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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  June 30, 2014 3:30am-4:01am EDT

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this morning on "world news now" -- killer storms. a big section of the country is bracing for today another violent blow from mother nature is on the way as the east coast watches out for a tropical troublemaker. >> frightening sight. the big scare at the beach after a great white shark is tracked so early in the season. why this is unprecedented so close to the shore. daring burglars, the daytime break-in at a governor's office with surveillance cameras capturing their every move. why didn't guards take action? >> most eligible, handsome, charming and rich. now prince harry, the royal bachelor about to get even richer. his bank account in "the skinny," on this monday, june 30th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now."
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good morning. i'm tahman bradley. >> i'm reena ninan. >> prince harry getting richer. huh. >> he is awesome. bachelor. doing his thing. >> is he like every guy's dream? >> yes. yes. >> vicariously be prince harry. >> be a prince. prince tahman. >> prince of "world news now" today. >> you're kind. >> we'll kick it off with severe weather, prince. >> i could get used to this. >> this morning. 30 million people on alert as the week gets under way. for many of them another low blow. >> yeah, in wisconsin, they were cleaning up after fierce winds ripped apart an industrial building near the airport. debris from the building littered the runways today. they're expecting heavy rain. abc's linzie janis has more. >> reporter: heavy rains in memphis. bringing flash flooding and forcing evacuations. crews working to restore power. and rescues stranded motorists.
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the midwest and great plains pummeled by wild weather too. take a look this driver in st. paul, minnesota, barely making his way through blinding rain. the mighty mississippi river, rushing through the city near its highest level in more than a dozen years. a lightning storm over houston, texas, friday, captured from space. >> look at that lightning. >> reporter: by an astronaut. a different lightning storm in columbus, ohio, late saturday turning tragic. >> like a bomb went off. >> reporter: offduty fire fighter, was struck by lightning sending him into cardiac arrest. his colleagues resuscitating him. he remains in critical condition. >> lightning is a very real danger. it is more common than we think. >> reporter: strikes are fatal 10% of the time. with an average of 51 americans dying every year. experts at the national weather service say the best way to protect ourselves is to go indoors when there are thunderstorms. even if you can't see lightning, it can strike from 10 miles away.
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and more dangerous weather on the way. the national hurricane center monitoring a system around 200 miles off the east coast of florida. which could soak much of the southeast, going into the fourth of july weekend. linzie janis, abc news, new york. >> so, let's check your monday weather. that tropical disturbance means heavy rain in parts of florida, scattered thunderstorms from the panhandle to the northeast. today severe storms, crosses from denver down to texas and all the way to the great lakes. heavy rain in northern montana and wyoming. >> hot most everywhere today. triple digits in the southwest and east texas. 80s and 90s in the eastern half of the country. humid across the south. crews in arizona have gotten a break from strong winds in their battle against a fire near vernon. the fire is now 5% contained. flames are not spreading. firefighters were able to successfully build a perimeter around the blaze which had blackened out about 9 square miles. >> also in arizona, solemn
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ceremonies marked the one-year anniversary of the fire which killed 19 members of a hot shot crew. yesterday, neighbors came together in prescott to remember those who gave their lives protecting the town. they sang hymns and sounds of bagpipes drifted over the gathering. flags in the state will fly at half staff today to honor those who have died. a developing story, a chicago to california flight diverted to kansas. the united 737 had to make a unscheduled landing in wichita after an emergency evacuation slide opened during flight. passengers on board, posted the photos of slide blocking the aisle. the aircraft was traveling to orange county when the incident occurred. no one was hurt. >> frightening ordeal for visitors at sea world san diego. when a ride broke down more than 200 feet in the air. sea world says a power failure left 50 people stuck on the sky tower ride for nearly four hours. they were eventually lowered around 7:30 last night. two riders were treated for anxiety.
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but there were no serious injuries. an ominous sight off cape cod over the weekend. a huge great white was spotted just a quarter mile from the the massachusetts shoreline, take a look at that. called the first such sighting in the area this year. a conservation group approached the shark near the beach said it was female, up to 15 feet long. the beach didn't close. some swimmers decided to call it a day. [ indiscernible ] -- people just kind of started to leave. >> ultimately at end of the day they're not going to want anybody to get hurt. >> probably a good idea to get out of there. researchers named the shark ping after they say years of decline, the great white population along the eastern u.s. is surging. >> famed bourbon street new orleans, erupted in gunfire sunday morning all caught on camera. a view of the street when the shots rang out. you can see people running for cover. then at least one victim falls in the middle of the street. nine people were hurt in the
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cross fire. in what police suspect was a gang related shooting. >> pretty incredible. some of the victims they believe were tourists. they haven't looked into the hometowns of the people. it actually started off as a feud between two men. they opened fire. it just -- >> you know there were also bystanders there who helped a nurse in the intensive care unit. military combat medic, helped before first responders got there. there are shootings in gatherings. 2013, saturday before mardi gras, there was a shooting, always difficult. people are very drunk what you do on bourbon street down there. it's difficult to react, figure out what is going on. people in costume. a lot of stuff happening. terrible story there. moving on, the resumption of the oscar pistorius murder trial. in recess for the last few weeks while pistorius' mental status was being evaluated. abc's lama hasan reports.
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>> reporter: does oscar pistorius know right from wrong? is he fit to stand trial? >> i'm sorry, my lady, i'm getting confused. >> in the latest twist of his dramatic murder case. the olympic athlete is set to hear the results of his psychiatric evaluation monday morning. last month the judge ordering the 30-day evaluation after defense witness dr. merle vorster telling the court pistorius was suffering from what she called generalized anxiety disorder. when exposed to a threat, mr. pistorius is more likely to respond with a fight response rather than a flight response. rather than a flight response. >> perhaps explaining why he fired his gun that fateful night. killing his girlfriend, model reeva steenkamp. >> i did not fire at reeva. >> reporter: prosecutor jerry nell known as "the bull terrier" going on at take. >> there could be another explanation. that he is just lying. >> reporter: this trial which lasted much longer than expected has witnesses describing in
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chilling details the night of steenkamp's death. >> it was blood curdling. it was something that leaves you cold. >> reporter: and the olympic athlete grilled on the stand. >> mr. pistorius, your version is a lie. >> reporter: breaking down repeatedly. >> she wasn't breathing. >> reporter: now a team of psychiatrists and one psychologist are hoping to answer these critical questions -- what was pistorius' state of mind when he killed steenkamp. the results could turn out to be a game changer. while no one knows which direction this trial will go, but what we do know is if the team of doctors agrees with dr. vorster that oscar pistorius suffers from general anxiety disorder. then this will help his case. lama hasan, south africa. a big decision coming from the supreme court today -- the judges' final day before their summer break.
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the arts and crafts store, hobby lobby sued the government saying obama care's mandate to provide their workers all forms of birth control violates their religious rights. they consider certain contraception's to be the same as abortion. the justices appear divide. when they heard oral arguments back in march. >> reena, a weekend full of gay pride celebrations across the country. in chicago, the crowd for yesterday's pride parade estimated at a million people. >> the marchers and spectators came out weeks after illinois legalized gay marriage. one of seven states to have done that since a pair of landmark supreme court rulings last year. >> the crowd was smaller, but no less -- enthusiastic, for san francisco's pride parade, went down market street. the 45th annual event. tech giant apple had one of the largest corporate presences which had some complaining the parade had lost its edge. >> i was in st. petersburg this weekend. i have to say -- they had a great parade this weekend. my favorite is in washington, d.c. i think they do it a little biased, i spent ten years in washington, they do a good
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parade. the biggest here in new york city. >> huge down there in washington. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> they do a good one. >> i have seen it there. coming of in "the skinny," chris rock had choice words for donald sterling at last night's b.e.t. awards. >> sure did. later the guy steaming up the tropical soccer fields of brazil. the sex appeal of team usa. hey, you are watching "world news now." ♪ ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by lysol toilet bowl cleaner. ♪ ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought
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♪ ♪ police have relead police have released surveillance video of a pair of thieves staging a brazen daylit break-in this month at the governor's office in olympia washington. >> more shocking than the break-in itself. they were caught on camera. no security guard saw them do it. here's abc's ryan owens. >> reporter: you are watching two young women prowling along the narrow ledge outside the washington governor's office. police say the duo climbed inside through a window, and spent about ten minutes checking out the governor's place. they sat at his conference table. then decided to grab some souvenirs. a native american blanket, a bottle of wine. even this hat on the way out the door. authorities say the women were captured by no fewer than ten security cameras. yet police say they never saw them come in, never saw them throwing loot out the window, or making their escape.
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>> it should tell the state of washington, look, we have really got to tighten up security here. this could have really turned bad for us. >> reporter: police arrested 22-year-old emily hunzinger and 29-year-old rachel camilla eventually finding the hat in the break-in, and other items in hunzinger's car. after she was pulled over for speeding. both women face burglary charges. ryan owens, abc news, los angeles. >> if the governor's office is not safe -- police there are requesting new security cameras. looking at the security pro -- procedures. >> i would imagine so. pretty incredible. when we come back, how the world's most eligible bachelor just got ape l little more elig. >> what chris rock said last night at the b.e.t. awards about donald sterling. "the skinny" is next! >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations. >> announcer: "world news now"
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♪ skinny so skinny ♪ >> time now for "the skinny," the world's most eligible bachelor about to get a lot more eligible. >> yes, britain's prince harry set to receive a multimillion dollar inheritance from the estate of his brother princess diana on his 30th birthday, september 15th. >> harry will receive the $17 million gift his brother william got on his 30th birthday and pay
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the same 40% estate tax. hey, that still leaves him with $10 million. >> harry is going to run through that dough. he will be partying. going to have a good time. >> i was going to ask you, what do you think he will spend it on? >> imagine, jet setting across the world. >> doesn't he have the queen's jet at his fingertips. >> he will get his own. >> he will get his own private jet? >> doesn't need grandma's jet. >> why do you need grandma's jet? roll with your own. trying to remember what i got for my 30th. >> the b.e.t. awards last night in los angeles. >> chris brown stole the show, per forring -- performing his latest hit, and a major diss by chris rock. true to form, not the only person that chris rock dissed. >> what exactly did he say? what exactly did donald sterling say? i don't want my woman around
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black basketball players. me neither! are you kidding me? who the hell wants their woman around black basketball players? >> i'm not touching that one. meantime, taking the top award last night for video of the year pharell's happy, drake, jay-z, beon say were top nominees, earning five each. >> belated honor for a once controversial film, spike lee's "do the right thing" was snubbed for the best picture oscar in 1989. the indy film about racial tensions in america is being praised as a cinematic masterpiece. it threatened to trigger violence at the time. >> look, malcolm x, nelson mandela, michael jordan. >> come on, get him out. >> i'm trying to get him out. >> the academy of motion pictures arts and sciences threw lee a 25th anniversary party, featuring a video message from
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none other than president and mrs. obama. the first couple said they watched the movie on their first official date and the president thanked lee for helping him impress michelle. who knew? first date. a good movie. >> spike lee helped out the potus. >> certainly did. next to the passing of a much recognized and beloved television actor. >> yes, meshach taylor, died after a battle with breast cancer. -- or after cancer i should say. he was perhaps best known as the flamboyant designer, anthony bovilla, playing that role in "designing women." recently taylor appeared on cbs "criminal mind." >> meshach taylor was 67 years old. >> and call "the fashion
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police." osborne is shocking fas this morning with a bizarre new tattoo. the 29-year-old fashion police co-host shaved off both side of her head, sporting a mohawk with a tattoo that reads story. >> osborne couldn't resist her new look, instagramming, sorry, mom and dad, i love it. instagramming, sorry, mom and dad, i love it. resolve works on over 20 stains? who would have that many stains? wahhh (screaming) resolve stain remover is specially formulated to get out more than 20 stains.
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my years as a prosecutor taught me that we all need to protect ourselves from crime. in today's world, that includes identity theft. it's a serious problem. we all have to protect ourselves. [ male announcer ] while identity theft can't be completely stopped, no one works harder to protect you than lifelock. you even get a $1 million service guarantee. that's security no one can beat. you have so much to protect and nothing to lose when you call lifelock right now and get 60 days of identity theft protection risk free. that's right. 60 days risk free. use promo code notme. order now and get this document shredder to keep sensitive documents out of the wrong hands. a $29 value free. don't wait until you become the next victim. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> welcome back to our soccer stadium. i don't know what i will do when soccer, world cup ends. may have to get a part time job with mls. >> find something to watch. >> baseball. >> for sure. okay. >> let's start with sunday second round highlights. mexico was a couple minutes away from advancing when netherlands, tying it up at one. then the dutch won a penalty. it was converted giving the netherlands the shocking 2-1 victory. >> greece waited until the very end to score their goal scoring against costa rica. tying the match at one. sending it to extra time. no one scored. they want to penalty kicks. i got to get used to the new rules. or soccer rules new to a new fan
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like me. the keeper made a big save. when their next shooter scored, they won the game. costa rica won the game. they are facing netherlands. team usa facing belgium in their second round match. can't wait until tomorrow. >> making fans of all of us. some are taking to social media with their hearts aflutter. abc's paula faris reports. >> reporter: team usa world cup success, helping capture the hearts of fans across the country. for not only surviving a group of death and advancing to the round of 16, but for heating up the pitch in brazil with their steamy roster. win, lose or draw, team usa gained more fans than ever. at homes across the country. supporting their squad. and many are turning to social media. expressing their feelings about the team's -- other talents. take kyle beckerman making his first appearance on international stage. some describing the 32-year-old
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real salt lake star as perfection. but sorry, this dreadlocked dream is now off the market. married since january, his engagement photos are buzzing online. or grant zuzi who is slick on the soccer field and sharp dressed too. then there is goalkeeper, tim howard. this new jersey native making daring moves on the field -- and off. like this photo from espn the body issue. >> great stop. can dempsey score? >> captain clint dempsey. the father of three isn't just a scoring machine. he is a doting dad. the team shared the photos after thursday's game against germany. if they win on tuesday maybe for all of you holding their breath, they'll follow suit. paula faris, abc news, rio. usa. usa. usa. >> i don't care about good looking -- good looking, tahman. hi, anne.
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. making news in america this morning. breaking overnight, flight diverted. passengers get a surprise when an emergency slide opens inside the plane. new reaction just in from the people who were on board. a dramatic escalation of border control for the obama administration. live in washington with the president's plan to slow an influx of migrant children across the border. >> messing with emotions. facebook psychology experiment. and lemon ninja, man with a knife and a pile of fruit is going viral this morning. >>


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