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tv   Today  NBC  October 15, 2010 6:00am-10:00am PST

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good morning. potent storm. high winds and plenty of rain as a strong nor'easter rolls across the northeast. al's tracking it for us this morning. rebirth. all 33 rescued miners come together for a group photo at the hospital as the first three head home. and doctors are hopeful that more of them could be released today. and walk off. whoopi goldberg and joy behar storm off stage of the view after a heated argument with bill o'reilly. >> you're outraged about muslims killing us on 9/11?
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>> and bill and joy had plenty to say about what happened on their shows last night. we'll get their view of things today, friday, october 15th, we'll get their view of things today, friday, october 15th, 2010. captions paid for by nbc-universal television and good morning. welcome to "today" on a friday morning. i'm matt lauer. >> and i'm meredith vieira. it rained a bit overnight here in new york, quite a bit. >> it really did. and all that rain is headed up north, hitting the northeast right now, places like burlington, vermont. we'll get al's forecast on that nor'easter straight ahead. >> yeah, questions whether it will affect the foliage, actually, by knocking all the leaves off. >> a lot of wind. and new details in the case of that american tourist allegedly killed by mexican pirates. did a case of mistaken identity cost david hartley his life? we'll have the latest, just ahead. you've probably seen this
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now-famous picture of tiger woods. we actually showed it on this program about a week or so ago. it was taken at the recent ryder cup. this guy over in the corner on the right over there is getting a lot of attention. now his image is being photoshopped everywhere. >> they've actually dubbed him cigarman. >> that's right. >> look at him there. >> he apparently landed on the moon at some point also. we're going to find out the story behind this guy and why he was in that getup at the ryder -- there he is right there. >> he's here. >> hey! >> hey! >> cigarman! people don't understand the getup. a lot of people don't exactly know why he's dressed that way. he'll explain it a little later in the show. his name is rupesh shinggadya. and he's a software analyst in london. we'll talk to him. >> he's cigarman. forget the software analyst. >> tried to go with the name. sorry. >> not going to work. let's begin in chile, where a new round of celebrations erupted as three of the rescued miners were released from the hospital.
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more could be heading home today. "today" national correspondent natalie morales has the very latest. natalie, good morning to you. >> reporter: and good morning to you, meredith. that's right, they're all expected to go home today, being released from the hospital, but this weekend, they are expected to come here, back to camp hope, back to the mine where they were trapped for 70 days, to see the place that forever changed their lives. late thursday, 34-year-old edison pena became the first rescued miner to leave the hospital. and he got rock star treatment. still wearing sunglasses to protect his eyes, he told the crowd, thank you for believing we were alive. also released thursday, 52-year-old yonny aniest and carlos ma manny. the men are on their way home, but their life will never be the same. rescued miner richard says of the outpouring of love and support, it's very emotional. it makes you want to cry.
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at copiapo's general hospital, most of the men were in remarkably good health. luis urzua couldn't stop smiling as he greeted hospital staff. he was the shift leader and the last miner to come out. the rescue operation took a superhuman effort and the perfect plan. more than 800 people worked day and night. the mission carried out with the planning and precision of a moon shot. >> we had very talented people and very brave people don there. >> it's the second one. >> reporter: one of those talented people, renee agular, a lead engineer, gave us a first look into the rescue area. this could not fail. >> no. no. we don't have a second shot. >> reporter: a team from nasa helped design the capsule, with dozens of lives at stake, everyone involved knew the plan had to be exactly right. >> we had 33 people down there, living, asking for help,
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trusting us. we have those families there, asking for help also. so it's just a -- a human thing. >> reporter: the experts, the technology, and the planning all led to this. the group photo many thought might never happen. 33 miners rescued after more than two months in an underground prison. now their lives begin again. and there's already talk about movie deals, book deals. these guys are expected to make a lot of money out of this. they say they will only do an interview, though, all together. they made a pact and said, we're going to stick together through the end, meredith. and they're looking for a figure of somewhere upwards of $20 million. >> yeah, i bet they'll get it too. thank you very much, natalie. >> hmm. >> well, you spend two months in a cave, right? $20 million is -- it's a
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bargain. >> okay, good. good to know. let's get a check of the rest of morning's top stories. ann is over at the news desk. ann, good morning to you. >> good morning to you, matt and meredith. good morning, everybody. also in the news this morning, today the obama administration is set to report that the federal budget deficit is down slightly, but still exceeds $1 trillion for the second straight year. the soaring deficit is among the big political issues in the midterm election, now 18 days away. what once was hurricane paula has now weakened, but is dumping up to 10 inches of rain on parts of cuba, knocking out power and turning streets into rivers. the storm, however, is not expected to affect the united states. the cvs drugstore chain has agreed to paid $75 million in fines for allowing repeated sales of cough and cold medicine to people who use it to make methamphetamine. it is the largest civil penalty ever assessed under the controlled substances act. on wall street, lots of attention today on fed chairman ben bernanke and cnbc's erin burnett is at the new york stock exchange with details on this. hey, erin, good morning.
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>> hey, ann, good morning to you. and absolutely, from new york to beijing, it's all about ben bernanke. he's going to be talking about whether the fed needs to do more to help the economy, and then making the case about why the fed's printing money to buy things like mortgages isn't too much of a risk to the value of the american dollar. it's a crucial question. there are also two big stock stories to watch today. one, google. literally hitting it out of the park on earnings. shares are going sky-high, near $600 a share this morning, ann. ge also doing better than analysts had expected. ge makes everything from jet engines, of course, to washing machines. it's also farthe parent of nbc universal, but the key headline there, sales fell. not a great economic read. >> thanks, erin. and in portland, dollars worth of gold on display inside. he was found covered with moss,
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hoping to camouflage himself. now he sits in jail. now he's being called mossman. >> we got cigarman, we got mossman. let's show you what's going on with this nor'easter, not a major storm, but it's causing some problems in new england, rainfall amounts anywhere from onto three ieehes from charlotte all the way into albany, new york. this is the latest radar and you can see the wind gusts with upan to winds, portland 45-mile-per-hour winds, bangor 36, boston with wind gusts up to 40 miles an hour. more rainfall anywhere from two to three inches of rain, power lines are down, tree limbs come down. the big news of course a lot of that fall foliage is being blown down as peo closer to home, san browno
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mountain to san francisco, you can see low clouds filtering in across the bay thank goodness. in the trivalley that means cooler conditions finally starting to creep in in the afternoon. mainly 80s inland and 70s and upper 80s around the pe ningsula and inner bay. we will continue the cool down and sunday could get interesting with a few showers for areas south of san jose and livermore heading into monday. >> and that's your latest weather. matt? now to politics and the looming midterm elections. senate majority leader harry reid faced off with his republican challenger in their only debate of the campaign. kelly o'donnell has details on that. >> reporter: good morning. this race more than any other really represents what's going on this year, reid trying for his fifth term, sharon angle trying to topple the giant.
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usually they're in a theater with hundreds of voters watching. this was the candidates and plenty of tension. >> i'll just say there you go again. >> reporter: the most unpredictable political outsider. >> i live in a middle class neighborhood in reno, nevada, senator reid lives in the ritz carlton in washington, d.c. >> reporter: sharon angle is -- >> man up, harry reid, you need to understand that we have a problem with social security. >> reporter: harry reid, a former amateur boxer is on the road, unpopular in nevada. >> harry reid has voted to give social security to illegal aliens. >> that is not the law in this country, she knows it and she should stop saying it. >> reporter: issue after issue, a glaring divide. >> obama care is destroying our
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economy. >> reporter: reid hammered angle for health care reform. she said -- >> she's against mammograms, colons of copies, and kids who have autism. >> reporter: when reid said insurance companies are pressured to act by programs for breast cancer awareness. >> that's why you see breast cancer awareness month, you see the baseball players wearing pink shoes and the football players wearing pink ribbons. >> pink -- do you think the unemployed are spoiled? >> i don't think the unemployed are spoiled. >> reporter: reid and angle disagree on what a senator can do about the economy. >> my job is to create jobs, what she's talking about is
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extreme. >> once again, harry reid, it's not your job to create jobs, it's your job to create policies that create the confidence for the private sector to create those jobs. >> reporter: reid must do well mo among nevada's latino voters. >> we have to do something about the people that are undocumented. >> what we have here is an illegal alien problem. >> reporter: angle took a surprising personal shot at reid? >> how did you become so wealthy on a government payroll. >> that's kind of a low blow, i'm really disappointed that she would suggest that. >> reid went on to say that he had a lucrative career and investments and he really did bristle at all. angle did raise a lot of money in the third quarter. nevada's unemployment rate is the highest in the nation. it's 12 minutes after the hour, here's meredith.
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and with just 18 days to go until election day, heavy hitters from both parties are hard at work on the campaign trail. norah o'donnell has that part of the story. >> you know, the democrats are not giving up without a fight and today president obama and vice president biden hold their joint campaign event this season. they're doing it in delaware. it's going to be a double dose of democratic power to make sure that the democrats hold on to joe biden's senate seat. in his efforts to energize a key voting bloc for his party, he was peppered with questions. young voters helped democrats win big two careers ago, but thursday they grilled the president on issues and ask him if being gay is a choice? >> i don't think it's a choice. i think that people are born
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with, you know, a certain makeup. and we're all children of god. >> reporter: michelle obama was also out courting voters, especially women voters. >> this is officially my second day campaigning. yay. >> reporter: the first lady in colorado where democratic senator michael bennett is in danger of losing his seat to ken buck. >> you have to remind people that they can't just vote once and then wait for change to happen. they have to vote every single time. >> reporter: but bill clinton is perhaps the busiest of them all. >> this is about the 80th event i have done in this election year. >> reporter: barn storming across the country to rally blue collar democrats. >> this should not be a close race. if it weren't for this economic climate, it might not be. >> reporter: still republicans are poised to make great gains.
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>> sarah palin was full of jokes about her daughter bristol's dance steps on "dancing with the stars". >> i said i know how you can learn these dance steps, just write them on the palm of your hand. when i hear people say during the campaign that they have never been proud of america until that time, i think haven't they met anybody in uniform yet? >> reporter: palin holds a rally in anaheim, california on sunday. but two of the women on the top of the ticket, meg whitman and carley fiorina don't plan to attend. a possible explanation is emerging in the death of that jet skier who was allegedly murdered by mexican pirates.
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was it a case of mistaken identity? jenna, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. the latest theory on this is that tiffany and david hartley were perhaps mistaken for members of a rival drug cartel. david hartley had mexican plates on his vehicle when he offloaded those vehicles on falcon lake. the search for david has now been suspended indefinitely. hours before david went jet skiing with his wife on falcon lake, police officers pulled him over for an expired tag. because the hartleys also had mexican plates on their car from when they live in ranosa for david's job. >> that might have drawn the attention of the lookout
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thinking that perhaps the hartleys may have been lookouts or spies for the rival cartel fighting over control over that geography. >> reporter: fred burton is with a private intelligence agency. he said the beheading of the investigate for in the case is a sign of the mexican military to back off. >> unless somebody had been there to tell us what happened, we can't go around saying the cartel did that when we have no proof. >> i can see how the mistaken identity happened. i can see how that happened. >> reporter: the development comes as tiffany hartley faces an unimaginable job. >> these are shells have we have collected everywhere we have gone. >> i miss him. and i want him back and i can't. now i have to move forward and
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see how i'm going to live and what i'm going to do without him. >> reporter: as of today, she'll also have to do without david's mom pam who left texas for her home in colorado. >> i will fight to make people see what's going on down here. >> reporter: an american family's private tragedy in the chaos of mexico's drug wars. >> i love you. >> i love you too. >> tiffany hartley will herself be moving back to colorado within the next few weeks. the family is aware of the suspended search, but, matt, they still hope to bring david home. >> janet, thanks so much. now to the argument on "the view" over the proposed islamic cultural center at the site of the world trade center. it became so heated that whoopee
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goldberg and joy behar walked off the stage. >> you could have seen this one coming with fox news host bill o'reilly as today's guest, there were accusations of a cover-up and two missing women from the couch. it all started when "the view"'s hot topics boiled over. >> a lot of the 9/11 families that i know say we don't want that. hold it, listen to me because you'll learn. >> reporter: the audience wasn't impressed and o'reilly wasn't finished. >> 70% of americans don't want that mosque down there to don't say we did it. >> it's not appropriate. >> why isn't it appropriate? [ bleep ].
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>> muslims didn't kill us on 9/11. >> joy behar and whoopee goldberg walked off the set. including their guest and co-host. barbara walters was critical of joy and whoopee's actions. >> you have just seen what should not happen. we should be able to have discussions without washing our hands and screaming and walking offstage. >> reporter: but then walters took on o'reilly. >> but let me tell you in a calmer voice, it was extremist, you cannot take a whole religion and demean them. >> this is what i understood. if anybody felt they was demeaning -- >> joy behar is a fire brand on the left and whoopee goldberg is a fire brand on the right. after what happened on friday,
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everybody got lucky. >> goldberg and behar finally returned. >> we're back because he has apologized. >> no one wants to insult muslims. >> reporter: but the drama continued on cable tv. >> i enjoyed jousting with the women of "the view" because i want their audience to see both sides. i loved that exhibition today. >> reporter: the latest round is what is already an angry national debate. and at the end of the day this may be a story about celebrities fighting with celebrities, but at the end of day, this is a debate that shows no signs of simmering down. >> thank you very much. you walked off your own show? >> you listen to joy, she thought it was a hate speech and she was offended by it.
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>> i love joy and i love whoopee, but to walk off your own show? >> how many times have i wanted to walk off this just sitting with you? america knows they tie you down so you can't leave. >> dogs and cats playing together. we're talking about the lion cub being raised by dogs. this could end badly. this is "today" on next. -- nbc.
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just ahead, did gender bias play a part in these women being laid off? [ female announcer ] the healing power of touch
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just got more powerful. introducing precise pain relieving heat patch. it blocks pain signals for deep relief precisely where you need it most. precise. only from the makers of tylenol.
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>> per good morning. 7:26 is the time. mike is here giving us an update on something mentioned at the end of the last broadcast. >> a sigalert as we got off the air, things have been moving smoothly. much better there. el camino real is closed from atherton to watkins after a car and a pedestrian collide. the pedestrian has died as a result. the far right lane is closed.
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use the dumbarton. >> around the san mateo bridge, we will see cooling. the sea breeze is picking up and you will see the winds cranking by 4:00. san francisco will be in the 60s. 70s around the inner bay and for the weekend, cooler and breezy and the chance of showers on the south bay. 7:27 and more news after the break. ho
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new this morning, a warping for residents in one peninsula city about gas line work. we will take you out live to black mountain road at interstate 280. about 10 minutes, pg&e will work on a gas line in the area to improve gas supply before the winter months. residents will likely smell gas and hear loud noises. gas and electric service will not be sis rupt and we want to pass this along so you won't get concerned about the sound and the smell. work will wrap up around 8:00 tonight. back in a half hour. blah upon
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7:30 now on this friday morning, october 15, 2010. a messy start to the morning in the northeast. but the rain did not scare these folks away and we're very happy that they're here. meanwhile, inside studio 1a, i'm meredith viera along with matt lauer. these women claim citigroup used an obsession to lay off women. we'll find out what the bank is saying about their lawsuit. here's one of those stories, we apologize, we couldn't resist this. hopefully this is going to have
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a happy ending in a few months. we're looking at some lion cubs living with a pack of cubs. we'll find out how that came to be. and on "today's" friday whip, we're going to tell you when it's really worth splurging. we begin this half hour with some serious news, the on destruction and brutal murder of a 7-year-old. >> reporter: following an arrest, prosecutors announced they would be seeking the death penalty and they say it could take a year or more to bring this case to trial. meanwhile neighbors and of course family are still mourning the loss of the little girl whose death changed many lives. nearly a year after 7-year-old summer thompson disappeared and was killed, the neighbors keep
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her memory alive with purple, her favorite color. >> i think the one thing that most people here will remember about her is that she always had a smile on her face. she was always skipping or running or jumping or hopping or something. >> reporter: summer's murder was a horrible shock in orange park, florida where she was last seen on her short walk home from school after running ahead of her brother and sister. police say she was kidnapped and killed in this house on her route home not far from where she lived. her body was found days later in a georgia landfill. a year later the desperate search for summer has turned into a long wait for justice, as the complicated death penalty case against her accused kill her grinds slowly forward, now charged with first-degree murder and sexual assault in the case is 25-year-old jarrett herald who police say lived in the house where the killing occurred. he has pleaded not guilty. >> he doesn't deserve a name,
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he's a monster, he's just not a person, he's not like you or i. >> reporter: at a recent court hearing, summer's mother came to represent her daughter and other missing or murdered children, even though harold himself did not attend. >> i made a vow that i would be here and hell nor high water could keep me away. >> reporter: since summer's murder, parents and children in orange park are much more concerned about safety, everyone is more cautious now and the neighborhood is much quieter. >> you don't see the children playing outside like you used to before this happened. it's been kind of quiet and we miss that, the laughter and the giggling and the fun of watching these children grow up. >> reporter: a tragic loss in a somber town, of a little girl known for her smile. and still to be determined is where the trial will be held and whether because of all the publici
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publicity, it will be moved away from where that crime occurred. >> summer's mother dina thompson is with us. dean narks good morning to you. >> good morning. >> we don't need to ask how you're doing, you could barely watch that. the anniversary which you can hardly even call it that is coming up on tuesday. what do you plan to do to mark that occasion? >> we're having a huge vigil in orange park, florida to remember her life and celebrate it and to bring awareness to parents and families and friends, to try to empower people to get involved in this. >> deindina, i listen to you sa that piece, that come hell or high water, i'm going to be there every single day that this guy is in court. i have wondered in the past if that's for you and your family, the best thing? >> i think it is.
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i still feel guilty for happened to summer and i want her to know that i will always be there for her. >> but this is a death penalty case, this could take a very long time. and can you with stand that? can you be there every day even if it takes years? >> yes, the monster has made he stronger. >> you say you still feel guilty, and it breaks my heart every time i hear it. you did talk to your daughter about stranger danger, but you feel that there is more you could have done. what did you say, and what do you wish you had tornado. >> i don't think it's so much about what we say, of course we should tell our kids not to talk to strangers, but at the same time, if i were to invite you to myself and i introduce you to them, to them in their little minds, their young minds, you're no longer a stranger. that doesn't mean you're a safe person. we need to stop telling our children things and teaching them. if you have a bad feeling, run
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the other way. if someone tries to snatch you, you kick, scream, punch, bite. >> as a parent, i deal with -- i contemplate this every day and i try to figure out where the line is between educating my children and scaring the heck out of my children. and so you have other children, have you found that line? clearly your family has been changed forever because of this, but what would you tell other parents? >> i have gotten involved with a group called the surviving parents coalition and they have other groups they're involved with and one of the groups that i think is amazing is called rad kids, and it's a ten-hour physical class where the kids only to take to empower them to not only get away from abduction but internet predators, bullying, they cover a huge spectrum of things and they have reported cases of actually saving children. >> on the day that summer was walking home from school, when she was abducted, she was
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walking home with her sibling, including her twin brother who's 8 now, samuel? how is he? >> he's taking it hard, there's nothing like a mother's love, but i don't know that i would compare a twin's love to my love for her. >> you say you can never repay the people who came out and looked, you have created a foundation to at least pay back a little. >> first we want to start with education because we want to do our best to not let this happen to anyone else because it's the worst feeling in the whole wide world. but also, in the event that a tragedy strikes, we want to help people who are of lower income because i was myself being a single parent and i didn't know how i was going to be able to afford to take care of my baby after she passed away.
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so my foundation wants to offer money to families in this situation to help them with the expenses that are incurred during a time like this. >> a nice thing to do for people even as you try to deal with the tragedy. dina, it's always nice to see you, i appreciate your time here. >> thank you. let's get a check of the weather now from al. >> thank you very much, matt. let's look ahead and take a check of your weekend. first of all if you're going out looking at the fall foliage, past make in a good portion of the rockies into new england and even into the northern ohio river valley. as we look into the weekend, mountain snows, warm and sunny on the gulf coast. beautiful weather through the gulf coast, but a lot of wet weather, showers through the rockies on into the pacific northwest and part of the central rockies.
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here's a nice view of san francisco where we are starting to see signs of a stronger sea breeze that will ease off the temperatures inln and a lot more into the weekend. highs today mostly in the 70s and 80s inland and near 90 in the warmest places and higher up in elevation. highs in the 80s across the valleys and for the weekend, mostly 70s and the chance of seeing scattered showers. this will be for sunday and mainly areas south of san jose into livermore and breezy and dry by tuesday. >> >> and that's your latest weather. >> citigroup accused of gender discrimination, did the banking giant use the recession to fire female workers? that's what these women are claiming. hey, you made your own lunch. yep! (mom) i'm so proud of you. the bus is here, gotta go mom. okay hunny, have a great day. look in your bag, made you something.
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(announcer) it's more than just that great peanut taste, choosing jif is a simple way to show someone how much you care. choosey moms, choose jif. we get double miles on every purchase. so we earned an la getaway twice as fast. we get double miles every time we use our card. [ whistling ] no matter what we're buying. and since double miles add up quick... romans! get em! [ garth ] ...we can bring the whole gang.
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[ sheep bleats ] it's hard to beat double miles. whoa -- he's on the list. but we're with him. [ male announcer ] get the venture card from capital one and earn double miles on every purchase, every day. go to [ indistinct shouting ] what's in your wallet? you don't have any snickers in your shopping cart. let me help you. the neighborhood kids love snickers on halloween. we're definitely going to her house. [ male announcer ] this halloween, snickers satisfies. we're definitely going to her house. have you tried honey bunches of oats with real strawberries? wow. it's seriously strawberry. they're everywhere. it's in the bunches, on the flakes, even real strawberries in the mix. can i have some more? honey bunches of oats with real strawberries. it's delicious. nobody does it quite like us. but basically, i'm a runner. last year. (oof). i had a bum knee that needed surgery. but it got complicated, because i had an old injury. so i wanted a doctor who had done this before.
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and unitedhealthcare's database helped me find a surgeon. you know you can't have great legs, if you don't have good knees. we're 78,000 people looking out for 70 million americans. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. we're back at 7:42. six current and former female employees say that citigroup used the recession to fire women. >> reporter: in the class-action lawsuit, five former female employees seen here on the cover of forbes magazine and one current employee accused citigroup of using company wide layoffs during the recession to get rid of more women than men, men they say were less qualified than their female counterparts.
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citigroup is accused of being a boys club. the female plaintiffs want damages for what they call the systematic and pervasive discrimination and retaliation women have suffered during their employment with the company. >> what makes this case unusual is that these women are saying, yes, we recognize we were laid off as part of a broader layoff, but we believe that women were disproportionately the victims of that. >> and there are also accusations of inappropriate and vulgar comments made in the work place, including references to oral sex and one of the women being ask, you jewish gals get hot for guys with beards, don't you? in a statement, citigroup says the women were just five of approximately 70 men and women in the public finance department who were part of that reduction
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and they were selected based on legitimate business reasons not based on their gender. many of their allegations are either totally inaccurate or selectively incomplete. the facts do not support their claims of gender discrimination. >> as a legal matter, this would never be an easy case to win because it was part of a broader layoff. and so now these women are really going to have to come forward with hard evidence, e-mails, eyewitnesses, that prove their case. >> four of the six women involved in the lawsuit are with ugh exclusively. douglas windoor is their attorney. there are three other women involved in this lawsuit and they are not with us here "todatoday because of scheduling conflicts. you all were terminated, it was november of 2008, november 21st,
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why did you decide to join this lawsuit now two years later? >> well, we started the process close to -- soon after that. >> so it's taken that long to get to this point? >> right. right. and the reason that i'm participating in the lawsuit is that citigroup had lip service to inclusion of women in the workplace and then in one fell swoop in 2008, they took out four out of the five female directors in the department eliminating a whole generation of future management. >> but you're convinced that the only reason you were terminated is because you're a woman? >> absolutely. i think what they did was discuss things and i felt disrespected and hurt and i just want to bring awareness to the open secret that female professionals are disproportionately treated unfairly and have no chance for advancement especially on wall street and at citigroup. >> what did they say to you when they let you go.
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>> they told me they no longer needed me and that's -- they said my position is safe and my promotion is still going to happen. >> and then they fired you two weeks later? >> yes. >> dan abrams said this is going to be a tough case to prove. you're charging citigroup with a recessionary discrimination. but they were part of a bigger layoff. do you have specific proof that they were laid off solely because of their gender? >> we're going to show that citigroup used the sluggish economy as a cover-up to discriminate against the women. each one of the women who was laid off back in november of 2008 were imminently more qualified than their male counter parts. in fact one of the women who's part of the lawsuit received
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much higher bonuses because her productivity was much higher than the man they kept. one of the former managers has already supplied us with an affidavit who will testify that each one of the women in his group that was chosen for lay yufs than the men who remain at citigroup to this day? >> you are part of this lawsuit because you feel you were unfairly demoted when you returned from a maternity leave in january? >> i'm an associate in the active finance group, i've been there for four years and a group that has a very long history of discriminating against it's female employees. it has a very long history of discrimination both in terms of compensation and promotions and it all came to a head for me personally a year ago when i returned from maternity leave
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and all of a sudden my skills were not -- >> but you're putting your job at risk by being here. >> but really, it's very important to bring it all out. because this is a group that's been acting in a despicable manner and it's been discriminating against female employees for so long that it's time to step up and do something about it. and so many of the women who have been part of this discrimination are very glad that i'm coming out and speaking and many have called me and told me that since the day they left citigroup they have regretted the fact that they stayed silent. and thank goodness that i'm coming along and fighting against it. it's very important to stand up and fight for myself and for all the other women who have been part of this discrimination. >> and we have no time left, but in two seconds, is this money that you're looking for from
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this snut. >> no amount of money is going to make them whole, they have gone through great suffering, but we're going to warn the public which we're doing now and we hope to put other companies on notice and correct the wrongs that they have done. >> thank you all for joining us, we greatly appreciate it. just ahead, we're going to definitely lighten things up a bit with two lion cubs who have raligolltene ty thdogs. what you hope to score? ♪t ♪ only [ sharon ] ♪ for tickets and more ♪ ♪ it's where you go! ♪ ♪ for fares so low! ♪ only southwest... ♪ two bags fly free! ♪ ♪ sing it with me! [ all ] ♪ ♪ only at southwest! -[ ding ] -[ laughter and applause ] but the nicoderm cq patch
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gradually steps you down off of nicotine in just three steps, doubling your chances for success. nicoderm cq. 3 steps, 10 weeks and you're free. nicoderm cq. if you live for performance, upgrade to castrol edge advanced synthetic oil. .
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. . happy birthday. just for you.
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[ male announcer ] not one person climbing everest has ever stopped at the drive-thru window for breakfast on the way to the top. new quaker hearty medleys. a whole new oatmeal loaded with delicious fruit, nuts, and four hearty whole grains, working together to make you amazing. does your breakfast make you amazing? 278 stories. >> 37 square meter home. >> three heldly pass. because you hate when you're
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waiting for an elevator. >> 600 wait staff. >> that's an knowing. >> what do you do with a house like that? >> you can park 160 cars in the basement. >> get out of here. >> that's true. >> i don't get it. give it to charity next time. cigar man coming up after your local news. >> there he is. that's a lot of mpgs. sure is... know what else you get with every new toyota? wow... what is it? peace of mind... a complimentary maintenance plan with roadside assistance.
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it's called toyota care and we're the only full-line brand to offer anything like it. we look so happy and worry-free. you are. [ male announcer ] introducing toyota care -- featuring a complimentary maintenance plan with roadside assistance for every new toyota.
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style that lasts a lifetime. what do you say we get the look we want, the softness we need, and an unbeatable lifetime stain warranty for whatever life throws at it. then let's save big on the installation. ♪ we're lowering the cost of going barefoot. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. get exclusive martha stewart living and platinum plus installed in your whole house for only 37 bucks. . test
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good morning. 7:56 is the time. we will get a check of the commute. if you plan-using the brimming, head be westbound with the traffic stacking up-the bridge. the far right lane is closed for mrmg repairs and traffic is twerted approaching the high-rise. potentially through the afternoon. dumbarton looks good and bay bridge not so good. lights still on at the toll plaza backing up. here's rob with the weather. >> from san mateo to bay bridge, sunshine and you want the sunglasses where the fog is trying to filler around. right around 4:00, the
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temperatures are starting to drop off. we should be near 70 around midday and cooling off off. 87 in san jose. inland with upper 80s in the warmest places, but the trend will be cooler through the weekend and you may need to dust off the umbrellas. an area of low pressure scoots by. more news after the break.
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. there have been a string of holy heists. thieves ran sack everything from donationings to computers from religious centers. church lootings, particularly in the city's southwestern district are happening at an alarming rate. there have been a dozen robberies from august to september. a few seem to be linked to one person and the other could be homeless people. parishes are trying to work with police to get more security. we have more local news for you in a half hour. the "today" show returns in less than a minute. [ male announcer ] how can you retire at age 55? just ask jerry brown. he gave california state employees collective bargaining powers. since then the unions have grown stronger and stronger. now state employees can retire at 55 with much of their salary for life.
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and taxpayers are on the hook for one hundred billion dollars in unfunded pension liabilities. no wonder those unions are 100% behind jerry brown. he'll just spend, and spend, and spend. 8:00 now on a friday morning, the 15th day of october, 2010. kind of nice, we're getting clouds rushing past us after a night of heavy rain, nor'easter heading into new englander. look who's here! that was cigar guy right here on the plaza. we'll find out more about why he has become a rage and sensation on the internet in a couple of months. >> like groucho. >> he's supposed to look like someone else. we're talking about splurging in
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this half hour. >> is it worth it to buy a high priced coat for the winter? >> it keeps you warm, what about organic foods? worth it to buy it or a ripoff? we'll get to all of that. >> handsome man. >> are you okay? >> wow. >> and imagine if this is what our morning meeting at the "today" show was like. take a look. lion cubs have made fast friends with a pack of dogs at an animal sanctuary in colorado. we'll get the deal and find out what's going on here a little bit later. >> also, a story kind of close to -- you know our own brian williams obsessed with the show "madmen." apparently it runs in the family. his daughter, allison is one of the biggest things on the internet right now with a song she recorded called "madmen"
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theme song with a twist. ♪ there was a boy a very strange boy ♪ ♪ they say he was a very fun ♪ a little child the very one >> that's allison graduated from college. she took the theme song, the instrumental combined with an old nat king cole song called nature boy. one camera the entire time. clearly allison got jane william's looks. >> he's very proud of her. >> he should be. i'm going to whip my kids into
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shape when i get home. no pressure though. >> speaking of things that have become crazy on the internet, a guy known as cigar guy from the remarkable photograph taken of tiger woods as the ryder cup. people started to look at the guy in the background. who is this dude? they nicknamed him cigar guy and he's joining us here on the plaza. >> how are you? >> give us the background. big golf fan, right? >> definitely. >> you went to the ryder cup dressed like this why? >> i'm a big golf fan, massive european fan, gol doesn't get better than ryder cup, what better way to play tribute to a sensational golfer. >> than to dress up like him. >> he's got this hair, reddish
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hair, the big pony tail and cigar. what turned out to be a day at the golf course has gone crazy. >> are you surprised by what a sensation it's become? >> most definitely. obviously it's hilarious. it's fantastic. but when you see all of the pictures and effort people have gone to, at the same time, you can't help it be slightly embarrassed by it. >> how has your life changed? >> hasn't changed too much. i'm not trying to let it take over. see what happens really. >> no one would know you're cigar guy, right? >> no. >> so don't ever take it off. >> it's a lots of fun and we've been having fun with it. >> it absolutely it. >> more than anything else, it's a lot of fun. >> cigar guy. >> i can see a lot of halloween costumes. >> let's check on the news. ann is standing by at the news
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desk with all of the latest. >> good morning, everybody, in the news, a 32 rescuers miners in chile are easing their way into a world that's anxious to know more about the two months trapped underground. three men left the hospital after posing for a group photo with chile's president. the miners will only do a interview all together for upwards of $20 million. two workers were kidnapped by armed begunman in somalia. they were taken to an area controlled by rebel s linked to al qaeda. sharon engle criticized harry reid other health care reform and immigration. >> president obama and vice president biden are making a rare joint campaign appearance today in delaware where
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republican christine o'donnell is trying to win biden's old senate seat. and one of the big campaign issues this year, federal spending is in the news and today the white house is to confirm that the federal budget deficit has topped $1 trillion for the second year. here's brian williams with what's coming up tonight on "nightly news". >> our popular making a difference series, average citizens bringing real life training into the classroom, goes a long way beyond career day at school. these volunteers are teaching kids their own trades on their own time. great program. it's growing. we want to call your attention to it tonight on nightly news. ann, for now, back to you. have a good weekend. >> you too, brian. by the way congratulations to your daughter. it is 8:06. let's go outside for a check of the weather. >> it is a big breast cancer walk this weekend. >> 40 miles. >> we're here to support the
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american cancer society making strides against breast cancer. walk this sunday and next sunday. you can find them online at we wanted to give meredith this. >> we'll make sure she gets this. thank you. >> let's check your weather. pick city of the today, tfrhaord wonnecticut, showers developing inds, 57 degrees as the system makes its way off into new england. wind and rain, we've also got clouds in the pacific northwest but that will clear out over the weekend. plenty of sunshine down through the golf and tro here's a nice view of san jose. no worry of clouds but it could be a cool day as the sea breez kicks up. around 90 in livermore for one more day. you can see the cool down in
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place as the fog spills in. the weekend could get interesting. we'll see cooler temperatures but the cutoff low swings to the south the we may see a few scattered showers, he especiall areas south of san francisco. friday. but sunday night, football night in america! it's a big one, indianapolis colts gallop their way into fedex field, absolutely positively one of the big games, mostly clear and school and beautiful night. temperatures 61 to 65 on sunday night, football night in america! >> al, thank you very much. we have the mom of the remarkable missy dunlap. nice to have you here. what a pleasure. when we come back, when is it okay to splurge? we'll talk about that right after this. it okayresplue.
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have you tried honey bunches of oats with real strawberries? wow. it's seriously strawberry. they're everywhere. it's in the bunches, on the flakes, even real strawberries in the mix. can i have some more? honey bunches of oats with real strawberries. it's delicious. nobody does it quite like us. new aveeno positively radiant tinted moisturizers, with scientifically proven soy complex and natural minerals give you sheer coverage instantly, then go on, to even skin tone in four weeks. new aveeno tinted moisturizers.
8:10 am
i have the bank of america mobile banking app. i can take care of things on my break. i can check my balance... while i'm on a bus. waiting at the barber shop. at the studio. oh, my paycheck's already in. [ chuckles ] i just transferred money. i went online and set up alerts to let me know if... my balance drops below $200. you can pay your bills online. you enter the amount. then, "make payment." -boom. -done. -wish i was... [ male announcer ] bank whenever, wherever, however you want. with mobile and online banking from bank of america.
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[ slap! slap! slap! slap! slap! ] [ male announcer ] your favorite foods fighting you? fight back fast with tums. calcium rich tums goes to work in seconds. nothing works faster. ♪ tum ta tum tum tums hmm...what's going on with dad? he seems different. ♪ are you ready? he's not talking about work. ♪ i don't want to work he's not tucking in his shirt. ♪ everybody, now!
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he's not checking messages every 9 seconds. and now this? ♪ i don't want to play ♪ i just want to bang on the drum all day ♪ [ ship horn blows ] because grandpa said that our name goes on everything we make. [ male announcer ] tim and richard smucker grew up knowing that putting your name on every jar was a guarantee of quality. with a name like smucker's, it has to be good. back at back at 8:12. this morning on friday's whip, it worth the money? in this economy people are finding ways to cut back. when should they think about smurnlging? >> let's start with bedding, robin is a lifestyle expert. good morning, nice to see you. you spend a third of your life in a bed, splurge? >> totally splurge. >> what do you look for?
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>> you look for support and comfort and pressure and relief. it's really the homework. memory foam beds are really popular but not everybody likes them. you need to test drive this mattress. >> nothing worse than getting a mattress home and it's not right for you. >> you need to lay in the mattress store in the position you sleep on. you're going to get a good sense of what the bed is like. >> if you splurge and buy an expensive mattress, how long should it last? >> ten years. >> flipping it over? >> this has a 25-year warranty. the flipping helps but a good mattress, at least ten years. >> people are talking about bed bugs, how do you protect yourself? >> there's no point of spending so much money and not spending $60 on getting the encasement sheets. the best $60 you'll ever spend. >> let's talk about regular sheets, splurge on good ones? >> people tend to look for threadcount. i say good for the fabric.
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egyptian will be long laster. >> how long should they last? >> organic cotton, more expensive, they last much longer than regular cotton. if you don't want pesticides in your food, why would you want them in your bed? >> if you splurged on great mattress and great sheets, better make a nice pillow. >> this is a $40 pillow, this is $240, but you'll only buy it -- it's hand filled. if you wanted it supportive, it's going to be the only pillow you'll buy. buy it once and buy it right. >> robin, thanks as always. >> let's go up to meredith. >> when is it worth spending more on a winter coat. bobby thomas, good morning to you. you definitely think it is worth it if you live in an area where winter is an issue. >> you don't need to break the bank. this is $199. >> this is subzero type weather. >> especially here in frigid
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temperatures. this is great, the yukon classic by eddie bauer. you feel the collar it's shrili and it has heat warmer pockets. >> and it's light weight. >> it won't make you feel too bulky. >> price point on this one? >> $199. >> the classic pea coat, i like this because it is $89 from chad wick's. the pockets are great, nice detail. >> it's not wool though it's faux wool. is that warmer than wool? >> it's just as warm. it's adequate. it's for people that if you're allergic to wool, the best part it's machine washable. >> which is great. >> you can throw this in the washing machine, great for $89. >> if your winter is wet, you remember this particular rain
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coat? >> this is an an or ak. you don't have to go for the trench. if you have a lifestyle you want work to weekend. i like this and it's water resistant. don't buy a faux jacket for fashion. make sure you get something out of it. this is fully lined and cinches in at the waist to create a nice shape. you can put this over a dress or jeans. >> you like it longer? >> i like the 3/4 length. it's $130. this is from london fog. you can probably find them from $79. >> you can buy all three, not bad. here's al. >> are specialty items worth the extra cash. andrew, good to see you. first of all, you say chicken and eggs, worth the money to buy organic? >> if you buy anything organic, it's chicken and eggs. you have the usda label that says usd organic.
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pasture raised, feels good but doesn't mean anything. >> fruit with skins on it. >> berries, anything like that. apples and oranges, not so much. but milk -- >> it's good to spend extra for olive oil and balsamic vinegar. >> looking for extra virgin oil, first press. not ones you cook with necessarily. these are for finishing salads and stuff. this is the real balsamic. again for finishing stuff. >> sea salt and where there's fat, there's flavor, right. >> that's what i say. >> this is the real parmesan, you can see the label here. it will last in your refrigerator. >> get pros cute toe ham, good coffee, freshly ground. don't store it in your freezer.
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>> andrew, thank you very much. ann? much. ann? >> thank you so much for joining us. you say it's worth the money for the front door. >> windows and doors are the greatest energy loss. but you can do something that's nicer. this is a place, the first place that somebody walks up to. it's an expensive proposition, good quality entry doors can start at $2,000. they can go all the way to $10,000. but this is something that adds real value, adds big curb appeal to your home that truly makes a difference. >> what should a door include? >> it should be thick. it should be 1 3/4 thick. i'm a big fan of wood doors. this is a fiberglass door. you get the energy efficiency that makes a difference as to how it feels and looks. >> your windows and speaking of
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energy efficiency, you can save money with this. >> the worth it to me is a wood framed window that has an aluminum wrap on the outside. there are major brands across the country that really do add value. i want people to look at that. it costs more but even whether you're going to stay or sell it ends up on a listing sheet and people say, wow, you've got the name brand windows, the house is worth more. >> let's move on to floors. people choose others than wood to save money but they say go with wood. >> the only renewable flooring you can put in your home. this can add a huge amount of value, $5, to as much as $30 a square foot installed. this is something that makes a statement. you look at these beautiful noors, look how great this is. >> lou, thanks so much. we have much more coming up, including the lion cubs who went to the dogs in colorado. coming ighthis.
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♪ where'd you learn to do that so well. ♪ ♪ where'd you learn to do that so well. ♪
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the new cadillac srx. the cadillac of crossovers. cadillac. the new standard of the world. [scraping] [piano keys banging] [scraping] [horns honking] with deposits in your engine, it can feel like something's holding your car back. let me guess, 16. [laughing] yeeah. that's why there's castrol gtx... with superior protection against harmful deposit build-up. don't let deposits hold your car back. get castrol gtx. it's more than just oil. it's liquid engineering. hey -- little m&m's! wow! great costumes. what are you guys -- like four or five? forty-six. alright, yeah ok. here you go. you don't understand, slick. we're here for the party. whoo! yeah, that's cute! [ laughing ] put your hand down.
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something funny happens when you cross over from land to sea. you become a different person. ♪ are you ready? you taste foods you've never tried. ♪ i want to bang on the drum all day ♪ you swim with animals you've only seen in aquariums. and somewhere out on the high seas, you get your first water wedgie. ♪ i don't want to play ♪ i just want to bang on the drum all day ♪ [ ship horn blows ] and i wondered what it was. i found out that connected to our muscles are nerves that send messages through the body. my doctor diagnosed it as fibromyalgia, thought to be the result of overactive nerves that cause chronic, widespread pain. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i learned lyrica can provide significant relief from fibromyalgia pain. and less pain means i can do more with the ones i love. [ female announcer ] lyrica is not for everyone. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions
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or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior or any swelling or affected breathing, or skin, or changes in eyesight, including blurry vision or muscle pain with fever or tired feeling. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. i found answers about fibromyalgia. then i found lyrica. ask your doctor about lyrica today. cubs being raised alongside dogs near denver. george lewis was there. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. these babepy lions, these cubs will be joining an adult pride some day. for now, they've gone to the dogs. >> good morning. >> reporter: this isn't your
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usual morning staff meeting. in addition to the people, you've got 13 dogs and two lions. it's an important morning ritual and the lions greet each and every one personally. this rough play between the lions and some rather fearless dogs is intended to get the cubs physically and psych logally ready to join the adult lions here. >> the dogs here serve a great purpose in a foster family for the animals to learn and grow and start to get acclimated to the kind of social environment that they are going to grow in as lions and tigers. >> reporter: the sanctuary is home to 250 large animals roaming around 230 acres. lions and tigers -- and bears oh, my. and throw in a pack of wolves and a bunch of leopards all rescued from collectors who can no longer care for them or in
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many cases animals confiscated from law enforcement agencies. >> all of these bizarre situations where someone has a lion or tiger and we're called in to rescue them. >> reporter: the lions were four months old and used to be a property of a drug dealer in canada who got busted. they were turned to the sanctuary and in the beginning, the dogs put them in their place. now that the cubs weigh 150 pounds a piece, it's a different story as i discovered when one of lions playfully grabbed me by the leg. >> easy big fellow. i was told to growl at the lions if they got too rough. it seems to work, for now at least. at this stage the cubs are playful and mostly gentle. but as they get bigger and more fierce, nathey'll have to be
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separated from the dogs and humans before joining the adult lion pride. pat craig will continue to interact with them but separated by a fence. >> these guys will live here up to 23, 24 years, be here for the rest of their f good morning, everyone, 8:26 is the time. it's friday morning. i'm garvin thomas. let's get a check on the friday morning commute. the san mateo bridge westbound, take a look. backed up still even at this hour. the far right lane continues to be closed for emergency repairs. traffic is being diverted. we'll switch to the bay bridge, one of the alternates. metering lights are still on there. maybe the dun bart on bridge is the way to go until the emergency repairs are done until possibly this afternoon. >> good advice if you're heading
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to the east bay. take those alternates for the afternoon. we'll see more of the sea breeze pumping in. mainly 70s around the inner bay, 90 towards livermore. today the warmest day we'll see for quite some time with mostly 80s inland around the north bay as well. take a look at the seven-day forecast. a cooler and breezy weekend. the interesting part is what happens sunday and monday. could have a few scattered showers to wrap up the weekend. 8:26 right now. more news after the break.
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new this morning, an east bay police officer will be honored today along with other oirs, firefighters and civilian who's have shown great courage. samuel arer ding is among those being honored. he rescued an unconscious victim from a burning vehicle on interstate 880. he and 27 others will receive prestigious medals of valor during a dinner banquet in sacramento. [ male announcer ] everyone is hurting. republican. democrat. independent. your party doesn't matter anymore. it's fixing this mess. boxer's been there twenty-eight years. and, look what we've got. when bickering ends, solutions begin. i'm prepared to oppose my party when it's wrong.
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we can change washington but first you have to vote, to change the people we send there. i'm carly fiorina and i approve this message. 8:30 8:30 on this friday morning, the 15th of october, 2010. nice start to the day than we anticipated and it doesn't seem to bother these folks one bit. they are glad it's not raining right now. just ahead, the new collar that is sweeping the nfl. >> if you watched a profootball
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game you may have noticed that the players are wearing the pink head bands or mouth guards, even shoes, all part of a campaign to raise awareness for breast cancer. and actually roger ga dell, has a personal reason for wanting to be involved in this. we're going to talk with him about that in just a couple of minutes. >> also ahead, what do president obama, tiger woods and snooki have in common? >> i don't know if i want to know. >> halloween costumes -- >> no, willie geist is taking aim at them and others in his new book. he's going to fill us in in just a bit. >> look at willie the author. >> also coming up, we also love your enthusiasm, talking about cheryl hines, out with a new project, going behind the camera, it's an nbc project that's deeply personal to her.
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it's a fantastic idea. we all should have thought of this. >> i'm glad she did. >> we'll reveal it coming up. first it was a dreaded double firing on the "apprent e "apprentice." here to tell us about is is donald trump and jack welsh. talk to us about that. the men's team really disappointed you. >> they were very disappointing, it was a double firing, one of the few and i think they deserved it. >> what lessons did you learn from that? >> you can figure that out. they picked the wrong person. >> you say jack can tell us. some people might be surprised to see you showing up on not this show but that show. why did you get connected? >> donald was nice enough to have me come on and get a scholarship to the winner and
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going on donald's show was a huge hit for us. >> you're mentoring people now. what kipnds of questions have yu been asked. what is the question you get most often. >> can i get my degree if i have a job? will i get real world experience? and the answer is yes, you can do all of those things, keep your job and get an mba in a real world program. it's growing like crazy. donald, we got 28 applicants and over 200 live discussions going. >> i'm going to join up too, matt. nobody is better than him. >> donald is going to get an mba. >> who's better than jack. we rarely get you on the broadcast. one of the questions people are asking, what are the jobs now,
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jack? and how long before they come back? >> it's a tough go. we've got to get everybody in the country around innovation and driving new growth. we can't keep squeezing this lemon. we've got to get an administration that supports growth and we've got to get a whole congress behind growing the pod. we can't keep shrinking the pod, we're not going to get jobs from that. >> two people are knocked out. who are front-runners now? >> we have a lot of front-runners, the question of jobs, they are in china and india, every place but here. pretty sad. >> celebrity apprentice, you should put him on. they would surrender on the first day. >> yeah, i'll take al as prisoner with me. >> i'm with you. >> thank you very much. you got it, jack. you can watch all new episodes of the apprentice right here on
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nbc. thank you. >> check on the weather, mr. here's a nice start to your friday morning. oakland looking live, hazy skies and a few patches of low clouds. part of a stronger sea breeze that will arrive in full force later on this evening. we should see 80s to near 90s. temperatures will drop off a few more degrees tomorrow then the clouds fill in late saturday night into sunday calling for a slight chance of scattered showers heading into monday. >> got some nice teachers back here from ke we have nice teachers from kentucky. let's head down to big willie scott. >> remember when you were a kid, one of first things you learned. helps you remember which is which. happy birthday, this is it as we
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approach the end of the month. say hello to our smuker's bodies, helen wald, 100 years old and attributes lo s longevi reading romance noflz. i think she goes to church. gladys her yot, the confidence is having a spirit and making clothes, keeping busy, that's what counts. evelyn newberry, corpus christi. a gators fan, never misses a game and enjoys visits from the fam. james roche of delray beach, a bartender for over 30 years and is famous for his ice cream
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sodas, how about that? you don't get many requests for that no more. marguerite goodner, nashville, tennessee, 100 years old today. and honored with all kinds of awards, especially for having the prettiest garden ever. that's another thing older people love to do. julesberman, leads book club meetings every single week. that's it, now back to you. up next, the nfl stars out to sack breast cancer. we'll talk about that th the commissioner oeef nf we'll talk about that th the ew nob last week, nf but their health insurance
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doesn't cover my kid's pediatrician. which is not cool. she was so fantastic. she had this sock puppet that she would use to explain exactly what she was doing and why she was doing it. i just wish there was someone to explain to me how i'm going to find another doctor like that. [ male announcer ] we know a good doctor is hard to find. e av o hewe somethf la es t twthne i orks n califoa so you can choose one that's right for you. blu shiee .
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this portion of "today" this portion of "today" is brought to you by dannon activia. try it today. >> we're back now at 8:39 with breast cancer today. nfl players are sporting pink in support of breast cancer awareness. we'll talk with roger goodell in a few minutes but we'll talk about one nfl player who has been impacted by the disease. >> this is cooley, touchdown washington and perfect throw for mcnabb. >> reporter: even in pink he is a fearless 28-year-old celebrated for his toughness. the hardest hit number 47 took happened off the field. >> she called me and she was crying, right away i knew something was definitely wrong. she said, i have breast cancer. >> reporter: in 2008, cooley's mother nancy was diagnosed with
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stage 3 breast cancer. he got the devastating news a week before his wedding day. >> that is so scary because i've never had -- i haven't known anyone that had it. you just don't know what's going to happen. >> reporter: just like that for the cooleys, breast cancer became more than a disease. what was the hardest part of that experience? >> every day, it's a different life. i felt i was not part of the real world. >> reporter: even today, two years later, nancy doesn't like to think about it, not about the chemotherapy or losing her hair. >> never picture your mom without hair. what's my head going to look like. >> reporter: inspired about his mom's courage, he and his wife started an all-star survivor's
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event, for women still battling the disease. he shared what a team doctor once told him. >> now i know why you never miss a game and why you play hard because your mother is so much tougher than you. >> reporter: the women got a makeover and inside the locker room tour, suzanne, the mother of two was diagnosed with breast cancer in june. >> it's really just so nice that they are making such an effort to make everybody just feel good. >> reporter: the redskins commitment to the cause reaches to the owner's box tonya snyder, wife of dan snyder, herself a survivor has become one of leaders of the nfl's fight against breast cancer. >> it changes you. it changed me now and always will, which is why i'm here today, helping me make a difference. ♪
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>> reporter: outside the lines, a group of women forming a team of their own, cheered on by a fanclub of athletes like chris cooley. >> when i get to the locker room and see pink gloves and cleats in my locker, it makes me reflect on what my mom went through and i feel so fortunate. >> reporter: playing for his mom and proving real men can wear pink. for "today," peter alexander, nbc news, ash burn, virginia. >> roger goodell is the commissioner of the nfl. good to see you. it's a brilliant campaign, i turn on a game and immediately see the chinstrap or cleats and see the pink. and you say what's it about? it forces you to think about it. >> we have a visible platform. so many people watch the nfl and see the tough men playing a tough game wearing pink and recognizing their impact by the terrible disease.
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it's a great platform. >> what's the reaction been, not only from men but women who may or may not be fans of the game? >> we have 200 million fans in the nation and 45% of those are women. >> what do they say? >> athey love it. they are getting an opportunity to have the people play the game, say we're affected by this disease also and we support you. >> you have a very personal reason for wanting to take part in this cam pain. your mom passed away in 1984 as a result of breast cancer. what do you want others to take away from this? >> my mom told me she had a lump in her breast in 1978 and she didn't at the time want to go get it taken care of. >> she waited. >> she waited about four months for personal reasons, my parents were going through a divorce. and she told me that and i said mom, we've got to go. she insisted on not going. unfortunately she died six years later. you always look back at that and say there was an opportunity for you to have gotten help earlier,
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would she still be alive today, which would be something that would make all of us happy. >> raising awareness is one of great things the nfl is doing. even as we talk an and compliment you on this campaign, i have to ask about another story, you i am plimt plemted a strict personal conduct code. brett favre allegedly sent explicit e-mails, where does the investigation stands? >> we're gathering all of the facts. we want to make sure everybody in the nfl, whether you're a player or coach or commissioner, recognizes the responsibility that we all have to the public and people that follow our game. when we get the facts, we'll reply. >> have you talked to him personally? >> i have not. >> he's one of highest paid players, if it's true, what type of punishment would you hand out? >> i'm not going to speculate on
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what we would do. we apply the policy whether high profile player or not. it's the responsibility of playing the game and the responsibility to our fans. >> you have your hands full. congratulations on this campaign, doing a lot of great things, roger. >> we're proud of it. we think we're making a difference. >> good to see you. >> how about this, this week the washington redskins take on the indianapolis colts. we like that music, roger, sunday night football. coverage begins at 7:00 p.m. eastern time. we're back that moment. this is "today" on nbc. [ mom ] my son ryan didn't know his voulez-vous
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from his frere jacques... [ speaking french ] [ mom ] he decided to study in paris. ♪ to see french masterpieces with his very own eyes. we even linked our citibank account to his so when his account ran low we just transferred funds. i just hope the language isn't a barrier. bonjour. [ mom ] my ryan can be very shy.
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[ male announcer ] from linked accounts to citi mobile we make it simple to manage your finances. what's your story? citibank can help you write it. ♪ they've all beenmple to wearing shirts ♪nces. ♪ which caused a trend alert ♪ and everyone ♪ saw everybody ♪ tell'em all ♪ tell'em something, where to go and what it's all about ♪ ♪ tell them how to feel when they shout it out ♪ ♪ tell everybody else ♪ and everyone ♪ tell everybody else looks like the circus is in town and willie geist is the ringleader. after his first book taking aim at the politicians and pop culture personalities who dominate the headlines.
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it is called "american freak show". the completely fabricated story of our new national treasure. >> do you introduce all your guests bay s s by saying the ci in town? >> the inspiration for this book is blago? >> it just struck me how much he was relishing his celebrity. and it reminds me that there's a very thin line between infamy and fame. if you're celebrity, it doesn't matter why you're a celebrity, it's just that you're famous. we know he'll be back with something else soon. >> i have always known you as smart willie but now i think you're a genous because you've taken these people from pop culture and you just make stuff up about them. it's perfect, you can do it forever. >> the people are real. each chapter is a different
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character, so you know everything about them, but you put them in a fictional situation. sarah palin has been just been elected in 2012, but she's a washington outsider, she's not going to do it in the capitol, but she holds it on wwe's monday night raw, with her running mate nature boy rick flair. >> how about lindsay lohan. >> yep, lindsay lohan makes the book. we do politics and a little pop culture in the book. she's just been arrested on some offense or another, she's sitting in a jail in santa monica and she vaguely remembers that another personality wrote a letter. so she begins tweeting from a santa monica jail. she uses this as her martin
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luther king jr. manifesto. >> and even president obama figures in? he's awake in the middle of the night? >> the scene from president obama, he's asleep up in the bedroom at the white house. he's awoken by a crash. and his wife says go check it out. so she goes down to the kitchen and who's in the kitchen making a hot pocket? vice president dick cheney. at which point the president learns that dick cheney lives still in the basement of the white house and is running the united states government. so they proceed to have a long conversation. dick cheney passes on a book that has wisdom from presidents past. >> you got family and early hours. how did you do it? >> it was a weekend project. the apartment in new york city
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isn't a great place to write a book. so i had to go hide out. >> when you make up fiction about some of these people, it's not that far from the truth. >> that's kind of the idea, i say it's about six inches from the truth. you can kind of believe each of these chapters and putting these people on steroids a bit. but you can see each one of these people in situations like this. the good news is my show's on at 5:30 a.m. i didn't want to come anyway. i didn't really fit into that problem. >> that's not six inches. >> we all need these jobs. meanwhile hoda jumped the gun on you, she got her book out a couple of days ahead of you. >> i'm coming for hoda. i'm going to take her down. >> i'm glad we're not in this book. >> not this one, but there will
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be another one. >> the book is "american freak show." up next, "curb your enthusiasm." "know the species, know the stain." lanolin-free coat, i know it's an alpaca. walks in here, looks says "hey look, it's a llama!" cleaning the stain like he would a llama stain. time he's wasting. ♪ call 1-800-steemer [ male announcer ] carly fiorina. as ceo, she laid off 30,000 workers and shipped jobs to china. china. india. russia. poland. i know precisely why those jobs go. [ male announcer ] because fiorina shipped them there.
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to shanghai instead of san jose. bangalore instead of burbank. proudly stamping her products "made in china." 30,000 workers gone while fiorina took $100 million for herself. carly fiorina. outsourcing jobs. out for herself. [ barbara boxer ] i'm barbara boxer, and i approved this message.
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actress sheryl hines perhaps known as the tv wife on hbo's curb your enthusiasm. but she's also the executive producer of "our nation's public schools." i love this concept. >> thank you. >> i was doing this in real life at a school in compton. it was so -- it made such a difference in the community. one of my friends, my ex-husband to be exact said this should be a show. you should know people how you're doing this. and then the next thing you know we're on nbc on friday night shows people how we're doing it. >> and once you mobilize communities and they take pride in their schools, it's amazing what happens. >> can i tell you, it's been such an amazing experience to see kids, because we work with elementary school, i would school, high school, these kids come to their schools and
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they're cleaning, they're painting, they're helping their they're cleaning, they're paint[ male announcer ]ng their how can you retire at age 55? just ask jerry brown. he gave california state employees collective bargaining powers. since then the unions have grown stronger and stronger. now state employees can retire at 55 with much of their salary for life. and taxpayers are on the hook for one hundred billion dollars in unfunded pension liabilities. no wonder those unions are 100% behind jerry brown. he'll just spend, and spend, and spend. good morning, everyone. i'm garvin thomas let's check on the weather forecast. >> we're going to see changes as the sea breeze turns stronger, we'll see the low clouds back towards san francisco. highs around the inner bays in
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the 70s. hottest places will be towards pleas ants ton and livermore getting close to 90. 90 around morgan hill and after today things will turn cooler this weekend. highs tomorrow mostly in the 70s inland and we could see a chance of widely scattered showers, especially for the southaybay. sund ay heading into monday. more news after the short break. ♪
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[ male announcer ] it's luxury with fire in its veins. bold. daring. capable of moving your soul. ♪ and that's even before you drop your foot on the pedal. ♪ the new 2011 cts coupe from cadillac. the new standard of the world. whether you are a student or parent, college can be painfully confusi confusing. this saturday u.c. berkeley is hosting college information day. reps from 60 public and private universities will advice on admission and financial aid and geared towards middle and high
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school students. goes from 8:30 in the morning until 1:00 in the afternoon and will be held in wheeler hall auditori. "today" show returns in less than a minute.
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back now with more of "today" on a friday morning, it's the 15th day of october, 2010. not bad here in the plaza after the rain overnight. nice people gathered outside including that guy. the cigar guy is still here. that of course the man who appeared in that photo of tiger woods and he has really gone viral, as they say. is that a good thing for a person to go viral? >> yes, it is. >> out on the plaza as well, matt lauer, tamron hall, and we're talking about the show that she executive produces.
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we talked about how you came one the concept. how do you come up with the schools to help. >> we want to represent schools all across the country. so we went to detroit, we went to nashville, we went to a tiny town in california called needless. the only high school in town. we went to baton rouge, we really just wanted to go across the country and help everybody. >> when you change a school, you change a community. >> that's a very good point, even if you go into a school and put in a football field. on the weekends, they can impose games, onscene with auditoriums and media rooms, when you do something for that school, you're really helping the entire community. >> how did it feel to see this work help all the people in the community? >> we had over 15,000 people volunteer.
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so when they come in and see the school's done, of course tears of joy, as you can only imagine, lots of laughter because you're working with kids and who knows what they're going to do. just people overwhelmed with happiness. >> as opposed to working wi-- >> it's already doing good things. tonight, 8:00, 7:00 central time right here on nbc. what else is coming up in this half hour? >> we have got our version of real estate open house with barbara corcoran, you don't know how much you can get for your house these days? we're going to go from chicago to wasilla, alaska and in between to show you what you can get for your money.
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. >> you can't even think about buying a home because you're too busy avoiding debt collectors, what you need to do and where you can actually get help so you can buy the home of your dreams. >> ann is standing by at the news desk. those rescued miners in chile are beginning to get out opt of the hospital now following more than two months being trapped under ground. we have got natalee morales in copiapo, chile. hey, natalee, good morning. >> reporter: all the miners expected to go home from the hospital "todatoday for the most with a clean bill of help. but they all want to come back here to camp hope and to the mine to see firsthand the place where their lives were forever changed. late thursday, 34-year-old edison pena became the first rescued miner to leave the hospital and he got rock star
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treatment. still wearing sun glasses to protect his eyes, he told the crowd, thank you for believing we were alive. also released thursday, 52-year-old juanian necessary and carlos mamani. they're all on their way home, but life will never be the same. rescued might have beener richard villarroel says it's very emotional. most of the men were in remarkably good health. luis osua could not stop miling. the rescue operation took a superhuman effort and the perfect plan. more than 800 people worked day and night, the mission carried out with the planning and precision of a moon shot. >> it was complex, but we had
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some very talented people and very brave people down there. >> one of those talented people re showed us the -- >> with dozens of lives at stake, everyone involved knew the plan had to be exactly right. >> we had 33 people down there, living, asking for help, trusting in us. we have those families there, asking for help also. so it's not a technical thing, it's a human thing. it all led to this, a group photo many thought might never happen. 33 miners rescued after two months in an underground prison, now their lives begin again. and the miners did in fact say
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before leaving the mine they formed a pact that they will tell their story, there's already been talk about movies and book deals, they're going to tell their story only as a group, they do however expect to be paid somewhere in the millions. ann? >> natalee morales this morning, thanks. sharon angle told harry reid to, quote, man up. reid called his important extreme and an ally of special interests. meantime the government confirmed there would be no cost of living increase this year for retire rooes and disabled americans because inflation is low. a break through this morning in the swiss alps where a giant drill chewed through a rockwall to create the world's longest rail tunnel. as an emotional reunion this
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week in al babama. a master sergeant mom returned home early from afghanistan met her son at school. let's get another check of the weather from al. >> that's a tough situation, but so great to see that happen. thanks so much. let's check out what's going on for your weather and we have got this nor'easter, not horrible, eut it's stillsi caung some problems for new england. we have 24 hours, picked up one to three inches of rain. wire's the live radar with the nds.nd bangor, radar 36 miles an hour. 18 miles in boston. new york 20 to 25-mile-per-hour winds. hazy skies as seen from the camera lens looking back to san francisco. a stronger sea breeze leading to
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some cooling around inner bay. the warmest places. and now a chance of showers south of san francisco for midday sunday into monday, clearing and breezy and dry tuesday and wednesday ne week.k. this morning on "today's" real estate, what can you get for under 500 grand? from city living in chicago, to centraling centraling -- sprawling lakefront in alaska. we have got a classic victorian style home. you love the curb appeal of this house? >> look at that, that's a nice house, you just want to know you're going to get in there and be happy. this is 30 minutes from omaha.
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this is an old house that sits on the crest of the hill, surrounded by gardens and open fields, this is a house that was going to be torn down by developers, but the neighbors rallied around it and saved the house and aim glad they did. it's got a treasure trove of details in all of the rooms, those nice bay windows, stained glass. wood beam ceiling, that staircase is hand crafted. what's charming on to up of that staircase is a little bench to sit around. >> victorians hard to maintain. >> they're more expensive to maintain because they've got a lot of wood trim on the outside so it costs more just to keep it pretty. >> in wasilla, alaska, the home of sarah palin, this is a spacious shall lay. >> it's a popular style out there in alaska, it's on 1.4 wooded acres on a beautiful lake called cotton wood. the owner honestly on this one, i can't believe they took the
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pictures in the dead of winter. that should be totally different if it was taken in the summer or the spring. there it is, you get a sense of the size of the house and the guest cottage to the right end. this is one of the biggest fresh water fishing lakes, it's been named the best in the world and that's your own dock, it's not just for a boat, but your own sea plane if you want to throw that into the mix. inside the so different than the outside. i love the spaciousness of all the rooms. this is a totally open floor plan. there's a kitchen, a little mundane. it should be jazzed up a little bit. it needs a shot of color. the bmpl has those oversized windows. the windows everywhere. and views from every single window. you don't have any neighbors. you should shout forever and nobody's going to hear you on this house. >> that is beautiful. >> let's head to the windy city, chicago, $495,000. >> a lot of people love chicago and here's a house you could get comfortable in. it's actually in the
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neighborhood that's famous for being the home to eli's cheese cake factory. it looks like a mid sized house, but wait until you see the inside. it's new on the inside and extremely spacious. see how it has oversized wind windows, there's light in every single room here. it's very well merchandised, this house, they don't have too much furniture, they don't have too little furniture. they really went whole hog in that kitchen. you could just invite the whole neighborhood and have a good time there. there's a fireplace, there's two laundry rooms, there's bay windows in three of the rooms and that's a wood burning fireplace. >> let's go to nevada city, california. this house is on sale for $489,000 and again more great views. >> it's in an old gold rush town, 60 miles from sample, but
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it's right at the foothills of the sierra nevada foothills. that's your backyard. how many people can say they live in a place with a backyard like that. the living room inside, when we get in there, you'll see every window has a breathtaking view much like this one. there's the family room, a wood burning fireplace. there's the trim on the fireplace. kind of sweet for a house like this. that's the breakfast area, there's also a dining area you can see off the left side. it's a pretty house. i feel like i have said that about every house. but they're all pretty. >> and you love the staging room house. >> this is a great example of some people can really design a house to make it sell, and other people, the great majority cannot. this was done by the owner, but you can do this for a house and you can sell it for so much more, yet many people put quartered houses on the market and don't know how to merchandise. >> now let's finish up in
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indianapolis, indiana. another lakefront property. >> another lakefront and i'm trying to put the emphasis there because i'm already missing the summer. this house you would swear was in florida but it's in indiana. what's interesting is it's a flat roofed house and a lot of people get turned off by flat roofs, but look at the spaciousness of the house, the neatness of the house, it's clean as a whils inside and out. that's the backyard, total privacy, i think the inside of this house is just welcoming. every single room is welcoming, downstairs, upstairs, it's all beautiful. it has three cozy fireplaces, two balconies and of course remember, in this house, you go out the backdoor and you're looking at the lake. >> a lot of lakefront. >> i'm going to sell you something one of these days. >> whatever you're selling, i'm buying. and straight ahead, eating to relieve stress, but today we have got six things you can do
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to stop it. but up next, how to get a handle on your debt and start driving it down, right after these messages. we knew the perfect place to go. man: cheers, everyone. i guess i did okay. i knew they'd love him. introducing olive garden's two new sacchetti dishes. stuffed pasta pouches filled with four italian cheeses. with herb marinated chicken breasts in a garlic cream sauce. or with savory sauteed shrimp. both served with our unlimited salad and breadsticks. it was a great time. and good practice for my parents. olive garden. when you're here, you're family. and i want to do this until the wheels fall off. so i have to start taking care of my heart... and i'm starting with cheerios. [ male announcer ] to keep doing what you love, take care of your heart with cheerios. the whole grain oats can help lower cholesterol. love your heart so you can do what you love. with stelara® for adults. stelara® helps control moderate or severe plaque psoriasis with 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses.
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in a medical study, 7 out of 10 stelara® patients saw at least 75% clearer skin at 12 weeks. and 6 out of 10 patients had their plaque psoriasis rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and increase your risk of infections. some serious infections, like tuberculosis, require hospitalization. before starting stelara®, your doctor should test for tuberculosis. stelara® may increase your risk of cancer. always tell your doctor if you have any sign of infection, or have had cancer. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems. these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal condition affecting the brain. tell your doctor if you or anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. with 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses it's stelara®. after 2 starter doses activia is better than ever! hey, you guys. want to try activia's great new taste? isn't this the yogurt that, you know... helps regulate your digestive system.
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ooh, i think i'll pass. no, no, no! trust me. it is beyond tasty. mmm! wow! i can't believe it, i love it! mmm, this is really good! new best tasting activia ever! ♪ activia now you can join the fight against breast cancer every time you enjoy an activia. give hope with every cup of activia. [ male announcer ] confused what to get? click on the robitussin relief finder. click on your symptoms. get the right relief. makes the cold aisle easy. the robitussin relief finder. it's that simple. the robitussin relief finder. have you tried honey bunches of oats with real strawberries? wow. it's seriously strawberry. they're everywhere. it's in the bunches, on the flakes, even real strawberries in the mix.
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can i have some more? honey bunches of oats with real strawberries. it's delicious. nobody does it quite like us. this morning on "today's" money, driving down your debt. personal bankruptcies have grown 14% this year, it's very important, more important perhaps than ever to deal with your debt, with terms like snowballing, nonprofit credit counselors and debt management plans can be very confusing. we have brought in a personal finance expert and a columnist for glamour magazine. so a lot of people are facing this 14% rise in bankruptcies, what is your best advice, the
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first thing people should do is they're having trouble paying their bills. >> here's the thing, you have to be employed of course to pay off your bills and to do that you have to find the money, and that means cutting back on your budget or find a way to make more money to pay down this debt. but most importantly, you've got to make sure to not get any deeper into debt. >> don't get deeper into debt. >> right. >> but how do you dig yourself out of debt. we have many debts in our life. we have mortgage, car payments, credit cards. and credit cards are so important to pay off because they're so exopinionative. the average rate is close to 15%. you've got to pay off those debts as quick as you can. >> another great bit of advice is to seek something called a nonprofit credit counseling. there's a lot of ads out there, people are trying to get your money to help you deal with your debt. that's a very dangerous thing. >> you see ads everywhere. you have to be very cautious
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about it. you see debt repair, debt settlement. what you mean is a nonprofit credit counselor. a nonprofit is not going to take your money to -- go to the national federation of credit kouncounseling. it will cost $20 or $50 to sit down with them. >> so that's where you go and there are people you can pretty much count on. so what is your priority then once you have this conversation about how to actually attack this debt. >> here's what they can do. they can help to see if they can lower any of your rates, maybe console late your rates. but there's also a debt management program. this is a formal term, it could be informal, you could say i'm going manage my own debt. but a debt management program is where you pay them a lump sum every month and their job is to
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disburse and basically pay your creditor a and this is for people who have a lot of trouble keeping track of their debt and getting them paid all at the same time. >> you have to be very careful who you work with and go for a nonprofit credit counselor. >> what do you think about consolidating all your debts. >> people say why not take out a heloc out on my home? or take a lower interest rate. don't tie up your credit card debts to your secured loans, secured loans are like your house or your car, things that can be taken away from you if you can't pay your bill. you could take out a private loan with a lower interest rate to pay off the credit cards and just pay this fixed rate private loan, shop around really carefully for that. >> what i'm hearing you say is that when you pay off your debt you should be thinking about priorities about how to keep your house, your car. >> what you should make sure
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that you every month is your mortgage, your car, the things you need to live the life that you live. in terms of your credit card debt, that's the thing that you should pay down first. you don't need to prepay your mortgage or prepay your auto loan if you have outstanding credit card debt. that's you priority in terms of paying it off. >> carmen wong trying to help us in the meantime. still ahead this morning a couple of lucky women from our crowd get instant makeovers and we're going to show you the results coming up after these messages. introducing anew platinum. an avon breakthrough. the first with paxillium technology. it's designed to help restore cell shape... skin looks more contoured...sculpted... re-defined. even your jaw line. anew platinum does it. and only avon has it... with a love it or return it guarantee. want it? get it. call 1-800-for-avon or go to
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to find a representative today. twizzlers. the twist you can't resist.
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we knew the perfect place to go. i guess i did okay. i knew they'd love him. try our new sacchetti dishes. pasta pouches stuffed with four italian cheeses. served with marinated chicken breasts or sauteed shrimp. at olive garden. [ baby crying, teapot whistling ] everything's fine. [ male announcer ] of all the things that happen on your wooden surfaces, disinfecting has to be one of them. clorox disinfecting wipes. safe on wood. hard on germs.
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clorox disinfecting wipes. but the love i have for strawberry shortcake, threw a curve at my curves. so i threw it right back... with yoplait light -- around 100 calories. now i love my curves in all the right places. ♪ coming up, we have got six strategies to end the mindless
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leeting that sometimes comes along with stress in your life. >> but first, your local news. ummy, yummy, yummy, i got love in my tummy ♪ ♪ and i feel like... [ female announcer ] kellogg's wants to make kids happy one tummy at a time. because 9 out of 10 kids don't get the fiber they need, that's why froot loops, apple jacks and corn pops have 3 grams of fiber in every yummy bowl. they're the cereals your kids love and the fiber their tummies love... which makes for a whole lotta happy. froot loops, apple jacks and corn pops, an oh-so-good source of fiber. kellogg's® makes fiber fun.
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80 calories? light & fit has 80 calories versus 100 in the other leading brand. light & fit. irresistible taste. fewer calories. i love light & fit. good morning the time is 9:26. let's look at your commute. the san mateo bridge has been an issue all morning but things are looking better. there's a right lane that's been closed because of emergency repair work. it's still going to be closed probably until this afternoon. traffic has been a problem but moving smoothly. the bay bridge looking a lot better as well. this was one of the alternate routes for the san mateo but things are flowing smoothly through the toll plaza right now. here's rob with your weather forecast. a pretty nice forecast
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today. the sea breeze starting to pick up. the coastal fog will spill back over the peninsula. 80s inland. the weekend will continue the cooling ks more clouds spilling in could even see showers of the f t of thert next week. more news after the break. our kids can't afford another four years of crippling cuts to public schools. class sizes are too big, and all the standardized testing just isn't working.
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so classroom teachers looked closely at the plans of both candidates for governor. and we're supporting jerry brown. brown's plan focuses on a well-rounded education... with history, science, and the arts as well as english and math. schools where teachers and parents work together. and that's why we urge you to vote for jerry brown, a leader we can trust to make our public schools a priority again. discounted gas? don't see that a lot. today is national fuel alternative vehicle day. and they are rewarding drivers with a buck of gas. it runs from 9:00 in the morning until 6:00 at night. you have to have a car that accepts the type of alternative fuel that propel sells. speaking of gas, get ready
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for changes at bay area stations. they have to get rid of the nozles with latches. santa clara county superior court judge rejected a question for a restraining order issued back in august. it askts affects one-third of gas stations in california. gas prices are up about a dime a gallon and probably heading higher. the price per barrel will be higher in the not too distant f future. the "today" show returns in less than a minute.
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that was the scene around here last halloween and guess what? we're going to be doing it again and we can't tell you what we're going to be wearing. >> oh, sure we can. i'm going to be. -- >> no, but there will be no ewoks. and we're going to let you in on the hottest halloween costumes of the year for you and your family. we're going to check out some of the best. on "today." meanwhile, coming up on this
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half hour, how to stop yourself from the stress fueled eating. >> does anybody here do it it often happens when we're anxious or nervous, we're going to give you advice on what you can do to stop yourself from doing it or what you can do to distract yourself from it. if you don't take care of that waistline, it makes you vulnerable to all kinds of diseases. >> and once you hopefully kick the snacking habit, some of the hottest stars in hollywood, halle berry, robert patterson, lady gaga and now he's here to help you get a better butt, he has five butt burning moves you can try in fact right now if you so choose. >> you know what burns my butt? >> not that. >> you are going to use that word.
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>> lester holt with a look at what's coming up on "weekend today." >> we'll talk more with condoleezza rice, as you know, the former secretary of state has a candid new memoir covering everything from her child hohoon the segregated south to her historic seat in the cabinet. >> actually i do want to know what burns your butt. then it's show time, the secrets of being a las vegas show girl, we show you the glamour and the glitter but it takes plenty of guts to make it happen. also getting lost. i have mastered this art. my trip through the corn maze this week, follow me as i struggle to find my way out. that's all on "weekend today."
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>> let's get a check of the weather. hey you. >> let's see what's happening for your weekend. we have some good color as you get into the mississippi and ohio river valleys. saturday showers and mountain snows, not great looking weather in the new england area, hot weather out west, sunny and warm through the gulf coast, sunday, sunday, sunny and cool in the northeast with windy conditions, a lot of wet weather back through the central rockies, sunny and cool in the pacific northwest with sunshine and here's a view of san francisco, scene from san bruno, you can see the ocean air conditioning is turning on. by 4:00 you'll see temperatures really cooling down. 60s and 70s around the peninsula today. mid-70s around oak hand. cooling off as we head thousand the weekend. sunday an area of low pressure tracks by other central california to the south.
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san francisco southward, a cool start to next week. >> and that's your latest weather. i guess we are doing the football. all right, we're going to do it now, it's sunday night, football night in america. that's right. peyton manning and his colts gallop into fedex field, clear, cool, temperatures 61 to 65 degrees. that's right. on sunday night, football night. in america. >> al, i want to know how you use your baseball, because we have got a hall of famer rusty star, he retired from the game in 1985 and almost immediately created something called the rusty staub foundation. this saturday the foundation is hosting it's 19th annual wine auction which will benefit food pantries. good morning and congratulations, 950,000 people have been helped by your organization? >> last year, the lines just
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keep getting longer. it's a shame, and it's very, very difficult, truthfully to raise the money there's a collaboration of catholic charities, we have about nine areas including a mobile unit that we did from our golf tournament, that we can load it up, take it to where we have to take it because not every catholic edifice has room for us with a special pantry. >> are people giving? are they matching the demand? >> i'm going to find out tomorrow night because it's -- we have been one of the better charity wine auctions in the country, thanks to a lot of great friends and a lot of caring people, we hope to continue that. >> and it's not just one. you have great meals? >> yes, that's going to be one of our big lots this year, very gracious of two great martushe s
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martushev -- chefs to do that. >> and this is your 19th wine auction? how did you come one with the idea of wine? >> i think it was a viral thing. i'm kidding. >> if people want more information, how do they get. >> it rs foundation at ahrc. >> we'll put the information on our website. >> great, thank you. >> good to see you, my friend. >> my pleasure, my friend. and coming up next, we have got six reasons to stop our stressful eating coming up right after this. ♪ you drove me insane self-control down the drain ♪ ♪ we're over i'm so done with that ♪ ♪ i fuende l ♪ ♪ we're over i'm so done with that ♪ ♪ ♪ that comes from a little green leaf ♪ ♪ zero-calorie, guilt-free no artificiality ♪ ♪ my skinny jeans zipped in relief ♪
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♪ its name is truvia i had no idea ♪ ♪ no more sprinkling my coffee with grief ♪ [ announcer ] truvia. honestly sweet.
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mmmmmm. mmmmmm. wow! you have got to be kidding me. 80 calories? light & fit has 80 calories versus 100 in the other leading brand. light & fit. irresistible taste. fewer calories. i love light & fit. i couldn't sleep right. next day it took forever to get going. night after night, i sat up. sprayed up. took a shower... or took a pill. then i tried drug-free breathe right advanced. and instantly, i breathed better! i slept better. it felt...better. thank you, breathe right! [ male announcer ] breathe better, sleep better, feel better. now try new breathe right advanced for free... at [ woman ] it's my right to breathe right. isn't it your right, too? [ woman ] it's my right to breathe right. here, take the card. you go to the shops... i'll meet you at the gate. thanks.
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please remove all metal objects out of your pockets. with chase freedom you can get a total of 5% cash back. fun money from freedom. that's 5% cash back in quarterly categories and an unlimited 1% cash back everywhere else. and this too. does your card do this? i'm going to need a supervisor over here at gate 4. sign up for this quarter's bonus today. chase what matters. go to how'd you do that? do what? you made it taste like chocolate. it has 35% of your daily value of fiber. tasty fiber, that's a good one! ok, her mind. [ male announcer ] fiber one chewy bars. sorry about that, chief. this morning on eat smart "today," stress eating, it happens to everyone, whether you're crunching numbers at a
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desk all day, or you're waiting for a dig big date, eating soothes our anxiety. marilyn, tell me, how do we define stress eating? >> stress eating is 100% behavioral, it has nothing to do with being hungry, we eat to soothe, we eat because it tastes good, it feels good. so we have to recognize why we're doing it. >> it's not just negative stress. positive stress also causes stress eating, if you've gotten a new job, more responsibility, you're the head of the pta, there's a lot of pressure. so calming those nerves we always turn to food. >> the first one, identify and channel the source of your stress? >> see what you can control and what you can't. control is the key issue because you want to learn to manage
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this. stay in control and find a solution. >> my grandma used to say idle hands are the devil's workshop. in this case it's food. you say keep your hands busy? >> your grandma was right because what's reaching for food is your hands. do something like knitting or crocheting, give yourself a manicure, do some scrapbooking or clean out a drawer, keep your hands busy. >> and you also say keep your mouth busy. >> it's that hand to mouth activity. if your mouth is busy, we have to keep that mouth going. try some sugar free mints, low calorie gum, anything to keep your mouth busy with no calories. >> you say think before your eat. >> think before your eat. it doesn't mean don't eat. because surprise, with stress eating, sometimes a little bit of food can really help.
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100 to 200 calories of something you really want. so think and make a better choice. get something that will satisfy but not trigger overeating and that's individual for everyone. >> is that one of those like 100 calorie snack things, a smaller version of a candy bar comes into play. >> those smaller versions you have to figure out. one tootsie roll make work for you, it may trigger someone else to eat half a bag of m&ms. >> look for crunchy foods. >> it can be a sense of stress relief. but don't look for chips and crunchy things that are high in calories. you want to think of veggies or even salad right out of the bag. eat it as you would have chips, that hand to mouth is very smoothing. >> i would think that exercise comes into play here. >> it really does. and exercise, picking something you like to do, not that you
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feel you should do. and it can be anything from taking a walk if you like to run, or something that mind-body experience, something like yoga or something that will help to soothe you, pick something you like, it doesn't have to be long or intense. look for greenery out in the park, whether it's at the park or trees and shrubs those can calm you. late afternoon, and late night. that says it all. >> what about the early morning? >> madeleine, thanks so much. great advice. now up next, now that you have figured out how to stop snacking, we want to get your butt in better shape. we have got five ways to do that. six stress relievers, five ways to get a better butt. we're counting them down right after this. now, in addition to the taste and nutrition you and your family love,
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eggland's best will proudly be displaying its support for susan g. komen for the cure®, the world's largest breast cancer organization, in its promise to end breast cancer forever. eggland's best. better taste. better nutrition. and a greater commitment to what matters. because part of being the best is doing good. woohoo! it's not the lighting, girlfriend. mnh-mnh. oh gosh! woo! it's this drab one-tone hair color, ick. yeah. let's szush it up. [ gigi ] try nice 'n easy with colorblend technology. in one simple step, get a blend of tones and highlights. so even in this lovely light, nice 'n easy comes to life with dimension. instead of drabulous... i love it! shhhhh. [ gigi ] look fabulous with tones and highlights. nice 'n easy. your right color. we knew the perfect place to go. i guess i did okay. i knew they'd love him. try our new sacchetti dishes. pasta pouches stuffed with four italian cheeses.
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served with marinated chicken breasts or sauteed shrimp. at olive garden. [ female announcer ] there's chocolate, and then there's this. warm delights from betty crocker. so rich, so warm, it could make you melt. it's chocolate to the warmth degree. and i wondered what it was. i found out that connected to our muscles are nerves that send messages through the body. my doctor diagnosed it as fibromyalgia, thought to be the result of overactive nerves that cause chronic, widespread pain. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i learned lyrica can provide significant relief from fibromyalgia pain. and less pain means i can do more with the ones i love. [ female announcer ] lyrica is not for everyone. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior or any swelling or affected breathing, or skin,
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or changes in eyesight, including blurry vision or muscle pain with fever or tired feeling. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. i found answers about fibromyalgia. then i found lyrica. ask your doctor about lyrica today. trying to be big like you, dad. you're so good at keeping everyone full... and focused with your fiber. [ laughs ] but you already are great at doing that. really? sure. you're made with fiber, just like me. but best of all, you're the perfect size for smaller kids. [ female announcer ] give your little ones kellogg's® frosted mini-wheats little bites™ cereal in chocolate and now original flavor. they're an excellent source of fiber packed in a smaller size. [ doorbell rings ] oh, it's original little bite™. we're off to practice keeping 'em full and focused. yeah! we've got big shoes to fill!
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this morning on get fit "today," five ways to a better rear view. it's the one part of your body that you either love or hate and if you're looking to boost your caboose as they say, author of "the five factor world diet jshsz harley pasternak has some great tips. it's not just about the view. >> it's about function, it's about function. too often we train the muscles in the front of our body, we train what we can see when we look in the mirror and it's important that we also train what's behind our bodies to keep us in balance. >> training your gluts makes your upper legs stay in alignment with the spine, how does that help you out? >> training the gluts, training
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all the muscles on your backside is essential to keeping you balanced. we do too much running, too much squatting and the quads and the muscles in the back of our thighs are so weak we get injured and we don't look great in jeans. >> i want to talk about these exercises that you have. >> the first one is great. the first one i call skaters lung, when we lunge we move forward. >> this is liz who has a mean skater's lunge. >> liz is a natural skater i if you have ever seen the figure of a skater, she's moving laterally and backwards. she's stepping back and across her body. >> how do you keep the stability of the top of your body with your ankles so you don't hurt yourself. >> keep yourself -- >> so many people do a step up,
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she's doing a step across. so she's moving laterally again because she's getting more glut and more butt involved. instead of stepping forward and back, that lateral movement is getting the hips and the butt involved. i would have her do 20 on one leg and 20 on the other leg, as you progress add a higher step or some weight. >> next we have jill. >> what jill's doing is a dead lift. i have shown this exercise before, it works the hamstrings, the muscles in the back of the thigh. you can have a couple of water bottles, you can have some hand weights. we went to a hardware store because we didn't have a bar here and i got a lead pipe. so she's lifting a 10-pound barbell. >> how do you portion your back? >> you want to keep your back arched the whole time. if you're looking sideways,
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notice i push my hips back as far as i can, it's not how low you go, it's how far back your hips go. >> melanie, you're working up a sweat. >> i'm going to get you do to this one. notice there's a chair, all we need is a chair, everybody has a chair. she's standing up on one leg and sitting down on both legs. and what's great about this is everyone has a muscle imbalance. everyone has one leg that's stronger than the other. this is to ensure that the stronger leg doesn't overcompensate. >> she's got one leg going there. let's see you get in there. a single leg squat. those are really nice shoes by the way. >> they're uncomfortable. >> so you're sitting down, with both legs, sit down and stand up. now sit down all the way. and this time you're going to
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take your right foot off the ground and stand up only on your left leg. >> ann curry is giving to the eye. >> that's great and anybody can do this at home. build your confidence, start off with one leg and then two legs. >> the last one here is called a double lunge, you don't have to go anywhere, you don't need a lot of space. there's no equipment. >> this is the way to go. and again, how far out do you lunge. >> she's lunging forward until there's a 90-degree angle on the front knee and lunging back to where there's a 90-degree angle on the back leg. >> bring your front foot back
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behind you, exactly, double lunge and of course you would alternate legs eventually. how's everyone's butt feeling? >> thank you, harley, i appreciate it. i like this butt stuff. coming up, we'll have the results of our ambush makeovers. but first, this is "today" on nbc. [ male announcer ] carly fiorina.
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as ceo, she laid off 30,000 workers and shipped jobs to china. china. india. russia. poland.
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i know precisely why those jobs go. [ male announcer ] because fiorina shipped them there. to shanghai instead of san jose. bangalore instead of burbank. proudly stamping her products "made in china." 30,000 workers gone while fiorina took $100 million for herself. carly fiorina. outsourcing jobs. out for herself. [ barbara boxer ] i'm barbara boxer, and i approved this message. >> cheryl heins is still here. >> she tshe the greatest living soul singer in america. [ male announcer ] taxes.
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so who called prop 13 a "fraud" and a "rip off?" jerry brown. who raised the gas tax as governor, and pushed for higher sales taxes? jerry brown. who tried five times to raise property taxes in oakland? jerry brown. who supported higher statewide income taxes? jerry brown. and who says, if elected, he'll ask voters for even more new taxes? jerry brown. governor jerry brown, again? hide your wallet.
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good morning, everyone. it's 9:596. i'm scott mcgrew.
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san mateo bridge, westbound the far right lane continues to be closed for emergency repairs. traffic is diverted as you approach the high rise. caltrans expects the closure to last potentially throughout the afternoon. as far as for the bay bridge, looks pretty smooth. the folks waiting for the metering lights to change on the right-hand side but a clear commute otherwise. how did i do? >> looks pretty good outside. you can see we have the sunshine around san mateo bridge. the low clouds will try to filler in through the golden gate bridge with temperatures 60s by 4:00. mid-70s around oakland. for the weekend, expect cooler conditions and increasing clouds on sunday and slight chance of scattered showers to wrap up the weekend. a police officer out of jail after allegedly walking on the wrong side of the law. according to the sheriff's department's website, clay rojas, a five-year veteran of
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the police force has been released. he faces of charges of giving the tell's angels private information about citizens from dmv documents. the santa clara police chief says the remaining members of my department are hard working professionals who are just as appalled as i am at the brieach of the public's trust. more local news in a half hour. the "today" show returns in about a minute.
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from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hello, everybody. we made it to the end of the week. it is triday here, october 15th, we're very excited. >> we're going to try something new that we're not going to reveal right now. we're going to reveal it a little later, but it may be something you're interested in, we think. >> at a certain point in life, you start to get in a rut, you know? >> this may help you get out of it. >> we're going to try to do
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something new every try day, friday. >> a big thank you to you. kathie lee threw a beautiful lunch. you are the queen. at the little tables, christine made little bags with the -- >> the hoda cake. >> that cake, by the way, was so good. >> i had a little. >> that was best cake. so a big thank you. >> lorn mie michaels, where it began, three years ago, when you ambushed me. >> we relived that story about how, yeah, me and amy came to your table and saw you sitting there, and -- >> trying to mind my own business. >> and the rest is history. >> happily in retirement. and here we are. it has been a long week for you. how are you holding up? >> i'm great. yesterday after our lunch i went to flemington, new jersey. >> who doesn't? >> everybody goes to flemington. >> that's where you find the hunterton central regional high school. >> people came out and we ended up signing some books. and it was such a great,
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terrific crowd. >> how nice are these people? raining like crazy. they come, they wait in line. >> it was kathie lee central too. they wanted details on your life. i gave them because i didn't care. i told your age and everyone loved it. >> i was just trying to mind my -- i'm 57. >> i know. i said it out loud and it felt good. >> did you also tell them i weighed -- >> 129. >> not anymore. i've been running. >> good girl. >> here, i'm just trying to mind my own business again, i open up "the post" and on page six, bookstore fixup. what's the story here, hoda woman? >> okay. >> okay. >> so i'm kind of glad i wrote a book now, just telling you. before i was eh, now i'm glad. i went to a book signing and there were two girls in their 20s waiting until the end who were sisters. they said we want to give you something. i said, okay, they handed me this piece of paper i can't show you much of and it is laminated and the headline is ten reasons to date our dad. >> what a cute idea. >> so i -- they wrote all these
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reasons. i don't want to give away who he is. he's extremely intelligent. that doesn't give anything away. but there are other things. on the back there are pictures. i was there and bethenny frankel was there. she said get him down here. so five minutes later, i turn around, there's the guy with his daughters. so all of us went to dinner. it was me and the guy, bethenny, her husband and his two daughters. we enjoyed a little get together. we'll see what happens. isn't that cute? >> you know that's going to destroy our show if you find happiness. >> what are you talking about? i will not ruin your jokes. there is a whole new name on page six. >> emily johnson moved to los angeles and emily smith is working there for quite a while. >> and stephanie smith, he doi think they're sisters. >> probably not. your book is doing so well that
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it is already out in paperback. yes. yes. >> do you know what? you know what? okay, everyone's -- everyone's so funny. you know what? >> very nice to you all week long. enough, you know what i mean? tonight, missy, you haven't stopped. 7:30 tonight, you know where you're going to be? >> georgia. >> decatur, georgia, the first baptist church. those folks are going to love you. yes, they will. tomorrow -- >> new orleans. >> at the barnes & noble on veterans boulevard. >> we have a surprise here, clearly it is covered up, but these are the sexiest shoes, the sexiest shoes. we'll give outcountdowyou the c. they're the top four. >> here is number four. this is the kind of gladiator jimmy chu looking shoe. >> how much is that? >> $95. >> no one can afford these. >> here is the second one, dolce and gabbana.
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>> inexpensive. >> first runner up? >> guiseppe. >> how much? >> 995. >> here is the winner, the christian loubutin. >> that's the sexiest shoe in the world? >> apparently. >> honestly, that's it? and it is $2,445? >> you find that sexy? >> it is really not for me. but i think other people might find it -- >> bobbie thomas is going to be here. don't take a close-up. there is too much cleavage going on today. >> you like your cleavage out. >> i don't. remember what i told you bette midler said about it. i was interviewing bette midler a few years ago and i said you're all covered up, she said,
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after 50, it looks like a peach pit. after 50, don't show the girls. >> get rid of that. >> the prisoners are happy again. do you know how many germs are on your phone? >> here's the thing. >> your phone, so it is, like, clean. >> here's what different. these are the touch pads. anything with a touch pad, you put your finger on it, and -- >> you know where your fingers have been. >> if i hand it to you, i say look at my pictures, you go, oh, and then you rub your eye and then -- >> they say it is about nine times dirtier than a restroom's handle. >> when you flush the toilet. >> so be careful. and also the atm machines. use your knuckle. >> everybody is going through life this way, but you'll be in sexy shoes. >> we like fridays. you give us a little joke. >> okay. friday funny.
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two girlfriends, you and me, are having coffee and one asks the other, what's the best birth control for women over 50? her friend takes a sip of her coffee and says, nudity. i like that one. >> i like it too. it is time for our girl bobbie. where is bobbie thomas. >> i don't know, but there is a crying baby out. >> i have a special surprise. >> are you having a baby? >> cleavage, bobbie, excuse me. this is a family show. >> i'm not breast-feeding. i'm trying to hold a baby. >> honestly. if anyone was born to be a wet nurse, it was you. >> i wanted everyone to meet ashlynn, tammy's baby. >> oh, my gosh. >> for everyone at home watching, tammy is the executive producer. >> precious. >> i can't believe that's ashlynn. >> took her out of day care today. >> isn't she precious? she inspired my minute buzz
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today, about babies. she's not sucking on this now because mom told me you have to boil these before you're allowed to -- it is a personalized pacifier saying ashlynn, her name on that. this bib you're holding -- >> this is genius. >> so cool, silly bibs. >> this catches the food. >> the stuff. >> you can just wash it off. >> wipe it off. >> and courtesy of knicknacks online brought that to my attention. so great. one of the coolest things she can bring her anywhere with these baba covers, that covers the car seat. you can peek inside and see the baby. most people through a blanket over that falls. you can have a secure grip on the handle and have a nap time anywhere. >> they never have any of this stuff when my kids were little. >> i know, but we have to ooh and aah. >> how do you like fatherhood? >> i love it. >> and ashlynn, how do you like him? >> she has the best shoes of all. comfortable little mary jane socks. >> those are so cute. >> those are so much cuter than -- bobbie, do you like that?
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>> that's not my style but i like the black lace ones. >> that's my vote. that's my vote too. >> you did it again, bobbie. you looked adorable, both of you. >> okay. >> ashlynn, love you, baby. thanks for coming in. >> so sweet. >> let's go over to sara. >> sara, hi, baby. when's going on? >> wait, wait. we need to point out someone is at sara's desk. wait, here is the back story quickly. there was a famous photograph that you guys know, tiger woods and that golf ball. i think we have a picture of it. look in the back. look closely. look on the right. you see -- >> there he is. >> he was wearing that outfit. he's actually giving a shoutout to a famous golfer who he likes. now his picture is showing up everywhere. he's been superimposed on the moon landing. >> going to get nasty what they're going to superimpose him on, you know what i'm saying? just saying. that's what human nature does. get prepared, cigar guy. >> look at cigar guy, there he is on the moon. you see what's happening already.
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i know, with matt, meredith, al and ann. that's just -- anyway, he has a big future ahead of him. >> his name is rupesh shingadia. how do you say it? >> he can't hear you. >> rupesh shingadia. >> so sorry. all right. >> anyway, enjoy your fame. it is going to go on and on. thanks. >> all righty then. we love this next lady coming up, don't we? >> we sure do. no secret our schools need fixing. the woman that is going to help out is -- >> someone who will surprise you. is hines. look, inappropriately dressed again, hoda. love her. love her. she'll be right with us right after this. you and your family love, eggland's best will proudly be displaying its support for susan g. komen for the cure®, the world's largest breast cancer organization, in its promise to end breast cancer forever. eggland's best. better taste. better nutrition. and a greater commitment to what matters. because part of being the best is doing good. ♪
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because part of being the best is doing good. mmmmmm. mmmmmm. wow! you have got to be kidding me. 80 calories? light & fit has 80 calories versus 100 in the other leading brand. light & fit. irresistible taste. fewer calories. i love light & fit. everyday i eat your soups, i save a lot of money. that's great. so, your rich and hearty soups have made me, rich and hearty. that's funny. i'm hearty because of your juicy steak, your potatoes... you're really, rich and happy. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. you're really, rich and happy. ♪ ♪ come on, people, now ♪ smile on your brother ♪ everybody get together ♪ try to love one another right now ♪ [ female announcer ] the time has come to get a diaper that really works,
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without the really high prices. the time has come for luvs. say yes to ultra leak protection, no to pricey diapers. it's time for luvs with the luvs money back guarantee. ♪ vegetables have important vitamins and minerals that can really help protect you. and v8 juice gives you three of your five daily servings. powerful, right? v8. what's your number? set your pace to island time. rich chocolate over creamy coconut. almond joy and mounds. enjoy more.
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terrific actress, cheryl heinz, known as larry david's long suffering fiction wife on curb your enthusiasm. >> cheryl hyne turns from comedy to a cause in a new show that transforms public schools in need of a lift called "school pride" premieres on nbc. the promos make you fall in love with this. >> imagine a whole hour of it. >> true. >> we were surprised, because we
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know you from the kind of work you do professionally. but this has been going on for quite some time for you. >> yes. started foir years ago, working with schools in nigh community, and i teamed up with this principal named dr. jackie sanderlynn and we started working hard on her schools and we started moving to another school, and then my ex-husband said, this should be a tv show. >> get something good out of the marriage. >> i have a lot of b i was shocked, we were just talking about i think people are going to be shocked when they see just how -- what kind of conditions our schools are in right now. >> what is the worst thing you've seen, cheryl? >> rain inside the classroom. >> yeah. >> new orleans. >> yes, a lot of that. you know, rats in the classroom. ceiling tiles that fall on kids, kids having to hold it all day
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because the bathrooms don't work. >> i was in the school once and the kids were giving a speech, they started putting on hoods in the classroom and it was raining on their papers. i remember how astonished i was and i couldn't believe that exists here. how do you get past the red tape? isn't the government supposed to -- >> our tax dollars are supposed to do it. >> there are a lot of questions. people are going to start really wanting to know some answers. what we did with "school pride," went through the proper channels. you do have to ask permission and have to have the cooperation of the district and the school board and the principal, so you have to get everybody on the same page. >> has anyone said no? >> yes. >> and their reason was what? >> they didn't really give a complete reason, but they did come around and we actually did the school. >> what kind of reaction are you getting from the kids? because kids take pride. it is interesting, huh? >> these kids, they're the hardest workers. they come in every day, they clean their teachers' rooms
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because they actually love their teachers and it is very sweet because you kind of forget that sometimes. but they come in and, you know, tears of joy because, for instance, one of the schools we did they could never have a home game. they're in compton. they could never have a home game. >> look at that. >> they would have to forfeit every home game so they never had a winning season. >> the self-worth that grows. >> just the idea of did oh, my god, okay, this guy's name is frank. this is in baton rouge. he is showing kim whitley, one of our hosts, that's the basketball they play w this is what they do. >> come on. >> you're talking about putting a hood up when it starts to rain. and it is normal. >> how do you get picked? it is like "extreme home makeover" for schools. >> we wanted to start in compton because, you know -- >> that's where --
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>> we wanted to pick schools from around the country that really represent all the schools in our country. we went to detroit, big city, went to needles, california, very small town, we went to nashville. we just went to a lot of different places. but the big thing is the community has to want us to come and has to help us. >> they have to partner with you. they have to partner. >> we can't do it all. >> can't wait to see it. >> we're so proud of you. >> it is really good and it is fun and watch it with a family. >> god bless that ex-husband. >> yes, thank you, paul. >> "school pride" premieres tonight at 8:00, 7:00 central here on nbc. >> talking about nbc, up next, one of our family members joins us at the table, the handsome willie geist. >> he's a hotty. >> he's here right after this. that, you know... helps regulate your digestive system. ooh, i think i'll pass. no, no, no! trust me. it is beyond tasty. mmm! wow!
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i can't believe it, i love it! mmm, this is really good! new best tasting activia ever! ♪ activia now you can join the fight against breast cancer every time you enjoy an activia. give hope with every cup of activia.
10:19 am
ready to try something new? campbell's has made changes. adding lower sodium sea salt to more soups. plus five dollars in coupons to get you started. campbell's condensed soup. pass it on. campbell's.® it's amazing what soup can do.™ takes care of 33 loads. tide stain release only handles 11. and clorox 2 gets rid of tough stains right before your eyes. clorox 2. find it next to the clorox bleach. [ man ] ♪ today the world looks mighty fine ♪ [ women ] ♪ pop-tarts happy sunshine time! ♪ [ man ] ♪ grab a pop-tart and you might just start ♪ ♪ to sing songs like a meadow lark ♪ ♪ stretch and yawn ♪ blow a kiss to mom ♪ cause pop-tarts mornings are the bomb ♪ ♪ so, rise and shiiiiine
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♪ cause pop-tarts mornings are the bomb ♪ mmmmmm. mmmmmm. wow! you have got to be kidding me. 80 calories? light & fit has 80 calories versus 100 in the other leading brand. light & fit. irresistible taste. fewer calories. i love light & fit. so what do hoda and msnbc's willie geist have in common? in case you haven't heard, they both had books that came out on tuesday. >> here's the difference, though. mine's a heartfell life story
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and willie ises a chance to skewer celebrities in any way he likes, politicians. >> people's pop culture, right? >> i want to say, first, we've been talking a lot of trash back and forth. we had the books come out on the same day. i've been looking at numbers and i'm here to surrender, i give up. >> really? >> what are you talking about? >> she's unstoppable. you don't get in the way of the hoda. >> the hoda woman. >> this is a very funny, funny book. >> yes. willie, you guys do know, if you know him, he's been on our show a few times, hilarious, and your hilarity translates nicely in your book. >> thank you. >> probably a book like this you could not have written five years ago a serious broadcast journalist who writes parody and satire. >> you're giving me more credit. people understand now that we have human personalities and as long as you're serious doing your day job, you can moonlight and have fun on the side. >> you take, like, for instance, sarah palin and you put her in a situation that we would not
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expect. >> she's giving her inaugural speech. >> 19 real chapters, put in fake situations. she's been elected president in 2012, giving her address not in front of the united states capitol because that would be inside washington, that's not her thing. she wants to be with real america. she give her inaugural address at wwe's monday night raw the snack down ice palace with nature boy rick flare. it's politicians, it's tiger woods. >> but we see truth. >> that's the idea. a little truth. >> let's start with blago. >> we had blago on one day, a remarkable guy in that he had absolutely no shame. >> absolutely no shame. >> remarkable. it struck me that there is no line anymore between name and inma fi, as long as you're famous, that's all that matters. you can get a reality show, a book deal, and joy to keep
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perpetuating. >> you picked lindsey lowen. tell us about the scenario. >> the book's not mean, i'm not going to make fun of her personal problems but in this scenario, she's been arrested on some offense other another in a santa monica jail and starts tweeting out to her people, 140 characters at a time, and calls it, twitter from a santa monica jail, along the lines of a letter from a birmingham jail because she's being so insightful and giving a manifesto that will change the world we live in. >> she says o.j. >> how did you pick the people in your book? >> he left us thought. >> there's another one coming. >> you know, i tried to go powerful. you noe don't want to attack people who can't defend themselves. high profile, celebrities and politicians. since the book was handed in, there have been so many that i'm upset i missed. christine o'donnell, carl paladino. you know, people talking about
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not being witches, linda mcmahon having to answer questions about professional wrestling in a serious debate. there's a new crop that i missed. >> the genius, this is your first of many books. >> you're born every day. >> that's right. one around every corner. >> you're so smart. >> he's one smart willie, that's for sure. >> here we go. the willie reference came later than i thought. >> trying to clean it up for our audience. >> good luck. >> "the american freak show." more beautiful ladies in the making thanks to our ambush makeover team. >> results coming up after your local news. show," go get it. ambush makeover, results right after yourals. ( baby giggles ) meet jacob. zoom. he loves zooming around. ( giggles ) no wonder fisher-price created the lil zoomers spinnin' sounds speedway. yeah. where he can put fun on the fast track. ( happy baby ) ( raceway sounds ) thanks to his great motor skills even his littlest touch
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can set his whole world in motion. ( raceway sounds ) ( giggles ) way to zoom jacob ! ( tire screech ) guess who just reached the finish line ? the lil zoomers speedway. ( cheers ) only from fisher-price. play. laugh. grow. mmmmmm. mmmmmm. wow! you have got to be kidding me. 80 calories? light & fit has 80 calories versus 100 in the other leading brand. light & fit. irresistible taste. fewer calories. i love light & fit. introducing total plus omega-3 honey almond flax cereal. all the nutrition of total, plus 10% daily value omega-3 ala, and a delicious honey almond crunch. new total plus omega-3.
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good morning, it's 10:26. we're going to check your commute. mike is off doing a charity event. i'll do this for you. foggy coming across the golden gate bridge but otherwise very little obstruction, although chp does say third lane from the left is blocked for a bit. they expect that to clear by 10:45. let's look at the bay bridge. that too looking clear. the metering lights have turned off and they changed the prices so people are coming right through. how did i do? >> pretty awesome there, scott. we're watching the fog around
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the golden gate bridge. here how it looks sped up. you can see the ocean air conditioning is turned on and will king in throughout the day. we'll be in the 60s around san francisco and 70s around oakland. the weekend will be cooler and chance of showers mainly south of san francisco heading into monday. breezy and dry again on monday. we'll have more news right after the short break. [ male announcer ] how can you retire at age 55? just ask jerry brown.
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he gave california state employees collective bargaining powers. since then the unions have grown stronger and stronger. now state employees can retire at 55 with much of their salary for life. and taxpayers are on the hook for one hundred billion dollars in unfunded pension liabilities. no wonder those unions are 100% behind jerry brown. he'll just spend, and spend, and spend.
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the wait is almost over. the giants will hit the field for another workout in philadelphia. they took part in a short workout last night. they could not go on the field because it was tarp covered and raining. madison will pitch game four and not pitch tim lincecum on three days rest. he says it has nothing to do with the blister on lincecum's hand. game one is tomorrow, a battle of pitching aces, tim lincecum gets the start against roy halladay. the game starts just before 5:00. there is new bulletin board material coming out of philly. he said, quote, lincecum is the ace and one ust of the most entertaining pitchers to watch because someone who looks like a
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roller board dude can lead with strikeouts. it will be understandable if lincecum gets the once over from security when he enters citizens bank park. i don't know what a roller board ntde is either buto gs. "te " thay codownushtiexon nest. we're back on this try day with the second half of our show. it is time for our plaza "ambush makeovers". >> here is contributors and stylists to the stars, louis licari. >> also a triathlete. >> when did that happen? this weekend? what? what happened? >> for years. old news. >> and author and "today" show contributor and "us weekly" contractor, jill martin. >> only author in the house tonight. >> that's right, baby. tell us about the whole outdoor
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thing today. what happened? >> it was great. there were tons of signs, so many people are coming down to be made over. it is really good. it is hard to choose. >> and the rain and the wind. >> the wind was coming strong. but they're out there and excited and it is just so much fun to be there. >> let's go with miss pamela barnes, she's 33 years old from atlanta, georgia. for the past three years she's been working as a medical resident. she has never colored her hair and she rarely wears any makeup and she was thrilled to be picked off the plaza. >> well, pamela came all the way from atlanta for this. and she was bopping with her -- in the plaza. i know you're so excited. why is this so important to you? >> i'm a resident in internal medicine in atlanta and i feel i'm overworked and i never get to pamper myself because i work all the time. i love the show and i had to get on it. i'm so excited you chose me. i'm so excited. >> you're single, looking for a
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man? >> of course. >> we're going to straighten that hair and give you a hot outfit. are you ready to go? >> i'm ready. thank you so much. >> i'm going to love this one. i can't wait. she's got her sister with her, ronna. keep your blindfold on until i give you the green light, okay. >> she looks so comfortable. >> she does. we're sorry. here is pamela's before picture. all right, pamela. let's see the new you. >> oh! oh my! >> okay. are you ready? ronna, hold on, take off your blindfold. yeah. >> you look like a supermodel. >> okay, are you ready? are you ready? turn around. >> oh, my god. >> look at her sister. >> oh, my gosh. >> oh, my god. >> you look beautiful. we have to go to your sister because she's hyperventilating. what do you think of your sister? >> gorgeous. i've always known you were
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beautiful, but you look so gorgeous. >> my gosh, you are -- >> you are stunning. >> you're a supermodel. >> louis, the hair. >> we did this one, this is -- adore the way this came out. this is just perfection. number one, a great haircut, layers, easy to go. she can wear it natural or do the blow dry like she did down. >> i got to get her a kleenex. >> number two, soften the color, just like a -- the thing is, you know, certainly women of color can color their hair and this is a perfect example. it looks soft, it looks natural, it looks like you. you are glamorous, you're beautiful. and now you look like the professional that you are. very hot and sexy too. >> that outfit is -- >> anything on that body, i mean, look at the figure she was hiding. she was one of our favorites because you were so excited and so eager. i wanted to give her pieces she can mix and match. all from fall bottom's. everyo
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talbot's. everyone should have a great jean jacket. riding pants are in. you do it with this or with a bigger sweater if you're bigger on the back side to get the trend. >> but she's not. >> congratulations. a big round of applause for pam. >> you look gorgeous. >> yea. >> i miss my sister. >> me too. >> our second lady is judy zeek, 60 from fargo. fargo, thank you, north dakota. she's been married to eher husband larry for 36 years. she's been working as a nurse, taking care of others so her daughters wanted someone to take care of her for a change. let's hear her story. >> moms's in a state of shock now. we're going to speak to her daughters and charlotte, i know you really want this for your mother. >> definitely. we came out here and we were, like, i hope she gets picked so bad. we're very excited. we're celebrating our 60th birthday today. >> a big birthday. and i know you say your mom really deserves this. >> yes, she deserves the best
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treatment ever. >> and you're a grandma. >> i am. >> all right, so we're going to make you look like you're 30 years old and shock your husband larry. how does that sound? >> sounds good. >> judy is here with her two daughters charlotte and maggie and her friend jackie. they're going to keep the blindfolds on for a second. let's take one last look at judy before and bring out judy zeek. all right! all right, take off your blindfolds, go ahead. >> oh, my god! >> ready, judy? turn it around, hon. >> oh, my god, mom! >> she looked right past it. >> go get the kleenexes. >> come here. louis, tell us about the hair.
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>> here, share this stuff, okay? >> about judy, she only cut her hair once before she came here to give it to locks of love. then we came in and made her move from fargo to new york city with this great haircut, the swept to the side bangs, the hot on trend, the deep part. i warmed up her hair color and was the right choice, looks just like her daughter and you look gorgeous. and the beautiful makeup we saw today. >> you're a natural red head, you didn't know. >> you look beautiful. >> they looked at me and said, we love the jacket. people don't know what to wear this time of year. look at her modeling, over dresses or casual pants. this is from talbot's. great jacket, love it, great pockets. statement jewelry from kohl's, under $20. >> let's bring pamela back. well done, you guys. yoank r geat >> great one. >> up next, donny deutsch gives us the other view. oh, my goodness. look at these beautiful ladies. >> gorgeous.
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the house with his other view. >> because when it comes to men, there are some things we women will never understand and since our friend donny has had his fair share, and more so, marriage, relationships and all kinds of things. >> and lots of dating. >> yes. >> we thought we would let him answer your questions. >> i watch the show. you have doctors, professionals. you never abuse and insult a guest as a lead-in. it is usually an elevation. but with me, it's let's take him down. >> you're like -- >> we love you. >> you're like our little brother. we love you very much. >> we love you. okay. what are some questions here? >> elise wants to know, she's been married for 16 years, loves her husband but lately during sex she's fantasizing about his best friend. she would never act on it but what should she do? >> first of all, never act on it. i talked a lot on the show before, what you fantasize about is yours, it is okay. having said that, i might want to -- if i was her, start to maybe bring a fedex guy in or something, i different slide
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show. that's just not going to go well. sometimes pops in, can't help it, but like i said, brad pitt, the guy in the commercial, just kind of try to take that one away. >> somebody who has a name you know, there is danger there. danger there. >> try and -- like i said, fedex guy. >> okay. margaret says my boyfriend keeps asking me how many guys i slept w it is not a small number so i always danced around the issue. if he continues asking me, how should i respond? >> that's a great question. we guys don't want to hear a woman slept with tons and tons of guys. >> what is tons? >> you know, there is a saying, you know, hands and toes. my answer is this to a woman, i've only slept with people i've been in real relationships with. we don't want a woman who has been with dozens and dozens. >> what about women who don't want to be with a man -- >> a lot of women say no, but they -- there is a double
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standard. that's prowess to a guy. it is unfortunate, unfair. a guy that's been way lot of women, women say i don't want that on some level as long as they're the one that closes and ends up with him, yes, there is a difference, unfair double standard. you know that. do you want some guy -- third woman, 45 years old. >> no, don't want that. >> that's what i say. >> sara? >> that's frank, right. >> all righty. >> stephanie says my husband swears that every man keeps stuff from his mate. is this true? i've always been open in our relationship. >> i'm a believer that even though there are two individuals, everyone doesn't have to know everything. i'm not talking about something -- you might -- i don't care who you're with, it is still you, you don't have to share every single inner thought you have in your life, both for a man and a woman. that's nonsense. >> okay. that's good. we can deal with that. >> you shot me a very caring look. >> i was thinking, i was thinking about would you ever be happy with a picket fence? you're not the picket fence kind
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of guy. and if a woman -- >> i don't want to live in the suburbs, but -- >> if a woman wants that picket fence life -- >> i will settle down, that's not true. >> you? >> no you won't. >> it is always a therapy session for me. what you said is you're a hopeful -- >> a hopeless romantic and you're hopeless. that's all i said. >> up next -- the music to warm your soul, grammy nominated betty labet, genius, she'll perform for us right after this. >> with rob mathes sitting right there, baby. come on. ♪ so there's no trans fats here ♪ ♪ whoa... ♪ turn the tub around ♪ talking about nutrition [ female announcer ] "i can't believe it's not butter" has 70% less saturated fat than butter and no hydrogenated oils, so there's no trans fat. "i can't believe it's not butter," butter taste, better health.
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go-gurt is specially made to freeze and thaw by lunch time? so kids can have their favorite yogurt in their lunch box go-gurt. freeze it. thaw it. eat it up. thaw it. ready to try something new? campbell's has made changes. adding lower sodium sea salt to more soups. plus five dollars in coupons to get you started. campbell's condensed soup. pass it on. campbell's.® it's amazing what soup can do.™
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takes care of 33 loads. tide stain release only handles 11. and clorox 2 gets rid of tough stains right before your eyes. clorox 2. find it next to the clorox bleach. right before your eyes. mmmmmm. mmmmmm. wow! you have got to be kidding me. 80 calories? light & fit has 80 calories versus 100 in the other leading brand. light & fit. irresistible taste. fewer calories. i love light & fit.
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our kids can't afford another four years of crippling cuts to public schools. class sizes are too big, and all the standardized testing just isn't working. so classroom teachers looked closely at the plans of both candidates for governor. and we're supporting jerry brown. brown's plan focuses on a well-rounded education... with history, science, and the arts as well as english and math. schools where teachers and parents work together. and that's why we urge you to vote for jerry brown, a leader we can trust to make our public schools a priority again. the toyota concert series on "today" brought you by toyota. >> performed on broadway, sung for president obama and calls the greatest living soul singer in america. >> bettye lavette. >> does aretha know that? >> it's the truth. bettye lavette imbues emotion, passion, feeling into every song she sings and she demonstrates on her latest album called
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"interpretations, the british rock song book." >> bettye, reviews for this, produced by our own rob mathes, come on. >> why were you surprised how glowing reviews were? >> absolutely. i never have been spoken about this way. i was saying earlier, the grammy is like, really doubtful because nobody feels sorry for me. >> everybody's jealous, just to have reviews like this. >> when you sang for president obama, i was there that day, i have to tell you, one of those momentize never will forget. i races home, figured out how to download it. >> i'll never forget either. >> the hollywood bowl this past summer, it was magical. our audience gets to hear you now. >> "rlove rain on me." bettye lavette. ♪ ♪
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♪ only love can make it rain like when a beach is kissed by the sea ♪ ♪ only love can make it rain like the sweat of two love birds ♪ ♪ laying in the field love rain on me ♪ ♪ love rain on me
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rain on me ♪ ♪ rain on me on a dry and dusty road ♪ ♪ when i'm all alone and lord i'm trying ♪ ♪ to get back home to some of that ♪ ♪ cool, cool, cool rain i can't sleep so i stay awake and think ♪ ♪ the night is hot and just as black as ink ♪ ♪ lord, i need me one
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more drink of that cool ♪ ♪ cool cool cool cool rain rain on me ♪ ♪ rain on me love, love love ♪ ♪ rain on me rain on me ♪ ♪ rain all over me love, love♪
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>> wow. bettye lavette, everybody. rob mathes. we'll be back with much more of "today" on nbc.
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so earlier we explained on try day, we're going to be trying something new every week. i was hoping for a brand-new chardonnay, but i got stuck with rolfing. >> deep tissue work that has begun in the '70s. it destresses you, gets deep into the tissue. they'll show us how to do it. >> how is this different from regular massage?
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>> first, it is not a massage. >> really? >> the only thing we share with massage is that we touch bare skin. and that's pretty much it. and that's a big misconception of rolfing. >> ah, what are you doing? what's going on? jan, tell me what you're doing. >> i'm feeling the knots in your neck for the first thing. and i can feel -- >> i bet they're the size of gibraltar, the week she had. >> it is called rolfing. >> it is called rolfing. >> what do we get out of this. >> a great weekend is what we're going to get out of this. >> there had to be 300 people. >> it is not thursday. you have to wait. >> did we notice, have we mentioned, dropping tomorrow? want to be the first to cheer you on. >> aren't you so sweet? thank you. >> if you like, you can look. >> my hair is look a family member. you know, life is sort of about unfinished business. >> i can't walk, but they're awfully pretty. >> emergency bra, put it around
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your face. >> invest in that book. >> my career is officially over. >> loser gets my book! how do you like it, sister? another loser. another loser! best day ever. >> my corns hurt, i'm late for work. >> see what you just did? >> i want everyone to see ashlynn, tammy's baby. >> oh g >> another loser! [ male announcer ] taxes.
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so who called prop 13 a "fraud" and a "rip off?" jerry brown. who raised the gas tax as governor, and pushed for higher sales taxes? jerry brown. who tried five times to raise property taxes in oakland? jerry brown. who supported higher statewide income taxes? jerry brown. and who says, if elected, he'll ask voters for even more new taxes? jerry brown. governor jerry brown, again? hide your wallet.


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