers after he failed owe sobriety test. he was also sideswiped another car after leaving that bar but the marries standing behind this top cop. >> i'm not disappointed in at all. we are all human. we make mistakes. we put this uniform on for service to the sit irv millville. >> mayor added that this officer thanked him for his support this is the the third drunk driving arrest in six months within that police department. lieutenant is facing dwi and reckless driving charges because his attorney did not return our calls. mother accused of dumping her quadriplegic son in cobbs creek park will make her first court appearance in maryland today. nia parlor was transferred from a maryland hospital to the county yale yesterday. she's face ago tempted murder after someone found her on in the pile of wet leaves next to his wheelchair. police say he was left there for days with nothing but a blanket and a bible.
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officials have not said whether they will extradite parlor to philadelphia. >> would i imagine they will. 6:38. >> vice-president joe biden will be in philadelphia today focusing on even why i issues. he will speak during an event at peco in center city and he will be join by the jenny secretary. >> where is the peco building 23rd and market. >> cincinnati bengals devon still will speak at an a american cancer a association research in philadelphia today. still's four year-old daughter was to go with cancer last year but currently in remission. still grew up in delaware and went to penn state and born in camden. >> he was on "good day philadelphia", as you can see right there. >> last time he was here he said he was throwing a frozen party for lee a. >> i think it has already happened. we will ask him today. tonight residents in southwest philadelphia are invited to attend a political forum. >> meet candidate running for office in their district. it will be held at grace christian fellowship church on grays avenue.
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>> doors will open up at 5:00 this afternoon. the event will begin at an hour later. city council a ape commission seats as well as philadelphia sheriff and register of wills positions are all on the ballot for this year. just last night candidate forum and in spring garden. candidate answered questions about voters how they will encourage expansion of technology and entrepreneur ship in the city. it is par of the philly tech week event week. philadelphia's primary is less than a month away may 19th. >> new when is the the debate. >> our debate will be this week, april 23rd, watch it right here on fox this thursday at 6:00 p.m. you can watch it streaming at my fox and follow debate news using hash tag fox 29tems debate. iain page is it host and lucy nolandis the moderator. >> i have been asked to make an appearance at this debate. >> interesting. >> so many people thought were you running for mayor. >> it was april 1st april fools joke. >> we cannot let it go.
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>> let it go. >> i have been frozen out. >> 6:41. an eighth grade girl posts for her class photo like we all do right? she find out her shirt was photo shopped, what the school thought was too offensive to then put in the year book. kindergarten day so we are asking for your pictures from back when were you kindergarten and school. >> we won't photo shop it. >> yes. >> so, this one says in puerto rico 1995. this looks fancy for sure. >> this is from karen's birth date at brandywood in wilmington in 198 2789 i love pigtails. >> so cute. send us your pictures using twitter instagram or facebook use the the hash tag fox 29 good day. >> okay.
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thunder storms moved through in a couple of ways. we had once that came through at 1:30 or 2:00 in the morning and lingered for quite a bit after that we still see some rain on it, but it will, be getting out of here, eventually, by 8:00 o'clock,
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and we will see last of the lingering showers and clouds, and then sunshine for the rest of the the day, but also remember the wind will be picking up too this afternoon with gusts as high as 25 or 30 miles an hour. tomorrow another cold front. here's wednesday morning at 8:00 o'clock showers moving through and then another wave of showers around noon. by 3:00 it is all out of here, a little, area about 6:00 p.m., perhaps to the south of us but generally with this cold front it will make a big difference in how it feels outside. we will have temperatures in the 50's. right new for high temperatures during the day on thursday, and on friday, so 59 degrees is our current temperature. we have 48 in mount pocono. fifty-four in reading and lancaster. it will get cooler and won't get as warm as yesterday but won't get to 76 degrees. we will see the direction of the wind, it is starting to change, northwesterly breezes in pottstown and reading and
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lancaster where it is pretty wind any lancaster. we have 29 miles an hour win gust recorded there so it is already starting with these wind picking up but rain isn't quite out of here yet. as we look at the next seven days, there we go 66 degrees day mid 60's tomorrow, will cools off even more for thursday, friday saturday, sunday and the at least it stays dry through all those days, if you have phillies tickets for any part of the home stan especially thursday and friday evening, we will definitely want to bring sweater or jacket. we could wake up on friday morning saturday morning to temperatures in the chilly 30's. >> wow. >> yeah. >> but at least it is just wet right now in other kind of of precipitation. >> that is one way to look at it. >> good morning everybody. live look at i-95, we had that disabled school bus that gave the kid a free push to the front door of the school building. traffic starting to move again here on i-95 but we are bumper to bumper from pretty after contacted my all the way down
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through allegheny avenue. here's a delay here in the middle at cottman avenue through that construction zone. it looks like mother nature turn off the spigot no heavy rain at the moment. road are still wednesday and it will take extra time, in the morning as we head north on route 73 in toward palmyra watch out for delays coming over the bridges that wind we will feel it rocking the car this morning in brideberg lights out torresdale and harbison avenue. lights out on the boulevard a at masher street with no cross traffic and first morning rush hour, for this closure along route 23 which is valley forge road, right over pickering creek. the what is tough is there is no other bridge enclose by to get you from one side of valley forge park to the other. traffic has to go all the way back to 422 and then sit through the rest of the traffic jam on 422 to get up to 29 so this is going to hit us hardest specially this morning because thinks first morning rush are hour, that
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this closure went into effect, they closed it yesterday at 10:30 or 11:00 o'clock. the weather delays at philly interest the national. i will check with the airline before you head down there. we have a vice-presidential visit coming our way to the peco building at 23rd and market, and coin cost as to whether we will use motorcade or mr. biden will come in on the the train. that area have of 23rd and market around peco building will certainly have a police and security presence from about noon time until well after the the event which is set to get underway at 2:30. mike anal he can back over to you. what is going on here. lawyer for bobby brown released a statement clarifying remarks that bobby made over weekend in texas at a cons berth his daughter's condition. >> statement says that brown's daughter bobbi kristina brown has quote opened her eyes nearly three months after being found unresponsive in a tub at her georgia home but there is in way of knowing what her quality of life will be. now sissy houston bobby's
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grandmother tells tmz bobbi kristina's grand mother that she's meeting with doctors and understanding that bobbi kristina may be in this condition for a lifetime. she has been in the hospital since january 31st but there has been confusion because bobby brown and his sister said she's awake and okay. houston's side of the family is saying no, at this point, we don't think her condition has change. >> houston camp says one thing, brown camp says another. ac/dc drummer phil rudd has changed a plea after expressing his innocence, he has now pleaded guilty to threatening to kill a former employee and possession of met am fit means and marijuana this video from his last appearance in new zealand in the courtroom there. reports suggested that when he appears for sentencing in june his attorney will challenge this conviction. he faces up to seven years in prison on those charges. we all know game family
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feud. >> love it. >> i love steve harvey as host. faces he makes and reaction that is he gives when someone gives a terrible answer is hilarious. >> good host. >> according to the most popular answers to a survey question. >> here's one man's answer when asked what do women wear that you think was design by a man, because it is uncomfortable, to wear but it is sexy, you know high heels stuff like that. listen to this. >> texas. >> good answer. >> text as. >> do you understand what you are assaying. >> texas steve. >> yeah, texas.
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>> i don't know what happened there. >> i don't understand. >> it wasn't the the state of texas but... >> you saw the answers up there what would a mandy sign for a woman that was uncomfortable, bras corsets. >> how could it be texas. >> he lost air in his head or something. >> steve's face, he was like what? >> you cannot explain it. >> no you just can't good we played that game. we know sometimes, you know in the lightening round, he had to think about that one. >> there is no excuse, his family should have said no. >> rest will him to the ground and escort him out of the building. her shirt was okay to wear to class but why was it photo shopped in the class photo word that this girls school found too controversial. >> feminist what.
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this is from jared at washington township. jared works here. >> he does. >> keep them coming. >> is what the hash tag. >> fox 29 good day. >> you better believe it. >> is there a controversy in the small, over a small word
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this is a middle school class photo. >> so the the word that was so controversial, well, feminine. >> eighth graders, sophie thomas was wearing the shirt, and officials at her school admit it does not violate their dress code but when she looked at finish picture the school photo shopped the word off of her shirt. she went to the principal and asked the principal why. here's what sophie says the principal confessed. >> mine and photographer's decision to photo shop your shirts because some people might find it offensive. >> the principal says that she wanted to keep picture as non-controversial as possible sophie and her mother met a few days ago about this. she will continue to wear shirt and take a stand for what she believes in. >> really. >> come on. >> people. >> 6:55. >> buying sports tickets is easier than ever. how you can now go to the game with the simple tweet. >> i can get tickets through
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twitter. >> that is right mike. >> who is doing that good these men are getting ready for a seven day journey, do you think, you could run, from new york to atlanta. seriously. we will tell you why they are doing it and why they are wearing these flack jackets that way way over 20-pound. all the way from insuring to georgia.
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you tell us what you want to pay and we help find options to fit your budget. nah, nah, insurance, nah, nah, nah, discount. my name's flo, you want to go out with me? no. uh-huh-huh!
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we have an odd video that shows the moments before freddie gray was thrown in the back of the police van. he is now dead. he says, police say he was talking, when they put him in the van. when they took him out of the van he had a broken neck. what happened in that van. we will talk bit. two men walk in the grocery store with guns, handcuffs and bullet-proof vest but they are not cops. what store employees tipped off that they were fake. >> was it the minivan. and look at this, almost 70 years kraft decides it is time to make a change on their mack and cheese it is mack and cheese make over. it will not look the same. >> it is a mack over. >> by the the way where do you
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go in the delaware valley when you have a jonessing for mack and cheese. you can get it just about anywhere now. >> true. >> the kids love that little cup, they just rip the top off, put water in there bam two and a half minutes. >> i have been doing that. >> that is a great dinner. >> easy, cheesy. >> and in college that is how i survive. >> and greasy. >> i believe my daughter, if i cut her in half, mack and cheese would run out of her instead of blood. mack and cheese is changing. where do you go when you get natural mack and cheese. it is national kindergarten day. we have been looking at fun pictures using hash tag fox 29 good day of you going to kindergarten. >> go to my fox philly to the come. we have a slide show of the pictures on the home page. our lauren johnson twitter on picture is in this slide show. we want to see if you can find it. go through each picture and see which one is lauren and


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