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tv   KTVU Morning News  FOX  July 27, 2010 5:00am-6:00am PST

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there is a new plan in oakland to get police officers back to work but it comes at a price. we will explain. >> a new layout on a bay area freeway may cause some confusion. we will explain the whole thing to you cominup. >> well, unbelievably cool temperatures especially afternoon highs for some inland areas look like they will continue for another day or two. we will take a look at the numbers coming up. >> good morning, i am jade hernandez, find out why the city of belmont will be discussing prostitution tonight. that story and more, the morning news continues. >> complete bay area news coverage continues. this is ktvu channel 2 morning news. >> well, good morning to you, welcome to tuesday, july 27th. i am dave clark. >> good morning. i am pam cook. let's start with the weather and steve paulson. >> all right. hello pamela and dave. good morning. another overcast morning, mist out there. a cool day. only sfo -- [ inaudible ]
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>> -- one degree above. everyone else was way be low. santa rosa yesterday 65. that is about 20 degrees be low average and livermore is also way below. no change today. another cool day for inland areas with upper 60s and low to mid 50s and upper 70s even well inland. now here is sal. >> steve, right now northbound 880 is moving along well. also their morning's drive is okay at the bay bridge toll plaza, it is still light. 6:01. back to the desk. >> the oakland city council and the police officers union have agreed to let oakland voters decide if 80 recently laidoff police officers should get their jobs back. at a meeting last night the union agreed to contribute 9% of their pay toward their pension fund. in exchange the city council would guarantee no more police layoffs for three years but that is only if oakland voters pass a $360 a year parcel tax
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in november. >> that is going to be a very hard tax to pass. we are not kidding ourselves, but we are giving oakland voters the right to decide how important police are. >> at last night meeting the council also agreed to put a marijuana tax on the ballot. users and growers would be taxed 5% for medical marijuana, if it passes recreational marijuana users would be taxed 10% and the council also agreed to put a two dollar a year phone tax on the llot. >> 6:02. well, the belmont city council may take emergency action tonight after a disturbing report about local massage parlors, jade hernandez joining us live now with details on what this report has revealed. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. night city council members will be discussing sprues tuition. no arrests have been made at massage parlors here in belmont but the city attorney says too
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many massage therapists have gone to illegitimate schools and that is where problems pop up. ktvu checked in with a belmont massage therapist, who under the guide lines of a new state law, has been certified by the california massage therapy council. she says she can prove where her crecialgs come from and there is a clear distinction between legitimate massage therapy and adult entertainment. >> i think it is a good thing for them to make a clear distinction between adult entertainment and therapeutic body work. that is the focus. if they focus on getting in -- utilizing this certificate then that would help them so much that anytime they went anywhere, if this was present for each therapist, then that would be really clear. >> this industry is ripe for some abuse and the city, as a regulatory agency, has a responsibility to the public, that if they go to a city licensed facility, that it is
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professional and meets the appropriate standards. >> reporter: tonight belmont city council members will discuss putting a hold on approving any new message therapists in the city until police can recheck the city's current ones, the 45 day moratorium voted on tonight could be extended at the end of august until next year. police say out of the 47 registered massage therapy efforts in belmont, 37 of them have not received the proper training at legitimate schools. there are only ten massage parlors in belmont. belmont city attorney says the illegitimate schools serve as a conduit for sex workers who set up illegitimate massage businesses across the state. there is a website which you can check out anmassage therapist to make sure they have been certified. c a.m. we want to know belmont police have not made one single arrest of a massage therapist in this city for prostitution but the city council meeting is tonight at 7:30 right here at city
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hall. reporting live, jade hernandez ktvu channel 2 news. >> two people are in jail accused in e shooting of a virginia man in the bay area for a job interview. 24-year-old george hug ins was arrested yesterday for the shooting of 45-year-old ching hang cang. police say hug ins went to a home on 21st and curtis to meet his girlfriend, althe a housely, but what he did not know is she had already been arrested for the robbery and shooting of cang. police say a good samaritan tackled hug ins and told nearby workers to call police. >> said that this guy is a murder suspect. and the other guy, who was being restrained, he was not refuting that. >> police arrested althe a housely saturday after she was recognized from video broadcast on television. detectives say housely admitted her involvement in the shooting of cang and in another crime with hug ins last month at 17th
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and telegraph in oakland. investigators believe the crimes were committed to get drug money. >> time now 6:05. a second fairfield woman wanted in connection with a deadly apartment fire that killed several children is in jail this morning. 24-year-old sha tara james reportedly turned herself in to oakland police before she was booked into the county jail last night. now her sister, laticia james, was arrested earlier this month. investigators say the women's four children died back in april after being left inside their apartment alone with burning candles. the women face involuntary manslaughter and child endangerment charges. >> new high-tech parking meters installed in san francisco this morning will eventually help you locate available parking spots. kraig debro is in hayes valley, which is one of the neighborhoods. probablyoing to make a lot of people a little upset as well though. >> reporter: this is the first
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neighborhood actually. eventually 5100 meters. it is expected to effect how much money the city gets. the first meters will be installed here later. this is a picture of one of those, it is said to be more user-friendly because it accepts coins, debit and credit cards and the prepaid parking cards but they are also supposed to reduce congestion around the city. drivers will be able to track realtime parking open spots on- line with smart phone ans starting next year. electronic signs will also direct drivers to open spots. now how are they going to do that? they are going to put up to 8000 censors underneath the
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street here, yiewshed net the asphalt and they will keep track of how long a vehicle is parked in a spot. the first ott 5100 meters will go into the cob create starting at 10:30 this morning. right now it cab cost up to three dollars an hour to park on the city street, when the program starts they will charge based on how many spaces are available. you could pay as little as 50 cents an hour or as much as $18 an hour. they also expect parking control officers will write fewer tickets. coming up how much it will cost and who is going to pay. live in san francisco, kraig debro, ktvu channel 2 news. >> let's check in with sal. some confusing stuff happening. >> that's right, there is a new lane configuration at 880 at the 92 interchange because they are done with some of the road work they have actually widened the freeway but they are not
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completely done. beware. give yourself extra time. it takes time to get used to it. westbound bay bridge is lighcoming into san francisco. no major problems. and in san francio northbound 101 traffic is moving well approaching the 80 split. steve. >> yeah, sal. >> kraig debro just said that they could charge as much as 18 dollars an hour sometimes for a meter in san francisco. >> i am not going then -- [overlping speakers] [ inaudible ] >> -- overcast, breezy, some sun, but way below average temperatures. there was one location yesterday, one in the bay area, that their high temperature was above average. that was sfo. only one. everyone else was way below including santa rosa, which was about 20 and livermore about 15. so very cool afternoon highs. one to about 19 degrees below average for this time of year. does look a little warmer not a lot but a little warmer towards
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the end of the week. big thunderstorm activity erupted near reno yesterday, reports of lightning up towards quincy, northeast california and boomtown, i spent a week there one night. had numerous reports of hail, so anybody treling up there keep an eye on the sky because there have been a lot of thunderstorm activity. for us it is a lot of low clouds and fog. around 2500 feet, so low overcast, sunny, breezy, our observer michael in the city said he had to turn the heater on. so 60s, 60s and 70s. and for this time of year put this down in the old weather diary because it usually is inland not this cool. 50s, livermore concord 57, 51 tahoe, 90 in las vegas. another cool day down in southern california, pass 0 rob less yesterday was 75, san luis obusiness po was 67, and santa barbara 65, record low maximum
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temperatures down there as well, so another cool july day along 3 coast. it has been a really cool july along many of the beaches this -- this month. look at that activity developing right from, boom, right there long the oregon- california border and nevada and another lou spinning in will keep that fog machine rolling along. so low overcast and sunny for some. a tough call. it stays overcast and cool. a friend e-mailed me and said it was foggy until noon yesterday. cool to mild for some but way below average for inland highs 60s along the coast. not the great he felt of beach weather. some people love this, others want it warmer, well, by the end of the week inland does look warmer but still not that hot. >> 6:11. pg&e wants to know what knocked out the power overnight in parts of san francisco. 6800 homes and businesses near the castro and in twin peaks lost power just before
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midnight. pg&e says the power was back on for just about everybody about 2:00 this morning. >> 6:11. up next we will tell you about a new safety concern involving a mcdonald's happy meal toy. >> plus the bay area's largest city has an important job opening to fill after a big retirement announcement. >> reporter: i am scott mcfarlane in washington. huge changes at bp is not stopping one local congressional leader for making a big play at the oil company. details coming up.
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welcome back to the morning news. bp ceo tony hayward is out and will be replaced by an american. today the oil company will seth aside $three billion for damages caused by the gulf oil disaster and that is apparently just the beginning to major changes for the oil company. scott mcfarlane joins us now from our washington, d.c. newsroom with the very latest from capitol hill. good morning, scott. >> reporter: good morning to you, bp's new ceo takes over october 1st but if that was supposed to quiet the critics in washington hammering bp it hasn't. u.s. house leader including nancy pelosi stage a conference call in an hour and a half to announce sweeping new legislation that would tighten the rules on new oil companies including bp, perhaps especially bp. and the white house and local officials from louisiana issuing statements saying either with tony hayward or
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without him bp must still plug the well and clean the damage. >> i think it is the right thing to do. i think it is a positive move for bp in the right direction. he did absolutely nothing to help the situation in clean up, in response, and in pr for the image of bp. >> reporter: and this morning the new ceo soon to be ceo of bp, mississippi's bob dudley says he doesn't expect anymore oil to come spewing into the gulf of mexico from the rig. he says his top priority is saling that blown oil well for good. live in washington, scott mcfarlane, ktvu channel 2 news. >> 6:16. the obama dmins twaition wants to allow the bush administration tax cuts for those people earning more than 200,000 a year to expire. the obama wants to extend those tax cuts to everyone except the
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wealthiest americans, the top 2%. however, republicans want them extended to everybody. congress has to agree on this by the end of the year or all of the tax cuts will expire. governor schwarzenegger now says he will not sign a new state budget before he leaves office next january, if state lawmakers don't give him what he wants. the governor is demanding reforms in pensions, taxes and in spending. he told business leaders in l.a. that if lawmakers and union leaders don't make budget concessions he will leave office without signing a new budget and let the next governor deal with it. california is facing a $19 billion deficit for the fiscal year that began july the first. >> after 30 years on the force san jose's chief of police is read idea to retire. >> the city has treated me very well and i would like to thank them for the opportunity to severe as i did. >> he started as a rookie in 1980 and has served as chief
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since 2004. he says he is most proud of helping the department adopt the use of tasers and new technology and also dealing with criticism for aggressive policing tactics and racial profiling. his last day on the job is october 30th and will collect the maximum benefit on his pension fund, 90% of his estimated 400,000 dollar salary. >> they will meet today to talk about the hiring of an interim school superintendent after the body of the newly hired superintendent was found. authorities say foul play is not suspected but his death is under investigation. he started his new job july first. he was expected to help the district raise its test scores. it could soon be illegal to light up in some contra costa apartment buildings and condos. county supervisors will vote -- are expected to vote on the proposal today, 1 that would ban smoking inside any new
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multiunit residences with four or more units and also make outside areas, including balconies, patios and carports, smoke free as well. the regulations would only effect buildings outside city limits on county land and if it is approved it would take effect next year. >> well, some changes are in store for bicyclists on the golden gate bridge due to construction. first in late august crews will begin repainting the bridge's main cable on the western side of the bridge. bicyclists will be asked to walk their bikes through the scarf folding areas until that project is done next year. then in november a four month long siesmic reom fit begins, during that period cyclists are banned from the west walkway and will have to use the east walkway usually designatessed for pedestrians. >> interesting -- [overlapping speakers] [ inaudible ] >> -- sometimes when the bikes and the walkers are together
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there is a little friction -- [overlapping speakers] [ inaudible ] >> -- start off in the east bay this time on 680 southbound at gary road, the pleasant hill exit because there is a crash there southbound 680. i do have this up on a map. the traffic is already getting slow coming down just after 242. watch out for some slow traffic on the way down to walnut creek from concord, so if that is your commute give yourself extra time. out to the toll plaza. that has been a nice commute so far. in days when it is not summer, let's put it this way, by now they have turned the metering lights on on a regular day but since it is summer, it is light, no major problems here. yesterday it was light all day at the bay bridge toll plaza. we are hoping for that again. this is 880 north and southbound. traffic is moving well.
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>> overcast conditions, cool, breezy, some love this, others can't stand it. warmer weather maybe the end of the week but for the by the cost and inland a little warm up. low overcast around 2500 feet. there is still a breeze with the overcast conditions. not as windy as yesterday especially towards fairfield but still west-southwest at 24 miles an hour. yesterday they had gusts around 37 and 40 miles per hour. so a little calmer there today but still it is a sea breeze and i mean even santa rosa, sfo, san jose cloudy. south-southeast at 7 so it is another breezy today. temperatures today watch the thunderstorms also erupting over northeast california. reno had numerous thunderstorms yesterday. low clouds all the way town to southern california, low overcast, sunny and breezy, 60s around the coast, 70s for many that should be near 90. 53 san rafael-napa santa rosa is 54 and i have it on very good authority that it is
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overcast and pleasant up in heelsburg. 59 san jose, palo alto 58. couple of lows continue to sit and spin. look at that fog in the pacific. that spells cooler for us. 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s. a cool pattern inland. 60s and 70s in the north bay. that fog up there just doesn't want to burn off. probably a repeat today. more of the same into thursday then it does look warmer with the sooner burnoff on friday and saturday, pam and dave. >> well, in less than an hour the conference board will release the latest consumer confidence report. the number is expected to drop from last month, which has already been the lowest level in four months. experts say they are up likely to gain reconfidence in the economy until the pace of job growth picks up. the consumer product safety commission is investigating a
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complaint about a mcdonald's happy meal toy. a mother says her boy almost strangled himself with this, the character from the last air bender. the mom says he put the bracelet like ring around his neck and appeared to pass out. she says she took it off of him and he recovered. mcdonalds says it meets all safety standards. >> later today famed movie director frances ford cop a las winery opens to the public described as a winery day resort. the new winery features a wine tasting bar, a restaurant, and a movie memorabilia gallery, the doors open at 11:00 this morning. a park area with game tables and even bochy courts are set to open later this summer. >> 6:23 is the time right now. coming up next here on the morning news crime is on the rise in california's state parks. find out why the state's budget problems could make the problem even worse. >> also right now an out of
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control wildfire is threatening homes. we will bring you an update on their fire and several others burning across california. >> good morning. westbound 237, that traffic is moving along pretty well if you are driving in the south bay. we will tell you more about your morning commute coming up.
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welcome back to the morning news, an out of control wildfire is still threatening dozens of homes. it started at 1:45 in the afternoon. people had to be evacuated from refer kern and a near by juvenile detention facility. it has burned 2000 acres but no injuries are reported and the cause is still unknown. >> 6:27. there is concern this morning but the recent spike in crime in state parks. the sacramento bee reports crime has tripled over the past 10 years. incidents include assaults, vehicle break ins and in some remote areas marijuana growing. >> in my opinion there is no doubt that an increase in the number of rangers in the park would decrease the number of crimes happening in the park.
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>> now faced with a $19 billion budget shortfall more funding for parks this year is not likely. there is an initiative on the november ballot to increase car registration fees to pay for the parks. >> up next state park rangers are warning hiker after an attempted rape on a trail in the santa cruz mountains. we have the details. >> reporter: i am tara moriarty live in oakland where police recently laidoff may be getting their jobs back by the end of the year but we will explain why some say that that is not fast enough when the morning news continues.
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[trumpet playing "reveille" throughou reviving the economy means reinventing the way we do business. here's to the owners showing us the way. [trumpet playing "reveille" fades to silence
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welcome back. they are just ringing that opening -- [ inaudible ] >> -- too bad -- [overlapping
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speakers] add. >> -- snooky -- [overlapping speakers] [ inaudible ] >> -- big hit show on mtv, so they were there. probably causing a bit of a commotion i would think there on the trading floor. it looks like a pretty good day, the gains will continue. some earnings coming in this morning. du pont second quarter profits up pretty strong. the opening numbers in just a moment. >> all right, well, good morning do snooky, good morning to you, thank you for joining us here on the ktvu morning news, tuesday, july the 27th. i am dave clark. >> i am pam cook. the time now is 6:30. >> the oakland police department could soon get back the 80 police officers it lost but just moments ago they told us they were needed right now. let's get right to tara moriarty with details of the new crime spree. good morning, tara. >> reporter: well, good morning, dave. almost right after those 80 police officers lost their jobs
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violent crime spiked, that is according to authorities we spoke to this morning. basically what they tell us is the number of home invasion robberies surged in an area called area 2, a neighborhood wedged between east and west oakland. now some say that criminals are simply -- [ inaudible ] >> -- stepped up patrols in that area. last notice a breakthrough came when police -- the union agreed to contribute 9% of their pay towards their own pensions, that is something that city leaders have been asking for before the layoffs but the contributions will only go through if voters approve a $360 per parcel tax on the ballot. it would fund police and fire services but must pass by a 2/3 majority and police we spoke to say they are not banking on it happening -- [overlapping speakers] [ inaudible ] >> -- pass -- >> -- right --
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>> -- kidding ourselves, this is not an easy tax to pass but we are giving the oakland voters the right to decide how important police are. >> reporter: last night the city council also voted to propose to suspend a minimum police staffing level set in a 2004 parcel tax known as measure y. it would be on hold until the year 2015. now, if that passes and the parcel tax also does as well, the number of officers on the force would shoot back up to more than 800. if both fail the number would dip be low 600. right now it is about 700. the rank and file still has to vote on the pension proposal and if they do not vote to 82 prove it by august 10th. the city will yank the measure off the ballot and again be facing a $50 million budget deficit come next fiscal year. >> a judge has ruled that there will be a trial for three people accused of taking part in the violence that broke out at the mehserle verdict protest
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in oakland. the judge says that prosecutors presented enough evidence during two hearings to move the cases toward a jury trial. undercover officers say that they saw one suspect carrying stolen merchandise from the footlocker store and saw two other suspects vandalizing the sears store. preliminary hearings for 11 other protesters starts with felons -- felonies are scheduled for later this year. >> hikers are warned to be careful after an attempted rape. police released this sketch, a lynne to man in his 30s or 40s, 5'4," clean shaven with a stocky build. officials say two women were walking along the trail in the castle rock state park when a man approached them with a gun and demanded sex. the women ran away. they were not hurt. if you have any information contact the police.
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in fremont a ten-year-old boy is recovering now from non- life-threatening injuries this morning after police say his 15- year-old brother stabbed him in the neck with a pair of scissors. now, this attack happened friday morning at the home of the children. the 15-year-old was arrested on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon and was booked in juvenile hall. police say he told them that voices in his head told him to carry out that attack. he is having psychiatric evaluations. >> what some people are calling a parking meter revolution starts today in san francisco. not every 1 is going to be happy about it. kraig debro is in hayes valley with a look at just how much the pilot program is going to cost. good morning, kraig. >> reporter: and good morning, pam. it is actually a two year pilot program. it is going to cost $24 million but the federal government is putting up $20 million or so of that many and here is how it works when it is busy you pay more, when it is not busy you don't. that is hayes heading out west, that block you would not be
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paying very much but open the next block across the street up there you can see a bunch of cars up there so you wrote be paying a lot more based on the crowded conditions of the car. the first meeter are installed later today. that means the older meters will be coming out of the ground but they won't be scrapped unless and until the pilot program is made permanent. that is what 1 future parking district could look like in san francisco. by the end of august you could be seeing these in your neighborhoods. they accept coips, debit and credit cards and eventually the city's prepaid parking cards. that is just one of the features but it is not the main one. the main one is congestion pricing and that is what the big deal is. the first of the meters will be planted here starting at 10:30 this morning. see the streets right there in
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dark blue, now it costs between 2.50 and 3 dollars an hour to park on the street, with this it could range from 50 cents to 18 dollars an hour, that is usually -- when it gets up to 18 that means probably there is a special event. the busier it is the more you pay to park. they say there won't be wild swings, changes won't be higher than 50 centings an hour it covers on a few neighborhoods. some will keep the old meters but be tracked for comparisons. coming up we will take a look at another facet of this program. we are going to show you how it is going to tell you when you can park, when there is a space available and when there isn't. >> the concord man whose pit bulls killed his step grandson
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is facing felony charges. those charges were filed against him. the dogs mall the toddler last thursday after the boy got into the garage where the animals were kept. he has said he wa't home at the time of the attack and he is scheduled to enter a plea next week. the california highway patrol says an 18-year-old woman was driving under the influence when her vehicle was struck by a greyhound bus in fresno last week, killing six people. the chp says she was legally drunk driving home from a party with two other women when her trailblazer hit the center divide of highway 99 and overturned. a few minutes later the bus slamed into that suv. she and her two passengers were killed along with the driver of the bus and two bus passengers. >> oh boy, time now 6:38. let's check in with sal. things are getting busy particularly on 680. right? >> that's right. slow because of a crash there
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in pleasant hill, southbound 680 this morning pat the treat boulevard exit. this accident is causing slow traffic there southbound. traffic is getting a little bit better but because they are moving the accident to the side but still pretty slow all the way up from let's say concord near the willow pass road. westbound bay bridge there was a stalled vehicle on the bridge. theyed that to turn the metering lights on and now there is a back up there and more people are kind of showing up anyway so this is kind of blending in with a normal morning commute. traffic moving well past the eight 8017 junction. here is steve. >> sal, thank you, another big fog bank out there as you probably can imagine temperatures, especially inland are extremely cool for this time of year. you know somewhere down the road we will pay for this but for now and probably it looks like until the end of the month temperatures on the cool side. wind but not as windy as
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yesterday for some. very cool afternoon highs inland anywhere from one to 19 degrees below average. livermore, concord, way below. santa rosa way below, 20 below for santa rosa yesterday open the high side. it does look warmer towards the end of the week but not a lot. thunderstorms anybody heading up tahoe, truckie or reno or quincy in susanville keep an eye on the sky. those afternoon thunderstorms continue to gee rupture. that is bad news for lightning, we don't need any fires but there are reports of hail and brief rain but temperatures again it is almost like i am throwing in the towel because our forecast projections we use have no clue. san francisco didn't change a thing, 62, 62. walnut creek yesterday was 68. we will go 70 today. that 70 is out there.
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oakland 65. san jose 76. we will go 75 today. mt. tam is 54. that is 11 degrees cooler than yesterday morning. that is a big drop for inland areas so the cool air aloft is in place, the cool air on the surface, it all spells cooler. they are all 57 as well. 89 vegas, 60s up and down the cost. they are 49 degrees. record low maximum temperatures yesterday again down in southern california. look at that low. that is going to say you know what? the fog is my friend and i am -- [ inaudible ] >> -- days here. low overcast then sunny and breezy, cool to mild. the peninsula and south bay see the sun first, then the east bay then the north bay, it is a tough tough tall order, it just doesn't want to bush off a lot
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of fog that. low clouds, fog through thursday thin it does look a little warmer especially away from the coast friday and saturday, pam and dave. >> all right. 6:41 is the time right now. up next what boaters are being asked to do to save what else. >> reporter: and has prostitution embedded itself in belmont? the city council is discussing the issue tonight. we will have that story and more. we will be right back.
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well, good morning to you, welcome back. here is a quick look at some of the top stories we are following for you right now at 6:44, the embattled ceo of bp will step down. he is being replaced by bob dudley. an out of wildfire has destroyed several buildings and now is threatening dozens of homes. this fire broke out yesterday afternoon about three miles north of concernville near the national forest. about 2000 acres have been burned so far. the oakland city council and the police officers union have agreed on a plan to hire back 80 police officers laidoff, however it hinges on voters approving a $360 a year parcel tax on the november
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ballot. >> city leaders in one normally quiet city are considering emergency action today over concerns about prostitution. jade hernandez joins us now with the extent of the problem, jade. >> reporter:good morning. has prostitution embedded itself in belmont? police have not made any affidavits but the city attorney says too many massage therapists have not graduated from accredited massage therapy schools. 80% of the massage therapists here in the city have certification issues and they they be putting a hold on future massage therapy tifts in belmont. we talked to a certified massage therapiest. she told us there is a clear distinction between legitimate massage therapy and adult entertainment. >> if they have been sear fied
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they have adequate amount of hours of training and been fingerprinted and this is an organization that has been around for about a year in full, so if somebody has this, this demonstrates that they have the -- all the qualifications. >> this industry is ripe for some abuse, and the city, as a regulatory agency, has a responsibility to the public that if they go to a ci licensed facility, that it is professional and meets the appropriate standards. >> reporter: so tonight belmont city council members will discuss a 45 day moratorium. if voted on tonight could be extended at the end of august until next year:10 parlors in belmont police say 37 of the 47 therapists have not received proper training at little schools. the city attorney says the illegitimate schools serve as a condue it for sex workers who set up illegitimate massage businesses across the state. the therapy council says the
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suspect schools actually have been in trouble for a variety of issues. you can check out any therapy tift credentials on c-a-m-t-c- dot organize. this city council meeting is tonight at 730. jade hernandez ktvu channel 2 news. >> a spokesman for nato says one of the two u.s. navy sailors missing since last week has been confirmed dead. his body has been found. a search is still continuing for the other. they disappeared after their armored suv was seen driving into a taliban held area. nato says they don't know what they were doing. >> it could be a dramatic day in court as closing arguments continue in the corruption trial of former illinois governor rob blagojevich. yesterday the defense attorney clashed with the judge over
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whether he could mention potential witnesss that prosecutors did not call during the trial. the judge denied the request and said that if he does bring up the witnesses during his closing arguments today he would be thrown in jail. rob blagojevich has pleaded not guilty. >> back here at home bay area voters are being warned be on the lookout for what else. this alert comes after a young whale was found dead sunday a mile off the islands. biologists say it appears to have been hilt and killed by a boat. a large number of whales are feeding in the area. >> a 6:49 is the time. back up at the toll plaza we understand. let's check in with sal. >> that's right, pam and dave, good morning. there was an earlier stalled vehicle on the bridge. now there is a delay. those lights had to be switched on and more people are beginning to show up.
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not a huge delay but you should be aware it is there. san francisco more crowded as well, it is not stop and go. northbound 101 on the left up to the 80 split. this morning slowing on 880 and 237. westbound 237 slow at 880 continuing towards anchor road, 880 southbound busy no from fremont down to milpitas. here is steve. >> thank you, good morning to you all. low clouds, fog -- you know you could use an extra blanket at night. it is chilly. it is cold out there. no need for the air-conditioner that is for sure as temperatures are way be low average and this pattern will continue for another couple of days and a little bit warmer towards the end of the week. thunderstorm activity continues to fire up over the sierra and northeast california. quincy had reports of lightning and reno had numerous reports of heavy rain or thunder and
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lightning and also hail. a boomtown picked up some half- inch size hail yesterday so anybody traveling up 5080 or towards northeast california watch out. for us fog and low clouds that means it is cool, to t cooler, sfo was the only location that was not only close to average but above. today i went one below that but weaver awn else was below average. mountain view 70, seven be low, and san jose 75, should be 83 as well. their record 100, 1973. mt. tam 11 degrees cooler this morning than they were yesterday morning so a big drop for inland areas and some of the higher evaluations as well. 50s, 54 to 57 seems popular, 54 ukia, 54 sacramento, only looking for a high near about 82. you can see the thunderstorm activity continues up towards the north. there is a low spinning to the
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left of your screen, that is coming in and means more fog and low clouds. not as windy as yesterday. 60s, 70s, that isth. maybe some 80s if you are not under that influence of any fog bank but even inland areas have come down a little pit here. more of the same through thursday then it does look a little warmer friday and saturday. >> 6:51 is the time right now. nike says it will contribute $1.5 million to a relief fund for former workers in the honduras, following months of pressure from university of washington students. they dmanded nike give severance pay to the workers. the students say nike could set the standards for garment workers around the world. a live look at the big board on the new york stock exchange shows the dow jones up 19.5 to 10,544. the nasdaq and s&p up as well.
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home prices up almost 1.5% in may from april. so some encouraging news on the economy but most of the news in the economy is not that good. >> all right. time now 6:52. we will tell you why one homeowner's plan to go green has neighbors turning red. >> good morning, westbound 80 getting busier from richmond and el cerrito to berkeley. we will tell you more coming up. on a new cadillac cts sport sedan... ..the most acclaimed vehicle in its class and a car and driver 10 best third year in a row. summer brings out the best in all of us, so now's the perfect time to get behind the wheel of a brand new cadillac. now during cadillac's summer's best sales event... get zero percent apr financing for 72 months or this attractive lease offer on a cts sport sedan.
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all right. time now 6:55. let's go to tori to see what is coming up. >> good morning. coming up in minutes the man who just received a life sentence for killing a navato girl while driving his motorcycle drunks has died. it has confirmed there has been a spike in crime since 80 local police officers were laid off. we will get reaction to bringing them back. southwest is coming under fire again for its handling of an overweight passenger who needed two seats. and a rare joint conference will be held by arate that franklin and condo rice.
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all coming up on the morning news. now back to you. >> in the neighborhood near twin peaks one feel's plan to install a wind mill is causing a stir. they hope the turbine will help power their home while helping the environment. >> i think it is clear it will pay back the environment but as to whether it is going to pay me back or not, that is another question. >> neighbors worry it will set a negative pressie department even though there is a similar windmill at a home nearby. the mayor's administration has streamlined the process to promote wind energy. >> 6:57. sal, you are going to help us get to where we need to go. >> that's right. we do have a look at the toll -- 880 up towards the toll plaza. it is busy, not a big delay. now here is sal. >> another day where we have the low overcast for everybody, if you don't then you are one
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of the lucky ones because it is persisting for many. not much of a change through thursday then warmer friday and saturday but still for us the east coast is just hot and humid and we are sitting here really cool. >> people are saving money on air-conditioning. >> that is true. >> all right. thank you for watching. morings on two up next. a new plan to bring oakland police officers back comes with a price. >> speaking of prices kraig debro is in san francisco, they have new parking meters there. stay exactly where you are, mornings on 2 comes your way next. send comments to captions by terry james, caption colorado, llc.
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