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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  October 23, 2014 11:35pm-12:38am EDT

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>> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- taylor swift. from "how to get away with murder," alfred enoch. and "this week in unnecessary censorship." and now, i should also mention, here's jimmy kimmel! ♪ it's "jimmy kimmel live" 6cac÷ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you. hi, everyone. thank you, cleto. i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thanks for coming. welcome, one and all. i'm glad you're in a good mood because we have a very big show
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for you tonight. taylor swift is on the show here tonight. i sent her an evite, she said yes. there's a funny back story to taylor's appearance on the show tonight. many years ago, back in 2005, a very young taylor swift, she was 15 or 16, came to our show with her mom and her guitar and somehow she got in, she got hold of the guy that books the bands here and she asked if she could play a song for him. and he said, no, you can't president in our green room, we serve kohl here, you're too young. you have to go. so, he threw her out. he threw taylor swift out of our building. and now she's here to play for 15,000 fans out on hollywood boulevard. [ cheers and applause ] in other words -- even after all this time, after all the success she's had, she's still not allowed in our building. let's see what's going on ouz. some of the fans outside have been camped out since last night. you can see, there are many
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thousands of people out there and let's see if we can get a little bit closer to some of them who may be in the front row. okay, here we go. howl are you guys doing? can you hear me out there? >> yeah. >> jimmy: how are you guys doing? >> good. >> we're doing good. >> jimmy: you look incredibly fresh. i will tell you. >> we do it big, man. >> jimmy: where are you from? >> i'm from temecula. >> jimmy: how long have you been out there waiting? >> ah -- what time is it? >> since 1:00. >> jimmy: are you guys together? >> yeah, we're together. >> jimmy: how nice. how romantic. are you a swifty or a taylor-tot? >> i don't -- a swifty? >> yeah, that one sounded good. that one sounded good. really good. >> jimmy: what about the guy in the head band there? we got a guy in the head band. what's his story? nice -- that's a bandana, isn't it? >> correct, it is. >> jimmy: yes. what is your name? >> andy. >> jimmy: andy, should taylor be
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afraid of you tonight or is everything going to be okay? >> no, it's okay. >> jimmy: all right, good, all right. all right, well, don't forget. >> this is a tattoo i got for taylor. >> jimmy: ta-two? who pronounces it like that? >> i do. >> jimmy: let me see that for a second. wow. >> it says fearless. >> jimmy: it says fearless on it. all right. all right. well -- we'll see you guys in a little while, all right? [ cheers and applause ] ly say, most of our neighbors here in hollywood are great, but a few of them have been complaining about the fact we shut down the street. i got a few unpleasant tweets today. but the fact of the matter is, hatters are going to hate, hate, hate and i'm just going to shake, shake, shake it off.
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[ cheers and applause ] you know -- that song, which we will hear later tonight, the video for it, already has 197 million views on youtube, which i think is all of them, right? i mean -- there can't be anymore than that. so, stay tuned. do people even tune anymore? if you do, stay tuned. okay? meanwhile, in washington, d.c. last night, someone jumped the white house fence again. see, the problem is, if the pizza doesn't get to obama in 30 minutes -- it's free. and that comes out of their paycheck. a 23-year-old man from maryland scaled the fence and started running on the white house lawn. he didn't get very far. he was almost immediately attacked by two secret service dogs, which is good news, because i think we finally found a plot for air bud 3, which has been a long time coming. there have been seven fence jumps now at the white house so far this year. i don't know, maybe it's time the president gives joe biden a key, i mean, enough already. [ laughter ] fortunate it will for the
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intruder, dog bites are covered under obama care, so, he will be fine. [ cheers and applause ] i was thinking about this today. it does seem to be happening more and more. maybe people would stop trying to jump the fence if the first lady weren't taunting us by growing gardens full of that sweet, sweet kale. [ laughter ] this is great. i love this video. this happened in chile. a man boarded a bus and tried to snatch a woman's purse, but as you will see here, it didn't go well for him. okay. so, no, that's not the guy. that's the guy. the woman's in the front row. you see, he tries to grab the purse, he laughs and then, again he tries to pull it as he does, the door closes and he -- and now -- [ applause ] he's stuck in the door and he's
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taking a real beating at the hands of the bus driver. [ laughter ] i wonder if our bus drivers carry bats like that? he was actually crying. as the door opens, he tries to get away, there's the police waiting for him right there. and then -- [ cheers and applause ] and that, my friends is how the pinata was invented. [ laughter ] keep hitting him until candy comes out. here's another good video. this happened on saturday in fresno. an unidentified man wearing a dodgers baseball cap was captured on video rescues a stranger from a house fire. maybe you've seen this already, but watch it again. >> everybody out. >> no, there's the man in there. >> we have to get the dad out of there! oh, my god. >> is everybody out? >> no there's a man inside! >> he's right there.
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>> oh, god. >> oh. >> is everybody out? >> oh, thank god. >> is everybody out? >> oh, thank god. >> everybody's out. >> here he is. this is him right here? >> everybody's out. >> okay. oh, my god. where is the fire department? i called 911. >> jimmy: so -- [ cheers and applause ] for a couple days, nobody knew the identity of the hero. guillermo tried to convince me it was him that saved the man. it wasn't you? >> it was not me. >> jimmy: it was a gentleman named tom, he's a truck driver. he's married, he's got three kids and he is here with us tonight with his wife, hannah. there's tom. thanks, tom. hannah, your son, too. first of all -- [ cheers and applause ] nicely done. tom didn't know -- tom, by the way, tom had no idea that i was going to play this and put him on camera right now. that was amazing, by the way.
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why were you even around there, in that area? >> i was just going to do a side job. >> jimmy: just doing a side job and you heard people screaming? >> yeah. >> jimmy: and you ran into the house? >> yeah. >> jimmy: do you do this sort of thing often? >> no, no, i won't do it. >> jimmy: did you know you had it in you to do it? >> yeah, i knew it. >> jimmy: how hot -- really? [ laughter ] >> i knew. >> jimmy: how hot was it in that house? >> it was hot. >> jimmy: very, very hot. do you have any experience as a rescue worker or anything like that? >> none of that. >> jimmy: do you have a cape that you wear on the weekends? >> no. >> jimmy: have you seen the man you saved since you saved him? >> yeah. >> jimmy: you have? >> yeah, i met him. >> jimmy: is he very grateful? >> yeah, he was happy about it. >> jimmy: he is. [ laughter ] hannah, how do feel about your husband running into burning buildings? >> i feel very proud of him. >> jimmy: well, you should. i know it was hard to get ahold of you because you didn't want to be in the spotlight and we tricked you by inviting you here to the show. by the way, i know you are a dodgers fan. if the dodgers made it past the
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first round of the playoffs, you might have been home watching the game, that guy would be barbecue right now. he owes the st. louis cardinals a pretty great debt, i have to say. [ applause ] so, i wanted to reward tom. tom, come up here. ill knoll you hai know you have and five grandchildren. so, first of all, we have tickets for disneyland and disney california adventure for your whole family. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. >> jimmy: we're going to set you up in the disneyland hotel. all that stuff. that's not all. since you're a big dodgers fan, we have a jersey for you from the los angeles dodgers with your last name on it. and here, a special guest, to make a little presentation to you, a baseball hall of famer, the legendary manager of the dodgers, mr. tommy lasorda is here. there he is. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: how are you? good to see you, tommy. tommy, tom. look at that. a nice autographed baseball. beautiful. >> we got this thing here. >> jimmy: can i help you with that? all right. >> thomas has exemplified selfless heroism to help his fellow man. it is mre pleasure to proclaim that thomas and his family will be our guests at a dodger game next season and thomas will throw out the first pitch. [ cheers and applause ] from everyone in the dodger organization, thank you, thomas. you are a true blue hero and you have a great first name. >> jimmy: that is right.
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>> jimmy: we have one other thing for you. i know you're a truck driver, so, we made you a bumper sticker. put this on the back of your truck. ask me about the stranger i heroically pulled out of a burning house. all right? there you go. thank you, tom. thank you, tommy. >> true hero, buddy. >> jimmy: tommy lalasorda, everybody. one more thing. it's time for our weekly tribute to the fcc where we bleep and blur things whether they need it or not. it's "this week in unnecessary censorship." >> regular guy telling mr. obama not to [ bleep ] his girlfriend. >> the catcher, number 28, buster [ bleep ]. number 33, james [ bleep ]. number 43, madison [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> i'm so thankful for all the people that have [ bleep ] me in my career. >> it is only my first time [ bleep ] in public.
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>> i just don't think that that's fair for governor scott to try to [ bleep ] my wife. >> we have video of mr. incredible [ bleep ] [ bleep ] batgirl. >> i agree with keyshawn though he don't wasn't his [ bleep ] in my mouth. >> and if there's a [ bleep ] you'd like, tell us about it on facebook. >> we're not [ bleep ] in this country. we're not done [ bleep ]. trust me. okay? we're still [ bleep ]. >> yes, we are. >> we have got [ bleep ], the doors open at 2:00, you can see a lot of traffic. >> who do we know that's really good at [ bleep ] [ bleep ]? >> i do love [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> solid as a [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> yeah! we do that at my house every night. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: tonight on the show, from "how to get away with murder," alfred enoch is here and we'll be right back with taylor swift.
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>> jimmy: hello, everyone. tonight on the program, a handsome british gentleman. he's one of the stars of the new show "how to get away with murder," alfred enoch is here. and then, after alfred we'll shut down hollywood boulevard for a big concert with taylor swift. taylor is also part of a special concert tomorrow night at the hollywood bowl called "we can survive" in support of breast cancer awareness month. if you are here in the area, it sounds like a good thing to go so. we have some great guests for you next week, too. melissa mccarthy, nicole kidman, will arnett, andy samberg, dylan mcdermott, lisa kudrow, scott foley, rosie perez plus music from billy idol, lady antebellum, blood orange,
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the flaming lips, and smokey robinson with aloe blacc and jc chasez. oh, and this is fun. tomorrow night in primetime, guillermo and i will be on "shark tank." we have an idea that we love and we're pitching it to them. and they didn't know we were going to pitch it to them. i think we're going to be rich from this, right? >> i hope so. >> jimmy: very enthusiastic. i'm going to buy you a beautiful necklace to celebrate our newfound wealth. >> great. >> jimmy: all right. so, watch "shark tank" tomorrow night at 9:00. our first guest is the youngest person to be named billboard's woman of the year, the youngest person to win the grammy for album of the year and in about 30 minutes, she will be the youngest woman to shut down hollywood boulevard during rush hour traffic. her new album comes out in full on monday, it's called "1989." please say hello to taylor swift. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: very good to see you. thank you for coming. >> thanks for having me. >> jimmy: i want to start by maybe embarrassing you. i want to read the reviews you got today. i don't know if you've seen these yet. "time" magazine, this is the most impressive slight of hand yet. shifting the focus away from her past about onto her music which is as smart and confident as it's ever been. rolling stone says this is still an artist who likes to it will it rip. deeply weird, feverishly emotional. wildly enthusiastic. it sounds exactly like taylor swift even when it sounds like nothing she's ever tried before. by making pop with almost no contemporary references, miss swift is aiming somewhere higher, a mode of timelessly knew pop stars even bother aspiring to. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> when i hear stuff like that, doinlt have any control of my body. >> jimmy: do you get excited or do you not care? >> oh, i care. >> jimmy: you do care. okay, good. >> people say that don't care are lying. everybody cares what the new york times and rolling stone say. >> jimmy: and time, they liked you, too. >> time magazine, my god. >> jimmy: right. it's like, yeah, that's what i sound like. after people say stuff like that and i honestly, this is the day that the reviews are rolling in, so -- >> jimmy: are you nervous? >> yes. i'm not nervous about the fact that i -- i'm more confident about this album than i've been about any of the other ones i put out which is a really nice feeling. but it's almost like you're just -- you're releasing this thing into the world that you spent two years with and it's just been mine for two years and now it's everybody elses. and i'm sending it off to college. you know? >> jimmy: you kept it very secret, i know.
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is this true, that it only existed on >> yes. >> jimmy: and you only let people listen to it through headphones in case somebody recorded it? >> yes. i have a lot of, you know, maybe, maybe not irrational fears of security invasion, wiretaps, people eavesdropping. all the things that -- >> jimmy: what about the fear of dropping your phone in the toilet? [ laughter ] is that not one of your fears? it happens to me like 40% of my phones. >> i didn't think too much about that. >> jimmy: that would have been bad. >> the album for the first year and a half, well, actually, almost two right now, the album existed on my phone which is covered in cat stickers and the volume buttons don't really work that well because there's candy stuck in there. so, it's a very sophisticated system we have going. >> jimmy: i mentioned the story, i told the story to the audience before you came out about when you were very young, i think you were 15 or 16 years old -- >> yeah, yeah. i was 14.
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>> jimmy: 14? even more -- by the way, the guy who threw you out of our show, the guy who you showed up to meet our music booker, you wanted to play a song for him, he said, no, you may not play a song for me, get out of our building, is standing right there. his name is scott. >> it's not -- [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: don't shake your head no. did it or did it not happen? >> it happened but not exactly like that. [ laughter ] there was no pointing of the fingers. >> jimmy: there was no pointing of the finger? well, i took some creative license. >> jimmy: do you remember that? >> well, i remember it vaguely, but looking back, all is well that ends well because i -- i think of it like this. i think you probably twould have gotten in more trouble with jimmy had he wandered out and been like, why is there this random 14-year-old tiny child sitting here with a guitar case, what's happening here? >> jimmy: no, you don't know jimmy that well. jimmy is very kind to children.
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even -- even if children are in an area where alcohol is being served. >> that's -- >> jimmy: you don't hold a grudge. but i tell you something, i do hold a grudge. guillermo, grab some of the security guys. i want scott thrown out of this building right now. [ cheers and applause ] take him out, guys. can i tell you something? i know it seems like a joke and scott probably is thinking this is a joke, but i'm actually having him thrown out of the building. >> that's amazing. >> jimmy: why not? >> you with your high jinks. when you had that girl that was twerking and she fell over and caught on fire? >> jimmy: yeah. >> i legitimately was backstage, i was on the red tour, i was in my dressing room and i started screaming at my phone watching this video. i was like, somebody help her! and i was just like, but this isn't funny, why is this viral? our society is sick! we're all sick!
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and you -- and it was you. you made that whole thing up. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i did. i'm going to have myself thrown out of the theater. >> i was like, we're laughing at a girl who caught on fire! >> jimmy: that is the point i was trying to make. that was my commentary on american society. >> it worked. really made me think. >> jimmy: that's why i'm here. >> it was disturbing. >> jimmy: this is the album. it's called "1989." we'll be right back with taylor swift. t-mobile's network has more data capacity per customer
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>> jimmy: well, look at that. all those people are here to see you. that is unbelievable. taylor swift is here. we've shut down hollywood boulevard. i think there's 15,000 people out there. >> wow. >> jimmy: yeah. that's pretty -- i mean, that's pretty crazy. to be an individual and that many people want to see you. >> it's astonishing. i like it. >> jimmy: we got some questions via skype video message for you. and i think we have one question. >> hey, taylor, my question is, imagine we had some sort of giver situation where all our memories were erased but you could pick one song from 1989 that we all remember. what song would you pick and why? >> oh, my god. >> jimmy: thank you. >> that is an amazing question. i'm blown away by that question. i think it would be the last song on the album, it's called "clean." and i wrote it and it's just a
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song that's really special to me and it's been kind of one that everybody's been really talking about and i think it's a song that might help people go through things. >> jimmy: is it about personal hygiene? [ laughter ] >> as you would expect, yes. >> jimmy: you've been releasing little bits of the lyrics online. i thought maybe we can go through these. one night he wakes strange look on his face. pauses, then says, you're my best friend. and you knew what it was. he is in love. can i tell you what i think this is? >> yes. >> jimmy: are you saying he's in love with someone else? >> no. >> jimmy: oh. >> actually, it's a commentary. it a song that i wrote, like, loosely based on -- i wrote it with a friend that is dating a friend and jack sent me this track, it was an instrumental track. i knew what the song needed to be and i wrote it as a commentary on what their relationship has been like and so it's actually me going, this
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happened and that happened and that happened and that's how you know you're in love. >> jimmy: when i hear the word friend, i think there's no love. no love's happening. i think of you as a friend, and that's that. >> isn't that supposed to be -- you're supposed to be friends and in love. >> jimmy: that's what i keep telling women, but it didn't really go that way. you always knew how to push my buttons. you give me everything and nothing. >> what are you going to do with this one? >> jimmy: i like that you put it in an elevator and you tore a heart shape out of the picture. you really wrote that yourself? >> yeah, i mean, it's fun to make these and to see the final product but if you were to see me actually creating them and being like -- >> jimmy: you don't have a team doing this for you? >> yeah, i'm like, you know, bent over, like, on the bed, like, trying to figure out, like, what can i do with this piece of cardboard, where is a sha sharpie? and yeah. but it's fun to, like, put things up on instagram and people -- i read an article that was like, these art-directed
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campaign on instagram -- i was like -- >> jimmy: that's a compliment. >> me with a sharpie and scissors. >> jimmy: here's one more. if i don't do my laundry tonight, i'll probably do it over the weekend. >> that is not one of mine. >> jimmy: oh, you know what -- that may be from my next album. >> yeah. that one will be a little less critically acclaimed, i think. >> jimmy: one funny thing that happened, i heard this happened, it sounded like a joke to me. in canada, two days ago, they put your song up on itunes, it went to number one, the third track of the song but what was the track that everybody heard? >> it was a mistake and it wasn't a song that they ended up posting, they posted seven seconds of static noise. >> jimmy: it went to number one. >> it went number one and i was like, what is going on? >> jimmy: just goes to show you, you really don't need to work that hard on this stuff. [ laughter ] you know? >> i've been really overthinking this entire thing. i've been really trying too hard. clearly.
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>> jimmy: the beatles white album. this is your take on that. it's just white house nose that you've put out. well, you're going to sing for us. you're gouge to play for us. everybody's very excited. taylor swift. "1989" is the new album. it comes out monday. we'll be right back with alfred enoch. ok, if you're up there, i could use some help. smart sarah. seeking guidance. just like with your investments. that sets you apart. it does? it does. you're type e*. and seeking another perspective is what type e*s do. oh, and your next handhold... is there. you don't have to go it alone.
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love. it's what makes a subaru,a subaru. >> jimmy: hi there. still to come, music from taylor swift. our next guest is a talented young actor from england who counts sherlock holmes and harry potter among his co-stars. you can see him now on "how to get away with murder" thursday nights at 10:00 on abc. please welcome alfred enoch. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: very good to meet you. >> nice to meet you. >> jimmy: i learned today you are from england. i watch you on the show and i never would have guessed that. >> that's very flattering. >> jimmy: how did you learn to talk like us and infiltrate our land? >> that was really the plan.
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long time ago, i thought it would be great to go to the states and pretend i'm not who i am. i started watching youtube videos and i got an army of dialect coaches that i assembled and hopefully disguise is bearing up. >> jimmy: it is bearing up. we don't even say that. that's how bearing up it is. >> i'm going to say all sorts of strange british things. >> jimmy: please do. did you come to l.a. for the show? >> for this job. it was the first time i came out to l.a. was to shoot one day in the pilot. so, we were shooting mostly in philadelphia. and we came down to l.a. and i thought, oh, this is the west coast. this isn't too bad. >> jimmy: not bad at all. are you driving on the right side of the right? you have to be very careful. >> i wasn't sure i could trust myself to do that. so that and the fact that i'm from london where we're very proud of our public transportation system. i take the bus. stick to what i know. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah. >> jimmy: we're not very proud of our public transportation
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system. [ laughter ] you don't take the bus here, do you? >> i do. have you taken the bus here? >> jimmy: of course i've not taken the bus! i have a car, it's like my own little bus. and there are no other passengers in it unless i want them to be. >> isn't that the problem? i like the strangers. it's good. sit on the bus, you look around, you think, oh, i wonder what he's doing with his day. >> jimmy: do they look over at you and go, hey, you're the guy from that show, what the hell are you doing on the bus? >> that has occurred. >> jimmy: it has occurred, yeah. >> i was kind of a bit worried about that, because people u you're not going to be able to keep taking the bus with the show. we'll see what happens. and one day i was on the bus, the show had aired. i was more nervous than i normally am on the bus, which isn't the most restful place. but it's good to have the excitement. >> jimmy: i guess so. >> this guy starts looking at me and i think, oh, okay, has he seen me or am i just being paranoid? eventually, he says, you look like this guy who's on a tv
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show. i said, oh, okay. he said, it's called "how to get away with murder." i said, right. have you ever seen it? i look at him and i said -- no. that's what i said. ridiculous lie. and he sort of was a bit baffled. gets to his phone. gets a picture of me. i thought, i've been rumbled. this is a disaster. >> jimmy: rumbled. >> that's another one. >> jimmy: you said you were going to do this and here you are doing it. >> yeah. and he shows me a picture of me and says -- this is the guy. i was like, oh. that really does look a lot like me. he said, you sound like him, too. i stay in accent when -- >> jimmy: you do that on the bus? >> yeah. >> jimmy: what's up with you? i was thinking of fixing you up with taylor swift but i don't know about the bus thing. >> she wouldn't ride it with me? >> jimmy: you have to ask her. you were in -- how many of the
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harry potter movies were you in. >> i did 7 out of 8. >> jimmy: you were in a lot of them. you were a little kid. i have a picture of you. this is from one of the movies. there you are. and just a little boy. you were one of the kids at hogwarts, right? >> that was me, yeah. >> jimmy: and you were with a whole bunch of other little kids there. were you with the same group through the whole thing? >> quite a lot of us stayed for the whole process. >> jimmy: it's almost like really going to school, i guess. how many years did that take place? >> it was about ten years of shooting and 11 years from the very start until the airing. >> jimmy: wow. that is -- that is a lot of time. you should have gotten a diploma or something when you left. did you get anything? >> i was -- i was hoping to get away with my wand because i thought -- >> jimmy: oh, yeah. >> right. i've got to wave this around for ten years. that gives me some kind of ownership, i thought. but i was trying to be more adventurous than just the one. i thought it would be fun as a leaving gift to myself to streak through the great hall.
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>> jimmy: oh, really? >> yeah. >> jimmy: how old are you at this time? >> old enough to do that. >> jimmy: i see. >> i'm in one of the little chill kn chimneys where the wizards appear on the network. i was there taking my clothes off and i was just steeling myself for the big moment. i'm like, all right, here it goes, here we come. and the only thing that came was the security guard wondering what the hell i was doing on the set. i sort of see him there and i realize at this moment, didn't have enough time to put the rest of my clothes back on. i've already presented myself utterly naked. and so the only option i had was to run naked away from him. with my clothes in my hand. and that was my good-bye. >> jimmy: that's indecent exposure. well, congratulations on the success of the show. i know it's a very big hit. the show is called "how to get away with murder." you can watch it thursday nights at 10:00 right here on abc.
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alfred enoch, everybody. we'll be right back with taylor swift. hi, it's me guillermo. i'm here to see taylor swift. everyone excited? taylor told me she would love to say hello to you, but she's getting ready to sing for you guys. but i have the next best thing. a chance to meet the subway cup with taylor swift's face on it. yeah! now, let's dance. would you like to meet taylor swift? >> yes. >> pretend this is taylor swift. what would you sty her? >> can you sign my back. >> can she sign your back? yeah, sure. all right, ready? this is the most exciting day of your life. >> this is the greatest day of my life. >> if you like taylor swift, take a bite of the subway? >> sure.
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thank you, taylor. >> no! >> what would you say to her? >> oh, taylor, marry me, man. >> you want to kiss the cup? >> i'll do that. >> that's your wife right there. take care. >> all right. >> if you want a chance to meet taylor in person, get to subway this month for a limited edition diet coke cup. say good-bye to taylor. >> bye, taylor! see you tonight. >> enter your cup cold at for a chance to meet taylor swift in person. there's a winner every day, so don't delay.
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(dootrick or treat! mmm! thank you! mmm! mmm! ♪ and i got that good girl thing and a tight little skirt ♪irt ♪ ♪ and when we go crashing down we come back every time ♪ ♪ cause we never go out of style ♪ ♪ we never go out of style ♪ take me home there's only one place to get more taylor.
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♪ it's so important to make someone happy ♪ ♪ make just one heart to heart you ♪ ♪ music ♪ you sing to one smile that cheers you ♪ ♪ one face that lights when it nears you ♪ [ male announcer ] play the monopoly millionaires' club lottery game. making more and more millionaires.
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it's on? oh yeah. with who? the citizens banker lady. she made things way simple for me, like how to deposit a check from my phone. she's even gonna send me alerts if my balance gets too low. total special treatment. you do know the alerts don't come from her personally, right don juan?
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mr.tobin, you forgot your phone! thank you. you left that there on purpose, didn't you? yeah. wow. award winning mobile banking from citizens bank. it's one way we're helping you bank better by keeping things simple. >> jimmy: this is her new album. it is called "1989." it comes out monday. here with the song "shake it off," taylor swift! ♪ ♪ i stay out too late got nothing in my brain that's what people say that's what people say ♪ ♪ i go on too many dates but i can't make 'em stay
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at least that's what people say that's what people say ♪ ♪ but i keep cruising can't stop won't stop moving ♪ ♪ it's like i got this music in my mind saying it's gonna be alright ♪ ♪ 'cause the players gonna play play play play play and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♪ ♪ baby i'm just gonna shake shake shake shake shake i shake it off i shake it off ♪ ♪ heartbreakers gonna break break break break break and the fakers gonna fake fake fake fake fake ♪ ♪ baby i'm just gonna shake shake shake shake shake i shake it off i shake it off ♪ ♪ i never miss a beat i'm lightning on my feet and that's what they don't see that's what they don't see ♪ ♪ i'm dancing on my own i make the moves up as i go
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that's what they don't know that's what they don't know ♪ ♪ but i keep cruising can't stop won't stop grooving it's like ♪ ♪ i got this music in my mind saying it's gonna be alright ♪ ♪ 'cause the players gonna play play play play play and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♪ ♪ baby i'm just gonna shake shake shake shake shake i shake it off i shake it off ♪ ♪ heartbreakers gonna break break break break break and the fakers gonna fake fake fake fake fake ♪ ♪ baby i'm just gonna shake shake shake shake shake i shake it off i shake it off ♪ ♪ shake it off i shake it off i i i shake it off i shake it off ♪ ♪ i i i shake it off i shake it off i i i shake it off i shake it off ♪ >> hey, hey, hey!
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just think while you've been getting down and out about the liars and the dirty, dirty cheats of the world, you could've been getting down to this sick beat. ♪ my ex-man brought his new girlfriend she's like oh my god but i'm just gonna shake ♪ ♪ and to the fella over there with the hella good hair ♪ ♪ won't you come on over baby we can shake shake shake yeah ohh ♪ ♪ 'cause the players gonna play play play play play and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♪ ♪ baby i'm just gonna shake shake shake shake shake i shake it off i shake it off ♪ ♪ heartbreakers gonna break break break break break and the fakers gonna fake fake fake fake fake ♪ ♪ baby i'm just gonna shake shake shake shake shake i shake it off i shake it off ♪ ♪ shake it off i shake it off i i i shake it off i shake it off ♪ ♪ i i i shake it off i shake it off i i i shake it off i shake it off ♪
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gotta get some fiscal lube on there. [ male announcer ] it's time to bank human again. [ defeated] okay. [ male announcer ] avoid monthly maintenance fees at td bank with a minimum checking balance of just $100. td bank. america's most convenient bank.
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>> jimmy: this is a lot of fun. thank you very much, taylor. great to have you here. thank you for playing for everybody. if you are here in hollywood, you're going to get to see a few more songs. i want to thank my guests. i want to apologize to matt damon, we ran out of time. "nightline" with luke bryan is next. but first, her album "1989" coming out monday. playing us off the air with the song, "out of the woods," once again, taylor swift!
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♪ oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪ ♪ looking at it now it all seemed so simple we were lying on your couch i remember ♪ ♪ you took a polaroid of us then discovered the rest of the world is black and white ♪ ♪ but we were in streaming color and i remember thinkin' ♪ ♪ are we out of the woods yet are we out of the woods yet ♪ ♪ are we out of the woods yet are we out of the woods ♪ ♪ are we in the clear yet are we in the clear yet are we in the clear yet in the clear yet good ♪ ♪ are we out of the woods yet are we out of the woods yet ♪ ♪ are we out of the woods yet are we out of the woods ♪
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♪ are we in the clear yet are we in the clear yet are we in the clear yet in the clear yet good ♪ ♪ oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh are we out of the woods ♪ ♪ looking at it now last december we were built to fall apart and fall back together ♪ ♪ your neck is hanging from my neck the night we couldn't quite forget ♪ ♪ when we decided we decided to move the furniture so we could dance baby like we stood a chance ♪ ♪ two paper airplanes flying flying flying and i remember thinkin' ♪ ♪ are we out of the woods yet are we out of the woods yet ♪ ♪ are we out of the woods yet are we out of the woods ♪ ♪ are we in the clear yet are we in the clear yet
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are we in the clear yet in the clear yet good ♪ ♪ are we out of the woods yet are we out of the woods yet ♪ ♪ are we out of the woods yet are we out of the woods ♪ ♪ are we in the clear yet are we in the clear yet are we in the clear yet in the clear yet good ♪ ♪ oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh are we out of the woods ♪ ♪ remember when you hit the brakes too soon twenty stitches in the hospital room ♪ ♪ and you started cryin' baby i did too but when the sun came up i was lookin' at you ♪ ♪ remember when we couldn't take the heat i walked out and said i'm settin' you free ♪ ♪ but the monsters turned out to be just trees and when the sun came up you were lookin' at me ♪ ♪ you were lookin' at me oh you were lookin' at me are we out of the woods yet ♪ ♪ are we out of the woods yet are we out of the woods yet ♪ ♪ are we out of the woods i remember are we in the clear yet ♪ ♪ are we in the clear yet are we in the clear yet in the clear yet good oh i remember ♪
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♪ are we out of the woods yet are we out of the woods yet ♪ ♪ are we out of the woods yet are we out of the woods ♪ ♪ are we in the clear yet are we in the clear yet are we in the clear yet in the clear yet good ♪ ♪ are we out of the woods yet are we out of the woods yet ♪ ♪ are we out of the woods yet are we out of the woods ♪ ♪ are we in the clear yet are we in the clear yet are we in the clear yet in the clear yet good ♪ ♪ are we out of the woods yet are we out of the woods yet ♪ ♪ are we out of the woods yet are we out of the woods ♪ ♪ are we in the clear yet are we in the clear yet are we in the clear yet in the clear yet good ♪ ♪ are we out of the woods yet are we out of the woods yet ♪ ♪ are we out of the woods yet are we out of the woods ♪ ♪ are we in the clear yet are we in the clear yet are we in the clear yet in the clear yet good ♪
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this is "nightline." >> tonight, breaking news. a new case of ebola in america. this time, new york city. a doctor back from west africa tests positive for the deadly disease after riding both the subway and a taxi around town. could he have infected others? this is the criminal that stole your identity. >> to catch an identity thief. how do you make nearly $1 million in a couple of months? steal information. we're going out with a convicted identity thief, giving up her secrets so you won't be among the 16 million americans falling victim to these fraudsters every year. ♪ like a roller coaster and, with nearly a dozen mb


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