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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  April 29, 2016 7:00am-9:01am EDT

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. >> have a great friday. good morning, america. violent clashes break out at a donald trump rally overnight. protesters jumping on police car, smash window, cops in riot gear fight to keep crowds under control as the front-runner battles to lock up the nomination. draft day disaster. a star football player's nightmare after he says a hacker publicly posted this video moments before the nfl draft showing him smoking pot. the social media setup that may have cost him millions of dollars. all-out war inside scientology's ruling family. the father of the church's leader speaks out calling his son ruthless. >> that taste of power, i think, is what changed david. >> with a volatile temper. >> cursing, yelling, screaming at me. >> this morning he opens up about why he left scientology and faces a bitter backlash from the church. the exclusive interview you'll
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see only on "gma." no laughing matter. will ferrell under fire for his plans to play ronald reagan suffering from alzheimer's in a new film. the former president's family in an uproar. what they are saying this morning. and good morning, america. happy friday. what a morning it is here in times square. we are kicking off the finale of our huge wedding event. >> it's huge. final touches under way as you can see. the countdown is on for the big finish to our 24-hour marathon 100 weddings in one day and it has been an incredible event. look at elvis there. >> yes, absolutely and we're calling it our "wide world of weddings." taking place all over the globe. right here you're about to look at a ceremony in south korea just moments ago and so much more of our celebration coming up and some very big surprise guest, as well. >> a lot of surprises this morning. >> i hugged one of our surprise
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guests this morning. it was very nice. yes, all right. we're excited about that. a lot more to come but first we want to get to the big headline this morning, the race for president and those violent riots breaking out overnight. the images stunning at donald trump's rally in california. this all as the candidates prepare for the critical indiana primary just four days away. abc's cecilia vega has the latest from evansville. there is a lot to talk about, cecilia. >> reporter: amy, good morning to you. this is a critical battleground here and the main newspaper here is announcing its support of hillary clinton and john kasich calling donald trump, quote, a danger to the united states and to the world. overnight, donald trump's first california rally was met by hundreds of protesters who clashed with police in riot gear, they jumped on police car, drove doughnuts, nearly 20 were arrested. one trump supporter beaten. but before heading to the golden state trump expressed his confidence inhoosier state.
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>> indiana will have such an impact on who it's going to be and i'm the only one to beat hillary clinton. >> ted cruz in the hoosier state too in dire need of an upset to stay in the race. >> we are at the edge of a cliff staring downward and it is the common sense and good judgment of the hoosier state that is the one thing that stands between us and plunging over the cliff. >> reporter: cruz now enlisting his new running mate to join the tag team fight. but this morning the fight on the gop side hotter than ever. former house speaker john boehner heard in this recording telling stanford university students what he really thinks of cruz. >> how about ted cruz? [ laughter ] >> lucifer in the flesh. in washington i have as many democrat friends as i do
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republican friends and i get along with almost everybody. but i have never worked with a more miserable [ bleep ]. >> reporter: and cruz fired right back. >> good morning, everyone, he allowed his inner trump to come out. see, if you're happy with john boehner as speaker of the house and you want a president like john boehner, donald trump is your man. >> reporter: and back to donald trump, there was a scare at his manhattan headquarters overnight. some workers evacuated after they discovered an envelope addressed to donald trump contained a suspicious white powder inside. police say that powder was not found to be contaminated, george, but they are investigating to find out what it was. >> yeah, they got to the get to the bottom of that. a lot of raw feelings out there. cecilia, thanks very much. more from jon karl and let's start out with the importance of indiana. you heard donald trump say indiana will have an unbelievable impact. walk through for everyone why indiana is so important. >> indiana could be the last stand for those trying to stop trump. take a look at where the race
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stands right now. trump has nearly a thousand delegates. he needs less than 250 to clinch. that brings us to indiana on tuesday. 57 delegates in the state of indiana. the winner will get almost all of those and if you look at what trump has done so far, he has won 51% of all of the delegates so far. if he wins indiana, george, he only needs to win 44% of the remaining delegates. he can coast his way to the nomination, even if he doesn't do as well as he's been doing. if he loses indiana he needs to get 53% of the remaining delegates. difficult, he needs to do better than he's been doing but not impossible. indiana is must win for ted cruz. it's not necessarily must win for donald trump. >> but that would set up a big contest in california. meantime, you had former speaker boehner with those tough words for ted cruz and sort of indicative of the kind of challenges cruz has faced in this campaign. >> reporter: absolutely and now you're seeing establishment republicans starting to get used to the idea of donald trump as
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the nominee. two reasons for that, one, he is winning, the other reason they really don't like ted cruz. >> okay, jon karl, thanks very much. we have some big weather headlines to get to. some severe storms overnight. a state of emergency declared in mississippi after damaging winds and heavy rains drowned the south leading to dozens of rescues. ginger is here with all the latest. good morning, ginger. >> we have severe thunderstorms on the map at this hour. happening this morning in parts of arkansas and oklahoma and look at the snow in colorado and new mexico. major temperature gradients setting up. a powerful storm, potential for flash flooding from houston to texarkana. just look at these pictures. a state of emergency in gulfport, mississippi. nearly 10 inches of rain falling in the past 24 hours. winds so fierce this traffic light came crashing down barely missing an suv. police taking to the streets in boats rolling out a vehicle specifically designed for
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rescues. >> my youngest son called me and said mom, my room is flooded. >> wlox capturing this rescue live. >> this is it a dangerous situation out here. >> you can see a woman running and helping that other driver. biloxi's river swelling at least 17 feet in the past 24 hours. in gould, oklahoma, a new system spinning up a striking supercell. and in the panhandle of texas, hail pelting drivers. so much falling, people breaking out the snow shovels to clear paths. and just outside indianapolis, a possible tornado slicing through parts of boon county. so here's the setup today. we've got that dip in the jet stream, the low slides across the panhandle of texas and oklahoma city to dallas right there to almost little rock and enhanced risk for severe weather. the biggest threat would be hail and damaging wind but still the potential for an isolated tornado along the stationary front sitting there.
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stationary meaning it's going to move slowly and that means a lot of rain. we're talking flash flood potential anywhere from the gulf from houston to new orleans again, right up to close to little rock and parts of alabama and mississippi too so this is a big one. it'll be around for a couple of days. i'll have much more coming up. >> covering a lot of the map, thanks. time for the nfl draft. it kicked off with a lot of excitement. surprises and some controversy. after a series of social media posts appeared to cost one hot prospect millions of dollars, abc's ryan smith here with the latest. good morning, ryan. >> reporter: quarterbacks jared goff and carson wentz topped the draft's first round but the talk of the evening offensive tackle laremy tunsil. his draft stock fell dramatically when minutes before the draft his twitter and instagram accounts were hacked, he claims and a damning video posted. >> with the first pick -- with the second pick -- with the third pick. >> reporter: while the draft is where dreams are made, it's also a place where they're dashed. overnight offensive tackle laremy tunsil touted as one of the best players in college
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football sat most of the night undrafted. the reason, just minutes before the draft began, this video of the all-star athlete smoking out of a bong was posted to his twitter page. the video and tunsil's twitter account quickly deleted but the damage was already done. >> if you can't keep yourself on the straight and narrow as far as your choices, how can they pick you. >> reporter: tunsil sat waiting as team after team after team passed him up while he waited additional images were uploaded to his instagram account showing alleged text messages between tunsil and one of his college coaches, tunsil allegedly asking for help paying bills and rent. >> the miami dolphins select laremy tunsil. >> reporter: tunsil eventually falling to the 13th pick overall. facing questions about both social media posts at a press conference after the draft. >> man, somebody is hacking my account and, man, i made that mistake, you know, several years ago and somehow somebody got in
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my photos and hacked my twitter account and apparently somebody attacked my instagram account too. >> reporter: they addressed the leak saying we had known about it. the video is two years old so from all the information we had, we were comfortable with it. and on taking money -- >> was an exchange between you and your coach money. >> i have to say yeah. >> that admission could potentially get ole miss in trouble with the ncaa. ole miss telling us the university is aware of the reports from the nfl draft regarding laremy tunsil. we will aggressively investigate and fully coop wait with the ncaa and the s.e.c. tunsil was suspended by the ncaa for the first seven games last season for accepting improper benefits. >> and ryan joins us now. put dollars and cents on it. how much did that end up costing him. >> the ravens were considering him for the sixth pick. if he had been selected there that would have been the difference between $7 million. he was once in the conversation
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for the top spot. now while the quarterback picks weren't a surprise, the difference between the rookie contracts at the quarterback position number one and where he was picked at 13, around $15 million. >> we all remember the johnny manziel draft controversy. you can't blame them for being gun shy. >> they want to make sure they know who they have and be trouble-free and laremy tunsil said that was in the past, i've changed and the dolphins said let's take a chance on him. >> thanks very much. >> a reminder that nothing is private on your phone. all right. >> that's true. >> thanks. now to another big headline. a bomb scare at a baltimore tv station. employees evacuated after a man in an animal costume claiming he was wearing a suicide vest before s.w.a.t. teams took him down. pierre thomas has all the details. good morning, pierre. >> reporter: good morning, amy. right now it's calm here at the station but for a few hours yesterday, it was terrifying.
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a man wearing a surgical mask and a hedgehog animal costume claiming to have a bomb at baltimore tv station wbff. shot four times by police. >> man's down. man's down. >> reporter: bizarre incident began at 1:20 in the afternoon when 25-year-old alex rizzi walked into the station's lobby. he claimed he was wearing a suicide vest along with his outrageous outfit. his demands, that the station air what was on a flash drive. >> we're all inside working on our stories and our security guard comes in and you can tell he's very urgent and says everyone needs to evacuate now. >> reporter: the security guard was able to keep the suspect calm for roughly 30 minutes before leaving the building himself. more than an hour later the suspect suddenly leaves the lobby, confronted by s.w.a.t. teams shot four times. >> the man is walking out. the man is walking out. >> reporter: police using a robot to disarm the suspect only then discovering he wasn't wearing a bomb.
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the wires and circuit boards covering candy bars, not explosives. overnight, his father said his son's mental health had recently unraveled. >> he just broke up with his girlfriend but it looks like he just had a mental breakdown. >> reporter: as for motive police are still investigating but family members fear he was trying to commit suicide. george. >> okay, thanks very much. we move on to new arrests involving the family of san bernardino terrorists taken into custody as part of an fbi investigation then two of them released on bond overnight. abc's brian ross is here with the latest. good morning, brian. >> reporter: good morning, the family of the shooter had denied they had any connection to the attacks but when the fbi took a closer look they say they found the shooter's brother and two other relatives were involved in criminal wrongdoing of a much different kind. the shooter's brother and his wife were released on bond late last night in california after the fbi moved in to arrest them on charges they arranged a
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marriage fraud green card scam. >> shots heard. >> reporter: they drew out of the massive investigation of the san bernardino terror attack that killed 14 people in december. anybody who had any connection to the husband/wife team of attackers, syed farook and his pakistani wife was put under tight scrutiny for any possible wrongdoing. in february fbi agents raided the family home removing files and documents leading to the arrest thursday of three members of farook's family. farook's brother raheel, a decorated u.s. navy veteran, his wife tatiana and tatiana's sister mariya all charged with the marriage fraud scam to get a green card for mariya who is a russian citizen. >> usually the case that those who have violated immigration laws are only discovered in the course of some other type of criminal investigation. but when the fbi arrested farook's best friend enrique marquez for providing the guns in the attack agents say he admitted he was being paid to go through with a sham marriage
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with mariya, the other russian sister. authorities found mariya was living with a man in los angeles who she said was the father of her child and not with marquez. the government to date has provided no evidence to indicate the three were involved in the attacks in any way or knew about them in advance but continue to investigate. amy. >> all right, thanks so much. brian. we turn now to frightening moments for high school students on a trip to chicago. look at the moment after they evacuated their charter bus. it burst into flames after the driver saw some smoke coming from the engine and pulled over. well, fire soon engulfed the entire back of the bus and the pictures inside, look at that, show the extensive damage of what's left of the seats. students say that fire started one minute after they evacuated the bus. incredibly no one was injured, thanks to that quick-thinking by the driver seeing the smoke and getting everybody out in time. >> absolutely. >> could have been a nightmare. >> absolutely. all right, want to switch gears to the latest on the passing of prince. new reports about what may have
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caused his death and whathas now to his estate including that vault containing all that unreleased music, abc's eva pilgrim is outside paisley park with the latest. good morning, eva. >> reporter: good morning, lara. his siblings meeting here at paisley park to discuss what to do moving forward with his estate. this as investigators continue to try to find answers as to what happened to the superstar. this morning, law enforcement investigating whether prince died from a drug overdose. according to the associated press, authorities looking into whether a doctor had been prescribing drugs for the star in recent weeks or may have been on the plane when it landed in illinois for a medical emergency six days before his death. also this morning prince's secret vault of never before heard songs opened. our minneapolis affiliate kstp reporting the company that was given temporary authority to manage prince's estate bremer trust had to drill it open, prince the only one with the
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code. >> one day someone will release them, i don't know that i'll get to release them. >> reporter: the seven time grammy award winner reportedly leaving behind the vault of songs so vast his estate could release an album a year for the next century. >> we could put out more work in a .than most people could do in a year or more. >> reporter: susan rogers, a former recording engineer for prince says the musician was recording so much in the '80s that she started collecting his tapes and storing them in one place. rogers describing it as a giant room with shelves that filled up quickly. these pictures reportedly showing the door to the secret vault sealed with a large spinning wheel. this as the fight over prince's estate heats up. his half brother alfred jackson speaking to "entertainment tonight" saying the family met to discuss the estate and remember their brother. >> i miss my brother because my brother was everything in the world to me. >> reporter: a former makeup artist putting the jacket prince wore in that classic motorcycle
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scene in "purple rain" up on the auction block. experts think it will get much more than the $6,000 asking price. george. >> i bet they're right about that. eva, thanks very much. now back to ginger with snow snow already in colorado springs we're seeing that accumulation, sante fe with light rain to start. highest elevations will pick up wet and heavy snow. that's why we reveal the winter storm warnings in parts of the rockies and wind advisories in california cal and fire danger in new mexico and texas. this week's getaways brought to you by target.
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>> reporter: that happen spot had we dancing in the studios. we have cloudy skies and blip of precipitation coming through. it's chilly this morning most of us in the 40s. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast, 55. clouds all the way, and occasionally drizzle or spotty shower. phillies get the ballgame in tonight but you want to dress warmly and bring along the rain gear. check out the radar before you head down. dry on saturday, rainy sunday. i decision to leave the church and his relationship with his son. >> david is backstage literally tearing me apart verbally for 55 minutes, cursing, yelling,
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screaming at me. >> the church pushes back hard this morning. what they're saying about this high-profile defect tore. and will ferrell under fire for how he's planning to play ronald reagan, what the president's family is saying this morning. and we've got the huge live finale of our wedding event. ♪ i think i want to marry you like a bunch of space cadets. huh? what? i've drawn a blank. what's my line? [director]: reset! maybe we do live in a fantasy... our own little bubble. just hangin' out! as if we're not completely down to earth. but just a bunch of dreamers? no way! we're just like everyone else. you know, average joes. start dreaming big at ever since jim signed personalized lawn care plan, he's been getting step-by-step instructions based on where he lives that ensures his lawn looks amazing. hey jim, you know what else would look amazing in the yard? a lady unicorn.
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last time i showed you this it was jammed from approaching the mid span. now, you can see the entire lebt of lebt -- length of the ben franklin bridge jammed because the traffic lights at the base of the bridge are not working. big delays. this is the time when the ben would be jammed anyway. what a day for the traffic lights not to be working. you can see how it's jamming the vine, westbound the traffic lights are not working correctly. it's creating a giant mess coming into the city. look at the schuylkill expressway 12 miles per hour westbound coming into the city with everyone jammed trying to get to the penn relays. otherwise no major accidents on i-95 or the schuylkill expressway. thank you, karen we'll take a short break and come back to your accuweather.
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>> reporter: another big home game for the union on saturday, it will be dry for that. cloud and cool conditions, radar shows you a slight shower and blip of green this morning. some of you might be looking at fine drizzle on the windshield. i have a bit of that on the terrace. it's cool, 40s, high of 5 today. cloudy at times and damp and drizzle and spotty shower. dry tomorrow, 64 cloudy. rain on sunday, hopefully
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tapering off later in the day. on "g.m.a.," inside scientology a new book. we'll see you back here in 30. when you want itchy, watery eyes and sneezes out of the picture, you go to walgreens for flonase allergy relief- over the counter in full prescription strength. with walgreens right around the corner, it's easy to get more complete relief in a flash. how's that for picture perfect? well... "perfect" might be a slight exaggeration. swing by walgreens for flonase that helps block six allergic substances, not just one. walgreens. at the corner of happy and healthy.
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look at those violent clashes that broke out at a donald trump trump rally in california overnight. protesters jumping on police car, they smashed windows, as well and 20 people were arrested ahead of the next big vote in indiana on tuesday. >> wow. what a scene. also right now the south recovering from severe weather and in arizona, dangerous driving conditions after a dust storm brought traffic to a standstill closing part of the interstate there. this morning as we gear up for our huge wedding event here in times square, across the pond, will and kate are celebrating their fifth anniversary. we'll have all the latest in our next hour. it's just a friday of love. >> it is a friday of love. well said. and we have 16 couples just got here, they are getting ready to say "i do" live on "gma." there are our brides getting ready.
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a shot of this. there you go and we have a very special guest with them. are you ready? reveal! hey, did you know sam champion is an ordained minister and you'd like us to call you rev champ. >> i went with rev champ and i wanted to show you my parking pass to make it official. this is janelle, kelly and danielle, three of our brides up here in the makeup room. i'm giving them makeup tips and we're all ready to go. >> you are a man of many talents. >> sam, what are you wearing. >> this will also be revealed. very important to the ceremony. >> sam jumped into the makeup room so excited about his parking pass. free parking pass as a minister. >> in new york it's a big deal. >> it is a big deal. that is all coming up. but right now new details from that explosive new book called "ruthless" written by a former scientologist the father of the church's leader and the church
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is hitting back hard about the allegations and dan harris has the story. >> reporter: good morning. the church of scientology has dealt with many high-profile defectors including celebrities and former top executives but this situation, this is truly unique. the father of the undisputed leader of the church quitting writing a book and hauling into public view an all-out war within scientology's ruling family. it's the summer of 2004 and there's a special event taking place on board the luxury scientology cruise ship known as the free wind. a birthday celebration for the star tom cruise rocking out alongside the star the undisputed leader of scientology, the chairman of the board, david miscavige. ♪ you'll never get me out on the floor ♪ >> reporter: but look in the background. that older gentleman playing the horn, that's ron miscavige,
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david's dad who now much to the chagrin of the church has decided to step out and play solo. what's the relationship between your son and tom cruise. >> tom cruise thinks that david is the top spirit cal being on this planet. >> the top spiritual being on the planet. >> they're like the best of buddies. >> reporter: in an exclusive interview ron miscavige now 0 speaking out about why he decided to leave the church and write a book about his own son called "ruthless." >> power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. that taste of power i think is what changed david. >> reporter: ron spent nearly three decades working in the seaorg, the religious order of the church where he witnessed his son's volcanic temper. >> david is backstage literally tearing me apart verbally for 55 minutes cursing, yelling, screaming at me. >> reporter: for six years ron lived on a sprawling sinai peninsula base in california
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known as gold. >> it got worse and worse and worse. >> reporter: ron blames his son for what he calls an intensely stressful atmosphere at the base and says over time the crushing workload, discipline and lack of sleep became unbearable. >> they may work hard. they may work longer hours than we do but they enjoy it. >> reporter: the church is pushing back hard against these allegations providing abc news with pictures of ron at leisure enjoying fancy birthday meals provided by his son. >> he was working with first class musicians in one of the best studios in the world. he had nothing to complain about. >> reporter: the church sent us letters from ron's former bandmates calling him lazy saying he used ethnic slur, was a poor musician and a disgusting pig. >> my name is peter shless. >> reporter: what's more the church conducted his own interviews with people that worked with ron and gave them to us. >> ron was an embarrassment to me personally. >> reporter: he says these
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charges are trumped up. if he was as bad as his former colleagues now insist why was he right there at this celebration for sinai peninsula's star. ♪ old time rock and roll >> reporter: and tonight on "20/20" you'll hear much more of ron's story. what he calls his escape from the so-called gold base and the private investigators hired by the church to follow him for more than a year and a correction. in our report yesterday we had a graphic that incorrectly identified the church attorney monique yuengling as a former scenetologist. she has never actually been a member of the church. she is, however, an energetic and longtime advocate for the church and you'll hear a lot more from her in a very rare interview tonight. >> "20/20" at 10:00. looking forward to it. thanks, dan. a big warning after a former texas beauty queen says a stranger targeted her with a tracking device slip it into her purse and monitoring her every move and abc's gio benitez is here with how it happened.
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>> reporter: she says a simple drink at a bar turned into a scary stalker situation fulled of hacked fines and digital tracking and this morning she's telling us her story to warn you. >> miss texas, alexandra ahmadi. >> reporter: she's a former beauty queen, once crowned miss san antonio. alexandra ahmadi says she was hoping for a simple birthday celebration at a lounge just a week ago until a stranger changed everything. >> he approached me and asked me, oh, are you the birthday girl. i said, yes, i am and he said that's awesome. so do you mind if i buy you and your party a drink to celebrate? >> reporter: ahmadi says the man wouldn't leave her side. at one point giving her this. >> i didn't really think anything of it so i set it on the side of my purse and, you know, right when i think right when i turned around is when he slid it inside my handbag. >> reporter: it's actually a bluetooth device and its maker tile tells abc news it was designed to help locate personal items quickly, such as key,
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wallets, backpacks, et cetera, within a close proximity. ahmadi says the man somehow hacked her phone. later sending hi slew of obscene text messages also calling her my lady and asking can we be friends now? come to my house. but here's the catch, she says she never gave out her number. >> during that night he was calling me several times facetiming me, sending me extremely inappropriate photos. >> reporter: ahmadi went to police launching an official investigation. >> anybody watching this story should be cautious of the technological advances out there now and while these things are really good if you're looking for your keys or your pets some of these things can be used for bad purposes. >> reporter: and tile insists the device is not meant to be used this way. police of course still have many, many questions, by the way, one officer realized her phone number was actually public on facebook and that is, of course, a reminder to keep that information just locked down. >> all right, thank you so much. good advice there, gio, thank
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you. will ferrell under fire set to play ronald reagan. what the late president's family is saying this morning. and the woman who says it's not fair that moms get special treatment even though she doesn't have children she says she detenks a meterity leave that sparked quite a debate. we'll have it coming up. some things are always there for you. [ alarm ringing ] like your alarm clock -- right on time. your double-soy whatchamacallit -- always there. your parking space. [ car alarm chirps ] seriously?
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our blogs are buzzing about the designer smile... by colgate. new optic white high impact white toothpaste with a professionally recommended whitening ingredient. for four shades visibly whiter teeth. the designer smile by new colgate optic white high impact white.
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can't afford to let heartburn get in the way? try nexium 24hr, the #1 selling brand for frequent heartburn. get complete protection with the leader in frequent heartburn. that's nexium level protection. back now with funnyman will
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ferrell famous for playing characters like former president george w. bush now set to play ronald reagan in a new comedy but the reagan family says there is nothing funny about it. abc's linsey davis is here with the story. good morning, linsey. >> reporter: ronald reagan's family says alzheimer's is no joke and that watching their father slowly succumb to the disease was painful and not material for a comedy. when it comes to impersonating presidents, will ferrell is comedian in chief. >> i'm entering the race for president of the united states of america. >> reporter: this morning, the actor famous for mocking george
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w. bush is set to take on a new presidential portrayal, ronald reagan. >> mr. gorbachev, tear down this wall. >> reporter: ferrell will star in and produce "reagan" set in 1984 when ronald reagan falls into dementia, the start of his second term, an ambitious intern is tasked with convincing the commander in chief that he is an actor playing the president in a movie. >> i think that's the real controversy here is not the film necessarily making fun of reagan but the idea of alzheimer's being a possible joke in the film when it's obviously a very touchy subject. >> reporter: members of reagan's family are expressing outrage at ferrell for turning their father's personal struggles into political satire. in an open letter to ferrell on thursday reagan's daughter patty davis wrote "perhaps you have managed to retain some ignorance about alzheimer's and other versions of dementia. perhaps if you knew more, you would not find this subject humorous" and reagan's son
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michael tweeting, what an outrage. alzheimer's is not a joke. it kills. you should be ashamed, all of you. even the reagan foundation is speaking out against the film, a statement to abc news said in part "we find it disgusting that such a film would even be considered by mr. ferrell or anyone else." >> there is no substitute for victory. >> reporter: when james brolin depicted the former president known as the great communicator in the 2003 miniseries "the reagans," the reagan family put so much pressure on showtime they pulled it. but this time may be different. >> given ferrell's attachment the film business will get behind it and get it to the light of day if we reached out to will ferrell. he declined to comment. while the film is about ronald reagan fall nothing dementia during his second term as president, he was not diagnosed with alzheimer's disease until 1994, six years after he actually left office. >> so have they filmed anything yet or all just pro-production. >> sounds like it's still
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preproduction. >> it is a comedy. >> it is a comedy but we don't know if he's making light of alzheimer's, in what way. >> a lot of questions, thank you very much. coming up, viva elvis, the king playing a big part in our wedding event. our big finale ahead. sam champion at the helm. our next hour, a parenting alert. how you may be able to help your baby learn faster with the way you play. ever since jim signed up for lowe's personalized lawn care plan,
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♪ like a man on a ♪ i'm in love i'm all shook up >> that is nick watt with elvis in las vegas. >> but who is who? >> exactly. >> i can't tell, lara. one of the many great moments from our "wide world of weddings" event as we celebrate 100 weddings in 24 hours all around the world. we have another highlight from the king. take a look. >> pronounce you husband and wife. sir, you may kiss your lovely bride. a little "vive la las vegas," everybody. ♪ viva las vegas viva las vegas ♪ >> why did you choose to get married here in las vegas.
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>> it was my dream since i was a teenager and finally did you agree to it. >> yeah, i gave her what she wanted. elvis is the king. >> yes, elvis is the king. >> i love the dry ice at the vegas weding. >> that works. >> nice touch. so, t.j., did you hear we have another reverend in the house? how are you feeling about that. >> reverend is a loose term here. i mean, come on, show this loose reverend we're talking about here. look at this. give me a break. are you serious? >> what? >> we brought in sam champion to handle the weddings today. >> he is official. >> how many did you do yesterday. >> i ended up doing four in total, the kickoff then i had a few more on our live stream. he's doing the 16. apparently he's doing the heavy lifting. i didn't have enough love in me to handle the 16. >> do you feel responsibility for this. >> yes, i do. i married a couple two years ago and keep checking in on them that they're okay. >> 16 more to go. we'll be right back. on my long-term control medicine.
7:51 am
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"good morning america" is brought to you by al fresco all natural saucen. when you eat al fresco, you eat better. >> good morning, i'm tamala
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edwards, 7:56, april 29. let's head over to karen rogers for a look at what's going on on the ben. >> reporter: the saga of the ben franklin bridge westbound hardly moving because of the mall functioning traffic lights at the base of the bridge near 8th and vine causing problems. delays spilling out on 42. slower go on 42 northbound 19 minute ride from the ac expressway to the walt whitman bridge. they have mall functioning traffic lights it's a day we would see delays on the ben, the vine and the schuylkill expressway because of the penn relay. westbound traffic is heavy as vare avenue. northboundally it's not a bad ride. we're seeing from the vine to the blue route, a 26 minute
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ride. now let's go over to sky6 live hd take a live look the view over center city. you can see it's still gray and dank looking david. >> reporter: it's cloudy and cool this morning, occasionally you might run into a spotty shower. storm tracker 6 live double scan tam shows you a little bit of that creeping into western chester county more out by harrisburg on the way later. 48 degrees everybody across the region in the 40s. this afternoon it's cloudy and cool an occasional spotty patch of drizzle and light shower. 55 is the high. phillies probably get the ballgame in, you want to dress warmly and bring rain gear just in case. dry break tomorrow cloudy for the union in philadelphia. cloudy and rainy on sunday, wet for the broad street run. police sources in wilmington, delaware, say charges are immanent in connection with the death of amy joyner francis. the 16-year-old died during a
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fight with another girl inside howard high school of technology last week. we'll send you back to "g.m.a." with all the weddings. we'll see you in 30.
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♪ my name is no my -- >> good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. mom time versus me time. the 38-year-old woman now under fire for saying she wants the perks of maternity leave without having kids. so many of you weighing in across the country, moms and dads saying they are mad as hell about her comments, now her reply this morning ♪ also this morning a parenting alert for new moms and dads. what you should know to help your baby learn faster. simple tips for play time you can use starting this morning. ♪ drop it like it's hot and celebrating love live. we've shared the past 24 hours of weddings live with you. >> fellas, you can now kiss your wives for the first time. >> from vegas with elvis to florida with joey fatone. >> fireworks are going everywhere. >> from scotland to south korea,
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the moment that brought tears and joy. now, the big finale, 16 couples from across america about to get married right here and you've got a front row seat getting ready to go down the aisle with "gma" this morning. as we say -- >> all: good morning, america. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ i think i want to marry you and could be one of our most meaningful fridays ever on "gma." look at all those couples right up there. actually there's one-half of them ready to go with their bouquets and now let's look at their partners with the rings. there they are right there and they're invited all of you to share this special day with them and we have a surprise reception from boyz ii men. >> some wedding band. i'm excited about that. so many joining in our epic "wide world of weddings" event around the globe over the past 24 hours, we are almost at that 100 wedding mark and it's still
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going, in fact, take a look at a wedding happening in south korea, this was just moments ago. very cute and, lara, there's more. >> yes, as if that wasn't enough, 16 couples will say "i do" live and that laughter you hear off camera is our very special officiant, rev champ. >> i'm exhausted around the world marrying people. >> mwah. >> george, you good? >> wait. >> it's stuck. are you all right? >> lara. >> vestment gets stuck it's always a problem. >> i hate when that happens. >> hi, baby. >> you're owning this today. >> you know what, george, here's the thing, these people have come here to share their love, their families are upstairs, they're in such a good blood. so excited. it's their big day. it really is about them but i look amazing. >> you do. if fact, weddings are the best but you look great. >> george, i did get you with that. >> you did. >> very slimming.
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>> is it? >> check out that vertical line. >> you're going to keep on talking but you have to do your own walk down the aisle. >> i have my own walk. sam, would you escort me? >> i would love to. >> see, i'm just missing a bouquet. right back at you, sam. >> all right. this is how this all works. >> can we do this every day? >> all right. mwah. you gave me away. thank you, sam. all right, we have the big story this morning, those protesters raging at a donald trump rally in california. hundreds of anti-trump demonstrators jammed the streets of costa mesa and tried to flip over a police patrol car and threw bottles and other debris attacking trump supporters. it attracted 18,000 people. more than 20 arrested. north korea sentenced another american to ten years of hard labor in prison. kim dong chul allegedly confessed to stealing military
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secrets and public confessions are common there. it comes weeks after otto warmbier was sentenced to 15 years hard labor. the u.s. is blaming the syrian government for bombing a hospital in aleppo that killed dozens of people including children and the city's last pediatrician. groups say the city is on the brink of a humanitarian disaster as that cease-fire collapses. well, back here in this country millions of people across the south and the plains are getting slammed by another round of severe storms. gulfport, mississippi, is under a state of emergency swamped by nearly a foot of rain that triggered flash floods and water rescues. in parts of texas, hail piled up like show and then further north an apparent tornado ripped through central indiana. much more in ginger's forecast ahead. well, the fda has approved the first commercial test for the zika virus. it will be available next week and it promises results within five days. meanwhile, florida senator marco rubio is calling for quick approval of funding to fight
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zika saying officials in his state are, quote, freaked out by the threat. well, in london, it is a very special day for the royal family. it was, if you remember, five years ago today when will and kate married at westminster abbey. there are no public anniversary events planned. the couple is expected to celebrate privately as they should spending time with prince george and princess charlotte whose first birthday is next week, so much to celebrate. then finally, quite a mishap during take your child to work day at npr. apparently someone's child decided to play with some buttons in the control room and it was actually fairly elaborate. the sequence they pushed knocked npr's newscast off the air on the west coast. there was radio silence, literally, for one minute and 13 seconds. that is an eternity in broadcasting. >> 13 seconds. >> an engineer apologized in an e-mail saying one of our junior journalists was somehow able to
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press the exact sequence causing a lengthy impairment. i kid you not, he says. some humor at npr. feel free to giggle at will. >> they're not identifying the perpetrator. >> no, i think that he's protected. he's a minor. >> thanks, amy. we move on to that new study for parents on how to help your baby learn faster. it reveries the way you pay attention to things could affect your children and dr. jen ashton is here with the details. what did it find. >> good morning, george. this is really all about attention holding ability and joint or combined focus between two people and looked at 32 of them and tracked the way they interacted with a toy while playing. if you look at this video this is from the parent's perspective. what you can't hear is that it's not just that they're holding an object and expecting the baby to look at it. these about 10-month-olds to 12-month-olds but using different intonations and facial expressions and what they found
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the longer the parent looked at the object or interacted with it, the longer focus the baby put on that. >> if you're into it, the baby is into it. >> absolutely. it's not always easy or realistic for parents so what's your advice? >> that is an understatement and any parent knows that. the important thing, stay in the moment. it's so hard when you have a baby not to try to kind of do other things but, remember, if you're staring at your phone, what are you teaching your baby to do because they follow what we do, not just what we say. keep the multitasking to a minimum and it's really about the interest, the attention and the response that you're giving that moment and that play because play sets the foundation for learning, social development, language development, this is really important. >> good stuff. thanks very much. now let's go to lara with the "morning menu." >> here's what's coming up on our "gma morning menu." me-ternity time, the battle being sparked by one woman and everyone's huge reaction. people saying women who don't
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have kids still deserve what they call perks of motherhood. one woman is saying this, a lot of reaction about it. we'll talk about that. jennifer aniston is opening up about her new role playing a mom in a real-life work wife. we'll talk about that. and then sam champion or rev champ as we like to call him upstairs for our huge celebration of love. 16 couples are willing to share their special day with us getting married live on "good morning america." it's all coming up right here on "gma" in times square. ♪ >> you look fantastic. an. my lineage was the vecchios and zuccolis. through ancestry, through dna i found out that i was only 16% italian. he was 34% eastern european. so i went onto ancestry, soon learned that one of our ancestors we thought was italian was eastern european. this is my ancestor who i didn't know about. he looks a little bit like me, yes. ancestry has many paths to discovering your story.
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author meghann foye saying she wants what she calls the perks of maternal leave without having kids. she calls it me-ternity leave. she was supposed to join us right here live. she has just pulled out of the interview. there has been so much backlash about her comments, viewers across the country weighing in on this all night long. >> editorial coughing there. >> because perks of maternity leave. it's the opposite of me temperature leave. you're giving yourself to another person. that's what you're doing, taking care of another life. >> it's not about a perk. maternity leave. you're recuperating from giving birth. >> and then attending to every need of a child who knees you. anyway -- >> that's what amy and lara thinks. >> take a look at what everyone else is talking about. >> some women got pregnant. i got poe motions. >> reporter: meghann foye worked long hours for ten years constantly tethered to her feen even when out of the office burned out and unlike so many women who became pregnant and took maternity leave, she says
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she never got to take what she describes as a break. so she decided to take as she calls it a me-ternity leave and she said other childless women should take one too. in an article for "the new york post" she explained it seems that parenthood was the only path that provided a modicum of flexibility that allowed her co-workers to leave at a designated name and maternity time gave them a whole new lens through which to see their lives. it struck a nerve with angry mothers raining that maternity leave is hardly a retreat. with readers calling the article ridiculous and baffling but in the article meghann says women are bad at putting our selves first but when you have a child you learn how to self-advocate for the needs of your family first, a well-crafted me temperature leave can give you the same skis and claims she's advocating for all workers, work/life balance is tough for everyone and happens most when parents and nonparents support and don't judge each other this
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pulled out so rebecca jarvis stepped in as well as dr. janet taylor who has four kids herself. i chuckled the flexibility and motherhood being symbiotic. it makes you inflexible in so many ways as we know but i want to ask you, dr. taylor, i think most mothers would agree that a me temperature leave and maternity leave are like diabolically opposed in terps what have they mean to one another. two different things entirely. >> there's no question you need me time but maternity leave is not a time of purpose -- i mean i play, passion, reflection. it's a time of you bonding and being sleep deprived but all about your child and attachment and there's no timetable on that. >> it's the most selfless time you'll ever have in your life. it's not about you at all actually. >> by the way, being a mother is
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lifelong. you don't check in and check out of that hopefully. >> let's talk about the outrage. i mean i don't need you to explain why i'm upset but maybe for viewers who are feeling that maybe she has a really valid point and i think, rebecca, you're among them. explain why so many mothers are upset at this notion. >> well, i mean once again it pits moms versus nonmops and as women we don't need that. i think it really makes -- minimizes the notion of stress and guilt for working moms and it also really undernines the fact that being a mother is a 24-hour 7 day a week full time commitment and we can't belittle that because we know that our kids just don't need us when they're younger and infants. they need us throughout their lives. >> so true and, rebecca, i know she did touch on a point meghann did that there is resentment that sometimes builds among women who don't have kids and moms in terms of who is working longer, who is working harder. >> right, and i think that that can exist. i just want to clarify something. you said that i agree with her
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or something to that effect. >> no, no, no. >> i think for me as the daughter of a working mom who sacrificed absolutely everything for my sister and i, i appreciate absolutely everything that she put on the table and i'm hoping to be that working mom someday and i plan to take maternity leave and i look forward to my husband taking paternity leave because of all of the leaps and bounds that companies have made over time but i do think that there's something going on in society right now where people are delaying parenthood longer. the average age of a first time mother is 26. on top of that companies in the great recession cut back so dramatically there are fewer people to fill that void when someone is out whether it's for maternity leave or heaven forbid sick leave there are fewer people to cover the void in the workplace and i appreciate how people who are still sitting in the workplace feel when they have to fill in for whomever that person is but if somebody, again, as plans to hopefully have that bond someday with my own child and plans to have
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children someday, i can appreciate the importance of that and that i think supersedes everything else. >> but it's even about filling in, i think there's a reality about what it takes to be a mom. that means taking time off. there are a number, millions of women who can't even take a day off because if they take a day off they'll lose their jobs and don't have maternity leave so i think it's again not pitting us versus them but understanding as women, as mothers as much as paternity leave we make the ultimate sacrifice. >> the nerve that was touched is maternity leave has nothing to do with me time. thank you both for joining us. george, lara, we could keep talking about this. >> it does stir up a lot of conversation. >> more of a happy morning. >> so we'll have our huge wedding celebration right now. 100 weddings in 24 hours still counting all around the globe. so many special moments. >> really has been great. the weddings are still under way as we count down to our big finale and t.j. part of it from the start taking his role very seriously. >> very seriously.
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it was wedding number one that kicked it off yesterday right here live, guys, about 24 hours ago, would you believe we're up to wedding number 90 so we'll get over that 100 mark here in just a little bit with the 16 weddings upstairs but let's take a look back at those 90. look now. >> i do. >> i do. >> i do. >> and just like that, we were off. [ cheers and applause ] welcome, we continue our event, 100 weddings. >> our 50th wedding of the day. >> i defy anybody to top this wedding. [ laughter ] >> reporter: "gma's" "wide world of weddings". there's a lot of muscle up in this place. >> reporter: 100 weddings in our 24-hour live event. >> i now can pronounce you all husband and wife, and, fellas, you can now kiss your wives for the first time. i said kiss. some think makeup. it's fine. >> reporter: bringing you the i dos. >> i do. >> i do. >> i do. >> reporter: all across the
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globe. ♪ >> we are gathered here today. >> to join this couple in matrimo matrimony. >> reporter: and even in different languages. in san francisco with becky worley it was all about the kids. >> what do you promise to each other? >> oh, that we'll be very hot. >> that you'll be very hot. >> reporter: in vegas with nick watt hawaii weddings were huge and you can't have a wedding without elvis who serenaded one lucky company. ♪ viva las vegas >> reporter: in scotland witnessing heartfelt nuptials with lama hasan. >> you were tearful. >> reporter: we've had loads of fun along the way. >> aloha. >> hi. >> i am married. >> renewed your vows recently. >> i have not. >> i'm going to give you a card. give me a call. >> do you think it was okay i
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called you reverend holmes. >> you've called me much worse. >> there's flames everywhere. dreams do come true at walt disney world. >> we've seen tears. and touching moments. >> i will love you unconditionally. >> i love you so much. and thank you for being my best friend. >> we've seen dance moves. >> it's not over yet. >> now it's time to meet "gma's" sweet 16. that's right. 16. >> all: good morning, america. >> reporter: the lovable engaged couples hailing from buffalo to houston, sacramento and beyond. now gathering in the crossroads of the world. times square for our epic live wedding event for the ages. >> whoo-hoo. >> reporter: we caught up with them at the new york city clerk's office as they picked up their marriage licenses. >> starting to kick in now. >> it's getting real. >> super nervous. >> reporter: the brides off to kleinfeld bridal to check out dresses. >> what do you think? >> i love it. >> saying yes to this dress. >> yes.
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>> ah. >> reporter: and while their grooms got fitted up down by the get the tissues ready, folks, you are our vip guest for the ultimate i dos, "gma's" "wide world of weddings" grand finale continues live right now. so we made it. we'll make it to the 100 and get to 106 at least. >> at least. >> sam is up there with some of the lucky cups. >> all right, george, to make this even better, half of our couples have been blindfolded have not been able to see their partners so let's take the blindfolds off and get the first look. go ahead, take those blindfolds off. [ cheers and applause ] and let me tell you, this is a beautiful group. oh, i feel like i need to help untie. no, you got it this is just when it starts to get emotional, everybody. we are just getting ready to do this in our gorgeous times square studios.
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hey, ginger, i know you're right outside. do you remember the wedding day? >> oh, i remember it like it was yesterday. just two years ago. yes, i can't wait to see all of those marriages right here live that's the area that has to look out for the dangerous storms oklahoma city to dallas. that's the big picture, let's get a check closer to home. >> reporter: no great shakes around here, but it's not comfortable. cool with temperatures in the 40s and cloudy skies and showers digging in from the west. we have clouds in place temperatures in the 40s. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast, this afternoon's high, 55 degrees, cloudy and cool, occasional drizzle and spotty shower today and this evening. phillies probably get the ballgame in, check out radar with adam and cecily later on. a dry day tomorrow, 64 and cloudy, rain on sunday. "pop."
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>> we begin with sylvester stallone news. sylvester stallone, one of my favorites has a new starring role on the small screen. sly set to star in the tv adaptation of "omerta" the final book of the "godfather" trilogy. it will be oscar nominee's first time starring in a scripted tv series. no network attached to the project yet but we're pretty sure this new show is one we simply can't refuse. >> nice. >> looking for extras. speaking of this little extra for you, at the beginning of his career he tried out to be an extra in the original idea gotfather." ging, come on in. he did not get the role. so this is really full circle for him and congratulations to you, sly. hey, also in "pop news" this morning, mother's day just around the corner and we have a friendly reminder to take a
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little time and get mom something special. she did birth you after all. that took a little longer than buying a starbucks gift card. >> and she didn't get a me-ternity leave. >> somebody is still holding a grudge. that's correct, amy. according to some of our favorite gifts include, moms polled. we love getting flowers and do love getting chocolate and also love spa days but the best gift according to an overwhelming 63% of moms surveyed we just want to spend time with you guys and want time with our kids and by a whopping 94% the number one thing not to get mom for mother's day is a gym membership, unless she asks for it. >> right. >> or a vacuum cleaner. >> our girls are under great pressure which means i'm under great pressure and dropped the ball last mother's day. it has not been forgotten. >> what did they do last year. >> nothing probably. >> nothing? nothing, dropped the ball. >> even a handmaid card.
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>> i love the cards. as you head into your weekend, here's one woman who is starting hers with a splash. >> oh, no. >> this made me laugh. >> just came out of my nose, lara. >> lara. >> this is why. leave the children's toys to children. boyz ii men coming up, america. marriage. good morning, 8:27 now,
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friday, april 29 i'm tamala edwards. let's head over to karen rogers this time she is starting in new jersey, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, tam we have word of a fatal accident in elmer, new jersey. blocking all labels on pole tavern road, if you're in elmer new jersey stick to dare town bridge town road and jefferson. we have a problem on route 70 an accident was blocking all lanes, we're seeing a 20 minute delay. the accident has cleared, crop well road the entrance. new jersey turnpike. it's cleared, but we are looking at speeds in the 20s in either direction 70 at crop well road. ben franklin bridge, the big story, the lights are not working at the base of the
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bridge westbound they are not working at 8th and vine. you're jammed the length of the ben. a lot of people are coming into the city for the penn relays in a half-hour, avoid the ben if you can. let's head outside to david murphy. david looks like we're in for more rain today. >> reporter: a little bit today and more on sunday, kind of an unsettled pattern over the next four or five days overall. it's cool and cloudy there are showers coming through lancaster county and during the day you are occasionally potentially see drizzle and spotty shower. 49 degrees all of us for the most part away from the shore in the 40s. thisthis afternoon, high of 55. cloudy and cool and drizzle and spotty shower at times. tomorrow a dry break, mostly cloudy, 64. 60 with rain especially early in the day on sunday. that's it for us right now. now it's time for all the weddings to happen on "g.m.a."
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we'll see you back here in 30.
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♪ hey baby i think i'm going to marry you. welcome back to our wedding chapel here at "gma" for our epic live event. 16 couples behind us right now getting ready to say "i do" right here in times square. >> that's right. now is the time and the moment we've all been waiting for, the exchanging of the vows. >> it's now time to say stop or caution, it's time to say go, amy. so cue the music. ♪ will you marry me ♪ i swear that i will mean it ♪ will you marry me ♪ ♪ oh whoa whoa
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♪ oh yeah ♪ how many girls in the world can make me feel like this ♪ ♪ baby i don't ever plan to find out ♪ ♪ the more i look the more i find the reasons why you're the love of my life ♪ ♪ you know when i get myself right and show you the finer things in life ♪ >> welcome, couples. beautiful, beautiful couples. we've had a lot of fun today. but this is a serious moment. this is a moment about love. this is a moment where we move forward, you will never again wake up alone. you will never face a problem alone. you have a partner for the rest of your life. the couples who stand before me have traveled over 11,000 miles from nine different states to celebrate. teachers among us, police officers, artists and so many more amazing careers. each one of you is ready to take
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a giant step and we're all ready here at "gma" in times square with your friends and your family to help you do just that. we're gathered here today to witness the exchange of marriage vows for these 16 couples. if there is anyone present today who knows any reason why any of these cups should not be married, keep it to yourself. we don't want to hear it get out of the room. we don't want to hear it. we're on live tv, folks. please gaze into the eyes of your loved one and separated everyone in groups and do group one first. do you solemnly declare you take the person standing before you to love, honor and trust and be your spouse? >> all: i do. >> amazing. group two, do you solemnly declare to take the person standing before you to love, honor, trust and be your spouse? >> all: i do. >> you guys, this is the most beautiful thing in the world. it is truly, truly gorgeous. you look amazing right now.
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you have agreed to enter the bonds of matrimony and exchanged vows before family, friends and the added pressure of a live television audience, okay. therefore by the power vested in me by the laws in the state of new york and it's real, so there's no backing out of this now, ladies and gentlemen, or i wouldn't be wearing this, after the show each couple must sign paperwork to make this official but i won't make our couples wait any longer, i know pronounce you married. please kiss your spouse. [ cheers and applause ] >> how did you do? you did good. who teared up? >> i did. >> a little. i know. i did too. how did you do? how did you guys do? >> congratulations. congratulations. good job, sam. >> how did i do?
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was it all right. >> you did great. >> amy, i'm so glad to see you. >> it was beautiful. congratulations, everybody. we got to get to ginger now with more weather. >> you guys are amazing, whoo. >> so flat we got to take part in that. thank you to our t's talk pollen, everybody sneezing in the spring iesh been feeling it, a lot of folks are this is brought to you by collar ton, overall pollen, high levels in the western rockies and plains, tree pollen the worst especially in roanoke and oklahoma city. let's get a check closer to home. >> reporter: all right, ginger, pollen countdown a little bit today because it's cloudy and
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cool and damp. we have showers pushing in from lancaster county. some of you might see a sprinkle or perhaps a brief shower. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast shows a high of 55 degrees, tomorrow, dry, wet sunday. "mother's day," jennifer aniston and jason sudeikis star as a divorcee and widower who come together under unlikely circumstances. matt gutman talked to them about parenting and the pressures of social media. >> yes! >> reporter: chances are you've seen "valentine's day". >> i'm going to go now, okay. >> reporter: or maybe "new year's eve." >> midnight kiss on new year's eve. >> reporter: and if i'm right then you've experienced the rom-com brilliance of director garry marshall. >> happy mother's day. >> reporter: for "mother's day" marshall again samples an impressive roster of a-listers. >> nice meeting you. >> is that what enticed you to sign on to the film in that's the only thing.
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>> yeah. >> garry marshall. >> i mean it laterally was. >> did you need to read the script. >> what script? >> there probably was one. >> there was a script? >> same boat, two sons. >> how is that the same boat? >> reporter: continuing jennifer aniston and jason sudeikis' comedic collaboration, their fifth effort. >> now we have a "millers 2" happening. >> are they going to use us, though? >> someone else. are we getting recast? >> apparently. >> i don't know why i'm here. you should talk to each other. >> matt, i'm telling you. >> spouse banter. >> yeah, yeah, yeah, work wives. >> indeed. >> yes, work wives. >> what do you want? >> reporter: offscreen but onscreen. >> no, absolutely not. >> reporter: aniston played a divorced mom of two. >> hey. >> reporter: sudeikis is mr. mom, a widower with two daughters. >> what do we need? >> juice, eggs. >> eggs. >> and tampons. >> what was that. >> i'm just going to write "t."
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>> reporter: a recipe for a budding -- >> cancel that for tampons. >> daughter? >> yeah, two actually but only one is becoming a woman. >> reporter: you have a nickname for him in the movie. >> tampon man. >> tampon man, mr. tampon. >> mr. tampon. >> you guys like playing roles as parents. >> i've been a parent forever in movies. >> yeah, i would say, yeah. >> that's why we're friends. >> reporter: sudeikis already a dad to a 2-year-old son with fiancee olivia wilde. >> just trying to keep that kid normal. >> alive? >> legally that's my job. that is my role and function. keep him alive. >> reporter: and perhaps a coincidental parallel to her character, aniston is admittedly not a huge fan of social media. >> bye, mom. >> tweet at me if you want to check in or anything. >> tweet at me? >> so much pressure. it's a lot. >> opens the door to a lot. >> yeah. such a part of the world now
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being that sort of transparency, you know. so i just kind of prefer not to. >> reporter: expect the road show to continue in the next flick if we can ever get the two to stop gabbing. >> i love you. >> reporter: for "good morning america," matt gutman, abc news, los angeles. >> love me some garry marshall. "mother's day" is in theaters right now. >> all right, ginger, you missed it. we had jesse say holy, geez, we're all married. coming up our big reception next, the party is just getting started. boyz ii men performing live. stay with us. ♪ [ applause ] "gma's" pollen report is brought to you by the makers of n nondrowsy claritin.
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>> time now for the wedding reception. the ultimate wedding band is here, boyz ii men, they're now playing at the mirage in vegas but made it here for our special day. nathan, wayna and sean. welcome, guys.
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how is it going? we want to get to the dance. i have to ask you, wayna, you know something about dancing now. how is it going. >> a little bit. it is going pretty good. i'm having a great time. the experience is awesome and i'm just feeling like this is a beautiful thing to be doing for all these couples out here. >> a lot of happy couples. you have a new album coming out. >> out sometime next year. just chroniclizes the chronicles, rather, the history of do good record to listen and enjoy if you are a fan of it or a student. >> cannot wait for it. we can't wait for now the first dance, let's hear "on bended knee." >> thank you.
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♪ darling i can't explain where did we lose our way ♪ ♪ girl it's driving me insane and i know i just need one more chance ♪ ♪ to prove my love to you if you come back to me ♪ ♪ i'll guarantee that i'll never let you go ♪ ♪ can we go back to the days our love was strong ♪ ♪ can we go back ♪ can you tell me how a perfect love goes wrong ♪ ♪ can somebody tell me how to get things back ♪ ♪ the way they used to be oh god give me a reason ♪ ♪ i'm down on bended knee
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ooh yeah and i'm down on bended knee ♪ ♪ so many nights i dream of you holding my pillow tight ♪ ♪ i know that i don't need to be alone when i open up my eyes ♪ ♪ say i'm sorry ♪ if it feels the same don't ever let it go ♪ ♪ you got to believe in this and feel the pain no i can't believe i'm down on my knees baby ♪ ♪ can we go back to the days our love was strong ♪
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♪ can you tell me how a perfect love goes wrong ♪ ♪ can somebody tell me how to get things back the way they used to be ♪ ♪ oh god give me a reason i'm down on bended knee ♪ ♪ till you come back to me i'm down on bended knee ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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[ cheers and applause ] we are back now with our big reception for all of our newlyweds. we have a special cake made by cake boss buddy valastro and his team right behind us. >> how gorgeous is that? of course, how about this, maybe nonalcoholic champagne for a toast. >> while we're on tv. >> while we're on tv then there's others. we've got a surprise too. ready for this. disney fairy tale weddings and honeymoons is offering all of you a three-night stay at their number one domestic honeymoon destination, walt disney world. [ cheers and applause ] and three-day pass. you get a park hopper pass. you get more. we'll give you all the information on that. >> hey. >> someone said cake. exactly and we have another big performance from boyz ii men. you guys didn't hear enough, did you, right, so get ready to
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dance. you'll hit the dance floor for "motownphilly." >> now you got to shake it out. now you got to shake it out. >> everybody, let's move, everybody, let's move your bodies, y'all. if you don't know now you know, what's the name of the group? boyz ii men. what's the name of the group, men? boyz ii men. okay. everybody sing, come on. ♪ motownphilly's back again doing a little east coast fling ♪ ♪ boyz ii men going off not too hard not too soft ♪ ♪ it's long overdue but now philly is slamming ♪ ♪ we got boyz ii men, abc, bbd the east coast family ♪ ♪ never skipped a beat, na, while cooling on south street ♪ ♪ we got jet black benz, plenty
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of friends and all the philly steaks you could eat ♪ ♪ back in school we used to dream about this every day ♪ ♪ could it really happen or do dreams just fade away ♪ ♪ then we started singing them they said it sounded smooth ♪ ♪ so we started a group and here we are kicking it just for you ♪ ♪ motownphilly's back again doing a little east coast flipping ♪ ♪ boyz ii men going off not too hard not too soft ♪ >> everybody, repeat after me one time. ♪ the spotlight is on us now watch us do this ♪ >> all right, fellas, let's break it down. ♪ da da daaa da da da da da da da da ♪ ♪ da da daaa da da da da da da da da ♪
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♪ motownphilly back again doing a little east coast fling ♪ ♪ boyz ii men going off not too hard not too soft ♪ >> one last time, can i get an oh yeah. >> all: oh, yeah. >> say okay. >> all: okay. >> now scream. [ screaming] >> boyz ii men, abc, bbd. [ cheers and applause ]
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you know tory always brings the biggest "deals & steals" to times square but next week get this. >> fire up the engine. the "deals & steals" are coming to you. >> we're cruising around the country in our biggest deals yet coming too. >> it's our biggest, baddest event ever. >> all next week. >> it's "deals & steals" on wheels. >> on abc. >> let's do it. >> "good morning america." ♪ "good morning america" is brought to you by at&t, discover the power of and with at&t. >> all right, big thanks to boyz ii men. >> yes. >> got to get back to the mirage in vegas. >> he has rehearsal for "dancing with the stars." we got vegas tonight. we got a lot to do. >> thanks for joining us. we do want to talk about our sponsor ancestry and heard about
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your weddings and wanted to make sure you had something old, something new. in each of your bags you'll find something ole, a historical photo, and tyler, we want you to look in your bag. you'll find something pretty amazing. will you share with us. >> from your grandparents. >> grandparents, wedding photos. >> can you show that to everybody? >> so, thank you. >> i love that, ancestry, that's pretty amazing. >> by the way, everybody, free one-year world membership to ancestry and something new, an ancestry dna kit to help you discover your roots and share your family's story from ancestry? wait. there's more. our thanks to kleinfeld's. amy, may 4th. their big sample sale. >> can i go. >> i'll meet you there. kay jewelers and the knot and fleurs du mois for the beautiful fleurs. >> it's time to throw the bouquet, so, let's go.
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>> are you ready. >> all: one, two, three, go! [ cheers and applause ] >> congratulations to all of our couples. have a great weekend. ♪ it is 8:56 friday, april 29 we're following breaking news right now, chopper 6 over philadelphia international
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airport, there's a ground stop on flights. we have seen emergency vehicles next to a plane, the plane landing around 8:00 a.m. you can see a couple of cars next to the plane. it reportedly had smoke in the cockpit. passengers were transported to the terminal by bulls. the faa said the ground stop slb lifted at 9 -- will be solicited at 9:15. >> reporter: traffic is fine on the way to the airport if you're heading there, now. we have a fatal accident in elmer pole tavern road. stick to jefferson road. live on the ben franklin bridge it's a mess for hours continues to be malfunctioning traffic lights near 8th and vine causing a backup. next up the broad street run on sunday it will cause closures starting at 8:00 a.m. all these buses will be detoured
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at 7:30. let's get the last look at weather with david murphy. >> reporter: talking about the airport, tam, one of my twitter followers is stuck on the plane, i tweeted they will get that reopened at 9:15. we have sprinkles and showers to the west. they will cruise through during the morning. temperatures in the 50s. most of us in the 40s. 55 it will be cool bring rain gear and warm stuff to the phillies tonight. dry tomorrow, tam. thank you, david. "live" with kelly and michael is up next on abc. i'm tamala edwards. have a great friday and wonderful weekend!
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>> it's "live! with kelly & michael." today, recording artist and judge on "the voice," adam mcwilliams. plus, star and writer of the new movie, "keanu," jordan mickey. and don't forget to log on to vote, play, and be part of today's show. all next on "live." [captioning made possible by isney-abc domestic television] >> and now, here are kelly ripa and michael strahan! [cheers and applause] ♪


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