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tv   Andrea Mitchell Reports  MSNBC  September 28, 2020 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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10, the last 15 years and only $750 two years heading into running for the white house. among other big headlines out of this story, the president receiving within $70 million declared losses the irs has been auditing more than a decade. the president owes loans due two years ago personally guaranteed leaving him on the hook to enknown creditors and leading to potential conflicts of interest and wrote off as business expenses millions in consultant fees paid to ivanka trump and to his adult sons. also mar-a-lago expenses, his airplane and other assets of his gilded lifestyle. faces criminal or civil composure in order to get bank loans minimizing them on taxes and financial disclosure reports. that could be fraud. nbc news has not independently reviewed these documents and the trump organization says he did pay "personal taxes." that does not mean income taxes. only means social security and
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pay roll taxes for employees, possibliality alternative income tax pthe president said he and other past presidents have not released tax returns claiming falsely because of being audited. the irs says he can replease those tax returns. stephanie ruhle joins me now from msnbc. a big difference between tax avoidance, which a lot of rich people do. it's legal, if questioned morally, certainly politically and tax evasion which is potentially illegal. what exactly do you think we're dealing with here as you look through this, all of your reporting? you've been up all night doing stellar work on all this. thanks for digging through it for us. >> reporter: thank you. we krn scan't say we have concls but based on the "new york times," a lot more questions.
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benefits rich because of loopholes. look at president's numbers, this goes beyond the loopholes. the fact you can have a significant person year after year paying no federal income tax and then upon his first year being president paying $750? just draw a comparison. from ronald reigh ton bill clinton to george h.w. and george w. bush, paying tens of thousands, hundreds of taxes. president obama almost $1.8 million. 2018, the year president trump paid a total of $750, if you were a single person in the united states, with no dependence and made $18,000 a year you'd owe $760. so the argument that the president has made, listen, i pay the least amount of taxes because i'm a really smart business guy. this goes outside that range. earlier today i asked steve ballmer, do you know how to work your taxes like that? he said, absolutely not. no conclusion. but these numbers definitely push us to ask way more
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questions. not from a partisan perspective, from a transparency one. >> and there's also the issue, our colleague tom winter in new york tells us we know the manhattan d.a. is already looking into this. there are cases pending, of course, from the house as well as that jurisdiction to try to get those tax returns and at edge stage judges denied the president's appeals and it's, you know, potentially heading to the supreme court. >> it could, and this is something you're going to end up covering more than me. national security. the fact you could have a sitting president who owes hundreds of millions of dollars that he's personally guaranteed to lenders and we don't know who those lenders are and owes from his personal business. that's hotels, that's his hospitality industry. no insult to president trump, the hospitality industry because of covid is under siege, and, yes, he's brought in a lot of money from our own government, from foreign governments, from
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lobbyists using trump popt properties. it doesn't put him in the green. for years he's lost hundreds of millions of dollars. can you sit in the oval office given the amount of influence you have owing hundreds of millions of dollars and honestly say to the american people, that doesn't pose a conflict? at the very least, what we freed freed -- need is more transparency. >> stephanie ruhle thank you. and house speaker nancy pelosi joins me now from the capitol. well, madam speaker, a lot on our plate today, first and foremost, this tax story. good morning to you. what is the political ramification? because to be frank, we've seen on, you know, the days and months and weeks before the 2016 election, we saw "access hollywood." we've since learned about payments to porn stars. all kinds of avoidance. the mueller report, impeachment. nothing seems to stick. so is this just another scandal
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of the day that his base will say, so what? >> i don't want to speak to politics of it, because that will be up to his supporters and how loyal they want to be to them, to him. i think many of them just don't want to admit they made a mistake. for some of them, that's where we are. disrespect for people that, you know that story. let's just talk about what stephanie talked about. the transparency. i'm an intelligence person, as you know. i do know that if there is a review of somebody if they're going to be federally appointed to a job or whatever, if they have outstanding debt, that is an important factor, because that means somebody else has leverage over them. this president appears to have over $400 million in debt, $420 million, whatever it is, million dollars in debt. to whom? different countries? what is the leverage they have? so for me, this is a national
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security question. and in addition to which it's so strange that in 2017 the president paid $750 in federal taxes, and he paid over $300,000 in taxes to other countries that we know of, it may be more. so, again, let's come back to, we take an oath to protect and defend. this president is commander in chief. he has exposure to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars, to whom? the public has a right to know. >> and as you pointed out, you spent years on the intelligence committee and now, of course, get briefings as speaker. you know the subject very, very well. among the countries that he's paying for, the philippines, praising the dictator duterte. turkey, erdogan. these are not, not our closest allies, but they are people he probably has been embracing.
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>> well, of course, always russia. the question is what does putin have on the president politically? personally? financially and in every way that the president would try to undermine our commitment to nato. give away the store to russia, and syria. try to cast blame on ukraine for interfering in our elections when he knows full well with the consensus from the intelligence community that it is russia. the list goes on and on. ed annexation and crimea, rett rest of that the president turns away from. he likes putin, putin likes him. well, what's the connection? we'll see. the fact is whatever that leads to, the fact is over $400 million in leverage that somebody has over the president of the united states. if he were going to be a president of, a federal appointee that would be a major obstacle.
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because someone has leverage over you. >> what about the morality? >> in terms of the national security. >> what about the morality? sorry. >> the -- >> just of the --. just the morality paying nothing more years and paying $750 just when you're about to be president or take office? >> no sense of decency. a president who wants parades of millary arment and the military paying homage to him in front of the white house like he's some kind of a dictator, yet is he paying for any of that? the protection of our country? $750? yeah. it's a disdain from america's working families. it's a -- it's not right, but our responsibility is to protect and defend and we have to make sure we know what exposure the president of the united states
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has to, and what an impact it has on national security decisions for our country. you're right. the issue of morality is a larger one. as you began, you said, let me be frank and went through some of the other immoralities that the president has brn een invol it. it really raises the question. he almost almost a conflict in interest how he's appointed jumps who are all waiting for his cases to rise to the level of district appeals, supreme court of the united states. one other issue that i think, again, to be verified, is that the, the allegation that he told mitch mcconnell that the appointment of the general counsel at the irs was more important to him, to move that along more quickly than the, than attorney general barr. just -- connect the dots there. that's why it's so important
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what the house has done under leadership of richey neil to have this case in the court for the tax returns, but not only that, to make sure that how audits are made of a president are done legally and without bias from the president. a president who is saying to, possibly saying to the, to mcconnell, this is a more important appointment moop is the general counsel until irs, it's more important. it's really -- it's really sad. what? 36 more days, for the american people to register their plus or minus on this performance of this president. but you know it's one thing to have a disagreement politically. that's what we come here and compete with our, in the world of ideas and the rest, and that's been what our founders had in mind, but to have, really, the corrosion of any sense of decency, the corrosion of any respect for people and
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then on top of all of that, to just one bill he has passed is to give the -- 83% of the benefits in his tax scam to the top 1%. so these people, as you start out, who are so loyal to him, they're loyal to -- to their own judgment, but the fact is, that, you know, god bless them for voting in the first place. but we must -- people must vote. if you care about your health care, they're going to take away your pre-existing medical condition, vote health. if you care about any sense of fairness in our economy, and in our country, vote, and it all comes back to health anyway, because so much of the expenses that people have are about health care. but, you know, who could be surprised to see what the president has done? everything he has said and done has taken us on a path of not being -- you know, we talk about, oh, it's legal to do this, and any sense of the
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ethical, fair, moral approach to governance and respect for the people, paying your fair share, mr. president. >> madam speaker, let me ask about the supreme court. i no that confirmation is of course a senate function, but yesterday the president says democrats are brazingly going after judge coney barrett's catholicism. you're a devout catholic. what's your opinion? is there a point democrats not attack this nominee for her religious views and where she might stand as a judge? >> well, the president is trying to, as usual, deflect attention from the fact as we have all spoken out very clearly. the reason the president is in a hurry to make this appointment and have this justice in place, no matter who it would be. month matter who it would be, is because on november 10 oral
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arguments start on affordable care act which he committed to overturn. he's in court to overturn your pre-existing condition benefit. so this is -- you know, some people make -- oh, well. garland. no, garland -- scalia died in february. ruth bader ginsburg died -- when she died, ten states were already voting in our country. so, okay. we don't want to get involved in the process, but understand why they were so disrespectful, it's their attitude, but also your pre-existing condition. if your child is on your policy, forget about it. if you are a woman, returning to a time when being a woman is a pre-existing medical condition. i can, as a mother of five i can speak with some authority on that subject. if you're a -- your family's long-term care by way of
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medicaid. forget medicaid. forget about it. this is kitchen table concerns, whether it's health or financial health. they're out to get you. and that's why they were in sump a hurry, even as people were voting, when ruth bader ginsburg went to her reward. >> you wrote a letter to your caucus this weekend alerting them to the possibility that the house might have to decide a contested election. not the court but the house giving republicans a narrow victory. they have 26 majority delegations now versus 22 for democrats. but it would be the newly elected house. do you think that's a real possibility? >> oh, i sent the letter because that's what the president said at one of his unmasked, cozy-up rallies the other day. he talked about the house and said the numbers that you just said. so i had worked on this for a while. working almost every scheme he might have to steal the
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election. and kind of so grows since he went public, then so did i. because the -- let's just say this -- anything we do to increase our number in the house of state delegations or members of congress, wherever they are, will help us hold the house enlarge our size, win the senate and elect joe biden president of the united states on election day, or the few days that it takes to count thereafter. so this says a -- a collateral benefit, but at the same time ensuring us against the mess that the president would like to create for our country. by the time you get to the house you have to be -- he'd have -- all kinds of violations of our democracy, but it could end up there, because that's what the constitution says. but you have to have a majority, and -- in making sure he doesn't
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have a majority, we want to grow the majority in the house, the senate and the white house. that election, electing joe biden and kamala harris. go ahead? >> i just want to ask quickly before you go. any talks between you and secretary mnuchin? any progress at all? >> we'll see. a brief conversation yesterday, although he was observing, and so before all of the -- that family coming together, we had a brief conversation about when we would continue our conversation today. i think it is very possible to meet the needs of the american people. we've come down $1 trillion, and they need to come up, because we have to crush this virus. we have to crush this virus. the president hasn't faced that reality. we have to crush this virus, in order to open up our schools safely and our economy. we have to reward our heroes.
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health care workers, first responders, police and fire. teachers, teachers, teachers, transportation, food workers, sanitation. you name it. we have to honor our heroes, who risk their lives to save lives and now may lose their jobs and go on unemployment insurance. why? because the president will not face the reality and then put money in the pockets of the american people. we can get this done. they just have to -- it takes money. it takes money to crush the virus. it takes money to make the schools safe. it takes money to put money in people's pockets. and, of course, we want some resources to make sure that the state, that the -- the elections are held, democrats and republicans, across the country, in charge of elections, want that money to make sure that people don't have to choose between their health and their vote, because the money will enable them to have this space, early voting and what it takes
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to get the job done p want to protect the census, the post office, which they're trying to dismantle. so it takes money. that's not a lot of money there. it is a lot of money to honor our heroes, flush the virus and put money in people's pockets. so i think we can find our common ground and we're ready when he comes back. i was going to say -- when he's he's ready to come back to the table we're ready to have that conversation, but it has to come back with much more money to get the job done. so i'm hopeful. i'm optimistic. >> madam speaker, end on a hopeful optimistic note. thanks for being with us today. >> thank you. and after 36 hours until the first presidential -- >> good to be with you. we have only 36 hours into the first presidential debate. new poll numbers showing how the biden campaign could cut into the trump base in key battleground states. steve kornacki is at the big
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board, next. stay with us you're on "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc. let me tell you something,
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the new nbc news/marist poll shows joe biden ahead in
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michigan and wisconsin, with a narrow lead, still a biden lead in pennsylvania. of course, the three big states where donald trump's narrow victories sealed his white house win. states that have not found for republicans since the '80s. joining me, steve core knack ib at the big board and also with us, pbz newshour anish and first, steve, break it down. >> take you through. nbc news/marist poll's first wisconsin again, you mentioned trump. first republican since 1984 to carry wisconsin when he did in 2016. our poll now has him down by 10 to joe biden there. in michigan again, the 1980s until 2016, the last time a republican won, trump trailing by 8. what has changed? the movement you're seeing in these polls is among white voters in both states. two different groups of white voters here. talk about those with a college degree. you see where thing was in 2016.
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and you can see where the movement is now. basically white voters with a college degree. these are now landslides for joe biden in both of these states, at least in the polling in wisconsin and michigan. nearly 30, nearly 20 points there and then trump's base. blue collar voters, white voters without a college degree. saw it in the exit poll in 2016. margins around 30 points for trump in these two states. michigan and wisconsin, and what do you see in our new poll here, new marist polling here? you see trump leads with blue collar white voters but from around 30 to single digits. so significantly differ there. still leads but not getting nearly the margin he got in 2016. that was so important to those narrow wins he got in both of those states, andrea. >> also very interesting. so a.d. stadered, talk about the "new york times" tax story. how will that, if at all's play
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with the worki ining class voten these states? >> andrea, i think there's a core of trump supporters that won't leave him under any circumstances or scandal they learn between now and election day, but there are disaffected trump republicans who are disappointed in the federal response to the virus. who are struggling financially. who are telling pollsters they don't think that the president is trying to bring the country together, when there's protests that turn violent. that he's trying to stoke division. and that he is creating more chaos. so those are the voters that steve is talking about and we're seeing in those numbers. the voters that were potentially in trump's coalition. they voted for him in 2016. maybe they were with him in 2017 and 2018, and he's beginning to lose them. his coalition is shrinking. those are the kinds of voters if
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they're all disappointed with president trump, and not just a member of his, you know, ever-loyal base, then this kind of story, the revelations from the "new york times" reporting last night certainly i think will factor into their decision. >> and in the "washington post" abc poll, with male voters, the gen gap, male voter trump ahead 55-42. female voters enormous gap. basically more than twice as large a gap of female voters -- or the number of female yamiche, that hillary clinton had. >> in ways the argument the biden campaign was making during primaries. the vice president was making the case that he could bring back some of these suburban voters, specifically white suburban women, to get back in line with the democratic party and to convince them that as a decent man, someone who
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understands empathy and loss and someone who understandsen the way forward with all sorts of issues in terms of race and health care and the pandemic, he could be the person to bring this country to a better place and to really wrestle it back from the chaos and the scant that he described president trump's america being. i think the problem here is going to be whether or not president trump sees this and make as difference and does some sort of change, of course, even saying in 2016, most people i talked to think that, of course, is not going to happen. i will say when you talk to the trump campaign and talk to the white house officials, they point to the supreme court nominee mg amy coney barrett, helping with evangelical white women looking at this, the president putting up a women for one of the high effort and most revered jobs in the country. but there are a lot of, of course, women also looking at judge barrett, she is a threat to my reproductive rights, a
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threat to women's rights. you see it in that regard, she could be hurting president trump and he could then have even more problems with women. >> and quickly, we won't know until we really watch how it plays out in the hearing. thank you so much, yamiche, and steve kornacki and amy stoddard. have of the country seeing a surge of new coronavirus cases. dr. peggy hamburg joins me next. later, debate team senator chris van hollen been there before with joe biden in practice sessions. joining me on the eve of the presidential debate. you're watchi "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc. n msnbc.
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now to the latest on the coronavirus as there are growing signs covid-19 is again on the rise in the u.s. here are the facts at this hour. more than half of the states if the country have seen a rise in cases in it's last two weeks. with more than 7.1 million cases and 205,000 deaths.
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a republican governor ron desantis ordering all businesses can fully reopen including bars and restaurants. despite some local objections including in miami-dade, the state's largest county. this is the state's total infections which surpassed 700,000 people, and new york city officials threatening to reimpose restrictions after reporting more than 1,000 positive cases in a single day for the first time since june. several neighborhoods in brooklyn and queens account for about 20% of the city's new infections. meanwhile, schools are set to reopen for in-person learning this week. joining me now, nbc news correspondent ron allen in new york city outside ps-6 on the uner east side. ron what are the concerns about school reopening at this surge is taking place? >> reporter: well, a lot of people are concerned about the cases going up obviously. just heard from the governor who said that the number of cases in the state is now back in the 800s, with that one-day spike
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into about 1,000 friday of last week, but back down. he said he's still concerned what he called clusters, where the infection rate is high in parts of brooklyn, orange, rockland counties outside of the city. but these counties and these zip codes in brooklyn and queens have been a concern for some time. the infection rates there are as high as 4%, 5%, 6%. city's is about 1%. schools opening to in-person learning in elementary schools meaning hundreds of thousands of students. new york is the only major school system in the country that is trying to do some in-person learning. the large effort in its 1.1 million students here. just yesterday the principals' union voted no confidence in the mayor's ability to run the school safely. just another snag in what's been a long-running saga about how to open and whether these schools can open sagely. the process has already been delayed twice over the past couple of weeks, but we believe
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schools will open. students will go when they hear from the mayor later today. of course, it's a jewi isish holiday. a lot of conversation about randomized testing of students and some staff. we don't know the details as of yet. bottom line is schools will open. see how it goes. a lot of concerns about safety. andrea? >> indeed. thank you so much, ron allen in new york. now i want to bring in dr. peggy hamburg, former fda commissioner and before that the health commissioner for new york city, which she knows so well. doctor, thank you for being with us. seeing spikes now in 26 states over the past two weeks. new york city has pockets of real concern. what are your concerns? dr. fauci saying that deaths could start increasing as well and safety measures need to be intensified. >> this is a very critical time. clearly, we need to continue to do the things that we know make a difference. we can anticipate that we're
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going to see increased cases as people come back indoors, are going back to school, or in to work settings. and as people relax precautions. so this is a time when we need to redouble our efforts, doing the things we know. social distancing, wearing masks, and hygiene and other public health measures, to help protect us. we need to make decisions about policies for opening schools, or restaurants, and going back into the workplace, based on information that comes through testing and public health surveillance as well. so we know where the virus is. we know how much community transmission there is, and we know how to proceed in a thoughtful evidence-based way. we need that now more than ever. >> and we're expecting this afternoon that the president is going to unveil finally a rather
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large, under 50,000 tests rolled out, rapid tests, for frontline workers. in a new nbc exclusive report my colleague is reporting real concern about cdc director dr. robert redfield and others on the task force. in fact, dr. scott atlas, a powerful, new adviser, apparently squeezed out deborah birx and others and heard on a plane by my colleague talking openly about this and how dis y dismayed they are. when they got off the plane he confirmed they are really concerned about false statements, about herd immunity and a lot of other bad information, false information, that is getting through to the president as well. >> yeah. i think there's no doubt that scott atlas has given the public and the president bad information about critical
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aspects of the covid-19 crisis. downplaying the role of masks. questioning whether young people can get covid-19, and also around issues of herd immunity and just letting people get sick so they'll become protected. you know, the irony is that we have some of the world's experts in infectious disease in public health at the cdc. at the nih, at the fda. those experts are not being able to speak and provide their wisdom, their knowledge, their experience. instead, looking to scott atlas. he is not one of those world-class experts in infectious disease and public health. in fact, he doesn't have background in that area. an excellent neuroradiologist but not the expert resource that the president or others should be seeking out in the middle of a global pandemic crisis like the one we're struggling with
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now. >> in the past he's play and expert on fox tv and that is apparently how he got the president's attention. thank you very much, dr. peggy hamburg. always good to hear from you. >> thank you. and preparing for the first face-off with the presidential campaign tomorrow night. senator chris van hollen, once joe biden's sparring partner in debate prep joins us next. join msnbc for coverage of the first presidential debate starting at 8:00 eastern right here on msnbc and join us on our local nbc station at 9:00 with lester, savannah and chuck. so you can keep pursuing the life you love. aetna medicare solutions. understanding how to talk to your doctor
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how will donald trump handle accusaigtss laid out in the "new york times" and how will voters react to reserve lacvelations t president paid little or no taxes for nearly a decade and took stens to minimize his tax obligations even at president trump and former vice president joe biden are about to spar off in their first debate tomorrow night. joining me, senator chris van hollen serves on the banking and
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human affairs committee and playing president's nominee paul ryan in joe biden's prep in 2012. quite difference, senator. good to see you. a big dink plays paul ryan, policy wonk, tax wonk and a guy apparently who's not paid taxes for decades, or paid very little, and won't release his tax returns, and usually counters, you know, policy arguments with personal slurs. how do you prepare for that? >> well, andrea, great to be with you. first, on the trump tax revelations. we now know even more than before why president trump has tried to hide his tax returns from the american people. i mean, my goodness. a guy who says he's a billionaire, and paying $750 the year he was elected president, which is less than the typical american family earning $60,000, and i got to say, i think we all were, our eyes popped out a
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little bit when we saw the thousands and thousands of dollars that the president deducted for hair-styling at a time that school teachers are limited to a $250 deduction for the school supplies they buy for their students with their own money. so this is a head-spinner. and now we know why, and as you said with respect to the debate, it's a very different ball game this time. last time in working with vice president biden we looked at, you know, paul ryan's policy issues. and we looked at his statements. back then, you know, people cared if you caught them on a flip-flop or a lie, but now we're dealing with a serial liar and someone who when president trump tries to bully his way through every debate. >> how do you think joe biden should handle that? ignore it? you know, we have to assume from what he said that president trump is going to try to get him angry and emotional.
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by attacking the president's son hunter. and also by going after him personally. what does he do? >> well, you're never going to be able to beat donald trump in a race to the bottom of the muck, and what i think joe biden should do is really focus on his vision of the country, contrast that with what he will do with respect to covid-19 and dealing with the health impact and the economic impacts. relate that to what the american people are experiencing and contrast it to donald trump, who we know understood how severe covid-19 was but lied to the american people and as a result, thousands more are dead. i think it's up to the moderator, andrea, to fact check the president, because if joe biden tries to do that, it will consume the entire debate time trying to swat down donald trump lies. so i don't think he should go down that path.
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>> senator graham, lindsey graham set out an an ambitious, very fast timetable for this confirmation for the hearing and for a vote before the election. we see overwhelming, you know, majorities of americans and all polls saying they don't think that should happen. they don't think that someone should be confirmed, chosen before the election. that it should be a choice for whoever gets elected. do you think that she should, in the hearings, recuse herself? say she will recuse herself from any vote coming up if it's a 4-4 court and she becomes fifth member of the conservative majority that affects the election results? >> yes. i certainly do. and you know, we were speaking of here we have the senate republicans from mitch mcconnell, lindsey graham, saying that if, you know, donald trump appointed somebody during
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a presidential election year that people should decide. lindsey graham said it repeatedly, and now they're trying to offer up as an excuse the need to rush somebody to the court before a presidential election, because you might need a justice to decide any disputed election. when you think about that, it's absolutely outrageous. now you're talking about a president who has openly challenged whether or not he will support the results of an election and allow peaceful transfer of power, yt et he wan to hand-pick a just is who might tip the balance on these questions? so, yes. for sure. she should recuse herself. that's a total conflict of interests, and it shows that the president in addition trying to undermine the affordable care act and take away a woman's right to choose, is determined to try to, you know, play politics with the election.
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en the election result. >> senator chris van hollen, thank you very much. thanks for being with us today. and joining us now, donna edwards, former maryland democratic congresswoman and's contributing columnist to the "washington post." chris lieu served at without cabinet secretary under president obama and rick tyler, former senior advisers to ted kruse and nick gingrich and author of "still right." welcome all. donna, how does this strike you? what are the pitfalls for democrats going into this? where they already are accused by the president for being anti-catholic because of her positions on rowe. a path breaker, rudy guiliath b ginsbu ginsburg, talking about her husband cooking as though he was the next marty ginsburg. certainly casting her as the
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"brady bunch" mom. >> well, i mean, that may be true but i do think that judge barrett has had a number of her writings and other views that she's expressed, and i think there will be a way will be a w for democrats to fairly examine those and not go down the rabbit hole the president wants. this is not about amy barrett's relegen religion, it's about whether she would serve in a manner that is be fitting the country. and continuing to highlight the american hypocrisy, and america is with us and democrats on this, that this decision should be left to the next president of the united states. i think it's important for democrats to continue to highlight that, but also really to focus on her record.
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she has a record, and she has written, you know, at least rather succinctly, and to highlight what is at stake for the american people when it comes to health care, you know, getting rid of protections for pre-existing conditions, and children over 26 being on their parents' health care plan, and lifetime limits on paying for medical expenses, and these are important things for the american people, and amy barrett made it clear she would be the deciding vote to strike those things down and democrats need to make sure the american people understand that. >> and what are the pitfalls for republicans? there's clearly a flip-flop on both lindsay graham and mitch mcconnell's part and the rest of the republicans with two exceptions fall into line.
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>> well, the pitfall is the exertion of raw power and hypocrisy. you saw in 2016 senator after senator the rational for not confirming merrick, and now they want to shove in a nominee within weeks, days of the election. we all know politicians have an interesting relationship with the truth, and what they said then just cannot be reconciled with what they say now. i would support amy coney barrett because she's a conservative judge, but i don't think she should be confirmed before the election because i do think, i agree with what we said, we are close enough to the election that the american people should weigh in on who
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should be the next sproerupremet justice, which should be the next president of the united states. >> in terms of the management of the economy, this president still has advantage over the economy. >> we have seen so many revelations about president trump, whether it's the bob woodward book, but i think this is different because it goes to the heart of what so many average americans believe, that the system is rigged against them. this gives a powerful opening to joe biden to highlight why raising the minimum pay matters, and why we should bring down college costs. to contrast that division, which is to give $1 trillion in tax breaks to wealthy corporations. this resinates in a different
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way, and particularly the $750 tax figure, because the vast majority of americans pay more than $750 a year in federal taxes. if you earn $20,000 in this country, you would say $780 in taxes. there was a leaked video of mitt romney that said 47% of americans didn't pay taxes but wanted handouts, and in some ways the $750 reinforces the same perception of donald trump. >> in terms of the tax breaks he also helped push through for the wealthy and the interest and all the rest, there are breaks that would help him in his tax avoidance, assuming it's just tax avoidance, which is a big assumption? >> yeah, i think that's exactly right. contrasting, and continuing during the pandemic, he has
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continued to talk about capital gains taxes and continues to talk about stock market increases. for the 28 million people who are on unemployment right now, none of this makes any difference to them. they just need help paying their mortgage and bills and sending their kids to school and i think this gives an opening for joe biden not only to highlight it during the debate tomorrow night, but when he begins the train trip over pennsylvania and ohio over the next couple of days. >> and donna edwards, the deductions, briefly, in ten seconds, the deductions, $70,000 for his hair dresser? >> i think americans understand they don't have the ability to do that. the fact is all of us know the difference between $750 or zero in taxes, and most americans pay more than that. it's easy to understand. >> thanks to all of you. that does it for this edition of
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"andrea mitchell reports." joins us tomorrow when we speak to cindy mccain who recently endorsed joe biden for president. building an experience that lets you shop over 17,000 cars from home. creating a coast to coast network to deliver your car as soon as tomorrow. recruiting an army of customer advocates to make your experience incredible. and putting you in control of the whole thing with powerful technology. that's why we've become the nation's fastest growing retailer. because our customers love it. see for yourself, at
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plus, amy coney barrett versus public opinion. how the president's supreme court pick comes with many potential pitfalls for his campaign. what does the head of the cdc really think about one of the president's most newest and controversial health advisors. we have that ahead. good afternoon. i am in for chuck todd. 35 days until election day, and one day now until the first presidential debate. the supreme court nomination that president trump's campaign would hope reinvigorate his election bid finds itself below