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tv   Bay Area News at 7  KICU  March 29, 2013 7:00pm-7:30pm PDT

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and one roller coaster at a bay area amusement park. this is bay area news at 7:00. good evening,. it is friday march 29th, i'm gasia mikaelian, this is bay area news at 7:00. we are following developing news in oakland tonight. that is where the police say a 10-year-old girl was grazed by debris during a shooting t. happened on 82nd avenue on international boulevard. you can see seven bullet markers in the street there. another person was shot and is hospitalized and is expected to survive. there is a picture of the child from our crew at the seen. here is the photo. at this point, gathering more details for you. we expect to have more on the 10:00 news on ktvu. a one-year-old boy hit by a stray bullet is doing well
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tonight. family members are grateful more people were not hurt. the richmond police spot shotter, spot shotter picked up 19 shots in just about six seconds of the gunman was firing at a man on a bicycle outside of the apartment complex on west mcdonald's yesterday afternoon. little elijah tells us a fragment hit her son in the neck inside of his grandparent's apartment. >> all i heard his grandpa saying gunshots and the first thing came to my mind was my son. >> at this point, the gunman is on the loose. $25,000 reward is offered for information leading to an arrest and conviction. to many, february state unemployment numbers are the latest of an improving economy. >> reporter: the economy has been described as a roller
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coaster over the last few years with a lot of ups and downs. >> definitely see things going in an upward way. but for other people the less fortunate i see things getting a little worse out here because of the economy. >> great america has turned the roller coaster analogy on its head. they are opening the gold striker in may because of the improving economy. >> not to say it will be a coaster every year but a sign of things to come. we want to invest in the park and make it better. >> reporter: they bring in 25people during march and october. a new report shows california add more than 41,000 jobs last month and the unemployment rate fell to 9.6%. this is jarad's first day on his first job ever. landing work was tough. >> you got to apply to a lot of jobs and a lot of people don't give you a chance. they actually require a lot of requirements. >> reporter: and americans saw their incomes rise triggering
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the biggest gain in spending in five months. families are not forgetting the tough times and are still looking for the best deal for their there ares. >> with the economy you definitely take into consideration that you got to spend more wisely. you know what i mean? >> reporter: in spite of california's february job gains the state still has the highest unemployment rate in the nation tied with nevada and mississippi. in santa clara, matt keller, ktvu channel 2 news. president barack obama traveled to miami today to promote job creation. he called on the private sector to invest in public infrastructure. the president did this against the backdrop of the miami port that is undergoing upgrades with private and government money. the president said improving the failing infrastructure goes hand in hand with adding jobs. it appears facebook ceo will have a hefty tax bill. cnn money is reporting he will owe the irs, $1.1 billion in taxes from 2012. the facebook founder is taking a hit after his company went
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public last year and he punched 60 million shares. he faces a 35% federal tax rate and a california tax rate of 13.3%. facebook, meanwhile, trying to generate interest in an event next week. ahead in 8 minutes speculation centers around hand-held devices. thieves knew what they were looking for last night. the police say someone got in the technology classroom through a window and made off with more than a dozen mac book computers. one burglar was injured. the burglars took 22 computers but dropped four of them while getting away. >> i think that whoever took these knew exactly that this was the most expensive computer in the room. >> the school staff and the police are hoping to track down those mac books before students get back from spring break. the police are asking the public for help in i'veing two men suspected of robbing three teens they followed from a light rail station.
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we have surveillance video showing the men getting off of the train march 8 th. they followed three boys and threatened to shoot the boy fist they did not hand over their property. morgan hill police are giving us a look at what they call a sufficientist indicated marijuana grow operation. local and state officers seized 3,000 plants growing in a commercial building near tenant avenue. investigators say it had a complex air filtration system to keep the neighbors from smelling the plants. the 32-year-old was taken into custody and faces charges. now, concord, a two-alarm house fire sent a man to the hospital. officials sent us these pictures of the fire there. it happened at 9:15 this morning. investigators say the victim was burned trying to get into the garage to save his pick up truck. he was taken to the hospital because of burns to his feet. the cause of the fire is under investigation.
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even though they are on strike, symphony musicians were playing again together today. [music] >> they were rehearsing for a free community concert tomorrow. the symphony's first violinist said it is a great piece for a string orchestra. >> it has these subtle nuances that you take time so it is important that we listen to each other and do the shadings of color and tempo and timing. >> the concert is tomorrow night at 8:00 at congregation israel on california street. musicians and the symphony negotiated today and plan to meet again this weekend. the new federal report finds ridership and revenue from high speed rail seem reasonable. the biggest challenge facing the bullet train will be funding. the gao says it is not clear if the federal government will
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approve $39 billion for the project. the $68 billion train has come under criticism fear ridership will not be enough to recoop the cost. also today, the rail authority approved bonds. the money will help local transit agencies link train service to the high speed rail system. money will go to electrify cal tran here in the bay area and link the ace train and capitol corridor train to cal train. airports have begun mounting a legal challenge to the federal governmentace decision to shutdown air traffic control towers. 149 towers were shutdown under budget cuts. airports are arguing the agency violated a federal law meant to stop major changes that will hurt airport safety. the faa says they can not comment on pending litigation. new at 7:00, a 49er talks for the first time in a national story about being gay in the nfl. noah walker is live and says it
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took time for harris to address the truth after it first came out? >> reporter: gasia, in this city, being gay and being out about it does not get a shrug but an nfl player? >> reporter: former san francisco 49er told cnn what most assumed after he was charged with assaulting his boyfriend last august. why say it out loud so publicly now? >> i want people to know, if they are gay athletes or athletes still in the the chooseet or youth who are not quite sure what their sexuality is to realize that not only is that not unique but those feelings are common feelings. >> reporter: if they are common feelings on the football field, they are not commonly discussed. the 6'7, 329 linebacker played five seasons with the 49ers one with the raiders knowing he was
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gay and keeping it secret. the a campaign to end that in sports. >> they have been playing with the gay players and nothing has happened in the locker room. >> they don't know they have been playing with them. >> they don't know. >> something you should never experiences being bullied. >> reporter: the 49ers are part of it gets better bullying campaign aimed at gay and lesbian teens but change is slow. >> they don't have gay people on the team. they got to get up out of here if they do. >> reporter: he made those comments during media day before the super bowl. he later apologized. at the opening of his new business venture in santa clara we asked the 49ers, davis, a teammate of harris if it would be possible for a current player to be openly gay. >> i don't discriminate. he is happy to be a teammate of mine if you wants. >> reporter: other former players came out but no current
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player has. >> our generation has a willingness to be accepting and be tolerant and try try to understand people that may be different than you. i think we are heading in the right direction. >>reporter: every former pro athlete that comes out makes it easier for a current playtory do the same. reporting live, back to you. a woman who was sexually molested by a teacher went to court today went to court claiming the school covered up the abuse. molested by two teachers. she is suing the school district claiming they did not listen to the warnings. she says she did not know about the alleged coverup until years later. people around the world are marking good friday today n. san francisco, dozens of people participated in the stations of the cross. the event retraces what are believed to be jesus's steps in
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the final hours before his crucifixion. they wanted to join in solidarity with those who suffer daily from hunger and a lack of services. certainly are big and they appear to be beefy. the fact of the matter is these are one of the rods that failed on the eastern span of the bay bridge. an out spoken singer shows up at the scene of her own canceled concert. hermanageers are talking about what will not happen here in the bay area. back in just 10 minutes, clouds out there and this are showers back in your bay area forecast. just in time for your holiday weekend. we will see you back here you're on timeout leo! ♪ ♪ some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof. some things will. save up to 20% on an ikea kitchen.
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you're o♪ ♪meout leo! some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof. some things will. save up to 20% on an ikea kitchen. san francisco police are looking for a man who's sheavey crashed into a home. the people who live in that home told us they first thought
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it was a earthquake when it happened at 4:00 this morning of the accident cost about $10,000 in damage. the driver ran away. the police say it is not clear who was behind the wheel. caltrans and the contractors are focusing on the ohio steel fabricator that made the anchor rods that failed on the new bay bridge. consumer editor saw one of the faulty bolts today and talked to an engineers expert about the magnitude of this set back. this is one of the giant failed anchor rod bolts needed to hold the roadways to the pillars they sit on in the event of a major earthquake. >> the most important element of this bridge. only side to the top itself. >> reporter: the uc berkeley professor of bridge engineering who has been critical of caltrans bridge designs in the past. these aeufrbor rod pwoltds are critical of what are called sheer keys, the connectors that keep the roadway and the pillars together. >> they move together. when a earthquake happens this
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is what happens. if you fail when an earthquake comes this is what happens. nothing to keep them together. >> reporter: these are located at the super critical junction where the self-anchored tower section meets the separate causeway. >> they can not afford to have this. >> the shocking fact is that these bolts could not take the force of being screwed down. let alone what might be thrown at them by a major earthquake. >> in this case we have not done anything. the line breaks. >> reporter: since they can not be replaced is a work around fix possible? >> in engineering there is always, always a solution for any problem. >> reporter: caltransville to find it. >> caltrans will not make this decision in isolation. investigators will find out if it was an issue of defective materials, poor design, faulty construction, oversight or a combination of several of these things. though cal trans says the bridge will open on time, he
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says that is debatable. back to you. facebook is sending out invitations to a media event next week that could be the roll out of a long rumors facebook phone. an invitation to the event says come see our new home on android. last september mark zuckerberg said a phone was not right for the company. the fda today approve aid new type of diabetes drug. the first of its kind. johnson and johnson makes the drug called invocana. the company says it reduces blood sugar by blocking the sugar ab absorption. it is clear for type ii diabetes of the fda says they are concerned about a rise of
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the number of cases by valley fever. it can be life-threatening. climate change might be causing dust storms that stir up the spores. doctors sometimes diagnose it right away if someone caught it while visiting another part of the country. now, trending on great america theme park is open for business in santa clara with help from a friend. >> 3, 2, 1. [cheers and applause] >> reporter: there is snoopy. he helped cut the ribbon to help welcome the visitors to the park. plenty of thrill rides available. the newest one, under construction. we told you how the park is opening the gold striker roller coaster of the fastest and tallest wooden roller in southern california when it opens up next month. >> i am excited to try it. my kids are excited to true it. we are ready. we watched the video and ready to try it. we like roller coasters. festivities continue all
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through the week. look for the link, hop topic. managers are knock expecting michelle shock to show up their event tonight like she did last night. she was dressed in white with tape across her face in santa cruz. she would not talk to people outside. her concert was canceled following her antigay rant following her show last month. she has been replaced with a comedy fundraiser. 40 years ago today the last combat troops left vietnam ending a painful chapter in u.s. profit. one veteran stores and the reason it took her 40 years to get help with his experience from there. >> reporter: last troops from vietnam left there this day, 40 years ago. >> nobody talks about it for
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years. here is me in basic training. >> reporter: at 19 years old gary was drafted in the arm tow fight in vietnam. he came home with a purple heart and s is hrapnel in his arms and faces and this. >> you get an experience like that it is like being in a plane crash you never forget it. people kill. putting dead people in helicopters. and, you know, guys i knew. >> reporter: it was not until three months ago that his counselor recommended he get treatment. he was not sure what the condition was or why he needed help. >> nobody told me it would be a goat idea. one of the avoidances -- a number of vets diagnosed
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with the condition have increased among vietnam vets. >> since the war we know a lot more about the psychotherapy, and more about medications. so, help is out there. >> reporter: the doctor says another reason why many vietnam vets are just now gets treatment are because many of them are retiring and they have more time to reflect on traumatic experiences from years ago. back to you. there are now traps on russian river to monitor endamaged salmon. a trap near each bank of the river in forestville. the water agency is using them to monitor the endamaged salmon as they go to the pacific ocean. the traps are checked once a day. fisher counted and weighs and released back into the river. easter came a bit early for animals at the monterey bay aquarium. coming up, the twist to these eggs that you probably will not find in your own hunt. and rain clouds are
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developing. brad martin will let us know it can move the easter plans indoors [ female announcer ] safeway presents
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real big deals of the week. or how to get great prices on things you need for easter. we know you look around for the best deals, that's why we give you real big club card deals each week. right now a juicy smoked shank half ham is just 99 cents a pound. let's bake. safeway sugar
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is $1.97 for four pounds. and chobani greek yogurt is just a buck. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life. easter is two days away but they celebrated at the aquarium. the sea otters want on an easter egg hunt yesterday. but the eggs you see there,
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made out of ice. there were special treats hidden inside for the otters. bill martin has been busy all afternoon tracking changes that a lot of us are reluctant to hear about. >> yes. today, we were 77. big changes. going to be cooler. more clouds and showers in the bay area forecast. so, we head outside, these are the numbers from today. day time highs, warm. 77 in antioch. 79 in morgan hill. what is going on out there. there is the system that i am tracking. as you look at t. the system out here, the main system is right here. going to march towards the coast. spinning this ban right here. you see that here? it will get us showers in the next hour or so. and maybe a shower around the bay. it is not a big deal. it is -- it is wet. so, as we go into tomorrow. mostly cloudy increasing clouds all day. most he cloudy. 10, tomorrow afternoon, we have a shot at showers in the area. then, we got a shot at overnight or we will see rain overnight into sunday morning.
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current temperatures warm, 68 in livermore right now. a chance of a sprinkle tonight. right along the coast. overnight lows, upper 40s to 50s. pretty warm. the forecast say drag. today was clearly the nicest day of the week with the warmest temperatures. so sunny early on. the clouds coming in. the next few days. mostly to partly cloudy. then, showers in the forecast saturday night into sunday morning. so, the model will show this, too. here we are tomorrow morning. cloudy. and throughout the evening, a few showers. and here you go. overnight. sunday is morning early. here comes easter. here is easter. more showers. not major rain and in the afternoon. lunchtime on easter. and, then, about 8:00 on sunday night. then, these showers lingering around until monday morning. it is not well organized. getting a quarter of an inch
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and widely scattered. as soon as that breaks out. i will verify it as well. and that is the wettest day. side, not a bad day. you don't mind the cloud cover you will get out and the do stuff. and you will see how beautiful it is and you want to get out and about. you will be able to do that. sunday is not the best day to go out. do it saturday. see you tonight at 10:00. >> thank you, bill. see you then. giant's catcher, posey signed the biggest contract. 9 years and worth $one67 million. he just turned 26 years old on wednesday. he said he is thrilled to be with the giants if for nine more years. last year he won the national league's mvp award and was key to the world series win. by the way he started his career winning rookie of the year. thank you for trusting ktvu channel 2 news. we will see you the next time news breaks. i'm gasia mikaelian. our coverage continues with the 10:00 news. tonight, new video of a fight
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at at&t park that resulted in an arrest at the giants/a's game last night. we're here! we're going to the park! [ gina ] oh hey, dan!
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i really like your new jetta! and you want to buy one like mine because it's so safe, right? yeah... yeah... i know what you've heard -- iihs top safety pick for $159 a month -- but, i wish it was more dangerous, like a monster truck or dune buggy! you can't have the same car as me! [ male announcer ] now everyone's going to want one. let's get a jetta. [ male announcer ] volkswagen springtoberfest is here and there's no better time to get a jetta. that's the power of german engineering. right now lease one of four volkswagen models for under $200 a month. visit today.
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growing up, we didn't have u-verse. we couldn't record four shows at the same time. in my day, you were lucky if you could record two shows. and if mom was recording her dumb show and dad was recording his dumb show then, by george, that's all we watched. and we liked it!


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