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tv   Bay Area News at 7  KICU  June 12, 2012 7:00pm-7:30pm PDT

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open. how much it means to the bay area. good evening it's tuesday june 12th, i'm gasia mikaelian, this is bay area news at 7:00. it may sound like deja vu. new at 7:00, jana katsuyama live in oakland and she tells us the nurses contract expired last summer and this nurses strike is going to last five days. >> reporter: summitville in oakland is one of the sites in about 24 hours you're going to see a picket line forming right around here at 7:00 in the morning. this is the fourth strike these
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nurses have held. it's a sticky situation, as members of the california nurses association today prepared signs for the picket line. >> there's been some cuts to the community that sutter has done and we're out tomorrow protesting those cuts. >> reporter: 4,400 nurses with sutter health are expected to strike tomorrow. they held similar walk outs in december. they are upset because the company wants to take away large portions of their long- standing contracts. >> we would be virtually cutting every provision of that contract. >> the union is asking for new costly benefits like double digit wage increases and free health care for life that would
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increase the cost of health care for patients by millions of the dollars. >> their numbers are wrong. i'm not walking because i want a raise. >> reporter: in the middle of battle are patients. >> he just got through finishing a major surgery. >> are you worried? >> yes. >> hospitals such as alta base say they will be fully staffed with replacement nurses who require a five day contract until june 18th. live in oakland, jana katsuyama, ktvu channel 2 news. now to our continuing coverage of a building fire in san francisco that left a construction worker critically injured. firefighters have now gotten the upper hand in this fire which broke out about three hours ago in the 2800 block of san bruno avenue in the portola district. crews battle the flames at this apartment and office building from the roof and from the street. it quickly grew to three alarms and just about an hour ago a
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fourth alarm was called to bring in replacement crews for the fatigued firefighters. fire officials say the fire started while a construction crew was working on the property. >> one of them was attempting to hook up the gas line and the gas ignited. that particular worker was taken to st. francis burn center with life threatening injuries. >> pg & e crews shut down the line a little less than an hour ago. we're continuing to monitor a mess on the eastbound lanes. just minutes ago the highway patrol told us those lanes won't reopen until midnight. at about 2:30 this afternoon, a car hit a utility pole on highway 4 bringing down live power lines. pg & e crews are on the scene making repairs. in the meantime eastbound traffic is being turned around and detoured along interstate 80 and the sky way. go to for the latest
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traffic at any time. a midair square prompted an airplane to return to the airport. a flight attendant reported a strange odor on board the flight. the flight attendant also complained of dizziness to the pilot decided to return to oakland. no one else on board noted the odor. the passengers were put on another flight. a city council is beginning to debate a proposal that would make it illegal to sit on the sidewalk. the proposal would make it illegal to sit on the sidewalk from 11:00 in the morning to 10:00 at night. berkeley major tom bates is pushing toward the ban. merchants support the measure saying when homeless people camp out on the sidewalk it drives away customers. >> somebody sits to you and
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smells and has loud dogs and asks people for money obviously is going to interfere with business. >> reporter: the sit, lie ordnance discriminates against homeless people say opponents. if the city council would vote for the ban the ordnance would go to the voters in november. matt keller reports from san jose where a popular park is closed and visitors are being turned away. >> reporter: they came by car, bicycle and on foot. but they all ran into the same thing at the main entrance to alum rock park. locked gates and a closed sign. >> it's closed because we've had multiple days in a row of high fire danger. we follow a prescription throughout the park to close it. >> reporter: that prescription includes temperature, humidity, the burn temperature and wind. two men hiked through alum rock park through a back entrance not realizing it was closed. >> the brush is very dry out
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there. >> hardly any green. >> reporter: cars were forced to make a u turn at the gate. one visitor is a park ranger hoping to go for a hike on his day off. he says the biggest threat to the park is something that is already banned. >> smokers who just to have that cigarette, and don't put it out. eastbound -- even though it's banned already, you can't stop an addict. >> we'll just search around for another park near by. >> reporter: san jose firefighters are expecting cooler conditions in the south bay but so far no announcement has been made on whether or not alum rock park is going to open back up. matt keller, ktvu news. despite the closure it was much cooler today across the bay area we're giving you here a live picture of san rafael where it's 76 degrees right
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now. coming up in just 17 minutes, meteorologist rosemary orozco will tell us if the cooling will continue in her bay area forecast. thousands of golf fans came to san francisco today to watch the second day of practice rounds. an estimated 250,000 spectators are expected to attend the open at the olympic club this week. some fans were hoping to get a glimpse of tiger woods and phil mickelson preparing for the tournament. others are just happenty to -- happy to see any of the pros in action. >> it was really important, especially with the father's day coming sunday. it's the first time he's been to an event, it was good to spend some time with him and watch some golf. >> it's expected to bring $100 million to the bay area economy. from golf to basketball. plans to move the warriors to san francisco are moving forward but not without controversy. why some people say a new arena would cause more harm than good. san francisco central highway project is about to
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take a major step forward. the digging is to begin at fourth and harrison street. today crews prepared for the arrival of giant cranes next week. those cranes will help crews dig down to accommodate more heavy equipment. huge tunnel boring machines will bore out the line. there will be closures as well as detours. much of the time traffic will be able to move right on top of areas where under ground construction is going on. inspectors have just completed testing on the new eastern span of the bridge. the tunnels are suspended from tracks underneath the bridge. $6billion eastern span of the bay bridge is expected to open to traffic on labor day weekend of last year. a six -month-old lam that -- lamb that was involved in a prank is now at a rescue group.
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the lamb was tied to a hole. the students bought the lamb from a local rancher for $100. 61 students were suspended as a result of those pranks. democratic lawmakers want to soften the blow of the governor's proposed cuts by reducing the amount of money set aside on the reserve fund and shifts hundreds of millions of the dollars back into social services. the budget deadline is friday, a new fiscal year begins july 1st. republican lawmakers on capitol hill called on u.s. attorney general holder to step down over recent intelligence leaks. >> there's been zero accountability of the department of justice. you won't appoint a special prosecutor in the evident of a special interest. >> i aside two experienced two
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independent general attorneys to conduct two separate investigations being conducted by the fbi. >> holder said he had no intention of resigning. he defended the fast and furious. the obama campaign unveiled two new ads opposing of romney increasing massachusetts debt. a spokesman calls the ad a distortion. the moody report came out three months after romney left office. the ad is slated to run in nine battleground today. romney was on the campaign trail in florida taking aim at the president's act. >> if i'm the president at a time when the supreme court has left obama care in place i will repeal it on day one by sending out a waiver to all 50 states. >> the supreme court is expected to rule on the health
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care issue later this month. it's estimated 60 million americans do not have health insurance. the golden state warriors see some resistance of taking their game across the state. and a key witness takes the stand in the jerry sandusky case. what the witness said he saw. the tv of the future, will it look like this, this or this. this or this, like this and much more. i'll have the five day numbers for you coming up. [ male announcer ] olympic tennis players bob and mike bryan
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do a lot of sending... and receiving. sending...and receiving. sending...and receiving. sending...and receiving. sending...and receiving. [ bob ] i got the tickets. [ male announcer ] and with citibank popmoney, it's even easier to keep sending...and receiving. let me get you back. no, it's on me. i insist. no way. yes way. well let me chip in. [ male announcer ] send money from one bank account to another, with citibank popmoney. easier banking. every step of the way. a woman is recovering from burns and smoke inhalation following a fire that destroyed a home in livermore overnight.
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fire officials say the woman's husband was working in the garage at the time where racing fuel was being stored. two sons were also home but no one else was hurt in the fire. plans to move the warriors to san francisco are moving forward but not everyone is happy about. david stevenson reports from the city where some say a new arena means new problems. >> reporter: the announcement caught many people by surprise. the golden state warriors plan to build a state of the art arena in time for the 2017 season. it's welcomed news for neighboring businesses. >> we're excited that this thing came out of nowhere. we liked the idea of them coming in. >> reporter: but as city supervisors today held their first hearing on the project some san franciscans told us they felt blind sided. >> people are very upset right now. >> reporter: residents here are
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irritated that they weren't consulted about pollution, consultant and crime concerns before the arena announcement. >> we want the warriors in san francisco, we welcome them with open arms. but we do have really grave concerns about putting an arena on 3032. >> there will be lots of open space. lots of greenery, and lots of access to the water. >> reporter: the team is still hammering out a lease agreement with the san francisco port. t.j. johnston say it is team has to do a lot of talking. an actual design of the proposed arena is still a ways off. the team must go through the specks and possible project before it can hire an architect. david stevenson, ktvu news. the city is looking at ways to help people skip the line
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when it comes to condo. people have to enter a lottery for just 200 spots. it will allow owners to pay for a condo conversion. the plan would bring in needed revenue but opponents say it would lead to a loss of rental units in the city. a key witness took the stand and said he saw the former penn coach engaged in a sex act with a young boy in the campus showers. mccreary testified he saw sandusky in the showers with a boy between the ages of 10 and 12. he said sandusky was standing naked behind the boy. he says he slammed the door in an attempt to separate them. and he said when he returned, the two were apart. prosecutors claim shelley zimmerman took tens of thousands of the dollars out of
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her husband's account before george zimmerman's bond hearing. she's accused of deliberately lying to the judge about how much money she and her husband had. george zimmerman is being held on a second degree murder charge in the shooting death of unarmed florida teenager trayvon martin last february. the city of martinez is expanding it's free wifi service. soon the free service internet users have enjoyed will be available at the marina and local sports complexes. the company that provides the service, pleasant hill air cloud says it's installing transmitters to make the service possible. san francisco based zynga maker of farmville and other games slumped following an annual report that its active user base increased significantly. stock closed just below $30 a share. stocks rallied in wall street despite concern over the debt crisis. the increase was driven in part
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from word that the feds could take action to help the economy. today's surge wiped out a big decline from yesterday. the future of television was on display in a conference in san francisco. our health and science editor john fowler shows us how interactive tv is connecting viewers with each other and with advertisers. >> reporter: the sixth tv of tomorrow conference, 600 people, even more ideas. >> i think the television of tomorrow is about connecting with people. >> reporter: san francisco's x2tv puts an icon in the video. >> it takes you to the web or it actually will do an overlay of text on the video so you never have to leave the visit video. >> i think it's about bringing all the content you want into your living room. >> enabling advertisers to reach consumers. >> reporter: san jose's active video connects you to the cloud
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from your cable provider. >> an advertiser can target based on your content. >> reporter: you don't need a smart tv just an i pad app such as from los altos ya ptv. >> you are watching on the first screen and the second screen becomes a beautiful navigation. i can see what my friends like, i can see their favorites. i can see when they are online to socialize them. >> reporter: so you're watching kill bill, like the actress shoes. >> i can buy the sneakers that uma thurmon is wearing on the show. >> you may not be able to get everything, but you may be able to link to the full interview. >> ktvu today launched connect tv right now with an app you can get on our website. you can see extra continue tent on your second screen. health and science editor, john fowler, ktvu news. the actress best known for
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her role as scarlet ohara's little sister has died. she had heart problems and had been ill for several months. rutherford was also known for her role in the andy hardey series where she starred next to mickey rooney. an unexpected sight for drivers in the east bay. coming up we'll tell you why these farm animals are grazing right near a busy interstate. >> and the cool down continues. rosemary orozco will tell us how low the temperatures will go in her bay area forecast. in you're on the go, or away from your tv you can still watch ktv newscast live on your computer, smart phone or tablet. go to
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contra costa county's flood control district is hoping 150 goats and 120 sheep will help prevent fires in walnut creek and concord. county officials say the animals grazing cut back on highly flammable brush and that it also helps prevent erosion. drivers may see the goats and sheep grazing over the next two weeks. rosemary orozco joins us now and many of us feel that the cooler temperatures coming are a good thing.
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>> especially for our inland bay areas needed some relief. most of us feel a wee bit cooler today where we didn't get a cool off at all in parts of the north bay. santa rosa a few degrees warmer and that northwesterly breeze that is flowing outside your door 17 miles per hour has been blowing all day long. and i don't have to tell you. the gusts slightly stronger at times. the airport really kicking up, take a look at that, 32 miles per hour. we're even watching that with a warning out at the airport. a west southwesterly at fairfield 25 miles per hour. we like to see this from 25 to 30 before we really get that delta breeze flowing. it did move in a little bit, we did see a cool off in most parts. any where from six to 4 degrees a cooling is what we felt. san jose 9 degrees cooler right now than what we sat just 24 hours ago. 70degrees right now. upper 40s in napa and still a warm 82 degrees in santa rosa.
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it's still going to be a warm summer night in santa rosa. we'll start out with a few low clouds, it'll burn off early. hopefully bring us all down by tomorrow. five to 10 degrees cooler than what we got today. here's your forecast, notice tomorrow morning we wake up, we've got it there pulling back by about 10:00 looks like it might linger at the coast. we're going to continue with this as the low dip deepness just a little bit and thickness up our marine layer and continues that on shore breeze. widespread low 50s to mid-50s and some of us will wake up in the upper 60s. fairfield we're talking about you. 57degrees expected as we wake up tomorrow morning. afternoon highs for tomorrow afternoon. 81 santa rosa. 81 sonoma, 79 for novato. san leandro, low 80s. walnut creek, 83 for
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pleasanton. 77 san jose, for the peninsula 74 redwood city. mid-60s in san francisco. your extended forecast shows you will continue to drop into thursday. then we rebound on friday. warming it up in time for the father's day weekend, gasia. >> thank you, rosemary. and now that kind of tail wagging full spin homecoming that dogs specialize in and owners relish. daisy the beagle was just a puppy when her owner amanda left. daisy remembered amanda when the two were reunited. amanda said she wasn't expecting the reaction but she says it was the best feeling in the world. this video was poston you tube earlier this month and has already been played more than 4 million times. thank you for trusting ktvu channel 2 news, we'll see you the next time news breaks. i'm gasia mikaelian, and our
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coverage continues with the 10:00 news. tonight an ordnance that would ban sitting on the sidewalk as liberal berkeley debates civil liberty. we're always here for you online. keep in mind that tmz is next right here on newschannel 36.
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