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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 7, 2022 1:00am-1:30am MSK

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about the main events of this minute in our newscast after the victory of morocco over spain in the world cup in europe, pogroms began again in the netherlands, shops in belgium were taken out, christmas markets were attacked, the police used batons and water cannons, and in football and the consequences of our european correspondent regina sevastyanova 1.000 and 1,000 moroccan fans took to the streets of dutch cities. after their team defeated
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spain on penalties at the world cup football in qatar, major cities in the netherlands eventually faced riots in amsterdam at the central merkatu square, fans began to throw stones at the police, the same situation was in the hague. and there, during the celebration of the fans of the moroccan national team, shots were even heard. in addition, there was a serious problem with the huge number of fireworks and flares that the fans launched. as a result, there, too, had to intervene with the police forces and a similar situation developed in rotterdam. uh, while it notes that there are injuries, but the police are convinced that they did well. this applies to the named cities and other cities. the netherlands where also took to the streets. the moroccans are both avers ford and breda and three hundred. the fact is that in the netherlands, even during the group stage of the world cup after
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the match from the moroccan team, there were riots of moroccan fans, so this time they expected problems for any outcome of the match and prepared in advance, a large number of policemen were on the streets during the match the same situation developed in belgium where, as we remember, after the victory of the moroccans over the belgian team there were serious problems. on the streets of brussels, this time, even during the day , calls spread over the internet to go to the main street of antwerp in order to defeat everything that gets in the way. uh, by the way, those who launched this call were arrested during the day, at least according to the police, which, however, did not stop hundreds of aggressive e- mrakan football fans from taking to the streets and really trying to pogrom poli i had to intervene in the situation in brussels, where the celebrations at first went quite peacefully, and then turned into riots again,
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stones thrown towards the police again water cannons again sharpening gas was used, by the way, the police in brussels tried to protect. uh, the christmas market, around which the main events actually unfolded, putting a human chain, however, at the end of the evening it was already closer to 10:00 pm, and this chain was also washed away in water cannons, and the police say that there are victims, stones flying in all directions, there are also those arrested, however, how many people were arrested by the police, so far, it is not reported that not only in these two countries there were riots involving moroccans, but also in spain itself, where a fairly large moroccan community also lives, it is reported that in one of the cities, even while watching the match, they beat the spanish. nsky fan, and at the same time it is also reported that there were much
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more moroccans than spaniards on the streets of e catalan cities and, first of all, barcelona a after the end of the match and despite this the celebration seemed to have passed without any serious excesses, moroccan fans also came out on the streets of italian cities, however, there are no serious violations, at least at the moment there are no reports of sevastyanova being european, belgium returned from ukrainian captivity to their homeland, 60 military personnel threatened them, fatal danger to everyone will provide medical psychological assistance military planes delivered them to moscow met the released stanislav vasilchenko i managed to talk with the fighters. let it be and not so simple, of course, they feel wonderful, good, because they just set foot on their native land, already phoned their relatives. after all, they were in ukrainian captivity, where they were in mortal danger. well , russia does not abandon its own people, and this is confirmed by the increasing cases of exchanges; there have been more prisoners of war between
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russia and ukraine recently . the last one was on december 1st at the chkalovsky airfield, then we managed to exchange 50 people, this time another 60, and we get that in less than a week it is 110 people who returned home from today's exchange took place on the border with the belgorod region because of the belgorod airport, the guys managed to get through to their relatives, of course , there were conversations. uh, short, but uh, very emotional. let's try yes, normally normal fighters in dark and damp basements, but even in such conditions, russian military personnel could not only maintain their morale, but also
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supported their comrades-in-arms. we supported each other, talked, well, we tried to cheer up, how would we support such a situation each other, of course, hold on, hold on supported each other. they met our servicemen right on the runway. tea with sugar and just, you just haven't eaten anything hot for weeks. and the guys supported you with this warmth, they immediately waited for everything. it seems that the servicemen were sent to the medical facility of the ministry of defense in moscow. there they will undergo treatment, rehabilitation, and receive psychological assistance. and, of course, they will be able to see their relatives and friends
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, meetings and visits to stanislav are specially organized for them. vasilchenko nikolay lomakin sergey vainilovich in november alone, more than 8,000 russian soldiers officers liberated several more settlements of the donetsk people's republic, sergei shoigu reported this, and alexey golovkov reported the situation at the front. the crew of a ka-52 attack helicopter is working in the sky. rockets in the air hit the ground at the area where the enemy's manpower and equipment are concentrated . with such round-the-clock air support, the russian army is developing an offensive near donetsk about liberated settlements and enemy losses. defense minister sergei shoigu said today that majorca, pavlovka, the experienced andreyka belogorovka, yuzhnaya and kurdyumovka, have recently come under our control. luhansk donetsk south-donetsk direction damage to live
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equipment. perhaps, the losses of the ukrainian forces in november amounted to more than 8,000 three hundred military personnel, five aircraft, 10 helicopters, 149 tanks and more than 300 armored combat vehicles . in the personnel, her russian command places confirm her, and for the senior sergeant of the assault group with the call sign fog he became victorious, the very first battle after mobilization, a cook in a civilian specialty and a senior shooter in a military registration, he participated in the battles for marinka, where his group captured several military personnel, and a shooting battle began. apparently, they began to run out of ammunition, we began to throw grenades at them, then we decided to offer them, so that practically in combat conditions. the military personnel of this detachment from buryatia , their instructors are officers from the far east, we have
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2 months as soon as we are called up incredibly densely prepared today's training is practically no different from the real one. today, the ministry of defense was told about the goals of a massive strike with precision weapons on ukrainian military and energy facilities that the russian army inflicted on the eve of december 5 , the target of the strike was achieved, all designated facilities were hit as a result of the strike, the production of ukrainian weapons was stopped at the enterprises of the military-industrial complex, rail transportation of the military was disrupted equipment for the armed forces of ukraine, including foreign-made hampered the transfer of reserves in the area of ​​hostilities stressed that there were no missile strikes on the city of kiev. it is also reported that russian troops are conducting active offensive operations in the krasnaya liman direction, and attempts have been successfully repulsed in the kupyansk and south donetsk directions. counterattack of the armed forces aleksey glavko aleksey baranov
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. and sofia petrosyan to lead. proof that kiev shoots its own soldiers for refusing to follow orders. here are the footage and the drone with artyom mazkov, directions to the forest band of a group of militants. if you look closely, some have their hands tied to their backs, the rest are armed, then cold-blooded murder follows. dron himself is ukrainian. as a result, they noticed they tried to shoot down, but such cases did not work out, they were recorded many times. and that's why kiev treats its people this way, andrey grigoriev will tell . here are the shots from there taken by the apu fighters, that is, so we are here and alive married nothing to fight. you look like nothing, even no one, how seven people ended. losses ukraine hides, but information now and then breaks out correspondents of the italian carrera de lassera visited the local hospital on
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average every day. most of them receive more than a hundred wounded here, of which severe or very severe in emergency cases operates even without anesthesia, according to the new york times. more than 240 people. a day loses vsu, killed and wounded and ukrainian arsenals. completely exhausted. one of a frequent pentagon concern is that ukrainians are firing ammunition in exorbitant amounts, especially in places like bahmud, on the false assumption that the west's ammunition supply is unlimited, a defense department spokesman said. united states on condition of anonymity today ukrainian army day holidays were invented in defiance of russia on february 23, the commander of zaluzhnoy congratulated the military video messages president zelensky arrived at the position personally shook hands handed out awards, took pictures everyone sees our power. hit our skills, the high standard of ukraine,
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but for some reason i recorded the selfie in slavyansky. this is more than forty kilometers from the artyomov front line, and there, of course, the soldiers noticed it. if you want the pledged, i want to say hello to the pledged gentleman and our zelensky stars. how warm is it with you, maybe you will come to us to take a picture on the video. you say that everything is in order with you, that there are no fighters, the lad needs nothing. so this, maybe everything is just so bad with us, american general wesley agrees with such an assessment of the situation clark former commander of nato forces in europe i'm afraid that the surrounding area has gone crazy, it can turn into a fire bag for the armed forces, if the russians manage to push back the positions of ukraine before the arrival of reserves from kherson and force kiev to ask for a ceasefire, then putin will defeat the ukrainian forces dug in and hold on, but suffer heavy losses meat grinder drone of the russian armed forces filmed a characteristic scene, four fighters all lead three colleagues into the forest belt and shoot
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them because they violated the order, and he obviously is not to retreat, despite the catastrophic losses andrey grigoriev vladimir ozerov lead. in the kherson region, new divisions of russian intelligence officers are preparing to carry out combat missions, and margarita semenik is training at the training ground of the first platoon, the rifle group of a separate reconnaissance battalion, the final training of combat coordination three times the previously mobilized volunteers and experienced fighters under difficult conditions, that is, we still make our way through the forests. here, we walk along the paths. at the same time, there are also arrivals, we were sent to the izyum direction. here, under the raisins, we went planting and took planting. uh, after the raisins, again , there was a rest, the popas went. here we went through the dangerous ones, we did a lot there, so we kept
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the defense in the direction of kherson. this is a tactical training of actions in a zone as close as possible to combat operations. the terrain unknown comes several reconnaissance groups, the fighters force the enemy to open fire and thereby designate positions, then artillery works on them. in the case of the wounded, an algorithm has been developed according to the legend of the training, our serviceman fired from the trench, was wounded by a grenade rupture by a shrapnel, our serviceman moves forward to give him first medical aid. it is very important that dressings are not done in the red zone, that is, not under fire, but after the fighter is evacuated to the yellow zone, that is, to the first safe trenches, the scouts cover the evacuees with return fire on the opponents, such training is primarily carried out for volunteers and new arrivals already in service in response to ukrainians about equipment of fighters declare conditions. enough , yes, i also saw that they say that they don’t dress us or feed us, and i didn’t notice this. that is,
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i myself read something like that, but somewhere, i don’t know, we have here to eat and dress. here. i put on everything new, of course, i have my own, but what is said in that and i go, the servicemen have already tried all types of weapons, what is called shooting, they have worked out all tactical strategic actions, the soldiers are ready for the defense of the occupied lines margarita semenyuk alexander botkin to conduct, kherson region, personnel training to ensure the security of russia, the members of the security council discussed, also in the spotlight, the socio-economic development of the country and international issues. here's how the president set the current agenda. today we are discussing issues of ensuring the internal security of the state. let's get to work, please. moscow is ready for negotiations with kiev to eliminate the reasons that forced the launch of a special military operation
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nebenzya noted the zelensky regime continues to oppress the russian-speaking population this time, in fact, there will be a ban on freedom of religion, a key right of a democratic state in which the kiev authorities so want to appear so, nebente stressed the west is set to escalate the conflict. for this, ukraine is pumping up weapons, but money and unity, so the issue of europe is getting smaller. why anastasia dolgova will tell the european union invited the countries of the western balkans to join the anti-russian sanctions told about this the belgian prime minister claims thanks to such a policy and will be more quickly accepted into the european union, although with similar promises. brussels has been feeding everyone for a quarter of a century, not forgetting to intimidate moscow our alliance causes concern in russia and the fact that in many countries of the western balkans there is a strong desire to join the european union because here they see unity. nations
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place of prosperity. all this clearly does not give russia peace, but unity has long been gone, and it is also time to forget prosperity. europe in a crisis saves on everything even in ukraine, another aid package worth 18 billion euros was blocked by budapest, we voted against this aid, because the money provided by the european union. i would have to take out a loan, but i am strongly opposed to saving the economy of one state by killing its own market. we do not agree that the european union should become a union of debtors to its commissioner for the internal market. he directly stated existential times on the table, that is, we are talking about the survival of europe, anti-russian sanctions are inexorably destroying the economy of the old world and the us law on the fight against inflation finishes what is left with washington literally. pushkieva is squeezed out of allies, first of all, by the military on the issue of the supply of western weapons and control over them russia has already requested a special meeting of the un security council on friday, it is already
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obvious that the uncontrolled pumping of weapons by the kiev regime is becoming a global problem without having a decisive impact on the situation. a lot of evidence that western weapons destined for ukraine are all the hands of bandits and terrorists of various stripes more often fall not only in europe but also in the middle east and africa. thus, nigerian president mohammadu buhari said that the conflict in ukraine is the main source of weapons for terrorists in the lake basin. smuggling and money laundering involved transnational criminal groups are clearly involved in these criminal schemes and officials directing weapons of states while the us earns billions in defense of ukrainian democracy ruining the european union the french press warns, although the macron promised that the fifth republic will survive the winter without massive power outages,
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anastasia dolgova alika komarova will not be able to avoid this. under the sanctions, private russian enterprises have adapted the fastest, despite the challenges of recent months. many companies have a chance to take their rightful place in the market. the chairman of the public organization told vladimir putin about this. business russia alexey repik. also discussed investment one topic, which we discussed at a meeting with your colleagues in february. it is always relevant and important, and especially today. this is an investment activity. we faced very serious challenges associated with the general world turbulence, some companies with foreign participation left, but for us it did something for itself, which means new opportunities appeared. those who heard you at home. yes, they are now relying on their own strengths, they have staked on their
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entrepreneurial initiative, they are forming a team of the new russian economy, and remember, as if in in march, we faced a weakening of the ruble, if twenty some crazy forecasts of inflation analysts, 20 25, 30, there is the key rate. mm, they were constantly pecking with packages of sanchesan lower than before the start of the special operation, they broke the tongue. we live in with a rate of 7.5. found a new reliable partners rates of their own. it worked in the twenty- third year it is important for you to record all investment opportunities a very important initiative that we are now looking forward to is a cluster investment platform that prepare the ministry of industry and so on. we believe that she will definitely fly and will be of great help to us. the west should prepare to resume flights via russia as soon as the conflict in ukraine ends, said
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the head of the international air transport association, william walsh, stressing that this is an important goal for the industry, given congestion and competition problems, in other words, flying around. as expected, it has become expensive. after all, the route through siberia allows you to get from europe to asia in the most effective way, at the end of february, in response to anti-russian sanctions, the russoveta imposed flight restrictions for 36 states from my point of view. we need to use russian airspace so that all airlines have the opportunity to use traditional routes to siberia, and from europe it is possible to fly to asia by the shortest route . m was river meeting leadership of united russia with representatives of youth organizations well, we had a large
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number during our last session, which is now closing the autumn session in the state duma, a whole package of laws was adopted. uh, which are already signed by the president. in particular, life and health insurance for volunteers is provided. here. now we are having a big forum, and volunteers volunteers and a number of legislative initiatives within the framework of this forum have been announced, supported by the country's leadership and will be implemented during the spring session state duma since february, our guys in the rostov region helped to evacuate from the donetsk and lugansk people's republics. and already in march. we were near mariupol , in the village without name and volodarsky, now we are working and helping all the immobilized, more than 2,000 of our volunteers across the country are doing this, but they need their places. where you need our help. these are
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mainly the liberated territories of the dpr lpr. we have e in st. petersburg in moscow we work with hospitals. we have under chief on e, lord where we deliver targeted assistance. we will tell you what this day is remembered for in history right now. hello december 7, forty-third bc, marcus thulius cicero died, the greatest orator, lawyer, philosopher and politician of ancient rome, he held major posts, the quaestors of the prestor and consul mastered his eloquence. there were legends with their speeches. they were called caterpillars. he thwarted the plot of lucius, sergius katerina, then civil wars raged in the country. cicero was devoted to republican ideals and quarreled with yuri caesar when he seized power, then reconciled with the dictator and supported his reforms after the death of caesar, he challenged the ambitious commander mark antony, but he was declared an enemy
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of the state and sentenced to death. he wanted to escape, but was overtaken by the killers, the works that have come down to us, the texts of cicero's speeches, were included in the golden fund of scientific and political thought. the rhetoric of his well-known aphorisms, for example, such as when weapons rattle laws are silent on december 7, 1703, a storm hit central and south england, the most powerful and terrible in the history of the british isles were thousands of buildings were destroyed, the roofs of the chimneys were torn off. even sangeevsky palace. the wind lifted the air of people and animals through the streets, wooden, iron fragments flew, water flooded, the coast, urban areas, storms scattered hundreds of ships, died, from eight to 15,000 people, the american church announced that it happened as god's punishment for the sins of the nation, the details have come down to us thanks to the famous writer and journalist daniel defoe, he
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interviewed many eyewitnesses and, based on the information collected, wrote the book storm. december 7, 1809 in torzhok, alexander voskresensky, one of the largest chemists in the world of funds, was born into a family of a priest. the family did not have and the young man made his way thanks to his abilities. to science became an innovator and pioneer. he owns many discoveries voskresensk received a new substance, quinaine or benzoquinone. it is used for the production of dyes the first alkaloid theobromine isolated from cocoa beans the first proposed the use of artificial mineral fertilizers in agriculture in voskresensky proved that russian coal is no worse than foreign, and together with the german chemist justesos liebig, a meat concentrate, the
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famous bouillon cubes, was created. in voskresensky he was the rector at st. petersburg university. the academician brought up many chemists among them and dmitri mendeleev was the one he called his teacher. the grandfather of russian chemistry this is how voskresensky remained in the history of science on december 7, 1937. sensational news spread around the world, alexandra aleihin. he won the chess crown again, he became famous with his inimitable attacking style of play. and, by the way, he couldn’t stand it when they distorted his last name and pronounced it with the letter e back in the twenty- seventh. he beat hoser ole capablanca and became the first russian world champion. then he lost his title. and now he returned to his head, defeating the dutchman. max aveven, as a chess genius alekhine became famous back in tsarist russia, but after the revolution he lost everything, although in the twentieth he won the all-russian chess olympiad without losing a single game, but he again
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opened a case he emigrated to france but always hoped to return to his homeland, when the nazis occupied france they slandered him, exposing him as an anti-semite. chess player spoke quotes. my wife and i were under constant surveillance and the threat of a concentration camp from the gestaps after the war, the persecution of the champions began, but he was supported by the soviet government, they offered to arrange a match with mikhail botvinnik, this was prevented by the death of orekhin, oh, he passed away undefeated on december 7 , 2018. monument unveiled in moscow chingiz aitmatov's classics of soviet and kyrgyz literature, world fame brought him the story jamil published in 1958, then other bestsellers became the philosophical novel and aitmatov's day lasts longer than a century inspired by national legends. parables, realism in his work is implicated in mythological constructs in the
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world. he remains one of the most widely read authors. his books. many languages ​​have been translated for us and more than 100 million copies have been published . the monument was created by the kyrgyz sku. lptor khazamat abdrakhmanov named after maitmatov streets of institutions in many countries of the world are named, and in bishkek and in the village of che on the river, where the writer was born, a museum opened at his home. that was the day in history.
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let's translate from clerical, but understandable, everything is not so scary if there is an instruction. should be head on shoulders.


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