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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  August 1, 2022 11:30am-2:01pm MSK

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two worlds 1 and 1 2 3 4 and traditional dances remained, in order to better understand the eastern culture the choreographer of the performance, yuliana malkhasyants herself took lessons from indian dancers, every hard dance means something, and i tried to use it all in the choreographic text lakmai was incredible popular in europe, but now this name is not often seen on posters, and on the russian stage it is now actually the only such large-scale production of this new operation, so to speak, a new life for this first rarity in the country, this wonderful. uh, well wonderful subtle music. in general, refined , noble and touching, so it is worth seeing and most importantly, for this you don’t need to fly to krasnoyarsk anastasia litvinova vitalik ivanovich to know. all news is always available on the media platform,
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stay tuned to follow the development of major events in russia and abroad. pentalgin is the number one remedy for the pain of spasm and inflammation in periodic female headaches and other types of pain pentalgin do without pain welcome to the world. where everything is only for you if you have the mirp application on your smartphone, pay for purchases in any way you are used to using the world card or the mirpay application, as usual without cash. how long do you work here for 8 hours? it doesn’t fly full time to a tasty point, we can arrange it, i strive to recreate the plasticity of human movement, but unfortunately, dolls are hinges, the weakest point, and i don’t have the latest
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complex of native type ii collagen to maintain freedom of movement art now the power of native collagen for joints. hello dear friends ladies and gentlemen, comrade. hello live your favorite program 60 minutes. we have special editions. breaking news. putin approved the ship charter of the navy and the naval doctrine of russia, these documents determine the further directions for the development of the russian fleet for many years ahead, in particular, the new decree emphasizes the importance of maintaining russia's status as a great maritime power. the doctrine also provides for the expansion of the country's activities in spitsbergen, the land of france joseph novaya zemlya and prankler island, strengthening
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the military infrastructure in the crimea and increasing the black sea fleet, as well as developing production facilities for the construction of new aircraft carriers, which we did not have, and creating new points of material support for the navy in the mediterranean pacific, read russian naval bases abroad. well, the key in the doctrine are new threats. this is, first of all, of course, the us course towards the dominance and advancement of nato, which will now be stopped by our hypersonic cyclones. this, perhaps the most weighty argument against the expansion of the alliance, putin said that the supply of hypersonic missile systems to the troops. the frigate admiral gorshkov will begin in the next month and the first carrier of zircons will also be the president stressed that the possibilities of the complex are unlimited in the west . the president's statement caused a real panic in britain. putin was called , to quote, a chilling threat. in the sense
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that london and washington are already waiting for the use of zircons of a special military operation in ukraine but this is what is called excuses in favor of the poor in the west, they understand that the new maritime doctrine is an obvious challenge to the united states and another step by russia that should challenge america's dominance in the oceans. an impressive spectacle russia's sea power from the air from the air warships nuclear submarines and air support vladimir putin has signed a new maritime doctrine that calls the united states the main threat. vladimir putin led the annual navy parade in his hometown of st. petersburg. earlier
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, the russian president signed a new 55-page a doctrine that aims to turn the country into, quotation, the greatest maritime power in the world. standing aboard a raptor-class patrol boat on the neva river, putin also announced that the quota would start using hypersonic missiles. zircon their flight speed is nine times the speed of sound. he said that this rocket has no analogues in the world, it is enough to mention, the most not having. analogues in the world of hypersonic missile systems church to which there are no barriers. dear comrades, their supply the russian armed forces will start next month. i just watched the parade. it has already ended people are returning vladimir putin left him through the peter and paul fortress. won. there, he did not
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directly mention ukraine, but he said that the zircon hypersonic missile developed by russia would soon be at the disposal of the fleet. it would soon be put into operation in the russian fleet, so that, as he said, based on the interests of ensuring the sovereignty and freedom of russia, i just spoke to a lot of people, a very patriotic parade crowd moment of national pride. what does it mean? well , the victory over fascism by the nazis, so that for peace, so that people do not suffer, as they have suffered since the fourteenth year. they all say what they do. russia defending its sovereignty and freedom in the face of a hostile west america and great britain have received a thrashing from many present here they do not see ukraine as an enemy. they say that it is you who created this split in the fraternal peoples. next, after ukraine , gentlemen, they decided to set fire to both the united states and nato. the fact is that the so-called kosovo authorities put on the leaders of the kosovo militants announced a discriminatory
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law for the server, if they are short, then all the documents of the kosovo serbs issued to serbia are invalidated. that is , the occupiers are forcing the serbs by bureaucratic means to abandon the truth, kosovo is serbia and admit that kosovo is supposedly some other state there. then the situation at the border. the local media began to heat up, they reported on the sounds of shots, sirens and serbs worked, the kosovo population began to build barricades, according to media people blocked the main road came to raska the serbian ministry of defense said that the sverdian army, while not crossing the border of phosphorus, was nonetheless serbian. aviation is urgently being transferred to airfields and field sites, by the way, no further than wednesday, kosovo was on a visit to king damn, who is surprised, the visit is already being compared to the trip of secretary of state kondalizsa rise to georgia a couple of days before the start of the war 0:808 at the
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moment usa further back us ambassador urged kosovo authorities to postpone plans for a month to replace serbian passports also report that kosovo is postponing the procedure for banning serbian documents, then on september 1, that is, the temporary solution is already obvious that washington does not care about the fate of thousands of serbs, and the history of this confirms nato said they were ready to intervene, if suddenly stability turns out to be under threat, it has long been under threat, that is, the spark was thrown and for exactly a month the russian foreign ministry called for an end to provocations and respect for rights, which is happening right now on the border of serbia cosmos
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the sup people look at the perm people in kosovo, there is less and less patience to follow our calls, but today i nevertheless call on everyone to keep the peace at any cost once again. i ask the albanians to come to their senses, i ask the serbs not to succumb to provocations and not to take any action that could lead to a dry conflict. and everything i can prove with the sword and we will strive for it, but let me say it straight. there can be no question of any surrender, serbia will win if they dare to pursue
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serbs, cruelty to them to treat or kill them serbia will win. the situation in the north of kosovo remains a tense grouping of international forces under the leadership of nato, responsible for ensuring stability in kosovo, keyfor. keeping a close eye on developments and ready to intervene if stability in the north is threatened, kyfor will take all measures necessary to ensure security and peace. kosovo at any moment in accordance with its un mandate, so far everyone has been looking at the balkans usa continued to stir up another war, despite the fact that she ncp-loss and did not mention, but did not cancel, importantly on her personal twitter page trip to taiwan, the situation of the taiwan strait continues to be explosive china closed the taiwan strait. everyone here. we in the district civilians are forbidden to enter it by the national liberation army. china has begun conducting live- fire exercises in the waters of fujian province, which is separated from taiwan by the strait, taiwan has just
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deployed to the air defense of the international airport, then in the yuan, the us navy aircraft carrier ronald reagan entered the philippine sea and, according to the french edition of rfi pilosi, will still visit taiwan on august 4, or tomorrow he will. this is allegedly through the us clark air force base in the philippines, while even the american media do not understand this. why the pilosi are provoking china with a visit velosi are already being openly compared to a drunk in taiwan. the one who draws her husband into the fight will show the plane with pelosi took off from the island of gua and is slowly heading to singapore leaving taiwan far to the right on the sides. us house speaker nancy pelosi has begun her asian tour, but so far no mention of taiwan, her office says she
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will visit singapore, malaysia, south korea and japan but does not specify. will there be other stops a visit to taiwan will show us support for the self-ruled island that china claims as its territory, us house speakers have not visited taiwan since 1997. the chinese communist party literally threatened the us with the beginning of xi jinping told joe biden during a two-hour phone call that the us should not interfere with china's position on taiwan. quote. those who play with fire are sure to burn themselves, and then the ccp-controlled media wrote that china could shoot down nancy pilot's plane if she visits taiwan, she just needs to go there for our national security, so that americans can see that the chinese communist party does not dictates us foreign policy what does the us government do? we of course
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it was expected that joe biden's weakness would make itself felt. we did not have high expectations from this call, but it is clear that biden did not protect the speakers' right to visit taiwan, as a result of which the president is playing on this weakness. do you think that the chinese leadership will really pretend to be a threat, that it has a chance to win? us this would be a pearl harbor on steroids. can you believe what the white house press secretary read from her stupid file that nancy has to be careful. it's dangerous to think like that america's place in the world to think that chinese communist party bureaucrats and propagandists could threaten a third person in the united states of america and change her travel itineraries. it's part of a weak foreign policy - it's the administration that's afraid of its own shadow when it comes to afghanistan and the taliban. he showed weakness. vladimir putin has invaded europe under his watch, and now the communist party.
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china is threatening the speaker of the house of representatives and taking over taiwan itself, this is what happens when leader in the white house of dogs. now the news is simply outrageous cynicism, it turns out, a blow by american himers on sizov yelenovka, where the sentences were awaited by the captured azov residents, the russians delivered the truth, they don’t believe in this nonsense, even the washington pentagon admitted that the ukrainian military could not intentionally strike at the pre-trial detention center, that is, in the states lay down straws beforehand. we are not to blame. these are all ukrainians, they say, the weapons are new and the ukrainians are too ridiculous and do not know how to use them. here she is the decree there and simply accidentally got into barak with their captured convocations, a good version of only the americans themselves. this does not remove any responsibility, the americans are killers, biden, the killer, after all, as we are assured, all
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targets for hymers are carefully monitored by the pentagon. russia and ukraine blame each other. in killing dozens of ukrainian prisoners of war, russia claims that ukrainian forces blew up a prison in eastern ukraine using long-range american missiles, but the ukrainian military says it's a brazen horse. they accuse russia of shelling their own prison, specially the bodies were burned right on their beds, at least 53 ukrainian soldiers were killed, 75 more were wounded. russia blames the attack on ukrainians who used american weapons to strike a camp in the yelenivka town in the separatist donetsk region, ukraine calls
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it a terrorist attack and a flag-laying operation. this is a depiction of the aftermath of a rocket attack believed to have caused the deaths of pows ukraine claims moscow is trying to cover up the torture. i called it missile attack, but we don’t know that either, so nothing is clear. this is what the russians said was a missile attack ukrainian missile attack using modern american supplied missiles it hit a building full of ukrainian prisoners of war frankly this explanation is for the benefit of the poor and i dont think any western observers convey this of great importance, the british ambassador here in kiev wrote a reply this morning in which she made it clear indirectly, pointing to the russians, that she believes this is part of a pattern of human rights violations shocked by reports that russia killed dozens of ukrainian prisoners of war who
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surrendered were registered with the red cross and were under russian legal protection under international gum law the eu condemns in the strongest terms the atrocities committed by russia members of the senate urge blinkin to recognize russia as sponsors of terrorism speaking at a press conference blinkin stressed that the decision on this issue should be based on existing legal implications, western observers agree that the ukrainian explanation that russia or pro-russian separatists did it is more likely, but we still don't know. the head of the european commission, ursula fund erlyan, once again stated that europe should prepare for the worst situation with russian gas supplies. a difficult year for europe and predicted both the prime minister of norway and her nazgar in an interview with local mixture theory noted that the rise in energy prices can no longer be stopped and warned the citizens of norway that a lot of them
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will be needed to overcome problems amid rising gas prices, residents of the netherlands are stocking up on firewood for the winter to heat their homes. this writes the local newspaper, volsk countries due to growth. inflation prices, the swedes, have become more likely to shoplift the germans. we bought all the electric heaters so as not to freeze in the winter right during the press conference of foreign minister frger bob in greece, the lights suddenly went out on words about energy, the crisis and russia, although suddenly this is the second similar incident in a week last time in the words of the countries, and putin fainted fallen tv presenter spanish prime minister krasavin now urged domestics to abandon the relationship of ties as a measure to save electricity. he says spaniards don't have to wear a tie, and then they don't need air conditioning or a fan that simply doesn't have enough electricity. although europe already understands that anti-russian sanctions are leading to the largest financial crisis in the eu. in the history of this, del
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aliexpress writes the very situation of the british. called the suicide quote. after all, sanctions do more harm in europe than russia right now, hundreds of millions of europeans, are waiting for a harsh and cold winter that europe is unlikely to survive. we sent a powerful signal not only to vladimir putin who once again failed to split the european union in the first place. this is still a signal to our citizens. we have made the decision to reduce gas consumption by 15%, and thanks to this, we will not face any serious consequences. this winter , including with sharp jumps in gas prices. we will have enough gas if we save for the next month, the russians are deliberately cutting gas supplies, using gas as a
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political weapon, and thereby threatening our security. it is we who will not let them hit our economy will be much weaker if we start saving right now and do not delay until the russians force us to save, in the meantime, the germans are preparing for a hard winter in the government urges them to reduce electricity consumption, at least 20%. the situation is very serious, it's time for everyone to stop to think in the context that it is summer now and that it will definitely not be very bad. we need to reduce gas consumption right now and many germans have already come up with. what can you save on? i turn on the light as little as possible. i also don't turn on the hot water anymore when i wash my hands, i think we'll all get warm together. well, we'll get through it somehow. i turn on the heating only in the bathroom and living room, and far from full. something
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like this. i'm trying to deal with price increases. we have fireplaces in our apartment. they really don't work. and now we are trying to bring them back to life. and so we are ready to move more and eat hot food more often. well, the court, for example, the head of the government of spain, sanchez, asked officials to take off their ties, and he himself set an example of a reason to use less air conditioners for cooling, given the circumstances in europe, sanchez proposed such a measure to the private sector to reduce electricity bills as part of the efforts carried out at the request of brussels to reduce europe's dependence on russian gas listen nifiga, like fruits. can i have no tie. this means that we can all save in terms of energy, and i asked all ministers and all officials and the private sector. as far as possible, so that they do not use a tie unnecessarily, the government will approve a package of urgent measures to improve efficiency and save energy. saving energy - this is
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everyone's task and priority. this helps to reduce dependence on the aggressor putin and flatten the inflation curve. desperate search for alternative sources of energy led the europeans to authoritarian dictations, as always laments the elves. the spaniards laughed at the statement of their ridiculous prime minister with sadness that now the euro officials and leader are free and liberal europe will have to colonize the feet of the crown prince in saudi arabia to the americans. i had to ease the sanctions against the rat biga from venezuela in order to increase pressure on our country, an attempt to overtake russia, and, apparently, in the literal sense of the word. here is what the us secretary of state in the state department will do announced that blinken will go on the african tour but even in the west they note that lavrov will overtake him late. the united
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states said that secretary of state anthony blinkin would visit south africa, the republic of the congo and ruanta, august 7-11, the trip was announced after blinkin's russian counterpart sergei lavrov completed his african tour. this is another sign of the battle for influence that is raging between the western and russian sides. the us also reported that another senior diplomat , president biden's ambassador to the un, linda thomas greenfield will travel to kana and uganda on august 4th during his trip. lavrov dismissed accusations that russia exports hunger and accused the west of monopolizing supplies, saying it worsened the situation with food imports . foreign minister lavrov added that sanctions against russia are exacerbating the situation with his visits. washington hopes to change the current alignment, since many african countries have refused
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to condemn the russian invasion of ukraine, it is obvious to everyone that the visit of the secretary of state, damn it. the region will host just days after the end of russia's tour of four african countries by foreign minister sergei lavrov as part of what analysts say is an effort by washington and moscow to rally african support amid a devastating war. in ukraine, blinkin reacted to lavrov's visit just this week. there is no doubt that foreign minister lavrov will share some interesting views on the war on russia's aggression that feels like politicians are passing each other baton a few weeks ago, joe biden was in israel and saudi arabia vladimir putin was in iran and now foreign minister lavrov is in cairo this is some kind of bad thing happening now. yes, perhaps this is how the president of the united states really gathered around him many leaders of the arab world to send a signal to moscow. but the results of this site were meager. so russia
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goes on the offensive charm, to win over to its side. as many supporters as possible now there is something like a tug-of- war for the favor of the arab world. how will it end? it's not clear yet. yes? it is clear how our military commander yevgeny, similar, will end. zhenya has a lot of news from the front because of the donbass, and american propagandists lament that the allied troops came very close to the hot slavic avdiivka and hot in the kharkov direction. we are waiting for details from you. eugene, well, there is nothing surprising here, the fighting continues, and the combined forces of the allies are on the offensive, but the picture does not change already. in fact, several months. let's talk about everything in order. indeed, the allied forces have successes, and in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsolidarity, i remind you that units of the russian army unit, the
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people's militia of the lugansk people's republic and units of the unit of the first donetsk army corps, as well as fighters of the private military company wagner, continue to conduct offensive operations towards bakhmut. after it was possible to liberate the territory of the ugolgorsk thermal power plant, in fact, open from the southeast open the way to bakhmut. now the main efforts of the allied forces are concentrated. in the area of ​​solidar. indeed, in fact, bakhmut solidarity should be perceived as a single urban agglomeration, and in this case we can say that this is a single, fortified area of ​​the armed forces of ukraine, the formation of the kiev regime uses urban development, and in order to conduct active defense they hide behind civilians, according to our information, they do not allow people to evacuate from solidar and bakhmut, they also use quite a vast industrial zone in order
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to fire there, and from barreled rocket artillery they hit and, naturally, from a mortars. uh, trying to slow down the advance of the allied forces. uh, the fights are pretty tough. forgive the sound, but the fighting is quite heavy here, it is worth noting that all the artillery of the allied allied forces. now it is hitting the enemy’s fortified area in order to overcome the line of defense, in fact, the last line of defense in front of slavyansk and kramatorsk , actions have intensified in the donetsk region there for several days now, allied forces have been inflicting fire damage on strong points and firing positions, and the enemy in the avdiivka area. here it is worth saying that it is certainly necessary to move away from donetsk, and the line of contact in order to secure the millionth city, and donetsk is the only such
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large city that is essentially located on the line of contact, but with the liberation of avdiivka, the problem of strikes on donetsk agglomeration, of course, will not leave in order to protect the inhabitants of the city, it is necessary to free all the territory of the donetsk people's republic, this is avdiivka, this is konstantinovka druzhkovka , respectively, slavyansk and kramatorsk, it is known that the formation of the kiev regime strengthened the defensive line in the area of ​​the slavic kramatorsk agglomeration. actually, these cities are used in order to inflict, and strikes due to rocket and cannon artillery on the settlements of the donetsk people's republic and the lugansk people's republic, which are located near the line of contact. well, in general, active hostilities continue. but mostly now with the main efforts aimed at pushing the enemy away from donetsk and, in
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fact, approaching slavyansk and kramatorsk directly. then it is necessary to release solidar and bakhmut zhen. . yevgeny well, if we talk about the strike on the correctional facility in yelenovka, where the captured military personnel of the armed forces were kept forces of ukraine of other formations, then there is nothing surprising in this, we often communicate with prisoners of war and they all say that ukrainian propaganda and, in fact, hmm , ideologists who work in units and formations
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of the formations of the kiev regime tell tales about how terrible the russian captivity and in fact all military prisoners say that if they knew how things really are , they would have laid down their arms long ago and, uh, passed and surrendered. actually. and now kyiv the regime is doing everything possible to reduce the number of prisoners, it measures in the thousands, namely, that is why acts of intimidation also take place, which is why i say that, in principle, as a result of a. a blow to the place of detention of prisoners of war, well, at least i was surprised, and this did not cause more than that, prisoners of war really often shock with the data that they tell directly in captivity. this, of course, you are witnesses of the crime of the kiev regime. and now in kiev it is doing everything possible to ensure that
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hide the war crimes of which already. well, not just a lot, a huge amount, and therefore there is little doubt that the kiev regime will continue to carry out such cynical actions in the future. well, here it is worth noting that, for sure, the leadership of the donetsk people's republic of the lugansk people's republic will draw the appropriate conclusions from this and there will be a place for keeping prisoners of war. well, first of all, it's disguised. secondly, uh, as a matter of fact, it was taken out from under the blows of the ukrainian security forces, because here it’s worth speaking to you humanely attitude towards prisoners of war, of course, in the first place, but c. secondly, we are really talking about valuable witnesses to the war crimes of the kiev regime. evgeniy is traditionally, and counter-offensive attempts in the south, especially being undertaken by the armed forces of ukraine while the kiev regime
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is doing everything possible to convince the whole world that such a counter-offensive is being prepared. and indeed, the armed forces of ukraine inflicts fire damage on e, civilian targets in the kherson region and zaporozhye region. but ah, by at least, i do not have data that the kiev regime managed to form, but a strike force in the southern direction, which would be capable of effective, and counter-offensive actions. thank you very much evgeny, our military commander on the front line is broadcasting live alekseevich that the next so many hot spots will blaze. well, let's just say that these hot spots were not formed today, let's just say, they were formed somewhere else. if we take, for example, the taiwan issue, it is like maximum forty-nine years. but in fact, by
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the way, to say the seventy-ninth, when the united states adopted the so-called taiwan act, by the way, it is a very interesting act, because look at what it contains and the jesuit, i’ll say frankly, the formula that the united states recognizes a united china but does not military protection obligation court, taiwan here is such a completely cunning dual form, then it is clear why the americans needed china as an ally in confronting the soviet union, and we, to unfortunately, they did everything then to ensure that this happened then in the ninety-fifth , the taiwan crisis almost broke out was in the ninety- fifth-ninety-sixth years were in 2005. again, because of the law of china's territorial integrity there, japan and australia shouted that they are ready to fight for the freedom and independence of taiwan together with the united states, but now china, of course,
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is still not known how limited it is. uh, at least the americans think so for such an amphibious transfer operation the required number of troops to taiwan and breaking the strong thai defenses. after all, taiwan was preparing for the defense of the forty-ninth year, the nut is quite strong, that is, the americans believe that not earlier than 2027. china will gain the ability to break into taiwan's defenses and conduct a real amphibious operation. what is there in this defense that it cannot be broken, firstly, we need a good strong fleet that will allow us to transfer a large amount of forces. secondly, the defense has been preparing since the fiftieth year. that is, this is a system of underground fortifications and an air defense system, and systems e, tactical complexes about the americans decided to supply them to taiwan back in 2004. what then put them on the brink of crisis. ah, with china, this is a long-term, let
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's say, system of prepared firing points, that is, hacking taiwan will not be so. just now you understand the balkans, the balkans here the policy of serbia can give a very negative result. after all, before that, starting in 2001, in serbia, let's say, she tried to balance the serbian leadership it was said that we still want to go to europe once, but we don't like nato. that's how it was, but it was an interesting wording. by the way, how can you strive for integration with the one who bombed you, and rejection. you don’t understand parts of the territory, it’s difficult, but let’s go to montenegro, please, but it wasn’t bombed. they in the ninety-ninth on the border, there was a bridge. made a smart choice. this was the official position of the clinton administration, we are bombing yugoslavia, we are bombing serbia, but we are trying our best not to strike at montenegro, look blinkin.
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the kosovars had just been there, uh, in a great mood a few days before this aggravation, this wonderful law, for sure, and the serbs have no rules. discussed how rice is in georgia and this is an american not in general and do not hide their goals of the goals of a few first demonstrations to the european union, that's what will happen to those. those who want to make the so-called european choice, but at the same time dodge sanctions against russia or it doesn’t matter in the future against whoever we say, we will find justice for you, they say, the americans. this first. the goal of the second goal is maxim to throw a new problem on the europeans, so to speak, so that you do not think to show any kind of complete independence. so it's just here that the americans play from afar, ignite these traditional pain points, but now i think, all , uh, again, everyone is waiting from their assessments. how
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events will develop further in ukraine, and they are waiting not only because of how the configuration at the front has changed. that is, if russia wins a really big success and an impressive one at the front flies to taiwan, yes, i'm afraid you can will fly yes victory in the next 3 days then. uh, maybe china will become stronger, and forces in europe will wake up, which will consider themselves more independent. and then the configuration will change. but if there is some stagnation of success, the americans will give. propaganda noise that russia has weakened russia cannot matter, whether it will be so or not in reality, but now the americans know how to influence informationally their strategy to stretch out in order to influence informationally, and then they already consider. let's look at the current situation. hmm saw. this is how the flight to taiwan is depicted, the
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witch flies on a broomstick. it’s not clear what the goals of bad luck are. the only thing is that life doesn’t seem like honey to naryshkin. today he spoke about the prospects of a third world war. history lies in the fact that, having given millions of lives for the victory, the entente, russia has not entered the circle, the victorious powers; today, when the totalitarian-liberal west is trying to impose a global war on all of humanity, it is very important that we can learn the proper lessons from the colossal historical experience of russia urgent news from serbia come to the checkpoint in the porridge , american soldiers appeared k for those same
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soldiers who you remember almost grappled with us and did not start, and the third world after the throw, she hides, but where do we come from? unfortunately? i had to leave, unfortunately, nothing like this would have left. and now, please, i beg you, well, we continue this idea of ​​hot spots in east asia, indeed the route of pelosia. he is such an interesting arc. and singapore, malaze , xianan countries, south korea, japan, well, how it is said, the unfortunate unfortunate or i don’t know which one, but taiwan is a taiwanese topic, that is, this arc. it explodes, it escalates, and i 'll say more. but in principle, in the center of this arc, of course, stands china and all chinese stories, but developing here. thinking it may or may not be a conflict situation around taiwan. it seems to me that today china's restrictors in relation to taiwan
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are not military, not military, they are rather political restrictors, because, you know, it is a tradition in china before large forums of party congresses the 20th congress of the communist party of china in november, uh, the whole of china is preparing for it. it does not seem to fit into this war, but a quick war before the congress. this ideally understand, near the creek in fact, it is not in the chinese tradition, and then a quick war. it may not work out yesterday with this pin spoke, and on the occasion today, by the way, is the day of education. well, to the people's liberation army. china yesterday. he gave a speech to his generals. well text until the media no, well, i managed to see the text on network resources, i can say. this is not a call to war, but this is a super-mobilization of the chinese military
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forces and of all of china in general. to promote again, and most importantly, east asia is the sphere of his interests, but russia and china are here. this is a fundamentally important third point. and against the backdrop of the visit of pilosia, south korea, japan, the us allies are actually strengthening. after all, we see that in the online mode, almost before our eyes, a complicated, as it were, and, on the other hand, a simplified, understandable scheme of renewed regional security is being created, and the american- anglo-saxon anglo-saxon bloc alliances are being created. uh, kuat, but bite, and on the other hand, on a non-allied basis, strengthening the expansion of the diversification of the russian chinese tand. including military-strategic cooperation, here we are talking not only about naval maneuvers that take place annually, but
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this is a much broader question, if you remember 6-7 years ago russia helped china create a very sensitive and very expensive sprn missile attack warning system. that is, this is not just a russian-chinese strategic strategic format. this is, of course, the second alternative. uh, the power of the center, uh, so to speak, and east asia, and maybe all over the world and another very important point, look, south korea has changed its president, if well, mujiin is a former president more or less, so to say, e, as it were, regulated the inter-korean situation, while the negotiations, then today new , in fact, he officially announced at his press conference that he was ready to launch a preemptive strike on north korea, the macro scheme, this one is collapsing, of course, the imbalance is the second new example. e, kishida, which words or he is ready. no, well , of course, yes, the secretary of defense without a sharp without an immediate threat. there was a comment that if
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they deem it necessary, well, the south korean generals will launch a preemptive strike, that is, this is actually before the installation, well, a more or less fragile situation on korean peninsula, and i think that russia and china should today. this is my personal opinion, after all, to proceed at the level of the security council to the dismantling of this sensational north korean bloc, which at one time. we wrote united, but that's another story. and most importantly, japan has a new minister. isis, he crossed out everything, and now it became killed, and b, who, so to speak, died, it is known recently, in fact, the entire line. e, today we see, if we assume, the former prime minister, aba, as they say, the kingdom of heaven to him, well, in fact, it is clear that japan is an ally of the united states , it is clear that all these kuril islands and others remained, but they were, as it were , mothballed, as if they existed autonomously. ride sid he's just saying that russia is now like north korea and china is also japan's main challenge for sanctions. uh, it means for individuals the first and so
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on and so on. that is, in fact, this is the e -pilosi route. he, as it were, renewed, aggravated, and strengthened this conflict situation. i’ll say for it, because more, but this is the physiology of an old woman pilosi superimposed on unpredictable asian conflicts. this is a terrible mixture, this is a terrible explosive mixture. let's wait until the third of the fourth. let's see what's in taiwan, but i have a feeling that there will still be no head-on collision between the us and china over taiwan, which is not because it means, uh, how would the chinese eat this visit, the problem is that everything you need, teacher si said, not a traveling student biden on july 28. i hope he talks to us and it's not even just the fire that will burn, uh, so to speak. no matter in that in this in this conversation, and sidimpin actually outlined his vision of both the world and
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regional situations, and specifically sino-american relations and biden. even though he makes maneuvers. in fact, i have to agree, so let's see if this flight stops technologically, well, just not with missiles. you know, we are cunning asians, why are we because i am from vladivostok and was born there, uh, asia although we are told, 2 hours and europe from south korea, and now follow the thought of the same japanese who, for example, do not want to leave because of sakhalin 2 though there is, uh, decree of the president and arguing that if we leave the russians will receive more profit, that, as it were, that is, they will pay and continue to pump our oil, but for the sake of what we would not sell. uh, her to someone else, in fact, it's
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clear that the japanese remained hostages of this situation. uh, more so than anyone else, and they 're having airline failures, they're having, uh, big logistical problems due to blocking the sky, they're having a big energy supply problem. yes, the country is rich, but for what amounts and where they will be buy energy resources on the fourth day. let's read it, it is assumed that already tomorrow this beautiful grandmother-drinking will be in taiwan. the direction of the pilos route includes japan south korea malaysia singapore but is not clear. whether she will visit taiwan pilose did not disclose specific plans for her visit to asia, saying that it is related to security another source said that the pilots did not cancel the schedule for visiting taiwan.
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philippines and meet with president tsai inwen in taiba then on the afternoon of august 5, her plane will land at the yakota air force base. tokyo is french and taiwanese television. she says that she will be there tomorrow, please. on the second morning well, of course, c will swallow for a variety of reasons the first, respectively, with a turnover of 755 billion. the second point is, of course, he will not close the sky. although, accordingly, such promises were made, no one will cite corresponding uh as an economic confrontation, because the economies of both countries are in a very difficult situation, if the pilot both arrives and pilots, as we discussed everything here together, it pushes inwards the political component, which in the united states is primarily, respectively, the struggle for the minority leader in congress in the future in the lower so, accordingly, the scandal with her husband, by the way, is a very cool story.
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she knows everything, but in the know, he bought a video before the vote on the chips, and then sold it again, losing 600,000. before that, this is about the question of that, as it were, about business about everything else. yes, it's a confrontation. it is in many ways, as if biden was trying to avoid it. this is a fact, it’s just that he tried to do it in mild forms, as if so that he would not be driven to the wall in the midterm elections, and the probability of arrival is quite high, as if everything, of course , will not put anyone anywhere, no rockets, no need to be will not be. it is obvious. the question will be whether this will escalate. certain that's a fact. this, by the way, is that it will hit, as it were, for now nomist of the countries. in principle, there is some logic in this , it is necessary to reduce, for example, energy consumption and suppress energy prices before the elections , here is some kind of log. here you are, but here you can cross a very fine line, because with a sitta, of course, he most likely will not react like that, but he will still eat it if it is a matter of principle and it is very dangerous to play these games before this congress from this point of view. that's because the nerves could not risk it, he drinks champagne, you know, old chinese sayings, 29, as if this is a very
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dangerous story, that is, all the most terrible things that happened in this world. they occurred when a person lacked legitimacy. he's in the ring. that's what's happening right now, that is, they are poking in different directions and everything is classic there, for example, serbia is also a great story, conceptual. i remind you that a decision was made in advance that it would be closed. this direction is advance. it was vanged 2 months ago a month ago, in addition, the server, when it started vote, including, of course, on russian resolutions. so, by the way, but the problem lies in another problem. the following issue is included. it consists in the fact that there are no particular options, there are all sorts of forms inside, respectively, serbia cannot cross the borders. normally, as if with a local help. by the way, this is the scenario of what happened and, unfortunately, we can’t really help serbia, we don’t, there’s no military-military port there, but if everything in this world were decided by the military, and it would be here didn't stand with high probability. thank god we have an economy, let's face it. included in the next user. there is the largest enterprise called the bottom, where, respectively, the russian federation controls about 56 54% through gazpromneft and gazprom, respectively, there,
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serbia is what makes it special in general, but is actually isolated from the terminals, respectively. that is, as if it is impossible to put to it. there, of course, the oil pipeline goes, and friendship passes a little north of croatia, respectively . the breakthrough lies in the delivery of energy carriers, but this low, by the way, like the gas component, gas provides pr-62% of consumption in our gas, respectively, and goes to serbia 52% of the time. the most important is oil. a significant part of the energy carriers is processed there, and it is delivered to such countries as god, namely bulgaria, romania, on the sly, respectively, in a specific way, as far as bulgaria. so, from this point of view, it will be very serious. yes, on energy in due time, serbia specially imposed restrictions on euroviddiesel so that it would not be exported to the foreign market, therefore, if someone wants to kill before oil refining in the european union, this is a great idea, especially in the balkans. here is the third very important point, there is no need to ruin oil refining. and they need to learn how to ditch. that's all to change. there is less often more loyal. west with all the infinite
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position, respectively, vučić plus or minus, as if always trying to stay on two chairs, so it was always he does not hide it. only the question is different, which, respectively, turkey, for example. the same one, which, as it were, indirectly has a direct relationship, normally supplies oil from the pickaxe through its territory. in the same serbia, there are no problems with this. if here again. if you are for values, this is a fundamental point, then please drown for them, if you drown for the economy for the economy, but then, as it were, don’t worry, why is there a problem, serbia as independence, as it were its component around are surrounded by the countries of the european union, in principle? what, without cheap energy sources, it won’t go far either, in principle, it needs to adhere to these contracts and it is necessary, among other things, to recognize, as it were, certain territories, certain decisions, and the story about the fact that we, as it were, have one foot here with the other foot. there will be no such thing, the blue one will be able to sit out, it is necessary to decide, first of all , the policy of the monkey is over, which, accordingly, is waiting, how it fights, like tigers, because it was the monkeys that were dragged down and tearing in this valley. she either fights for herself, or she doesn't fight for
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herself. the process is very simple, someone thinks it's like that for a short time. i remind you the sanctions impact, for example, the same under the chip direction, china is very serious. there, accordingly, the sanctions are scheduled for about five years . this will not succeed in the main competition of the united states in the near future. the worse the situation in the united states will be , as we understand it, no matter how difficult it is, the more it will aggress in the direction of china china needs to take more serious position. primarily. it is the following need to reformat trying to do now. actually, in my own way. for the first time, they begin to bet on the yuan, which they did not do at all before. they naturally begin to work, as we do, well, we are lit de temple, we are making bets of fame, because we are not very good at slinging. that is, the volume of a white bet on a non-free convertible currency is risky to put it mildly, but betting on a convertible currency that converts in a separate rule, in which convert the bet on the hong kong dollar, in general, if you look at it, it’s completely in essence, the advance dollar is directly tied, of course, to the us dollar, by the way, speaking, hong kong will cause big problems like this, by the way, because they already have a significant part of this reserves they put 22 billion on this whole thing, for example, in another area, some
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japan is a classic example of such a story, they supply and consume the bulk of our energy carrier, directly 10% of the corresponding market. we keep approximately 10% of electricity generation with them, and they remain there in our energy projects. with all that audios and everything else why because the economy is important, because without it they will fall off a number of areas. now part of the company is going to switch to the russian ruble. so, by the way, like, for example, the tokyo gas company, the largest city gas company in the world, by the way, respectively, well, for the most part , gas in tokyo is more than good different rubles these countries. only in terms of area is the next one. now it is necessary, as it were , to understand very clearly that there will be turbulence in the next few months and there will be attempts. that's the whole point of supporting. and i'm sorry, not now, now we are flying, evenly. so it doesn't wobble or wobble. compared to what will be, of course not, because you will have a heating season before that, find out naturally the prices for energy will go. you will have everything from the harvest. after someone who has already become clear what is happening with us due to failure and
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against this background, you need to solve military issues, because the longer this process takes, the more it will take our partners to solve the problem of a military nature. we will soon be asking questions where because the blaze. maybe we just have one priority, yes, which need to be addressed , and moreover, zelensky is engaged in scarecrows. own population, he says, everyone is evacuating from the donbass. we will start in the courses now. let's see. this is the northern donetsk river, it is used as a natural protective barrier. it's very close to the russian enemy here, the russians are now right on the other side, only 700 meters from here. it is difficult to understand whether the ukrainians are capable of winning or are they just slowly losing? correspondence npc hides
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in the bushes and argues that russian troops have crept close to the slavs in order to delay the slow loss of the apu in the us call for new arms supplies. and i hope that the ukrainians still go on the counteroffensive. can a counteroffensive work in a broader sense ? the ukrainian army is still one in ten, compared to the russian army, russia has much more defense spending? can ukraine really win? even though their balance is less even, the united states can be reached and our allies must continue to supply the ukrainian army with everything. what can enable the ukrainians to resist and support the kind of counteroffensive that you're talking about, they have the spirit and the will to fight, so they retain that ability as far as balance is concerned. i think the ukrainians will achieve
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success. i just want to say that it's going to take a long time. fantasies on cnn are not destined to come true on the eve of the allied forces destroyed another crew of american howitzers from singed himers all firing blindly all of a sudden. spoke out in an interview with newsweek. adviser to the head of the ukrainian ministry of internal affairs gerashchenko, the german sao ptskh 2000 is too fragile for hostilities, neo-nazis complain. fu ah, the shell of the howitzer 2000 cat is detected, and by german standards, intensive use.
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retired air force intelligence colonel donovan , writing in an american thinker column, writes that donbass will soon be liberated by russian troops, the next major population center will be odessa when the russian army takes over what is left of the donbass the kremlin will reach its second strategic goal, namely a protective buffer between nato and the russian homeland, odessa is a traditional soviet resort with strong ties to the russian elite. if and when odessa goes, it will leave, like kherson with the grunt of the ukrainian fifth column, and not a failure, and then the game will be over for ukraine, just like crimea, moscow is unlikely to give up about strategic territories for which russian blood has been paid for, the russians are defeating them. they still have to
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get their snowshoes, parkas and skis, because no one fights in the winter like the russian zelensky urges people to urgently leave the donbass, apparently to hide the failure at the front, orders to strike from the hamers the last insulator elenovka. this time, they are hitting with all their might, not blindly, but exactly in ukrainian prisoners of war, mainly azov militants who were in the pre-trial detention center, more than 50 people died on the spot zelensky accuses russia and urgently demands to recognize it as a country sponsor of terrorism. maya should have a clear legal recognition of russia as a state sponsor of terrorism, especially now i am appealing to the united states of america and a solution is needed now russia has proven numerous terrorist attacks. what is the biggest source of terrorism in today's world. this is a fact ukrainian diplomacy brought information about the russian strike on yelenivka
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to the highest international level ukrainians with posters in their hands exclusively in english demands from the west to give all long-range weapons. lena's taste is compared with the auschwitz concentration camp, that is, neo-nazi thugs zigzagging and calling tortured jews. but such antics of zelensky are already getting used to the air of the australian sky new, they make up a portrait of the ukrainian president. zelensky knows that image is everything. that is why he performs all the time in the green army t-shirt. this portrays him as a man of action who is directly on the front lines, but this myth was dispelled earlier during this military campaign, when he took staged photos and unnatural footage of military uniforms. since then, the military t-shirt symbolizes his disrespect. he appears
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in it in every parliament of the world, begging for more weapons and money. he asks for all this one of the most corrupt countries in europe to take the same photo shoot of him in the wolf magazine. it looks as unnatural as everything else. it's all very similar to what we are shown in this war propaganda straight from the president's office propaganda from the president's office. she was sent straight to the united states, so kiev hopes to get to washington from here, but then secretary of state plinken, according to the new york times , does not want to recognize russia as a country from a sponsor of terrorism, resists to the last , everyone who approved, who organized is to blame? who blew up these people, who knew about it, they will all be found - said zelensky called on the us state department to declare russia a state sponsor of terrorism and the house of representatives and the senate expressed support such a move, but secretary of state anthony b. linking resisted the inclusion of russia in the list, which
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now includes north korea, syria, cuba and iran, real terrorists in the ranks of the armed forces, acting instead of the captured prokopenko as commander. national batov. azov is threatening to execute the russians, he says, and on behalf of all ukrainians. you yourself will be executed along with your jackals and embassies, everything as you like with all the certificates and seals by decision of the international tribunal will be destroyed russia thinks it was russia thinks that killed azov executed, but azov is now the whole country, every ukrainian will avenge every one of ours seen and killed with his brother in the pentagon. just in case, decided to justify vssu. if the ukrainians struck a blow at the pre-trial detention center, that is, they did it not intentionally, apparently blindly, but with all their might. for this in the us, no one will condemn. russia intends to
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destroy ukraine as a geopolitical entity and erase it completely from the world map. we see more and more signs that russia is laying basis to try to annex even more ukrainian territory, including the establishment of illegal officials in the controlled areas in order to hold staged referendums that will show the desire of the locals to join the russian federation, foreign minister lavrov even said that this goal of the russian war , more specifically, russia is now reconsidering plans to annex the kherson region, zaporozhye and all the territories of donetsk and lugansk, sullivan, in an interview with fugitive propagandists, for the first time openly admitted that the united states were going to place strike weapons systems on the territory of ukraine. in general, the us even put on paper for all the general review, what exactly we were ready to do to resolve security issues in europe, we put forward a proposal
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to say the united states will not deploy missiles in ukraine in the united states will not deploy warheads in ukraine on a long-term basis . that is, the americans were ready to roll up the missile to an urgent basis even before the start of a special military operation. in ukraine now former chief of the us general staff malin proposes to introduce american warships into the black sea. for me it remains a mystery. why didn't we send american warships to the black sea? the longer we put it off, the more difficult it all becomes for those who are at sea, both on the russian and on the american side, to understand the situation, which is different from the situation that would be conducive to unleashing a third world war, but we see that no less blood is shed. united states and our allies should make more efforts to control the black sea the news is coming and a ship with grain has just left odessa. oh my god
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world news, a ship with grain has left odessa everyone is watching it. he goes to the left. this is for the rest, and kanashenko just said that two american installations were destroyed by a strike on kharkov. khaim. let's listen to the general. as a result of a precision strike in the city of kharkov, on the territory of the plant, ukrainian energy vehicles destroyed two american rocket launchers salvo systems. himax fire also destroyed, 53 ukrainian nationalists and foreign mercenaries with high-precision weapons of the russian aerospace forces in the area of ​​​​the city, kharkiv, an attack was made on the point of temporary deployment of the ninety-second mechanized brigade, up to 200 nationalists and seven armored vehicles were destroyed due to large irretrievable losses in the ninety-third mechanized brigade forces of ukraine in the kharkiv direction and in the 128th assault brigade in the zaporozhye direction. the direction is marked by the mass abandonment of combat positions and the desertion of personal
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composition of these formations central and western regions of ukraine in addition, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe settlement veliky dalnik near the odessa region , the launcher of the american anti-ship missile system harpoon was destroyed. please, well, let's get straight to the point, so yes, let's start with the 3m 22 zircon anti-ship hypersonic missile. this is the first in the world. adopted for service actually already adopted. it was our supreme commander who was being modest. ah, in fact, the missile was adopted by the russian navy hmm federations a-a. so, uh, what's the beauty? yes, in this rocket. it is very compact less than seven meters long. and less means, that is, quite compact means a means of destruction that is capable of flying at a distance of up to 1,000 km. that is, it is a cruise missile. only very, very
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fast, very, very fast, because yes. that is , she has a normal speed, as if the speed is 5.700 km / h. that is, yes, this is not hypersound yet. and yes. it 's just high-pitched supersonic. and she can increase this speed to 9.000. that is it seven are approximately 7-8 speeds of sound. that is, this is already hypersound. uh, what's the point. the point is that it's a missile due to its compact size, and it can be placed on various ships, i mean, this, and destroyers are frigates. this includes even corvettes and small rocket artillery ships, that is, carriers among surface ships for this missile are easy to choose from. further a-a. in what else in what? natural beauty? the hypersound is that the rocket flies e in the plasma cloud, it is kinetically impossible to intercept it, well, that is, relatively speaking, some kind of anti-missiles, yes, that is, uh, to
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defend, uh, there are no options. and what else, uh, the only, again, i repeat, the only third-generation anti-ship missile that the americans are really trying to do in service. they have a missile, in general, the so-called hawk problematic project, but there are big problems, but i must say, of course, that we also started this development, but not yesterday. not yesterday. there are not in the zero years, but separate elements of this project. we started developing there back in the 60s and 70s. what concerns? e highmors here are these super mega-popular ones and a panzer howitzer. ah, it means that we see, but we see that, using the example of the same situation with the antonov bridge or something else, we don’t take it with other moments. uh, the yelenivka colony. we see that due to the impact of
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electronic warfare technology, about 50% of the ammunition does not work, that is, the warheads simply fly through. well, he's saying, fall and lie. yes, that is, they don't work. this is thanks to the russian rap technique, which in relation to to say howitzer shell these statements of one of the servicemen there, or who is he there or gentle ? yes, yes, of course, yes, it is always, it has long been so historically. yes, the germans are very thorough, very diligently listen to their technique and try not to exceed the parameters that are defined. by the manufacturer, ah, what they say is the statement that here are our lads there, it means that they work like that, they shoot like that, it means that it says what it says that, gentlemen, but you have high-precision ammunition no, if you have a large expense, yes, in artillery everything is just to defeat a certain territory.
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yes or a certain amount of ammunition is allocated to the target, everything in mathematics from the military writes that for the firearms of these howitzers 100 shells per day. this is a lot. they are in need of repair. here is the intensity of the war. not for these weapons. not for these guns. ah, that is, it says something or, but the calculations of the sal, well, not prepared or unprepared to the fullest, there would be not enough high-precision ammunition, which is very strong ukrai hoped this ammunition is called smart precision-guided european ammunition and the third point. naturally, these are, well, lingering problems. that is, uh, the german industry can not eliminate these constructive shortcomings that were. well, in fact they showed up in the design, so these self-propelled guns, so to speak. you now agree. come on, let's move to
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murmansk for a short while andrey chibis governor of the murmansk region andrey vladimirovich hello, of course , you had a very, very unpleasant incident, and a certain citizen diplomat diplomat. please note elisabeth ellingsen. she expressed herself approximately in this vein. let's listen.
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flowers european lady and elizabeth but this is not the point, the behavior of the diplomat is clearly absolutely unacceptable. there they graduated from haemones, where they studied incomprehensibly, but the governor of the lapwing reacted quite sharply one of the first, i ask andrey vladimirovich what is the fate of this madam? first of all, i know, but from the shots of that super-modern weapon, about which everyone has seen this church now, really. yesterday everyone celebrated the day of the
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russian navy, the most important great holiday for the country. and this is the weapon that was just collecting dashkov, this is just the ship sever, so i congratulate all those present once again on this day, as for the behavior of this madame, uh, well, i have said everything. i believe that the one who does not like russian. maybe go to hell from russia. this is my position, really was very unpleasant that the diplomat. e in murmansk, murmansk region, behaves like that. i believe that this is unacceptable not only for it is not acceptable for anyone to offend diplomats. uh, insulting our country to our people, being in our country and all over the world is unacceptable, but being in our country means not respecting, not loving and insulting our people , it will not be unacceptably lost. according to our information, she is currently on the territory of the murmansk region now, we are doing this work, including with the diplomatic department, norway but i am convinced that such a person does not belong on the territory of our region of
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our country, and we will do everything to so that this girl does not appear with us anymore. well, let this be a lesson for all those who work with us. uh, although they have officially apologized to the norwegian ministry of foreign affairs, such behavior is unacceptable. this is the position of my position of our people, and we will ensure that this person will never appear on the territory of our country again. what made her so angry? this is the reason for this unbalanced, uh, tirade that she uttered. well, you know, i have no opportunity and opportunity, reluctance. eh, it means to clarify it position, therefore, it is completely obvious that this behavior is absolutely inadequate even according to the video filming we are on. on questions from the hotel staff, well, to our colleagues, the hotel staff introduced themselves extremely correctly. well, this is from the video, it’s clear not to mention what they themselves say,
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just, well, inadequate behavior, i don’t know what state she was in, but it’s obvious that she was so inadequate. thank you very much. andrey ivanovich, the lapwing of the governor of the murmansk region, was in direct contact with us; let me remind you of elizabeth ellingsen, of course, i think that he will not work long in the consular offices of norway in our north. the behavior is absolutely unacceptable, according to one data , she was dissatisfied with the fact that they allegedly tidied up from the room. and so we were asked to wait a little. she had to immediately break in and do some probably her own business, but scold our hotels. this, of course, the girl was not yet american. yes , it's not about you. it's just not in this that the womb that boiled up gave out the truth to the mountain, and i hate the russians and i think that she just needs to be taken for her. word forward politely, but harshly, kick him out of the
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borders of russia and this will be a fair answer. uh, and to her and all like this not yes diplomatic worker. please continue, i ah. i'll tell you that, given its location. she has everything. here is all the potential for this, because the murmansk region. yes, and there are some cities in which it is forbidden for such people to approach even at a certain distance. there, for the sake of such people, they keep a staff of military counterintelligence. well, so that these are the people to get up to take away diplomatic cards from them and to get up, they are specially kept for this, but you know something interesting here, huh? either the
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norwegian foreign ministry will recall her, or we will have to really throw her out. that's all. depends on how much she gets. yes, there is a day or three for training, here the only question is this. so, uh, i interrupted you, right? yes, that means, with regard to western weapons in general, and as we see here is a statement, yes, by the former chief, but by the joint chiefs of staff. yes, knsha. e admiral a in my opinion, moulin, yes, but about what needs to be supplied, and so on and so forth, we see what a very accurate position the former uh, former da takes to the head of the conch of the whole. yes , the united chiefs of that, that is, let's still provide something to ukraine, what guys, that you can still provide everything that you can provide, but then it all falls out of er, i don’t know, there are agreements,
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there are frameworks laws of war and so on. here you showed today, just uh serbia, kosovo and montenegro yes. and let's see, here again, here in history, in one word. yes , yugoslavia, here you are. uh, let's, let's measure, well, it's really an environmental issue , including the radiation fund in a row. yes, here in the area, yes, the montenegrin coast. it's okay that he's so, well, tall. yes, nothing bothers. but it’s just embarrassing that anti-aircraft, artillery and air defense, and, the serbs, worked so well that nato brave, including american pilots, did not drop ammunition with combined uranium flying, they didn’t turn back right into the squabble, they left, that is, uh, again, uh. the fact that the ukrainians hit the yelenivka colony with ammunition.
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yes of course. you see how clearly the shell hit the roof. yes? look at the kind of ignition that was on the footage carefully. yes, that is, people were burned alive. and this is, please, the impact of 109 kg. a. well, seriously, well, the explosion read the substance. here it is, the most powerful fire, that is, uh, we are not talking about the fact that yes , they throw, there are minami settlements anti-personnel, which they use on the line of contact. on the contrary, we didn’t even talk about it to christie, how could we take it seriously, so brutal, huh? it is not possible to list all their military crimes, we will return soon. we are watching the cancellation culture triumph in the west, and with it the
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do you want to tell something? i dream of real murders. what time did krasovsky get shot? how did you know that the sneakers were shot
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? ukrainian refugees give new concerts in the capital of britain, another flash mob was staged on the street of klondon, putting themselves in chains. what this means was not specified . the german stern found the true culprit of the european crisis. these are italian gondaliers. or rather, judging by the cover, the british propagandist's prime minister who escaped into retirement. live literally outplayed and destroyed write encoulter by making his whole shocking statement at the famous pier show, morgan in america with inflation rising cost of living and so on more and more sentiment that america should not
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spend so much money on aid to a war that, in the opinion of the americans, has nothing to do with them. you won't like my position, but it's been that way from the start. it was we who provoked putin. putin tried to reach out to america. he was the first. who called after september 11, to express their condolences. my husband did not even call him back, we ignored the russians for a long time after the collapse of the soviet union, there was no point in nato. but we continued to expand, expand and expand. we now see exactly why nato was created to stop the dictator vladimir putin, that's why nato is needed if he tries to invade a nato country, he will be attacked but this is not a nato country and does not want to become a nato country sorry, ukraine has historically always been part of the influence of the russian empire i don’t defending putin but why
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should americans care about ukraine we have our own problems? why should the british care about this when the americans were attacked they realized it was a world war and helped us win nazis in this war, otherwise we all spoke german, that's the reason why such a massive war rages in europe, the biggest since the second world war. we must unite, whether you like it or not, america is the most powerful superpower in the world. we need your help. ukraine needs help. if we attack pergar , i'll be interested, but he won't attack the usa replaced, after king left his son, but did not
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today, after the program, only 37% of americans are satisfied and remain in quarantine, the attending physician of us president kevin conor said that it feels good, but his election campaigns . now under threat, the new york times responds that in order to save its extremely low ratings, it is therefore vital to travel around the country to play guitar before midterm elections, a re-lockdown delay that will likely be the final nail in the coffin of the current president's political career. true, he continues to
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cheer up and writes down. quarantine joint video message with my shepherd dog amander hello people. it's joe biden who tested positive for covid this morning, i'll be working from home for the next couple of days. i feel fine. it's all good, but the commander and i need to work a little. we have just received this news from personal doctor of the president. kevin o'connor released this message literally. the president has just been in the white house today, where he issued a positive test for coronavirus after several days in a row of an antigen test was negative. antigen tests are much more sensitive and much more. more accurate. let me read you kevin conor's messages after the negative tests. on tuesday night, wednesday morning, thursday morning, and friday morning, the president tested positive on saturday morning. this was antigen test. this is a case
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of the president's so-called reactionary contagiousness. there are no symptoms feeling pretty good when treatment is resumed, however, given that the antigen test positive the president will be on the very isolation of president biden. i was supposed to go to wildington state de laver tomorrow. the white house just announced that a trip to michigan's hemlock is scheduled for tuesday. it looks like it will not take place, as the quarantine will last 5 days, as after its first positive test. this is the so-called reactive positive test. it occurs in a small percentage of those treated with foxclavid. it was taken by president and vice president kamala harris and is prescribed to many in the country. we wish joe good health, especially considering his advanced age not too young energetic other diapard leaders. and in general, the entire top
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of the american economy publishes just such a cartoon pointer meeting, democratic leaders and nearby parking for walkers, the author of the article jokes that the 71-year-old majority leader in the us senate chaka shinera is called spring chicken. after all , bideno himself is the oldest fucked up us in history 79 82 majority leader in the house of representatives chorus 83 edition notes that the right to retirement benefits. they got even before some were born, the voters they were supposed to inspire and these people still laughed at our politburo, apparently trying to be on the same wavelength with the youth washington old people are actively promoting the modern lgbt agenda. so in san francisco, where a state of emergency was declared due to the fact that number patients from their monkeys approached three hundred, still there was a holiday of local perverts, thousands of gays, lesbian fetish
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lovers, and other and all sorts of different perversions gathered for the annual fair. and now they will spread the disease even faster, but they did not deprive the perverts of the holiday of san francisco, which is considered the gay capital of america, of its identity of the tolerant authorities, or simply babayats look at the feast during the time of the plague. san francisco has declared a state of emergency, but this is not prevented the organizers from still holding a colorful street festivities. even despite the fears of many that this could lead to a surge in the case of monkeypox infection in one of the districts of san francisco, street festivities took place, which many consider an even spicier version of the famous folzinsky lgbt festival. love these
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walks give people the opportunity to just be themselves because of the cases of monkeypox some still didn't dare to join the walk this weekend earlier. nothing to me embarrassed this time. i'm still watching from the sidelines. right now, monkeypox does in fact infect predominantly homosexual and bisexual men. and this is just the vast majority of the participants in the festivities that took place this weekend in san francisco. despite the fact that the organizers, together with employees of the city health department, carried out outreach work during the street festivities, dr. chin pong expects an increase in cases of infection after the weekend will enough. here i open for new fetishes and special sexual
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preferences. and this is just mine, this is a real celebration of diversity, far from everything fits into a certain framework. for us. it's very important it's part of our identity, and it's not. nothing shameful at the festival, you can participate in all sorts of non-traditional sex games, the counters of merchants are literally bursting with all kinds of goods, cool collars. lots of other leather stuff. oh, don’t worry, although it’s not so easy, i can drink beer in this suit. yes it's not simply. well, see for yourself. most of the festivities are told that they are absolutely worried about the outbreak of monkeypox. they say they will avoid contact with strangers. i try to keep my distance. well, if i get infected, i'll survive somehow, we decided not to go to some indoor parties, and we will both be vaccinated immediately as soon as the vaccine becomes available. just the monkeypox vaccine. at
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this street festival was not to be found. nothing to comment, now urgent news about during a special operation to protect the donbass in kharkiv, on the territory of the plant, ukrainian energy machines, high-precision weapons of the russian aerospace forces destroyed two launchers of american ers for its hymars, more than fifty ukrainian neo-nazis and foreign mercenaries were eliminated with them. just reported this to the ministry of defense in the odessa region. the launcher of the american anti-ship missile system was also destroyed . harpoon dpr authorities report that allied forces are knocking out afu units from positions on the southern edge. avdeev is busy with strong points near the ventilation shaft. butovka mines are fighting on the outskirts of the village of sands in the west, they demand to give the all-union force even more weapons so that ukraine can hold out and a counterattack, which kiev has been promising for a whole month. it started anyway. this is the seversky donets river, it
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is used as a natural protective barrier. it 's very close to the russian enemy here, the russians are now right on the other side, only 700 meters from here. it is difficult to understand whether the ukrainians are capable of winning or are they just slowly losing? russian troops got close to the slavic in order to delay the slow loss of the apu in the united states they are calling for new arms supplies. and i hope that the ukrainians will nevertheless go on a counteroffensive to work in a broader sense, the ukrainian army is still one in ten, if you compare it with the russian one, russia has much more defense spending. can ukraine really defeat the united states and our
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allies should continue to supply the ukrainian army with everything. how can they give ukrainians the opportunity to resist and support a kind of the counter-offensive you're talking about fantasies on cnn are not destined to come true on the eve of the allied forces destroyed another crew of american howitzers and the vaunted hummers are shooting at the blind all of a sudden. spoke in an interview with newswake. adviser to the head of the ukrainian ministry of internal affairs gerashchenko, the german sao ptskh 2000 is too fragile for hostilities, neo-nazis complain. fu ah ah, howitzer shell that's why it doesn't crumble, and you are,
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by german standards, intensive use. our clap that task. air force intelligence colonel retired donovan, in an op-ed for american singer magazine, writes that the donbass will soon be liberated by russian troops, the next major population center will be, odessa. when the russian army takes what is left of the donbass, the kremlin will reach the second strategic goal, namely, a protective buffer between nato and the russian homeland, odessa is a traditional soviet resort with strong ties to the russian elite, if and when odessa leaves, it will leave, like kherson with the grunt of the ukrainian fifth column, and not a failure, and then for
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ukraine, the game will be over, just like crimea, moscow is unlikely to give up strategic territories for which it has been paid with russian blood, the russians are defeating them. they still have to get their snowshoes, parks and skis, because no one fights in winter like the russian zelensky call people urgently to leave the donbass, apparently in order to hide the failure at the front, he orders a blow from the heimers to the detention center in yelenivka this time with all his might, they are not hitting blindly, but precisely on ukrainian prisoners of war. mostly militants. azov, who were in a pre-trial detention center, more than 50 people died on the spot zelensky accuses russia urgently demands to recognize her country as a sponsor of terrorism. maya will be a clear legal recognition of russia as a state sponsor of terrorism, especially now i am addressing the united states. america needs a solution now russia has proved by numerous
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terrorist attacks. what is the biggest source of terrorism in today's world. it is a fact that ukrainian diplomacy brought information about the russian attack on yelenivka to the highest international level kiev unfolds an information campaign for a rally after the murder of its own prisoners, dozens of ukrainians come out with posters in their hands exclusively in english, demands from the west to give the dog long-range weapons . but what zelensky's antics are already getting used to on the air of the australian sky news are a portrait of the ukrainian president zelensky knows that image is everything. that is why he always speaks in the green army t-shirt. this depicts him as a man of action who is directly on the front lines, but this myth was dispelled earlier during
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this military campaign when he took staged photos and unnatural footage of military uniforms. since then, the military t-shirt symbolizes his disrespect. he appears in it in every parliament of the world, begging for more weapons and money. he asks for all this one of the most corrupt countries in europe to take the same photo shoot of him in the wolf magazine. she also looks unnatural, like everything else. it's all very similar to what we are shown in this war . propaganda straight from the president's office propaganda from the president's office is directed straight at the united states . they hope to get through to washington, but then secretary of state flinkent, according to the new york times, does not want to recognize russia as a country and resists to the last as a sponsor of terrorism, are everyone who approved, who organized it to blame? who blew up these people, who knew about it, they will all be found, zelensky said, urging the us state department to declare russia a state sponsor of terrorism and the house and
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senate expressed support for such a move, but secretary of state anthony b. linking resisted the inclusion of russia in the list, which now includes north korea, syria, cuba and iran, real terrorists in the ranks of the armed forces, acting instead of the captured prokopenko as commander. national batov. azov is threatening to execute the russians, he says, and on behalf of all ukrainians. you yourself will be executed along with your jackals and embassies, everything as you like with all the certificates and by the decision of the international tribunal, the barbaric under-empire will be destroyed by seals russia thinks that it was russia thinks that it killed azov executed, but azov is now the whole country, every ukrainian will avenge each of our brothers who have been seen and died in the pentagon. just in case, they decided to justify vsu if the ukrainians attacked the pre-trial detention center, that is, they did it not
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intentionally, apparently blindly, but with vsu. for this in the us, no one will condemn. russia intends to destroy ukraine as a geopolitical entity and erase it completely from the world map. we see everything there are more signs that russia is laying the groundwork to try to annex even more ukrainian territory, including the establishment of illegal officials in controlled areas in order to hold staged referendums that will show the desire of locals to join the russian federation, foreign minister lavrov even said that this goal is russian war more specifically russia is now revising plans to annex the kherson region, zaporozhye and all the territories of donetsk and luhansk sullivan in an interview with a fugitive propagandists for the first time openly admitted that the united states was going to deploy strike weapons systems on the territory of ukraine. in general, the us even
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put on paper for all the general review, what exactly we were ready to do to resolve security issues in europe, we put forward a proposal to say the united states will not deploy missiles in ukraine in the united states will not deploy warheads in ukraine on a long-term basis . that is, the americans were ready to roll up the rocket to an urgent basis even before the start special military operation. in ukraine, former us chief of staff malin is now proposing to send american warships into the black sea. for me it remains a mystery. why didn't we send american warships to the black sea? the longer we put it off, the more difficult it all becomes for those who are at sea, both on the russian and on the american side, to understand the situation, which is different from the situation that would be conducive to unleashing a third world war, but we see that at least blood is shed. the united states and our allies must do more to
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control the black sea. i'm going to show you now how, uh, a glimmer of hope looks like a burbock version, here it is a cargo ship that left odessa with corn towards libya through turkey. he is here according to burbock. e. there is hope. although, in principle, well, they cleared mines and went, that's all. there would be no difficulties here if the ukrainian nazi criminal regime itself had not locked the odessa ports, sir, i will answer. about demining, by the way, here it is necessary to remind. that the governor, who was in the kherson region, andrei bochkarev, said that the capture of the kherson region would not have happened if we ourselves, the ukrainians, had not exchanged. the isthmus from the crimea and then somehow
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strangely fell silent very strangely fell silent. well, because the person said absolutely superfluous, because generally speaking, if the ukrainian troops themselves cleared the isthmus on the eve of the special operation, crimea, it simply meant that they were going to the crimea to the side, and when our intelligence saw this and as a matter of fact, in an open field already without mines, she went into this very sonia region, so to the questions. but, well, for example, the black sea, they did not clear mines. on the contrary, they kept him in defense and everything, so to speak, is in order, but they themselves created this company associated with grain, which solved absolutely nothing at all. this ukrainian grain is not enough, which in the world actually depends. this is a small share. uh world exports. and, but nevertheless they created. company in order to
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accuse russia and, of course, the whole world excited, i had to decide somehow. and uh, the decision still took place with their own hands, how did they mine it all? also, in fact, they exchange. and generally speaking, they need to think about everything. and as for the fact that they are now there, they are still selling autumn and winter are coming and the humanitarian crisis in ukraine is also approaching; they planted less, then these are practically. uh, the crop was not planted. not the fact that u will still be harvested. so, most likely, half of the field. yes, they burn themselves. the field is recorded on video filming. here's how they will e be with gas supplies, because the gas pipeline may break down, how will it be warm in houses, how will e logistics not work between businesses?
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the country's budget is not replenished, that is, it comes from external revenues. it's all the same there are all kinds of loans, american and so on, the social sphere will not. uh, function will not pay pensions. payroll businesses are closed and so on. that is. and it's still winter. yes, and the army will need to be supplied already with felt boots, and according to the notorious quilted jackets, no one has a supply of this all this is not there, more precisely for the active armed forces at that time operating there two hundred thousand three hundred thousand. of course, they were all in warehouses, but they were going to put half a million volunteers there, and so on, they stocked up for them, or they would chase everyone in their shorts. here is the big question. well, i don’t know, let’s see what the west gives, gives weapons. and will the railways on which they will give will function, because the damage to these railways is constantly being inflicted, which means that
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somehow they all work. that is why they should now think about how to leave everything that can be left at home, and not try to send everything somewhere else and send this unfortunate corn to turkey, in short. as for, uh, our novelty in the field of expressing military equipment - the zircon missile, here we still need to clarify some things. uh, it's not as compact as it is sometimes, they say, it's not about compactness. it's a matter of standardization, because this rocket must be launched from vertical launch devices, well, almost all ships and submarines. this is very similar to mine calibers. eh, well, everything is brought to this standard, because, well, it is impossible for everyone and irrational. for each individual rocket, make each individual search installation. well, here are the americans, because they
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go the very way, for example, the uvp mk-41, from which you can launch tomahawks and anti-missiles and anti-submarine missiles, anti-aircraft guided missiles. that is, this is a completely normal approach in terms of standardizing weapons, which, uh, facilitates operation and combat use and repair. well, absolutely right. entrance e what about? ah, the fact that uh, well, in fact, the antidote against uh, zircon missiles are not so much now. why. because uh, well, here, uh, firstly, a very high flight speed is very high. e, for example, at one time i performed live firing at e, a target rocket that flew at a speed of 1.100 m / s at an altitude of 23 km, even then it was a difficult task. and if so, what did you shoot with, i’m not guided by a rocket, uh, five i’m 23. if this tells us something, this is a rocket to zenith missile system 75 m3, i see. well,
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again, it was not yesterday and not the day before yesterday. eh, but still, nonetheless. it was a difficult task back then. and if you imagine that a rocket flies at an altitude of 40 km to a speed several times higher, then i can hardly imagine how it can be done. here is a combat mission for a target of this type, and plus everything else at such heights at such heights, well, they cease to act. uh, the aerodynamic rudders of most anti-aircraft guided missiles, and there already you need some completely different means of destruction, either a rocket with maneuvering engines, or with gas rudders. that is, well, there is even such a problem, and uh, if this missile arrives, uh, in sufficient numbers on an operational scale in the arsenal of our navy, then this , in principle, can lead. well, i'll reconsider, uh, i've looked at many. dreams of armed struggle until our enemies create something like that, right. well, it still needs to be
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created. bye bye. e tests are underway, but some promising results have not yet been achieved. so, this will be a very effective weapon that will allow us to look at the strategic actions of our navy in the oceanic theaters of military operations in a completely different way. i mean, uh, we get practically that. uh, well, a very effective indestructible weapon. that's how we should probably look at this problem. and this is a very big step forward in terms of equipping our military brood with advanced weapons. she is will go, of course, to replace e, missiles p700 granite and , first of all, will be equipped with boats of 885 m of the project, this is the severodvinsk subsequent series e, two multi-purpose nuclear submarines each. boats, well, and almost all surface ships that have a vertical launch device or underwater vehicles. they can use this
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missile. this is a big step forward for our navy, without any exaggeration. and why don’t german howitzers work more than a hundred shells, they can’t fire, what’s wrong with them, like the germans are industrialists. you know, i'm not going to defend god forbid this howitzer, well, again, as evidence of one driver of one driver. no, spiegel writes about this, that they are not calculated. the germans also write on such intensity. again, again, if there is, if there is, uh, the instruction manual for this howitzer, then you must follow all the rules that are written there. and if, of course, they shoot there, there are two or three times more. what is provided in the instruction manual. well it really can lead to the exit of this artillery e, installations out of order, but again, it is not necessary. do not forget that this is one of the top five self-propelled arctic installations in the world. it has very good tactical critical characteristics. and if we, uh, unreasonably blaspheme these
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weapons, but we well, this is an informational sedative. this is a formidable weapon that must be reckoned with and which, of course, must be destroyed on the field by all the means at our disposal and aviation and long-range e multiple launch rocket systems and whatever. it is necessary to deprive the enemy of such trump cards by the introduction of armed struggle. trump spoke here at night and told the americans about what putin is, in his opinion, an excellent negotiator and putin's arguments he considers very strong. let's listen. do you know putin, when will he stop, when he will capture the whole country, half of ukraine, what do you think? i think that he would like to have it all, after he already started all this. i don't think he wanted to at all. it's all about starting. i think he had a kind of negotiating position. and excellent. he posted soldiers on the frontier. this is
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an excellent negotiating position. he knew that he was going to be attacked, and he understood this and i told him this, he moved 200,000 border soldiers to start negotiations and he failed to reach an agreement. and now i'm not sure that it will be easy to negotiate with him, at least the ukrainians should make a deal. they could give up crimea, they could do something needs to be said, for example, that kay we are not going to join, and they would have a country left, because i believe that putin wanted to make a deal. now i don't think he wants to make a deal. i think it's much harder to make a deal right now he enough of the whole country another explosive region let's fast-forward with us on a direct line aleksey savitsky head of the russian media group in china today aleksey welcomes you uh. let's first of all modern tell us about the situation. ah, we respect politics. from brussels to paris
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, eu officials have been reluctant to comment on the dispute publicly even as china approaches the risk of a us military confrontation. behind the scenes, however, european diplomats acknowledge that there is a clear danger that the situation could spiral out of control. sometimes the worst-case scenarios come true, says boris ruge, vice-chairman of the munich security conference, citing. as an example of russia's invasion of ukraine, europeans should prepare for contingencies, supporting taiwan while remaining in close contact with beijing and helping her escalate the issue. whether the tensions are a matter of concern for a senior european nato, the diplomat replied not yet, but the situation could easily escalate, according to a senior diplomat. in the worst case, america's attention will be turned off ukraine due to a greater focus on tensions with china and beyond taiwan. how close the war in asia is, you know, first of all, i would like to note that this situation once again shows that the president
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the united states does not really control what is happening inside the country, because he himself said last week that the trip was a pilosin. taiwan is not very good. uh, the idea was saying he had this reference to his military. eh, he also looked very pale in a conversation with sidimkin constantly, making excuses on this topic. here, but the fact remains , and they are in asia now in singapore and it is very important to note that she did not officially cancel her visit to taiwan, that is, she, and no matter how it appears in the program, but at the same time, and cancellation there was none. that is, now it is created artificially created out of the blue. tension, and of course china is against the fact that a politician of this level is american, but visits the island and will, uh, take drastic measures if this suddenly happens. the situation is very tense. what do these signals mean that we observed at the
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end of last week and over the weekend, relatively speaking, messages on the webo social network, get ready for war in the account, but in the army, yes, uh, the frames that we see, uh, when equipment is transferred to the nearest province of taiwan, that is, china is thus ready for any response, ready for a military response , or still act, as it has always, in principle, acted quite harshly, but diplomatically lately. well, for china, this is an important moment , a fundamental moment, and a trip to taiwan will be regarded as an american one for a trip. and vanya will be regarded. uh, by china as an attack on china's territorial integrity m. therefore, china will resolutely respond here, uh, it's hard to
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predict. what exactly will be the answer, but china ready, and now military exercises are taking place in the region. again, this is the accumulation of power that you are talking about, this is, first of all, a military exercise that is taking place in the region. it is clear that, uh, how they are connected, but again now. uh, in various theatres. military exercises are taking place in this region. just today, they just announced new exercises that will take place for 4 days of chinese e, just in the south china sea. uh huh and again today is a big holiday today is the 95th anniversary of the founding of the people's liberation army of china uh china about it also says a lot today, uh, and, well, in such a yes, that is, now china is as ready as possible for anything. thank you very much with us in direct contact and for china was. e. aleksey savitsky, head
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of the representative office of the russian media group today in china thank you once again about the economy. but the exaggeration of the importance of grain occurs , among other things, because ukraine is trying to demonstrate that it has some kind of its own economy now. in fact, in general, the current economy of ukraine is similar to the economy of afghanistan government of ghana, that is, it is completely supported by external injections, and the whole intrigue is not whether ukraine will be able to make money on grain or on the remnants of metallurgy, but on when and how much western foreign aid, primarily american, will go there, therefore the whole intrigue is how much the west will continue to finance it. we have heard phrases from western politicians that it will be there for almost years, but it may, in fact, stop. uh, these here fergy at night an unknown british historian, including an economic historian, recently gave such a forecast in an interview that it is absolutely not a fact that these 50 billion that you were promised for the first half of the year will be extended for the second half of the year and so on. that
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is, it is necessary every time. giving new money and some he put it to ferguson. this help has, as it were, a tag to use until some time, if they don’t use it, then it’s not a fact that the next one will already receive it, because it’s really a lot of money and uncontrollably to print them, even to the americans. this is still a risky current situation, especially for europeans. we already see this problem in the euro exchange rate against the dollar. eh, companies in european countries are increasing just recently, a polish book company announced that it was taking a loan against state obligations in a billion euros, here , in fact, this money is from the polish government. why do they do it directly in the fsz, because the gas prices are too high the situation with polish storage facilities, which are more than 90 full percent should not be misleading here, because all the same, in winter, at a rate, there should be more relies on supplies from norway via a new crude pipeline, which is not a fact that will be put into operation on time. and even
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if it is put into operation, it will not be new. bashesky gas, and the gas that will simply be redirected from the german market to the polish one, that is, in general, the problem in europe is a large-scale one. there were publications in the german press that germany was late in adapting to the current crisis. yes, they have now begun preparations to extend the operation of the current three nuclear power plants, they will be able to do this and have begun to unpack, as they say , from naphthalene, and the coal plant, which they , in contrast to the clever quotation marks of the british. at least they didn’t blow up in time and now they can be launched and now in green germany a third of the electricity. it's basically coal. now it will be increased, but the rate of introduction of these electrical schemes today is prohibited from supplying coal from russia to the european union well, this, by the way, is an additional problem of where and where the coal will be taken, because countries such as australia, colombia, south africa, in general, also do not sit idle. the astral resumes. they will be included in the sanctions package, but if you really want it, then maybe australia, by the way,
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resumes coal exports to china ; some agreement has been reached there. it, of course, also hangs in the balance, based on the political situation in the region. but actually, if australia supplies more to china, that means more coal for europe won't work. uh, to get it, they write that germany does not keep up with the pace of putting these coal-fired stations into operation. why doesn't it succeed? apparently, they expected that the conflict itself would not last so long, they thought that, well, either russia did something there itself, or, like, it will pass, there will be six months and russia will sign some kind of agreement. i don’t know anything else in compromise, but this is not happening there was no long-term plan of action, so he composes something on the go, but compose it without prejudice to industries to compose without sacrificing a quality of life to which the population is not accustomed. but here the population lived by the principle. every new generation. better and better they were not explained that because of some external world war ii. and, of course, there was. for example, the crisis of the seventy-third year is energy, but it was experienced by people
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who either themselves remembered the deprivation of the second world war or their closest relatives and they psychologically live in another world. and now a society of comfort has arisen, as europe called it victoria nuland's husband is a well-known theorist. yeah uh okn so. uh, how is it a comfort society for the sake of some strange fight, yes, after all for us, this is a question of some kind of existential question of our existence for them, this is a fight in which they have sympathy, yes, to one of the parties, but it's all the same not quite their conflict directly and why then it is necessary to refuse not only from air conditioners and heating, but from such things as wages at the factory, which disappears. why you need to pay more taxes to save companies one company univer german, owned by finnish investors will be rescued by the german government, 9 billion euros. all this money is not taken out of thin air, from the money of many payers, for some time it is possible to exploit the world's confidence in the euro. yes , reserve currency printing is a dead end if you overuse printing money for too long . you will undermine your credibility.
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look at the euro, so i think they will still have to raise taxes in order to save companies. they will be forced come to terms with the fact that the communal is growing, and they will be forced to come to terms with the fact that more people were unemployed and received benefits. and here is the intrigue. how long will it last? and will the trend start back in public opinion, which at first supported the supply of heavy weapons in ukraine, and now there are polls every day. uh, well, they may not be quite representative there, the tv channel is doing someone else, but nevertheless there is a suspicion that, for example, east germany only one third of the population already supports the supply of heavy weapons, as if in a foreign conflict, yes, well, west germany 50%. but it 's not 100% either. and if we take countries like italy, where it is traditional, no matter how concerned they are with just such a power struggle with russia, the percentage there is even lower, and i personally believe that, taking into account economic problems in europe, it may decrease even more. winter and then here is ferguson's forecast that the money will be used for such and such a period. and if
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you fail to achieve the result, then go to compromise with russia this will become a reality. we have seen with you how the vice-chancellor was lightened up. khabak, during his campaign trip. while he was trying to convince the germans, that it is necessary to save, but in general , sober voices appear. we have seen this letter from the mayors of seven cities. yes, the small islands are regen, but nevertheless, even the head of the energy committee in the bundestag, claims that it does not matter where the gas comes from and does not exclude that nord stream 2 can work. let's listen to him. in general, it doesn’t matter through which pipe gas is delivered to germany, it remains russian anyway. in this sense, the issue of nord stream 2 is rather symbolic, if there are no other possibilities, it does not matter. for what reasons, if in the end the provision of gas
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can only be achieved with the help of nord stream 2, then we will need to talk about taking it into operation as soon as possible if the german minister of economics robert habib insists that that in russia it fulfilled contracts, then this suggests that gas needed and it doesn't matter what channel it is delivered on. we need to use everything to ensure gas supply. this should be the main goal of the federal government. listen to smart people europeans. we'll be back soon. it's 60 minutes, don't go anywhere. who is the time of cheap energy for humanity over? it 's true, it's a reality against the americans took you all by the gills and are still leading you in all circles. adam, but still the british are operating in the field, most of the inhabitants of the european union are deprived of critical thinking, they don’t understand what is happening, what kind of
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economy we have, where is our grain questions to those who have been leading ukraine all this time and for ensuring that there is a new world in which there will be truly equal relations, who is against today at 14:55 at channel russia at school, it’s not that he was an excellent student, then the school shared his specialty and worked, and everything seems to be real. you are an excellent machine operator. fifth category work experience 18 years vegetable knife royal king for only 149 rubles. any set of cutlery for 199 rubles. magnet buy cheaper the place where the beds are only until august 14 , discounts up to 60% on stylish beds for a healthy sleep, you know, well, i already want to
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trouble will come for you. don't go for the stone. belongs to me i'll kill them all watching
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the premiere. usa goncharenko about sending ukrainian troops to
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support for the occupied part of serbia, which is called kosovo greenell said that goncharenko was crazy for some century, we agree russophobe goncharenko called putin a trojan horse in europe, another crazy russophobe arrestovich dreams that ukraine would become such a trojan horse zelensky's adviser said that if kiev is still taken, if nato is both organizations, it will immediately collapse. we do not believe in the self -defense guaranteed by such vast land frontiers. just access type and lots tried it, it doesn't work, and we, uh, need someone to protect the borders. i will now give away light-colored light-ray clothes. means, at first i will quote mail of an idea way of the warrior. just like the flight of a boomerang. the second is very simple, i will tell you, when a real crisis begins in ukraine, the war did not become such a crisis, it will begin when we join the
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esanat, but they will fall apart and even they did not give a guarantee. incredible absolutely sit neighing, and their compatriots at this time are dying. and one more zrada for kiev was prepared by the us deputy secretary of state desherman. she told the british economist that putin, after a decent meeting, impressed her as an educated and self-confident person who does not intend to deviate from the intended path and this guy follows the world. i spent the most time in putin's company in sochi, accompanied by john kerry, who at that time held the position of us secretary of state, we then talked with the president of russia for about 4 hours. he was very smart, did not use any cheat sheets, spoke without hesitation and was confident in his certainty of vision. where to go further, and i got the impression that he did not intend to go down the path he had noticed. yes, against the background
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of how joseph biden behaves right now and generally rules the country, such speeches, of course, look. some kind of revelation. this is breaking news in parliament. tomorrow, latvia will consider an application to recognize russia as a terrorist state, richards colds said on monday 27th, okay? look, which the americans have abandoned to look at. and how will he react to it? russia after all before you go for it. and how it breaks diplomatic relations will not break off so strangely, it is called latvia, why do you understand anglo-saxon thinking, precedent thinking, and it is difficult for us to fully understand this, because we do not have precedent thinking. look at our model system of law french system. there is a standard set of crimes, they have a standard set of punishments. why is the legal profession so expensive? you have to find a similar case
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sometime in history to prove that this case is identical to that case and that the punishment can be applied to it. here's a look at the situation with china secrets. this is a very classic example of precedent thinking, as americans say smart. and what kind of war they reprimand, china won over the past 100 years, most wars have been lost. they say the sino-japanese 1894 lost further war. uh, let's just say, e russian-japanese went on the territory of manchuria, that is, on the territory of part of china further. they say the 1979 war with vietnam was lost by china. well, since he loses all the time, he will lose this time, too. they say the trade war of 2019-20, the americans believe that china was lost china
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made concessions. not the united states is another matter in the amount of these concessions. so, they say, they china will retreat again, so they think within the framework of case thinking. just a trade deficit. now has become more in america, china lost. but the main thing is that it was written on a piece of paper they think differently further, latvia throw a trial step, and see how russia reacts to this. if russia takes some tough steps, then they think, and not russia will react harshly if we do this, but if russia does not react, then it is possible to increase pressure in this direction, the same as with e, gradually within the framework of special operations, if ukraine is shelling for some reason, and some border russian territories. and this is what the americans and the british are pushing for. this is
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the most dangerous moment to watch. you have said so many times that there will be a most severe response to a strike on russian territory. well, here we are doing it. and what are you doing? yeah, the americans say this means that then it is possible to allow some kind of non- nuclear conflict with russia that it will not resort to weapons of retaliation, if it even admits soon. sides of ukraine the possibility of shelling the territory. by the way, to say this case-based thinking can become one of the most dangerous traps in the event of a particular military conflict, in my opinion, this is just one of the most dangerous moments that and here, maybe, and finally, about the reliability of the guarantee, at which he laughed at the arrest, you know, and maybe even in in a way he is right. after all, look at nato guarantees are not at all as reliable as they seem to be, many eastern europeans who dream of hiding behind the nato umbrella the fifth article of the washington treaty
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provides for mutual assistance in the event of aggression, but nowhere, firstly, is it said, mutual assistance to send chemical protection means is also help to break off diplomatic relations. this is also help further nowhere indicated that the procedure is not required. the phenomenon of mobilization e is not indicated anywhere, introduction the martial law of this is not the washington treaty of the forty-ninth year, that is, these guarantees are quite floating otherwise. why, for example , does nato have a separate military treaty? well, for example, the polish-british it would seem yes, but why, if you have a common washington agreement? namely for this? that is, legally there are no such articles? what, for example, were in the franco-russian military convention of 1892, that if germany attacks france, russia
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immediately, yes, it will announce mobilization and attack germany, there are no such provisions in washington contract, and another important point. yes, once in history on september 12, 2001. nato enforced article 5 of the washington treaty. so what if someone declared mobilization, someone declared martial law? yes, in general, we even went there, except for the americans. these are such petty rude things, and gondon, the british also helped a little there in afghanistan. and yes, the germans sent something there, a small group, that is, they hope that the eastern europeans can constantly create some kind of military crises for russia, for example, around kaliningrad around. uh, maybe finland can do it theoretically in the gulf of finland, along with estonia, there are many options, but the hopes are that the americans will definitely start a nuclear war for them. generally. it shouldn't.
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naturally, the washington treaty reports that despite biden's fears. pelosi will visit possibly a. taiwan let's hear putin just got a lot of sleep about the sanctions. these decisions, taken by western countries for the sake of political interests, moreover, the current opportunistic and e and not reflecting the realities are not in world politics or the world economy. in fact , they didn't take it into account. even the obvious understandable consequences, including the increase in the cost of building materials in the global market, spurring global inflation. in general, the same thing is happening in our country and in some other industries. particularly in the energy sector. the decline in the well-being of the quality of life of ordinary citizens, primarily in europe, er, politicians are not interested, not to mention such things as attachment to the principles of the world trade organization. they're just thrown away, apparently
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some of our western partners don’t want to remember these principles either, because , because it’s just embarrassing to talk about it , i’ll add that this is a restriction on the work of domestic metallurgists. we see this as a blatant manifestation of unfair competition, and i repeat in other industries as well. uh, these are attempts by western countries to contain russian business, as one of the leaders in the world metallurgy , and to redistribute the markets of course in their favor 30 seconds. literally, right? nothing, it won't work. the russian economy is all business survive. but as for the thinking of precedent, this is the thinking of a turkey who thought that every day the owner would feed him with grain, as he did before only one fine day, the turkey got into the soup. and now these turkeys will fall into this very soup. cinema on fridays the signal
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2:00 pm
thanks a lot. it turns out to lead all the spectators. greetings, i am maria sittel hello, ukrainian troops have thrown banned anti-personnel mines into the center of donetsk, clearing residential areas.


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