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tv   Bay Area News at 7  KICU  June 13, 2013 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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with dozens of defendants, why a crack down in the south bay has prosecutors on edge. and a bay area tech company lays off hundreds. >> tonight differing accounts of what this means for silicone valley. . good evening. it's thursday, june 13th, i'm gasia mikaelian. >> tonight, a fishing boat is at the bottom of the ocean. the mayday call came in about 9:30 this morning that a boat was taking on water, at pillar point. >> two boaters and their 11-year-old son were on board. the boat was taking on water faster than they could bail it
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out -- six passengers plus an 11-year-old boy. >> it's great to see everyone safe today. >> the boat sank within two minutes with some mechanical failure. a gunman shot and killed a young man after their cars were involved in a fender bender. >> today would have been the 23rd birthday. >> the family says the university of oregon graduate was driving home last night probably from a basketball game at uc berkeley when his car was rear-ended at stanford and market streets. >> i got out to check the car, and two other guys got out of the car. >> there was a little bit of an argument and they just shot him. >> police are reviewing multiple surveillance cameras. >> there's also a $10,000 award leading to an arrest. south bay, 31 people faced a judge today in san jose.
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>> the alleged gang members were named in an indictment made public earlier this week. >> jade hernandez reports, it's unusual to have so many differences in court all at the same time >> reporter: 2 dozen defendants arrived in red jump suits, so many of them in one case. >> they had to sit in what is usually used as a jury box. >> the females sat on the opposite side of the courtroom each of the 31 defendants seen here was -- endicted. >> one by one, each stood in front of the judge. one defense attorney says his client is being used by the da's office. >> some of these crimes are very bad crimes, but an awful lot of these cases are a single sale of meth. >> defense attorney dan jensen says his client just wants a separate speedy trial. >> they don't know each other.
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they were in different prisons at different times. >> a lot of these guys are strangers. >> the da asked the media not to share their prosecuting time. >> the gang grew strong in the 1960 and the da says it operates 28 springs. >> large trials, which experts say this could become, the courtroom can handle. >> jade hernandez, ktvu 2 snuz. neighbors found a 56-year-old man lie nothing front of a home on checkers -- lying in front of a home on checkers block. >> no name released so far and no arrest. this killing is san jose's 24th homicide this year. the man described as the gang leader in the gang rape at richmond high school provided
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key testimony today in the trial of two other men. >> manual ortega was sentenced to 32 years in prison for his roll in the attack at a home coming dance in 2009. >> the chronicle reports ortega testified he saw the defendant on top of the girl but did not see the defendant peters at the scene. >> the trial has ressed until monday. one of silicone valley's larger companies is undergoing a reorganization. >> the antivirus organization said they wouldn't put a number on the jobs, but others say 1,700. >> these are shaking confidence on the rebound. patty? >> reporter: the spokes woman tells me the company will be notifying individuals. the ceo promised shareholders a workforce reduction focused on management.
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>> two years ago, a career at the silicone valley software company looked bright. >> today, there are reports the company could lay off 1,700. >> larger companies start doing layoffs then you kind of wonder about the economy overall. >> vance lohall works at lockheed. he believes it will hurt the confidence in silicone valley which many thought were getting better from the recession. >> if there's anything in their company going on, people start looking around. >> semantics problems can't be solved by law offs. >> semantics needs to refocus on its core business, antivirus software will only lead to a brain drain. >> get rid a lot of
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contributions. >> those people have relatives who don't want to buy from the company and now those go to competitors. >> layoffs could refocus a company that was the 12th largest just last year in silicone valley. >> they're still probably one of the first brands when they think of security. >> spokes woman tells me that right now it's unknown just how many jobs are on the line and whether those layoffs will be concentrated at the complex in silicone valley or overseas. >> ktvu channel 2 news, patty lee. the government's weekly employment report shows a better picture. the labor department says the number of americans seeking unemployment dropped 12,000 to 334,000. >> california had the largest decrease, about 8,800 fewer applications for benefits. >> and that news helped send
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wall street higher. the dow gained 184 points. >> the market had been down, but today's gains were broad based. a huge collision took the life of a cyclist who was in the wrong place at a wrong time. >> a dump truck and a box truck collided at lincoln and azareasa avenue. >> a woman riding a bicycle was crossing in the intersection when the impact caused the box truck to tip and fall on top of her. >> she was straddling the bicycle, so that leads you us to believe she was riding when the vehicle fell on top of her. >> investigators are trying to determine if the driver was at fault. >> this is the 12th this year which matches the total for all of last year. california home prices went up last month to the highest levels in five years. >> the research firm data quick
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says the new exiting price for homes climbed to $340,000, up 26 percent from the same time last year. >> sales reached their highest level since 2006. >> 11% of existing home sales down from a peak of 60 % in 2009. san francisco police used cherry pickers to arrest seven tree sitters this morning after they spent nearly two weeks protesting the development of vacant land in haze valley. >> laguna street between okay and fell since june 1st. >> an urban farm vacated so the property owner could develop the site. >> the squatters came shortly after that. sos, secure our smart phones including san francisco's da george gascone. >> the prosecutors and the attorney general of new york put
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pressure on tech companies to reduce the incentives to steal smart phones. >> they want a kill switch installed in new phones with in one year. >> we want something that'll completely disassemble the phone. >> it will do so in a way that doesn't compromise privacy. >> the two prosecutors met with representatives from apple, samsung, google and microsoft today. >> they say their sos coalition will include prosecution for more than a dozen states. the national football league presented fans from brings backpacks and purses into nfl stadiums. >> see how hard it will be to comply. san francisco stores rainbow girls. some of whom have bright braids in their hair, police say they
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grab expensive items including scarves, handbags and wallets. the women often push past workers and security to make their escape. with heavy hearts, 49ers stadium workers returned to their jobs. >> the tribute now being planned to honor the men who died in this week's workplace accident. a south bay hospital gives us a look at a potters field bar your site found during construction. >> we'll show you what it looks like and hear from a possible descendent. i am working on a warm weather forecast. what you can expect for friday and i'll let you know if fog returns for the weekend plans. have a good night. here you go. you, too.
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i'm going to dream about that steak. i'm going to dream about that tiramisu. what a night, huh? but, um, can the test drive be over now? head back to the dealership? oh, yeah. [ male announcer ] it's practically yours. [ wife ] sorry. [ male announcer ] but we still need your signature. volkswagen sign then drive is back. and it's never been easier to get a passat. that's the power of german engineering. get $0 down, $0 due at signing, $0 deposit, and $0 first month's payment on any new volkswagen. visit today. . construction workers returned with heavy hearts two days after a coworker was killed. >> workers filed in wearing
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hard hats with a sticker bearing donald white's initials and an american flag. >> the 63-year-old was killed in an elevator shaft. >> the city of santa clara have decided to plant a tree in the west plaza a to memorialize donald white. all workers under went a briefing on the importance of safety. >> cal osha is investigating. have you ever brought a backpack or a purse to a raiders game? forget about that. >> now, there are limits on bag size. >> no cans, no glass, no outside alcohol. >> enter any stadium and it is expected, rules about what you can and cannot bring inside. >> baseball hats, but this season the nfl sets a new
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standard banning most bags. >> this is my handbag. >> but that handbag is too big and too opaque. backpacks, forget about it. >> we talked to fans at today's a's game about the new nfl game rules, bags must be small and see through. >> as long as i can bring my, phone, lip gloss, money, and id. >> is that about it? >> the nfl is banning pursers, coolers, backpacks, cinch bags, computer bags, camera bags, and more. >> i think that's kind of restrictive. >> so what can you bring in? >> nfl fans may have a right time finding the right bag. >> we found this clear, less than six inches wide, less than 12 ins tall. >> but it's more than 12 inches across, so it wouldn't qualify. >> if it did and pink is not your color, the nfl will allow
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one gallon zip log bags to carry your stuff. >> at least it's a gallon size. >> many fans say extra security is worth it. >> in our world, niner games, most people know you can't bring a lot of stuff? >> ktvu channel 2 news, in oakland. the u.s. supreme court ruled naturally occurring human jeans -- genes can't be patented. >> synthetic dna can be patented. >> this is for companies looking to profit medical breakthroughs that could stop diseases such as cancer. >> the u.s. patent office has been awarding patents on genes for almost 30 years. the remains of two people were found in colorado. >> the black forest fire has been burning for three days now, 5 percent contained. >> officials are calling it the worst fire in colorado history,
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more than 360 homes have been destroyed and about 38,000 residents have been forced out of their homes. >> forecasters say strong winds will continue to hamper firefighters efforts. >> so far more than 15,000 acres have burned. an explosion in louisiana this morning, left one person dead and sent 77 other workers to the hospital, at a petrochemical plant in giesmar between new orleans and baton rouge. >> it happened using the petrochemical industry. >> they do not know what caused it. one of the richest men in the word is filing divorce from his wife. >> he's been married to 44-year-old wendy murdock for 14-years. >> he lashed at a protestor who tried to hit murdock. the couple has two young
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daughters and signed a pre nup agreement. he's said to be worth $2 billion. this morning, a black bear was fishing in this family's home in forestville. >> she says it was drinking out of the pond and trying to get some fish. >> it's the latest in the string of bear sightings. today, taking place in and around san jose's valley medical center, robert handa reports, the remains of more than 600 people have been recover. >> the mass drive sight is called a pottersfield, who were not claimed by family, or too poor. >> researchers say bodies were buried there until the 1920s.
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>> the coffins were discovered during construction a year ago. >> this is a defendant of a prominent rancher in what became palo alto. >> there is also a book about robles and wanted to find out if he ended up here. >> maybe it's a part of closure. >> we may locate him, who knows, here or somewhere else. >> officials say it's unlikely, more than 600 remains have been unearthed, providing a glimpse into the past. >> age and sex is determined, and fortunately, there was no identifications for individual identification of any of the remains. >> i never give up hope that we may find something, but i'm very impressed with the way that they're treating the remains here, respectfully, and again, i just want to pay my respects.
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>> pioneers organization have offered to rebury the people, but dmc says it will conduct a public memorial whenever the excavation and hospital construction are complete. >> robert handa, ktvu channel 2 snuz. flames news. flames broke out this morning. the fire spread to vegetation and burned about an acre before firefighters put it out at three this afternoon. our meteorologist, mark tamayo will tell us what we're going to expect. the warm up is coming up. we have some more changes for the weekend. >> as far as temperatures for today, really not a big change from yesterday. >> right around the 60 degrees mark. 70s and 80s for fairfield and antioch. >> this time of year we're
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talking about coastal fog. >> we had a few patch this is morning, but mostly clear skies right now and basically clear skies for the evening. >> a fire weather warning, or red flag warning that kicks in for parts of northern california, touching parts of solano county from 5 a.m. until 5 p.m. >> we're going to have elevated fire danger tomorrow with the warming temperatures. >> 84 in antioch, oakland 68, san francisco, 62. >> and half moon bay, the cooler spot, those readings in the 50s near the shoreline. >> mostly clear skies tonight, a little bit of breeze. >> tomorrow it will be warmer and the weekend, some fog returns and a bit of a cooling trend for saturday, basically temperatures stabilizing for sunday. >> overnight lows, 40s, revisiting part of the santa rosa and napa. >> morgan hill starting out at 40 degrees.
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>> the warmest locations on track to reach the upper 80s to right around 90 degrees, and then for your weekend, this cooler weather system move in from the north and we're going to bring back some fog first thing saturday morning and temperatures come down five to ten degrees for your saturday forecast. >> tonight into tomorrow morning, mostly clear skies. >> a patch or two of some fog in the pacific. >> lots of sunshine. 90 degrees heat. >> antioch, around 90. >> the other extreme, near the immediate shoreline, around seven degrees. >> oakland, 76, livermore at 89 degrees, san jose will go with 83. >> sunnyvale with 81, and downtown san francisco, lower 70s, 71. >> here is a look ahead, your five-day forecast. >> things cooling off saturday. >> monday and tuesday, some minor cooling, temperatures in the 60s and 70s. >> gasia.
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>> thank you, mark. flames came from a car hauler causing a huge traffic snarl. >> it closed four lanes of highway east of central lafayette. traffic backed up into concord on interstate 680. >> nine brand-new cars were burned, we're told. now trending at ktvu channel, two new arrivals with camels straight out of texas. and the oakland a's send fans fan, the fan who is stayed the whole five plus hours, that is. sofa... desk... you know what? why don't you go get some frozen yogurt. i got this. you're so sweet. you got this, right? i do got this. let us get everything off the shelf, and to your home.
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or how to get great prices on things you need. we know you look around for the best deals. that's why we give you real big club card deals each week. load up the cooler. 12 packs of your favorite coke products are just $2.47 each. treat dad to a juicy ribeye steak, just $5.99 a pound. and lean cuisine entrees are a buck ninety-nine. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life.
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sofa... desk...this week and everyou know what? why don't you go get some frozen yogurt. i got this. you're so sweet. you got this, right? i do got this. let us get everything off the shelf, and to your home. . we got up close and personal with the oakland zoo's two newest camels. >> the arabian camels, one hump, came from a texas zoo relate to four other zoos. >> they've already learned to steer clear when the older camels give them a nip or a nudge go to under the slideshow tab. san francisco real estate is pricey, but one sale is over the top. >> a parking space in a building from at and a park has
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been sold for $1 million. >> they be interested in renting out that spot. >> there are reports of parking spaces going for as much as $1 million. an oakland mother watched in pride today of ceremonies honored her young son for making a call that saved her son's life. >> he was only five when he called 911 after his mother suffered a seizure. >> he used a cell phone and the emergency operator coached him to use a landline and was able to determine their location to send help. >> when the fire department arrived, the mother got the medical attention she needed and the story as you see, has a happy ending. had you to wait a long time to see it, but the oakland a's won in dramatic fashion today against the yankees. >> the 18th inning, riverra scored for a 3-2 win,. the game lasted five hours, and 35 minutes. thank you for choosing ktvu
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news, i'm gasia mikaelian. >> our coverage continues with the 10:00 news. >> and tonight, a unique therapy for wounded u.s. soldiers. see how the pacific ocean is being harnessed to help them hale. >> heal. >> tmz is up next on tv 36. -b you kids should count yourselves lucky.
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we didn't have u-verse back in my day. you couldn't just... guys... there you are. you know you couldn't just pause a show in one room, then... where was i... you couldn't pause a show in one room then start playing it in another. and...i'm talking to myself... [ male announcer ] call to get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. i'm going to dream about that steak. i'm going to dream about that tiramisu. what a night, huh? but, um, can the test drive be over now?
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head back to the dealership? oh, yeah. [ male announcer ] it's practically yours. [ wife ] sorry. [ male announcer ] but we still need your signature. volkswagen sign then drive is back. and it's never been easier to get a passat. that's the power of german engineering. get $0 down, $0 due at signing, $0 deposit, and $0 first month's payment on any new volkswagen. visit today. >> today on "tmz" -- so we got amazing video of 2 chainz getting robbed. >> i got to say future hundred meter olympic star. >> he must be embarrassed by this video. >> as soon as i see the gun i'm arl lewis. >> this room approving of his smartness is not going to help his image. >> charlie sheen and back door teen mom farrah abraham have been talking about going on a date. we got text messages between these two. >> charlie says coffee is for amateurs and grandma.


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