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tv   News 4 at 11  NBC  October 8, 2010 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

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imagination and reality have merged. because of one word, a new generation-- a fifth generati-- of fighter aircraft has been born. because of one word, america's air dominance for the next forty years is assured. that one word... is how.
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just hours after turning herself in, a suspect in a deadly hit and run in the district is out of jail. good evening. >> 33-year-old door reda is facing charges. she hit ryan as she was getting out of the car on dupont circle thursday morning. jackie is outside with mo. jackie? >> reporter: doreen, the suspect was released until her next court date with some conditions. 30-year-old jorida davidson left the courthouse with sunglasses 14 hours after she turned herself in at a police station a. >> sir, do you have any comment as her attorney? >> no, i'm just standing in for her attorney, so you can get your comments from him.
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>> reporter: davidson was charged with involuntary manslaughter for a shocking incident. 24-year-old killah ryan of columbia, maryland, was celebrating her birthday with friends. she had just stepped out of a rked car when she was struck by a suv that kept going. a witness, a man on a bicycle took off. he followed the vehicle long enough to see the license plate. police were able to use that information to track the s to an apartment building in chevy chase, maryland. prosecutors say when officers located the lexus, davidson was in the driver's seat. court documents allege she was incapacitated and apparently under the influence of an alcoholic bev ralk. t -- beverage. the keys to the vehicle were in her hand but the automobile was not running. the witness positively identified the defendant as the driver of the vehicle that struck ms. ryan.
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the witness said, qute, that is definitely her. the prosecution argued that davidson is a flight risk because of her albanian citizenship. she's had to surrender her passport. davidson will be under what's call called high-intensit supervision. the judge also ordered her not to drive. doreen, ba to you. >> jackie bensen reporting. thank you. a toddler is recovering after she and her mother were hit crossing the street. it happened this morning. the mother was pushing a stroller across the street in the cross walk when they were sideswiped by an suv. fortunately a nurse happened to be close by. >> this was a baby lying in the middle of the intersection being tended to by a citizen. >> the baby was not breathing, was no moving. i started giving cpr and chest compressions. >> after a few seconds we started to get a little bit of a pulse back, it became stronger
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as we cntinued cpr. >> the child was taken to the hospital. she is expected to survive. no charges have been charged against the driver. it involves t energy-wise reward model. the batteries can leak causing the thermostat to overheat. about 13,000 customers have this particular model. petco says the thermostats should work just fine without the batteries. it's only used for the thermostat's clock in case of a power oute. so far no fires have been reported. a family in northern virginia is asking for help in their effort to find two men who ok advantage of an 89-year-old woman and stole her car. police say a woman got lost and asked for help to get back home to falls church. that's when she confronted two men she thought were good samaritans.
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darcy spencer has more on this. >> reporter: jim, police say the men were not good samaritans at all. they turned out to be villains. she sought help from two complete strangers but instead of helping her, they helped themselves instead. >> that these people would charge her and then take her car is despicable to me. >> reporter: carol stevens is the niece of an 89-year-old fairfax woman who had her silver mercedes-benz stolen by m who acted like they were trying to help her. >> i think it's fairly sad. they obtained the trust of a person. they know they're elderly and confused and they're having a problemndhen they take advantage of it. stevens said on thursday of last week her elderly aunt was driving onround 7 and got lost. she ended up in a parkingot in the leesburg area. two men approached her and offered to help. one of the men trove her home in her mercedes, the otherollowed
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behind in a separate car. >> she was confused and anxious and tired and was frightened. >> when they arrived at the victim's falls church area home, she paid the men a substantial amount of cash and went inside. the next day she realized the men had taken her car. please say it's a silver 2000 e 320 like this one wh the license plate 4262,000. >> they offered to take her home. they took her car and cash with her car. they had the oppornity to be good samaritans and yethey chose to be villains and they committed a crime. >> fortunately the woman was not hurt by the scammersut she and her relatives are scared because they know where she lives. >> hyi hope they can be caught don't do this to some other elderly person. >> the victim's niece is hoping anyone who may have seen her aunt this night, seen the vehicle or potentially seen the
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two suspects to give the fairfax police a call. she's with someone 24 hours a day now as a result of that incident and that r is still missing. reporting live from fairfax, darcy spencer, "news 4." jim? >> thanks, darcy. track work at several metro stations will make getting around viaail kind of tough this weekend. they're now closed and will stay closed through the tuesday morning commute. the lower level of metro center is also closed. metro says there will be no orange or blue line service at those stations this weekend. that means you'll have to take a shuttle bus, solan to add about 40 minutes to your trip. red line service of metro center will not be affected by all this. people driving downtown are also warned to be aware of street closures this weekend because of the meetings of the international monetary fund and th susan g. komen threday breast cancer walk. the nation's largest bank is putting a stop to foreclosures of foreosed -- sales of
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foreclosed homes in all the 50 states. bank of america made that announcement today. it comes afr several allegations that bank of america employees signed foreclosure documents without ever verifying whether they were accurate. attorneys genal from several states haveaised concerned about possible legal violations. bank of america released a statement saying so far all of its foreclosure decisions are accurate. when "news 4 a11:00" continues, a sear yaus burglar suspected in nearly 90 home and car break-ins may be expanding hi territory. tiger took some time away from the greens pitching d.c. he turned the tables on a robber showing up in a halloween costume. >> great day. plenty of sunshine for this weekend, but we could also have a chce for rain in that forecast as well. that's coming up. i'll have it for you in a minute. high school, footbl programs in the area going at it, and this was a good one.
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the wizards do a little tour of th windy city in preseason action, and just minutes into the season openeror the capitals, their opponents' goalie chevy chase bank is becoming capil one bank. with the most locations in the dc area, we figured they could use our help. ♪
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down a bit. too much. [ crowd cheering ] grunts ] [ garth ] capital one bank. now with the most branches and atms in the dc area. what's in your wallet? now with the most branches and atms in the dc area. [music throughout] finding what you love makes you happy. saving upto 60% every day makes you homegoods hay. ♪ tell it to go on i'm not t kind of guy who likes to hang on the sidelines. todayaryland's in trouble. we're worse off than we were four years ago: dangerous debt, higher taxes, not enough jobs.
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we need real leadershi to turn this state arnd. fix the budget -- honestly. grow small businesses -- really. exceent schools -- everywhere. protect the bay -- finally. it's why i'm running -- to make the state we love not just good, but great. now let's get down to work. a serial burglar in northern virginia may be responsible for yet another break-in. the latest happened this morning in the waterford area of loudo county. investigators are looking whether it is linkeded to 87 incidents in fairfax county and 14 incidents inrince williams. all of them happened in just over the last two months. the latest burglary is similar to the hers. it happened during the early morning hours while the residents were asleep. he got in through an unlocked door and took small valuable items. >> we suspect this person is
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comfortable with the area. they're walking around in the darkness, walking on foot or in the bicycle. sitting, listening, watching the area, watchg for blees cruisers, whoever it may be. >> investigators say two months after the burglary spree began, they still have no been able to get a good description of the person responsible. >> two people are facing charges tonight after a toder ingested some marijuana. it happed in prince william county. police say they arrest 22-year-old nicole colbert and 25-year-old fernando booker after being called to a motel in manassas. the couple was charged with child endangerment and drug possession. the child will be fine. coming up, news on the 33 miners trapped under ground for more than two months. donald trump speaks out about a potential run for the white house. a car
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hey ove, i'm gonna need a bank. any ideas? capital one bank. they're everywhere. yeah, you're right! ♪ [ male announcer ] capital one banks are everywhere. [ clang! ] with hundreds of branches and atms, they're hard toiss. hey, there's one right up the street. [ male announcer ] capital one bank. the most branches and atms in the dc area. what's in your wallet? ove, go long! sync: i did as ged my property taxes 60 percent. woman 1 syi didn't owatrnor man 3: he worked for ak 10 billn
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doanother bamillion.sed.axers 17 h big s don't need help. middle class marylanders do.
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h big s don't need help. . donald trump was talking. he said they need better leadership and he addressed the speculation that he might run against president obama. >> untilecently i would have had no interest, but somebody has to do soething, and that's not only having to do with our country but also having to do with your country. it's -- we're not being -- there's been -- there's been a lot of talk about me running. >> trump also said it was too early to say who his potential running mate might be and laughed off suggestions that he might run with former askan governor sarah palin. president obama is focusing the positive of the jobs report today. it shows the unemployment holding steady at 9.6%.
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mr. obama commented on that number when he spoke at a mas masonry block. he noted it went up for nine straight months and he said most of the jobs lost last month was because of government layoffs. it's the last one to be issued before the midterm elections. rescue groups in chile could be hours away from rescuing 33 minerstrapped underground. a deeprill shaft is fee from there. they're making sure the shaft is strong enough for the rescue. they may have to reinforce the shaft with a steel pipe. the miners have been trapped about 2,300 feet underground for two months now. once that drill shaft reaches them, it could taken an hour and a half to bring each one to the surface. thrill seekers hurl
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themselves off the tallest building yesterday. 120 people jumped off the tower that's the 18th tallest in the world. it's the tenth year they have jump off the kl tower. when asked why they do it they say everybody dies but not everybody lives. >> do you know what w.h.o. said that? that was rose in "the titanic." >> are you sure? >> she said it in the movie. look it up. >> i think i could without the base jumping off the tower and a ride on the titanic, and i'd be feeling like i was living just fine, thank you. >> we've gotsome great stuff. no matter what you want to do tomorrow, tomorrow going to be a picture-perfect day. live it up tomorrow with all the sunshine we're going to have out there. we saw a autiful day today. and look at. this out towardcolorado, a
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beautiful day for them as well because they saw their first snow. is is loveland ski area, and look at at. yep. snow. that's how excited they are. they even ride it out there. normally being one of the first to open in colorado. they normally open in october and close in june. our ski areas, a couple months away from opening, i am sure, especially after a d like today where we saw a high temperature of 79 degrees. so far the warmest temperature this month. it was gorgeous out there. e were well above average and we're going to stay above average over the next couple of days. even at 11:00, it's 66 degrees. it is beauful outside. a great night to be out and about. a lot of people enjoying this beautiful, beautiful weather. look at manassas, already down to 48 degrees. that's because the winds have really calmed down there. they're looking at calm winds right now. 61n frederick, 59 in
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martinsburg, west virginia. we're going to see cool air by the time you wake up. high pressureontinuing dominate the entire eastern half of the nation. clear skies from chicago right on down toward our region and highs today associated with the high pressure, we'reay up there, 90 in omaha, 78 i detroit, and 79 in raleigh. a nice warm air mass. so no matter what you're doing over the weekend, whetr it's traveling a couple of hours or maybe taking a plane ride out to the west, it's great. high pressure with plenty of sunshi tomorrow. continuing nice and warm right on through sunday and then we watch a little system on monday that may give you a slight chance of a shower, but that's really going to be about it. overnight tonight and into tomorrow morning, clear skies, seasonal temperatures. a great morning. that, of course, will be in the city. as we move out, a great day to get out and about. mostly sunny and nice and warm. just about perfect. winds in the west, 10 to 15 miles an hour. high temperatures close to 280-degree mark.
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no matter what you do, the weather could not be better. 78 on monday. a slight chance of shower but most of us should remain on the dry sight. 76 there. made a shower early and maybe another chance of rain, a better chance on thursday. but temperatures remain abo average throughout the period. so that's good news. >> so we'd better get outside and take advantage ofit. >> take advantage now because we may not have too much warm weather to go. >> still to come tonight, the plan by tiger woods to help some children in ou area. we'll tell you about it. and in sports, good council. they need all. 48 minutes will determine the final score, and it looks like he could go all the way! [ male announcer ] need a better way to save for the things you want?
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meet pnc virtual wallet. it comes with a wish list, that helps you set aside money for the stuff that really matters... just put the things you want on your wish list... and contribute money when you feel like it... then, watch as you get closer to getting what you want. wish list is built to make saving a whole lot more fun. experience all the ways virtual wallet can help you save at pnc. for the achiever in us all.
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i don't know that anyone has seen anything like this. >> no, this is crazy. it shows why you can't make a living betting on sports. i think it's virtually impossible because, you know, the capitals were almost perfect in the preseason. they lose to a team that didn't win a game in the preseason. their season opener dn in atlanta did not go as planned. caps lose to the thrashers, 4-2. and some strange happenings early in the game. the goalie collapses on the ice. here's what happened. he just falls down. he was out cold laying motionless on the ice for 20 minutes. right now he's in the hospital and he is talking. chris mason replaced him and the capitals came right at him. later they came at him. a little tic-tac-toe is what
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they call that in hockey and that put the caps up 1-0. thrashs up, 2-1. butler throws to the net. mike green tries to clear the puck. you can clear it but you can't pick it up. bruce boudreau is ate. evander cain, thrashers beat the caps, 4-2. the good guys ba at the veriz verizon. they get another shot tomorrow night. albert haynesworth in tennessee to be with his family as they grieve the death of his half brother who was killed in a motorcycle accident. the red skins do not know if redskins will be available to play against the packers on sunday. shanahan says he expects the rookie to be on the field. wizards guard kirk hinrich
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getting a warm resumption in his first return to the windy city. first quarter, john wall driving and dishing. a wide open three. it was a wide open home coming. later in the first quarter john wall drives. seen a lot of this too. three guys around him. no worri, gives the whiz the lead. wall, 11 in the lead. they get the rebound off the ssed free throw. he buries it. korver had 17. from preseason basketball to baseballplayoffs, the braves currently leading the giants 4-0 in the fifth inning and the phillies battle back to beat the reds. roy oswalt trying toollow up on roy halladay's no-hitter. first bat of the game, he said, no, hit this. just pulverizesne into left field, a solo shot.
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reds take a 1-0 lead. oswalt allowed four runs in five innings of work. bottom seven now, cincinnati up, 4-3. two on for jimmy recalliawerawe. phillies rally from a 4-0 deficit to beat the reds, 7-4. they take a 2 series lead. high school football game of the night was a dandy. wcac rivals in two of the best in the country. the game decided by field go goal. let's go there. guess who's at the game a? french was there. looking for some studs. how about one of these guys nchl e second caquarter, damascus up. breaking some tackles. turning on the afterburners, and he is goingto pick up a nice block right there 14. touchdown. 95 yards.
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cuts the lead to seven. end of the third quarter now. nikolai uharic looking for darius harris. making things happen. 71 yards to thehouse. 28 and 21. good counsell comes back to tie it up. this is michael brandover from 23 yar t. he gives damascus the win. bob malloy shaking hands after this one. those games are always good. >> thank you. >> thank you, dan. still to ce, a store robber i'm bob ehrlich.
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i'm not the kind of guy who likes to hang on the sidelines. today maryland's in trouble. we're worse off than we were four years ago: dangerous debt, higher taxes, not enough jobs. we need rl leadership to turn this state around. fix the budget -- honestly. grow small businesses -- really. excellent schools -- everywhere. protect the bay -- finally. it's why i'm running -- to make the state we love not just good, but great. now let's get down to work.
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after a difficult year tiger woods had reason to smile today. his foundation opened two new centers here in washington. there's one occasion on capitol hill the other is in a parkside neighborhood. the centers will focus on math, science, and meda technology. tiger talked out the center and his hope for the students. >> we have the experience of what to offer. that's the cool thin to let us come in here and share with all of you what we think we can do for you and for your lives and your careers, whatever direction you may choose. >> the tiger woods foundation willrovide funding for classes during and after school to enhance the programs of the
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charter school. a car was found buried in a richmond, california, sinkhole today nearly six months after it disappeared in there. the owner was driving in april when she suddenly got stuck in the mud. she wu able to get out but saw her car swallowed by a sinkhole. police were never able to find e car until today. it was brought up in 30 feet of mud in two eces. he had a complete screen moving mask. tried to hold up a dunkin' donuts in new york. he didn't getany money because the clerk was using e of tho to spray down the floor. when he showed up with a mask she turned the hose on him. after he was sprayed a few times he ran away. he told the newspaper he couldn't take the robber seriously. >> i'm thinking nine
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[ son ] my parents have always livedn the states.
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until two years ago, when my dad transferred to istanbul. they settled in quickly. found their local deli. a few shortcuts. and a neighborhood hangout. but there's one thing they miss. their beloved hometown team. so i asked citi -- how many thankyou points it would take to give them something special. their old seats, 5 and 6, row c. [ male announcer ] citi thankyou points can be used for almost anything you choose. what's your story? citi can help you write it.
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>>that's our broadcast for now. the "toght show" is coming up next. >> we hope you have a great weekend. good night.


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