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tv   Action News at 500 AM  ABC  December 12, 2017 5:00am-5:30am EST

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>> ♪ >> "action news." delaware valley's leading news program with matt o'donnell, tamala edwards, karen rogers and meteorologist, david murphy. >> ♪ >> good morning everyone. it is 5 o'clock on this tuesday december 12th. tam is off. jeanette reyes joins us. >> we're following two developing stories overnight. gunshots are fired into a home in burlington county sending a person to the hospital. >> a dispute at a philadelphia convenience store leads to gunfire in the parking lot and leaves the victim in bad shape. we're live with that story. >> get ready. bitter cold air is moving in and we are tracking snow later this week. >> first up, that weather forecast, that traffic forecast from david and karen. good morning. >> y and you know what, little bit of drizzle could be really bad on the roads. >> it could be. >> even rain and not ice, people tend to slide around a little. >> that's right. at least as we look at radar and we'll do that in a second
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we'll see rain and not snow across the majority of the region because temperatures are risen overnight a little bit and we are looking good in terms terms of ice. there you see a bit of cloud cover. snow shower activity up north of philadelphia. storm tracker6 live double scan shows that you what we have locally is mostly rain. you see a little line of it now pushing through pottsville and pushing up into reading into the northern suburbs. hazelton still picking up the rain. there's a changeover to snow up by the poconos of course and if i go ahead and bring this down to the wide view after this loop you can see that even farther south, yes, some rain down around dover, popping into parts of south jersey. notice how the rain in most cases is light green and that's storm tracker6's way of showing you precipitation that is on the very light side so nuisance rain around this morning as karen mentioned. sometimes that gives us problems so slow it down. 39 in allentown, 38 in reading, 35 in trenton much that's one of the cooler spots and even that's above freezing and the low 40's in
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philadelphia. wilmington mid 40's in millville, upper 40's in cape may. as we go through the day it is going to be on the mild side for awhile. by noon, 45. by 3 o'clock we may still be holding onto 46 coming down from a high of 47 but look at how quickly we dip down to the freezing mark. that happens by 7 o'clock tonight so colder air will really be rushing in later this afternoon and tonight. on the bus stop this morning 42 for the kids in the city, 38 degrees in the suburbs. not too bad coat weather certainly but just a sprinkle around. that colder air though is evident on the big map. 22 degrees in chicago right now, 36 in saint louis. that's dipping in this direction and coming in our direction later today and especially tonight and tomorrow, karen, it's going to be pretty raw. details from accuweather coming up. >> all right, dave. the schuylkill eastbound has been shut down with overnight construction and as dave was talking i saw them remove the barriers right here. and this guy, yeah, he's leaving the scene pulling out the last barriers and these are the first guys to go on the schuylkill eastbound at 30th street so good news, that construction cleared. westbound is also clear so now the schuylkill eastbound first cars moving through that
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overnight construction is out of there but it will return again tonight. each night this week they're shutting the schuylkill eastbound down. construction blocks the left lane. that's not as big of a deal on the turnpike here and that's between delaware valley and neshaminy falls in both directions. vine street expressway looking good. we're currently dry. dave has been saying a few sprinkles coming your way here on the vine but for now you're looking good, westbound, eastbound showing no problems. they had ramps blocked because of the schuylkill construction but they're in the process of opening all those. construction here also blocks two lanes on 42 at 295. these construction guys, they're working hard all night long and still out here in lots of spots, matt. >> thank you, karen. developing this morning, shots were fired into a burlington county home leaving one person injured. that victim was rushed to cooper university hospital and police have not given us a condition. the gunfire erupted around midnight on the 300 block of sorano trail in browns mills. no word on hoop fired who fired the bullets or wire. a fight quickly escalated between two men outside a gas
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station convenience store in the logan section. shots were fired and now one of them is in critical condition. "action news" reporter bob brooks is live at einstein medical center where that victim is being treated. bob. >> reporter: matt, good morning. this victim in pretty bad shape. he was shot in the head and chest and unfortunately the suspect still on the loose this morning. chopper6 gives us an aerial view from what police say was an extremely violent shooting right on broad street. it happened around 10 o'clock last night right in the parking lot of the a plus gas station and mini mart near lindley. according to police it started because of an argument that got out of hand. >> upon police arrival they found a 31-year-old male laying on the parking lot right next to his vehicle. he was shot twice in the head and twice in the chest. >> reporter: police say most of the incident including a clear look at the suspect is caught on surveillance video. after the shooting investigators say the suspect and a woman got into a vehicle
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and took off but not before firing off 12 shots and began shooting the victim four times. >> we found 12 spent shell casings, some just inches, some just feet from where the victim had collapsed. so, it appears that the shooter was firing from very close proximity to the victim. >> reporter: now, the victim is a 31-year-old male and if anyone out there happens to know anything about this shooting immediately call the philadelphia police. for now reporting live in olney bob brooks channel6 "action news." >> bob, thank you. happening today, we'll hear from the philadelphia eagles new starting quarterback nick foles. yesterday eagles coach doug pederson confirmed that star quarterback carson wentz has a torn left acl and will miss the rest of the season and the playoffs. wentz got hurt sunday diving into the end zone on a scramble late in the third against the rams. foles helped rally the eagles to go on and win the game and clinch the nfc east championship. coming up in the next half
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hour we have wentz's message to foles and the fans. we will have continuing coverage of carson wentz's injury and the eagles' season on we'll have more on starting quarterback nick foles' news conference later today. >> new this morning, two people are under arrest charged with stealing holiday gift and the cash left out for many neighborhood trash collectors in chester county. police were tipped off when someone called police about a man rummaging through the trash in east goshen township. they arrested joshua suavely and kimberly. both are facing a number of charges including unlawful taking. >> investigators are looking into what sparked a house fire in norristown. flames shot from the house in the 500 block of arch street last night. chopper6 was overhead as firefighters worked to control the smoky scene. everyone inside the home was able to get out safely. >> well, it is back. the philadelphia parking authority just relaunched its pay by phone parking app. you may remember it. meter up. the app was released more than
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an operating it had financial problems and shut down back in april. but now it is back with a new partnership which means you will need to download that new app again. right now it's available in center city and university city. the parking authority hopes to expand the program city wide over the next four months. >> turning now to accuweather and not so bad until we get to this evening, right. >> yeah, later on in the afternoon and especially the evening that's when the temperatures plunge. storm tracker6 live double scan right now shows that you we have a little sprinkle activity here and there around the region. right now some of this is in dover crossing the river into cumberland county, new jersey. and the bay that's where it's c. so, more stuff down by baltimore and out by lancaster may try to slide into the western suburbs a little bit later on. look how far north we have to see the changeover to snow. it's all the way up in the poconos. warm air in place this morning helping us out. we have sky6 and there's the commodore barry bridge looking kind of cloudy above the span this morning. but dry for now.
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and maybe a little sprinkle coming in later on. temperatures across the region, boy, even as far north as allentown we're still at 39 degrees. 38 in reading. 43 in philadelphia. trenton a little bit cooler at 35. but again, if you see these sprinkles come through, it's going to treat you like a spring rain would treat you, not like snow -- winter snow or winter ice. and it does look like this is pretty light precipitation this morning. 45 degrees currently in millville and 48 in cape may. cool enough for a jacket and maybe a little bit wet. in terms of precipitation most of what we see this morning and even into the afternoon looks like it will be rain as a frontal boundary gets a little bit closer to us and colder air starts to rush in later this afternoon, a chance of a little quick snow shower or flurry, particularly up in the northern suburbs but that looks like it's a real quick hitter probably late in the afternoon and not a major impact. allentown milder and colder later with that possible snow shower passing through. 46 is your high with numbers dropping after that.
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50 is the high down the shore and you'll probably maintain a fairly mild condition there as it will take longer for the colder air to come down but later this evening it will be colder at the shore as wellxingh occasional sunny breaks in philadelphia, a spotty shower can't be ruled out here and there as you just saw and that high of 47 probably around two, 2:30 and then that west wind draws cooler air that's dropping down south of chicago right over into our neck of the woods and those temperatures will plunge later on getting down to about the freezing mark as soon as 7 o'clock tonight. and then much colder overnight. 22 the overnight low in philadelphia. some teens dropping down -- or some suburbs dropping down into the teens. winds will be probably increasing or at the very least holding steady at 12 to 25 miles per hour. and in terms of temperatures, well, here's where we are this afternoon at 4 o'clock. but as i said, we are going to drop quickly and you can see how by 7 o'clock tomorrow morning, we're all the way down to 21 degrees and that's not the end of the story. we also have those winds picking up so at 4 o'clock this afternoon, the wind chills in the 30's most across the region but wind chills in
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the single digits overnight into about 7 o'clock tomorrow morning. and even at the height of the afternoon heating tomorrow, wind chills in the teens, so big time cold coming for wednesday. your exclusive accuweather 7-day, 47 with numbers dropping pretty quickly later in the afternoon and evening. a mild morning, a cold afternoon, some sunny breaks, a passing sprinkle or shower and hanukkah arriving at sundown. then tomorrow cold with a bitter wind, a high of 32. but feeling like the teens. on thursday, a morning flurry or snow shower is that possible in some spots. could but down a little coating to an inch in some areas and perhaps the morning commute a little bit of an issue there. 36 the afternoon high. it won't be as windy on thursday but still kind of cold. and then mostly cloudy and still cold on friday, 34 degrees. there could be another snow shower around on friday, mainly down in delaware the way things look now. for the weekend though an saturday a bit milder, 40. 44 sunday and 46 on monday with a bit of rain possible. >> okay, thank you so much david. your time now 5:10. we have more on carson wentz's season ending injury.
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see what needs to happen to get him back into playing form. >> firefighters continue to battle one of the largest fires in california history. they are starting more fires to help them get control of the flames. >> and a young victim of bullying responds after his heart felt message captivated the internet even getting the attention of celebrities. karen. >> the video broke my heart. looking outside live at i-95 at cottman kind of quiet here so far. it's still dry and that's your southbound traffic heading towards center city. we'll check fort washington coming up next. >> ♪
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>> ♪ >> 5:13. there's the ice rink on penn's landing all lit up ready to go for ice skaters today and it's going to be perfect weather for that. it's 5:14 on this tuesday. >> all right. let's get a check of your traffic. karen, you didn't have to head out earlier today. >> i didn't. so, i was very happy jeanette. you know i don't like to show up here early. [laughter] >> we're looking live at fort washington here and this is 309 at the pennsylvania turnpike. we do have a few sprinkles that will be moving through this morning. i'll show you storm tracker in a second. but for now you're dry here in fort washington and no big problems if you're coming in from ambler or horsham. you're looking good right now. on the pennsylvania turnpike eastbound at street road we do have construction crews. they're out here blocking the right lane. as well as blocking two lanes here on 495 northbound at edgemoor road in delaware. still seeing speeds of 65 miles an hour. that will probably change in a little bit. here's storm tracker6 live double scan. you can see some showers out to the west. a few sprinkles near dover and
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salem county in new jersey. you have to go pretty far north to find cold enough air to get a few snowflakes here. you can see no problems in philadelphia, coatesville, malvern, norristown even doylestown, it's up north of mount pocono near lake harmony where we're seeing some of those sprinkles right now. let's look at the temperatures for the region. so, it's 29 degrees in lake harmony. that's why you would get something slippery up there but even in bethlehem you're in the upper 30's, quakertown 36, pottstown 34. but malvern 37. 43 degrees currently in center city so be careful as you're traveling but these temperatures are above freezing. in new jersey you're into the 40's in most spots. that's quite a bit of a change from yesterday morning when you were hovering below freezing there. 41 degrees in dover so we're watching to that are passing spotty shower around far to the north up in the poconos we're watching for a snow shower. 47 degrees for your early high this afternoon. turns really cold tonight, matt. >> thanks, karen. a total of five wind whipped wildfires continue to burn in southern california. the biggest among them, the thomas fire, has scorched more
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than 360 square miles in ventura and santa barbara counties. crews spent much of yesterday setting back fires to try and burn some of that dry vegetation which they hope will stop the forward progress of the flames. it basically starves the fires of fuel. the wildfire has destroyed 683 homes and is only 15 percent contained. >> texas teen has been arrested for trying to help isis. 18-year-old kahn a u.s. citizen was arrested at his home in houston. he is charged with illegally distributing explosive making information and attempting to support the terrorist organization. an undercover fbi operation revealed he intended to travel overseas and fight for isis. >> the sixers will try to end their four game losing streak when they face the minnesota timberwolves tonight. center joel embiid is questionable for tonight's game because of back tightness. villanova's back on top. the wildcats are number one in
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the associated press college basketball poll and the coach's poll. they are a perfect 10 and o on the season and visit the temple owls tomorrow night. >> ♪
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>> it is never too early to start setting goals for yourself which is why four-year-old caleb green told his parents he was going to read 100 books in one day. his parents were so inspired they posted him reading out loud on facebook this weekend and it went viral. caleb who is from chicago says he just loves to read and he has even bigger goals for the future. >> i want to be a basketball player when i'm 22, i want to be a astronaut and when i'm 23, i want to be a ninja turtle. >> in fact caleb's favorite books are about ninja turtles and dogs.
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which are good things to read about. >> good. >> going to be very busy. >> i think he will be a ninja turtle. if you're starting that little if you can dream it. >> i wanted to be the back guy on the trash truck. didn't work out. >> there's always your next job, dave. let's see how that goes. let's take a live look here -- let's see how you do with the forecast. platt bridge by i-95 any room on that trash truck. westbound traffic on your left heading towards the airport moving just fine. we do have a new accident just coming in on the roosevelt boulevard southbound at rhawn street and you know, david, it's blocking the inner lanes causing a little slowing. >> i just always thought that would be cool. >> it would be cool. >> riding around pulling the cans off seemed good. sprinkles and showers down in dover and south jersey, others out to the west pushing to the east but i'll note have you to go north of allentown to start getting snow and mixed precipitation. we're fairly mild this morning. there are the numbers. even up in allentown 39 degrees. be careful of a little
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moisture on the road nonetheless because of those sprinkles that may at times be coming through. later this afternoon as cold air rushes in, that's when we might get a brief snow shower up in the lehigh valley, maybe berks county. for your commuter forecast though not too bad. about 40 on the subway platform by 7 o'clock and more or less the same story between 4, 5, 6 o'clock tonight getting a high of 47 this afternoon. winds are going to pick up. temperatures will really crash this evening, though. temperatures at the airport are fairly chilly in most of our travel destinations but no major delays none sign of major precipitation this morning in any of these spots jeanette. >> dave, thank you. in this morning's health check a closer look at eagles quarterback carson wentz's injury. a torn acl. the injury is common among athletes and should be repaired with surgery. it will require removing a piece of tendon then drilling holes in the leg bones above and below the knee. the new tendon is then threaded through and anchored by screws. in time, doctors say the replacement acl will actually be stronger than the original.
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and wentz is expected to make a full recovery after months of physical therapy. well, men have long been criticized for overreacting when they become sick but according to a doctor in canada the man flu is a real thing folks. the research reviewed several things on the topic and found evidence men may not be exaggerating symptoms. >> what? >> karen is not buying it. he thinks men suffer more from viral respiratory illnesses than women and that's because their immune system isn't as strong. i don't know if i'm sold on that. >> we're not as strong as women. >> okay, well, that part i'll take. >> yeah, and i've never gotten the man flew. >> i believe it. you're a strong man. >> 5:22. late night host jimmy kimmel returned to host his show last night with a special guest. >> christmas got brighter for dozens of families in northeast philadelphia. coming up at 5:30 the nba players that helped spread some holiday cheer. but first here's "gma"'s first
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look. >> in this morning's "gma" first look, this is you and me. >> right. >> homeland security is working on some high tech gadgets. some may come out of the secure research lab near washington which we got exclusive access to. >> who would have thought pictures from wifi. >> exactly. >> but it works. >> yes. >> images of us as we conduct the interview. the idea, that panels like this could be mounted in stations. you might not even notice them but those radio waves could highlight metal or liquid objects. >> so these radio waves i don't feel them, i don't see them. >> it is taking advantage of signals that are very low to give us indicators of what have in your bag, what you may be carrying under your jacket, things like that. >> and coming up at 7:00 a.m., another dhs research project, computers watching video. with your "gma" first look, i'm david kerley abc news,
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washington. >> ♪ it isn't always easy to know where you stand financially. multiple accounts, investments, insurance- it can leave you wondering how it all fits together. at northwestern mutual, we help you see your whole picture, find out what you truly want, and then together we design a plan to go get it. there's a confidence that comes in knowing what financial security is and doing what it takes to achieve it.
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>> ♪ >> time for the morning buzz. jimmy kimmel made an emotional return to late night with his son billy in his arms. maybe you watched it here on 6abc last night. the seven month old joined his father for his opening monologue one week after he underwent his second heart surgery. kimmel held back tears telling the crowd his son is doing great. he made an impassioned speech
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for congress to renew the children's health insurance program. the tennessee middle schooler who spoke out against bullying in an emotional now viral video says he is overwhelmed by the support. keaton jones' mother posted the video on friday showing her son in tears talking about the bullying he has endured at school. that led to people creating the #stand with keaton. the boy has a clear message for the bullies. >> it's not okay to take someone that don't do anything to you and make them feel like they don't belong on earth. >> scores of celebrities came to his defense with some even inviting him to movie premiers. though some people are questioning the motives of keaton's mother. you see a go fund me page was created with more than $58,000 raised. that page, though is no longer active. >> okay, matt, thank you. 5:27 and a pizza driver is
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ambushed and shot during a robbery attempt on a college campus. now three people are facing charges. plus, voters head to the polls today to decide who will be their next u.s. senator in alabama. the voters make history by electing the first nonrepublican senator in the deeply conservative state. we'll be right back. >> ♪ ♪ toyland, toyland
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♪ little girl and boy land ♪ while you dwell within it ♪ you are ever happy there daddy, it's christmas! ♪ childhood's joy land never let go of your dreams.
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the mercedes-benz winter event is back. lease the e300 sedan for $569 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> developing on "action news," an argument inside a philadelphia mini mart leads to gunfire in a gas station parking lot. >> happening today, voters in alabama head to the polls to decide the tight race between republican roy moore and democrat doug jones. >> quarterback handoff. carson wentz praises nick foles in a new video post as the new man behind center prepares to address the media later today. good morning, it's 5:30 on this tuesday, december 12th. tam is off. jeanette reyes joins us. >> let's head over to meteorologist, david murphy and karen rogers. we're expecting wet roads and temperatures will plummet, hm? >> yeah, well, fortunately watching those temperatures really carefully. it looks just wet. >> yeah, just wet this morning. you have to go up to the pocos


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