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eye 164

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Coverage of the final night of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia includes the acceptance speech from the presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton. Other speakers include Mrs. Clinton's daughter, Chelsea Clinton.
Topics: clinton, chelsea, bill clinton, bernie sanders, charlotte, philadelphia, donald trump, grandma,...
Source: Antenna

eye 125

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Coverage of the third night of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia includes the acceptance speech from the vice-presidential nominee. Tonight's theme is "Working Together," and speakers include President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden.
Topics: donald trump, clinton, tim kaine, virginia, obama, philadelphia, hillary clinton, anne, richmond,...
Source: Antenna

eye 136

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Coverage of the second night of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. Tonight's theme is "A Lifetime of Fighting for Children and Families," and speakers include former president Bill Clinton and Mothers of the Movement.
Topics: clinton, chelsea, bill clinton, bernie sanders, arkansas, obama, new york, matthew dowd, illinois,...
Source: Antenna

eye 71

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Coverage of the first night of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. Tonight's theme is "United Together," and speakers include First Lady Michelle Obama, Vermont senator Bernie Sanders and immigration activist Astrid Silva.
Topics: donald trump, bernie sanders, clinton, elizabeth warren, michelle obama, washington, philadelphia,...
Source: Antenna

eye 78

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Coverage of the final night of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland includes the acceptance speech from the presidential nominee, Donald J. Trump. Other slated speakers include RNC chairman Reince Priebus; Ivanka Trump; and businessman Peter Thiel.
Topics: Candidate Biography, Elections
Source: Duplitron 5000

eye 65

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Coverage of the final night of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland includes the acceptance speech from the presidential nominee, Donald J. Trump. Other slated speakers include RNC chairman Reince Priebus; Ivanka Trump; and businessman Peter Thiel.
Topic: Job Accomplishments
Source: Duplitron 5000

eye 127

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quote 2

Coverage of the final night of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland includes the acceptance speech from the presidential nominee, Donald J. Trump. Other slated speakers include RNC chairman Reince Priebus; Ivanka Trump; and businessman Peter Thiel.
Topics: donald trump, cleveland, clinton, libya, isis, syria, obama, ivanka trump, usa, iraq, iran,...
Source: Antenna

eye 53

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Coverage of the third night of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland includes the acceptance speech from the vice-presidential nominee. Slated speakers: former House speaker Newt Gingrich; Texas senator Ted Cruz; and former astronaut Eileen Collins.
Topics: donald trump, usa, mike, washington, indiana, cleveland, d.c., paul ryan, karen, newt gingrich,...
Source: Antenna

eye 217

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Coverage of the second night of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland. The scheduled theme is the economy, and slated speakers include Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell; Wisconsin governor Scott Walker; Donald Trump Jr.; Tiffany Trump; UFC president Dana White; and Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn (USA Ret.).
Topics: donald trump, clinton, don jr., donald trump jr., paul ryan, alaska, ben carson, cleveland, matthew...
Source: Antenna

eye 78

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Coverage of the first night of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland. The scheduled themes are security and immigration, and the slated speakers include Arkansas senator Tom Cotton.
Topics: donald trump, usa, clinton, cleveland, donald, melania trump, melania, bob dole, flynn, melania...
Source: Antenna