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tv   Eyewitness Noon News  CBS  October 19, 2011 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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tracking town the body of a missing 11-year-old. what they believe led to his killing. community mourns as police gather evidence against the boy's step father. i'm don scott. >> i'm jessica kartalija. here is what people are talking about today. police believe the step father killed william and dumped him the woods 17 days before they found it yesterday. the surveillance video that will be key to the prosecution. mike hellgren is live with several developments. good afternoon, mike. >> reporter: that video shows william and his step dad leafing a storage shed, little boy was wearing the same clothing when they found his body near clarksburg off of route 121. according to published reports, curtis lopez took a trip with
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his wife. they began arguing. she said she was scared for her hive. two days later, police believe lopez killed mc quain in her home and murdered her 11-year- old son, william, his stepson and dumped the boy in the woods near 270 in montgomery county, dog teams found him after an exhaustive search. wjz 13 learned detectives used his cell phone signal to track his whereabouts. >> we know what has happened to william. he can be with his mother, when we have a service we can have them both together hopefully. not have this hanging over our head. worrying and waiting and looking and not having an answer. >> reporter: police uncovered video of william and his step dad at the shed nearby hours before they say the 6th grader was murdered. william was flaying unaware of
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the horror that was about to come. >> it did not appear there was any distress between the two in the footage. he appeared to be running around as you would expect a boy that age to do. >> reporter: lopez has a violent past arrested after fleeing to north carolina and headed back to maryland to face murder charges for jane mc quain. police say charges are pending for the murder of young william. >> william was the greatest, most beautiful, wonderful cheerful child in the entire world, entire world. there is no reason this should have happened to him. who could do this to william? it's just a little kid. who could do it? >> reporter: police say lopez has refused to cooperate with them. they say he has refused to answer questions about william. mike hellgren, wjz 13 eye witness news. lopez was convict oddive
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attempted murder in 1987. the stabbing of a man in pennsylvania. police are expected to release details in the murder of another child. david hung of gaithersburg is charged in the death of his stepdaughter, jessica win. she was found stabbed to death inside of her home in may. how long is held without bail. search continues this inn for the man who raped girl in east baltimore. mary bubala has the latest on this investigation. >> good afternoon to everybody at home. police are asking for the public's help to find the suspect. take a look at the sketch. police say this is the man who attacked a 13-year-old girl, while she was walking down caroline monday. the girl was able to get away and call 911. the man fled before police got to the scene. back to you. there is a reward offered for information that leads to an arrest and conviction. police are patrolling an
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ohio neighborhood looking for dozens of escaped exotic animals. schools are closed the entire area on alert as the search continues. randal pinkston reports for wjz 13. >> reporter: police are warning drivers to stay in their cars near an animal preserve in ohio. n animal preserve in dangerous animals are on the loose. >> it is still, still not a completely secured area. >> reporter: close to 50 animals including lions, tigers, wolves and bears escaped after their cages were left open. authorities hunted down 44 of them. schools are closed as a precaution. >> we are getting a inventory of what we have. >> reporter: when police arrived yesterday, officers found the owner dead. they say he killed himself after freeing the animals. i had deputies that had to shoot animals with their side arms at close range. that's how volatile this situation was. >> reporter: police are particularly worried about large cats and bears.
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residents are on edge. >> we put our dogs inside. my mom and dad told me call when you get there, make sure we know you got there okay and said stay inside all night. >> reporter: so far the animals haven't injured anyone. authorities will try to tranquilize some of them if possible. experts say it's not possible to tranquilize wild animals at night because the animals only get more excited. the wet weather made for a messy morning commute. if you were outside this morning you were dealing with the rain. hopefully you had an umbrella like that man there. looking at conditions now, very gray and a little rainy out there. what is on the radar? we've got bernadette woods over in the first warning weather center. good afternoon. >> that's what we are going to do, we will check the radar. first warning doppler, drizzle and rain, not heavier bands we
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had today. ot heavier bands we look to the south, see that it is going to be returning. what i'm going to do is show you, even though this moved north, look at this down to our south. the whole storm is forming in to one larger storms it was two separate ones, one larger one o and going to make its way through maryland. we are not quite done with the rain yet. overall today looking at rain drizzling on and off. a windy day. and off. we see improvements coming. we will have the forecast. state of maryland is cracking down so called bath salts. the synthetic drugs are illegal here. they can inhaled, smoked ingested or injected and cause cardiac arrest and paranoia. they passed emergency regulations to ban the sale. 25 deaths including two here in maryland are now linked to the listeria outbreak in cantaloupe. cdc says the fruit should be
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off store shelves but more people could get sick. symptoms could take up to two months to appear. outbreak become the deadliest known food born illness in the u.s. in 25 years. lness in the if you have any concerns, contact your doctor immediately. just released study shows the financial impact of the grand prix was less than expected. the race brought in $25 million. that is significantly less than the projections of 70 million. while promoters thought 80% would be from outside of maryland, two-thirds were local. our local football team is on the road this week. taking on the jaguars in jacksonville and see the game here on the live coverage, monday at 8:00. still to come on wjz 13 eye witness news at noon, a twist in the search for a missing
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missouri baby, where investigators are now looking. latest republican debate takes a nasty turn as two of the hopefuls go head to head. details are coming up. a gloomy wednesday, is nicer weather on its way? find out with bernadette woods, she will have your full forecast coming up. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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police are looking at the home of a missing baby and don't want the parents around. searching the home in kansas city today, with a warrant that keeps the parents from being there. the couple says they found her bed empty on october 4th. lisa's moe admitted she was drinking heavily the night before. republican presidential candidates are getting back on the campaign trail after a fiery debate last night. 7 of the candidates wept went head to head discussing tax rate and immigration. there was a nasty exchange between romney and perry.
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>> years and the idea you stand here before us and talk about that you are strong on immigration is on its face, the hype of hypocrisy. [overlapping speakers] >> romney wasn't the only target. cap dates took turns blasting cain's nine nine nine tax plan calling it a jobs killer. department of naturallal resources says number of juvenile striped bass is at the fourth highest level in the past 58 years. catch limits are credited for the increase and improvement. still ahead on wjz 13 at noon, rainy wednesday, we are already looking ahead to the weekend. find out if there is nicer weather on the way. looking at the midday stocks to be followed by last night's mega millions numbers.
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bge's instant discounts got our homeowner to switch to energy star® cfl bulbs. 3-way cfls really click with my style. learn to speak the language of energy efficiency at
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welcome back everybody. see the gray skies out there. we had rounds of heavier rain
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today. more drizzle at this point in some cases, however, first warning doppler radar rs see this is more rain out. there we are in a lull before a batch of heavier rain moves our way from the south. just down to the southwest of dc. at this point we are seeing a little drizzle. baltimore county, frederick county al. that's going to be changing. because of the rain that came down and more to come, this are coastal flood watches in effect through the evening high tide cycle. two feet above average. we will take you back and show you the rain we had. the clouds came in and rounds of heavy rain during the morning commute. most off to the north. here is the next round coming our way. the winds have picked up out of the northeast. gusty at times this afternoon and evening and tomorrow, they turn around to the west, a drier wind, but it's going to be windiers that's something we will deal with after the storm starts to leave us. 63. we have not changed much since
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today. 70 ocean city. we will get a couple of more degrees on this through the afternoon. not a whole lot more. two different parts of the storm, coming together in to one part. as they do, that's what is kicking up the winds and saw one round of rain going through, it's because this part is hanging bag, we will have another round come through. it could be heavy at times and also the potential for a thunderstorm or two. the rain will wind down tonight, as the storm leaves us, tomorrow, it's close enough that showers are possible. windy tomorrow, we will see sunshine mixing in there. friday this pulls to north. not quite as windy. the cooler air funnels in. we will feel that as it dries out. for today, mild out there, close to 70 degrees. some people may stay in the 60s. rounds of rain and drizzle, maybe thunderstorm and tonight rain and drizzle around. mild night tonight. tomorrow, all of this starts to leave us. clouds and sunshine out. there chance for a couple of
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showers, windy day tomorrow. wind gusts 30 miles per hour probably. as we head through the next five days, the cooler air continues to come in. high tomorrow 64 degrees. average is 66. we have been above it for this stretch but going to go down below. the lows will drop in to the 30s. something we are going to have to look out for and be dressed the right way for as we head in to the weekend days. the five day is coming up. still to come on wjz 13, hear what the number of facebook friends you have says about the size of your brain. here are the top stories at this hour, for instant updates and updated first warning weather forecast, log on to ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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in wjz 13 health watch a warning for women about high blood pressure and birth defects. doctors in california found that babies born to mothers that took ace inhibitors are at a higher risk for birth defects. the research established the link taken during the second and third trimesters. united states getting low
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scores for health care system. the report card gave the u.s. 64 points out of 100. it says obama care has the potential to improve the system but the u.s. has more preventive deaths than any other wealthy nation in the world. the number of facebook friends you have may say a lot about your brain. those with more friends have more brain tissue that processes memory and emotional responses. check in with eye witness news at 4:00, 5:00 and 6:00 for a trial resuming, prosecution makes the case today against dr. conrad murray, in the michael jackson death trial. we will have testimony. is less more when it comes to educational television for your toddler? join us for the story and breaking news at 4:00, that's after dr. phil. stay with us, your five day forecast is next. ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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gray skies, more rain on the way. on and off rain through today in to tonight before we start to leave this storm. take a look at the five day forecast, it tries to pull -- we jumped over the five day. there we go. few showers possible tomorrow. windy and start to dry out. by friday, a breezy day and cooler day , the dry weather
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sticks around in to the weekend here. not too bad for this stretch of nice fall weekends continuing. don't misthe prime time line up, at 10:00, csi with ted danson, and stay tuned for eye witness news at 11:00. this noon, the stars of twilight will be honored outside a hollywood land mark. they will cast their hand and footprints outside of the chinese theater. it's set for november 3rd brfer before breaking dawn part 1 hits the big screen. my cousin is addicted. map >> i mean, they are interested. he is one of those. which team are you? >> i like tailor lautner, the
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wolves or whatever. >> i'm team jake or whatever. >> it's been a while. we are butchering it. have a wonderful day everyone, see you tonight at 4:00, 5:00 and 6:00. ,,,,,,,,,,
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