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tv   Eyewitness Noon News  CBS  November 15, 2010 12:00pm-12:30pm EST

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county executive jack johnson and his wife are accused of corruption. and more arrests could be on the way. hello, i'm don scott. >> and i'm jessica kartalija. here's what people are talk about today -- talking about today. jack johnson was arrested late last week and he and his wife may not be the only ones in trouble. derek valcourt has the latest. >> reporter: federal agents say this could be the tip of the ice burg in maryland's biggest political scandal of the year. county are reeling over the allocations over jack johnson. >> if it's true, it would be horrible. you would feel let down by someone you trusted. >> i think it's terrible. >> reporter: they were arrested friday and their home was
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raided after a wiretapped conversation between the couple. they discussed a $100,000 check from a developer as the agents knocked on their door. she said, do you want me to flush it and he said, yes, flush that. moments later, the fbi says they discussed almost $60,000 in cash and he told his wife to hide the money in her brew. this could be linked in the greenbelt metro station. >> i'm innocent of the charges. and i just can't wait for the facts to come out. >> reporter: the facts will have him defending himself in a courtroom where the prosecutors hope to send a stern message. >> we don't do fishing expeditions, we follow credible leads. >> if you have information regarding a pay to play scheme, it's better for you to talk to
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us now than for us to knock on your door. >> reporter: the agents wouldn't be specific, but there are more arrests and more warrants to be deserved in the days and weeks ahead. thank you, derek. he was serving his final term and the elect takes office on december 6th. stay with us for more information and for more on the charges and the investigation itself, go to and also, three police officers wake up on the wrong side of the law. all three are arrested and facing charges of corruption, and firearms vile laces -- violations. a pizza shop is held up and a pasadena teen faces murder charges as part of an attempted robbery. four masked men tried to rob the shop and instead shot a man
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when he told them to leave. so far, the police have an 17- year-old -- have charged him, rather with first degree murder. three are charged with a stabbing at anne arundel mills mall. an 18-year-old was injured and he's treated at shock trauma and the police charged a 20- year-old and a 17-year-old and another juvenile with assault and other charges. and in south florida, a cleg student from here is still -- a college student is in a coma. he's from here. >> he was run over and he's still in a coma. he was walking home from school and he has head trauma after being run over. the people who saw the accident were able to provide a partial tag number and however, it's possible that the person who
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hit paul doesn't even know it. don, back to you. and he's a graduate of lock raven high school. a line of tow trucks takes over the high school to remember a man. after he responded to a call from a tow -- last night, the tow truck community gathered to remember him. and it's back to work. congress is on capitol hill for the lame duck sessions and the bush era tax cuts are at the top of the agenda. capitol hill is filled with new faces and newly elected members of congress are going through orientation and getting a crash course on government. >> have you spent much time in washington. >> i haven't. >> and there are 93 new members in the house alone, the largest
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freshman house in 60 years and more than 1/3 haven't held elected offices before. >> we're working directly for the tax payers and citizens. >> and don't become washington, where where you came from and who sent you. >> reporter: when the new remembers are sworn, in the republicans control the house and for now, democrats are in charge and the lame ducks are still tackling the bush era tax cuts. president obama wants cuts for individuals making more than $200,000 a year to end and on his way back from asia, the president said he's open to compromise with republicans. i want to hear from him on how strong they feel about it and particularly that they're saying they want to -- >> and lawmakers have seven weeks to act before the tax cuts expire. >> we're in the mids of the
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greatest recession since the depression and we don't need more taxes. and the lame duck congress is expected to take up unemployment benefits and the don't ask, don't tell policy. this beginning of the workweek brings cooler weather and fog. and we'll look outside now. what's in store for the rest of the week, marty bass is back to his jacket and bernadette woods is in the weather center. bernadette woods? well, we'll start out with what's going on now. we'll show you the radar and there's a cold front coming through. there's not much to it. there were showers in the western parts of the state early yore and this front lifted to the north east. we're going to show you, this is the next storm coming our way. it's moving our way and for the details on the timing of the
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storm, we'll send it to marty. thank you, bernadette. the next weather system might as well already be here. i have the blue jean act on and at this time of the day, last friday, it was almost the same temperature, but without sunshine, it's all of the difference in the world and it will only get damper and chillier feeling as the moisture gets here by tomorrow morning's rush hour. i figure between 4:00 and 7:00. and the neighborhoods in the viewing area will get a little bit of rain. and then, the downturn begins. it will be getting chilly again. >> >> in and roll backs could be coming to remming ton. tonight is the final vote. a city council committee voted yes in bringing the store to an 11-acre site. and the retail giant would bring hundreds of jobs to the area.
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corruption could begin this spring. still to begin this noon. where are they, the police are searching to find clues about a missing family. >> millions of muslims are taking the trek to mecca. >> and stick around, we'll have the forecast coming up. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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another jet has problems if the air. the jet returned to sidney after smoke was in the cockpit. last week, a domestic flight turned back around after smoke in the engines. the week before that, an engine caught fire. an ohio family is missing and the daughter was found gagged and alive in the base. >> reporter: the police are looking for three missing people. it's near the home where they
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rescued a 13-year-old girl. sunday morning, a s.w.a.t. team blasted into a house and found sara bound and gagged in the basement. >> she was being held against her will. she's in good condition, she was taken to a hospital. >> reporter: the officers arrested a 30-year-old and charged him with kidnapping. >> and he's a good sized guy and he has a hooded sweatshirt on and he was loaded until the back of the vehicle. >> reporter: and his house is ten miles away and her mother, brother, and friend all zoo peered wednesday police found blood in their home and it's within walking distance from where the man's mother and stepfather live. we don't know if he's connected with the family. or if he connected with himself to the family. >> reporter: he has a prior conviction for arson and he's due in court for a bond hearing. >> i cannot imagine how he
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worked alone, taking four people with him. it's confusing and someone else could be involved. >> she wouldn't allow her children out when he was out. >> reporter: he often went to the park where the police are searching. investigators have talked to sara at the hospital. a big honor is held for a surf champion and this weekend, friends and fans had a pedal out for late surfer, andy irons. he was found dead a few weeks ago. the cause of death isn't ruled on, he was just 32. millions of muslims began the pilgrimage. they travel to the holy city of
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mecca and retrace mohammed's last journey. and taking another live look outside here and stick around, your complete first warning forecast ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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[ female announcer ] why settle for plain bread when you can have pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits? the warm, light delicate layers are like nothing else. add a layer of excitement to your next meal. ♪ start with cookie dough. ♪ add frosting. [ giggles ] [ female announcer ] then sprinkles. [ both giggle ] [ female announcer ] fun. easy. [ child ] wow. [ female announcer ] at welcome back, everybody.
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started out the day with fog and we'll see a few peeks of sunshine mixing in and temperatures climbing, too. we're sitting mild stim. 53degrees in baltimore and 53 in hagerstown and we'll get closer to the averages into the afternoon. and the other thing is the wind. not much of a factor right now. they'll factor in soon and we'll have cooler air coming our way and before that happens, we have a front passing through. this front skirting this state across the northwestern part answer we had showers off to the north and that's the first front and that's leaving us. and taking a look at the second one, it's getting it's act together and picking up moisture and as that makes a turn to the north, that rain is moving in our direction. and this is what we were talking about here. we'll see lighter rain here by daybreak tomorrow and then, the rain picks up in intensity. and we'll wrap that up here. here's the first storm and
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here's the next coming our way tomorrow for rain and into early wednesday morning and then, rain and this is going to get out of here and the winds turn around to the northwest and there's cooler air to the northwest and the winds will eventually bring that our way into the second half of the week. and the forecast looks like this, a few peeks of sunshine and getting closer to 60 degrees and tonight, into the 40s and we'll see rain late tonight and in the morning. and then, the rain on and off into the afternoon. en and still, 57 degrees for the high. that's actually the average. it's later on we'll get a shot of the cooler air and we'll have the five day coming up. >> >> bern, thank you. still to come, is your job killing you? how stressful jobs could be weighing on women's health. >> and here are stories we're following on the website. for more information, go to ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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in today's health watch report, a warning from women. women with demanding jobs are 40% more likely to have a heart attack and stroke. and the study shows women are
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worried about losing their jobs have highier cholesterol and body weight. stressed out women are advised to exercise. if teens lay off the salt, it can help the heart health. most teens consume more than double the amount recommended and a study show that is teens can cut their risk by 30% if they cut back on processed foods loaded with sodium like pizza and chips. doctors want to see regulations for popular energy drinks. the typical drink is loaded with sugar and caffeine and the quantities of herbal stimulants are unknown. and you'll want to check back in at 4:00, 5:00, and
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6:00. homeland security or an invasion of your privacy? >> and we use them to be green, are environmental grocery bags a hazard in themselves? we'll have more at 4:00 after dr. phil. stay with us, the five day is next. ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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fake a look at the out look. go to the right side of the page. oh, my! that's with sunshine in the area. we'll have a chilly air mass moving in and later on, tonight and tomorrow, and wednesday, that's the time of transition. it looks like damp conditions for tuesday. thank you, marty. don't misthe lineup tonight. at 10:00, it's a new episode of hawaii five owe and -- hawaii five a. and a man is living with 400 spiders for three weeks. it's to raise money for a children's charity, he holds australia's record for three weeks in a make pit and in a shark tank.
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>> he must like being single. yeah, i would say. >> well, you're flying solo on that one, buddy. >> interesting. >> i know several people in the building that wouldn't get close to the window. >> i wonder what possesses you to say, let's live with spiders and snakes. >> well, he likes being single >> on thth,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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[ older brother ] hey, that's the last crescent. [ younger brother ] oh, do you want it? yeah. ok, we'll split it. [ female announcer ] made fresh, so light... ...buttery and flaky... this is half. that is not half. guys i have more. [ female announcer ] do you have enough crescents?