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tv   Eyewitness News at 4  CBS  March 8, 2011 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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>> eyewitness news news at 4 starts now. the battle enties fies in -- enties fies in -- intensifies in libya. >> fire power faceoff. gadhafi forces capture a rebel held city in a bloody battle. randall pinkston reports. >> antiaircraft are a tell --
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artillery blasted the sky. warplanes launched air strikes from above. tomorrow we will tell you. they aired the rebels. gadhafi forces have been using heavy artillery to take back cities in the eastern and western parts of libya. earlier in the day they pounded rebels with air strikes, the city closest to tripoli. at least 20 were wounded. the. they want the united nations to stop an air strike but it must have international support. >> it has already called for a
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no fly zone. others say the deaths could be in the thousands. now the libyan government is saying it wants the u.s. to send a fact finding team, randall pingston. >> president obama and british prime minster david camera have agreed to plan for a full spectrum of responses. >> there's no win in sight to the turmoil in libya, so there's no win in sight at the pump. the energy department stayed it will average $3.70 and prices could spike by late sirm. in tonight's pump watch report here's a look at how much maryland is paying. a gallon of religion lar gas -- regular gas will cost $3.50. at this time last year it was $2.72. until the crisis is resolved,
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you can find the cheapest gas by going to and clicking on links and numbers. >> the u.s. supreme court said funeral protests are legal. denise has more on a bill to put limits on the protests. >> reporter: baltimore county congressman's dutch ruppersberger bill would limit where and how long the protests can be held. they ruled in favor of it under the free speech amendment. the father of a soldier killed in iraq filed suit after the group picketed his son's funeral. it would require protesters to be at least 2500 feet away and protests can't be held before or after the funeral. >> the bill is called the safe haven for heros act. mentally incompetent. that's the way the prosecutors
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are describing the arizona shooting suspect. they're asking a judge to remand him to a facility to be evaluated by psychologists. though believe he may such from a mental defect. it's been two months since congresswoman gabrielle giffords and five others were shot. >> reporter: when the space shuttle discovery launches in april, astronaut mark kelly will be in command. doctors who treated her say they are confident enough that show will be able to be there. give fords is still missing a part of her skull. in rehab she wear as helmet for protection. friends say she spends a lot of time fiddling with her. >> i have her in my heart and prayers. >> reporter: her staff is trying to get back to business has
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usual but pam simon, who is among those wounded in the shooting says it's a struggle. we call it the new normal. nothing will ever be be the same. >> reporter: at tucson's university's medical center the doctors remind it with pride. >> each and every one of us would trade the events of that day. >> nurse tracy cared for give fords in tucson and were on the flight that took her to houston. >> she was so excited to see me, and we had a great conversation. we ate lunch together and she was super, sewer excited-- super excited. i gave her a necklace. it says together we thrive. >> doctors say giffords is
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responding. when the prayers stop the hope goes away, so the family if ily sha barns continues to pray. >> they refuse to give up searching for her. her family is holding a prayer and praise service. she is from north carolina and was visiting family in baltimore for the christmas holiday when she disappeared. it will be held at grace way church and the public is welcome. mary? >> there is a 35,000 reward for information that leads police to if i lisa. we'll update you as soon as she is found. a 9-year-old boy was killed in a crash north of timonium.
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itthe boy was a passenger in a toyota. he died at the hospital. neither driver was seriously hurt. >> keeping the bay by going green. the port of baltimore is taking steps to -- they're working on making cranes more efficiency. here's a live look. there are clouds in the sky but no rain. wjz last weather and traffic together. western western -- bernadette woods has more. a new storm system moves that way. it's another big storm. we may get a couple of sprinkles as it passes by frederick. this is what's coming our way.
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there's a massive storm system. severe weather on the southern side and a lot of moisture that is picking up as it moves past the gulf. because of that, a flood watch goes into effect late tomorrow, will continue through thursday night. it will be a slow moving system, maybe thunderstorms and a couple inches of rain. we'll have details coming up. let's check on the roads. hi, kristy. we're still looking at early delays. at least 15 minutes from baltimore national pike. southbound 795 slows down. maryland at margaret avenue. frederick at mont road.
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let's take a live look. as you can see, we're moving along at 70. we'll take another look. congest is building west of york road. this report is brought to you by virginia tourism. back to you. from homeless to famous overnight, now the man with the golden voice has a new job here in baltimore. ted williams will be in charm city this august to serve for baltimore fashion week. williams was discovered by a reporter in ohio and became an instant celebrity. >> i imagine he will get a little celebrity coverage. >> still ahead, is your pricing please joran van der sloot's employ to get a shorter sentence in the murder of a rung peru -- young peruvian woman.
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children and cereal. do they really like the taste? our sunny dry weather continues for at least one more day. ,, [ male announcer ] are you paying more and more for cable and enjoying it less and less? stop paying for second best. upgrade to verizon fios and get tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month for a year. call now and you'll get this special bonus: $100 back. there's no term contract required.
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a stunning confession. joran van der sloot will admit that he killed a young woman. he's going to fight for a shorter sentence by arguing he was temporary insane. he cop only spend three to five years in prison. van der sloot is still the main suspect in the disappearance of natalee holloway. a new view of the 9/11 attacks. you're looking at video of the burning world trade center shot by a new york city police helicopter. the 17-minute video shows smoke pouring from the tower as police lock for people trapped inside.
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the chopper backed off when the first tower crumbled. in tonight's healthwatch report, dr. jenner ash ton reports for wjz and shows us the stunning technology that can save lives. >> reporter: five years ago it took several mammograms and weeks of waiting before laura was diagnosed with breast cancer. today she's hoping a new test is better. >> this machine is a huge advance. it's something that everybody should know about. >> reporter: lang is getting a new type of ma'am mow greeley that gives doctors a three dimensional view of the breast. >> we can not only look at the breast but through it. >> reporter: studies found it increases the doctor's ability to spot cancer by 7%. the 3d mammogram also reduces
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the number of women called back when a result is clear. >> it will help us both find more cancers and decrease the number of false cancer call bx. >> reporter: it uses more radiation than a traditional one, is expected to be more expensive. >> most importantly, it hasn't been shown to save more lives, so we love new technology. we keep piling it on without a clear understanding of what the benefits are. >> right now it's only available at the massachusetts general hospital but is expected to be introduced at other medical centers next year. i'm dr. jennifer ash ton. >> the fda approved it but major cancer groups have not preace mended just using it yet. wall street celebrated mardi gras with some big gains today.
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all the major indexes ended the day on a high know. the s&p up 12, the nasdaq up 20. let has go to new york. >> reporter: the libyan conflict has take an million barrels of oil off the market. that put the squeeze on drivers. aaa said the national average is $3.52 a gallons and crowd oil continues to hover over a five-year high. a federal judge in alaska ruled against a marine science professor who wants the company to clone up what's left of the exxon valdez tanker spill. they were ordered to pay restitution. environmentalists say there's still oil there. the number of americans who
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owe more on their mortgages and that their firm is worth rose. that's preventing many people from selling their homes in an already weak housing market. facebook is breaking into the movie business. the social networking site has signed a deal with warner brothers. the first film to be offered, the dark knight which cost $3 or 30 facebook credits. that's your money watch. for more business headlines, head to girls want to have fun, even when they're stuck at the airport. yes. that is '80s icon cyndi lauper. she's on tour in south america.
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when several flights were delayed, she decided to sing a few spontaneous songs. let's listen -- >> ♪ girls, just want to have fun ♪ >> wasn't she on apprentice? key evidence, the piece of equipment bp had. where the polish community celebrates fast tuesday with a tasty tradition. the story coming up here often wjz. it is a beautiful march afternoon, but there's a big change on the forecast. >> wjz is always on.
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instant updates all the time. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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the day really improved as it went on today. started a little chilly but gorgeous now. >> it keeps getting incrementally. >> we've had some high clouds come in. overall a pretty nice afternoon. i'm glad you got a chance to enjoy this. today, so far, we have topped out at 49 degrees. the average is 51. now still 49 in baltimore. 50 in d.c. either in the upper 40s or low 50s, cooler along the water in ocean city. this's because the winds have turned around to the east has the new system moves our way. that storm is still out to the west. here are the clouds. that band is going through right now. then another band will come through. partly to mostly skies. tomorrow cloudy and then
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arrives. starting tomorrow night and continuing through the early morning hours on friday we've got a lot of rain coming our way, just like this last storm was and maybe the potential for thunderstorms out there. so here's how this comes together. here's the front, way out to the west. the clouds start to come in. tomorrow they take over. then the rain arrives it. becomes heavy at times. and then on and off threw thursday. we could get a few inches of rain on top of what we a few days ago. a lot of places trying to recover. we'll see issues with this one coming through. a watch has been posted starting late tomorrow. it generally starts in the evening hours. it will continue through late thursday as you see those rounds coming through. if any warnings come out, we will pass those along. out on the water, small craft advisories start to kick in. they will turn around to the
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south. they will re main. tonight still quiet. partly to mostly cloudy. we're going down to freezing. then tomorrow. that's when we start to see our changes. topping out at 47 for our high, turning cloudy. then the rain arrives late in the afternoon or the evening hours. it will continue straight into the early morning hours. we could get a couple inches of rain. it's another juicy one. we'll get you through. there could be warnings. we'll pass that along. >> don't miss tonight's prime-time lineup at 10:00. it's the -- "the good wife" and eyewitness news at 11. katie couric has a preview of what's coming up. >> would your insurance policy protect you and your loved ones after an accident? don't count on it. that's tonight on the "cbs evening news."
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an emotional tribute to the teen basketball star who collapsed on the basketball court. a missing american student was found dead in spain. was foul play involved. slashing the gop budget bill. eyewitness news at 4 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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hello. i'm denise koch. vic is off today. government shut down looming. lawmaker mare makers are divided on how to cut the budget. >> reporter: republicans and democrats have offered up spending plans. freshman democrat joe man chin
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lashed out at president obama for not doing more. >> the debate will be decided when the president leads the negotiations. >> reporter: the white house is involved in the budget talks but so far, both sides are far apart. the gop plan slashes $60 billion from the budget. the democrats only cut $11 billion, insisting republicans want to go too far. >> it's counter productive. it's bad policy. it's going to cost america $700,000 jobs. >> with each passing day it becomes clear that democrats in congress can't bring themselves on their own to get serious about the problems we face. >> reporter: lawmakers are running up against the clock again, a temporary spending measure to keep the government running expires on march 18th. gop leaders in the house are drawing up another short-term extension but missouri republican ri blunt said putting
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the problem off won't make this go away. >> we have to get serious about the bigger spending picture of everything we spend money on. >> reporter: neither side says this wants to see a government shutdown but there's local 10 days until the next deadline. in washington, joel brown, wjz eyewitness news. >> now the budget being discussed would fund federal agencies through the and of december. the bloody conflict continues on increasing the strain on u.s. leaderships and the wallets of the american people. >> forces local to moammar gadhafi are using tanks and air strikes in the capital city of tripoli. today the u.s. and its allies moved closer to a military response. the white house signaled it might be willing to arm
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gadhafi's opponent. european leaders are urging the united nations to impose a no-fly zone. meanwhile, they've seen the second highest july in gas prices in u.s. history in the last two weeks. some experts say the price at the pump could affect $5 a gallon. libya exports 1 1/2 million barrels a day. relief includes tapping into the countries's petroleum reserve. >> the last time the u.s. dipped into the strategic oil reserve prices went down 25 cents within a month. a student was killed when a high draw lick lift toppled over. the 20-year-old died last october while videotaping practice. winds were gusting over 50 miles
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an hour when the lift he was standing on fell over. the university will now install remote controls to record practice. hundreds of people gathered in holland, michigan, today for the funeral of high school basketball player wes leonard. leonard collapsed and died on the court after winning the game last week. it came 15 hours after the fennville students returned. >> drawing on support from each other, the grief stricken fennville blackhawks took the floor, hoping to advance without the player who got them there. wes leonard died last thursday from cardiac arrest due to anen larged -- an enlarged heart. it has trauma tiesed the --
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traumatized the town. >> reporter: monday night's game provided a more positive focus for fennville and their opponents whose players wore warmup jerseys with len nerd's number among those in attendance were leonard's parents, bearing up as best they could. , but the game went on and those who knew him said just as wes would have wanted it. a see saw contest kept the crowd
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on its seat until fennville pulled away and won. at the and, there were embraces and tears from both teams and a show of solidarity from the defeated coach to the victory whose team now advances. >> fennville will play gain -- again wednesday. we have a look at where the submission exchange student was found. >> police in spain found austin bice' body after draining part of the madrid river. he disappeared last month after trying to go to a club but the bounce are said he was too drunk to get. they said there are no signs of foul play. >> bice was studying international business. if you want to stay healthy,
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eat like a greefnlgt new research show's the mediterranean diet is healthier than we thought. it includes fish, low fat dairy products along with fruits and vegetables. it lowers your risk of diabetes, heart dis-- desease and cancer. bob has more on the wet weather headed our way. >> a lot of rain is headed our way for late tomorrow night. this looks like most of thursday will just be a drenching rain, the kind of thing we just had two days ago. that's why we expect to see some additionallal flooding. a big area of rain heading up towards chicago, but look at all this rain extending out to the east. it's only a matter of time before the clouds build and we'll be looking at rain probably late tomorrow evening we'll see rain heaviest on thursday. denise? pooh thank you. let's check on the roads with
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kristy breslin pat wjz traffic control. if you're heading home you may want to give yourself extra time. it's slow from shawan to belfast. slow from the jones fall expressway to harford road. heavy from yrk to charles street. west side inner loop from frederick to liberty road and 31 miles an hour in that direction. reisterstown at old court road. north howard at west 28th in the city. and also merit boulevard at german hill road. you can see plenty of volume. here's another look at the beltway at 70. this traffic report is brought to you by the maryland home and garden show. it's coming to the timonium fair grounds. back to you. let the good times roll.
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they're celebrating mardi gras with a big bash in new orleans. the party is in full swing on bourbon street. all kinds of outrageous outfits and beads. this could be a mardi gras for the record books. if you're celebrating fat tuesday in baltimore, there's no better way than with a polish doughnut. ron matz has more. >> reporter: it's a paczki. >> i got a paczki, apple paczki. >> reporter: they're buying them by the box. it's a fat tuesday tradition.
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>> my grandmother used to make paczkis, so i grew up with them and my mom grew up with them. >> i got a half dozen. >> i'm getting a dozen. >> reporter: who are they for? >> us. >> us, friends and coworkers. >> reporter: they're from a family recipe. the tasty treats are hand rolled and filled. >> we fill our paczkis with fruit. we have raspberries. we do an american version of cream filled and we have apples. >> my coworkers are polish. i don't even know what it is but we're trying them. >> reporter: they'll try a lot of them in poland. >> six, seven a piece, maybe even more. everybody has to have it. >> reporter: ron matz, wjz, eyewitness news. >> and polish treasures expect
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to have more than 125 dozen before the end of the day. >> ocean city's beloved boardwalk will keep its classic look. some people wanted the city to switch to a concrete boardwalk. at $6 1/2 million, sticking with wood is the most expensive option. straight head on wjz eyewitness news at 4. will a florida judge toss out statements made by casey anthony. palin's daughter. another dry day across m bob's updating the forecast coming up. [ male announcer ] verizon believes
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why is roman meal bread with no nutritious?ct required. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities it has... roman meal bread: natural wholegrain goodness since nineteen-twelve. one person is dead and two u.s. marshals wounded after a shootout in st. louis. the marshals had gones to the door of a suspect's home to
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arrest him when he opened fire on him. the suspect was later killed. the marshal and officer were taken to a hospital where they're in critical condition. lawyers for a portland bomb suspect has asked the fbi to -- hoe -- the fbi says he was arrested in a sting. there was never a real explosive device. mohammed's defense team plans to argue that the fbi tried to steer their client into a crime. well, new details are emerging about the fatal dpuk boat crash. could it have been prevented. new reports released by the national transportation safety board revealed some startling new information. >> investigators say the man at the control of the tugboat made call after call from his personal cell phone, 21 calls in all according to the record, and he was not the only one on his
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cell phone. deck hands on the duck boat were texting just before the accident. as wjz has told you, the ntsb report also revealed that the tugboat pilot was distracted by a family emergency. on that day the pilot learned his young son had a life-threatening medical emergency. >> two people were killed that day. the families of two miners killed in last year's west virginia explosion have filed wrongful death lawsuits against mass spie energy -- massey energy. massey agreed to settle with seven families. the company remains under civil and criminal investigations for its part in causing the explosion. bp says it wants access to a key piece of evidence in the federal investigation of the gulf oil spill so this can do
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additional testing. the company said further testing of the failed blowout preventer will help determine why this didn't work. the request comes after the u.s. chemical safety board objected to the government's decision to halt testing last friday. four days of pretrial hearings in the case against casey anthony have rapped up. now it's up to the judge to decide what will or will not be evidence when this case goes to trial in just two months. >> reporter: we first saw casey anthony in and huffs, the evening of july 16, 2008, but it was the handcuffed removed the previous day that should make everything show said excluded previous to the trial. >> she was questioned. the next thing that came out he is was hand cuffed. >> reporter: questioned without being read her miranda rights.
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>> at what point were the handcuffs taken off? >> reporter: the prosecutor said it was at the most five minutes and long before casey was suspected in her daughter's disappearance. >> this cuffing and uncuffing was a temporary detention for the fraud charges that mrs. anthony was insisting be placed on her daughter. >> reporter: when casey claimed her daughter had been taken by the mysterious babysitter, it became a missing person's investigation. >> being a missing person's detective, it was directive mel much's responsibility and goal that evening to find cay lee marie anthony. to prove casey was there
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willingly, the state introduced this picture of her smiling broadly moments before her arrest. >> indicating she is comfortable, cooperative, that this is not a coercive environment. >> the defense is also asking judge perry to toss out statements casey made claiming they were acting as agents. >> firefighters in new mexico are battling a wind driven wildfire. investigators say the blaze which is believed to be human causes a burned nearly 1800 acres. high winds have prevented firefighters from using water dropping helicopters and planes. about 100 people have been evacuated. >> well, sarah palin's parents admit they sleep with guns. the couple claims they keep protection on hand after palin and her whole family were the target of death threats. palin said she doesn't understand why so many people
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dislike her daughter. the biggest loser auditions come to new york. >> reporter: coming up on entertainment tonight, the biggest looser invades new york. we are there as people line up to audition for a chance to drop some weight on national tv. tonight on nbc, the contestants put the pedal to the metal. in new york they're already trying out for next season. >> i just need somebody in my face making me run. >> reporter: 30-year-old lauren weighed 347 pounds. krista is under 300. mary is at 222. >> my name is mary. i watch et every night. i want to be famous some day. honest to god. >> reporter: marie, a
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30-year-old mom weighs 345. she would love to hit 180. it's for her mom. >> my mother need as kidney. if i'm able no make weight, i'm a perfect match and she will be able to live. so time is running out. >> reporter: also, the lindsay lohan surveillance tape, putting on the necklace, leaving the store, the moment you have not seen. >> that's at 7:30. it is the food industry's dirty secret. cartoon characters do influence which foods children like. cereals with popular characters taste better. without the cartoons children were likely to eat a cereal that claims it's healthy. he is second in line to the british thrown but that does not mona prince william knows how to
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flip a flapjack. he flipped flapjacks at a fund-raiser in other land. it's a tradition to eat pancakes on fat tuesday. it's another dry march day. bob turk says that's going to bob turk says that's going to change in a day o,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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all right. it's not bad now but it's going to get wet again. >> weave had a pretty good amount of rain two days ago. the ground is still wet. we've got another big batch of rain headed our way. take a look at temps. it was a pleasant afternoon. 49 our normal high. it's very dry now. humidity is very low at 21%. that's helping to dry things up. that's a good thing. the dew point's way down to 11 degrees. east winds at eight. the barometer is high but slowly
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beginning to fall. 4 in oakland. 50 in eastston and d.c -- easton and d.c. close to a normal day. 48 in westminster. cooler by the water, kent island and annapolis. temperatures with clouds coming in will not be as chilly. tonight 32 to 38. very light winds, generally beginning to shift to the east and the southeast. that will bring in additional moisture and the clouds will start building. it will be rather mild but we've got a lot of moisture. some snow, portions of the rockies as you see, snow and much colder air across the dakotas. they may see as much as eight to 10 inches, just enough cold air. this system is headed towards chicago. it's beginning to scoop moisture out of the gulf of mexico. we expect to see a big area of rain blossoming, rain into
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indiana, a little bit into western kentucky. we've cleared out. look to the west of us. rain beginning to move into terre haute, indiana, southwest kentucky and tennessee. as the funnel system and the low pressure approach our region we'll see rain tomorrow night. the heaviest will be on thursday has that scoop of moisture comes up. the front might kick up a thunderstorm. we could see one, two inches of rain. some areas could see as much has three inches of rain. we do have flood watches out for just about everybody except the eastern shore. gusty winds tomorrow and a small advisory out in the bay. partly cloudy. later on the clouds came. 32. 38 in the city. tomorrow's high cooler than today because the wind's off the ocean at 47 and a wet and damp
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and not a beautiful thursday. >> can't wait. thank you, bob. still to come on eyewitness news tonight. i'm derek valcourt. a maryland congressman is fighting back against the westboro baptist churc,,,,,,,,,,
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military funerals in maryland. >> ♪ god hates america >> a congressman takes on westboro baptist church, his fight to make some of their
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protests illegal. investigating the head of homicide, why he's been suspended, what it means for crime fighting. not backing down, rebels in libya fight back. check in for these stories. eyewitness news at 5 starts right now. hi. i'm kai jackson. >> i'm mary bubala. breaking news in glen burnie. a large fire handicap tin mike perry above it. what's going on, me?


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