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tv   Eyewitness News Morning Edition  CBS  June 25, 2012 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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not only kills fleas and ticks it repels most ticks before they can attach and snack on us. frontline plus kills but doesn't repel and a tick that isn't repelled or killed may attach and make a meal of us. [ male announcer ] ask your veterinarian about k9 advantix ii. it is 6 o'clock. the sun is up for this first full week of
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summer. the last week of june. sharon is watching traffic. it's mar ty back at first warning weather. >> we have a frontal boundary moving our way. this is going to be the gist of our weather discussion now and for the next 5 hours. belined -- behind this front a great afternoon and beautiful tomorrow. having said that, we do carry the potential of seeing a couple of gusty showers, maybe even a thunderstorm between now and 10:30. 7 # at lunch on a way to -- 79 at lunch on a way of a high to 84. the mid 70s now. anything wrong on the way to work, here is sharon gibala with traffic control. >> actually nothing too bad out there. on 795 traffic is a little heavy. there's no cause of that. we have that continued construction on 895 at the steel bridge. waf for early -- watch for early delays there.
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speeds on the beltway averaging at 62 and 70 on the top and west side. there's a look at that 795 heavier volume. traffic is moving over all. there's another live look outside, 95 at maryland 32. remember wjz 13 is always on so for traffic information log onto don, back to you. the dozens who were forced out out their homes as a brush fire burned in queen ann's county, mike schuh is live with the latest on this. good morning, mike. >> reporter: good morning. the fire is no longer a threat. it is the smoke that pushed people out of their homes. >> the first reports of fire came in around 6:00 a.m. >> i came outside and i looked and saw the smoke. >> soon hundreds of firefighters were battling a 40-acre blaze burning in a densely wooded area near kent point road and route 8. with
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winds fanning the flames, providing plenty of fuel, firefighters called in help from surrounding counties to gain control. >> we do have bulldozers cutting pathways and taking firefighters back those paths. it's a long process when you have a heavily wooded area. >> those winds carried smoke, ash into a neighborhood. emergency officials ordered the evacuation of 20 homes. >> it's scary. we didn't think it would come to this. here we go. >> wendy canter and her family, among the dozens of people who grabbed what they could and left. >> gets all cars and getting up the road and will figure something out. >> the smoke still too thick for the evacuated homeowners to return. >> reporter: this morning they're going to be allowed back in. firefighters are going to remain in the area to see if any hot spots flair back up. reporting live, mike schuh. don, back to you. >> one firefighter has been
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taken to a hospital with an undisclosed injury. trop tal storm warnings are in -- tropical storm warnings are in effect for florida and parts of alabama because of tropical storm debby. the biggest concern this morning, what to do with all that rain water. >> our biggest concern is the 4 foot levies being on the top and failure if we see this storm pound the waters up into the marshes for several days. >> some parts of northern florida could see 25 inches of rain. egyptians are celebrating a new president elect and protesting the military's latest election. a week ago the supreme council issued an
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amendment stripping the president's office of most of its mayor powers. protestors say they will stay into that scare until that action is reversed. the u.s. see presume court could make two major rulings by the end of the day. each landmark case could have a big impact on local and national levels. >> the supreme court will hand down two landmark decisions this week, justices will announce rulings on health care and immigration. the court will decide if the affordable care act, president obama's health care legislation, is constitutional. the most con controversial provision, the individual mandate requires most people to buy insurance or face a penalty. >> all along we've said real problems, this isn't the solution. >> republican cans say the law drives up health care costs and makes it harderer for small business -- harder for small
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businesses to get workers. >> we're never going to go back to the days where my child could be denied access to my health insurance because they have a preexisting condition. >> the court is deciding whether to let police in arizona enforce part of the state's tough immigration law, that allows police to check the immigration status of anyone they stop and hold those they suspect of being illegal imgranteds. >> alabama has a -- arizona has had a border problem. >> the law interferes with federal immigration laws. >> in each case the court is deciding whether or not to uphold white house actions, leaving boths out comes critical in an election year. >> the house will vote to repeal whatever is left of obama care. >> some democrats say it could help in the november elections. >> it's going to give emergency to the democratic pace -- it's
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going to give energy to the democratic race. >> the republican lawmakers are promising to reveal the deal. jerry sandusky remains on a suicide watch today, three days after his conviction friday night on child molestation. jurors were moved from the testimony of eight accusers who took the home and forced the former penn state assistant football coach. sandusky is expected to be sentenced in 90 days. one accuser said he's prepared to speak at the hearing. today the council will vote on the mayor's budget. last thursday the council proposed to remove some things from it. that failed and the mayor's budget passed committee. it will take effect next month. in wjz's -- in today's wjzs
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school watch report, baltimore is boostings the number of charter -- boosting the number of charter schools. >> we're at base camp in mount everest and now we have to climb the mountain top. >> the dream is one step closer to reality. last week school leaders approved the new school for boys, one of two charter schools set to open soon. intlsz >> i'm -- >> i'm excited. we are excited. this is a dream come true for families who believe their son's deserve is quality education. >> it focuses on getting boys to clemg. -- to college. it's modelled after successful programs in chicago and new york. last week's approval boosts baltimore's charter from 33 to 35, giving the city more charter
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than any other district in the state. >> charters are a critical reform to implement to increase the percentage of students in our district and getting to 100% of students who have access to a high quality education. >> last week wasn't the first time they asked the city the open a charter. it's part of their quest to make sure charter schools can stand up to the task of tough academics. >> it's tough running a school. the pro cess is very rigorous. >> the next step is to find a location for the new charter school and a principal. the school opens in the fall of 2014. >> the school system is also approved the creative city charter school for northwest baltimorement it will focus -- baltimore. it will focus on art programs. the oriole red sox off today after -- the oriels are off
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today after wrapping up interleague play. the nationals led 1-0 yesterday until the 8th inning when matt weeders hits a homerun. the oriels win 2-1. the ang les come to town for two games starting tomorrow night. back to league play. >> next time we talk about a baltimore and a washington team playing each other it's going to be the skins and rg 3 and the ravens. that will be after our second game with pittsburgh in three weeks. that will be coming up in just a few months. let's take a look at a graphic. let he tell -- let me tell you something, it's a good omen leading into football season. good vibes. good stuff. we've got a frontal boundary moving
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our way. this is getting ready to kick off some showers and some thunderstorms potentially in the area. we actually have, as you take a look at the forecast for the day, the wording showers and heavy thunderstorm. i'm going to add the word possible. 84 is the high. i'm pretty sure we are going to see a couple of showers. tomorrow the low 80s, beautiful and spring like. by next friday it's going to be hotter than a foot blister again with temperatures five shy of 90. it's a manic monday in fells point. how are you are, ron? -- how are you, ron? >> reporter: it will be so hot it's going to melt your pop sickle. >> hotter than a panther in heat. >> reporter: oh, man. if the season ended today demo's would
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be in the playoffs. how does that grab you? >> when the season ends in a couple of months they may still be in the playoffs. >> reporter: let's hope so. we're come ing up on the all star break. we're still in the thick of it. >> how many people would have believed that if we said that in early april? >> reporter: there's only one person that would have said in the early april. he's standing right here, the coach. all right. we've got to move it along. it's manic monday in fells point with envoy of pikesville when the eyewitness news morning edition rolls on. ,,,,,,,,
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pooches and puppies, we are fed up with being fed on. we demand k9 advantix ii. it not only kills fleas and ticks, it repels most ticks before they can attach and snack on us. frontline plus kills but doesn't repel.
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and a tick that isn't repelled or killed may attach and make a meal of us. so let's put our paws down in protest and raise our barks to rally till we all get k9 advantix ii. join us at [ male announcer ] ask your veterinarian about k9 advantix ii.
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good morning.
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here is that frontal boundary again. we're watching -- this is a rather zesty shower that sprung up between easton and cambridge and has made it away across dell mar. any rain or thunderstorms we see will be through the area between ir -- between now and 10:30. that frontal boundary is kind of hanging out across the area. if we had a push it would be to and through the region. right now it's just kind of hanging and slowly settling. now 60 in oakland and cumberland, 66 in haggers town, 68 in elkin, 70 in dc and packs river, 76 ocean city, 75 annapolis and kent
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island, below 70s rock hall and bel air, upper 60s westminster and columbia. it's going to give us a beautiful day. this frontal boundary is going to be sagging south and east of the area because ultimately that's going to help play into keeping tropical tomorrow debby at bay. debby is hanging around the big ben of florida. the computer models are taking her out to sea. because of that block she's going to stay down to the south and east. third storm that's going to take that exact track because of a front that sagged through our area and put up a block shore block. tomorrow a high of 81, 85 we understand, 91 thursday, five shy of 100 friday and saturday. if you're about to go
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through this portion of the mid at hand tick, here is -- mid atlantic, heres is sharon gibala. >> we have that continuing construction i'll remind you about on 895 at the steel bridge are. watch for delays. at this moment volume doesn't seem to be enough to be causing them. there's a look at your average speeds on 95 between white marsh and fort mchenry tunnel. speeds on the beltway still in the 60s also. there's a look at 95. there's a look at 295, everything running smoothly. this traffic report is brought to you by you toyota dealer. test drive the new camry. it's ready. are you? now it's time for manic monday. hi, ron. how are you? >> reporter: doing great. it's a fabulous monday in fells
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point. we have a great group. it's the last manic monday of june. can you believe that? where does it go. let me say hi to kel will i in westminster. -- kelly in westminster. ladies and gentlemen, envoy of pikesville. come up here susanne. how are you? >> great. >> tell us about envoy of pikesville. >> a rehab facility whose core values are compassion, honesty and integrity. if you want great care envoy of pikesville is the place to be. . >> you're at sub brook lane, behind chillies, one of my favorite places. thank you for coming down. all right. don and marty, we got the crew here this morning. check it out. joe. >> good morning. how are you doing? >> great. great to see you
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again. >> thank you. >> loout uther is here. how are you doing? >> good. >> the coach, how are you? >> doing well. how are you, marty, don? >> good. >> red ady for the play you haves -- ready for the playoffs? >> ready to go. >> ladies and gentlemen , adam jones joins us this morning. love the shirt. let me get my twaininger ladies -- twanger ladies. >> i'm holing -- holding my tongue. >> so am i. hold on. luther. >> maestro is music if you please. >> here we go, manic monday, envoy of pikesville ready to rock it out. >> ♪ 6 o'clock already. i was just in the middle of a dream.
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♪ ♪ i was kissing valentino by a crystal blue italian are stream ♪ stream ♪ ♪ i can't be late because then i guess i just won't get paid ♪ ♪ these are the days when you wish your bed was already made ♪ ♪ it's just another manic monday ♪ ♪ i wish it was sunday ♪ ♪ that's my fun day snoets ♪ it's just another manic monday ♪ >> [cheers] >> fabulous. you have a beautiful voice. what's your name? >> paul let anderson. >> we want to invoit you back for -- invite you back for the
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manic monday melt down in november. >> her name might as well have been paula abdul. >> you're american idol for the day. thank you all solve. don and marty -- thank you all so much. don and marty, glaet to -- great to see you guys. >> taking a break and coming right back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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good morning. here is first warning doppler weather radar. let's take a look. we'll throw it in motion. it's going to be a beautiful afternoon, a great night, a fantastic tomorrow. that's what's headed our way. the price is going to be maybe a couple of showers, maybe a thunderstorm between now and 10:30. forecast calls for a high of 84, just a great clearing afternoon. don, take it away. next up this morning right here on wjz. >> the egyptian people are celebrating the first free election. the president elect still faces a fierce power struggle from the military. details coming up. >> a fire causes evacuations on the eastern shore. i'm mike schuh, a live report when we
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return. >> giving back. come inging up, a new program helping our wounded warriors to deal with the pressures of coming home again and how it's happening in baltimore. >> if you're just about to head out, no major problems. we'll give you complete report -- you a complete report in just a few. >> billy jean king, her tennis career did not come without a price. how she's over coming something a lot of you, i dope care what you age is, maybe be dealing with, that's knee pain. stay tuned, the morning edition will be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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it is 6:30. the bottom line at the bottom of the hour, a humid haze out there already. rain sort of at the extending edges of the region. sharon is
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watching traffic, marty is at first warning weather. >> let's take a look at the radar. we have a frontal boundary sagging into the region. that is potentially going to kick off around the metro a couple showers maybe a potentially gusty thunderstorm. it's not out of the question. let's take a look at the day part. whatever comes our way will be gone by lunch. 79 at lufrnl on a way to -- lunch on a way to a high of 84. 72 at bedtime. before that , dinner time, 82. don, take it away. about to commence your commute, here is sharon gibala with traffic control. >> good morning. unusually quite for the morning commute thus far. we don't have any incidents out there with the exception of that construction project still there on the steel bridge. speeds still in the mid 50s on the top and west side of the beltway. there's a live look at 295 at 175, looking good.
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95 problem free just north of white marsh boulevard. this traffic report is brought to you by your toyota dealer. test drive the new camry. it's ready. are you you? don, back over to you. at the top of the news, egypt has a new president elect. it's still suffering problem with the military ruleers. >> egyptians celebrated into the night in cairo marking marsy's victory. the candidate is egypt's first democratic elected president. he pledged to be a leader for all people saying i will treat all egyptians the same and respect them equally. he defeated shafek in a run off. he was the former prime minister. mubark's reign ended last year when he
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was thrown out of office. egyptians who took part in the demonstrations cheered sunday's results. >> this is just a step. we still have a long road ahead. >> morsy won by just under 3.5%. the lead say -- the leaders say it's not good. president obama called and congratulations the new president. morsy says national unity is the way to lead the people out of difficult times. he begins his presidency with his powers reduced. supporters vow they will remain there until the military restores all authority. >> there were claims of fraud by both sides. tropical storm debby has its
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sights set on the west coast. storm warnings have been set for most of the regions. in alabama rescue crews are still looking for a man swept off the storm line yesterday. it has spawned tornados responsible for one death in the state of florida. the bulk of the storm is not expected to make land fall until sometime tomorrow morning. in colorado firefighters are working to contain eight strike that wild fires. the new blaze started in colorado springs this weekend. the most destructive fire in colorado history continues to burn in the northern part of the state. it has destroyed 250 homes. firefighters from eight counties here battled dry conditions and extreme heat to put out a fire. mike schuh is live with that story this morning. >> reporter: good morning. this brush fire sent heavy embers into the air as well as smoke. these are the things
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that forced e have beeninguations. >> -- evacuations. >> the first reports of fire came in around 6 a.m. >> i came outside and looked and saw the smoke. >> soon hundreds of firefighters were battling a 40 acre blaze. with winds fanning the flames and thick dry bush, plenty of fuel, firefighters called in help from surrounding counties and the forindustry service to gain control. >> we have bulldozers cuts pathways and taking firefighters back those paths. it's a long process when you have a heavily wooded area. >> those wind carried smoke, ash and embers into a neighborhood. emergency officials ordered the evacuation of 20 homes. >> it's scary. we didn't think it would come to this. here we go. >> wendy canter and her family among the dozens of people that grabbed their stuff and left. >> we we will figure -- we will
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figure something out. >> the smoke still too thick for the homeowners to return. >> reporter: the cause is under investigation. those homeowners are expected to be allowed back into their homes this morning. >> firefighter s will continue on the scene today to look for hot spots. city police continue to senl for leads in -- search for leads in a deadly shooting. a man was shot several times in the head in an alley after 7:30 last night. police say they're looking for a black lexus that was seen leaving the scene. anyone with information call the city homicide unit. friend and family said good-bye to a baltimore county teen who died after a frontation with an -- con fogs -- confrontation with an off duty officer. he died after a con front foundation with officer james laboard. laboard remains on administrative leave.
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as of yet, no charges have been filed. the body of a maryland marine killed in afghanistan is rurping to u.s. soil -- returning to u.s. soil this morning. eugene mills the third died friday during combat. the 21-year-old from laurel is the 5th service member from maryland killed this year and the 4th to do in afghanistan. with the war winding down and coming to an end, many soldiers who fought there will never remain the same. how some amputees will be helped here. >> far away from the sounds, images and member ris of the war -- memories of the war in afghanistan, charles stringer takes a dive. >> it clears your mind and you forget about everything for a little while and enjoy the scener ri. >> he's part of the group called soldiers undertaking sue
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baa or suds. trapers encourage the divers to get up close and personal with the animals, like this giant sea turtle missing a flipper. >> for me i get to work with these animals every day. to see these guys have that face to face end count wir these animal -- end count we are these animals is -- encounter with these animals is special. >> family members call it life changing. >> my husband is being certified today. this is really a great program. i can't thank them enough for what they have done for us. >> for stringer, this is his third dive and he's anxious for the next. >> they take good care of you. they care about you, help you get back on your feet when your down. >> even when those feet are gone. >> vet -- veterans say it's helping them ill prove their confidence -- improve their con pi deps. >> -- confidence.
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s >> that program relies on donations. to learn more go to the oriels are turning their attention back to the american league after wrapping up inner play with a win over the nationals. matt weeders provided the only offense to the birds. his homerun put the oriels ahead. the oriels win 2-1. the los angeles angles come to town tonight. michael fhelps will look to qualify for the olympics this morning. he will compete in the 400 vinl medley prelim -- individual medley prelims today. he won the im at the past two i him picks and vowed he would give up the challenging event but that is not the case. >> well, he did. michael sat
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right here, told us it's a long distance, we're done with time to adapt -- >> he is racing if several different -- in several different races this time. he's doing the im again. >> he said they were young men event. isn't he like 25? take a look at what else michael said. i have a couple of good nature but spirited discussions during the beginning of the bicentennial and the use of oh that baltimore sports fans are so found of. there's some here that continue to take up bridge of that. in your mind, we asked michael did you ever go oh in
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your mind and he said every time. sgltsz -- >> some of the audience did it. >> come ing up on coffee with, it's too bad that they didn't have tennis in the olympics when that lady ruled the game. how many gold med als would she have. billy jean king is joining us talking about how all those years of playing tennis just ruined her knees. no matter what your age, you're not immune to knee pain. tips from a pro. sharon gibala has traffic control, first warner weather and more coming up next -- first warning weather and more coming up next. >> a lot of crab feasts. wjz would like to see you crazy crab moe foes. e fell -- photos. e-mail them to us and then look for them as part of a big slide show at with. -- at ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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good morning. it's 69 right now with a frontal boundary starting to sag closer to the region. it's going to kick off a couple scattered showers. we can't rule out the potential of a thunderstorm between now and 10:30 this morning. a beautiful afternoon with clearing skies. 69 right now. 87% humidity. it's a bit steammy. low to mid 60s western maryland, 66 at the gate way, 68 elkin, 73 easton, 74 dc and packs river, 76 down at the ocean, 70 westminster, almost 70 columbia, close to the mid 70s rock hall kent island. frankly, what's more important than the spring like weather tomorrow, the fact that we're going to have a blockage south of the chesapeake bay, which is
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going to keep tropical storm debby out in the mitt add hand tick for the third -- in the mid atlantic. for the first time this year we're going to have a tropical storm head straight out to sea. this is a vigorous weather event if you will, unlike the two that started just under the carolina capes over the past month. this is for real in causing huge problems from let's say fair hope, alabama all the way through a panama city, florida. something we will watch closely, but nothing that's going to play into our weather. tomorrow beautiful day partly sunny with a high of 81. 91 thursday, five shy of 100 friday and saturday. here is sharon gibala at wjz traffic control. >> good morning. it took a
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while but we picked up our first few problems. an accident on 50 eastbound at eric t allen boulevard. watch for an accident in bel air, route 22 and 543. one more in the city, south president at east pratt. on 895, that continued construction at the steel bridge blocking lanes. still no official delay on the beltway. everything running smoothly on 95 at well. there's a look at 95 north of white marsh boulevard. this traffic report is brought to you by your toyota dealer. test drive the new 2012 camry. it's the all new camry. it's red ady, are you? marty and don, back over to you guys. this morning's coffee with is with billy jean king. the satellite interview is furnished by smith and nephew. >> don and i are playing doubles against the single. why do i think you can take us? >> i don't know about that.
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i just had double knee replacement 2 years ago. maybe i can now. it's just -- >> i think i could do it sitting in a chair. >> you think so? are you guys that bad? >> let me tell you something -- >> at least you're honest. pam shooifr, your baltimore girl. >> we were doing a taping with pam at a local tennis facility. he was playing with pam and pam had you going left to right to left to right to left to right. i thought i was going to have to get the paddles out and reses at a time any man here after one point. >> i got one point off her. i did a drop shot on her. >> excellent. >> you don't do a drop shot on somebody of your level or pam's level because the next serve comes at your head at 110. >> we are tough. pam is great.
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pam take s no prisoners. you were in trouble. >> i founded out. >> -- i found out. >> an ooet let at -- an athlete at your level, whether it's in tennis, nascar, golf, football, the drive so -- to win is everything. second place is nothing to you; is that right? >> i felt that way. i just wanted to be number one. that was it. i wanted to be number one. i decided i wanted to be number bun tennis player in the world. the second time i picked up a rack i said it to be the number one tennis player in my world. at 12 i wanted to help equality for boys and girls. people keep thinking i'm just for women. i have a younger brother who played major league baseball. he's been through a lot. he had a baseball hit his
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knee and scatter it. we're the knees. i had double knee replace. 2 years ago. it's changed my whole life. i got to where i could only walk a block. i had my first knee surgery at 23. i'm back on the tennis court rngs i'm -- court, i'm back in the gym. i feel lucky. if people want to hear my story go to rediscover your i can not tell you how many people i meet in the street or restaurants or in airports and they're telling me about their pain. it's amazing. . >> i got to be honest with you, my left knee is in a very bad way. don can attest this. there's time s it's very are difficult to walk across -- very
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doult walk across the studio -- very difficult to walk across the studio to do the weather. my doctor said we're going to wait a few more years because we don't want the replacement knee to wear out. >> okay. the one i got, the technology by smith and nephew, they're the only company that knows for a fact. i was totally doing the same thing you're thinking, i better wait, they only last 10 to 15 years. i'm telling you, just look it up. i don't know. you have to decide. every doctor í had í that has -- has their own way about them. i would at least take a look at the knee technology and check it out. they're fantastic right now. i've only had them 2 years. they did a 30 year wear performance test. >> i have doctor bill howard.
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you see him on wjz all the time. he said the good news is you played sports and were active most of your life, the bad news is yo you played sports and were active most of your life. it is what it is. >> just make sure when you have this done, if and when, make sure you make a commitment to the rehab. the rehabilitation is everything as well. you better have a good doctor. i know i plan on these knees to last longer than i'm going to live. that's my plan. i'm 68 now. if i can get 30 years or more out of them, i'm in great shape. >> yes, you are. >> you've got to decide, don and marty. thanks. >> our satellite time has run short. thanks for the sit down and hang out. there's the website for smith and nephew. i might have to talk to you guy.
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. >> thank you. good luck. >> thank you . >> i still love you. >> re discover your was the website. >> we're taking a break and coming back with more of the eyewitness news morning edition. ♪
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♪ we were skipping stones ♪ and letting go ♪ over the river and down the road ♪ [ female announcer ] at nature valley, we know nature comes together in amazing ways. that's why we bring together natural ingredients, like dark chocolate with toasted oats, or sweet golden honey. perfect combinations of nature's delicious ingredients, from nature valley. ♪ ♪ i was thinking that i hope this never ends ♪ [ female announcer ] nature valley granola bars, nature at its most delicious. at 5 until 7:00 we have updates from sharon and marty. >> we have potential for a couple showers and thunderstorms between now and maybe 10:30, other wise a beautiful afternoon with a high of 84.
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a frontal boundary sags our way. one day -- sagging our way. one day, tomorrow, is going to give us a summer like dose of spring. here is sharon gibala with traffic control. it took a few hours but we're starting to pick up volume. we have an accident at 50 at 665. another one in bel air, route 22 at 543. one more, south president at price. 895 that continued construction on the steel bridge could slow you down. 55 the average on the beltway. there's a look at the west side at exit 17. that's the outer loop coming towards us. that's a shot 9 a just north of maryland 22. this traffic report is brought to you by barely man low. he's coming on saturday, september 15th. buy your tickets online today.
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thousands of people were forced out of their homes from a brush fire in queen ann county. it burned for nearly 12 hours before firefighters would contain it. today the baltimore city council will vote on a multimillion dollar budget deal. the council tried to prevent the closing of recreation centers and firefighters but it failed. friend and family say good -- friends and family say good-bye to a ball mother county teenager who died after a con franation with a police officer -- con franation with a -- confrontation with a police officer. >> stay with wjz 13.,,,,,,,,,,,,
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