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tv   11 News Saturday Morning  NBC  November 21, 2009 9:00am-10:00am EST

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>> live, local, late breaking. this is wbal tv 11 news saturday morning in hd. >> welcome. i am lisa robinson. >> i am an deadbeat winner. let's look outside. ->> we are trying to get through
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some clouds parted they will not be rainmakers. the sun will come in and it will be a fairly nice day. >> we are planning on it. >> we started off chilly this morning. we are warming up at this stage 3. . the clouds are coming from a system down south. as i show you on the wider view, you can see areas of rain associated with the storm but they are well south of us today. that's where the rain will stay. we will see clouds come up into the area but we will see some rain break and reasonably good temperatures. i will have details in a minute. >> mayor sheila dixon's date has been put on hold for several days. jurors went home for the weekend without a verdict. we have some questions they have
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asked and what attorneys on both sides are saying. >> mayor sheila dixon walked from the rear of the courthouse to city hall at the end of the day parade her guilt or innocence was still undecided. she says she intends to spend the weekend between work and personal activity before resuming the nail biting wait for the jury's decision. >> we appreciate very much the fact that this jury is taking these very serious charges to heart, that they are obviously working very hard brett . >> they describe the deliberations very overheated. they are trying to decide each of the five criminal counts that the mayor faces. >> i wonder what jurors are saying what barry >> people pulled off the street do not know each other and are trying to get along. they are trying to figure out the legal issues. >> recognizing the lack of a
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break from the liberation, the judge admonished jurors not to watch or read news about the case, talk about it to others, or among themselves outside the whole group. the judge is likely concerned about factions forming within the 12 jurors depending on the position each favors. legal analysts say at some point the judge will push jurors into a unanimous decision. we're not there yet. >> we have continuing coverage of the trial on our website. you can follow the proceedings from the court house and watch previous stories from our team coverage. go to baltimore city detectives continue their search for a person who shot and killed a woman outside a funeral home. it happened thursday night outside the joseph brown the oral home on fulton avenue in west baltimore. the victim was at the funeral
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home to attend a viewing of for boyfriend. he was murdered in front of his home last wednesday. officials at the funeral home say when she stepped outside, she was shot with a shotgun. police say they are investigating whether both killings are connected. >> she was murdered while at her boyfriend's viewing who was also murdered. >> if you have any information that could help police and the investigation, call metro crime stoppers. >> baltimore county police are investigating a possible carjacking with a man shot police said the victim was shot in the head but was able to walk to a gas station for help. city police are also investigating a shooting. investigators said it happened about 10:00 last night. they found a man shot in the face and he was taken in the hospital. >> a traffic alert this morning
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for those traveling in dundalk. two months after the massive 72-inch inch water main break, road crews will be doing work. it will alternate lane closures starting one hour ago. the area will be controlled by flaggers. >> still ahead, will answer your pet questions. >> buddy ravell joins us his -- with his best pick on lottery games. >> turkey and travel and headaches -- aaa is here with headaches -- aaa is here with advice for the millions of you
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it's so hard to choose one. you know, during the sign then drive event, you can get a cc, tiguan or fuel efficient jetta for practically just your signature. you can get scheduled maintenance at no cost. there's got to be more to it than that... i'll never doubt you again. in lumber. in rubber. in bellies. and precious metals.
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it's time to put everything you have into your 10k. your 5k. and even your 1k. and, of course, you can never go wrong with futures. kaiser permanente. thrive. >> now, your insta-weather + forecast. >> let's take a look at our weather outside. we have clouds out there this morning but they should clear
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out a little bit and we will get some sun in the picture. there is a storm system to the south which will stay in the south. high pressure generally brings that situation to our western over us and brings us a fair weather. it will hold that rank to this out today and for the most part tomorrow. it is a nice bright morning but it is all will overcast. there are some areas where there are thin spots with blue trying to come through. 47 degrees at the airport right now. 47% is the humidity and the west wind is at 3 miles per hour let's put some statistics up on the screen. we have had generous rainfall in the past month or two. so far this month in november, we have had 3.14 inches. we have a surplus for the year
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which is approaching 50 inches for the year. we don't have a big need for rain but it is in the forecast the next couple of days. we had some 30's in the suburban areas. downtown is up to 50. there are some nice ratings. here are the clouds overhead. they will be drifting across this morning but this afternoon there may be some thin spots that will break through the clouds and high pressure is running the situation here and holding the storm system to the south of us. there is some thunderstorm activity down to this out but with a high over us, that will be held to this out and will
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move to florida. by the time we finish the weekend, it will turn north and push rain chances our way. today, some sunbreaks, partly cloudy skies, 56-61 degrees, northwest wind at 5-10 miles per hour and the future cast calls for a fair share of clouds during the day today and tomorrow, increasing clouds during the game, temperatures will be in the 50's during the game. on monday is our chance for rain. we will only be in the low 50's. rain on tuesday and maybe showers on things giving day, as well. >> it is time for buddy's best bets. you have someone else with you this morning? you are leading us? >> yes, this is my last time doing this. at least in baltimore.
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i am leaving on november 30. i'm off to the say -- i am off to washington, d.c.. it has been a wonderful 13 years and nothing can stop the experience of working with you guys. it has been terrific. >> we have enjoyed working with you. >> i am passing the baton to tracy. she has been on radio and tv on various times. she puts all this together for me anyway. >> let's give tracy a chance to give her -- to give us her pecs. -- herpicks. >> the $1 ticket will make a wonderful gift on thanksgiving. you can bring stuffing and grain bins and a tic tac turkey triple our. r. >> apparently the year of the
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talks is coming up. >> i knew that. >> it is a $2 a ticket for the top prize is $9,000. there is six of those prizes remain. that is a great ticket. >> cinema cash -- you love the movies, don't you? this is a great, brand new $3 a ticket with a top prize of $3,000 per 0. you can win movie tickets for a year. >> don't throw them away? >> keep them. >> $5 ticket with a top prize of $30,000.30 top prizes remember this ticket is over 3/4 sold. you can get another $50,000 in your bank account. >> we like lucky times.
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>> that is a $10 ticket. the two top prizes remain of $100,000. when you are out to the store, pick one up, it is well worth it. >> the last one is a raven in sat -- raven fantasy? >> it is over 3/4 sold. in probably another month it will be out there with a $1 million prize. i know that means nothing to you. we know about your bank account. [laughter] that one plus all the great season tickets for next season. >> to find out more, you can log onto and click on entertainment. thank you so much, buddy. congratulations. >> we are trying to get
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ourselves together because we are so verklempt over losing body. >> aaa says the number of americans traveling this by scanning will be up from last year. there will be a lot of movie action this weekend including the sequel to the movie, "twilight." you can also e-mail
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>> the time is 9:15 and 45 degrees. we will talk holiday traffic for
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the next few days and we will get really great tips that hopefully should make this easier for you. >> our good friend from aaa mid- atlantic is here. >> what are you saying in terms of the volume? >> we are looking at 38.4 million americans will travel this thanksgiving holiday. that is slightly up about 1.4% compared to last year. in maryland, the rate is higher at about 4%. the majority of people will be traveling but the vast majority of the people traveling will be driving between 84% and 86%. we expect the roads to be busy and as far as air traffic goes, we're looking at declines. it will be a continuation of a decade-long trend. in maryland, we are looking at a 5% decrease in the number of people who will be flying.
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that is not to say that the airports will not be busy. >> you have some really good tips that you want to offer? you say to be informed and be prepared. that is kind of basic but it is really true. walk us through that. >> there have been so many changes in the requirements and restrictions in security. it unfortunately changes from time to time. we encourage travelers to look at the tsa web site, check out the website to make sure you are aware of what the restrictions are and what the guidelines are. >> what up -- one of the new changes has to do with carry on? >> you cannot -- you are restricted as far as what you can carry as far as liquids and things like that. people can only carry 3 ounces
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of liquid on a plane and you probably put it in 81 court back, a clear back, but if you carry a large shampoo or perfume, they will confiscated. it. >> it is amazing how much stuff people are still trying to bring proof. you also say that so much of air travel is ticketing. you get up there and you feel like you don't have something. should you printed out at home? >> exactly, we came back from florida and we checked in on my blackberry. we encourage people to print out a hard copy of their airline ticket. that is especially good like what we saw earlier in the week with a computer glitch. we encourage people to go ahead and print out those airline
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tickets in advance of their departure also very important is they tend to check with their airline as far as before they leave their home. check for the departure times. >> a few years ago, i was driving home from washington on a tuesday before thanksgiving. ike leggett took six hours. it was so awful -- i think it took six hours. it was so awful. >> it varies. the reality is that with 86% of people traveling by car, is difficult not to find some time when the roads are congested. we encourage people to leave early. if you leave on tuesday or wednesday morning, tried to leave before 7:00 a.m. or wait later into the morning -- evening after 9:00 or 10:00 p.m. on thanksgiving, laid before 9:00 a.m..
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>> for more on getting your car prepared to hit the road, lisa is outside. what do you have for us? >> before you get on the road, you want to make sure your vehicle is safe. here is ed from aaa to help us. the checklist is like five points that we need to get started with the tires? >> right. >> brake fluid, check for oil and other fluids, check your battery, and checked all lies. >> the thing that is important to check, especially for your weekend trip. >> let's look under the hood. can you do this yourself or do you need to go to a mechanic? >> you can do it either way. some things we will talk about are simple things you can do on your own. checking the oil in the car, you have to make sure it has been
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shut off for a couple of minutes so that the oil runs back into the pan. you pull the stick out and wipe off. you put it back in and read it. i am able on oil right now. >> it is probably a good idea to keep some oil in your vehicle? >> yes, there is a box in the back of mine. >> you want to take your time at home and do this thoroughly. >> the other thing was to check the tire pressures. that is important and as you get into colder weather, they will change daily. >> really? >> yes. 32 pounds. that is good for me on this car. as the temperature drops, so will the air pressure and the tires. if we go from being an average of 60 degrees to an average of 30 degrees, the tire pressure will drop. >> if you forget what the number
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should be, it is usually on retire? >> actually, it is on your door. there's a maximum pressure on the tire but that is the maximum that should be put the other thing that is important is to find out if you have enough tread on retire. this is a tread depth gauge. you can go into the group here. then you can read the 30 seconds that winds up with six says 32 on these tires gripped -- says -- 6/32 on these tires. by the time you get to 2/32, you should change your tires. the less space to have been there, the harder it is for water to get out of the more chance of hydroplaning. >> you need to make sure you check that, ok. anything else? >> the other things to check your lights. if you have to do it on your on, go to the local strip mall
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and back up so you can look at it in the windows and shekel your lights and make sure they are working. >> all good stuff. thank you so much. have a safe trip wherever you go this holiday even if it is down
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>> live from a television helen baltimore, wbal t b l 7 news continues. >> joining us now is dr. tim hammonds to answer your pet questions. we have a special guest, as usual. >> this is a boxer-11 mix.
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he is a cute and lovable. the llapsing to dominate. -- the lcab seemed to dominate. this is a cotton caller. sit down the very good. outstanding. you get an a +. >> he has his tail facing the camera, great. let's get to some questions. our dog suffers from vertigo which has left her on stable and keep her from being up and around. i was wondering if there is something that can be done. >> that can be serious.
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you have to look at the year. sometimes when they have an inner ear problem they get vertigo. the other thing could be metabolic rate if they are hypoglycemic, they can appear to be vertigo but they are profoundly weak. that i also could have a brain tumor. there is a neurologist in town and you can call them up and get a diagnosis. >> the dog has to exhibit a symptom because it is an occasional problem. >> perhaps, you do blood work, and you may headed it is metabolic. if it is a tumor or inner ear, you can see it instantly. sometimes the inner ear problems flareup. >> get it checked out. our next question -- i have a canine terrier.
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no matter how times we give him a bath, he still smells. >> 0 yes. >> does this have anything to do with the breed? >> it the smell comes from the teeth which many do, you have to address that for it could be diet or bad teeth. many dogs have really sticky glands that smell putrid. >> is it that wet dogs now? >> exactly. what you have to do is go to a veterinarian and get antibiotics and medicated bats and you can control a very probably cannot cure it but you can control it. you probably have to bathe your dog a couple of times a week but you can't keep a smile at bay. >> so there is hope. thank you for joining us this morning. domino, you are really
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>> live, local, late breaking. this is wbal, a tv 11 news in baltimore. >> welcome back and thank you for joining us. let's take another look outside. i did not need my coat this morning. >> it is nice outside? we have had some clouds this morning and we expect them to separate a little bit and that
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will make it even nicer. >> great. >> we have a lot of frost around this area with temperatures in the 30's. there is no rain at nearby so we are showing you the radar wide. the rain will eventually get here. we would like to get through the weekend without rain. we will see what happens. there is a pretty good chance we will get through the daylight hours through sunday without any rain. we will give you details coming up in a minute. >> the rev. jeremiah out right gave a speech and anne arundel county. it was at an event that some state leaders decided to boycott because of rev. wright's presence. >> the decision to ask and here was not difficult brayl. >> we were planning our freedom
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back and we want to bring a speaker [unintelligible] >> his views are interesting year but not shared. >> those are his views. there are things that he said that we hear what he says and because he is here is a bigger does not necessarily mean that we agree with everything he says. we have free speech. he is allowed.
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>> more jobs are coming to baltimore. the port in baltimore will get an upgrade. >> from governor martin o'malley to the baltimore city council president, a number of state and local officials gathered for the announcement that port america is starting a 50-year contract
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to operate baltimore's marine terminal. >> this partnership opportunity. >> this new contract will bring in 5700 new direct, indirect, and new jobs to the port. >> this will mean 3000 construction jobs and 2700 jobs to handle increased container business. >> the governor points out that this is not a sale of the port but a partnership. ports america will be responsible for running the daily operations of the terminal as well as investing in numbers -- millions of dollars in infrastructure and a construction of a new 50 foot- birth. this is only the second port on the east coast to except the largest of ships. that will come in handy very soon. >> 2014, the panama canal, we will be water. -- will be larger.
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we can create more jobs as a result. >> coming up, this weekend's new movies. >> learn why doctors are more convinced that even small amounts of alcohol might increase your risk for breast cancer. >> the storm is down south and we will have to deal with it eventually
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>> now, your insta-weather + forecast with john collins. >> nothing on the radar around here. there are clouds but down to the south there is a storm. there is quite a bit of rain with that but that will be the dominant weather feature along the gulf coast region today and
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tomorrow. after tomorrow, we will have to deal with that because it will come north up the coast. until then, we are in good shape. let's go outside and show you statistics. it is brightening up. 47 degrees at the airport and the inner harbor is at 50 degrees. the high pressure will bring as good weather most of the weekend. there is a light west wind at 3 miles per hour. the record low temperature this date was 16 degrees. our readings in the 40's and 50's have not been bad. last year, we had a trace of snow. you may never have remembered that but there was a dusting. we are doing better this morning then we were doing one year ago at this time. air temperatures are well above the freezing point. -- our temperatures are well above the freezing point.
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here are the thin clouds overhead. they are to the west and south of us and the cloud breaks will come in today. it will not be -- it will not be overcast all day long. here is the storm to the south and a big area of high pressure that will keep the storm away for today and tomorrow. eventually, the storm will make curve and come up the coast and drag the monster with that. will increase the rain chances by tomorrow night today looks fine. it will be partly cloudy and unseasonably mild . we will be about five degrees above the average. the northwest winds will be strong, 5-10 miles per hour. your future cast shows the
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clouds of finning but we increase the clouds later on and by sunday into monday, rain will be drawn up into the area as the storm comes up from the south. the sunday forecast for football, we will see the clouds of thick and of a buried it looks like temperatures will be in the 50's during the game. it looks like the rain will hold to our south until the end of the game. we hope for success tomorrow. we are 60 today, 54 tomorrow, sunday into monday, rain chances, highs only in the 50's, rain will taper tuesday and wednesday looks fine and thursday and friday, the thanksgiving holiday weekend, we will be in the 40's and could see some showers on thanksgiving day. >> you have heard that moderate
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amounts of alcohol could be good for your heart but it might not be good for your risk of breast cancer. >> susan oppenheimer is a regular visitor to the team of center. she was first diagnosed with cancer nine years ago and then a recurrence. >> this time last year i was diagnosed, again, surgery, chemotherapy. >> she has given up alcohol. i changed my behavior. i was a person who liked to have a glass of wine with dinner. , no more. >> mercy medical college says cancers are associated with alcohol intake, including breast cancer. >> there is additional reporting that it is relatively small amounts of alcohol, you have some increased risk of breast cancer. >> they recommended have no more
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than one or two glasses per week. >> that may be good for your hard but not so good for breast cancer. >> susan now only as a drink on a special occasion. her reports are great. >> i am glad you're doing well perry >> i am well and i am happy. i have good doctors. >> dr. david reisberg joins us with more information. we heard that report about moderate alcohol. let's talk about the things that are helping you with risk factors. what will keep them lower? >> i tell women not to have large amounts of alcohol, maybe a couple of drinks a week, exercise will improve survival,
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having a low-fat diet, breast feeding, there are a number of things that women can do. they can lower the risk factors. >> on the breast feeding out, it does not have to be for one year? he can be for a short amount of time? >> that helps and six months is beneficial. it looks like the longer the better, up to a point. every woman has to make their decision for that. >> early detection is really important. this week, a lot of women don't know what to do with the mammogram issue. >> it is really crazy because there are different organizations providing guidelines. the head of hhs and distanced herself from these guidelines. i think there is a lot of confusion.
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age 40-49 group has been an area of controversy because there is not the same survival chances as have been shown as screening women in the 50-75 range. every woman has to look at the potential risk of the extra imaging and potential for unnecessary biopsies. you have to weigh that against the possibility that there will be an early best chance detection. >> people need to figure it out and find out if the insurance company will pay for it. >> that will be the big question. there will be an uproar if insurance companies stop paying for it. >> thank you for coming in. few other -- if you're thinking about a movie this weekend, there are plenty to choose from. we will have reduced next but first let's look at the lottery numbers from last night.
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>> time to take a look at what is new in theaters. i love the movies you are talking about. >> let's start with "new moon." you know how intensely fans love the "twilight accokeek movie. -- "twilight accokeek movie. -- "twilight" movie.
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you will love this movie. they are respectful to the fans of the book. it is beautifully mounted and as expensive production values and good acting. you know this story already. edward leaves her. her read on the guy is the jacob. -- her rebound guy is jacob. jacob is a werewolf. what are the odds? vampires are mortal enemies of where wolves. it is wonderful. you will either love the movie or you will waited -- wait for it to end. two and a half stars. >> that is ok. >> that means above-average.
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moving on to "the blindside." a football player for the ravens brought his mother into town and this is his story. he comes into a wealthy, white southern family and in a movie out of it. they could have gone into a serious investigation of all the emotional, cultural ramifications of this adoption or they could of made a glossy, hollywood-friendly movie. the movie is entertaining. sandra bullock is fun and as a great performance as the mother. you never get to know the main character. it is a celebration of a great
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deed that the family did. you will enjoy it. it has a lot of pleasures but for me, i wanted to get to know the characters better. i want something a little bit more rigorous. two stars for "the blind side." >> i know what to be a killjoy, cause it is fun. >> the last movie we have been talking about because if you read the book is the most painful store you can imagine. it is amazing. there is mariah carey without makeup. she is very good. there is oscar buzz around this movie. you can compare it to "the blind side." you are looking at this precious character and how she can lift herself out of the most horrible situation with the help of love of the support of people.
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this is the most depressing movie you will see you would think but it is not. it is beautifully acted and beautifully directed. >> it is not exactly what and apart? >> no, but it is very uplifting. it is a story that never gets old. they made this really well- rounded character. huge cheer for her. one message that i say to people is that this film is more entertaining than you think. people think it might be taking medicine but it is not. it has some room moments that are downright entertaining. i love this movie, three and have big stars. >> finally, in baltimore -- it is finally in baltimore. we're going tomorrow. >> you will love it. >> speaking of "precious," we
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wanted to -- we want to know if you think her performance is oscar-worthy. you can read all of the reviews at baltimore my sunglasses. ( tires screeching ) ♪ people say i'm forgetful. ( horn honking ) maybe that's why we go to so many memorable places. love the road you're on. the all-new subaru outback.
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>> now, 11 sports -- >> the maryland than an action and they start up the schedule playing three steams -- three teams they are supposed to beat. last night against new hampshire, maryland was a
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winner, 82-55. the leading scorer had 25 points. they have a trip to maui next. that starts monday. they beat north carolina in a tight game last night. north carolina was in front 3533 -- 35-33 at the break. they are shooting well there. syracuse destroyed north carolina 87-71. good hockey -- the final four has maryland facing north carolina.
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two-one of maryland. the men of oregon basketball but it works and field hockey. 23-0, they will face north carolina. >> we want to win in the semifinals of the final four. we did not expect them to with us -- to let us win easily. >> three goals and three assists for her in that game. that is sports. i will see you back here tonight after notre dame football.epeqdg
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