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tv   KTVU News at 7pm on TV36  KICU  May 2, 2014 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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>> that's our show. thanks for joining us. we'll see you for the next edition of "right this minute." parts of the bear area cooled up nearly 20 degrees tood. temperature changes you can expect for the week. his new pn to keep out of trouble that doesn't involve slowing down. . an unusual discovery in some
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luckage leads to an arrest. good evening. 81-pound said of marijuana. they found the drugs in some luggage in oakland international. the drugs weren't that hard to find. >> reporter: it's not uncommon for people to try to smuggle drugs through the airport or even the mail. it was obvious. >> it's going to give off an odor. you don't have to be a genius to figure out there was marijuana. >> reporter: he says what everyone is thinking. sceners intercepted three suitcases packed with 81 pounds of drugs. >> the bags were opened to check for explosives. >> reporter: they called the sheriff's office which has jurisdiction at the airport.
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>> we don't have detention authority. >> reporter: deputy said caught up with the 26-year-old woman involved. investigators say marijuana is not as abund nlt in mississippi. she faces charges. >> we believe it was exported for profit. >> reporter: in california it has a streetival yeah to $100,000. in mississippiy for a half million. if they do uncover something that is potentially illegal they are required to contact local law enforcement. new developments tonight at a mixed vurt in san jose over somewhat phone technology over apple and samsung. they found samsung infringed over apple's patten.
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that's a fraction over the (200) 000-0000 plus dollars apple asked for. apple also infringed on one of samsung pfg pattens. this may not be the end. investigators say speed may be to blame for a crash that killed one person and injured another. officials say two vehicles were involved in the kraksfelt one vehicle was speeding. two people were taken to the hospital where one died. officials have not released the identity of the person killed. san hohow say police say they make an arrest to a killer. she was stabbed to det at her arment. today they arrested gab rial on susigz of murder. the suspect has the same last
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name at her husband. neighbors were relieved to hear of an arrest. we're going to see the kids grow up -- i'm glad they caught him. >> he plans to move away. there is no reason to stay. police have not revealed a motive. it's being called the largest prausitution crime ring bust. >> reporter: sheriff's deputy gathered at the allah meddy center to prepare for a strike. inside investigators let us see the command that would
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coordinate the command. 32 locates targeting 19 leaders. >> all part of the same ring, all part of the same orperation. all executed simultaneously from this center here. >> reporter: each unit moved in to staging areas holding their final briefing before moving in. this business deputies found women and one customer inside. many sites has lings so strikes at one place would be seen at other locations. male customers would visit late in the night. >> the owner drives a mercedes and it looks like they have money, always on the phone. >> reporter: throughout the day
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commanders say they found cash, weapons. >> the growth of these establishments has become an increasing problem in alameda county and surrounding counties. >> reporter: sdift women are being interviewed to determine whether they're victims and this could be just the tip of the ice berg with more arrests to come. 3 people were injured and 4 homes damaged in a early morning fire. the fire broke out around 6:30 and it quickly went through alarms. a lamp may have fallen on or near a mattress and it started the fire. a man described to us how he tried to put out the flames. >> 1 lady was up stairs and we tried to get her out. the house was engulfed in flames and i couldn't run back in to
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get the lady. she kicked the back kitchen window and jumped thout window. >> 2 people suffered smoke inhalation. a fire fighter complained of chest pains. tonight be talked to a motorcyclist who was doing stunts in oakland. all the while he had no idea a chp plain was over head overseeing the whole thing. >> wheelie at a hundred plus eastbound --. >> reporter: last month a plane spotted a motorcycle going south on the i 80. the plane and the camera proved faster and smarter than the drive and remarkably accurate. the 10 mile chase took only a few minutes on service streets.
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>> going into a driveway. >> reporter: to his surprise chp units showed up seconds later. >> it was so reckilous and dangerous. he put his and other people's life in danger. >> i was just trying to go fast and do some wheelies. >> reporter: only because no one was hurt he resulted in a misdemeanor. >> it was less than i thought it would be by fire. the cash amount is way less than i thought it would be. i don't have to do jail, i don't think, so that's a plus. i was definitely happy with how it came out. >> reporter: 1 other issue. >> take the motorcycle safety
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class or sell his motorcycle. >> i will probably sell the motorcycle and get a faster bike report you decide if he gets it. >> i love riding. riding in the fog -- planes don't see very well in the fogs. >> reporter: no laughing matter to the air officer. >> we see this type of thing a lot. we hope to prevent it. to see the entire video go to the website and we put it for you in our hot topic section. bay area congressman -- he sits on the committee on homeland security. while the airport meets federal
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security requirements those requirements aren't tough enough. technology is the key to cost affective skrurt. >> there is no way we can put airport personnel around this perimeter 10 to 15 feet at a time. it's not feasible. it costs the taxpayers too much money. >> reporter: some of the technology includes raid ray dares and motion deathers. detectors. >> reporter: the walnut creak swim team went through their paces. there are more than a thousand people a day that use this facility. parents and swimmers today appalled that may soon come to
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an ends. >> this is my daughter's highlight of her day. she swims 6 days a week. >> i don't know what i would do ini didn't do this. >> reporter: people jam the 3 pools here over day. for recreational swimming recollect competitive and 2 synchronized swimming team. >> we sime -- before i got pregnant i would swim every day. >> i love and work near by. i swim at lunch usually. i use it for exercise. >> reporter: a 490-0000 city hall budget deficit have a plan that would close the pool a few days a year. the city runs older smaller pools. >> i don't think as a community
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we can afford to keep two pools open year round anymore. . >> reporter: swimmers learning about this prom toos make a smash at the meeting tuesday. >> we will try to show support for this pool and program. >> reporter: hopefully together budget saving idea will save this pool. he's at a national fire storm. donald sterling, what he wished he had done differently to the woman who had that tape. fog right now. coming
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0001[!ez speaker 02]: to find people who may have had contact and finally ended up indiana yanna. the illness come to to the same group of viruses. sfran 49er will stay bethe seem. . to find people who may have had contact and finally ended up indiana yanna. the illness come to to the same group of viruses. sfran 49er will stay bethe seem. i wish i would have paid her off
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off. that news came after yesterday's revelation that sterling is fietalling cancer. there. there is a lot at steak following the comments made fwhie clippers' owner. >> reporter: todayane downtown oakland a farmer's market filled with a lot of chatter about the warriors. >> we are always leading gold and blue. . >> reporter: frus and papers look broiter. >> they're going. they're not biving up. >> reporter: the warriors have one final shoot around. the under dog warriors know the contravurzy to pull for the clippers in game seven. >> i know there are people pulling for us. it doesn't matter. we will play against the clippers in game seven and it
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will be a lot of fun. that won't mean a thing. >> maybe if you look at it, they have an extra advantage but those game seven are -- whatever advantage it doesn't matter to us. >> we have done a -- been a great road team the whole season. there is no fear of going to los angeles. >> reporter: no fear no controversy, no problem. >> i think the warriors will play harder. >> reporter: she actually lives in oakland for more than four decades. we are sending a crew to los angeles for game seven. we will have a live report tomorrow night. if you don't follow fred on twitter you are missing a lot of stuff about the game. we have been talking about a cool down but the real drop is
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to come. >>. >> we are heading to a cooler front. 80s and 90s, the fog making a come back. as a result everybody has cooled off. take a look at the numbers from yesterday. it was 90 in santa rosa. san francisco -- we dropped more than 20 degrees. san jose still in the 8s. no 80s expected in the weekend forecast. there is some fog developing off shore. this will be the key in our weekend. this satellite thoughs you south of the golden gate bridge -- fog. as far as wind speeds, on shore winds making a come back. oakland 18 miles an hour, santa
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rosa 17 miles an hour scomb and hoar wind reports. here is our live camera look toward san francisco. fog increase. cooler for saturday. we are not expecting any rain or significant warming twenlds. over night lows tomorrow morning. start out with low 50s and the cooler spots in the 40s. partly cloudy skies inland. as far as over all weather pattern this system approaches more tomorrow, on shore winds, possibly 30 miles an hour. cooling for saturday, continues in to sunday. and probably the coolest day is sunday and monday. here is the fauk regrouping
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tomorrow morning at 6:00 and 7:00. warmest locations in the 70s. santa rosa 76 degrees. these numbers a bit cooler. 63 high in san fron cisco. more clouds on sunday. minor bathroom warming by -- minor warming by wednesday next week. why this man repelled from the top of that building. a new song is written and produced by theilate michael john jackson is being released for the first.
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. earlier today national park opened the road to all vehicle traffic. ope smoe pack was earlier than normal. the uc biologists repepped
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down that building. the falcon parents were not too happy to see him. biologist was there to put bands on the chicks. he also determined the young falcon's gender. >> they looked good. two boys two girls. they will be fledging starting about the 16th of may. >> more than 18 falcons have grown up there since 2007. a song miebal jackson reported 31 years ago was just released. love never felt so good, he wrote it in 1983. last night it debuted in the music awards. it was originally recorded in
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1983 and 1999. thank you for making us your choice for news. our coverage continues with the 10:00 o'clock news. tmz is up next. female narrator: for over 60,000 california foster children female narrator: for over 60,000 california a pair of shoes is a small but important gift. my shoes have a hole in them. i can barely fit in these anymore. i hope no one would notice. they hurt my feet. i never had new shoes before. to help, sleep train is collecting new shoes of all sizes. bring your gift to any sleep train, and they'll be given to a local foster child in need.
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not everyone can be a foster parent... but anyone can help a foster child. ♪ they just change boots.. that's why we made the all-new jeep cherokee. with an exclusive 9-speed transmission and 31 miles per gallon highway. so you can keep going. [♪]
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um...hi georgia. i just wanted to apologize again for what happenedoww, that's hot.picnic. that is hot! wow daddy like. owww, that is smoking hot! ahhh, hmmm, awww! hi georgia. hey georgia. man this is hot! try jack's hottest sandwich yet. his new blazin' chicken sandwich has spicy crispy chicken, ghost pepper ranch sauce, and sliced jalapeños. owww, that's hot! you better be holdin' a sandwich.
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[captioning made possible by warner bros. domestic television distribution] >> today on "tmz," >> more explosive hip hop confessions. >> we have suge knight who talks about the fact that he didn't kill tupac. >> tupac not dead. [bleep] you know he's somewhere smoking a cuban cigar. >> suggesting that pac is in cuba. >> why would he go to cuba? oh mojitos! >> justin bieber leaving a photo shoot in new york. driving away and hundreds of kids are running after his car. one bigger chick is running and e ita itt its she's not fat at all. >> she looks a little thicker, i'm sorry.


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