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tv   Bay Area News at 7  KICU  September 5, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm PDT

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the population hit hard by joblessness and find out how a new facebook page meant to protect bears in lake tahoe has people grumbling. complete bay area news coverage starts right now. this is bay area news at 7. >> it is monday september 5th hello, i am heather holmes welcome to bay area news at 7. another shooting in san francisco's mission district has left one man dead. it happened close to a commercial area full of restaurants and bars. and that's our top story tonight at 7. janet has been speaking with police and neighbors and joins us with information on the victims. jana. >> reporter: well, we are at 16th street and ga rareo and there are a lot of restaurants and bars along here. it's popular spot in the mission. and the shooting happened earlier this morning just a
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half block away. it was quiet this afternoon along camp street a residential area where police found a man shot to death by a tree. police got the call at 219 this -- 2:19 and a neighbor took a photo of the scene. >> there were five cop cars and ambulances, fire trucks and treat blocked off for like four hours. >> reporter: police say the victim was an african american man about 45 years old. officers say the man had been shot twice once in the chest and once in the head. some neighbors say they heard arguing at first others say they just heard the gunshots. >> i heard maybe five shots from other people and some other people heard four. >> it's terrifying we heard -- we woke up to the shots and, you know, just didn't want -- i didn't want to move because it was like scareed to hear it. >> reporter: the shooting is the third in one week in the district. last tuesday a 22-year-old father was mistaken for a gang member and shot and killed at 19th and san carlos street. a known gang memoirs killed on hampshire street and police say
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they don't believe today's shooting is gang related or connected in anyway to the other homicides. residents in the mission district say this latest incident is unsettling. and hope police catch the shooter. >> i was actually walking my dog less than five minutes before it happened. so, that was scary. >> reporter: tonight officials are working to identify the victims but they have not released his name. reporting live in the mission district in san francisco, jana katsuyama. mendocino county district are searching around fort bragg for erin bassler who is wanted in connection with two shooting deaths including that of a fort bragg city councilman and a manager at mendocino land trust of the sheriff deputies spotted the 35-year-old bassler yesterday near his mother's home but he he escaped into the woods. >> i am look for a state of apprehension and reaching out the last thing we want is more violence. we want to a safe apprehension
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so who may have contact i want them to get the word out that's what we want. we want it to come to a safe conclusion and let the evidence play out in the courtroom. >> this is the 8th day of the manhunt including local, state and federal investigators. a different kind of search is underway at napa state hospital where police say aest is keys to the facility is missing. it may have been stolen by a patient. some who live near the hospital are worried the dangerous patients could escape. but hospital police say that's not possible. hospital employees say it's one more indication of lack security inside the facility. some are calling for the locks to be changed. a fire in contracosta county did considerable damage to a home construction and spread to two other homes as well. the fire sent up a plume of smoke that could be seen across the valley. it started about 4:20 this afternoon on skylark drive off alberta way in concord. and embers carried the fire to adjacent homes burning a hillside and backyard fence and
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damaging two roofs. there were no reports of any injuries and no word yet on what started the fire. president obama spent part of the labor day in detroit rallying interest in his upcoming speech on jobs. the president spoke at a labor rally telling union members they are the bedrock of the middle class. >> we have roads and bridges across the country that need rebuilding. we have got private companies with the equipment and manpower to do the building. we have got more than one million unemployed construction workers ready to get dirty right now. there is work to be done and there are workers ready to do it. >> in addition to public works spending, mr. obama is expected to call for a mix of individual and business tax credits to help stimulate hiring. meantime, a dismal report from the department of labor shows unemployment for african americans is the highest its been in 27 years. at a staggering 16.7%.
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our consumer editor tells us african americans work in the hardest hit industries. >> reporter: labor day was leisurely among the diverse visitors at the reservoir. retired policeman larry sees a lack of jobs and especially among young folks he was cooking for. >> out of the group right here, probably 50% of them are unemployed. probably 50%. >> there are no more entry level jobs for young people and that's why the unemployment is is affecting us maybe out of proportion to other ethnic groups. >> reporter: labor lawyer and former edd director agrees. >> the overall rate is 16.7% for youth for being aan american youth and 16 to 24 it's skying over 30%. >> reporter: part of it is lack of education. >> education is most important thing these days.
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yeah. and, what's -- without it you are pretty much not going to make it anywhere in life. >> reporter: another part african americans work in the hardest hit professions. >> those sethors that lost jobs in -- sectors that lost jobs it canly construction, -- particularly construction to an extent manufacturing are sectors in which there are significant african american employment. >> reporter: add to that employers fears. >> people are not hiring and i think employers are scared. they are not sure where the economy is going. >> reporter: many of the folks we met directly blame a bickering grid locked congress. tom vacar. >> members of san francisco's hotel union held a noisy marchand demonstration today in and around union square. workers for the hyatt he hotel chain say they are fighting for the right to strike and want hyatt to let other hotel employees join the union.
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management called the demonstration "street theater and accused the local 2 leaders not allowing the current contract offer to go before members for a vote. two hours ago in san francisco, protesters say they will stage a mass action on thursday urging passengers to ride bart for free. >> we are going to be in that station protesting exercising our free speech rights. and protesting the existence of the bart police and we anticipate that if bart wants to keep the station running they will open the fare gates. >> the protesters say bart often opens its fare gates during protest or other big events to avoid station overcrowding. and now they are calling for a spare the fare day thursday at the pal street station. activists have been staging demonstration inside station for several weeks to protest the fatal shooting of a man by bart police. activists plan a sit-in tomorrow just before a state supreme court hearing on proposition 8. members of
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marriage equality usa say they will gather on the steps of the state building in san francisco at 8 a.m. the state supreme court is set to hear arguments whether prop 8 sponsors have the legal standing to defense the ban on same sex marriage in court. the supreme court will then have 90 days to issue a ruling. stores are not ready to say bye to summer and the business that comes with it. residents and tourists packed the beach community this labor day. businesses did their best to take advantage of the flocks of people coming to town for the sun surf. a flood back in march forced some stores to move elsewhere or even close. those that did stay told us today that business was flat or down compared to last year. and lake tahoe residents who want to keep local bears safe launched a wall of shame facebook page. the idea is to keep people from feeding the bears by posting photos of overflowing dumpsters at locations. the pages creator says incline
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village has lax enforcement of the trash ordinance and that can lead to those unwanted visitors. >> we live in their territory, the bears. we moved in here and if you put the trash out you will have to attract them. >> some business owners think the postings are unfair as they can't completely control who dumps garbage in the bins. but the page is very popular with now hundreds of followers. government efforts to ward off an invasive ecaught -- aquatic species is successful acording to officials at the reservoir three years of mandatory boat inspections for the zebra muscles have kept the lakes clean and that protects leisure activities and drink water. rapidly reproducing muscles can choke pumping equipment docks and even other wildlife and they can live up to five weeks under boats. owners of the concession at san francisco's stone lake says today was the last at decades old business. after the lease ran out the
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city picked another vendor forcing the 68-year-old business out. some people are worried change may affect the charm of still lake others feel it's time for an upgrade. new management will take over september 15th with a fleet of new boats and also plans for a cafe. some bus riders in marin county will use a new stop for the next few months. renovations will begin tomorrow on marin city main transit hub. the stop has been moved temporarily to an area near the city's public safety building. route schedules will be the same but passengers have to walk further. county is upgrading security at bus stop after a spike in crime in the area. the half million dollar project includes better lighting, new signs and bike racks. for some labor day this year involved putting in extra time. what today meant for candidates in one of the bay area's most heated political battles. and the curtin is set -- curtain is is set to rise on a
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uplifting work of art proviagra. lift to residents. sunset is on the who are sigh done and pleasant -- horizon and pleasant weather geek you a look at the bay. what -- weather giving you a look at the bay and what to expect on your tuesday coming up.
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some early morning trouble for one big rig driver making a frozen food delivery in san francisco. his truck didn't quite shift through a -- fit through a tunnel. the driver was fine and there was no damage to the tunnel but the truck took the brunt of it thanks both to the time day and a light holiday commute. the accident didn't impact traffic. san francisco mayoral candidates were busy working this labor day. and unofficial kick off to the political season jade hernandez met up with candidates as they
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hit the streets. >> hi i am running for mayor in november. thank you. >> reporter: in the wherein edition the san francisco mayoral candidate spent the day meet and greeting in the safeway grocery store parking lot. >> it's day to think about the importance of work people in san francisco and think about we have lost middle class and a lot of people are without jobs. >> reporter: over in the mission public defender was shaking hands with san franciscoans hoping to get his name out. >> this is where my state will be for the next two months on the streets talking to people and it is a fascinating process. >> reporter: this morning city attorney and san francisco supervisor doab into the thick of a workers rights demonstration for hotel employees at union square. afterwards he treks back into campaign headquarters and sat down for strategy. >> today is the day people think about campaigning and campaigns.
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so, we expect voters will now after labor day start to be more atuned to the messages of campaign. >> reporter: west of so mania senator ye caught up with potential voters as he explained how voting changed the way candidates run campaigns. >> i think some individuals may think that labor day is really the official kick off for a mayor's race. for us, it was a long time ago. >> reporter: as for two other leading candidates, we never caught up with mayor lee san francisco supervisor chu is chairing the first meeting tomorrow and spent the day in the office today. in san francisco, k t. ic -- ktvu. a wild fire in concern county is threatening 650 homes near the city of tehachapi and southern california. the fire was started yesterday by a deadly plane crash. a single engine cessna 210 crashed killing two people on board and the fire spread to 4700 acres by this morning.
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officials have ordered the evacuations of the communities of old west ranch and owens ranch a kern county fire department spokesman called the fire aggressive and said it was only 5% contained tonight. the california highway patrol reports a trend on the roads this labor day weekend. the chp says 16 people died in traffic accidents on highways and surface stey's streets from friday through this morning -- streets from friday through this morning. officers arrested 13hundred 99 -- 1399 drivers on suspicious of dui. and the highway patrol maximum enforcement period ends at midnight. shopping for a new car was a priority for some on this labor day. balloons and signs signaling specials were out along oakland's auto row. prices fall at the end of summer as dealers and automakers begin clearing the inventory to make room for next year's models. according to consumer report,
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the malibu and ram 1500 are the most discounted car and truck this year. we are nearing 10 years to the day the 9/11 attacks changed the nation. and today many came together to commemorate the somber event. ♪ a the home of the brave. >> hundreds spent the labor day at the richard nixon presidential library in southern california where artifacts from 9/11 are on display. they include a damaged new york fire department struck and burned steel from the world trade center and will be open to the public for the remainder of the week. a foot race on the peninsula honored a bay area man who died on 9/11 in the crash of united flight 93. the annual andy garcia memorial 5k run walk and bike started this morning at triangle park. garcia was on board flight 93 a flight bound for san francisco
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from newark new jersey when it was taken over by hijackers. passengers rushed the cockpit to regain control of the aircraft which eventually crashed in shanksville pennsylvania. garcia would have been 72 years old on august 28th. a shiny new edition to an oakland neighborhood is bringing inspiration to an area that was once blighted. we talked to neighbors and businesses that say the area is turning around. >> reporter: the blue plastic covers will soon be coming off here on 19th street revealing the sculpted manual called remember them. this is the latest edition to uptown oakland an area many say is in the midst of a renaissance. >> the neighborhood. [audio not understandable] >> reporter: from the grill chef edwards barbeque earl chef edwards seen monumental change in the area around 19th street near telegraph in san pablo avenue. >> a lot of people are drinking and doing drugs and old hotels
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where a lot of people hung out really wasn't the type of people you want to see in the neighborhood. >> reporter: under a plan by the mayor brown oakland began to build thousands of apartments here. the box theater was renovated and a dozen new bars and restaurants moved. >> the hope is to bring more people to the downtown to stimulate retail sector and bring more life down here. >> reporter: this woman says she planned to live uptown for a few months but now she is staying put. >> i take bart back and it's because the fox teether is here and a -- theater is here and restaurants and there's always people around so it doesn't feel dangerous at all. >> reporter: folks are also anxious to see the sculpturehonoring 25 champions of humanity people who personify courage, sacrifice and strugglefor peace. >> it makes a great statement what have's happening in the neighborhood. >> reporter: the unveiling is set to begin at one tomorrow afternoon. the latest in perhaps most elaborate edition to an area
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bringing people yap town in oakland rob roth ktvu channel 2 news. >> organizers of the annual muscular dystrophy telethon say national donation grew to more than 61 million dollars. you might have caught some of yesterday's telethon right here on tv36. bay area viewers are credited with raising more than 2 million dollars total donations nationwide rose 2.5 million from last years despite fewer hours on air and absection of jerry lewis -- absence of jerry lewis. last night the new host said lewis retired. cycling fans converged for a unique race through downtown san francisco. coming up, a 40-year-old tradition plays out in the heart of the city. and it's going to be a warm week in parts of the bay area. our meteorologist rosemary orozco tells you how hot it will get. watch bay area news at 7 and the newscast on your computer or on your mobile
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device. we are streaming live at starting my progresso soup for lunch plan, huh. nope,
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just having some tender chicken and some tasty noodles. let's see...south western vegetables...60 calories. ya' know those jeans look nice. they do? yup. so you were checking me yup. out? [ male announcer ] progresso. 40 soups 100 calories or less. being sent to the back of a freezer. and it's all because someone said "tacos." old el paso. when you gotta have mexican.
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tropical storm lee remained a headache in the south andsoutheastern united states. and tennessee a grandfather's quick thinking saved his two grandchildren when the
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volkswagen beetle was overtaken by flood waters. the man said he tucked the child under each article and head for higher ground. in georgia, the national weather service today issued tornado watches. folks who live in cherokee county say a funnel cloud touched down there today near the dixie speedway racetrack elsewhere steady rains caused flooding and the storm is blamed for at least one death in mississippi. you feel so sorry for the folks and then we have nice weather toenjoy huh? >> we can't complain. we will see a heatup. so if you don't like the heat, be forewarned it's coming. as early as tomorrow. temperatures expected to be 5 to 10 degrees warmer than what we saw today and we are seeing some of the changes giving you a look at the winds that west northwesterly wind 23 piles her -- miles per hour but the winds help to push the marine layer off the coastline. san hoe -- san jose the same direction at 20 miles per hour.
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we have onshore breeze. but most us dealing with mostly clear skies. 58 degrees sf61 in oakland around san jose checking in about 68. it's a pleasant early evening. livermore and concord i bet you don't want the evening to end just yet. 67 in santa rosa and widespread 60s around napa as well. high pressure will be building in for tomorrow morning. we are not expecting the clouds to be as widespread but could be a little bit dense when we do get high pressure the subsiding air will actually push it closer to the ground and bring us visibility to a quarter mile. while it will not be as widespread we could have patchy dense fog aclongt coast -- along the coastline. temperatures warmer 60s and 70s and near 08 along the coast in some cases and 70s and 80s for the bay. mid-80s to upper 90s inland. fog forecast as i mentioned, notice we wake up tomorrow morning and our off the morning drive we have got patchy fog there. looks like by 9:00 or so we are watching it along coastline and it backs up off the coast and leaves us mostly clear skies
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even along the coastline for most of us. for the day, our overnight lows and into tomorrow morning, it's going to be a little cooler than what we have seen. but, temperatures still sitting in the 50s. so not too bad. and then the afternoon take a look here. mid-80s for areas right around napa. santa rosa and mid to upper 70s for the east bay. 90s. mid to upper 90s for inland east bay. 80s, 90s for the santa clarea valley. 87 san jose. 97 for morgan hill. 77 san mateo 70 in the city for tomorrow afternoon. and 60s for the coast, and 67 expected daily city. hot tomorrow, hot on wednesday. and a short-lived look at thursday and friday and into the weekend. low 60s along the coast and into the 80s saturday and sunday inland. healther. >> thanks rosemary. it was a nice day for a bike ride at and a 5 walk sectionwhich was transformed into a racecourse. bicyclists zoomed down green
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street as the race organized in 1957 first. it was known as the san fran grand prix. racers competed in one of 10 different levels and professionals raced around 55 laps covering 44 miles. that's the report i am heather holmes coverage continues online at hope you have a great night.
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