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tv   The Early Show  CBS  May 27, 2011 7:00am-9:00am EDT

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good morning. surprise visit. in an attempt at mending the diplomatic ties, secretary of state clinton arrived in pakistan overnight, and issued a message of support to its government. but she also warned that billions of dollars in u.s. aid could be in jeopardy in the first high-level meeting since the killing of osama bin laden. more wicked weather. strong storms push into the south, knocking out power and killing at least three people, while in joplin, missouri, families searching for lost loved ones say officials are not moving fast enough to identify victims of sunday's killer tornado. and getting in. mitt romney says he'll join the republican presidential race next week. sarah palin and michele bachmann
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might be next. find out where the campaign and the potential candidates, are headed this memorial day weekend "early" this friday morning, may headed this memorial day weekend "early" this friday morning, may 27th, 2011. captioning funded by cbs good morning, welcome to theer li show here on a friday morning right before the holiday weekend, i'm chris wragge. >> i'm erica hill. good to have you with us this morning. a little bit of breaking news to start out. information that may end the misfry of the crash of air france flight 447. the airbus jet, as you may recall, went down off the coast of brazil two years ago now. well now it's taken two years but recently found at the bottom of the ocean some new clues that reveal the terrifying final moments of that flight. >> exactly. going to have that coming up just a couple of minutes. first. >> high level meetings this morning between the u.s. and pakistan where secretary of state hillary clinton held a series of touchy discussions with pakistani officials.
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cbs correspondent elizabeth palmer has just returned from pakistan. she joins us from london this morning with the very latest. >> good morning, erica. this was a very quick visit. the secretary was on the ground for all of six hours. in fact, she's already left. but it was a crucial visit. and one very necessary to patching up a strained relationship. and in public, anyway, she struck a conspicuously conciliatory tone. >> i have just completed a very extensive, open, frank and constructive discussion with the leadership of pakistan. >> reporter: for their part, the pakistani government assembled its heaviest hitters, including the president and the chiefs of both the army and the intelligence services. none of them looked very cheerful. they know america's main demand will be costly and dangerous. that is, to expand the fight against militant extremists in the border region, which, in turn, will help the u.s. get its troops out of afghanistan.
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but this cooperative relationship was badly bruised by the u.s. raid on may the 1st that killed osama bin laden, who'd been living in a compound under the nose of the pakistani army. today the secretary of state gave pakistan's government a welcome vote of confidence. >> there is absolutely no evidence that anyone at the highest levels of the pakistani government knew that osama bin laden was living just miles from where we are today. >> reporter: in another sign both sides are determined to patch up their relationship, the pakistanis allowed the cia to send a forensic team back in to bin laden's house to see whether any useful evidence remains. the bottom line is that the pakistani government benefits from american military and civilian aid. $20 billion since 9/11. $2 billion projected for next year. and the bet is that they will do whatever is necessary to keep that aid flowing. a
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erica? >> elizabeth palmer, than. joining us, former assistant secretary of state jamie rubin who is editor of bloomberg view. good to have you with us. >> nice to be with you. >> as you listen to a little bit of what we just heard from secretary clinton, she said there's no evidence that people at the highest levels knew that osama bin laden was there. do you think people believe that? >> well, i don't think americans believe it, particularly. i suspect if we knew and had real evidence that the pakistani government at the high levels knew secretary clinton wouldn't say that. but the point is that this is so dramatic, that bin laden was living under the noses of the pakistani government, that there's really been a sea change in the united states, in our attitude, both people, and in the congress, towards pakistan. so, secretary clinton has a tough job if we're going to keep providing aid and support for this government when they were hiding, or seemed to be hiding, the worst criminal of the modern era. >> it is an important
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relationship for both sides. not just for the aid that pakistan receives from the u.s. but obviously for the u.s., as well. lots of concerns over nuclear cape 5b89s in pakistan. so what do you see as the real goal of this meeting? was it to mend fences for both sides? >> well, the u.s. government right now, the administration, believes that we're better off cooperating with pakistan than confronting them with the problem. the problem is that its government, pakistan's government, does provide support to taliban officials in pakistan who then go over to afghanistan and fight our troops. the government does provide support to terrorist organizations that may attack india, or in some cases, as in the times square bomber not far from us today, the terrorist was trained at a camp in pakistan. we're trying to get them to stop all that. and it's a tough job. you saw in the picture admiral mullen, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, he spent
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years cultivating their major general, who's the one who can make these decisions. but so far, they haven't changed course. >> what do you think the tenor was like in that meeting? based on your experience? >> look, this was a tough meeting. because the pakistanis really made a lot of noise after we went in and got bin laden, and they said we violated their air space and there was some real tension between people who used to talk to each other. remember mullen you saw in the picture, the chairman of our joint chiefs of staff, didn't tell his counterpart that our guys were going in to get bin laden. so that was a tricky moment. >> to be a fly on the wall. give me a yes or no if you can, do you think there's much left in the compound, even though the cia can go in a month later and search it? >> no. >> jamie, thanks. now here's chris. >> erica, thank you. now the latest on this terrible week of storms. at least three people were killed in the atlanta area yesterday as high winds knocked down trees and left some 200,000 georgia homes without power. and in joplin, missouri, where
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the tornado death toll is now at 126, there's growing concern for the missing. cbs news national correspondent ben tracy is in joplin with the latest on that for us this morning. ben, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, chris. this is the official missing persons list, 232 names on this. but later this morning, authorities here plan to release a new list that should have a dramatically lower number. in the meantime, many families continuing their search for their missing loved ones. >> i just wanted to at least hand it out, you know. >> reporter: these brothers and their 14-year-old sister are desperately trying to find this woman, dion hayward. she's their mom. >> she was missing since the tornado? >> yes. >> reporter: deanne went to pick up pizza for her son caleb's graduation sunday. she never came home. >> we've been looking ever since. we've been on the news and everything. >> all right, buddy. >> reporter: michelle hare's search for heir 16-year-old son lance ended on thursday. joplin police showed up to tell her his body had been
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identified. >> it's somewhat a comfort to us to know that he's in a better place, and that we don't have to wonder if he's out there needing us. >> reporter: many families are frustrated and confused. they feel the city has been slow to identify the dead. leaving them, perhaps searching and hoping in vain. families are not allowed to go to the morgue to identify bodies. instead they have to submit dna samples and dental records, and hope for a match. >> we have to be 100% accurate. that is why the process on our side takes a little bit longer. >> reporter: it could take two more weeks before some are identified. the missing persons list posted thursday includes many who are already known to be dead or alive and well. >> we just found someone off the missing person list who actually we know their whereabouts. >> reporter: there is so much sadness here. but in this tattered and torn landscape, there is also this. >> i'm so happy to see you. >> reporter: neighbors reunited who have not lost their sense of
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humor. >> i think i may have some of your undies in my yard. >> oh, you keep 'em. you're liable to need them. >> you know the word resilient is thrown around a lot when we cover disasters like this, but we have seen it here in joplin. people able to laugh through their loss. and determined to overcome all of this. chris? >> cbs' ben tracy for us in joplin, missouri. going to shift gears here a little now and talk politics. former massachusetts governor mitt romney said he'll formally announce he's running for president next week in new hampshire. and this weekend sarah palin is going there, too, on a bus tour of the northeast which will no doubt include a lot more than sightseeing. cbs news political correspondent jan crawford in washington to tell us who's out and who's in for the republican nomination this morning. >> good morning, chris. >> sarah palin announces the national bus tour, begins sunday in washington. if you're going to do this, may as well run for president, right? >> well, you know, that is the big question that everyone's asking. is she running for president or is she just out there kind of
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staying at the center of the debate and leading the conversation? i mean, no one really knows at this point. but i've got to say, a lot of republicans think that the bus tour is win-win for the party. palin can get out there and talk about the issues. really take on president obama and get conservatives fired up about this election. she raises the energy level. and then, of course, if she is running, this is going to help her. she'll get out there with the voters. she's going to get a lot of media coverage. it is a great way to launch a campaign. if she's launching one. >> if she wasn't running would she do this, you think? >> i mean, that is what everyone has said. they're trying to figure out. i think sure she would do this. she's been very engaged. very involved in the national debate. we saw her endorse a lot of different candidates in the recent congressional elections. she wants to be a participant in this national conversation, and in this race. whether or not she's a candidate or just the one who's out there trying to stir people up and get people motivated. >> we know she galvanizes republicans but she also does not have a high favorability rating in the national
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electorate. if she can't beat the incumbent, president obama right now, does she become more of a distraction for the republican party? >> well, i think that is what some conservatives are afraid of. people have very different views on sarah palin. as you know, republicans still view her positively. our polls show that about 51%, i think, in a recent poll, have a favorable view of her. but among all voters, only 26% do. so that's a real division. but i think the bus tour kind of gives her a chance to change that with voters, and with conservatives. but there are some, i think, who wish she would not run and just continue being a very effective spokeswoman for all these conservative causes. >> with the continued flirtation with potentially running for president, how does it affect people like tim pawlenty, michele bachmann, who may or may not announce that she's going to run for president? >> that's a really interesting question. i think her flirtation with running could mean some of the social conservatives aren't going to settle on a candidate until they see if she's going to get in because they'll want to go with her.
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that means this race is going to be more fluid and stay unsettled. she gets in, she could get a lot of those social conservative votes. those are votes that pawlenty was really hoping to get as he tries to compile a broad cross-section of voters when he's taking on the presumptive front-runner mitt romney. and as for michele bachmann, the minnesota congresswoman, she said yesterday that palin's decision on whether to run will not affect her own decision. and i think that makes sense. bachmann is her own person. there's no reason we can't have two, strong, conservative women in the race. i mean they're going to be competing for the same votes, social conservatives and the tea party. but last time i checked we got quite a few men in the race who are slugging it out for the same votes, so some of those questions pitting palin against bachmann i think are kind of unfortunate. >> and i'm sure it's no coincidence that mitt romney and michele bachmann have major announcements on the day sarah palin announces she's going on a
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national bus tour. jan, thank you. >> amazing the timing on some of those things. >> all happened on one day. >> almost like it was planned. who knew. jeff glor standing by at the news desk with a check of the day's other headlines. good friday morning to you my friend. >> good friday morning to you guys, as well. good friday morning to everyone at home. the g-8 summit wrapped up in france this morning with a pledge of $20 billion to support pro-democracy reforms in egypt and tunisia. the g-8 leaders said they strongly support the arab spring, calling the political changes historic. concerning libya, president obama said that moammar gadhafi, again, has to go. this morning russia's deputy foreign minister said russia is ready to help mediate gadhafi's exit from power following a request by g-8 leaders. the next and final stop on president obama's six-day european tour is poland. where a proposed missile defense system tops the agenda there. and cbs news chief white house correspondent chip reid is traveling with the president in france. >> during his meeting with russian president dmitry medvedev on the sidelines of the g-8 economic summit, president obama said the pair won't give
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up on trying to reach a compromise on a planned u.s. missile defense system in eastern and central europe. despite u.s. assurances, russians fear the plan could undermine their security. >> we're committed to working together so that we can find an approach that is consistent with the security needs of both countries, and that maintains the strategic balance, and deals with potential threats. >> reporter: it's an issue that will also come up today in president obama's meetings with polish leaders in warsaw, under the u.s. planned defense systems would be deployed on polish soil. also on the agenda, natural gas. specifically how to extract gas trapped in rock from what may be europe's largest gas reserve. not only would it be a boone for u.s. energy companies, it would help poland to become more energy independent. >> poland has prospects of becoming a major energy producer in the years ahead, with the
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shale gas where america has tremendous experience in extracting and developing this industry. which, of course, is also security element, because it will lessen poland's dependence on outside sources, in other words russian sources, which could become unpredictable in the future. >> reporter: from poland the president head white house for just one night. then on sunday he's off to missouri where he says he wants to survey the tornado damage and pray with survivors. chip reid, cbs news, traveling with the president in deauville, france. also in france, by the way, president obama signing the law, a four-year extension of the terrorism patriot act. the senate and house passed the extension just before it was due to expire. that bill extends the life of roving wiretaps, court ordered searches of business records and surveillance of suspects without known ties to terrorist groups. war crimes suspect ratko mladic returned to a belgrade court this morning. mladic was captured yesterday after 16 years as a fugitive. the charges against him includes slaughter of 8,000 muslims.
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he's being extradited to the u.n. war crimes tribunal at the hague. in orbit this morning, shuttle astronauts carried out an historic spacewalk. their last ever. the two spacewalkers from shuttle "endeavour" installed an extension on the international space station. all future spacewalks will be performed by full-time space station residents. it is 16 minutes past the hour. full-time -- >> space station residents. good morning, guys. >> actually i'm retiring to the international space station. marysol castro here now with our first check of the weather. good morning. >> good morning you two. for this memorial day weekend we take a look at our national outlook. some folks still contending with severe weather. that would be along the east coast. in the northern plains and the pacific northwest there it's a very pesky storm that's making its way across the country that could bring about a more severe weather later on into the weekend into next week. there is an area of high pressure. folks in that part of the nation enjoy it. we turn to the severe weather.
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another bout of thunderstorms for today. by the way, yesterday there were more than 600 severe weather reports. today we're looking at more damaging winds, hail anywhere from dime size to baseball size. we cannot let the possibility of a tornado. rainfall anywhere three to four inches. temperatures will be above normal by the way in the mid-atlantic and the northeast. and then the northwest, more rain, but you would expect it. temperatures are also going to be cool. about 5 to 10 degrees below average. >> that's your latest.
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now back over to erica and chris. >> mary, thanks. >> still to come here this morning, the final minutes before the crash of air france flight 447. we're going to hear what those black boxes revealed after two years on the bottom of the ocean. >> plus, do you know where your oil comes from? turns out a lot of it comes from a little place called curbing, oklahoma. find out why that could be making gas prices oh, so high. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. vo: meet erika. she hasn't shopped for a new pc because... erika: ... my computer is the same as a new computer. vo: so to show her what she's missing, we built a pc store in her house. erika: (gasp) employee: come on in. make yourself at home! erika: this is my home! employee: let's take a look! erika: (lifting laptop) it's really light. honey, help me shop! employee: you can get up to seven hours on this battery. jesse: the color really pops out. employee: everything's wireless. wireless keyboard. jesse: that's impressive. i like this one better. erika: and i like this one... vo: new pc. what's it gonna be? erika: i'm a pc, and i got what i wanted. jesse: as usual.
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early show," trying to solve the mystery of air france flight 447. why it went down in the atlantic with 228 people aboard. >> so many questions two years after that crash. as you know the black boxes were found at the bottom of the ocean. now a report finds that the pilot fought for nearly four minutes to keep that jet in the air. we're going to have more on
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those finds when we come back. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. >> this portion of "the early show" sponsored by nook color. the readers tablet by barnes & noble. woman: and everything there is to learn is learned. man: till the heroes retire and the monsters return to their dens... woman: and all the plots are wrapped up. man: till that day... boy: by hook or by crook... girl: by book or by nook... woman: i will read.
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,,,, temperatures are in the low 70s. take a look at the forecast for the day. we have the possibility of a few strong thunderstorms later on this afternoon and evening. now, over to sharon gibala at traffic control. hey, there, marty, good morning, everyone. a pretty quiet ride overall. we have an accident that involves a police car. it has annapolis boulevard
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closed. you'll want to take route 10 as the alternate. we're working on muddy creek road. and a new crash to report on aberdeen. as far as speeds go, 44 miles per hour is the slowest spot. that's what it looks like on 50 on the bay bridge. are you ready to make a difference to matter? at cappella, matter. there are calls for action after four young men are shot in the city earlier this week. a 12-year-old is the worst hurt. andrea fujii has more. >> reporter: don, the police don't know why someone opened fire tuesday night. someone came across the corner of this house and started shooting. the youngest victim, a 12-year- old was shot in the chest.
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his principal says that shawn is a good student. his condition is grave this morning police have stepped up patrols in the area. don, back to you. the funeral for shaft hunter will be held this morning. he was killed last weekend when his trooper car crashed in the back of a tractor trailer. his services are at 11:00 this morning. a procession will take him to dulaney memorial gardens. inside a storage facility, the police officers found ballet salts. -- bath salts. it was used to market a designer drug. when inhaled they have a similar affect to cocaine. a local school is trying to make the environment healthier. they recently added rain barrels.
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it's part of a student led green expo. and stay with wjz-13, maryland's news station. up next, the latest on the casey anthony trial in orlando, florida. florida. >> and the calm after anyone who grows things for a living will tell ya... a plant is only as good as the soil you put it in. look, both these potted plants got the same sun. same water. only difference? this. miracle-gro potting mix. rich organic ingredients with miracle-gro plant food mixed right in. it even feeds plants for six straight months. want this result? gotta start with this soil. miracle-gro potting mix. success starts with the soil.
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beautiful bit of sunshine there as we welcome you back to the "early" show. many of you likely preparing for your memorial day weekend. maybe getting ready to go on a trip, spend plenty of time outside. a lot of you are probably eyeing gas prices. start of the summer vacation season, thinking about where you're going to drive. prices are down a little bit. still very high. this morning we're going to take you to cushing, oklahoma, where millions of barrels of oil sit for weeks, even months at a time. suppliers controlling just how much oil is turned into gasoline and other products. rebecca jarvis is there this
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morning. she's going to explain just how all of that waiting can hit all of us in the wallet. >> and that's the problem. it hits all of us. also ahead this morning the latest from the casey anthony murder trial. an ex-boyfriend called anthony a doting mother who loved her daughter caylee. other prosecution witnesses say she wasn't upset while her daughter was missing. and never said she was looking for caylee. more from inside the courtroom in just a bit. but first, jeff glor at the news desk with another look at our top headlines for us on this friday morning. hi again, jeff. >> hey, guys. good morning to everyone at home. the g-8 summit in france ended this morning. leaders pledged $20 million to support democratic reforms in egypt and tunisia. they said they strongly support the arab spring uprisings. secretary of state hillary clinton made a quick surprise trip to pakistan this morning. she's the most senior u.s. official to visit since the raid that killed osama bin laden. only on the ground for six hours in pakistan, clinton said u.s. relations with pakistan are at a turning point and that pakistani leaders must do more to fight terrorism, but she also said
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there's no evidence senior pakistani leaders knew where bin laden was. pakistan allowed the cia back into bin laden's compound to look for additional evidence. the cia team used high-tech sensors to search for hidden or possibly buried material that may have been left behind after the initial raid. in afghanistan, nato said today eight u.s. service members were killed by two bomb blasts in southern kandahar province. the second explosion came as people rushed to investigate the first. it was the deadliest attack on u.s. forces there in two months. and in arlington national cemetery, this memorial day weekend, flags are on the graves of more than 220,000 american soldiers. a poignant sight as the u.s. honors its fallen military service members. it is 32 minutes past the
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for two years the crash of air france flight 447 has been a mystery. the plane went down off the coast of brazil, killing all 228 people on board in june of 2009. now, a report on the crash has just come out this morning, and cbs news travel editor peter greenberg joins us with the very latest on what officials have learned. peter, good to see you this morning. so the investigation into flight 447 comes out a couple hours ago. what are investigators now disclosing about those last few minutes of that ill-fated flight? >> the last 3 minutes 30 seconds of that flight as the plane drops from 38,000 feet in that period of time directly onto the ocean. now, what's happening is they're flying initially at their
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regular flight altitude of 35,000 feet when they encounter some turbulence. at this point the plane is on taught toe pilot but their flight sensors which tell the pilots how fast they're going apparently are frozen. they're not working. so what do the pilots do? they try to slow the plane down, they disengage the autopilot, disengage the auto thrust and slow the plane down. now they're in trouble because they're slowing the plane down, slower than it should be flying at all and they put it into a high speed stall. the nose goes up to about 16 degrees and the plane starts climbing. but at that altitude and that speed it loses speed very quickly and guess what at 38,000 feet it starts to drop and it's dropping at some points up to 10,000 feet a minute. >> okay so the speed sensors were really threw the pilots because they were getting incorrect speed readings? >> from the beginning. >> is this a systemic problem? is this something all the airbus a-330s that now needs to be investigated? >> the investigators have been looking at these speed sensors for quite some time. this past march air france was charged in a french court with
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manslaughter in the deaths of these 228 people. that investigation is continuing. now they've since fixed those and they've since adjusted those. so the fact is the charge was, did air france know they were defective when that plane was already flying. >> one of the things that's in the report, and i'm not saying that this had any bearing on what happened, that the captain was not in the cockpit at the time. the two co-pilots and autopilot were operating the plane. >> not relevant at all to the situation. any flight of this duration, you have the main pilot doing his crew. never took control again. at that point all they could do was try to get speed up. because they were losing speed and losing altitude. they tried to put the nose down but they couldn't control the descent and 3 minutes 30 seconds later, they impacted the ocean. >> what happens to the plane while all of this is going on? >> very little at this point that we know of. we just know that with those instruments frozen, all their instruments in the cockpit were no longer of use to them. they were not getting any
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relevant readings that they could do anything about. >> now do these findings answer all questions about what caused this crash? i mean is this investigation essentially closed at this point? >> no, not at all. because there's one open area. and that's the location and the condition of the tail of that plane. that tail of that plane was found many, many, many miles away from the main debris field and was found intact. the real question is did that tail come off before the plane hit the water? and when did it come off if it came off at all. that's what they're going to look at now. >> can't speculate but you can only imagine the fear factor and terror these poor passengers, 3 1/2 minutes you say this plane was descending at a rapid speed. >> no, it was not descending at a rapid speed, it was descending 38,000 feet to the ocean in 3 minutes 30 seconds. up next, oil prices are so high, why would you not sell it? we're going to visit cushing, oklahoma, where millions of barrels are stored and then sold. this is "the early show" sheer on cbs. ♪ oh oh oh
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but they'd rather they disappear. mott's medleys has two total fruit and veggie servings in every glass but magically looks and tastes just like the fruit juice kids already love. mott's medleys. invisible vegetables. magical taste. as americans hit the road for the memorial day weekend, many folks are thinking about the high gas prices. and just how much it will cost to go anywhere this weekend. prices are starting to slide back a little, after reaching an average of $4 a gallon
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nationwide. cbs news business and economics correspondent rebecca jarvis is in cushing, oklahoma, this morning. a little town that literally may have the answer to high gas prices across the country. rebecca, good morning. >> hey, erica, good morning. no matter where you fill up your car this weekend, chances are the fuel spent some time right here in cushing, oklahoma. the town is home to about 10% of the u.s. energy supply. it gets stored in giant steel tanks like these ones right behind me. a small town of just 9,000 people, cushing, oklahoma, is among the most important centers in the global oil market. considered the pipeline crossroads of the world, an astounding 40 million barrels of oil are stored here, in steel tanks, that span more than ten square miles. enbridge energy controls more than a third of that supply. >> we have about 14.8 million barrels of fill capacity. we have that in about 90 tanks.
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>> reporter: the oil is stored here before being piped back out to refineries and converted into gasoline. >> there's always oil moving into and out of cushing. >> reporter: but lately there's a lot more oil moving than going out. does it feel like there's a glut in oil supply here right now? >> we definitely are experiencing large capacity of oil storage here at cushing. >> reporter: so enbridge is expanding. >> this particular tank here will hold about 250,000 barrels of oil. >> reporter: with gas prices at $3.81 a gallon, why are oil companies keeping those tanks full, and out of the nation's pumps? some analysts say it's in the hopes prices will rise, and the companies will be able to sell oil for a higher profit. but it's not an exact science. >> predicting gasoline prices is a fool's errand. nobody can do it reliably. that said, the best predictor is what happens to crude. >> reporter: in the last year, oil prices have soared.
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last may, a barrel cost about $74. today, it's more than $100. in cushing, they're making plans to increase the ability to hold onto more crude. >> we have tanks under construction now. >> reporter: enbridge will add 13 more tanks to its facility over the next couple of years. enough to hold 4 million additional barrels of oil. >> and we have demand for far more than that. >> and there may be some good news for drivers. prices typically peak over the memorial day weekend, so while you might pay more between now and monday, a number of analysts are forecasting, erica, that we'll see prices come down about 35 cents over the summer. >> that would be a welcome drop, obviously. the thing is when they rise the price of everything else rises along with the price of gas. groceries, for example, because of shipping cost. any chance we'll see those prices go down in conjunction with gas prices? >> the unfortunate news on that is while we might see some relief at the pump a lot of companies are forecasting that we're going to be paying more at the grocery store, because not
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only do those shipping costs that you mentioned factor in to these prices, but also the grain prices, the cost of the food that, for example, animals feed off of, has also gone up. so you may see more prices going up again at the grocery store throughout the year. that's what the usda is predicting. >> rebecca jarvis in cushing, oklahoma, for us this morning. thank you. >> thanks. just ahead an ex-boyfriend calls casey anthony a careful mother. others say she couldn't care less. we'll hear the latest testimony in the high profile murder trial. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. g frontline plus shows your pet you care... by unleashing a complete killing force against fleas and ticks. and not just adult fleas. what makes frontline plus complete is that it breaks the flea life cycle -- killing adults, eggs, and larvae. and it keeps killing fleas and ticks all month long. that's why it's the #1 choice of vets for their pets, and yours. unleash a complete killing force in every dose of frontline plus.
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real blueberries, real good. bay! kin! cheese! spiiinnnaaachh... tuuur...keeey... [ dj ] with deelicious tomatoes, right on top... [ male announcer ] serve it up on tasty flatbread. and wake up to the fresh taste of the sunrise subway melt. build your better breakfast, only at subway.
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erika: ... my computer is the same as a new computer. vo: so to show her what she's missing, we built a pc store in her house. erika: (gasp) employee: come on in. make yourself at home! erika: this is my home! employee: let's take a look! erika: (lifting laptop) it's really light. honey, help me shop! employee: you can get up to seven hours on this battery. jesse: the color really pops out. employee: everything's wireless. wireless keyboard. jesse: that's impressive. i like this one better. erika: and i like this one... vo: new pc. what's it gonna be? erika: i'm a pc, and i got what i wanted. jesse: as usual. emotions are running high in the casey anthony trial in orlandos aprosecutors a out their case against the 25-year-old mom accused of killing her 2-year-old daughter. reporter mike deforest of our orlando affiliate wkmg has the very latest for us this morning. >> good morning, chris. it was an emotional day in court
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but also an intense one. while prosecutors called casey anthony a murderer the defense claimed little caylee drowned in the family swimming pool. the defense argues casey anthony is a very good mother who simply tried to cover up a tragic accident with the help of her father. george anthony took the stand for the second time in the murder case against his daughter casey, and told a recovering missing gas cans from her car. a little more than a week after little caylee had gone missing. >> and you did not smell any smell of human decomposition on june 24th of 2008 in the trunk of your daughter's car? >> did not. >> the defense was attempting to poke a hole in the prosecution's theory that casey anthony used her trunk to stash caylee's dead body, after stuffing it in a laundry bag and wrapping her head in duct tape. the state contends that is the same kind of tape that was found on the gas cans in casey's car. as the questioning continued things got tense between anthony and defense attorney jose baez, who just days earlier had
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accused him of sexually molesting casey. >> you're trying to confuse 3450e here. yes, you are, sir. treat me with a little bit of respect and you'll get respect back. all i'm asking. >> mr. anthony, would you like to answer my question now? >> reporter: the prosecution also questioned a parade of casey's friends and acquaintances who testified that casey did not act any differently while her daughter was missing. >> did she tell you that her daughter was missing? >> no. >> kidnapped? >> no. >> that she was looking for her? >> no. >> that she needed help? >> no. >> reporter: the defense tried to paint a much different picture of casey, that of a loving and doting mother. the most poignant testimony coming from former boyfriend tony lazaro. >> she'd have a book, she'd have her teddy bear. we would go down to the pool, teaching her how to swim. >> reporter: as lazzaro spoke casey anthony wiped away tears. one witness, melissa england, testified that while riding in the car with casey anthony, the
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defendant got off of a call, phone call, and then bragged about what a good liar she was. chris? >> all right, mike deforest of our orlando affiliate wkmg in orlando this morning. thanks again, mike. stay with us. we'll be right back. this is "the early show" here on cbs. on. we demand k9 advantix ii. it not only kills fleas and ticks, it repels most ticks before they can attach and snack on us. frontline plus kills but doesn't repel. any tick that isn't repelled or killed may attach and make a meal of us. so let's put our paws down in protest. no fetching, no friendship till we all get k9 advantix ii. join us at [ male announcer ] ask your veterinarian about k9 advantix ii. [ male announcer ] ask your veterinarian man: and all the pens are put down... woman: and everything there is to learn is learned. man: till the heroes retire and the monsters return to their dens... woman: and all the plots are wrapped up. man: till that day...
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boy: by hook or by crook... girl: by book or by nook... woman: i will read.
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memorial day weekend where we honor our service men and women, always a -- a tremendous amount of pride here in the states on this holiday. >> a lot of pride. a lot of gratitude. always so interesting to hear what the youngest folks in this country have to say. we sent marysol castro up to west point to meet with some of the kids up there to have a real special connection to those who serve. we'll hear their thoughts and their words ahead.
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anyone heading to the beach already? sharon will let you know. >> i'm mentally there. we'll look at the forecast for the day. we're in the low to mid-70s now. partly sunny, hot and humid today. watch for a chance of a hot and humid thunderstorm. now, over to sharon gibala for traffic control. hey, there, marty, we have picked up problems including an accident on the jfx. watch for it. if you're on the jfx on the northbound lanes, we have an accident in glen burnie.
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that's blocking all lanes there. take route 12 as the alternate. this is streaker road. one on aberdeen and dear tail road. and a stabled at columbia and governor's parkway. there's the delays on the beltway. the topside is the only place we're seeing them. this is brought to you by cappella university. to matter, cappella, matter. in the news, four young people were shot earlier this week in baltimore. a 7th grader is fighting for his life. don, the police don't know why someone started shooting on tuesday night when four young people were sitting on a porch. someone came around the corner and opened fire. the youngest victim was hit in
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the chest. his principal says that shawn is a good student. the police tell wjz that his condition is grave. according to the media partner, the baltimore sun, the police stepped up patrols in the area. don, back to you. a contentious gathering at constellation energy. ash group of shareholders are protesting. they're upset over such things as last year's compensation package for the ceo. some and not all superfresh stores will be closing in july. the chain found buyers for most of the stores. stay with wjz-13, maryland's news station. maryland's news station. what to ,,,,,,
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aaaa... aaaa... aaaa... aaaa... a caramel mocha iced coffee? ahhh! deciding is easy with the new caramel mocha iced coffee from dunkin' donuts. try this sweet combo today. america runs on dunkin'.
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well, good morning, welcome back to "the early show" here on friday, may 27th, 2011. chris wragge and erica hill here in new york. the unofficial start to summer begins for some people, it already began. people on the roads getting ready to enjoy the memorial day weekend. >> a busy day in the city trafficwise. people getting out of dodge already. before you can get going on your holiday weekend we want to get you caught up on the top stories this morning. accused war criminal ratko mladic returns to court in serbia where officials say he will be turned over to an international court to face
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charges of genocide. cbs news correspondent mark phillips is in london this morning with the very latest on mladic's arrest. mark, good morning. >> good morning, erica. well, not just the legal process toward extradition is under way in a belgrade court today, a series of medical tests have also been performed on ratko mladic, and his family is calling for more. the butcher of the balkans is now, according to his lawyers, a frail, old man. too frail, they suggest, to endure the rigors of a trail. he's 69 now, and after three reported strokes, his ability to comprehend proceedings is under question. outside the belgrade courthouse today, the family spoke. >> we are focused at this time on his health, his condition. >> reporter: weakness is not a term that would have been used to describe ratko mladic in his prime. ruthless, maybe. also, murderous, brutal, pitiless, even sadistic. he is accused of ordering the shelling of sarajevo, and of targeting areas where civilian
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casualties were likely to be highest. like the water taps that were set up because the main water supply was cut. he was the commander whose troops overran what was supposed to be the u.n. safe haven of srebrenica. where thousands of bosnian muslims had taken refuge. it was mladic who guaranteed the safety of those present, before separating the women and children from the men, and then ordering the systematic slaughter of more than 7,000 of those men in the worst mass killing in europe since the nazi atrocities of the second world war. the serbs were expecting trouble after they had finally given mladic up under increasing international pressure. mladic may be reviled around the world, but on the serbian nationalist right wing, he's still a hero. the 10,000 graves in sarajevo, though, are not evidence of the actions of a hero. and the mass graves of srebrenica are a silent call for justice. at first it was thought ratko
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mladic would be on his way to trial in the hague within a week or so. now his health issues may delay that. justice has been on hold for 16 years now, and it seems it will have to wait a few days longer. erica h >> mark phillips in london this morning. thanks. joining us now, retired nato commander general wesley clark, who made several trips to bosnia during the war there. we'll also be speaking in a moment with vladimir petrovic, serbia's ambassador to the united states. general clark i want to begin with you. mark laid out a little bit some of the atrocities there. but they're almost unspeakable in so many ways. walk us through why mladic was, in fact, one of the most wanted men in the world. >> well, i was the commander of the serb forces that were responsible for the siege of sarajevo, and he also had an outsized personality. he seemed a rebel in this. he seemed to pursue ideological savagery against the muslim and
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croatian members of the citizenry there in sarajevo. and this was capped off by the massacre of srebrenica, where some 8,000 muslim men were separated from their families and systematically murdered over the course of a couple of days in july of 1995. >> go ahead. >> and this was his leadership, as a general. >> you met with him in the '90s. >> i did. >> what was he like? did he appear to be a mad man, even sadistic as some have painted him? >> well, there's no question that he was very strong, sadistic streak. he was a very intelligent man who had intimidated some of the u.n. commanders. i thought that he was blustery. he was full of passion and ideological zealotry for this cause of serb nationalism. and ultimately, he was a murderer. and a war criminal. >> when you look at the number of years that it took to finally catch him, and the references that in many ways he was out there hiding in plain sight,
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seen out dining in restaurants, even in some cases where foreign diplomats might go, why was it so difficult to catch him? >> well, when he -- when he was under the protection of slobodan milosevic, shortly after the dayton accords were signed i'm sure that milosevic protected him. officially, through his office of the presidency, and through mladic's wide circle of acquaintances. mladic was a regular officer of the yugoslav national army. throughout all this he was paid by the serb government to lead the republic of serbska forces. he was simply a general until milosevic brought him home and he was somewhat lionized by these right wing leaders. milosevic was taken to the hague and gradually mladic's support fell away. the nations much the west never gave up on pursuing ratko mladic and the serb government itself was constantly pressured to turn him over to justice. and eventually the pins lined up
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in such a way that his support had fallen away, he was identified and they took this step. it's an historic step and a very positive step for serbia, and the west. >> and serbia's ambassador to the u.s., vladimir petrovic, is with us as well this morning. sir, how significant is this to both the people of your country, and to the global community? >> well, this is something my government has been working on for years now. we have tried to find him and arrest him. i just want to remind you that before him we have arrested and sent to the hague tribunal about 45 people, including two former presidents of serbia, including president slobodan milosevic, and many generals. so this is the last step in our cooperation in the hague. and i would -- this was our legal obligation under international law. but it was our legal obligation under domestic law and also our moral obligation. so we're really happy this has finally happened. go ahead.
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>> i was going to say, there was some concern as mark phillips pointed out in his piece, some concern over potential demonstrations, even protests yesterday. there were reports that in the town where he was captured a sign went up that said, mladic, hero. how concerned are you, how concerned is the government, about any sort of retaliation for the fact that he has now been captured? >> you know, every society in every country has extremists. but i think this is really minor in serbia. yesterday you had demonstrations in capital belgrade, capital city of it 2 million people, only about 150, 200 people showed up. so we really think this is minor. >> how do you think this will change in some ways the perception of your country? both for the european union, and even outside? >> well, i think the protection of my country has changed tremendously since the change in 2000. we have worked under the leadership of president tadic really hard on reconciliation in the region.
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we, i think, took a lead in the region, and we're calling on all the countries in the region to deal with war crimes, to deal with people that were doing such atrocities. and i think this arrest is really a big step forward in to that band of reconciliation. a number one priority for all the countries in the region to join the european union. >> ambassador vladimir petrovic, general wesley clark, thank you both for your time this morning. >> thank you. and now jeff glor is at the news desk with a check of today's other headlines for us today. jeff? >> chris, good morning to you. erica, good morning. good morning to everyone at home as well. and secretary of state hillary clinton called her talks with pakistani leaders frank and constructive. this morning clinton became the most senior u.s. official to visit pakistan since the raid on osama bin laden's compound. she spent six hours on the ground. her unaannounced visit was designed to repair relations. but she also pressed the pakistanis to get tough with al qaeda. >> we will do our part.
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and we look to the government of pakistan to take decisive steps in the days ahead. >> pakistan also gave the u.s. permission to search bin laden's compound again to look for additional evidence. president obama signed into law a four-year extension of the patriot act today. that bill extends the life of roving wiretaps, court-ordered searches of business records, and surveillance of suspects without known ties to terrorist groups. the g-8 summit in france ended this morning with leaders hoping to raise billions of dollars to aid and encourage the sweeping political changes in the middle east and north africa, the arab spring. russia says it is ready now to help broker moammar gadhafi's departure from libya. new violence in syria this morning. an opposition group says that at least four people were killed when security forces opened fire on protesters in a southern village. the demonstrators are calling for the end of president assad's regime. north korea says this morning it will free detained american eddie june after a u.s.
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official expressed regret about the case. june was arrested in november. south korean prs press reports say he was accused of spreading christianity. in joplin, missouri, this morning, many families are still waiting on word from missing family members. 232 people were listsed as unaccounted for after sunday's tornado. officials know that some of the people on the list are alive, and some of them are among the 126 people killed by the twister. two women were killed in a freak accident after a powerful thunderstorm hit atlanta last night. high winds toppled a tree onto a passing sports car, killing both women instantly. and finally a surprising discovery. water on the moon. 100 times more of it than scientists ever suspected. nearly 40 years after the last apollo moon landing in 1972 scientists are still studying rocks brought back by the astronauts. and it turns out they contain just as much water as similar rocks here on earth. interesting. it's ten minutes past the hour right now.
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marysol castro has another check of our weather. mary, good morning. >> jeffrey the things i learn from your news cast. >> how about that? i'm glad i could help. >> i love it. good morning, everyone. let's take a look at your high temperatures for your friday, don't look too shabby as you would suspect. cooler temperatures in the northwest, 68 in seattle, fargo at 58. take a look at the southern tier of the united states. san angelo breaking a record. the high today is 104. this continues to be the trend for your holiday weekend so enjoy it. good weather for a place that really needs it. the midwest and the great lakes have seen their fair share of precipitation over the last week. today is a completely different story. temperatures will be seasonal in the 60s. memphis, st. louis, chicago, detroit just enjoy it. tomorrow they could see another bout of rain. and of course, they don't need it, but it is what it is. people in the southwest, from southern california to new mexico will see highs around 100 this weekend. it's a beautiful start -- way to start -- wiping out weeds in your gardens. the way to do it make the most
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of mulch to prevent weeds from germ naturing. >> this supersized weather report sponsored by the home depot. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. >> thanks so much. that's your latest weather. now here's chris. >> thank you for that germinating trip. i appreciate that, marysol. up next if you have arthritis like 50 million americans we'll show you how the right diet can help ease the pain. ime. so let's plant some perennials
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that'll turn up every year. trees and shrubs to give us depth. and fill it out with flowers placed in just the perfect place. let's start at the place with the best plants, people, and prices. how about we plant a weekend, water it, and watch a summer spring up? more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. we're lowering the cost of a day in the dirt with a special buy on this mulch -- 4 bags are just 10 bucks.
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you get so hooked you'll want to pass it on to a friend. go to tell a friend about fresh and you'll both get a cottonelle fresh reward. so fresh is always at your fingertips. [ female announcer ] start the day off right with a protein-packed breakfast like the sunrise subway melt. try it with juicy tomatoes for a breakfast that stands out from the pack. subway, the official training restaurant of apolo ohno and athletes everywhere.
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in this morning's "healthwatch" arthritis and your diet. arthritis is the most common form of disability in america and yesterday we showed you how the right kind of exercise can help ease the pain. this morning registered dietitian keri glassman has tips on food that can trigger your symptoms or make the pain go away. >> good morning. >> so disabilitying. can your diet have an effect on maybe kind of lightening the pain that you have to deal with on a daily basis? >> well, although there are no specific arthritis diets there are many forms of arthritis and there is no specific arthritis diet. however, evidence has shown that following an anti-inflammatory diet may help relieve symptoms of many forms of arthritis, including swelling and pain. >> okay, let's talk about some of the things that would help arthritis sufferers. these are just some arthritis fighters out there, because like you said the symptoms can be so much for individuals. >> exactly. so the three types of foods to focus on are foods high in
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omega-3, antioxidants and fiber. so starting with the omega-3 foods the two specific omega-3 fatty acids, those are the essential fatty acids that we have to get from our diet because our bodies don't make them. the two specific ones that have a direct effect on reducing inflammation are going to be epa and dha which are found in favre like salmon and sardines. and you can also find them in fortified eggs, walnuts, flax seeds and avocado. and we hear so much about antioxidants. we renchers have found a diet high in antioxidants can help prevent degenerative diseases including arthritis. we know that fruits and vegetables, kale, spinach, sweet potato, berries, oranges. these are vitamin c, vitamin a. vitamin c in particular has been shown to reduce the symptoms of arthritis. >> leafy greens. >> the leafy greens. and another antioxidant is selenium. people with arthritis have been found to have lower levels of
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selenium in their body. so foods with selenium are going to be brazil nuts and tuna. those are important to get in, as well. and then of course fiber foods. fiber is really important to get in your diet because fiber is found in whole grains. refined foods like white breads and pasta help exacerbate inflammation in the body. so just by eating whole grains and skipping the refined you're going to help alleviate some of the symptoms. >> now, it's a very healthy diet. could it help with things like weight loss, cholesterol? all these other ailments people have? >> it's not exactly a weight loss diet. it's more of a lifestyle. but of course when you're eating these foods there's a good chance you can lose weight. when you lose weight that also helps reduce stress on the body and an andy inflammatory diet in general is also helpful for heart disease and preventing cancer. >> arthritis triggers. >> triggers are going to be three common ones. saturated and trans fats, omega 6s and the night shade vegetables.
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the trans and saturated fats we find in meat and butter. those can increase inflammation. the trans fats in foods like potato chips and packaged cookies, those are actually twice as damaging to the body as even the saturated fats. >> keep going. because i'm just wondering, it just looks kind of obvious. you stay healthy you're going to be okay, if you go unhealthy you're going to have some problems. >> absolutely. that's why this is overall a healthy diet for everyone. the omega 6s are found in the oils over here. sun flower oil, and so the reason we want to stay away from those is that our western diets are very high in omega 6s and low in omega 3s. if you are worried about inflammation, reduce the omega 6s and increase the omega 3s. >> get rid of the 6s bring on the 3s. >> exactly. >> very informative. >> just go healthy. fruits and vegetables. lots of fiber. >> keri glassman, thank you so much. stay with us this is the "early" show on cbs. >> "cbs healthwatch" sponsored by aleve.
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two pills, all day strong, all this is lara. her morning begins with arthritis pain. that's a coffee and two pills. the afternoon tour begins with more pain and more pills. the evening guests arrive. back to sore knees. back to more pills. the day is done but hang on... her doctor recommended aleve. just 2 pills can keep arthritis pain away all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is lara who chose 2 aleve and fewer pills for a day free of pain. and get the all day pain relief of aleve in liquid gels. [ male announcer ] know the feeling? try acuvue® oasys brand contact lenses with hydraclear® plus for exceptional comfort. it feels like it disappeared on my eye! [ male announcer ] discover why it's the brand eye doctors trust most for comfort.
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i'm really proud of my dad because he's been there the whole time. >> when the day came we kept hugging him. we didn't want him to go. >> i'm proud of my dad because i know that he risked his life to help our nation. >> we're so privileged to live under the blanket of our armed service men and women who are serving the country. but the kids, we always talk about the families, how it's tough on them because their parents are away for so long. >> i went up to west point yesterday, in upstate new york, and spoke to military kids. they're proud military kids. some of them have only known life in the military. because some of them are only, you know, 10, 11, 12 and both parents or one parent has been overseas the entire time. >> wow. >> and moving from different stations. >> they've moved from different
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state to different state and they know things like operation enduring freedom. operation, you know, they know it rolls off their tongue. it's just amazing. so you definitely don't want to miss it. they have great, great stories to tell. >> looking forward to hearing more from them. stay with us. we'll have much more as we stay with us. we'll have much more as we continue he,,
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we could have a possibility of strong thunderstorms in and out of the evening. otherwise, we're partly sunny and a high of 88 degrees today. now, over to sharon gibala. hi, marty, well, one new accident since we last spoke. that's in falseton. we have that accident on the
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jfx in the northbound lanes and the accident in glenn bernie involving a police car. that's blocked between hair yet and paywood. take route 10. on route 10. there's an accident on 95. that's the only place that we have a jam. and that's only a slight one. in the news this morning, a 12-year-old is still fighting for his life after being shot earlier this week. andrea fujii has the story. >> reporter: don, the police don't know why someone started shooting on tuesday night when four people were sitting on a porch in the 1700 block of cliff view avenue and someone came around the corner and opened fire.
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the youngest victim was hit in the chest. his principal says that he's a good student. the police tell wjz that his condition is grave. according to the media partner, the baltimore sun, the police stepped up patrols in the area. a parksville man is accused of sexually abusing someone with a disability. wjz learned that the assault is said to have taken place in parkville where he worked. he's been suspended. and of course, the criminal proceedings -- trying to revive the water in the inner harbor. a solar powered gadget is near fells point. the purpose is to pump more oxygen into the area. the dead zones can kill life in the water. the department of natural
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resources will extend the number of female crabs in the harbor. catching more females won't impact the population in the bay. stay with wjz-13, stay with wjz-13, maryland's news station. ,,,,,,,
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i'm drinkin' dunkin'. dunkin' iced latte. iced dunkin' decaf. estoy tomando café helado. large caramel iced with skim. one shot of hazelnut, iced, cream and sugar. i wouldn't want it any other way. get your iced coffee your way. america runs on dunkin' coffee.
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♪ welcome back to "the early show." here on a friday morning, when you listen to billy mclaughlin play the guitar, you think nothing could interfere with that smooth sound. not true, this morning jeff the has the story of how billy suddenly couldn't play his guitar. nobody could figure out why. some of his peers said the problem was in his head. turned out to be a neuromuscular condition but he needed six years of hard work to overcome that obstacle. we'll show you exactly what he did to keep on playing.
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>> we'll explain it, but he did something that is maybe unprecedented musically, switching hands, guitarwise, which is just extraordinary. and inspiring. >> how hard it is to write with your left hand. >> imagine writing everything left-handed all of a sudden. had to learn everything all over again. >> looking forward to that. first memorial day weekend is full of barbecues, fireworks and oftentimes parades. a lot of special meaning for service members and especially for their families. marysol recently spent some time with some young people who are very patriotic in their own way making sacrifices themselves. >> absolutely. hundreds of thousands of american service men and women are not only heroes but parents. we visited students at west point elementary middle schools on the grounds of the u.s. military academy, and as you'll see, they bravely answer their own call to duty. have any of you ever had to say good-bye to your parents because they went overseas?
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yeah? ellen, can you bring me back to that place? >> i think i was 7 1/2, and we were at the airport, and the flight was called, and it was a really, really, really sad moment. >> when the day come, me and my sister were crying. we kept hugging him. we didn't want him to go. so really sad. >> we brought him to the airport and everything, and then like we were, like we were too upset to go to school. so we stayed, and we like ate ice cream with mom and started crying and stuff. so, yeah. >> what were you most afraid of knowing that your dad was going to war? >> if he was going to get killed or not, and like is he going to come home? >> he had a room and you could hear bombs go off outside. so he would laugh because he was used to it but i'd get really scared.
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>> so while you were online chatting you could hear those? >> yeah. >> he like makes us laugh at dinner, and he tells us jokes all the time, and it's a nice time with him. when it's gone, it's like not really the same. >> tell me about what it was like when he came back? >> oh, i was really happy. i was like jumping up and down with joy, ran over to huck him. >> i used to call her every day and pray for her, hope she doesn't die or anything or get killed and then when she came back, i was looking for her, because i couldn't remember her or her face. then my grandma told me that was her. i was excited and i just jumped on her. >> i was 4 when he came back, and i remember him getting out of the plane, and seeing my brother rushing up and jumping into his arms. >> i ran to him. i jumped. he gave me a hug. it was exciting. >> tell me what's the hardest part of being in the military? >> watching friends and family leave.
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>> we had normal lives as kids, like we go out with our friends, like hang out and do what normal teenagers or kids do. but i mean sometimes it's different because we move a lot. >> i was born in california. >> grew up in oklahoma. >> born in panama. >> then went to virginia. >> arizona. >> we moved to hawaii. >> texas to pennsylvania. and then now here. >> wow. >> i had a really hard time making friends when i was younger. but i mean, as i moved more, i, like i made more friends easier. >> i'm really proud of my dad, because he's been fighting for our freedom and he's been there the whole time when we need him. >> i'm proud of my dad because i know that he took -- he risked his life to help our nation. >> i'm proud of him because he really tried to make our lives happy. for us. and like, i know sometimes he like he always -- i always think
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that he's mean to me because he can't be with me. but i know that he always loves me. >> and these students so wonderful and they plan on for their memorial day weekend they're going to do their own barbecues but they also go to the cemetery and it's a ritual for all of them and they hang wreaths and plant flowers and you forget that they're so little but they carry the weight of the world. >> and so many cemeteries mean so much to the folks who go to visit the graves of their loved ones to see how they are honored even after they have passed to come there to find those flags and wreaths. >> and they all, no matter what age the kids talk to, sound so mature. >> they have to be. >> brave kids, brave families. we thank them all. >> jeff is at the news desk with one more look at your headlines on this friday morning. >> good morning to you, erica. marysol, nice job. good friday morning to everyone at home. ahead of this holiday weekend the price of gas is dropping. this morning the average price of a gallon of unleaded regular is $3.81.
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that is down eight cents in the last week. french investigators this morning have released new details about the crash of air france flight 447 two years ago. the black box recorders show the emergency began with a stall warning 2 1/2 hours into the flight from brazil to paris. the jet climbed to 38,000 feet and then began descending. the descent of the jetliner lasted 3 1/2 minutes before it crashed into the atlantic ocean, killing all 228 people aboard. lawsuits accusing a popular georgia preacher of sexual misconduct have quietly been resolved. last fall four men sued bishop eddie long in suburban atlanta. they said long drew them into sexual relationships when they were teenagers. lawyers will not reveal why the suits were dropped. this morning in joplin, trying to identify some of the 126 people killed in sunday's tornado. 232 people are still officially listed as missing. and a powerful storm in atlanta last night caused a freak accident. high winds toppled a free onto a
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small sports car killing both women inside. it is 36 minutes past the hour now, back over to chris. >> all right, jeff, thank you very much. four years ago this month, a little town of greensburg, kansas, was hit by a tornado nearly two miles wide. 205-mile-per-hour winds left 11 people dead, destroyed 95% of the town. today, greensburg is almost fully rebuilt. so we asked some greensburg residents to tell us how they recovered and give some advice to the people of joplin, missouri. >> oh, my gosh. >> this thing is huge. it has to be a mile across. >> got a call about 9:50 that the town had been hit. >> heavy rain. heavy wind. >> the tornado just along highway 183. >> and that's when the pickup came in to the basement. onto my husband. >> it was so terrible to think that something like that could happen, in a matter of 15 minutes that your world could be turned upside down. >> how do you start?
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>> if you're looking at joplin right now, the worst parts down there, that's what we looked like. we just were smashed and wrecked and the buildings were down. >> why do you rebuild a small town? our home. >> we didn't give up. we looked for the future. >> our thoughts were, what's doable, with how can we get school up and running? for the next school year. >> i pledge allegiance to the flag -- >> look at everybody. this is exciting. >> first day of school was awesome. >> within the first six months we had already got all the debris removed. we had already started having public meetings and the planning processes. and we had a pretty clear direction of where we were headed. >> i have always known that we would rebuilt in some way, and to see us now four years, it's amazing the transformation, and it makes me very optimistic for what we have in front of us in the future. >> we did what we had to do and we're back. >> as far as the eye can see it
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this tornado leveling one-third of this city. >> we see pictures of joplin, missouri, it's emotional because you know what they're going through. >> all of us are just almost physically sick looking at joplin. >> it's tremendous loss. you have your funeral, going through the pile of rubble. and then everything you look at, it brings back memories of lost pictures. lost family recipes. heirlooms that came down through generations of family that can't be replaced. every memory is just gone. >> one, two, three. >> you'll even learn that the pictures from things that you had, they're just stuff, too. it's way more important to spend time and care about those around you than any pictures or any of grandma's vases that were in your house. >> i love you. all right, bye, dad. >> have hope it will get better. it may not feel like it right now, but you know, four years ago we felt the same thing.
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it will get better. >> eventually, you'll have more good days than bad days. >> what is important, i think, is to be here right now, and to show the whole world that you can come back, and it's not going to be easy, and there's times, years down the road, that it won't be. but it's all worth it. >> we in greensburg want to say, never give up hope. >> and that was the one thing for a lot of people in joplin, they don't want to give up hope. it's just such mass devastation. will you just leave or rebuild? and everybody wants to rebuild there. from what happened there greensburg, kansas, it's proof that an ef-5 that wipes out everything, nothing stands a chance, it takes some time, but you can bring it back. >> hum. >> and they're thriving once again in greensburg. >> and like in greensburg the people in joplin, it may well happen again next year or next week. >> that's true. >> all right. now we'll talk a little weather about what's going on. >> a quick transition, yes. >> marysol. >> that part of the nation, i am
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just going to say, if you take a look at your map for saturday that part of the nation doesn't get completely hard-hit. it's nice, as we use the proper adjective for tomorrow. the northwest does remain cool. the southwest will be hot and dry. this is for tomorrow, of course. slight chance of severe weather. slight in the northern plains from minneapolis to st. louis and chicago. the east coast picks up a few scattered thunderstorms. for sunday, everything starts to shift eastward. the northwest dries out. the southwest and southern plains still remain very, very warm. the northeast and the southeast, they'll receive as much precipitation, and then an homage to memorial day we have some appropriately named towns and cities. freedom, california, will be 66 and sunny. american force, utah, 64 a few scattered showers. independence,
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>> thanks so much. that's your latest weather. now over to erica. >> mary, thanks. a guitar players sound comes from his or her fingers. so imagine what it's like if they don't work properly. jeff glor has the story of a musician who faced that very frightening situation and managed to overcome it. >> pretty amazing. his name is billy mclaughlin. a guitarist from minnesota and he plays by hammering with his fingers on the neck of the guitar. his name may be unfamiliar to you. but the sound is beautiful. and his story is unforgettable. ♪ billy mclaughlin has an intricate style. both unusual, and infectious.
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♪ >> i really hope you like it. i love it a lot, man. >> i can see that. i can see that. in his prime billy attracted fans around the world. ♪ performed 200 shows a year, even hit the billboard top ten charts. and then all of a sudden -- at what point did you start to feel something that didn't feel right? >> some of my more hot shot pieces started to elude me. i couldn't -- i literally couldn't play them. >> reporter: his fingers on his left hand, the ones that created the complicated chords, began locking up. >> if i try to play those six notes now, i can't even -- ♪ >> reporter: you can't even press your fingers down. >> i can't even get my third finger to lift up. it's very uncomfortable to watch. it's really hard for me to --
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>> reporter: billy couldn't explain what was happening. worse still, neither could his doctors. >> if you suffer from something for three years before you actually get diagnosed with it. >> reporter: that's miserable. >> it's awful. >> reporter: even other musicians thought the problem with his hand was in his head. >> you enevidentbly get caught in this thing where, i must be losing my mind. >> reporter: finally the diagnosis came. focal dystonia. a neuromuscular condition far more common than you might think. >> it's the third most common disorder, movement disorder after parkinson's and tremors. >> reporter: what billy did next was remarkable and musically maybe unprecedented. switching hands, from his left, to his right. >> same idea of switching your pen hand from one hand to the other. that is not an easy task. >> reporter: for six long years, retraining his train became the focus of billy's life.
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♪ >> i'm not very proud of the fact that i gave up a few times. i couldn't see the finish line. thank you. my name is billy mclaughlin and i'm a left-handed guitarist. >> reporter: recently he began touring again. ♪ >> every song he plays, i'm just -- i'm just in awe. it's just amazing. >> reporter: d.c. hathaway came to see billy perform at this concert in san diego. so did henry austin. it's not just the comeback that inspires them. they also suffer from dystonia. >> to see him change and play the guitar in the opposite direction to me is just astounding. >> billy mclaughlin just has been a godsend for me.
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♪ >> reporter: back onstage, transformed by his struggle, billy has now reclaimed both his music, and his identity. >> it affected me in a really deep way. because i lost what i was so in love with, and it gave me one heck of a challenge to try to get my music back. get my life back. >> do you feel like you have? >> absolutely. >> good night. >> dystonia affects 300,000 americans. and billy has been given some sobering news. there is a chance his other hand may one day be affected. he says he'll deal with that if it comes. for now he's playing as much as he can for as long as he can. >> it's just -- it's wild to think about not only the way he keeps it retrain his brain but
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also you said some 300,000 people. the trouble with him is it wasn't diagnosed initially. >> it affects so many people, but still, there's not the awareness level. that's why billy's speaking out. he's touring at the same time but also speaking out because when you mention dystonia people just don't know what it is. and even many doctors don't -- they don't really fully understand it. that was so frustrating for him. >> that's part of bringing awareness not only to people suffering, but also to the medical community, it could help better diagnose this. >> i think that's what he wants to do. by playing as much as he can and also speaking out he brings that awareness, and boy it's nice to hear the sound. >> oh, it's incredible. it's a great story. jeff, thanks. >> sure. >> stay with us. we'll be right back. you're watching "the early show" on cbs.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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morning here on "the early show."
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bringing, i understand, graduation day isn't just parties and pomp and circumstance. students in their caps and gowns can hear graduation speakers for motivation and advice and here are some of the years most inspiring commencement speeches so far. ♪ >> we are here today because every single one of you stood tall and said, yes we can. yes, we can learn. yes, we can succeed. >> but do you have the guts to fail? if you don't fail, you're not even trying. >> if you pursue your dreams, you can't quit when you fail, you can't quit when you mess up, and you can't quit when life seems to deal you a tough hand. the more risks you take, the happier you'll be. even if they don't work out. >> it's true. you will have adversity.
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but be grateful for it. >> there is not a single one of the graduates here today that's had it easy. >> and when the test says stop here, you say go on. >> keep pushing, keep looking. >> because that adversity will show you that there is something absolutely extraordinary in each and every one of you. >> follow your passion. don't just see the light. be the light. >> when you find something real, embrace it. >> commitment to family. >> empathy. >> compassion. >> these are the keys to success in any field. >> your career as human beings, and as americans, is to stand on a fulcrum between fear and faith. which way will you lead? >> we may simply ask ourselves a question. did i make a difference? ♪ you are the sunshine of my life ♪ >> i am so proud of each and
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every one of you. >> congratulations. >> congratulations. >> congratulations to the class of 2011. >> and good luck in all that you do. ♪ you are the apple of my eye >> thanks for inspiring me. god bless you. >> god bless you. >> god bless the united states of america. >> wow. >> but they told me that i was going to have stevie wonder as my commencement speaker i would have graduated from college. >> that's great. >> well done, though. good to see you. >> in elite company there. >> yes, i don't know what i was doing in that story. but thank you very much. >> no one's complained yet though, right? i think you did all right. >> exactly. >> speaking -- >> suffolk university in boston. congratulations to all of them. congratulations to all the students out there. just so you know, my stepfather went to suffolk law school and i already got back from him what i good job you did. >> how about that. >> you may be in the newsletter.
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>> you never know. >> feature that, as well. >> we may have to bring the newsletter right here to the cast and talk about it. have a wonderful memorial day weekend. we hope you have a chance to spend time with your family and we hope you have a chance to spend time with your family and friends and also to honor so
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it's 5 before 9:00. it's summer in the city. >> temperatures now in the mid- 70s. we're going for a high of 88. . we'll have a few thunderstorms. otherwise, partly sunny and summer like. 66 overnight. tomorrow, much the same as today. we'll have a chance of thunderstorms and showers. we'll rule out the five day. sunday, monday, tuesday and wednesday, 89, 92, 92 and 90.
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just beautiful! we have a call for action after four young people are shot in the city including this 7th grader who was fite -- fighting to stay alive. >> reporter: the police don't know why someone started shooting sunday night while four young children were sitting on a porch watching tv. the youngest victim was a 12- year-old. he was shot in the chest. he's a good student, his principal says. his condition is grave this morning. according to the baltimore sun, the police stepped up patrols in the area. thank you, andrea. the funeral will be held for shaft hunter this morning. he was killed last weekend when his trooper car crashed in howard county. the services will be at 11:00 on old court road in
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randallstown. he'll be taken to dulaney national gardens for burial. a man is accused of sexually abusing someone. the police found video evidence on this man's computer. the abuse took place in a group home where he worked. he's suspended. federal investigators raid a storage facility and inside, they find a locker full of bath salts. the dea says that the unit was used to repackage the salts to be used as a designer drug. a contentious gathering at constellation energy. ash group of shareholders say they're upset over things such as lastier's $16 million compensation package for the
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ceo. four years of hard work will come to an end for the mid- shipman graduating. the strike fighter squadron will be in attendance, replacing the blue annuals for the graduation flyover. they,,,,,,,,,,,,
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