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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 7, 2022 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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he does not notice, but here is the proof that the ukrainian army is shooting those who do not follow orders, a russian drone recorded a war crime. in the meantime, it is becoming more and more difficult for the european union to pump ukraine with weapons and money. hungary is against the next tranche of 18 billion euros, and they listened to it. so, from ukrainian captivity , they returned to their homeland, 60 servicemen were threatened with mortal danger, everyone will be provided with medical psychological assistance, military aircraft delivered them to moscow, met the liberated stanislav vasilchenko i managed to talk to the fighters. even if it was not so easy, of course they feel great, they feel great, because they just set foot on their native land and already called their relatives. after all, they were in ukrainian captivity, where they were in mortal danger. well
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, russia does not abandon its own people, and this is confirmed by the increasing cases of exchanges; there have been more prisoners of war between russia and ukraine recently . here was the last one on december 1 at the chkalovsky airfield, then we managed to exchange 50 this time there are 60 more people, and we get that in less than a week it is 110 people who returned home in today's exchange took place on the border with the belgorod region because of the belgorod airport, the guys managed to get through to their relatives. well, of course there were conversations. uh, short, but uh, very emotional. let's try yes, normally normal fighters in
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dark and damp basements, but even in such conditions, russian military personnel could not only maintain their morale, but also supported their comrades-in-arms. we are each other supported, talked, well, tried to cheer up, how would the situation support each other, they said, of course, hold on. hang in there support each other. tea with sugar and just, you just have n't eaten anything hot for a week. and the guys supported you with this warmth, they immediately waited for everything. it seems that the servicemen were sent to the medical facility of the ministry of defense in moscow. there they will undergo treatment
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, rehabilitation, and receive psychological assistance. and, of course, they will be able to see their relatives and friends, they will specially organize meetings and visiting stanislav vasilchenko nikolai lomakin sergey vainilovich lead. but, in the meantime, the ukrainian army is again hitting donetsk with eight dead and over 20 wounded, the strike was on the market, the bus station, the youth center, the museums and the shopping center, and the kiev regimes celebrated the day in full, i am the crimes of our anchor grigory vdovin. would become smoke rising all over the city. here and there, most likely, they hit with hail, and grad is a weapon that hits squares. today, ukrainian artillerymen assigned these areas the most the center, plunging donetsk into the situation of the apocalypse , the arrival here was about 10-15 minutes ago
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, the cars that were parked along the street burned down, but these cars, which also flowed in fragments, the drivers who ran out to save their vehicles pushed away manually, so that they would at least the shelling began at the very height of the working day and bad suggestions are being made if zelensky personally gave the order during his blitz trip to the donbass, the ukrainian military celebrates the professional holiday all alone from rockets hit a residential building, in which, as a result, there were overlaps of several floors, while hitting thank god that everyone was alive , the husband was at home, the husband was injured, at least eight people died, but the scale of the shelling says that this number may grow up dead people lie right on artem street near the city youth center armed forces of ukraine does not exist nazi ss brigade. one of the dead, maria
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pirogova, deputy of the people's council of the dpr, she is widely known for her active humanitarian work. help was collected and delivered to ordinary people, and for the little residents of the dpr, she organized a wish tree that became a regular parliamentary project, which made it possible to realize a miracle for those who were already tired of waiting for him to do good. it can, any person is not necessary. this can even be done as part of our wish tree project. you can just go out at everyone's entrance to see what kind of grandmother you have or a child lonely and help him with food in mariupol when our fighters liberated him, she carried food to the volnovakha. for all places where it was needed, they came and helped people this girl. it’s just that she always infected everyone with optimism and positiveness, and today she was gone. another barbaric shelling by the nazis took another life a month ago or a little more
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, grad shells also hit here then. uh, here, uh, a minibus was damaged with passengers who were killed and there are still flowers here. are there any victims this time, while there is no information, flowers at the site of those deaths are still standing, relatives of the victims are constantly bringing they are new now against the background of already new conflagrations for new hits. all these shops were working, there were people everywhere at the time of the impact. this is the central market area. the so-called covered market. it's always crowded on this road, there are always cars. trams run here, and right here is one of the points where one of the ammunition arrived today . the first weapon for battle from scouts. came the coordinates of the guns are preparing for battle. and the goal is known to be avdiivska direction ammunition depot at the
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forefront combat work does not stop for a minute, combat, supplies, 152 caliber, gunpowder, 203 caliber. here the gunpowder is full and reduced everyone has to do their job. someone sends, someone carries a bullet, someone points with axes. artillerymen of the first slavic brigade of the first army corps all local and who else but they perfectly understand will become peaceful only after the enemy is finally expelled from our earth for the speedy the approach of this victory grigory vdovin ruslan babekerov andrey rudenko and oleg bondarenko do everything possible here from the donetsk people's republic. loss of apu, only in november, more than 8,000 soldiers and officers, russian units liberated several more settlements of the donetsk people's republic, sergei shoigu reported this, and the situation at the front, denisey alekseev , the liberation of donbass by the forces of russian troops continues everything according to the plan and the
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tasks set, majorsk, pavlovka experienced andreevka belogorovka and kurdyumovka were taken strategic lines in a very short period of time. all this, combined with significant damage to the army of the armed forces, stressed russian defense minister sergei shoigov, the afghan donetsk and already the donetsk direction. and if he is a significant theft of a living effort of technology. perhaps, the losses of the ukrainian forces in november amounted to more than 8,000 three hundred military personnel, five aircraft, 10 helicopters, 149 tanks and more than 300 armored combat vehicles . under the hood of russian missilemen and fighter pilots with high-precision long-range weapons, massive strikes are regularly inflicted on defense industry enterprises another such was the day before the goal was achieved all designated facilities were hit as a result of the strike stopped in
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the production of repair of ukrainian weapons at enterprises defense of the industrial complex rail transportation of military equipment for the armed forces of ukraine, including those of foreign production, are difficult to transfer rezerov in the area of ​​hostilities stressed that rocket strikes on the city of kiev were not inflicted on the front line, too, everything is under control, artillery makes itself felt every time the ukrainian. the militants are trying to break through the line of defense, but stumbles over firing positions. calculations of self-propelled guns carnation, as an example, they adequately meet the enemy. they also clean up the area before the onset of ground units, and they also hit all types of fortifications of the armed forces of armored vehicles at various launch sites of shock and reconnaissance drones, but also counter-battery combat. bonus of getting a target before opening fire more than 10 minutes, coherence at the level everyone works know their tasks helicopters. yes, fighters are excellent cover for ground forces. with their own
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help. in all directions of the special operation , the equipment of the armed forces is being eliminated, a lot of equipment, the second in a week sbitnik of the 29th air force of ukraine near donetsk, but in the donetsk direction , the offensive operations of the russian troops are continuing successfully. the donetsk people's republic were repulsed during the day, more than 60 ukrainian servicemen and five armored combat vehicles were destroyed. i need in the donetsk direction, the enemy unsuccessfully tried to restore the lost position in the areas of the settlements of vladimirovka of the donetsk people's republic of a different gift in the zaporizhzhia region, with attacks by assault aircraft, artillery fire from the units of the armed forces of ukraine was stopped and thrown back to their original positions, a lot of work and russian anti- aircraft gunners regularly intercept shells from american jet systems, mostly on the eve of 15 from the hammers, ukrainian drones were
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shot down as early as 10 pieces a day, and in total since february, more than two and a half thousand losses of apu in armored vehicles, 7,000 units. these are tanks and infantry fighting vehicles and other types, and their collapse, which is of a regular nature among the kropoviki, is recorded on phones and posted on the network while zelensky is losing his army. on the main lines, silent or underestimate the facts, the thing directly shot our baby, those who distinguished themselves on the front line are awarded for combat merit. we managed to show ourselves. even those who had recently begun to carry out the tasks of the call sign fog presented with the st. george cross award , a month and a half after mobilization, his assault group captured the fighters. well, my motivation is to protect my country and my family first . uh and defeat fascism finally, so that it does not exist in the world at all, the russian military,
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despite all the workload , always maintains the main communications department of the russian armed forces in essence. it's now most importantly, the field mail delivers parcels and letters to the front; all messages will reach the addressees; it is important to indicate the correct index 103.400 address, moscow 400 and the part number. yes, not for alekseev sergey churkin to lead. the militants do not leave attempts to break through the front line. all attacks were successfully repulsed by the court with huge losses, while the kiev regime uses the tactics of scorched earth more igorkhanov. in the suburbs of luhansk, air defense units are working on the eve of the military repelled a missile attack by the armed forces. also, the hymars were shot down over starobelsk , but two shells. still got into city ​​elevator, two employees of the enterprise were injured, the victims were hospitalized
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for damage, received elevator housings and railway cars. according to the national assistance fund , the enemy used a high-explosive fragmentation rocket m-31 in the amount of two units and the found fragments of the rocket body were seized, as well as striking elements of the people's militia unit, they liquidate the enemy's firing points in solidarity . the information was transmitted by an artilleryman to the militants destroyed. in addition to the elimination of militants, the russian military provide assistance to the local population , deliver food, provide first aid to the wounded, evacuate people to a safe area in order to support the special forces soldiers, the youth brought gifts and letters from schoolchildren to the military, dear soldier. thank you for defending our motherland, we believe in you and are waiting for you to go home with victory, defeat your enemies and take care
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of yourself from matthew 5 years ago. i will be six liberated city, happiness, moscow specialists continue repair work, the settlement was badly damaged by shelling by the ukrainian nationalist battalion. aidar kindergarten snowflake. withstood three attacks from mortars and hail, builders from moscow repaired the building now more than seventy children go here. it was restored the roof was completely redone, because the windows were replaced right away. here in this group. we see that the windows are completely heating system behind me. e, the replacement of the fire alarm system has been done, the electrical wiring has been completely changed at we have new ceilings, armstrong appeared, such as in this group and four groups are exactly the same completely overhauled the number of regions that join to help the residents of donbass increases the number of regions that join to help the residents of donbass social activists and zoonev and artists from the rostov puppet theater of the
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fairy tale studio hold a free performance in kindergartens , as well as sweet gifts were delivered to the kids, the artists will visit toys, remote villages and towns affected by shelling should be a holiday for children, and we decided to hold a puppet show a performance so that children know what good is justice, and not just what it is when e rockets fly, and this is grigory golubchenko for residents. boom frontier he is a real hero during mated blows in the ssu a man took more than 60 refugees out of the city in his personal car grigory , a veteran of the war in afghanistan, then still a nineteen-year-old guy, lost his leg in the spring during the evacuation of a schoolboy, drove for a minute again was seriously injured, but managed to get the child out to the safe zone. the man is currently undergoing treatment. in the hospital. he will have a long rehabilitation , the activists of the all-russian people's fund brought him medicines and padakhs, and the residents of rubizhny
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are raising funds to buy their hero a new car in the direction of the old one abruptly, then the polar ones to woo. i had a bunch of notes there. there were notes in which relatives asked me to take out the basement there. you were sitting a lot. basically. i have this children and women climb out in the victims of this shelling. infrastructure territories under the coordination of the ministry of construction of russia began work 37 boiler houses, another 19 are being built up to at the end of the year, residential buildings and social facilities are connected to heating on the eve of the whole family. another block modular boiler house and gleb makarov were delivered everywhere lugansk people's republic evidence that kiev is shooting its own soldiers for refusing to follow orders under drone footage from the artyomovsky direction in the forest belt of a group of militants. if you look closely, some have their hands tied behind their backs, the rest are
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armed, then cold-blooded murder follows. dron himself is ukrainian. as a result, they noticed they tried shoot down, but it didn’t work out; similar cases were recorded many times. but for some reason, kiev treats its people, andrey grigorievsky city will tell. artyomovsk in 2016 renamed by the ukrainian authorities into bakhmud. now the field of the most fierce battles. here are the shots from there, taken by the apu fighters. that is, so we live here to eat nothing new to fight. you've already completed seven people. the loss of ukraine hides, but information now and then breaks out correspondents of the italian bark was born sir more than a hundred are received here every day. most of them, of which severe or very severe in emergency cases, operating even without anesthesia , according to the new york times, are even higher than 240 people. the ukrainian arsenals also lose their forces per day, killed and wounded. utterly depleted one of the frequent
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concerns of the pentagon is that the ukrainians are firing ammunition in exorbitant quantities, especially in places like bakhmud, based on the false assumption that the west’s ammunition supply is unlimited, stated u.s. department of defense spokesperson on condition of anonymity. today is ukrainian army day. the holidays were invented in defiance of the russian on february 23, commander zaluzhny congratulated the military in a video message president zelensky personally came to the position, shook hands, handed out awards, was photographed. everyone sees our power, our skill, the high standard of ukraine, but for some reason i recorded the selfie in slavyansky. this is more than 40 km from the artyomovsky advanced. and there, of course, the soldiers noticed it. do you want to cut yourself vitanya, sir pledged. i want to say hello to mr. zaluzhny and our zelensky star. how warm is it with you, maybe you will come to us to take a picture on the video.
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you say that everything is in order with you, that the fighters have nothing, the lad needs nothing. so, maybe it’s just that everything is so bad here with such an assessment of the situation , american general wesley clark, former commander of nato forces in europe, i’m afraid that the surroundings of bahnuta can turn into a fire bag for the apu if the russians manage to push back the position of ukraine before the arrival of reserves from kherson force kiev to ask for a ceasefire, then putin will defeat the ukrainian forces, digging and holding on, but not the essence of heavy losses, nor the meat grinder drone of the russian armed forces filmed a characteristic scene, four fighters. all three colleagues are brought into the forest and shot because they violated the order, and it obviously consists in not retreating, despite the catastrophic losses andrey grigoriev vladimir ozerov to lead. in the belgorod region of the border areas, territorial defense detachments are being formed there they can join. those who are not subject to conscription, as stated the governor of the region, vyacheslav gladkov
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, instructors with extensive experience conduct training and combat coordination of detachments. personnel training to ensure russia's security, members of the security council also discussed the focus of attention, the country's socio-economic development and international issues. that's how the president set the actual agenda for the agenda. today we are discussing issues of ensuring the internal security of the state. let's get to work, please. moscow is ready for negotiations with kiev to eliminate the reasons that forced the start of a special military operation stated this at a meeting of the un security council after that, russia vasily nebenzya noted the zelensky regime continues to oppress the russian-speaking population this time, in fact, there will be a ban on freedom of religion, the key right of a democratic state, which the kiev authorities want to appear so stressed, the west is set to escalate the conflict ,
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and for this, ukraine is pumping up weapons. it is already becoming obvious that the uncontrolled pumping of the kiev regime with weapons is becoming a global problem, but does not decisive impact on the situation on earth , many evidence that western weapons destined for ukraine are increasingly falling into the hands of bandits and terrorists of various stripes, not only in europe but also in the middle east and africa ukraine serves as the main source of weapons for terrorists in the lake basin area. money laundering smuggling involved transnational criminal groups are clearly involved in these criminal schemes and official persons directing the weapons of the state. this problem poses a real threat to international peace and security and deserves
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the council's focused attention. we therefore ask the indian chairmanship to convene a separate security council meeting on it on friday , december 9th. russia was reminded of hundreds of dead children children children of donbass fate, which in the west is of no interest to anyone. if you pretend to be objective, what should be said first of all about the root cause of the current island of the crisis perennial ukraine's crimes against civilians and children of donbass we know that the relevant facts are shamefully hidden in the west for mentioning them in the media space, you can lose your career? it is much easier to simply silence them, otherwise the version of the humanistic nature of the kiev regime crumbles into the eyes. apparently, this is why the page of angels in the memorial complex of donetsk in memory of the children who died during the war of kiev against the
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donbass since 2014 was recently removed from the english version of wikipedia. why embarrass the western reader? after all, he may have uncomfortable questions. why, in particular, should a western man in the street know that since 2014, more than 250 children have died due to ukrainian shelling in the donbass, of which almost 140 were killed in the beginning of 2022? hungary has so far left ukraine without 18 billion euros, kiev expected to receive this amount next year, but budapest is against such a tranche. they pointed out that it makes no sense to save the economy of kiev if for this the eu itself will have to incur debts. well now, to agree on a new package of assistance to members. there is national budget guarantees must be provided and approved by parliaments. in other words , the process is being dragged out under the sanctions . private russian enterprises have adapted the fastest , despite the challenges of recent months. many
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companies have a chance to take their rightful place in the market, the chairman of the public organization told vladimir putin about this. business russia alexei also discussed investment, one topic that we discussed at a meeting with your colleagues in february. she is always we have faced very serious challenges related to the general global turbulence, some companies with foreign participation have left, but for us it is russian, which means new opportunities have appeared, those who heard you when you spoke to us more reliably at home. yes, they are now relying on their own strength, they have staked on their entrepreneurial initiative, they are forming a team of the new russian economy. and remember, as if in march we were faced with a weakening of the ruble by twenty some insane forecasts of analysts, dust
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inflation 225-30, there the key rate we have increased from 10% . hollowed out constantly with packages below something, the beginning of a special operation broke off the tongue. we live with a balance of 7.5. found new reliable partners. it worked in the twenty-third year at 12. it is important to record all investment opportunities. a very important initiative that we are now counting on is the cluster investment platform that is being prepared by the ministry of industry. we were there, we believe that it will definitely fly and will be great for us. west must to prepare for the resumption of flights through russia as soon as the conflict in ukraine ends, this was stated by the head of the international air transport association, william walsh, stressed this is an important goal. for the industry, given the congestion and competition problems, in other words, flying around.
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as expected, it became expensive, because the routes through siberia allow you to get from europe to asia in the most efficient way at the end of february, in response to anti-russian sanctions, aviation was growing, there was a restriction on flights for 36 states. with my from a point of view, we need to use russian airspace so that all airlines can use traditional routes from siberia, and from europe it is possible to fly to asia by the shortest route morocco's sensational victory over spain at the world cup led to new unrest in europe in the hague burn fires and gromit showcases, and in football and the consequences, our european correspondent regina sevastyanova american fans took to the streets of dutch cities. after they the national team defeated the spanish team in a penalty shootout at the world cup in qatar, the major
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cities of the netherlands eventually faced riots in amsterdam on the central merkatu square, fans began to throw stones at the police, the same situation was in the hague. and there, during the celebration of the fans of the moroccan national team, shots were even heard. in addition, there was a serious problem with the huge number of fireworks and flares that the fans launched. in the end, there also had to interfere with the police forces and a similar situation has developed in rotterdam. uh, while it notes that there are injuries, but the police are convinced that they did well. this applies to the named cities and other cities. the netherlands where also took to the streets. the moroccans are both avers ford and breda and three hundred. the fact is that in the netherlands, even during the group stage of the world cup, after the match from the moroccan team, there were riots of moroccan fans,
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so this time they expected it no matter the outcome match of problems and prepared in advance a large number of policemen were on the streets during the match, the same situation developed in belgium where, as we remember, after the victory of the moroccans over the belgian team, there were serious problems. on the streets of brussels, this time, even during the day , calls spread over the internet to go to the main street of antwerp in order to defeat everything that gets in the way. and by the way, those who launched this call were arrested during the day, at least, according to the police, which, by the way did not stop hundreds of aggressive e- mrakanian football fans from taking to the streets and really trying to organize pogroms poli had to intervene in situations in brussels where the celebration was not peaceful enough at first, and then turned into riots again, stones thrown towards the police again water cannons again
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sharpening gas was used, uh, by the way, in brussels, the police tried to, uh, protect, uh, the christmas market, around which, in fact , the main events unfold, putting human chain, however, late in the evening already closer to 10:00 pm. this chain was also washed away with water cannons, and the police say that there are victims who flew off stones in all directions, there are also arrested, however, how many people were arrested by the police, so far, which is not reported, not only in these two countries were riots involving moroccans, but in spain itself, where a fairly large moroccan community also lives, it is reported that in one of the cities while watching the match beat isc. trumpeter, and at the same time it is also reported that on the streets of e catalan cities and , first of all, barcelona and after the end of the match there were much more moroccans than spaniards, and , despite this celebration, it seems
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that moroccan fans came out without any serious excesses and on the streets of italian cities, however, about serious violations. at least for the moment there are no messages regina sevastyanova european group gtrk belgium latvian authorities kicked out the tv channel. rain recognized in russia and on he moved as an agent, in fact, fled there in the spring, but the baltic authorities dali should understand russophobia on the air should be even more, and rain journalists should clearly understand who and what feeds them, and not anton podkovenko’s freedom of speech. there will be no rain in latvia from 8 december. and how much talk there was about moving and about agents in riga closer to the jellyfish and other western information dumps, it turns out that even the rain of the note agent influence for the baltics is not strong enough not to like russia and agent latynin never.


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