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tv   Action News 11pm  ABC  November 7, 2017 11:00pm-11:35pm EST

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roy halliday. and information on a gun battle that wounded a state trooper. that's next. ♪ ♪ >> "action news," delaware valley's leading news program with jim gardner. ♪ >> these were the best of times, not just the ecstasy of victory, but the euphoria of pitching a no hitter in the playoffs.
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october 6, 2010 when roy halliday denied the cincinnati reds a base hit. it couldn't get better than this. today, it couldn't get worse. it is tuesday night. the big story on "action news" tonight, sudden tragedy that claimed the life of roy halliday. halliday was flying his beloved two seater off the florida coast when it went down into the gulf of mexico. halliday crashed about noon ten miles west of st. peter'sburg. investigators found halliday's body in shallow water. a video was taken of halliday taking possession of the a-5. he issued a statement saying, real life is better than my dreams. it turned out to be a nightmare
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for his family and the hundreds that called him a teammate and competitor. dann cuellar is at citizen's park tonight. you have been talking to phillies fans. what are they saying about the tragedy? >> everyone here is devastated by the tragedy as are legions of fans across the community. you see the candles piling up. people are shocked and some even cried when they heard the news. >> the emotional scene as cole hammel and montgomery hug each other on the news of halliday's death. >> hamel said many nice things about halliday. he said no matter what his come flishts were, he insisted it was never about him.
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>> he made everybody better. that's what you it wasn't just roy halliday's coming in to pitch. roy halliday brought a team with him. >> they characterized the legend this way. all star pitcher. all star person and family man. >> the fans had shock and heartbreak. >> i was at work and honestly, i cried. he was amazing. devastating. he was too young to go. >> what most people didn't realize was his passion for airplanes like his father before him. he made a promotional video with his wife riding in the plane. flying the i-5 low over the water is like flying a fighter jet. >> his father said he was flying
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a fighter jet. >> he was constantly saying how much he loved the plane and flying around. ift eats a sad way to go. >> he was 40 year years old. the iconic pitcher the second killed in a crash while piloting the plane. corey lietle was killed in new york a month after being trade today the yankees. i'm dann cuellar, channel6 "action news." >> thank you, dan. sports director ducis rogers will share reaction from another former teammate, carlos ruiz. >> this is election night 2017. democrats are exhaling with relief. they won the governor's race in new jersey. they have also won the gubernatorial contest in
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virginia. we are likely to hear this has national political implications for the future. let's go to new jersey, democrat phil murphey winning with 56% of the vote. kim guadagno did better than some polls predicted but not enough to steal the victory. annie, you have the story. >> that's right. murphey oliver ticket taking the victory for new jersey democrats tonight. this is video of the governor elect phil murphey taking the stage ahead of his victory speech a short time ago. phil murphey is a former executive from the county. he served previously under president obama. jim, this race and the race for
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governor in virginia both closely watched tonight. does president trump's time in office have an effect on the races? many think so. both state democrats unseated republics. many say chris christie's year with scandals hurt gon her chan. >> attacks on public education or the environment or demonizing our immigrant neighbors are deporting our dreamers, efforts to issue a tax plan that would hurt our state or mean spierted actions to gut our healthcare,
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we'll stand and say, with all due respect, mr. president, you will not do that in the great state of new jersey. >> kim guadagno giving a brief concession speech as well. annie mccormick, "action news." back to you. >> remember democrats out number republic in the city by a margin of 7-1. "action news" reporter john rolands has been at crassner headquarters. a good night for the civil right's lawyer turned the city's top prosecutor. >> very good night, jim. quiet now in this room but not about 90 minutes ago when larry cralszner took the stage. it was shortly before 9:30 when
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he called the vote a mandate for a movement to transform the d.a.'s office. those that voted for him were tired of a system that picks on poor people, especially people of color. he listed the changes he intends to bring. >> if you like us believe it's time to end the death penalty -- >> yeah >> if you believe it's time to end mass incarceration. >> if you believe it's time to stop making prisoners for poor people by using cash bail. >> if you are sick and tired of the government stealing grandma's house when she did nothing wrong and if you have no interest in helping trump's immigration agenda -- >> the d.a. putting out a hiring
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call. he talked about a transition web site. the d.a.'s office is big. it's not clear what all of this means to those employed. presumably, we'll have clarity as the transition goes forward. john rolands. >> in allentown mayor ed pawlowski has the lead over republic challenger matt hyman. pawlowski was indicted but that's not keeping the voters from keeping him in city hall. republic mayor don guardian has been ousted in atlantic city. he said he couldn't get the
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turnout he needed and will help with the transition. >> in camden, frank moran celebrated on the victor's pub. he won 90% without an opponent. >> pennsylvania voters are electing a state supreme court judz. justice. as you can see, they are having a hard time figuring out the winner, democrat wayne woodruff is posing a challenge to republic sally munde this race too close to call. >> democrat incumbent steve sweeney held off a challenge from republic fran gi near.
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>> republic chris brown has been sporting a substantial lead over democrat collin bell and brown has been declared the winner there. singleton with an easy win over republic john brown. new jersey second district seat in the house will be up for grabs next year following the surprising announcement today that he would not run for reelection. the republic lawmakers represented the people for 22 years but said he's never seen the atmosphere in washington this toxic. he said a vocal minority within both parties has hijacked good legislation in pursuit of no legislation. that is the coverage of the vote. we'll continue to scroll results on the bottom of the screen so
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you can see the races you care about. more "action news" tonight. there is new information and new video about the traffic stop shooting that put a pennsylvania state trooper in the hospital. christie ileto is live at st. luke's hospital in bethlehem where the trooper is being treated for three bullet wounds. what is the update tonight? >> he remains in critical but stable condition. the suspect has been identified as 22-year-old daniel clairey. for the first time we are seeing images of what happened after the shootout. >> new video shows clairey minutes after the shootout with troopers. dash cam caught the gunman passing on the right and weaving in and out of traffics back window blown out. he was stopped for speeding and
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failed a sobriety test. >> troopers were in a knock down drag out fight. it got violent. the suspect was able to free himself from the troopers. he goes back to his vehicle, retrieves the gun and fires several shots at both of our troopers. flying bullets hit one trooper three times. critically injured, he was flown to hospital. clairey drove himself to the hospital. he's charged with attempted murder to a law enforcement officer. >> our guy is fighting for his life. he's a warrior. he went through a heck of a fight alongside of the road. he has the will to leave.
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god willing, he will pull through this. >> now police are not identifying the trooper. we learned from sources that he's been in the department for over a decade and recently promoted to corporal. police are expected to provide additional information tomorrow at a news conference in the morning. jim? >> thank you, christie. it's been wet and chilly with somsome places seeing snowflake. let's check in with radar and cecily tynan with the late word from accuweather. >> jim, they got a dusting of snow in the poconos. we had steady rain in the afternoon to evening, half inch to an inch. temperatures are holding steady. we never climbed out of the 40s.
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right now, 42. the morning commute, put away the umbrellas. temperatures cool. true arctic air arriving end of the week, near record cold. jim? >> thank you so much, cecily. all right, still to come on "action news," sharrie williams reports from a texas vigil in memory of the church shooting victims and more reaction to the tragic death of roy halliday. cecily tynan talks about the hard freeze end of this week when "action news" continues tonight. ♪ ♪
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>> the small community of sutherland springs, texas is still suffering from numbness two days after the shooting that took 26 lives. that town and the rest of the country continue to learn more about the shooter as officials uncover more details about devin patrick kelly.
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sharrie williams has the latest from texas. >> investigators are on scene processing evidence from the small church where the shooting happened. documents show kelly escaped from a behavioral center in 2012 and made threats against his own military command. tonight, residents rallied together for an emotional prayer vigil. >> on a breezy texas evening, hundreds gathered under the lights to grieve and console one another. >> lord, what do i say? >> residents of sutherland springs, texas turned the football stadium into an outdoor sanctuary, relying on scripture for words of encourage. >> sutherland just walked through the fire. i swear to you, it will not be burped. >burned.
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>> using prayer and song to lift each other up. >> he walks with me, and he talks with me ♪ >> a lot of us feel helpless and showing support meant a lot to us today. >> we have had hurricanes, floods, all of these things happen. everywhere i go, it's part of that, i see faith. i see hope. i see people doing good. miranda says this is her town so she had to be here. the morning of the church massacre her children heard the gunshots, so on this night she wanted them to see the good in people. >> we came here to support each other and cry. it's like a big hug. >> and a big hug is desperately what this community needs. more prayer judg vigils are schd throughout the week and
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tomorrow, wednesday night church services. sharrie williams, "action news." >> president trump addressed the south korean parliament but directed much of his speech to the leaders of north korea. trump said don't understand estimate us. do not try us. without being specific, trump said the u.s. will not be intimidated by threats from kim jung unor allow south korean cities to be threatened with destruction. >> let's get the forecast from accuweather? >> still a lot of dampness in the air, but the rain is moving out. they got snow where they wanted to, the ski resorts and poconos. this is jack frost down river
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shot of skiers, excited to see the early season snow. the accuweather highlights, we continue to dry out overnight. late in the week, we are tracking an arctic blast. right now, there is a chill in the air. it's not all that intense. 42 in philadelphia. trenton and allentown, 40. cape may, 43 and reading 39-degrees. storm tracker 6 double scan, a couple of sprinkles lingering across south jersey. the bulk of the rain has moved out. tomorrow will be a nicer day than today, still on the cool side. morning clouds breaking for afternoon sunshine. 2:00, 51. should reach a high of 53. six degrees below normal. still on the cool side. the real cold air arrives by friday. this is the set up.
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low pressure over hudson bay. high pressure to the west. this creates a cross polar flow. it moderates by the time it gets here. we are looking at 20-degrees below aj friday, windchill stuck in the 20s. you want to find several layers of winter weather gear. the accuweather forecast, tomorrow, brighter than today. morning clouds giving way to partly sunny skies. thursday, 57-degrees. that front rolls through overnight, friday, 39-degrees the high in the morning. step outside to go to school or work, 20 in philadelphia, 14 allentown, 13 reading, 20 in millville, saturday, veterans day, 41-degrees. 52 sunday. bring in the clouds, late day
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shower, monday, 56 and tuesday, 54-degrees. we get a preview of winter this friday, but what can we expect this upcoming winter season? i have the answer in the winter weather forecast, talk about temperatures, how much snow to expect where you live. thursday at 11:00. >> got it. thank you, cecily. >> coming up on "action news," more on the death of roy halliday when we continue in just a minute. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ it feels good to be back. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> the entire phillies family trying to come to grips with the death of roy halliday. >> the organization put out a statement saying the organization is number over the news of roy halliday's death. the former phillies ace was killed after crashing the plane he was piloting off the coast of florida. he won two cy young awards and in 2010 pitched a perfect game against miami. later that year in the post season, a no hitter against the cincinnati reds. cole hammel remembers his former teammate and his friend. >> he was a man of few words. you watched him and you watched what he did. his work ethic was second to
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none. you couldn't beat him to the ballpark. if you did, you would lose from then on out. >> carl took the news hard. when i got the news, i was truly devastated. he was one of the best pitchers i ever caught and a better friend. i wanted to win more for him than myself. i'll miss him very much. >> ben simmons is here, a steel and dunk, sixers lead by nine. later in the third, sixers up 18 with a triple leading late in the fourth by ten t. we talk eagles after the break.
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>> the eagles have gone their separate ways for the by week. eagles like what they have seen from carson wentz, a league high 23 touchdowns this season, five interceptions. the coaches love those type of numbers. they also love something else, his accountability. >> some young quarterbacks i have been around point the finger in another direction. you never see that out of him. he's a buck stops here type of kid playing the position. he has the mindset to be upset with himself but at the same time, move on.
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he knows if he harps on a play too long, it will the hurt our team. >> "jimmy kimmel live" next. "action news" continues at 4:30 with pamela edwards, matt o'donnell, meteorologist david murphey and karen rogers with traffic. for the entire "action news" team, i'm jim gardner. ♪ ♪
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>> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight, carey mulligan, from "coco", gael garcía bernal, and music from darius rucker, and now, all of a sudden, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ thank you!


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