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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 16, 2022 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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i'm fine. we watch to know everything about russia the best historical series, we watch for free without registration, dear friends. i want to offer you a mini-series of very small films that we shot almost 30 years ago. i thought about what, probably, they should talk about painting, that is, the idea arose to try to hear what the artist could hear when he painted a portrait or landscape? it seems to me that it makes sense to recall who all the same is, russian culture, in particular, yes, russian painting, which is the time of the world.
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we'll take care of this. it will be the honest detective.
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and now it's time for news of the russian economy. china opened traffic on the railway bridge across the amur, the first freight train passed through the section of the interstate border. lower leninskoe tunjiang, a transport corridor, in short, the existing routes for 700 km. this significantly increases the russian-chinese trade turnover , the crossing capacity to 20 million tons of cargo per year avtovaz expects the russian car market to fall to 700,000 vehicles this year - this is in
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in the best case, said the company's president maxim sokolov, for comparison, last year's sales exceeded 1.5 million vehicles in the first 10 months of this year, only half a million reasons for low market performance, the previous shortage of cars from dealers and high prices. since the beginning of the year, the volume of private investment in crimea has amounted to 40% of investments over 8 years, according to the governor of the republic, since january an agreement for 140 billion rubles has been concluded. the most popular construction industries are investing in agriculture, resorts and tourism in the plans of the authorities attract to the economy of the peninsula. at least another 800 billion by 2025, inflation in britain has reached a maximum in the last 40 years. this follows from the report of the national statistical service of the united kingdom. in october, the rise in commodity prices accelerated and exceeded 11% of the reason for the increase in electricity tariffs for households amid the energy crisis, on average, a kilowatt of electricity costs 34 pence per englishman
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if converted into russian currency. this is 24 rubles. the price has increased since october last year. halved it was the news of the economy briefly. the ministry of natural resources has decided to purchase eco-friendly transport for employees of the department; we are talking about electric vehicles of a new domestic brand called evolute called ipro. one of them, assembled in the lipetsk region, was given to the ministry for testing. the car can reach speeds of up to 150 km/h. the cruising range on a single battery charge is approximately 420 km. the chinese dong e70 sedan served as the basis for the car. according to the manufacturer's website , the cost of the car is without small 3 million rubles. ecological transport is tightly integrated into our everyday life; it has a future, because it reduces
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harmful gas emissions. human health in nature the ministry of natural resources involved in the work of the ministry here in the city of moscow decided to attribute their contribution to the ecology of moscow and plan to purchase the first environmentally friendly cars in order to reduce emissions. kamaz coped with anti-russian sanctions in just a few months, the vast majority, components for trucks began to be produced. at the plant itself, it was possible to maintain the total volume of production of cars. in this success, the role of general director sergei kogogin is great; he has been managing the enterprise for 20 years, which the leader managed to achieve by his 65th birthday. stanislav nazarov
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will tell the main conveyor of kamaz here, as before, produces trucks of the latest generation of the k5 series. foreign factories. today they belong to kamaz, and they all work. they lost not people, not these pads, when our partners. well, let's just say that, not in good faith, european americans began to leave us, you understood that nothing terrible was happening, because the level of localization of all components and assemblies is quite high kamaz has long been part of international cooperation, but the concern has fundamentally found that most of the units not for a screwdriver assembly, but were made here, so when the diver and other companies left russia kamaz did not slip into the stone age brackets electronic blocks
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cylinder blocks - this is actually. be and production, so the motor today has 86 parts localized its sixty-fifth anniversary, the general director of kamaz on the conveyor sergey kagodin headed kamaz 20 years ago, when no one believed that the plant would survive at all, the trucks were given by barter, the workers did not receive a salary for more than 20 months years. we are acquaintances with him, and you know, there are professionals, but with whom well, not you always want to go to intelligence, but sergey and i can say for sure that i am ready to go to intelligence, because a reliable, decent, honest person will never let you down, always lend a shoulder. he will always help in the conditions of sanctions pressure. he managed to reorient the entire concern. so the production of trucks remained at the same level of 44,000 vehicles per year, said large-scale
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enterprises mobilization began on 204 february. that's what i am today, the reaction of the mobilization of 100%. to answer these calls to substitute a shoulder to his country, his russia, a romantic innovator. crisis manager their friendship began at one of these concerts classical music in the middle of a kamaz workshop is not a rare phenomenon, the feeling that we have known each other for 1,000 years and at the age of me this is a difference, i never felt it in my life when i talked in wine, it just seemed to me , he is very entertaining witty ironic behind the history of the plant. from the assembly line. more than two and a half million trucks left, the all-union construction was unprecedented and the rise, and then the economic collapse in the nineties. today, history gives the enterprise a challenge that sergey kagodin's team obviously knows how to handle . against pain, there is askofen p,
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transferring your salary to sber in the sberbank application online is beneficial from all sides. it turns out it creates a free system of services for special children and their families. you can support the work help us to help more. russia demands from the united states
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to unfreeze $7 billion of assets of the central bank of afghanistan stored in america , said the presidential envoy for afghanistan. for the peace of the kabuls, it was assumed that half of this money would go to humanitarian purposes, and the rest would be paid as compensation to the victims of the terrorist attacks, a similar situation, according to zamir kabulov. simply blocking the development of the economy, afghanistan demands from the united states of their allies, the unconditional release of the financial assets of afghanistan in order to enable the authorities to exercise their legitimate right to pursue an independent financial economic policy, they are convinced that without an adequate response from the world community and international legal institutions do not need to remain a crime committed by us-nato military personnel during the years
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of their presence in afghanistan, which led to the death of thousands of civilians donald trump applied for participation in the 2024 presidential election, and the desire to again lead the white house. he announced during a speech to supporters that the former president of the republican party from the united states is being nominated, a report by our own correspondent denis davydov why donald trump gathers friends and everyone understood the main intrigue evening, who will come to support him already in this third trip to the white house, from the closest son eric, the grown-up baren, but no, donald trump jr. is not visible to his beloved daughter ivanka in maralaga. it looks like only her husband jared kushner is in a new company. according to rumors, they don’t want to get involved. trump enters the hall already as a candidate
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for the presidential nomination papers a few minutes before the historic speech, and he speaks in the ballroom of the residence and in this pre-election waltz. he does not rise on stage alone in milan next to him are only flags and telesuffers, on which nothing new, inflation has reached its highest level in the last 50 years, gasoline prices have risen to historical highs. biden, deliberately handed over the energy independence of our country. the southern border has simply been destroyed, millions and millions of people unknown to us invade the united states, a downed pillar, humiliated and weakened before our eyes. everyone reads between the lines who if he saves, america usually such speeches take about 20 minutes at most trump says, more than an hour all the national tv channels that did not give the scandalous politician a word after he left the white house, the elections in 2024 will be completely different. are you ready? i'm ready too. me too to
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make america great and majestic again tonight i'm announcing my candidacy for president of the united states and a standing ovation didn't happen trump bathed in the red wave that the midterm congressional elections were waiting for but republicans did not take the senate. and a week after the majority vote in the house of representatives, they still do not have. the women came out, the youth came out, and they said, that's enough, we don't like where we are going with these crazy candidates that trump put up for the party is a headache for the party, but he is also a magnet that keeps millions of supporters around him. his movement. nobody needs a magician to make america great again, except for the creator, but the fact is that trump himself does not consider himself a loser. he is sure
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won the 2020 election. maybe that's why leaving the white house florida dozens of boxes of secrets. and the investigation will not stop with documents, but he is now a presidential candidate of his persecution. as a possible rival to the incumbent, he may be seen as politically motivated, but insurance against harassment is a minor priority for trump to take the place, and by declaring himself in defiance of everyone, he makes clear to other republicans eyeing the 24th race. a bright candidate already has the rest superfluous. but mike pence in his administration, the second person. served as vice president for ex-secretary of state. mike pompeo also did not support the decision of any of the political heavyweights. the most important day for trump was not next to the candidate for maralaga, and even the children did not come out of the hall to him, the former first lady took the former president denis davydov and gleb off the stage for a couple
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a large selection of new spare parts. i am an entrepreneur, but now my business especially needs support, so i opened an account from the bank with useful services for 0 rubles forever save business with us every second entrepreneur. it will release a little less than 220,000 cars this year, the company believes that there are risks of not getting the necessary components, even those that are not included in the sanctions list of foreign suppliers. he is simply afraid to work with russian manufacturers. at the same time, the refusal of such options as abs air conditioning and era-glonass did not affect safety, said the head of avtovaz, maxim sokolov, at the sixteenth international transport forum. now the company is working on the technological sovereignty of its
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plan to reach next year. those models that are produced by avtovaz, i have already mentioned them granta niva where as the models that we are planning, the production of which will be resumed next year. these are largus and vesta. they will just have that necessary technological sovereignty, it must be said that now niva play us, almost 98% consists of our russian components , it’s another matter that when we go down below, but the manufacturers of these components, then soup ingredients many come from abroad when we we go down to the third level of the so-called suppliers three, then there and uh, materials can also be progressively obtained from abroad and in this way. this chain can break. in moscow , the tenth jubilee prize named after vladimir zvorykin was awarded the best tv and radio project was the vgtrk system, our holding, won in the nomination for the best
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system project in the field of tv and radio broadcasting , the high level of creating an interregional system for the delivery and processing of traffic flows of tv and radio channels fgk, the fact that they project was realized in very difficult times. you yourself know perfectly well that it began in the era of the pandemic. e, continued and ended already with the grandiose sanctions imposed against our state, but nevertheless, it took place. i thank my colleagues for believing in its feasibility and for seeing it through to the end. e for the fact that their equipment and their technologies are now being used and are already producing very good results. the award ceremony took place within the framework of the opening congress, the national association tv and radio broadcasters award from varykin was established in 2013 for outstanding achievements in the development of technologies and engineering solutions in the field or broadcasting in the state television and radio broadcasting company regularly turns out to be
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among them. we are in very good shape. we have been growing in recent years. uh, for the seventh year in a row, russia is the 1st most popular channel in the country and, of course, it's just time and the trust of the viewers that they spend with us all these years, we can not deceive expectations, so of course we will create a new year's mood and that's it familiar films and everything that gives the right emotions all formats will be on air vg in yekaterinburg , a super-technological electrical substation was launched. it will provide energy for a new micro-district with a population of 40,000 inhabitants and large-scale sports facilities for the universiade, all equipment at the russian-made facility details. about kirill bortnikov. the monotonous hum is a sign of the stable operation of a new power facility for the new microdistrict of yekaterinburg, this 110 kv novokoltsovskaya substation was built in less than a
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year. the launch of the largest new facility of the company rosseti ural substations is already called reference, because there are no imported components, the new power facility is 100% equipped with domestic equipment, and 85% of which is produced in the urals in particular. these power transformers produce reliable equipment in yekaterinburg, a guarantee of a stable power supply. rosseti is relying on the domestic producer in terms of replacement imports, the work has been going on for a long time , and we are not stopping the skein. we probably do more and more now. e more than 90% accurate equipment. we are import-protected and every year we are trying to increase this percentage. diagnostics are controlled remotely. therefore , there is no need for the constant presence of personnel here, that is, practically by a person. maybe e from the office to perform the functions of
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monitoring diagnostics and device settings for the same on the transformer. so the system of automatic diagnostics is applied. this fully digital substation is able to provide electricity to a small city. the entire engineering infrastructure has been prepared here so that this area, e, developed at a very serious pace, the palace of aquatic sports has already been built nearby, including on the base, which will host an international festival of university sports next year. here, a hostel is being built next to the compass of the ural federal university and a microdistrict for 40,000 inhabitants. if necessary, the power of the substation can be increased in the future. a place for the third transformer was provided here kirill bortnikov
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an emergency meeting of the nato council ended in brussels, where the most disturbing news was discussed the last day the fall of a rocket on the territory of poland to someone. apparently, i really wanted this missile to still turn out to be a russian aerospace forces, on the eve they really made strikes on the territory of ukraine, but poland, of course, was not among the targets, nevertheless, noise in the network of capitals that are unfriendly towards russia. the country rose immediately as soon as messages arrived from the lublin voivodeship , 8 km from the ukrainian border.


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