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tv   Action News 11pm  ABC  April 17, 2017 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

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death, a new report on what went wrong. and philadelphia comes face to face with a killer. that's next. ♪ ♪ "action news," delaware valley's leading news program with jim gardner. ♪ >> it was december 9th, 2014 when joyce craig became the first firefighter to die in the line of duty.
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aplays attacked middle street. her death was explained today. it's monday night. the big story is the definitive answers that hovered over the tragic circumstances of the day. now a scathing report issued by the investigators points to an oxygen max. christie ileto has the details. >> fire officials won't address what's in the report until normal morning. this affirms what the fire union and family has been saying all along. the first call for help was 3:0. next, i'm trapped on the second
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floor. third, i can't breathe. the 11 year veteran was found in the doing room of this burning home in december 201. the host supplying her with oxygen was burned through during the blaze. along with out dated equipment, there were other fatal factors like a back up team that took 20 minutes to arrive. >> we deemed this to be an unsafe environment and it was reaffirmed by a tragic night. >> local 22 firefighters and president andrew thomas says the report proves what they have been arguing all along. have the changes been dealt with? yes. there are no more brown outs in the department. do we need the engine and ladder companies back? >> have to have r
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on hand experienced training. our fire tower itself is unsafe. >> where will they get trained? i'm unaware of where they'll go right now. >> the details of the report and making sure it doesn't happen again will be released next year. the attorney representing the family says this furthers their case. christie ileto, "action news" at 10:00, jim? >> state trooper alex douglass arrived to at the at the trial of eric frein the man that allegedly shot douglas leaving
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him with a serious limp today. frein killed brian dickson in 2014. douglas choked up in court describing his painful road to recovery including 18 surgeries. frein pleaded not guilty. the search continues for 37-year-old steve stephens who shot a man the cleveland an put the video of the murder on facebook. tonight in cleveland, a vigil for the victim, robert godwin senior. "action news" reporter annie mccormick is live with more on this brutal crime. >> this is now a national manhunt. cleveland police are working with authorities tracking down every tip they get and the
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reward for information leading to an arrest is $50,000. >> a message for steve stephens. >> if you are out there, call someone, friend or family member or pastor. give them a call. they are waiting on you to call them. >> easter sunday in cleveland, ohio, stephens picked robert goodwin at random, shot and killed him and posted it on facebook. he was last seen driving this vehicle. 911 calls came into philadelphia police around 1:00 this afternoon after reports of a possible sighting at the belmont hotel. >> this put 30 school in west philadelphia on lockdown for several hours. >> you could see them on
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facebook live. it was crazy. >> residents confident, if stephens made it here, i he would be caught. >>s not going to last in philadelphia. >> friends and family of stephens are being cooperate i. >> and the woman he named before the shooting, joy lane. >> also cooperating with police. authoritiesvowing to look into every lead. >> we are not leaving any stone unturned. the tips, we want them to keep coming in. police don't think the fugitive was in the city today. police are asking if there is any information that people call the fbi tip line. annie mccormick, channel6 "action news." back to you. >> memorial presbyterian church in delaware county is vowing to rebuild after a devastating fire
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today. an "action news" viewer captured flames racing through the center at 8:30. inside the building, it's black and ashen. no one was hurt. church congregants are going through the debris to see what they can salvage. among the wreckage, a bible and cross. the structure is sound so the church can be rebuilt. >> the discovery today of a badly burned body in a boarded up restaurant in northeast philadelphia. dann cuellar is live at the sushi kingdom. dan, what do we know about this? >> jim, it's not the kind of thing contractors were expecting when they came to board up broken windows. next thing you know the restaurant was swarming with
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crime scene investigators. the discovery was made just before 2:00 when contractors arrived to board up broken windows smashed by vandals since the place closed 2015. >> when they went inside the building to determine what kind of work they needed to do they found a body heavily charred. >> investigators say it's the body of a man. it's unclear how long it has been here. >> from mid january to now is when we believe it happened. >> police have not ruled out a scavenger looking for copper wire or a squatter setting himself on fire trying to keep warm. >> we are not sure if that's what we have here or if someone is trying to get the copper and electrical wires out of it.
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peco is here now trying to determine if that's a factor. >> the fire marshal was called to assist the investigation. nothing had been ruled out end of day. they are awaiting the medical examiner's report. dann cuellar, "action news" wphl-17. walter? >> vandals have damaged a cemetery. it was discovered in january but it's been kept secret until now. the diocese tells "action news" that they plan to upgrade lock gates. >> vice president mike pence used the occasion of his visit to the dmz between north and south korea to flex muscle for the benefit of kim jong un.
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>> the world witnesses the strength and resolve of our new president. north korea would do well not to test his strength. >> at the same time, pence expressed the hope of achieving security through peaceable means, through negotiations. but at the u.n. north korea's deputy, u.n. ambassador accused the u.s. of creating a dangerous situation in which a nuclear war may break out at any moment. >> president trump was asked if he had a message for north korea? >> they have to behave. >> got to behave. even in the aftermath of a failed missile test this weekend, north korea pledged to
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conduct missile tests on weekly, monthly and yearly tests. >> kneel divorc neil gorsuch way one in court. it took him 11 minutes to begin asking questions. >> harry parish was invited on stage during a town hall meeting. he joined the marines in 1967. the congressman presented him with a plaque and flag that once flew over the nation's capital. >> the video of a highway buckling several feet into the air. and a helicopter crashing on to a golf course outside of washington d.c. >> pot and pregnancy, a new report quantifies how many teen moms are smoking marijuana before giving birth.
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>> cecily? >> yesterday's record warmth has been push today the south. i'm tracking unseasonably warm air. i'll explain when in the seven-day forecast. >> ducis rodgers with carson wentz as they get back together for workouts. that and more when "action news" continues. ♪ ♪
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>> the u.s. army is investigating the deadly crash of one of its black hawk helicopters. the chopper went down on a golf course in maryland and broke apart. military officials say one crew member was killed. the other two onboard were injured one seriously. one critically. >> it was seen spinning before it crashed. the u.s. 60 was on a routine training ente exercise when it crashed 60-miles from washington. >> the arkansas supreme court has halted the death of two men.
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>> she plans to ask the supreme court to vacate a stay issued for inmate don davis. he was still granted his last meal. the state of arkansas wants to carry out six executions before the end of the month. records unsealed "today show" pop star prince had narcotics hidden all around his house. according to an affidavit, the doctor said he prescribed drugs under a friend's name to protect prince's privacy. prince died of an over dose of fentanyl. it's unclear where he got the drug that took his life. >> united airlines says all crew members must check in 60 minutes before a flight.
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that way if a passenger has to be bumped, it will happen before they board. >> american airlines says they won't remove any paying passenger already boarded so another passenger can have a seat. >> just after a georgia highway collapsed, atlanta faces a egg bigger issue. piece of pavement rose six feet high. a motorcyclist slammed into the buckled highway and is in critical condition. pennsylvania officials say traffic deaths have dropped to the lowest levels on record, 1,188 people were killed in crashes last year. penndot noted a significant drop in drunk driving crashes and people running off the road. there were more crashes in
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intersections where pedestrians were killed. there was an increase in traffic deaths while every other county in the area in this region stayed even. >> in health check, it seems young mothers are not getting the message about avoiding marijuana during pregnancy. they are doing it more often. pregnant teens are twice as likely to smoke pot than peers that are not pregnant. 6.5% of girls ages 12-17 had used marijuana. >> a former councilman is going to jail for six months for cheating on his taxes. john schultz defrauded the irs of $1 million over three years.
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the federal judge said greed is the only reason someone flifg an 18,000 square foot penthouse would commit this crime. attorney come kline moderated the dorn side center. there were eight candidates vying to replace seth williams. may 16th a democratic candidate will be elected. the only republican running is seth grossman. >> let's get the late word from accuweather and meteorologist cecily tynan. >> jim, tomorrow should be a beautiful day. double scan showing we dried out nicely after morning showers and cleared the clouds just enough for spectacular sunsets.
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keith from doyle town pennsylvania on my facebook page. you can see the best sunsets have clouds. enough clouds to get the oranges, reds, yellows. beautiful photos. keep sending them in. it's april. it's been on the warm side. temperatures this month running more than six degrees above normal. rainfall is on pace near normal, close to two inches of rain so far this month. currently we are dry and cooling off, millville 47. always a cool spot. allentown, 55. wilmington 61. philadelphia, 66-degrees. cape mejia cooled off to 59. satellite and radar showing we have a front move through this morning, a cold front bringing us a scattering of showers, generally less than a tenth of an inch of rain.
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a secondary system with a weak front. your day planner showing tomorrow beautiful. mostly sunny on the cool side. 53-degrees. by 2:00, 63. 5:00, 66-degrees. loads of sunshine in philadelphia and the same in the lehigh valley. light winds, 66. the cool spot will be along the beaches. the ocean temperature is 48. still cold. the air temperature is 58-degrees. wednesday, we have more of an easterly flow. we start the day with sun and clouds. 64-degrees. the warm front moving through late in the day. behind the system, you like it warm, thursday through saturday temperatures near 80-degrees. then a big cooldown by the
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weekend end and a system bringing rain arriving on sunday. the seven-day forecast, tomorrow is the nicest day of the week. mostly sunny, 65 the normal high this time of year, 67-degrees. wednesday, more in the form of clouds, but we see sunshine early in the day. 64 the high. thursday, behind the warm front, 79. could have shower and thunderstorms late in the day overnight into early friday morning. we warm back up to 75 friday afternoon. friday night should be beautiful. proms friday night. looking good. the weekend, grab the jacket. saturday, the union game or phillies game, bunked up. 62, mostly cloudy. saturday dry but sunday, rape rn arriving.
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monday, it stays unsettled with april shower and a high of 62. next weekend is not looking great. tomorrow, sunny and 67. a beautiful april day. >> thank you. >> the newest film in the fast and furious franchise set a record. the final tally shows the fate of the furious edged out the previous record holder by $3 million. furious opened with $532 million across the world. it is the eighth movie in the series. the movie didn't set a north american record taking in $99 million here.
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>> guess who started to work today? it would be the philadelphia eagles. >> the gang is back together. the eagles began their offseason workout program today, voluntary, conditioning and weights, but it's important. carson wentz says he expects to see improvement in 2017. >> i'll hold myself to higher expectations. last year we finished 7-9. that's not good enough. it's never going to be good enough for me or anyone in the building. i expect us all to make strides and play into january. we believe we have the pieces in place. we have a lot of work ahead of us here. it's early. iit's april. we believe that. we'll put the work in and get it done. >> there are several local
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connections to next week's nfl draft. korey clement is expected to be mid round pick. he rushed 1400-yards. he filled up every moment leading up to the draft. >> this process is cool and as a kid, i dreamed about being in this situation. didn't know when the day would come. it's approaching and we have to get ready for what comes next. i'm happy. flying through philadelphia back to wisconsin, i'm doing a lot of thinking on that plane and picking out every scenario possible that i can be in. >> our "action news" sports special draft preview party a week from wednesday. live on the parkway to preview one of the biggest events in all of sports, that's april 26th.
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more sports after the break. >> tomorrow, the deadline for tax returns. what to do if you miss the deadline. >> and it's chilly. wake up to everything going on tomorrow on "action news" morning. ♪ ♪ (vo) love is why we built a car you can trust. now and for a long time to come. the all-new subaru impreza sedan and five-door. a car you can love no matter what road you're on. the subaru impreza. more than a car, it's a subaru.
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congrbut when right-wingomised topoliticians triedth care. to pass a disastrous health care repeal bill that raises costs and cuts coverage, macarthur wouldn't oppose them. macarthur wouldn't protect us from a bill that raises premiums and causes 24 million to lose their insurance. wouldn't oppose a massive "age tax" on people over 50. but supported a 600 billion tax break for the wealthy. tell tom macarthur - stop trying to repeal our health care.
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>> the phillies have the night off. tomorrow they begin a set in new york against the mets. zach ephron replacing clay buchholz. game three between the capitals and maple leafs toronto on the powerplay. every game in the series has ended up in overtime. >> nba playoffs, game two between the calves and pacers.
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irving leads off with 37 points. cleveland wins, 117-111 taking the 2-0 series lead. sticking with basketball, the big three professional basketball league will make a stop at the we als wells fargo . allen iverson is signed up to be a coach. julius irving a coach as well. >> from the big three to the big five, the big five held their annual awards dinner tonight. nice to see the coach so calm. also tonight, former st. joe's star, inducted into the hall of fame. >> nelson saying he's humbled by it all. >> anytime you get an accolade
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of any level, you don't grow up thinking you will be a hall of famer anything. >> well deserved. he was one of the best college basketball play teres to ever win the game. >> "jimmy kimmel live" next followed by "nightline." "action news" continues at 4:30 with pamela edwards, matt o'donnell and karen murphey with traffic. for the entire "action news" team, i'm jim gardner.
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>> yes. ♪ guardian ♪ guardian ♪ guardian ♪ in all you do >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight, the cast of "guardians of the galaxy volume 2," chris pratt, zoe saldana, dave bautista, michael rooker and kurt russell. plus music from bleachers. >> dicky: and now, just relax, here's jimmy kimmel! ♪ jimmy kimmel live [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪


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