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tv   Eyewitness Noon News  CBS  November 18, 2011 12:00pm-12:30pm EST

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johnny and more coming ,,,,,,,,
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. after arrests coast to coast, the occupy movement and what is next to demonstrators and who is coming to baltimore to join protesters. >> we have more on this day of action yesterday and followed by dozens of arrests. we are live here at the square. mike has more on the protesters
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here. >> it was peaceful here and the encampment here is going strong and there is a group of people marching from new york city to washington d.c. and mer -- they are in baltimore. >> this clash was a day of ask from new york city to l.a. >> i'm ready for the tanks. >> in portland, a woman is pepper sprayed in the face and in some cities, it is looking like all-out war. in baltimore, it was peaceful as they marched on howard street bridge. >> i will march in peace to make sure we have everything we need to compete in the 21st century. >> in the harbor, the encampment is continuing, even
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with the fear that protesters would be forced out, including in dallas last night. >> we are here to support occupy movements and what has happen with bank of america. >> the bank bail outs and the lack of action in washington, occupy has shown no signs it will go away. >> about 200 people participated in that march over the howard street bridge yesterday. they were joined by many union members. >> the movement is two months old and we will keep you updated on what is happening in the square. the man that was sentenced to life in prison, wig begins was said to have killed a
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marine court after being thrown out of his birthday party and two other men were convicted of assault. two police officers said that they were in a towing scheme. the two police officers pled guilty to extortion and they were charged with taking money from the towing company and then work to get accident victims to use their services. 11 others were involved. good afternoon, the second trial is now under way for the twin brothers accused in animal abuse, accused of burning a female pit bull named phoenix. she was eventually put to sleep
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after being burned so badly. one jury rejected all the evidence against them and it went to a retrial. a university student is facing charges after he made a video of his ex girl friend having sex and putting it on the net when they broke up. he is free on bail facing misdemeanor charges. another child coach is being charged with child sex abuse. he is on leave after the police said they will reinvestigate the charges against him, inappropriate contact in the 80s and 90s. it was 1981 when natalie wood died, it was ruled an accident al drowning, but now
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the case is being reopened. >> the investigation into the drowning death in the famed case of natalie wood, the captain on board that night said he lied and named her husband for the death. after a night of dranking heavily, woods and wagner had a fight and disappeared into the water. >> i did not want my whole life to go by with out this coming out. >> it was ruled a drowning, but now the l.a. sheriff's office will take another look. she was 43 that day she drowned and she had acted in many award
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winning movies. in a 2008, wagner blamed himself for causing the death. 90 schools in north nevada are closed as the crews are battling a massive wild fire that covered 400 acres in reknow so far. at least a dozen homes have been burned. two high schools are being used as shelters for hundreds that left their homes and several people have suffered from smoke inhalation. no word on how it started. this day started out clear and cold and in a live look outside, it is clear and what a great way to start the weekend. marty is over in the out back and tim is over in the weather
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center. >> good afternoon. it is clear and it is continuing to be cool through the afternoon. just a bit below where we were yesterday at this time, about two in central maryland, not a major difference, but adding to the cool feel and it is bit of a chill in the air with the sun. 44 down in wards wards and as -- washington d.c. and as you look at the area, in the mid 40s and the normal high is about 56. we are very much below that and will n for -- be for today. how will this play into the weekend activities? >> tim, thank you. how long will this stick around? the activities will be
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wonderful. here is how this is holding up, this pool of cold air will be pressed down in the area by advancing mild air and setting up for this, sunday, the ravens and the 1:00 game time, iting be beautiful, the sunday before thanksgiving, a mix of clouds and sun and the normal day time high is 56 and that will be a gentle mix of clouds and sun. what a super day it will be. the warm up will be tomorrow. tim has more on that and we will go back to you. >> snow may not be in the forecast this weekend, but maryland is getting ready, maryland is adding a new piece of equipment. this plow can plow two lanes at the time. it will cost just over half the price of a regular snow plow.
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in sports, the raven's regular may not be playing this weekend. ray lewis is out in a toe injury from seattle last sunday. he has not practiced this week and has not been seen over at the training facility. sunday will tell the story. the game will be right here on wjz. still to come at noon, a major peanut butter recall. and tim will have the full morning forecast and news coming up after this -- ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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. a major recall for several brands of peanut butter, there is a possible salmonella contamination. it is for jars from august 3rd
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and 4th. herman cain requested security yesterday because he has gotten death threats of late. he is the first republican hopeful this election to receive that protection. in europe, airports have been ordered to stop using the body scanners because of the radiation they put off. others say that there is more radiation exposure from flying. >> it is a beautiful fall friday. the ravens will play on sunday. the complete weather forecast is 2 1/2 minutes away. here is a look at today's winning lotto numbers -- ,,,,,,,
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. this is johnny rocket. this is a fine, fine dog. so active, but they are a
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great, great companion. i don't want to say a good lap dog, but they are. he sure needs a home. he is at the maryland s.p.c.a. we will show the phone number here in a second. coming up on the holidays, i want to caution you, these are not toys. if you are thinking about adopting or giving, make sure it is the right thing to do. our compliments of the sponsors, thinking that together we can make a difference for pets, johnny rocket, what a great name, a beautiful weekend coming up, tim williams have details of a welcome warming trend, always in the out back, take it away. we talked about the football forecast and that will be one that we will enjoy come sunday, 44 now.
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well below the normal high in the mid 50s and we will go up, the warming trend, the dry winds from the west, 43.47 and we have more in the higher elevations and look at the magic number, washington d.c., maryland and in ocean city, all of them reporting double four thistrokes this afternoon. and we are below normal, but the high pressure is in control to the south and it will continue to move to the north and northeast and as that happens, it will allow for the mild air to move in and help with the warm ups. we will have the clear conditions and the high pressure and blue skies in control today and tomorrow. we will start to see the clouds on monday and tuesday and the disturbance coming from the west, the better chance of rain, not until the middle or end of the week though.
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down to 31 tonight and the temperatures around 50 for tomorrow. a lot of numbers there -- don't let the numbers get in the way, just sunshine and nice. >> that is the headline and marty will have the five-day forecast in a moment. thank you, tim. more at noon, they may make your skin crawl, but could help heal it, a worm treatment coming up. and what we are following on the web site, for updates on the day's news and the first- morning weather forecast, ♪ [ female announcer ] we know you've got a lot on your plate at thanksgiving. which is why safeway has everything you need to get it all done. right now, get a safeway frozen turkey
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8 to 24 lbs, for just 58 cents a pound. cook your thanksgiving turkey perfectly with our free chef assistant app. it's foolproof.
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. worms may unlike how skin heals itself, how chemical reactions are triggered to heal and how it could lead to new wound treatments, especially for diabetics and the elderly that have a hard time healing. you want to check back in at 4:00, 5:00 and 6:00. we will have more on the danger
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caught on tape, we will have more on what happens next and embarrassed in the air, a pilot is locked in the plane's rest room before it is ready to land. more on the breaking news ,,,,
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. welcome back. 60 on moi day and -- monday and 52, and there are indications a clear out with temperatures below normal, but sunshine in the upper 40s on thanksgiving. we will confirm that for you later on. keep the gel low mold outside. if there is no room in the fridge. more on our cbs line up and our news at 11:00 -- check out the newest member to the zoo, she was born in february to her mother that did not find an interest in her and now the zoo will hand feed and bottle feed her. >> i just barely missed her on
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the avenue this morning! >> dear me! (laughs). looking for a raven's come back this weekend. thank you for watching on wjz. thank you for watching on wjz. have a ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, @ @
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