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tv   Eyewitness News at 5  CBS  May 4, 2011 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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make sure that very graphic photos of somebody shot in the head are not floating around as an insightment to additional -- insight. to -- insightment or additional tool. >> even with no photo released, there is concern here in washington and around the world, that americans will be targeted and possible revenge attacks. >> attorney general eric holder briefed senators today, promising the treasure trove of information recovered from bin laden's safe house in pakistan, will be used to keep americans safe. intelligence analysts are now combing through intelligence files, flash drives, dvds and documents. >> as we glean through that material, we'll make decisions who might be added to the terrorist no-fly list. >> reporter: president obama paid tribute to the military for tracking down bin laden. >> you've earned your place
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among the greatest generation of americans. and we saw that again this past weekend, when thanks to the courage and precision of our forces, the terrorists who started this war and who took so many innocent lives, learned that america does not forget. >> reporter: tomorrow, the president heads to new york city to visit with 9/11 families and first responders and to lay a wreath at ground zero. danielle nottingham, cbs news, the white house. >> it was an elite group of navy seals who took down osama bin laden. wjz continues. adam may spoke with a man who knew. >> reporter: the covert group who was involved in this takedown, they call themselves the quiet professionals. we will probably never know if any of them live here in maryland. but today, we learned some of them have friends here. >> great people. great americans. they want to serve their country. >> reporter: stew smith from severna park has been training future navy seals for 10 years. the news of bin laden's death
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kept him up all night. >> it's neat to know i knew several guys on that helicopter. >> you knew some of the guys on the helicopter? >> absolutely. >> do you think you'll have a chance to talk to some of them about the mission? >> i don't know. i don't even want to ask them. >> reporter: seal team 6 flew into andrews air force base in maryland for a debriefing and possibly a private awards ceremony. >> for me, it's kind of like being proud of my little brother. my little brother just did something phenomenal. and i'm super proud of him, but i'm a little jealous. >> reporter: smith says the operation appears textbook. 24 dropped into bin laden's compound sunday, shooting the terrorist. >> the seal who came eye to eye with with bin laden. what do you think that had to be like? >> that had to be an amazing moment. and it's a culminating moment. because ever since 9/11, the seals' number 1 goal has been
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to find bin laden. >> reporter: 85% of seals in training drop out. those who make it may face danger one day, then real life the next. >> reporter: many of them are married. they have families. and they come home and they have a honey-do list, just like everybody else does. it's really funny to talk to a guy who has been overseas one day, about 48 hours later, he's mowing his grass. >> reporter: goes to show you that you never know who could be your neighbor as well. the seals that were involved in this will likely be getting some of the military's highest awards. they could also have a meeting with the president at the white house. but if that happens, we may never actually find out about it. reporting live, adam may, wjz eyewitness news. >> the president has made his decision on the osama bin laden photos. but that hasn't stopped people from weighing in on denise is there with the results of a hidden poll. >> reporter: so far, just over 45% of the people responding say the pictures should be released for everyone to see.
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49% disagree. and a little over 6% of our web viewers are undecided about whether the -- photos should be made public. tell us what you think. log onto and scroll to the right-hand side of the screen. kai? >> remember, wjz is always on. for the latest on the killing of osama bin laden, go to our other big story tonight. breaking news, a major development in the death of phylicia barnes. vic is in the newsroom to explain it to us. vic? >> the medical examiner found the 16-year-old's death a homicide. she was visiting from north carolina. two weeks ago, her body was found in the susquehanna river. the cause of death was determined. but detectives are not releasing that information. a funeral service will take place for felicia and canniers georgia. felicia's mother now lives in atlanta. to learn more information about how you can watch the service, go to
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there will also be a memorial for phylicia at the mount pleasant church here in baltimore. sky eye chopper 13 is over the scene on york road. >> reporter: 900 block of york road in towson. a water main break occurred shortly after 3:00 this afternoon. it is affecting 15 businesses. and the carver center for the arts here in towson. now, there's no word on how long it's going to take to repair this 10-inch water main which broke, as you can see some of the debris is being washed away by it. and also, they're here digging. it has closed two lanes of york road in the southbound direction. as you can see, they're altinating lanes here. aldinateing -- alternating lanes here. it's unclear at this point how long it's going to take to repair this water main break in towson. people are reacting to a controversial video first aired on wjz.
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a mom who said she encouraged her son to fight a bully. but did she handle it in the right way? mike hellgren has expert advice. mike? >> reporter: kai, the bullying problem has generated nationwide attention in recent months. and has been flooded with communities for how the mom handled this case. right now, a psychiatrist is going to weigh in. >> he's right there. do it. >> kelly white says she was fed up with her son being chased home so she confronted the boy she believed was bullying him. >> tell me, mom. >> no, get up and fight now. >> and encouraged her son to fight him. >> as a parent, i felt that i was protecting my child. >> reporter: child psychiatrist mahmoud geromi.
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>> this is not unusual. to fight like you're in the third world war. >> break it up. >> he says a parent reacting like this is rare. >> the mother was desebrate. -- desperate. children handle bullies in their own ways. >> the mother of the other child told me yesterday, her son is no bully. >> she was too upset to even watch the video. viewers responded passionately at some feel the mom on the video is on the right. others disagree. >> i'll bet you [ inaudible ] >> what should happen now? dr. jeromey says the moms need to meet. >> without the children being around, to talk this over, and come to a resolution, hopefully
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a peaceful resolution. >> then work it out, without resorting to violence. >> reporter: and police are still trying to figure out whether any charges should be filed. live in lansdowne, mike hellgren, wjz eyewitness news. >> you can continue to share your thoughts on this video at click on news. an elaborate robbery scheme has detectives making a warning. they say do not allow unannounced utility workers inside your home. the message comes after a robbery in the 400 block of boesch place in glen burnie. the victim led a man posing inside the home. once inside, he robbed a woman at gunpoint. police say call your utility company if anybody shows up unannounced. maryland is drying out tonight after a cool and rainy wednesday. clouds are ringering out there -- lingering out there. and it's still chilly.
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when will the clouds clear out? >> well, the sun is helping temperatures this last hour. went up about four degrees. take a look at radar. you can see, it's possible, a few neighborhoods might see a sprinkle in the next hour or two. otherwise, we'll see clearing and chilly temps tonight. we're at 60 degrees now. out in the west, only in the 50s and 40s. and compared to yesterday, temperatures have dropped anywhere from 15 to 20, as you can see, 25 degrees colder this afternoon than it was yesterday this time up in elkton. we were in the low 80s most places. they were in the upper 70s. and pretty good rain overnight. luckily, no severe weather. not even a rumble of thunder around here. bernadette has a look at the rainfall numbers around here. >> that's right. we got a pretty good dose of that rain. and we're going to update you where we stand for rain because of that. so far this month, we're about a quarter of an inch above
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average. and for the year total, that brings us up to just .72 in the surplus. seems like we've had a lot of rain. but part of that, as we started out the year so dry, some of these days have just been drizzly. overall, our numbers are in the surplus. but we have more coming in this forecast. we'll have that shortly. back inside. gas prices continue their climb nationwide. wjz pump watch is tracking prices here in maryland. right now, you're paying an average of $3.98. that is up more than 30 cents from last month. and the rising cost of gas is affecting how people spend their money. as mike schuh reports, merchants are phil feeling -- are feeling the pinch. >> reporter: when prices get this high, people with cars are feeling this. in canton, the effect of the oil companies has been noticed by this storeorn -- store owner. >> people will come in to get a
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gift for somebody. but they won't buy the extra earrings for someone else. >> reporter: her store has been open for 12 years. they're really nice gifts, sure. but what is in here is not a necessity, like gas and food. >> people are coming in. but they're bringing in their coupons from our newsletter. people are trying to save money because everything seems to be going up and up and up. >> reporter: as high as these may be, they're still not as high as the all-time high. >> unfortunately, we're close to the all-time high, which was reached in maryland, back in the summer of 2008, which was $4 pnltd 05 a -- $4.05 a gallon. >> reporter: his customers tell him gas gas comes first. >> they have less money to spend on extra to make themselves feel better. it's the bottom line. >> reporter: he, too, is buying less inventory, and looking for deals, as price is now more important than ever. >> i have to consider, you know.
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i'm becoming a good shopper, too. like my customers. i have to buy very carefully. >> reporter: consider that at a time when everything else is going up. he's lowering prices to consider attracting money for what customers have left. >> you're not going to want to hear this. reporting live, mike schuh, wjz eyewitness news. back to you on tv hill. >> and usually, maryland is slightly below the national average. but today, they're the same at $3.98. before he takes over as the anchor of the cbs evening news, scott pelley will make a stop here in maryland. he will deliver the commencement address at towson. this will be towson's 146t commencement. >> he is welcome here at wjz. >> he is. absolutely. come on by, scott. still ahead on wjz's eyewitness news at sphie:00. -- 5:00.
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safety on the metro. how the death of osama bin laden is sparking safety measures at transit systems across the nation. tuition for undocumented students stirs opinion throughout the state. he's being credited for saving his grandparents' life in a fire. i'm jessica kartalija, at the baltimore county executive's office. how a 14-year-old is honored today. that story next on wjz. the rain is gone. when will the clouds clear? bob has your updated first warning forecast. your lawn is a living, breathing thing.
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it depends on you. it needs food. you have to feed your lawn. that's a must. i use scotts turf builder. it makes the roots really strong. [ man] the stronger the roots, the stronger and healthier your lawn's gonna be. hearing the roots, like, "i need food. i need nutrition." [ man #2 ] do i think feeding makes a difference? look at my lawn. this is healthy. it looks good, right? it's strong. look at this. feeding makes all the difference in the world. it's a no-brainer. [ male announcer ] scotts turf builder. feeding pays. it is the best thing you could do for your lawn. vote ers on the download.
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organizers say the internet may put them over the top. political reporter pat warren says they are divided over letting undocumented students pay cheaper in-state tuition rates. >> reporter: that i pleaded the general assembly to allow those who cannot prove citizenship at the same level that in state students pay. >> i don't know the exact number. but it grows every day. there's not a lull. >> reporter: petition drives to put it on the ballot normally fail. but organizers believe this is different. >> when we did the early voting petitions, people would say, say,well, whoops what's wrong -- well, what's wrong with early voting. but nobody says, illegals should get our money.
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>> reporter: do you think they should pay in-state tuition? >> they should t. i mean, they're here now. if you're going to deport them, you're going to deport them. but how do you know they're not going to come back? what's the difference. >> if they're not legal residents of maryland, i would say, if someone has to pay an out-of-state tuition, they should probably have to pay out- of-state. >> i don't think really either or, as far as that is concerned. i think everybody should have a chance to be educated. >> reporter: the first batch of signatures is due at the end of this month. reporting live, i'm pat warren, back to you on tv hill. >> more than 18,000 18,000 signatures are required in that first batch to keep the ballot going. if you are traveling in the towson area, things will get a little tricky for you at this point. sky eye chopper 13 is over the scene.
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we have a water main break there. york road between bosley and fairmont avenue. a total of four lanes are blocked. two right lanes in the southbound direction. and two left lanes in the northbound direction. so if you don't have to travel along the 900 block of york road, don't go there, until they get that mess clean said up. delays from southwestern boulevard to liberty road. at least 15 minutes to get by. north side outer loop, also heavy there. york road to charles street. average speed, about 35 miles per hour. southbound 295. an accident we're watching there, at route 100. 100 westbound also struggling there. and no improvement for northbound 95. still a slow drive there from route 32 to 175. let's now go back and take a live look. you can see traffic still building there, on the west side at wilkens avenue. and over there, on the beltway, west of york road, only about 10 minutes to get through there. this traffic report is brought
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to you by bill's carpet, hard wood and laminate, too. you can call them. back over to you. a teenager from baltimore county is being hailed a hero tonight, after saving the lives of three family members. jessica kartalija reports from baltimore county. aside from minor injuries, everyone is alive, thanks to this high school freshman. >> reporter: their home on dorsey avenue in essex is a total loss. but marion david franklin are alive. thanks to their grandson who rescue said them when the house went up in flames. >> flames started coming from left and right. >> reporter: charlie nicely had no idea what was in store for him when he arrived here at the baltimore county executive's office. >> you saved the lives of your family, and i am truly humbled by your heroism. >> reporter: before the family members he saved, charlie was awarded a hero's pin for his bravery. >> i can't replace my grandmother or grandfather, or
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brothers. they're only one of a kind. >> reporter: on april 14t, charlie fell asleep watching the orioles-yankees game. at 4:00 in the morning, he heard crackling and smelled smoke. >> i had to tell them to jump. my grandmother wasn't going to jump, but she finally did. >> he is a good kid. we are proud of him. i can't say it enough. >> charlie caught his brother when he jumped from the second- floor window. >> congratulations again. we're very proud of you, on behalf of all baltimore county citizens, you did a good job. >> reporter: considered a county hero, charlie says he's just happy everyone is safe. >> what i should have done, in my family, i need them. >> charlie said the only thing he remembers about fire safety is to stop, drop and roll. so i asked him if he plans to become a firefighter. he says, no, he'd like to be a professional baseball player. kai? >> sounds like he remembered plenty. thank you. that fire was ruled accidental. still no word on how it all
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started. >> what a sweet kid. chilly temperatures today. but there will be a warmup for the weekend. let's take a look at the weekend. 60 degrees now. northwest winds at 15. barometer, beginning to come back. we'll come back and look at the navigating today's real estate market is complicated. you've seen the signs. that's why having the right real estate agent is more important than ever. at, you can find experts in short sales
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take a look at radar. a light batch of sprinkles has just moved into the maryland area. he's just coming in from york and lancaster. there's one moderate shower. northwest portions of montgomery county, northeast of leesburg. otherwise, most folks may see a sprinkle, at least across northern maryland in the next hour. and that will pretty much do it for this system. that finally for the most part will get out of here. take a look at temperatures. yesterday, we were in the low 80s. right now, we're at 60. did warm up in the last hour by 4 degrees. only in the 40s to the west.
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52 in cumberland. 57 in easton. and 57 ocean city. dew point is much lower than it has been. 38. much, much dryer air. 59 in kent island. and 60 in d.c. tonight, clear skies. some of these areas north of the city may get down to 38, 39 degrees. it will be a very chilly night. in the city, downtown by the water, probably stay in the upper 40s tonight. northwest winds continue to bring in that cooler and dryer air. right now, still around 15 to 20 miles an hour a lot of places. so it's still even chillier. couple of systems, one in ohio. then a nice break. we think saturday's weather. sunday, we could have a chance maybe of another shower, these systems keep coming in from the pacific northwest. the front that came through the area, with all of the rain has moved way off to the east. gave us about two-thirds of an inch of rain. we saw a little sunshine. and the sun came out.
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and we saw clouds building this time of year. that warm may sun allows that warm air to rise, where it cools, very chilly air coming aloft. this will clear out tonight. and we'll look forward to a pretty nice day tomorrow. with a lot of sunshine. a little milder. then on friday, that weak front, a little warmer. but a risk of a shower on friday afternoon. just a slight chance. saturday, should be a pretty decent day. but maybe another slight chance of a shower on sunday. should at least get into the mid-70s. northwest winds tomorrow. and small craft advisory in the afternoon. tonight, it will clear out. it will be cold, too. 42. mid-40s, with lighter winds later on. 65 tomorrow. sunny, but breezy. it's going to feel cooler, but the sun will make it feel pretty good. still ahead at 5:00. brutal bullying. tonight, how will one girl's classmate be punished for driving her to suicide? an explosion of flames in
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montgomery county. a couple manages to survive. but what happened? losing weight and curing disease, all naturally. that's the promise of a new training method in maryland. i'm andrea fujii. that's just ah
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switching to progressive could mean hundreds more in your wallet year after year. feed me! saving you money -- now, that's progressive. call or click today. it's 5:30. mainly cloudy and 60 degrees outside. good evening. thank you for staying with wjz eyewitness news. here are some of the stories people are talking about
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tonight. a frightening blast. a house in montgomery county is destroyed by explosion and fire. the couple renting that house moved in two days earlier. >> it was just boom, you know? the whole house shifted. >> next thing you know, we have like good, 20, 30, fire trucks in our neighborhood. >> steven garribed jolted out of the house. >> the house was unrecognizable. >> his friends captured this picture, the home of ball of fire. >> glass everywhere. went through the back. i saw my neighbor screaming for his wife. >> she told me that they were sleeping and then he wakes up in his backyard. yeah, he doesn't remember. >> reporter: at day break, you can see the extent of the damage. there was no homes standing. only debris between two neighboring houses. the gas company is making sure there are no leaks. all power has been shut off in the 11,000 block of ashley
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drive. but now, investigators have to decide where to begin. >> and the sad part is, they have to decide where to move in. >> reporter: fire and explosion experts are now going to comb through all of that debris to determine what caused this explosion. back to you inside. >> the explosion caused an estimated $750,000 in damage. to the structure and to ajacent homes. -- adjacent homes. breaking news. sky eye chopper 13 over the scene of a crash. >> reporter: we're in owings mills. this is 795, north of franklin boulevard. there's a two-car collision. doesn't appear anyone is injured. but this is causing a significant backup, almost to the beltway on 795. this is the main way to get up to carroll county and reisterstown area. you can expect delay fist you're coming from the beltway, trying to get to carroll county, or reisterstown area,
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baltimore county. as this accident continues to block one of the travel lanes northbound. the maryland state police are en route to the scene, we're expecting them to clear the roadway as soon as possible. back to you on tv hill. >> okay, captain mike. thank you. a teenager takes her own life, following months of relelt -- relentless bullying. >> reporter: six teenagers are charged with bullying phoebe prince, who eventually killed herself. but today, two of those teens reached plea deals, allowing them to escape the year of probation. they pleaded guilt to criminal harassment. in exchange, the more serious charges were dropped. in exchange, their classmate hanged herself after rfing threat -- receiving threats at school. >> prosecutors say phoebe's family agreed to the plea deal because they required the takens to -- teens to admit their threats and insults.
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osama bin laden's killing has president obama bracing for retaliation. >> reporter: the national guard is out at penn station in new york. bomb-sniffing dogs are doing their job, trying to prevent terror attacks. while officials are asking people to be alert for possible revenge attacks for the killing of osama bin laden, new yorkers are sticking with their daily routines. >> i need to use the subway. i need to use the train. i need to travel for my job. so it's kind of the way it is. >> i have to continue living my life, to the fullest, and the way i always do. >> reporter: and the city's counter terrorism group is urging lawmakers to avoid cutting federal funding for security in the transit system. >> some of what we do simply wouldn't be possible. it would compromise the level of security we have, quite frankly. >> reporter: but new yorkers are doing their part since bin laden's death. police report an increase in 911 calls about suspicious packages.
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a sign of increased vigilance. >> i'm worried about repercussions, if there is going to be any. >> reporter: all of the patrolling can make a difference. security officials say the best defense against another attack is a public willing to keep its eyes and ears open. >> reporter: terrell brown, wjz eyewitness news. >> reporter: police say most suspicious packages turned out to be backpacks or briefcases that are left unattended. radiation levels are higher than expected at japan's damaged nuclear power plant. they released new video today from inside the fukushima plant. the video confirms the electricity cables are safe and there are no water leaks. but radiation levels are worse than previously thought. and the company says it may take the rest of the year to bring this crisis under control. tonight, the plant is installing fans with filters and injecting water into the reactor to reduce radiation, as quickly as possible. the plant was damaged during japan's massive earthquake and tsunami in march. american airlines could
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change how you fly with new in- flight entertainment option. they are streaming on their own internet-capable devices. if tests go well, and the faa signs off, the option could be in place later this year. washington continues to enjoy a royal guest tonight. prince charles is in our nation's capital, meeting with president obama. the prince also grated students at -- greeted students at george tbown university -- georgetown university, where he spoke of organic farming. the heir to britain's throne runs his own organic farm on his estate in england. prince charles was last in the united states in 2007. time now for a quick look at some of the stories you'll find in tomorrow morning's edition of the baltimore sun. assessing how gregg bernstein did in his case as baltimore's state's attorney. and when, if ever, is it
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appropriate to nap at work? for these stories and more, read tomorrow's baltimore sun. and look for the updated forecasts from the wjz first warning weather team. losing weight and curing disease, all naturally. that is the promise of a new training method that has just come to maryland. in this wjz healthwatch report, andrea fujii tells us about the alive program. >> squat down. >> in just three weeks. barbara rehack's body has changed. >> a 10-pound weight loss. more muscle definition. and a lot more energy. >> she's just one of 12 marylanders in the new alive fitness program, which stands for aggressive lifestyle intervention, variable exercise. it teaches that clients can rid themselves of diabetes, hypertension, and obesity, with exercise and gradual changes and eating habits.
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>> reporter: sugary products, processed. it's all natural, healthy foods. this program has actually been designed to heal the person, rather than just put them on medication and just a temporary band aid. >> reporter: a florida trainer developed the program and baltimore is the second city to have it. >> roll all the way out. >> the $450 eight-week vigil. >> clients have been shown to stick with it. former rower mayor mary sheehan. >> i notice my clothes are getting better. and i feel toner and stronger. in that regard, i feel good about it. >> she agrees with fellow client barbara, this isn't just a new year's resolution. >> i've seen such a change in the past three weeks. it's just going to be part of my life style now.
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>> the alive program. to learn more, go to and click on seen on tv. dramatic rescue. new concerns tonight over the rising mississippi river. a texas teacher in the hot seat. his reaction to the death of osama bin laden that has parents outraged. bob turk in the first warning weather center. will it warm up for the weekend? i'll have the exclusive first warning five-day forecast. here's today's report from wall street. @
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mississippi is threatening to rise. army engineers blew holes to let the water escape. now, more breaches may be necessary. kendis gibson has the latest for wjz from missouri. the national guard raced to save a 93-year-old woman when floodwaters washed out this missouri road. one of the guardsmen pulled her out of her sinking car and brought her to safety. residents are evacuating all along the mississippi river in southern missouri and illinois. hundreds have gone to local shelters. >> it was a spare of the moment thing. wasn't nobody prepared for this
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at all. >> reporter: kieva ellis is here. a town that appears to have been disappeared. diverting floodwaters into farm land. this is what the area near carrow looked like before the levee break. and this is what it looks like now. >> reporter: the immediate threat in this area is over. but the worst could be ahead for people living further downstream. army engineers say more levee blasts may be necessary. >> reporter: days of rain are pushing the mississippi to record levels. the rising water is now heading south. towns and cities in tennessee and mississippi are bracing for what could be the worst flooding since the 1930s. >> reporter: residents are loading up sandbags and bringing them to homes in low- lying areas. >> prepare for the worst and hope for the best. >> the river is expected to crest in memphis, tennessee, a week from today. >> wow. what pictures. the federal government is promising to lend aid to farmers.
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here in maryland, clouds are still lingering on a pretty cool may evening. a live look outside right now. there is the sun, though. talking about the clouds. look at that sun. looking beautiful high in the sky. wjz is live with first warning weather. although it is setting right now. bob turk and meteorologist bernadette woods are updating the forecast for us. bernadette, i hear there is that sunshine out there. >> it's mixing with the clouds. and seems so bright after the gray morning. tomorrow, expect more sunshine. it's going to start ought the day with more skies. temperatures will be in the 50s. okay. 40s as we start out the day. then as we head through the afternoon, we warm up more so than today. we're going to get into the upper 60s for our highs. and then start to drop again for tomorrow night. it's going to clear out to be very chilly tonight. back around the low 40s, many spots. it will be cool in the morning. tomorrow, sun. and a few clouds. 66, 40. another cold night tomorrow night. 67.
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maybe a brief shower friday. saturday looks like partly cloudy. 72. a chance of a shower. 71 on sunday. and partly cloudy. 72. these temperatures very close to average for this time of year. so we will finally get at least near normal. >> that will be nice. in today's energy saver, save water by scraping dishes before loading them. most washers can thoroughly clean your dishes that have just been scraped. for more information on how you can be an energy saver, go to, and click on our special section. the fire destroys an apartment. the smoke could be seen for miles. a fire department spokesman says the building was engulfed in five minutes. no injuries were reported. and damage was estimated at
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more than $100,000. the cause is under investigation. sad news tonight. a miner is still missing after an explosion in mexico. a mine supervisor says the miners who are missing are most likely dead. investigators are blaming the blast on a buildup of methane gas. a bizarre accident claims the life of a popular student at a texas state university. police say 24-year-old resident adviser was at a party when she and several students decided to jump out a window. the woman died after suffering head and neck injuries in the 6- foot fall. another student suffered just minor injuries. it is unclear whether alcohol is a factor in the incident. but police are investigating. a high schoolteacher in texas is suspended after making comments regarding muslim students. the remark was repeated by several in the class. he told a muslim student he was
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sorry about her uncle's death. >> she was dealing with this at a place where she as well feel safe, within the school, with a teacher making these comments to her, it's really sad. >> the school denounced the remarks and has placed that teacher on administrative leave. the islamic society of greater houston called it an isolated incident and agreed with the punishment. check in for these stories and more on wjz eyewitness news. tragic death. a teenager electrocuted at a baltimore park, after touching an electrified fence. no slots at arundel mills. at least not this year. the reason plans for a temporary casino were called off. check in for these stories. we'll have breaking news all new at 6:00. michelle obama takes her let's move campaign to washington, d.c. and middle school there. >> the first lady did more than talk about exercise, she joined right in with the students. ♪ [ music ]
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>> well, she's got it, huh? >> yep. this was part of an effort to encourage students to find creative ways to exercise. >> looks great. >> 500 took place. the let's move campaign is designed to help in the fight against childhood obesity. >> well, they're playing beyonce. so you have to dance when you hear beyonce. you have no choice. it's just embodied in you. >> that's right. beyonce can do it. still to come on wjz's eyewitness news. it's decision time for college basketball players, who are pondering whether to go pro. mark has news on maryland terrapins coming up next.
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[ male announcer ] nature is unique... ...authentic... ...pure... and also delicious. ♪ like nature valley. granola bars made with crunchy oats and pure honey. because natural is not only good, it also tastes good. nature valley -- 100% natural.
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100% delicious.
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nature valley -- 100% natural. may is college month for some students. sports director mark viviano has more on maryland basketball players. terps' hoff more, jordan
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williams, considered on his way up. now on his way out. williams announced today, he is leaving school to enter the nba. he makes the leap to pro ball after just two seasons. this past year, he earned honorable mention all american. williams' decision to leave is risky for the player, because the nba is poised for a lockout next season. and only first-round draft picks get guaranteed contracts. and williams could be a second round selection. to baseball now. buck and the birds looking to bounce back. o's relievers. acardo serves up a pitch that is served up by the royals. tied in the tenth inning. when jason berkin slides over to the field. can't get the winning run, tagging up to third base. that's how it ended a 6-5kc
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victory. game time, 8:10, in kansas city tonight. more on the o's next hour. plus, horse racing trip -- trimle crown. that's all ahead in sports at 6:00. kai? >> we'll see you then. a new study gives help to patients who choose aggressive treatment for prostate cancer. 59-year-old patrick gallagher found out he had prostate cancer from a biopsy. he was given several treatment options but chose aggressive action. he had his prostate removed. >> the ability to go through life afterwards, not thinking about it. >> reporter: a new study says more men should do what gallagher did. one group took i a wait-and- watch approach.
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the other chose surgery. >> if you were treated with surgery, you had a 25% reduction in your death rate. >> reporter: those men were also 60% hear more like -- more likely to have cancer spread. >> reporter: prostate cancer grows slowly. and because surgery comes with risks, including incontinence and sexual dysfunction. the study results are for men under 65 years old. >> a landmark study. we can tell those men with great confidence that there is significant benefit as far as your overall survival. if you choose radical prostateectomy. >> reporter: gallagher's prostate cancer was undetectable at his last checkup. now he's looking forward to the future. >> i have a loving wife. she loves me. she wants to spend time with me. she wants toshe wants to spend a long time with me. me, too, i want to spend a long time with her.
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>> he says his decision was a good one. >> reporter: sandra hughes, wjz eyewitness news. >> this study focused on men under 75, with early stage prostate cancer. also in healthwatch, a new study shows more than two- thirds of day cares in the united states have television. the study found children enemy day care watch tv an average of 4 times a month. but experts say children under 2 should not watch any tv at all. researchers say those kids may be missing out on important hands-on learning. researchers say those who exercise more than 150 minutes per week showed the biggest improvement. the study shows aerobic training works best. scientists followed 8,000 diabetics before they reached their conclusions. still to come tonight on wjz's eyewitness news. a former navy seal sheds new light on the takedown of bin laden. i'm adam may. what he has to say about some of his friends who are on the mission. that's coming up.
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police determine how phylicia barnes died. why they are not releasing the exact cause of death. classified. why president obama didn't want pictures of osama bin laden's body made public. [ yelling ] he's right there, do it! >> controversial video. what experts are saying about the way a baltimore county
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mother is getting her son to stand up for himself. finally, clearing up. but when will it warm up? don't miss the updated first warning forecast. >> check in for these stories and all the day's news. >> wjz starts now. high-profile case. she vanished in baltimore. eventually found dead in a river. >> tonight, an update on how phylicia barnes died. >> hello, everybody. i'm denise koch. >> and i'm vic carter. here's what people are talking about tonight. >> one step closer to solving a mystery. phylicia barnes was the victim of a homicide. weijia jiang has more.


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