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tv   Fox 29 Morning News at 6a  FOX  September 18, 2014 6:00am-7:01am EDT

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fallen state trooper, this, as the hunt for his killer continues, and schools in that area close now for the second day in a row. what police are learning about the suspected gunman. >> group of men and women attack a gay couple, and now, they're starting to turn themselves in. why they won't be charged with a hate crime. >> and another day, another problem for the nfl. >> this time, cardinals running back jonathan dire under arrest, what he is accused of doing to a 18 month old baby. >> the people of scotland are voting today to declare their independence, or not. it could cause a problem for england's flag, or at least the uk flag. >> great britain flag, real. >> i thank you. why the brits may be forced to change that union flag, and what it could look like if scotland becomes its own country. >> they all separate. >> for the first time in 300 years, we'll look into that. good day everyone, it is thursday, september 18th,
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2014. reporters covering a lot of news for this morning. steve keeley live of course outside the state police barracks in philadelphia, where troop remembers getting ready to drive to up scranton, should be leaving any minute now, and pay their respect toss fallen officer, of course dawn timmeney at central detective where police are waiting for me people to turn themselves in after that center city attack on gay couple. brutal attack, but first, let's get over to sue serio. >> get up in the morning, owes what's it like today. just like yesterday. another ten. sunny skies, cool, comfortable today, all good. weather wise, bus stop buddy wearing the sweatshirt once again, light jacket might be in order, because temperatures once again are in the 40's, and 50's, but, we are starting to see a little bit of sunshine out there, as we get closer to the sunrise time of 6:45 this morning. it is 56 degrees at philadelphia international with calm winds, relative humidity of 80%. and 76 degrees should be our high today. sun, few clouds, maybe late in
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the day, but comfortable once again, tonight, mid 50's, in the city, like we're seeing right now, a chilly or cool night if you prefer, i think we're getting used to the cool nights, and as chris tells us, reminds us, it is california weather. at least over the next couple of days. it is traffic time, traffic issue is in buena, down there, southern new jersey, route 54, at weymouth road. it is closed, because of a car accident there. your alternate is friendship road. also, on the pennsylvania turnpike, northeast extension, southbound, this is approaching quakertown, construction has the rightly block. finally on the pennsylvania turnpike northeast extension, northbound, past lansdale, left lane block, chris? >> sue, a 24 jerold man right now is in critical condition after being shot while riding his bike, 3,000 block of
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barnett street, around 11:00 last night. victim shot in the face and leg. no word yet on suspect, or for that mat area motive. we'll keep an eye on that. >> 6:03, pennsylvania trooper killed in a ambush, will be laid to rest a week after police say he was gun down by an anti-government survivalist. >> the troopers from the philadelphia belle month barracks, are preparing to leave in a caravan, to attend that service, fox 29's steve keeley live now at the barracks this morning, and steve, not only mourning this, they're also little nervous headed up there. >> yes, and that's a first for all of them. they've been to a lot of funerals before. but never had they had to go to a funeral pay tribute to a man like brian dixon, killed last fry while looking look over their shoulders and backs on the other, because they know that cop killer is still out there, gunning for them possibly next. so they are driving into harms way when they leave the comfort of the philly barracks to go to this funeral today. because this guy is on the loose, not far from them. so not only dot police here
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have those black bands across their badges, to go to this funeral this morning, they also have to keep their bullet resistant vests with them, keep them on across their chess and back, too, at this funeral, because this intentional cop killing snipe is her still on the run, promising previous write togs kill police and commit mass murder. so with this huge gathering of officers in one spot, to burr think brave man, sharpshooter killed in a cowardly sneaky sniper attack last friday night, they know he could kill again before he is caught. chris, kerrey, the public got a different look at this guy, 31 year old eric frein, he had these recent pictures on his website. so gave you a sense what he might look like in some of his camouflage gear, who knows what looks like now, especially if he knows police are looking for him there is guy could be doing any kind of disguise, just to keep hiding and keep people from finding him. and he had that face paint in his jeep. who knows what he looks like. who knows what he looks like now. one thing they for for sure,
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he is not caught before a funeral. that's something who police officer who bury one of their own never want to see happen. you know that's really bothering them this morning. >> and he's still out there lurking around. >> i'm surprised they even released exactly where they were going, because this guy could be, as we've been speculating could be watching them, following them, waiting somewhere for them. we know that he's, you know, armed, and very dangerous. so i'm little bit surprised they release that information. >> good point. >> perhaps another ambush, time now, 6:05, the philadelphia district attorney says that attack on two gay men in center city, will not be prosecuted as a hate crime. >> meanwhile, we ' learned that the incident has caused one of the potential suspects his job. at catholic high school, fox 29's dawn timmeney live at central detectives, so not a hate crime. >> not a hate crime. because it does not follow pennsylvania's hate crime statue. but, also, this morning, the philadelphia archdioces says one of the potential suspects in that horrific beating is
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assistant basketball coach at archbishop wood high school. he was not a teacher, contracted employee, but he has subsequently been fired, the archdioces releasing a statement saying it will not tolerate and does not condone this type of hateful behavior calling it reprehensible. now there is all happening as a last night a man identified in the video as one of some 15 people involved in the gay bashing beating, made a statement to police at central detectives, he was one of several people accompanied by their attorneys, who came in yesterday, the 27 and 28 year old victims were jumped and brutally beaten last thursday night, near 16th and chancellor. they say they were definitely targeted, because they were gay, and surveillance video of the beating has really exploded on social media, and actually, helped police identify all of those people involved, people in the video, and while many people are outraged over this, as you mentioned, chris, kerrey, it is not a hate crime under
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pennsylvania law, and that's because sexual orientation is not included in a state's hate crime statue, local lawmakers, however, are working to change that. they plan to start lobbying as soon as today. but again, so far no arrests, no charges have been filed, even though people have been coming in to make statements, we are live outside central detective. we'll be here all morning, to see if anyone else involved in that horrible beating turns themselves in this morning. chris, kerry? >> if ever there was cents an act, exemplifying a hate crime, you think it would be this. dawn, more on that to come. 6:07. new jersey liquor store closed, following reports of discrimination against customers, could be back up and running pretty soon. that's if a transfer of the liquor license goes through. king's liquor store, swedesboro, closed last month by the borough council, after customers filed discrimination complaints. owner then decide to go sell the business after the controversy, the store's liquor license is scheduled for approval today, no word on when the store could reopen
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after that. a man under arrest for stealing thousands of dollars worth of ipads, from a south jersey school. but he's no stranger. how he's involved with the school district. and fight for saggy pants, one city was getting ready to ban baggy pants, even serve offenders jail time that's not the case this morning, w
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>> there is a look at our surface map. it shows all the weather systems at work, just above the surface of the earth. so you see a cold front there. the one that came through on tuesday, the cold front to our north, that's going to come through later on today. >> this one, though, no rain expected with it. you will hardly even notice it happened. just that tomorrow will be about 5 degrees cooler than today. is that a big deal? i don't think so. high pressure will build in, and as it moves off shore, friday, saturday, sunday, it does look like that will give us a warming trend. so, we're keeping it cool for the next couple of days, keeping it dry, as well. we have nothing to show you thereon ultimate doppler radar. just few clouds around this morning, but it certainly is not a big deal. a look at our temperatures throughout the region, we've gotten to up whopping 43 degrees in the poconos, 49
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in allentown, and here in philadelphia we have 56 degrees, but just to the north of us, in warminster, it is only 46 degrees. so, just depends on where the clouds have settled in, and where it is clear, also, in the city, always little bit warmer. so, 76 today, 70 tomorrow, and then we're milder on saturday, sunday, as high pressure moves off shore. in fact, for the last full day of summer, we get up to 82 degrees, by monday, we have little bit of rain scheduled in the morning, and then it is a little bit cooler as we start the first week of fall. it really will feel like t that's a look at your weather authority forecast. it is cents time for traffic. once again, our big problem this morning, in south jersey around buena, weymouth road, an accident there, and the road is closed as is a result, so your alternate is friendship road. kerrey? >> the united kingdom, could get make over, why scotland's independence may force the
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get make over, why scotland's independence may force the union jack to change its
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don't believe tom corbett's tv ad. the facts speak for themselves. tom corbett cut a billion dollars from our schools. he took an ax to education. twenty-seven thousand educators were laid-off. class sizes increased. and now almost eighty percent of school districts plan to raise property taxes. tom corbett. can't trust him on education. can't trust him to be for us.
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>> rough week for the nfl. gnarred cardinals running back, jonathan dwyer, on aggravated assault charges. fox station in phoenix reports dwyer suspected now of assaulting 27 year old woman and a 18 months olds boy. no confirmation what his relationship is to them as of yetment meanwhile, the carolina panthers announce the team is removing defensive end gregg hard fry its active roster. announce the team is removing him, it stems from domestic violence case, jury convicted him of assaulting and threatening his exgirlfriends nicole, and essay peeling that conviction. voters in scotland decide
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if they should split from the uk. kerry? >> that is correct, chris, thank you. polls show that voters are evenly divided, turn out expected to be pretty hi, with more than 4 million people registered to vote, that is 97% of those eligible. >> take it away. >> scotland does decide to break from the uk, they'll have bit of design problem to address. so vote foreign dependence successful, scotland and glands will no longer be united, and will likely have to go, because the union jack a combination of three different flags. first, you have got the english's st. george's cross, that's the red cross, that you see, in the middle of the union jack, actually casino of, well, to my left. i know you're seeing bunch of red cross cents and x's there. next is the combined with cross of saint andrew, patron saint of scott lan, where the union jack, white die agony
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cross, and the blue backgrounds, that of course is that one, clearly that one behind me. and then finally, you have got the red and white diagonal cross on the union jack. that is this one right here. that is representative of st. patrick. it represents northern ireland. so if scotland leaves the uk, golf officials say they'll have to remove the blue from the union jack entirely. this is one suggestion, as is to what it could look like, i believe, do we have a picture that far? we don't. suggestion, another suggestion; to add something to represent whales, but despite all of that, the prime minister's office says it hasn't made any plans for the future of the union jack. if you didn't understand a word that i said, we'll do that story again. >> okay. president obama meantime once again insisting the us will not put boots on the ground for combat missions cents against isis terrorists in iraq. military leaders briefed the president in florida, he then told troops at the air air force base, he will not sends troops into another ground war in
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iraq. will only train forces cents in the region to defends themselves while america continues launching air strikes on isis. >> whether in iraq or in syria, these terrorist also learn the same thing that leaders of al quaida already know. we mean what we say. our reach is long. if you threaten america, you will find no safe haven. we will find you eventually. >> this comes after the president fought military advise or told lawmakers co-see scenario, where force could be necessary into iraq. iran's president says isis is a global threat. >> speaking to nbc news, he was critical of president obama's decision to use air strikes to target that group. >> if they want to use plane, so that nobody is injured from the americans, is it really.
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>> in any without sacrifice? >> iran was not part of the international conference in paris where leaders met to discuss a strategy for defeating isis. 6:19 a.m. back here at home, lovers of saggy pants in one florida town are re juicing. >> city council is back off its plans to ban the saggy pants, proposed city ordinance would have made it illegal to wear pants 2 inches below the waist, originally the bill passed meaning anyone showing their underwear would have to pay a fifth hundred dollar fine, could be sentenced up to 06 days in jail, but the naacp said no way, they said, how people decide to wear their pants isn't a government issue. the council now decided to make it a civil infraction, so no jail time. but, could you still face a fine. >> oh, goodness. just about 6:20. good day philadelphia starting at about 40 minutes. mike jerrick, good morning. >> i never be fined for, that because do you have wear
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pants. >> indeed. >> what is it, six doctor 20 exactly. forty minutes away from good day philadelphia. man, we have a packed show. yesterday we told but four children in philadelphia, push, rush to ever chop, with this enterovirus. and now, there is cents a case in new jersey, so now we have a delaware, pennsylvania, and new jersey, and there is cents still some confusion among parents about whether you should take your kid, your child, to the hospital. we're going have a doctor from children's hospital of philadelphia, here today, to go over the symptoms when do you decide i've got to go to the hospital. because it seems like just a cold at first. remember that young girl, stabbed by her classmates, in wisconsin. they did it to please a fictional on line character we talk about on good day philadelphia few months ago called splented err man. now, some party stores are selling the slender man halloween costumes,
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ridiculous, people are upset, should they be allowed to sell those things in the state of wisconsin, or in any state, i think you can get it around here, too. so we'll talk about it in just a little bit. back up to you folks before we go to weather. >> very good. 6:21. hi, sue serio. >> hey, i want to tell you real quick, this weekend in our new show fox 29 weekend premiers, customized forecast, send us an u report video of something you got going on this weekend, your kid has cents a softball game, you are going apple picking, you want to my the lawn, you report at sends little video, and we'll customize a forecast for you over the weekends. how about that? >> all right, planner for thursday is for plenty of sunshine, once again. so, plan on having a lovely day with a high of 76 degrees, and sunset time at 7:05. let's take a look at traffic on your thursday morning, as is it starts it get light out. and we start off this time, new jersey turnpike northbound, approaching burlington-mt. holly exit. there is cents an accident there. that has moved to the
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shoulder. but it still may slow you down. also back down into buena township, there is route 40 at 557. a pole came down. and it has the road closed. so, the alternate is route 690. weymouth road. finally, on the pennsylvania turnpike northeast extension, approaching quakertown, construction still out there, and has the right lane blocked. more on the fox 29 morning news coming right up.
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6:25, the phillies picking up a win in san diego thanks to very strong performance, another one from cole hamels. >> after seven innings of work, phillies five to two win. coal is now nine and seven on the season. this was the 21st straight start where he was cents supported with three or fewer runs, or less, here's howard eskin now with the rest of the day in sports. this is fox 29 sports in one minute. big game sunday for the eagles, take the two and zero record against the redskins, and it is big for the fans,
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and a player on the redskins, desean jackson has been looking forward to this game, since his release by the eagles. suffered a shoulder injury, last sunday, but said yesterday he will play on sunday, and is ready for whatever the fans bring on. >> i feel i put on the line, done what i did for that organization to win games. as far as, you know, congratulating me, booing me, whatever the case may be, like, you know, i'm ready for whatever it is. jonathan papelbon suspended seven games for his leud gesture, to the phillies fans on sunday. and the umpire, joe west, you see right here, suspended for one game. he was suspended because when papelbon was yelling under the sun, west jang dollars on the jersey. that got him one game suspension without pay. that's sports in a minute. i'm howard eskin. meantime, 26:00. police arrest man for stealing thousands of dollars worth of ipads from students in south
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jersey, but he is no stranger to that school. how he's involved with the school district. and, steve keeley covering the funeral as a fallen state trooper, steve. that brave trooper lived here
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were you eating smoked sausage in here? no! could have gotten me one. i did. grab a spicy smoked sausage breakfast sandwich. it's the smoked sausage you crave, now spicy. an officer killed in the line of duty. he and another trooper ambush by trained gunman. today, he's laid to rest. the hunt for his killer continues this morning.
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a gay couple attack on the streets of center city only police can't charge the attackers were hate crime. the reason why may leave you furious. you're seeing 100-dollar bills. i would like to pay for everyone else in the line. >> pays it forward with a thousand dollars in cash at chick-fil-a. how long it lasted and what he received in return. very good. good day everybody, it is cents thursday, september 18th, 2014. glad to have you with us. >> coming up on 6:31. let's do weather on the one's, because sue, so fun to talk about weather, which is nice. >> yes, maybe sweater or jacket morning, if you are standing outside waiting for the school bus this morning. like our pal, bus stop buddy is. >> official sunrise time about 6:45, so temperatures are in the four's, 50's, right now, cool morning, and then another ten for you today. another gorgeous day,
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56 degrees, right now, at philly international. relative humidity is at 80%, winds are calm, and there it is, your sunrise time, i was right. 6:45 this morning. 76 degrees is the high temperature, few clouds, maybe late in the day, with a weak cold front coming through. but won't make whole lot of difference, 55 degrees, tonight, in the city, lower 50's or four's, in the outlying areas. that takes care of thursday from the weather authority. let's see what's going on traffic wise, and we start off with new jersey turnpike northbound approaching that burlington mt. holly exit. we have an accident there. it is moved over to the shoulder, so, you should be able to get by okay. could slow you down little bit. now we go to buena vista township, route 40, 557. pole down. the road closed there. your alternate is route 690, weymouth road. that's not related to the other accident in buena vista, this is on route 54, at weymouth road, an accident where the car ran off the road and into the woods, well,
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they've got that part of the road closed and your alternate to weymouth road there is friend ship road, chris. >> okay, sue, thank you. hundreds of people are expected to attend a funeral today of slain pennsylvania trooper. >> that includes troopers from all around the state, and pennsylvania governor tom corbett. fox 29's steve keeley live at the philadelphia belle month state police barracks this morning. have they left yet? >> those were the guys who probably work with him here, he was cents in charge supervising overnight shift here, the guys that controlled the expressways through philly. they'll be pact of no doubt thousands of people up therefore sure. because you're talking about new york, and new jersey, right on the line, where this happened. think states of families all feel like family, all related together not by the same last fame but the same oath they take to protect the public. now they need some of the protection themselves from the man who hid in the dark woods
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friday night in the pocono mountains of pike county, two and a half hours north of philly, where 38 year old trooper brian dixon just transferred to in june from the philly barracks here where we are, a husband, and father of two little kids, he was the supervisor here, for about a year in philadelphia, before hoping for life with slower pace. as everyone just learned, far from the city, did not put him far from danger, caught in the cross hairs of 31 year old of i can -- eric train's sniper scope, as all of those police up there right now not only just go to this funeral, but hundreds still won't be at the funeral while they hunt for frein on day seven as those thousands attend trooper dixon's funeral, now wonder if frein will be looking to make second sneak attack on them today at this funeral. >> caring weapons as far as we know, you can you can anticipate more than one weapon. i know everybody be careful when they're out there. turn yourself in. turn yourself in to face the consequences of ureides tarred
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did i act. >> any family member or friends of mr. frein who is found to help him while we are searching for him will be vigorously prosecuted. >> i would like to directly address fri fifth again. in the event you are listening to this on portable radio, while could you nerving some cool damp hiding place, i want you to know one thing, eric, we are coming for you. it is only a matter of time until we bring to you justice for committing this cowardly act. >> well, with so many people writing so many things on the internet on their personal facebook pages and things, we often don't learn about what people's intentions are until after they carry them out. some of the mass killings around the country, in fre fifth's case he wrote about want to go kill police officers and commit mass murder, nobody got word of that until after this killing when they began investigating this guy, and what he was up to, and the people that new him thought he wasn't capable of that. so anybody that may have red
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that probably didn't believe it in the first place. and now everybody believes it. chris, kerry? >> good point, steve. thank you, sir. 6:34 is the time. someone involved in that attack on the gay cup ill in center city has lost his job, at a catholic high school. >> fox 29's dawn timmeney live at central detectives with the latest. dawn? >> good morning, chris, kerrey. yes, police are a lot closer to finding out who ever is responsible for that horrible attack on a gay couple. but so far no arrests, and the philadelphia archdioces now telling fox 29 that a man identified in the video, in the surveillance video, was assistant basketball coach at barch bishop wood high school in bucks county. he has been fired. now, several people, accompanied by their attorneys, started showing up at central detectives, to give statements yesterday, this man showing up last night, one of the group of 20 something that police are looking for, in the beating of the two gay men from center city, it was one week ago the victim's telling us they were jumped and
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beaten, kick, punched, they had homophobic slurs, directed toward them. the group by the group near 16th unchains letter, one victim has a broken jaw, that's wired shut. he spent four nights in the hospital. the other victim spent one night in the hospital. and they say they were simply targeted because they were gay. >> says as we cross chance, as we cross 16th, what is that, your f boyfriends? and i looked at him, yell, it is my f boyfriend. he goes oh, so our dirty (beep). i go ya, maybe i am a dirty (beep) then he hit me in the face. >> well, hours after police release the surveillance video of the violent gay bashing, social media just exploded with tips that help police actually track down those involved, those seen in that video. so many people nationwide are outraged, again, no arrest or charges have been announced.
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those involved we understand could face assault charges. now, while many consider this a hate crime. >> it cannot be prosecuted, it is not include the in the hate crime statute. the only state in the northeast where it is not. a bill to include sexual orientation in the state's hate crime law has been on the table in harrisburg, for three years now, but it is not even made it out of committees, so, local state lawmakers are working to change that, and say they'll be lobbying as soon as today to make this a hate crime. back to you guys in the studio. >> trying to push that boorda little bit, dawn, thank you. meantime police arrested someone for stealing 12 apple ipads from the willingboro school district, in burlington county. >> turns out the suspect is this guy, this is mitchell, actually a counselor with the school district. police didn't find the 12 missing ipads, also say there is no connection between this case and the still unsolved
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150 ipads stolen from the school district last year. total value of the stolen electronics, nearly $07,000. stick them up. robber targets grocery store, but that's not a gun in his pocket. what he pick up moments before to fool the cashier. >> one of the mow iconic line of the film. almost make famous by someone else who was supposed to star in the princess bride.
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>> here is a look at odile remnants, spreading in southern new mexico, panhandle of texas.
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now here in the atlantic, still have hurricane edouard, it is a category one hurricane, but it is 900 miles away from the azures, in the middle. ocean, headed away us from, we don't even have the risk of rip currents from that one any more. ultimate doppler, showing, thanks to high pressure, we don't have any precipitation to show you, we just have few clouds around here, and, there and we won't get a weak cold front later today. but it is not going to make big difference in the temperatures. 43 degrees mount pocono, 47 pottstown, 56 degrees down here in the city. it is always a little warmer, in the urban areas, because of all of the buildings, the urban heat island, we call it, 51 degrees in wilmington, 48 millville. 52 degrees in wildwood. the temperature trends has been going up a little bit since sunday's high of only 69 degrees. seventy-five is where we were yesterday. for high temperature, eagles game, on sunday, eagles and washington at 1:00 o'clock, it will be about 80 degrees when
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the game begins,. >> last full day of summer it, will feel like t no matter what you are doing this weekend, we've got wonderful weather for it. we mentioned little earlier, north wildwood big irish festival this weekend, coin be any better, friday, saturday, sunday, lots of sunshine, warming trends, chance of rain the next one isn't until monday morning. so there is your seven day forecast. let's check traffic for you, before you go out the door, on this thursday morning. we start off with 259 southbound, at the mt. holly willingboro exit right there, there are reports of an accident, not slowing you down too much, because they put it off to the side. now, in buena vista township new jersey, route 40, at 557. a pole is down. that road is closed. the alternate is route 690, weymouth road. and they're busy down there in buena vista, because also an accident that has closed part of weymouth road, and your alternate there is friend ship
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road. kerry? >> sue, thank you, 6:43, man and woman lead police on high speed chase in california last night. these always happen in california. police pursuing a van after it was reported stolen. so, even though the suspect's car, the van, struck a couple of times by police, they kept going. the driver weaves through traffic, drove on sidewalks, narrowly missed some other cars during this whole thing, lasted about 30 minutes before police were finally able to catch up with him. police are hoping newly-released surveillance video will provide some clues into the disappearance after missing university of virginia student. hanna gram, the 18 year old was last seen late friday night, she had dinner with friends, and about 1:30 the following morning, police say she sent a text to friends, saying, that she was lost. well, that surveillance video of her captured her in a couple of different areas, although not sure if she was in trouble at this point. for the first time human volunteers have been infected with an experimental e bowl a
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vaccine. this as health officials around the world try to tackle the deadly epidemic. sixty volunteers in britain were given the shot, the vaccine has cleared tests in monkey, but medical researchers now need to make sure it is, in fact, safe in humans. the vaccine is made from virus common in chimps, modified, to carry small part of ' bowl a volunteers are given varying dose toss determine which one works. my 12 year old daughter was concerned, but what are you doing. that one step. and i am part that far first step and that vaccine, i know they have the right vaccine, they can start giving t that's going to make a difference in people's lives. >> normally it takes 18 months to complete clinical trials. but this one is being fast tracked because of the ebola epidemic spreading in west africa right now. at least 2400 people have died from the outbreak. kate middleton is consulting with doctors as she battles severe morning sickness, dutchess, about
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eight weeks pregnant, scheduled to represent the queen this weekend on royal trip to malta. because of her condition she will likely have to cancel, of course her second pregnancy, she battled the same problem with the first, as well. toronto mayor rob ford will have to undergo aggressive therapy to treat rare cancer. he was hospitalized last week, when he announced he has cents a tumor in his abdomen. he'll begin chemo within the next two days. doctors say the cancer is spreading. he made international headlines last year, after saying he used crack cocaine in a drunken stooper, among other gems. he returned to work in june after going to rehab for alcohol and drugs, he withdrew his re-election forbid on friday. melissa rivers is coming back to television, to honor her late mother of course joan rivers. >> tomorrow celebrating joan day with marathon dedicated to the fashion police star, she did so much more than that. but that i think how most young people remember her. it will ends with a 90 minute tribute. that will will include personal stories, from melissa
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and joan's fashion police co-host. >> suing her ex-boyfriends, maurice williams, for copyright infringement. the rapper claims williams released early music that was stole friend her computer. last month, some of the songs began popping up on line music stores, streaming websites, were holding them. according to "tmz", williams also claims to have a sex tape featuring the former couple. but that is not part of the suit. >> i wondered if her lawsuit was in relation to that. new book giving away the secrets behind the scenes of the 1987 classic film the princess brides. it is called as you wish. one of those secrets is about who could have been cast for the lead role. kerrey ellis played wesley in the film, also wrote the book, ellis said up against fellow actor, and friend, birth, for the zolo like lead road. said he was also good friends
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with co-star, robin write write and kissing her in the film was kind of like kissing his sister. he said they kissed so much during the scene, they had to do whole bunch of redo's. >> of course. that was an employ, to keep kissing her. >> of course, that's her right there. she is so prettiment book by the way available now. >> she no longer with penn. >> and he's dating what her face? >> charlie saron. >> 6:48. dozens every customers at fast-food restaurants, shocked to learn someone had paid for their meal. >> man known only as john handed employees at the chick-fil-a in pal sign, texas, $1,000, and he said, hey, i want you to use this money to pay for everyone's meal, and until the cash runs out. ya. just to make their day better was his reason. >> i was lick did you win the lottery today? why are you doing this? he said well mondays are tough. i just want to make everyone have a good day, like you just want to help them have a good day.
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>> we need to think about other people, not just ourselves, and putting the little bit of joy in someone's life unexpectedly is a real blessing. >> one of the lucky customers you just heard from there. that money all $1,000 of it was enough to pay for 88 other orders, the restaurant decided to give john a meal for free. >> isn't that cool? >> very nice. >> hey, we're asking to you join us in saluting our troops. >> so what we will do, we will shut down market street, yet again this year, to honor the brave men and women in uniform. so come join us, week from tomorrow, september 26th, right outside of the studio at fourth and market in old city. we'll have music, food, of course, men and women in uniform, to serve our country, come on down, show your support, say hello, and a big thank you to the troops. >> gets bigger and better every single year. >> you bet 6:50, about ten minutes until good day philly. mike? >> and specially, 3,000 of the troops are headed over to west africa now, to try to control that ebola situation. so, great thank you, a weak from tomorrow. hey, check your pockets, everybody, right now, the
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purses, check the cushions of your couch, look into the seats in the cars. there is cents a lottery ticket worth $1 million. now, it was cents a powerball, and it will expire tonight at midnight. you're running out of time. again, it is pour ball, it was purchased at 18th and chestnut, that little convenience store there, across from continental west. you got to get it by midnight tonight. ya, somebody's silk on. that will talk about scotch on the rocks. people in scotland are lining up at the polls today, voting for their independence, or not. but, their freedom could cost you. why the price of scotch could go up. >> oh, no. >> to become their own count. >> i what are they going to do the levit 12 year old? >> i'm concerned. may have i to go to vodka. all right, see in you just about ten minutes, it is 6:50 now. >> all right, my man. >> coming up on actually 6:51, sue is being looking at what did you say another ten? >> yes!
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>> yahoo. >> and this is a string of ten's, actually, that we're in the midst of. over the next couple of days, so, what's today have in store? we got to 75 yesterday, we may add an agree to it, even with the clouds, later on, a high temperature of 76 degrees, and your sunset time is five minutes after 7:00 p.m. days are starting to get shorter, but there is still a lot to enjoy out of the weather for your thursday. now, let's see what's happening on the roadways on this thursday morning. as things start to get a little more crowded out there on the roads, we go over to new jersey, and this problem on 295 southbound, at the mt. holly willingboro exit. there are reports of an accident there. also, buena vista township, southern new jersey, atlantic county, route 40, at 557. a pole is down there. and the road is closed. so your alternate is route 690. weymouth road. now, another part every buena vista, there was an accident where car ran off the road, and caught fire, in the woods, well, in that accident, the
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road, oh, that part of weymouth road, right there at route 54, is closed so your alternate is friendship road. we'll be right back after this.
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this is the "name your price" tool. it gives you options based on your budget -- it's a piece of cake. i was told there would be cake. get a free quote at good morning, it's 6:54 it's going to be a great day, a little cool when you weak up.
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a banana, a robber, and a convenience store, philadelphia police say a man thought he had been clever when he robbed an east parkside grocery store. say he walked into the store, this is on the 3800 block of popular street. the video shows him waiting in line. it looks like he had demanded money and cigarettes from the clerk. he escaped with that cash, the cigarettes and the banana before the police got to the skep. an 82 year old man in florida is getting his jaguar convertible back. 36 years after thieves drove off with it, they found it in a crate in california. there's the call. the car's owner, ivan snyder has owned luxury cars for most of his life rs but he says the jag is the best one he ever bought.
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even though it's far from pristine now, he has plans to refurbish it. the winning ticket was sold and we'll tell you about the looming deadline. a pennsylvania state trooper laid to rest today. we're there live as officers from across our area pay their
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this is good day philadelphia. saying goodbye, family, friends and officers from across the country, as far as away as california are coming together to say goodbye to a fallen state trooper. this at as the hunt for his killer continues and schools in the area of in the poconos close to the shooting scene closed for the second day in a row. there is the shooter. what police are learning about the suspected gun man. a group of men and women attack a gay couple. now, they are starting to turn themselves in. why they won't be charged with a hate crime. and think back, think back, were you in the convenience store at 18th and chestnut about a year -- well, a year ago today. did you buy a lottery ticket, a power ball? it's worth a million dollars, but it's going to expire at midnight tonight.
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yikes. can you imagine? i can. i know i've been in that store and it's right across from continental west. but i don't remember buying a power ball. i don't remember what i did yesterday. i'll go through my house trying to find that darn thing. let's get over to sue. another perfect day. >> yes, it's another 10. most of us aren't getting board with it yet. a lot to talk about except that it's the same day of day as yesterday with sunshine and comfortable temperatures and maybe a sweatshirt or a jacket for the kids waiting for the bus this morning but our temperatures, many of them especially in the outlining areas are still in the 40s here in the city we're at 57 degrees with calm winds, relative humidity at 74 percent. it's a pretty comfortable morning. 76-degrees are high, sunny, a few clouds here and there. comfortable again, tonight, mid 50s in the city. a little chillier in the out