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tv   Late Night With Jimmy Fallon  NBC  May 23, 2013 12:35am-1:35am EDT

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and here he is -- jimmy fallon! [ cheers and applause ] captions paid for by nbc-universal television -- captions by vitac -- ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: exciting. welcome to "late night with jimmy fallon," everybody. you guys feeling good? [ cheers and applause ] that's what i'm talking about. welcome to the show, you guys. everybody, thank you for watching at home. here's what people are talking about. vice president joe biden -- we love joe biden. our monologue definitely loves joe biden. [ laughter ] well, he met with two undocumented immigrants this week to promote the new immigration bill. of course, when they learned they had to sit down with biden,
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they went ahead and deported themselves. [ laughter ] it was very interesting. never been done before. [ cheers and applause ] i said, "this is too much." here's a big local story. this morning, anthony weiner -- [ laughter ] he announced -- he announced on youtube that he will, in fact, run for mayor of new york city. [ audience groans ] and given what's happened to him, you'd think he'd be more careful with his word choices. take a look. >> and if you're trying to run a business on a neighborhood shopping strip like this one, it's getting harder and harder every day. the very people that put everything they had into this city are getting harder and harder every day. we can make a difference if we're willing to get harder and harder every day. look, i made some big mistakes, and i know i let a lot of people down, but i'm getting harder and harder every day. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: should be an interesting campaign.
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yeah, yeah. [ laughter ] >> steve: his polls are up. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. is that right? >> steve: his poll is up. >> jimmy: his poll's up. good. [ laughter ] this is cool. next week, madonna, beyonce and jennifer lopez will all perform together in london. obviously, it's going to be an amazing show, but if you want to make it even better, ask all three who the star of it is. [ laughter and applause ] that's going to be fun, man! here's some tv news. cbs has just become the best-rated network among 18 to 49-year-olds for the first time in 21 years. >> steve: ooh. >> jimmy: while nbc is still number one among pets whose owners left the tv on to keep them company. [ laughter ] >> steve: yeah! come on! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: i just heard about this. taco bell is testing -- they're always testing something new. ey're scientists over at
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taco bell. >> ste: they're geniuses. >> jimmy: working day to day to find something new for us to eat. taco bell is testing something new called the fiery chicken cool ranch doritos locos taco. [ cheers ] yeah. in a statement, taco bell said they wanted to make a product that stoners would love with a name they could never remember. [ laughter ] "hey, i'll have one of the fried chicken chicken chip taco chips." [ laughter ] "you have to leave, sir." "i'm wearing shirt and shoes." "you're not wearing pants, sir." yeah, there you go. listen to this. target is now selling a line of affordable wedding dresses. yeah, target. it's a perfect way for any woman who's always dreamed of wearing a dress from the same place she buys chips and soap. [ laughter ] very, very cool. i read today that david karp -- you guys hear of this guy? he's the founder of tumblr, all right? he's a kid. he's, like, 20 years old or something? well, anyway, he's become -- no. even less, right?
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is he 20? >> steve: he's older? 75. [ laughter ] i'm bad with numbers. >> jimmy: you're a little off. you're a little off. you're a little off. david karp -- he's the founder of tumblr. he's become the world's most successful high school dropout after selling his website to yahoo! for $1.1 billion. [ audience oohs ] or as high school guidance counselors put it, "today is going to suck!" [ cheers and applause ] mike, you've got to concentrate on geometry. really got to -- stick to that geometry class. get this. in a new interview, brad pitt revealed that he doesn't have a lot of friends. [ auence aws ] but he says he's never been happier. or as one guy playing his xbox put it, "sweet, i'm just like brad pitt!" [ laughter ] here's some big sports news. it was just announced that new york city is getting a new professional soccer team that will be partially owned by the
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yankees. you could tell it's owned by the yankees, because a-rod won't be playing for either of the teams. [ laughter ] and finally, a museum here in new york city is opening a new exhibit with puppets from "sesame street." i wanted to go, but nobody would tell me how to get there. laughter ] we have a great show. give it up for the roots! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hey, guys, we are -- have a great show tonight! a lot of fun people. we are so excited about all the great tv that's out there these days on our show. because it always inspires us to make our own version of the best shows. we've done versions of "lost." we've done versions of "downton abbey" on our show. but this friday, we're debuting our own version of "game of thrones." [ cheers and applause ] it's called "game of desks."
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we've been shooting this for a couple of days. [ cheers and applause ] it's this friday nig. "game of desks." got to check it out. that's all i'll tell you. crazy. higgins is shirtless in "game of desks." >> steve: oh, yes. >> jimmy: it's pretty nice. we have a great show tonight. we're so excited he's here. the one and only -- he's one of my idols. he's one of the funniest guys ev. i don't even go through what our interview is going to be, because i just don't -- he just goes off the rail. yeah. we're going to just talk for, like, an hour and a half. >> steve: really? [ cheers ] >> jimmy: he's the best. the hilarious dana carvey is here! [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: yeah! >> jimmy: i'not worthy. >> steve: oh, my god. >> jimmy: plus, from the hit show, "mad men," the lovely elisabeth moss is stopping by! [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: whoa, nelly! she's always nice. >> jimmy: she has a new hairdo. >> steve: gorgeous. >> jimmy: yeah, she'beautiful with whatever hair. but this is a new one she's debuting for our show. >> steve: are you serious? >> jimmy: that's right.
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and then we have -- i've been dying to have him on the show since we started. one of my favorites. he was helping -- he warmed up the crowd a little bit with the roots. but, yeah -- [ scatting ] ♪ gonna get in my car gonna go real fast gonna drive so fast no one's gonna catch me ♪ [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] bobby ferrin is on the show tonight! he's here! >> steve: what? >> jimmy: guy doesn't need a band. doesn't need anybody. he needs a microphone. that's it. he can perform forever. i'm so excited to have him, man. he's one of the best. hey, guys, next monday night will be the premiere of season 9 of "the bachelorette." [ cheers ] that's one of my favorite jams. that's my jam. i stay at home. i sit in my bean bag. i've got my glass of lukewarm buttermilk. >> steve: oh, you love it. >> jimmy: i watch -- >> steve: two tubs of cold popcorn. >> jimmy: that's true.
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stale popcorn with, like, a houston oilers logo on the side. and what i do is i just watch that show, because i love it. it's just great tv. and they just released photos of all 25 of the guys who will be competing. >> steve: ooh. >> jimmy: real geniuses,hese guys. this year. but not only that, but to help the bachelorette get to know the guys better, they've given out awards to all contestants, kind of like they used to do in high school yearbooks. like, most likely to succeed, class clown, stuff like that. well, with that in mind, it's time for "late night superlatives." here we go. ♪ [ cheers a applause ] >> jimmy: always fun. our first bachelor is chris s. he was voted most likely to come with a frame you bought at target. [ laughter ] our next bachelor is brian j. he was voted most likely to mistakenly believe the show tapes in miami in 1983.
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[ laughter ] >> steve: a little pastel. >> jimmy: a little pastel combo. he rides in on a speedboat. he's cool, man. >> steve: tubbs and crockett right there. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah some instrental keyboard music. >> steve: with a keytar. >> jimmy: yeah, he had the keytar with him. our next bachelor is mike r. he was voted most likely to be evil taylor lautner. [ laughter and applause ] i can see it in his eyes. next up is nick r. he was voted most likely to ask, "what's it going to take to put you in this kia sorento today?" he's looking like he -- >> steve: i tell you what i can do. stick with my assistant. let me go talk to my boss. let me go talk to my boss. i think we can come up with a decent price. he won't budge. he won't budge. >> jimmy: the next bachelor is zak w. he was voted most likely to think he's posing with someone who's not there. [ laughter and applause ] >> steve: back to back shot.
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>> jimmy: his friend must have walked out of the room or something. i don't know. oh, here's larry b. he was voted most likely to be a lesbian clark kent. [ laughter ] >> steve: is that right? [ cheers and applause ] hey, that's not a phone booth! >> jimmy: next is drew k. he was voted most excited to share a house with 25 men. let's see how this game works! i don't know what's gonna happen. [ applause ] >> steve: i'm here! >> jimmy: uh, yeah. next is kasey s. he was voted most likely to be stoked to talk to you about his revolutionary vegetable steamer that will be exclusively on qvc. [ laughter ] you won't even believe the deal! he looks like -- here is micah. he was voted most likely to have that bloomin' onion out to you in a jiffy. [ laughter ] he's gonna take it right out there. this is will r.
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he was voted most likely to survive the first rose ceremony because the bachelorette doesn't want to seem racist. [ audience ohs ] [ applause ] eh, let's keep him in for e more week, yeah. >> steve: yeah, one more week. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you know what happens. come on. this is ben s. he was voted most buttony. look at all those buttons. buttons on his shoulders. >> steve: the epaulet and the sleeve button. >> jimmy: and finally, james c. was voted most likely to not know how to spell "bachelorette." [ laughter ] there you have it, guys. that was "late night superlatives." thank you. [ applause ] hey, guys. summer is right around the corner, and that means a lot of big summer blockbusters will be coming out soon. one of the biggest is "fast and furious 6." it comes out this friday. we here at "late nightare very excited for this. bu actually, one of our writers, arthur, has never seen
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any of the five "fast and furious" movies. so we thought it would be fun to have him watch each of those movies, one every day this week, but watch them at four times their normal speed. [ laughter ] and then try to guess what the movies are about. we like to call it "fast forward and the furious." yesterday he watched "2 fast, 2 furious." today is day three, so here's arthur earlier today. he's watching the third movie, "fast and the furious: tokyo drift," at four times its original speed. trying as hard as he can to figure out -- i love that he's taking notes. well, that was earlier today. and he has since finished the movie, and he's now going to tell us what he thinks it's about. let's bring him out. arthur meyer, everybody! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: good to see you, buddy. >> you, too. >> jimmy: now, arthur, you've never seen these movies before. >> no, i actually, truly have never seen any of these movies before. >> jimmy: all right, this is exciting. now, you just watched "fast and the furious: tokyo drift." >> "tokyo drift," yeah. >> jimmy: "tokyo drift" was the third movie.
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now, what do you think this movie was about? >> okay, well, once again, i took five pages of notes. >> jimmy: i saw you taking notes, yeah. >> and here's my summary that i wrote up. "fast and the furious: tokyo drift" is about a guy who is either in high school or college. >> jimmy: there you go. >> he drives a car and then something happens that makes him go to tokyo. >> jimmy: maybe a student exchange program. who knows? >> possibl yeah. while in tokyo, he and a mean japanese man race against each other a lot of times, but not without enjoying the tokyo nightclub scene, which features many babes. [ laughter ] also, at the way end of the movie, vin diesel appears, possibly for no reason. >> jimmy: vin diesel's back! >> he's back! >> jimmy: he's back in this one. >> yeah, he wasn't in two, but he's back in three. >> jimmy: he was not in two. you said there was a bald black man in two. >> bald black man in two. >> jimmy: did he return for "tokyo drift"? >> no, the bd black man's gone. >> jimmy: no, yeah. but vin diesel returned. >> yeah. >> jimmy: barely. >> barely, yeah. so he might have killed the bald black man. i don't know. >> jimmy: you don't know.
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were you excited? were you shocked by that? surprised? >> i was a little bit surprised. i also noticed a couple of differences between this and the previous movies. >> jimmy: so "2 fast, 2 furious" and "tokyo drift," you noticed some differences. >> some differences. okay, so "tokyo drift" featured less sex and more kissing. yeah, interesting. [ laughter ] and then also, instead of taking place in america, this movie takes place in tokyo. >> jimmy: tokyo. thank you. [ laughter ] that's fantastic. thank you, arthur. that's a good difference. arthur, we're going to see you back here again tomorrow. >> yep. >> jimmy: you're going to talk about the fourth movie. it's just called "fast and furious." >> yeah, what happened to the the? i don't know. >> jimmy: yeah, who knows? you might find out tomorrow what happened to the the. [ laughter ] very good, great. stick around, everybody. we'll be right back with "darts of ianity!" [ cheers and applause ] ♪ (laughing)
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hey. sorry, i was just checking out your phone. that's the galaxy s4 right? yeah, i just got it. did your video just pause on its own? yeah, it does that every time you look away from the screen. and that's a big screen too. is that that phone you answer by waving your hand over it? yeah. is it? am i doing it right? someone has to call you first. well, give me your number, i'll call you. yeah, give him your number. c'mon. buy a gs4 and get a samsung galaxy tattoo for $199. exclusively at at&t.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back to the show, everybody! we're having fun here in new york city, right? we're having a good time. [ cheers and applause ] and now, it is time to play "darts of insanity!" ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you, everybody.
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this is "darts of insanity," a game of skill, strategy and what would some would consider moral depravity. >> woo! [ whip snaps ] >> jimmy: higgins, let's get three contestants down here! >> steve: well, jimmy, coming to the stage are ryan troller, mark taylor and jeremy djukanovic. come on down and play "darts of insanity." ♪ >> jimmy: welcome, everybody. thank you guys for being here. what is your name, and where you from? >> i'm ryan. i'm from stan island. >> jimmy: welcome, ryan. [ cheers ] >> and i'm mark, and i'm from saskatchewan, canada. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hey! we love canada. >> i'm jeremy. i'm from here. >> jimmy: hey, you're from here. >> yeah. >> jimmy: you live in the building. he lives in the building! [ cheers and applause ] how's it going, buddy? >> fine. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you know where you are now, right? >> yeah. >> jimmy: cool. >> i think. >> jimmy: okay, great. [ light laughter ] you got to go to taco bell to try that new doritos locos taco. [ laughter ] [ applause ] all right, guys, listen up.
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here's how this game works here. to your right on the sharp 108 is the dreaded dartboard of insanity. >> oh, hell, no. >> jimmy: now -- [ laughter ] one at a time, you'll each take this official buzz the ultimate rapid blast air blaster and shoot a rubber dart at the board. okay? the board will quickly flash betweevarious stunts you may be subjected to, each of which carries a specific point value. for instance, we have veggie wedgies. that's for three points. sausage link jump rope for six points. or the dreaded catnips for ten points. that's where we strap you down, sprinkle catnip on your nipples and let 12 cats go to town on you. [ laughter and applause ] whatever your dart lands on, that's what you'll have to do. whoever has the most points at the end of one round wins the game and a check for $100. you guys ready? [ cheers and applause ] contestant number one, y're up first. stand behind the firing line. let's initiate the dartboard of insanity!
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all right. here's your gun. fire when ready. aim over there. all right, good. hot dog in a hole! ten points. hot dog in a hole. higgins, tell him what he has to do for this. >> steve: well, jimmy, tonight's lucky contestant gets to grab a bunch of hot dogs and throw them through the mouth hole of new york city mayoral candidate anthony weiner. [ laughter ] if he can get seven hot dogs through the hole in 20 seconds, he's got ten points. jimmy? >> weiner's wiener. >> jimmy: thank you, higgins. [ laughter ] as you can see, there's anthony weiner. [ laughter ] and here are a bunch of wieners. [ light laughter ] now, all you've got to do is grab your wieners and throw seven through the weiner hole in 20 seconds. do you think you can get your wieners into anthony weiner's weiner? [ laughter ] >> i hope so. >> jimmy: very good. 20 seconds on the clock, please. very good. audience, help him out. ready, set, toss those wieners! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ hot dog in a hole hot dog in a hole hot dog in a hole ♪ [ cheers ] ♪ hot dog in a hole >> jimmy: throw a bunch at once if you want to. ♪ hot dog in a hole hot dog in a hole ♪ >> jimmy: wow, very ni. thank you. thank you so much. i don't know how close you came. hands off the wieners. [ laughter ] it's pretty good. can we see some of that in slow motion? you start off a little slow. you didn't even feel like playing. [ laughter ] hit him in the forehead. hit him in the cheek. not evenlose to his wiener hole. there it is! [ cheers ] that looks solid right there. you had a couple perfect ones. that was very, very good. let's see how many wieners you got into anthony weiner's mouth. [ laughter ] one. one wiener right there. [ sad tuba ] sorry. you did not get enough wieners into his mouth. good try. head over here, and let's go see our next contestant. ♪ hey, buddy. all right, pal, here you go. you know what you got to do. you want to hit the board and try to get a lot of points.
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right now, the score is zero, so you got a pretty good shot. [ light laughter ] start the dartboard of insanity, please. there you go. look at yourself. [ cheers ] look at yourself. here you go. can't turn this off. look at yourself. very, very good. now, here's what we have to do. higgins, tell him. >> steve: well, jimmy, tonight's lucky contestant has to stare at himself in the mirror for a full 30 seconds without laughing. if he's able to complete the challenge, he's walking away with 12 points. jimmy! >> jimmy: there you go. all right, pretty simple. so, all you have to do is stand on the mat and stare at yourself in the mirror for 30 -- not yet. [ light laughter ] 30 seconds without laughing. think you can do it? >> oh, yeah. >> jimmy: all right, cool. 30 seconds on the clock, please. take your place. just have a good look at yourself. [ laughter ] [ cheers ] who am i? [ applause ] how did i get here? why does my --
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why does my butthole itch whenever i eat -- [ laughter ] sorry. [ sad tuba ] so close. you go over here. [ applause ] there you go. ♪ you ready to do this, buddy? >> let's do it. >> jimmy: all right, good luck. let's initiate the board of insanity, please. here's your gun. you may fire when ready! >> all right. >> jimmy: right there! dude spoon. 15 points! [ cheers ] higgins? >> steve: well, jimmy, tonight's contestant gets to spend some quality time in bed with sebastian. [ cheers and applause ] he's a scorpio. he's a three-time convicted felon and master of the ancient art of spooning. it's the dude spoon, and it's worth 15 points. jimmy! >> jimmy: all right, this is it. you can be tonight's big winner right here. all you have to do is let sebastian here spoon you for 20 seconds. [ laughter ] you ready for the challenge? >> i think i can do it. >> jimmy: sebastian, you ready? >> do i look like i'm not ready?
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>> jimmy: all right, all right. [ laughter ] sebastian, do you have any morial day plans or anything? >> smoke some sausage. >> jimmy: okay, that's -- [ laughter ] >> it's my birthday. pull some pork. >> jimmy: you pull your own pork, don't you? >> normally i do, but this weekend -- well, maybe i'll have some help. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: are you going to have a barbecue? i have no idea. look -- now, listen. jump into bed with sebastian, assume the position and just let him have his way with you and get it over with. [ laughter ] >> all right. >> jimmy: 20 seconds on the clock. dim the lights, please! ready, set, spoon! ♪ [ eers and applause ] >> just relax and enjoy the spoon, man. you can do it. don't fight it. don't fight it. don't struggle. you got any plans this weekend? it's your birthday? on monday? what are you going to do? hope you stay with some buddies. >> i don't know what -- [ cheers ] >> jimmy: you did it! you won! ♪ you completed the dude spoon, which means you won 15 points, which means you are the winner! [ cheers and applause ]
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♪ and as our big winner, you'll be receiving a check for $100. congratulations. you earned it, buddy. there it is up there. the giant check. [ cheers and applause ] come on over, guys. ♪ sorry, you guys did not win. but you were good sports, so you'll each be getting $100 as well. [ cheers andpplause ] and everyone will be taking home these official "late night with jimmy fallon" t-shirts right there. [ cheers and applause ] thank you foplaying, everybody. stick around. we'll be right back with dana carvey! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our first guest is an emmy-winning performer and "saturday night live" legend. you can catch his stand-up this friday at the tropicana casino in atlantic city, new jersey, and then saturday at the mgm grand theater at foxwoods casino in connecticut. ladies and gentlemen, please welcome dana carvey. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪
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>> jimmy: looking good. >> that's too funky. i was doing the guy from "gangnam style." excuse me. i'm sorry. i've got to apologize. i've got to turn this off. i just got a call. heo? >> jimmy: dana, you can't use the phone. >> yeah. no, he looks good. he looks great. yeah. all right. well, i'll call you later, jay leno. [ laughter ] >> jim: jay called you on your giant phone? >> what? it's the pluto 2. what? come on! that's a phone now! >> jimmy: that's the name of a giant phone. it's a giant phone. >> i do this for you as solidarity. it came out more salt than pepper. >> jimmy: i like that. >> i'm very sexy. very sexy. >> jimmy: have you ever done that? i've never seen you with a beard. >> i know. i know. i can grow one. why do you sound surprised? >> jimmy: no. >> oh, i have a poem for you. >> jimmy: you do? >> yes, a little poem. i don't know if we -- >> jimmy: do we have any poem music? >> i don't know. just a little tinkering, bell or flute. a poem. fee-fi-fo, flirty. someone's moving to 11:30. [ laughter and applause ] wait, wait. wait!
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he serves his comedy in big dollops. you've got to ask yourself, what's in your wallet? [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: oh, my goodness. ♪ >> jay -- jay leno, it's his time. >> jimmy: stop calling. >> iid a poem for him. i'll do a poem for you, jay leno. damn it. >> jimmy: it is going to be -- >> i know, you've got seth. and you've got you and "saturday night live," and lorne michaels, the -- you know, the godfather of comedy is producing it all. >> jimmy: it's all in this building. >> you've got to stack shows. you know, seth on four, jimmy on six, "saturday night live" on eight. i'll, like, be on the flight deck on top of rockefeller center. higgins and marcy attach the engines and we achieve liftoff. >> jimmy: oh, my gosh. higgins and marcy. >> and we kind of circle the sun and then we go to a planet where, like, you live forever. >> jimmy: oh, my god. this is -- >> what? >> jimmy: now, you --
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it's kind of an inside thing, but it's an impression everyone does of lorne michaels, when you work at "saturday night live," but i think it's -- >> yeah. >> jimmy: it's based on your impression. >> yeah, he is a genius. >> jimmy: no, he's the best. but he doesn't really sound like that. but everyone just exaggerates it so much. >> you take it very far, and it's a fun attitude. and i was having dinner with rob lowe and lorne michaels in l.a. i got out. rob lowe, a great guy. super funny. he's incredibly handsome. shoulders to here, and the perfect chin, and you know. and lorne was there and finally, during the dinner, lorne goes, oh, dana, i remember they said you did this impression of me. what was it about? right to me. and i'd never done it to lorne michaels. so i just -- i said, i did you at the board on wednesday. they picked the show. and we were frustrated, trying to get the show together. and loe would say, i still have no [ bleep ] first act. [ laughter ] as you know -- right?
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and then, he asked me to do a paul mccartney story for two young women who were with us. because i met paul mccartney at his house in the '80s. mind-blowing thing. superfan. genius. and i'm doing it for the people. you know, i go, well, paul is there and he's talking to me, you know, we're doing this. and i hear lorne out of the corner going, "could be. i don't know. maybe not." and i'm doing paul, and then a tap on my shoulder, and it's paul. mccartney. >> jimmy: paul mccartney just shows up. >> paul mccartney. and he's like, "hey, scooby-doo, you're doing me, right?" i mean, the guy is just -- he's such a genius, but he just throws it away. "you know, i'll do a little songy-woo!" "no, actually, dalai lama, you know." "i know scooby, scooby, whoop, whoop, whoop, whoop." can you do "eleanor rigby"? "i'll do 'eleanor rigby'-doo, you know?" >> jimmy: oh, my god. >> and then i said -- i said to him, "my man, you're
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looking good. you're holng up." and he just took that. he goes, "i'm holding up. you hear that? he says i'm holding up, you know? we're going to go do an eedy-weedy." and then he leaned out of the booth at the restaurant, and he goes, "i'm still holding up over here." >> jimmy: he's super nice and super cool. >> "dana, next time, try not to make fun of paul." >> jimmy: but paul mccartney is one impression that, i mean, that was one of my favorites that you did. but do you think that he gets, like -- but he must be affected by all the celebrity worship. >> it's weird. you can't look at a beatle and not be -- i mean, i famously smoked pot with him. i didn't smoke pot, but when paul mccartney hands you a joint, you toke. you toke hard. [ laughter ] "a doobie-woobie." you know? and -- we -- we're just show folk. we're clowns up here. and mccartney -- we're just show folk, but we worship our movie stars the most. there's no review greater than a movie star. you know, the tv ad, like, daniel day-lewis is nothing short of a miracle. even jesus would say, wow! [ laughter ] you know? it's, like, you'll wish you had a time machine so you could go
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back to 1860, meet the real abraham lincoln, and say you're good, but daniel day-lewis is better! it's too much. [ applause ] >> jimmy: jay! >> jay, it's going fine! jay! i'll do it. do you want to talk to him? it's jay. [ as jay ] "hey, jay, how you doing? yeah, hold on. i've got jay leno and i'm talking to you, too. okay, hold on a second. there's a little adam sandler in there, too." [ laughter ] a little sandler and leno. >> jimmy: yeah, i can't help but do adam sandler. [ sandler noises ] [ laughter ] >> i think that's just the greatest, yeah. i would never do him after hearing him you do him. you own that, baby. >> jimmy: no. oh, come on. >> yes, you do! >> jimmy: oh, no. come on. please. [ cheers ] please. >> jimmy: is there any impression that you can't do? >> well, you know, i'm kind of -- i'm trying to sort of learn you a little bit. [ as jimmy ] "like, it's like, hey, everybody, it's a great show. wait a minute. it's insane!"
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i mean, it's an impression! i don't have it! i don't have it. >> jimmy: i'm afraid to talk. i'm afraid to talk. >> "what? don't be afraid to talk! don't be afraid toalk." [ stuttering ] [ laughter ] >> jimmy: stop laughing! stop laughing! dana carvey, everybody! we'll be right back with elisabeth moss, the one and only. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ head & shoulders and old spice are now together in one bottle.
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so we're always 100% flake free... ...while smelling 100% handsome. [ josh ] and with a double dose of confidence like that... mmmmmm. [ c.j.] ...good happens. [ sniffs ] ahhh! [ male announcer ] head & shoulders with old spice.
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mmmmmm. [ c.j.] momgood happens. mom mommy mommy momma momma ma ma mom mom mom
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guest is an emmy-nominated actress for her role as peggy olson on amc's hit show, "mad men." gosh, she's great on this. it airs sundays at 10:00 p.m. ladies and gentlemen, please welcome back to our show the talented, the beautiful elisabeth moss! ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: oh, my goodness. elisabeth, you look gorgeous! >> thank you very much. >> jimmy: i like the new short 'do. >> yeah, i literally just cut it in your dressing room. >> jimmy: i know. i was, like, "oh, my god, there's hair all over the place. what's going on?" it looks beautiful. >> thank you very much. >> jimmy: welcome back to our show. we missed you. we love having you here. >> i love being here. it's awesome. i love being in new york. it's great. >> jimmy: did you know -- your family knows bobby mcferrin. >> yeah, yeah. yeah, my godfather is chick corea, who did a lot of work with bobby. >> jimmy: oh, that's cool. >> yeah, so -- >> jimmy: i didn't know that. >> i knew hi like, in the '80s when i was, like, 7. >> jimmy: oh, my god. that's crazy, though. that's fun. and were you here in new york? >> no, i wasn't. i moved to new york when i was 19. so, you know, a few years ago. >> jimmy: yeah, exactly. like, 2010. yeah, it was. [ laughter ] >> thanks. but, yeah, no. but, yeah, i moved when i was 19. >> jimmy: and where'd you live? >> well, i lived my -- you know, when you first move to new york and you, like, have no money and you kind of just want to find, like, the cheapest place you can get. and craigslist had just
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happened. it was, like -- that was the big thing. like, myspace and craigslist. >> jimmy: oh, yeah. >> so, everybody found their apartment on craigslist. so, that's what i did. and i sublet a room from -- it was $400, which was, like, amazing. and i sublet a room from a 50-something-year-old man who was, like, a substitute teacher. >> jimmy: oh, boy. this sounds like -- [ light laughter ] sounds a lifetime movie. i think i've seen this. >> i know, i know. and i rented out his bedroom. and he, like, slept in the living room with, like, screens up. >> jimmy: wait, what? >> yeah, swear to god. and we shared a bathroom. and it was all kind of, like, totally fine. now i would never do that, even not being on tv. like, i still woul't do that. >> jimmy: yeah, but did you, like, watch tv together? >> no, we never, like, hung out. we were very respectful of each other's privacy. >> jimmy: he stayed behind his screen the whole time? >> he stayed behind his screen. [ laughter ] except, like, there would be awkward, like, run-ins, you know? when, like, one of us was, like, in the bathroom, one of us was leaving and one -- so awful, and i blocked it out
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for, like, ten years. i opened the door to my bedroom, and the bathroom was right there. and he was, like, opening the bathroom door. and he was, like, not wearing any clothes. 'cause i didn't know -- i don't think he knew i was home. and i just saw, like, a flash and closed my door. and him and i never spoke of it. >> jimmy: never talked of it. [ laughter ] if you're watching, and he probably does watch. >> i'm sure he does. >> jimmy: he's, like, "i wonder if she remembers that." [ laughter ] "my nude run-in with her once." >> since you know, johnny, i've never forgotten. >> jimmy: "mad men." season six? just wrapped? >> yeah, we just finished season six. we have one more. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: are you only doing seven? >> seven. >> jimmy: you're only doing seven seasons. >> that's the word. only seven seasons, yeah. >> jimmy: oh, man. >> but i've been on the show since i was, like, 23, and i'm 30 now, so it's been a long time. >> jimmy: that's right. because they space it out. >> yeah. we've had a lot of breaks. >> jimmy: yeah, which is good. it keeps you interested in the show. the show's always fresh, and you always see, like, "oh, you guys are just doing amazing work out there." >> well, thank you. >> jimmy: we have a clip. here's elisabeth moss and jon hamm in amc's "mad men." take a look. >> how's it going? >> what's going on? >> i know you're all feeling the darkness here today, but there's
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no reason to give in. no matter what you've heard, this process will not take years. in my heart, inow we cannot be defeated because there is an answer that will open the door. there is a way around this system. this is a test of our patience and commitment. one great idea can win someone over. >> dear lord. you're as good as they say. >> that was very inspiring. do you have any idea what the idea is? >> no. but i'm not going to stop looking. >> jimmy: yeah, that's what i'm talking about. [ cheers and applause ] elisabeth moss. "mad men" airs sundays at 10:00 p.m. on amc. come back whenever you can, pal. we love -- >> thank you! >> jimmy: bobby mcferrin performs next! he's going to be great! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ hey brian -- what do you want?
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uhh... [ grunts ] i'll have a redd's apple ale. [ male announcer ] redd's apple ale. crisp like an apple, brewed like an ale. that hasn't been cleared yet. ♪ uh! i just want to celebrate [ male announcer ] every time you say no to a cigarette you celebrate a little win. nicorette gum helps calm your cravings and makes you less irritable. double your chances of quitting. using night-vision goggles to keep an eye
1:23 am
on my spicy buffalo wheat thins. who's gonna take your wheat thins? i don't know. an intruder, the dog, bigfoot. could you get the light? [ loud crash ] what is going on?! honey, i was close! it's a yeti! [ male announcer ] must! have! wheat thins! [ crowd cheering ] [ male announcer ] for sensitive skin, there's fusion proglide. our micro thin blades are thinner than a surgeon's scalpel for our gentlest shave. switch fusion proglide. gillette. the best a man can get. uhhh...pppffftttt... ooof!! give me a redd's apple ale. [ male announcer ] redd's apple ale. crisp like an apple, brewed le an ale. [ male announcer ] start with a dodge dart.
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now give it a "tiger shark" engine and 41 mpg. good. now add some of this. and that. definitely him. and her. a little more of her. perfect. time out. how we doin'? [ car accelerating ] okay, t's take it up a notch. give it a heap of this, one of those, and that. got anything with grappling hooks and a plane? [ explosions ] yeah, that'll work. ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guest is a ten-time grammy-winning singer whose new album, "spirit you all," was just released. performing the song "joshua" with a little help from the roots, please welcome bobby mcferrin
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[ cheers and applause ] [ scatting ] ♪ [ scatting ] ♪ [ scatting ] ♪ joshua fit the battle of jericho jericho, jericho joshua fit the ♪ ♪ battle of jericho and the walls come tumbling down joshua fit the ♪ ♪ battle of jericho jericho joshua fit the battle of jericho ♪ ♪ and the walls come tumbling down you may talk about the man of gideon ♪ talk about the man of saul but there's nobody ♪ ♪ like joshua at the battle of jericho ♪ ♪ you may talk about the man of gideon talk about the man of saul ♪ ♪ but there's nobody like joshua at the battle
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of jericho ♪ [ scatting ] [ scatting ] [ scatting ] [ scatting ] ♪ you may talk about the man of gideon talk about the n of saul ♪ ♪ but there's nobody like joshua at the battle of jericho ♪ ♪ you may talk about the man of gideon talk about the man of saul ♪ ♪ but there's nobody like joshua at the battle of jericho ♪ [ scatting ]
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[ scatting ] [ scatting ] ♪ you may talk about the man of gideon you may talk about the man of saul ♪ ♪ but there's nobody like joshua you may talk about the man of gideon ♪ ♪ talk about the man of saul but there's nobody like joshua ♪ ♪ at the battle of jericho jericho ♪ ♪ joshua fit the battle of jericho jericho whoa ♪ ♪ jericho >> that's your part.
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♪ whoa, jericho whoa, jericho whoa, jericho whoa, jericho ♪ ♪ whoa, jericho jericho ♪ ♪ joshua fit the battle of jericho jericho, jericho joshua fit the ♪ ♪ battle of jericho and the walls come tumbling down joshua fit the ♪ ♪ battle of jericho jericho, jericho joshua fit the battle of jericho ♪ ♪ and the walls come tumbling down ♪ ♪ yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, yeah ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: that is the way to do it! oh, my goodness! oh, my goodness! bobby mcferrin right there! >> thank you! >> jimmy: get the album, "spirit you all." >> thank you! >> jimmy: see him live august 20th, central park, right here in new york. we'll be right back, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ wow, i've been claritin clear for 10 days!
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when your allergies start, doctors recommend taking one non-drowsy claritin every day during your allergy season for continuous relief. 18 days! 12 days! 24 days of continuous relief. live claritin clear. every day.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: my thanks to dana carvey, elisabeth moss,
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bobby mcrrin! [ cheers and applause ] and the greatest band in late night, the roots, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] stay tuned for "carson daly." thank you for watching. have a great night. hope to see you tomorrow. bye-bye! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ captions paid for by nbc-universal television captions by vitac ♪ >> carson: hey gang it's your old pal carson with tonight's "last call." out back drop is this fine establishment, the wellesbourne in west l.a. let's get to it. in the "spotlight" professional iphone photographer kevin russ gets his due. for our music we'll head over to cedar street courtyard in austin for a little political hip-hop courtesy of the coup, who are


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