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tv   Bay Area News at 7  KICU  May 11, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm PDT

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area news at 7:00. new at 7:00, the warning issued by one school district. a neighbor describes a triple homicide at san jose state. critics same money ends up nowhere near here -- say money ends up nowhere near here. >> complete bay area news starts right now. this is bay area news at 7:00. >> good evening. it is wednesday, may 11. i am gasia mikaelian, and this is area news at 7:00. parents in the novato school district received an e- mail warning about problems in the city. jana katsuyama is live at school district headquarters to tell us why this type of drink is so dangerous. >> reporter: the warning came from novato police and the school district issued this e-
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mail. please bottle bombs are filled with household chemicals and could be very dangerous. online videos are nothing new. what is new is reports of these devices popping up around novato. >> i would say the last few weeks there has been a pickup. >> reporter: an e-mail blast went out this morning. >> i was glad the district was able to supply the information to the schools and to be another parents. >> reporter: the concern is if somebody picks up a bottle bomb it could shake it enough to set off a chemical reaction and an
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explosion. >> i find it alarming and scary. >> reporter: so far no one has been injured but officers to arrest a group of teenagers at the end of january. police say the devices are dangerous. >> if the fluid is boiling hot and it is exposed with great force, it can cause you to lose fingers. a soda bottle that has a few pieces of tinfoil image, do not touch it and call local law enforcement. >> reporter: facing anybody who was caught with a bottle bomb could face felony charges. there are new allegations of misconduct tonight. public defender jeff adachi says this latest video was taken in a jefferson hotel last december.
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two men say the officers searched the residence without consent and took items. the drug case was later dismissed. >> searching his room and lifting up the mattress and everything. >> an investigation is underway. at least six other san francisco officers are under investigation in cases of alleged misconduct. the police department honor the fallen officers today be they set aside one day in may every year. in the past 10 years the chief says they have been fortunate and have not lost any officers but the danger is there every day. campus police at san jose campus university are investigating the shooting death of three people last night as a murder suicide.
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none of the three had a criminal record and officials called the deaths unprecedented. >> reporter: police officers are investigating a possible murder suicide in the north garage last night. the school newspaper got a picture of one victim as he was lifted into an ambulance. they said the suspected shooter was found wounded and died at the hospital. school officials say they have not been able to contact the victims families so they did not release any names today because of the violent nature of the incident. >> it was really loud, one after another like boom, boom, boom, boom. >> it was scary. >> reporter: officers found the
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weapon near the bodies and determined the shooting was an isolated incident. it had students who routinely park you're -- here shaky. rumors have started applying. >> and ex-boyfriend was waiting for his ex-girlfriend dating another guy. >> reporter: police plan to release more information tomorrow morning. robert honda, ktvu channel 2 news. a half hour after the shooting an announcement was made. still some students complained because it took an hour and a half before the university alert was sent out in text and e-mail. >> i got eight at 12 in the morning. >> i am sure they did the best they could but it was late. >> reporter: 70% of students
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have signed up for alerts. some say they did not get the alerts at all. the university downplays the delay seemed that the shooting was isolated and the suspect is in custody. for more coverage, click the tab on our homepage at on to solano county were sheriffs deputies are searching for a gunman at a double homicide. it happened in unincorporated solano county near vallejo. they found a second man dead in the driveway a half block away peevey victims names have not been released. the family of bryan stow say he may be moved from l.a. to san francisco next week. the family's website says he
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appears stable enough to be transported. the family says stow is showing more eye and mouth movements although he may be involuntary. there is a new push in the hunt for a suspect. a southern california at company is paid to put up 300 billboards around -- is paying to put at 300 billboards around l.a. the revitalization of a downtown street is not happening fast enough. business owners say drugs, prostitution and robberies are commonplace. >> the intent here is to work with the community and try to make the community safe by having a more visible presence. >> if this happened anywhere else in san francisco it would
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not be tolerated. >> ministate police presence alone will not solve crime in the area -- many say police presence alone will not solve crime in the area. police are looking for a missing 3-year-old girl tonight spree police say jane martin and her ex-boyfriend joey ravi says are missing along with martin's daughter dajeh. a grass fire may have been deliberately set this afternoon in pittsburgh. the flames moved up the hill, threatening homes. one homeowner grabbed a garden hose to protect his property.
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damage was limited to some park fencing that burned. dozens of teachers demonstrated at the state capitol this afternoon in a battle over education funding. they teachers are pressing lawmakers to go to put a measure on the ballot that would give voters a choice to extend taxes for another five years. they say without those extensions, they would have to cut $4 billion to education, and that could mean 20,000 teacher layoffs. >> i do not know how the schools can cope with that because they cannot get more students in per classroom. >> republicans say an unexpected increase in tax revenues makes the tax extensions unnecessary. we have this new video just into our newsroom to share. as a teacher taking part in the statewide protests. a group of oakland teachers
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rallied along lake merritt. within the past hours, they marched to the oakland board of education meeting. the group plans to protest tomorrow outside wells fargo bank to request banks and other large corporations a bigger share in taxes. crews are expected to wrap up repairs to a broken water main two hours from now. 836-inch water main burst yesterday afternoon, turning the city's tap water light brown. service has been destroyed to all customers. -- service has been restored to all customers and officials say the water is safe to drink. controversy tonight after a worker dies from legionnaires disease. some local animal shelters say these guys are not seen one
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dime from a popular tv ad campaign. the clouds slowly cleared out of the area today. i will show you the one part of your weekend you can count on a few rain showers.
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>> a train car derailment led to a small hazardous materials spill. the car was carrying at least from a refinery that was both corrosive and toxic. however, it was a small amount and did not issue a shelter in- place order. the second person in three years working in the richmond public health center has come
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down with legionnaires disease. tom vacar reports why some believe the building is making people sick. >> reporter: a long time record keyboard died over the weekend after contracting legionnaires disease treated janice smith and other staff members contracted the disease here three years ago. >> h days in icu -- eight days in icu. >> we are not making a connection between that building and these cases. >> reporter: legionnaires disease thrives in right and stand environments such as air conditioning cooling towers. >> they say it was condensation from the air conditioning until osha went out and they found in the air conditioning tank on the roof. >> we will be culturing the
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building. we will probably be doing another water system disinfection. >> they are having big meetings now and they are doing the same thing deny, deny, deny. >> reporter: construction on a replacement building begins in nine days. tom vacar, ktvu channel 2 news. at least two people are dead after an earthquake shook southeast spain this morning. it was centered near the town of lorca. the first struck at 5:00 a.m. local time. some buildings have collapsed and dozens of people were injured. there were hundreds of small quakes there since 1990. a wrenching development tonight on two bay area residents held in iran.
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the two men were not brought to court. >> we were crushed. we have experienced so many disappointments and shane and josh deserve a fair trial. >> they have been held since july 2009. their friend sarah shourd was released last september. shroud said the families are worried about their physical and mental health. a health committee heard testimony about the rape and violent attack against some peace corps volunteers. victims testified that the peace corps has paid little attention to the problems. one mother said her daughter was killed in africa and there was also testimony that the peace corps ignored or dismissed reports of violence
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and rape. cisco systems announced today it will illuminate thousands of jobs. cisco is the largest maker of computer networking gear. today they reported a net income drop of 18% in the next quarter. they want to cut annual expenses by $1 billion so that could be as many as 5000 jobs. gasoline prices took a big hit today. the energy information administration says demand suffered its largest drop in seven straight weeks of decline. gas futures fell 8%. gas now averages just under $4 a gallon nationally. falling commodity prices weighed on wall street. the nasdaq fell by 26. google announced its first
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notebook computers running their chrome operating system will go on sale next month. they say the net books will cost between $350 and $500. a battle is brewing with aspca and the complaint centers around high-profile fund- raising. >> reporter: the music and the animal faces make this tv ad hard to watch and forget combined with a plea from singer sarah mclachlan, the aspca pulled in more than $1 million in 2009. some animal shelters say that everyone know where their money is going. >> how much money did you get? >> we have never received money
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from the aspca. >> local animal shelters are not affiliated with the aspca and that is at the heart of the complaints filed with the state attorney general's office but it says ads like this one are deceptive. >> it is not say that the money goes back to a aspca shelter which is in new york city. >> we believe it is in the millions. >> we show this ad to people. >> i have seen this one thing i'd do you think it is misleading? >> no, not really. >> i think it is just misleading. >> i received a written response that insists that the aspca is a national organization and they have donated $7 million to local groups all around the country and here in california. it says more is on the way.
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the california endowment says today a series of health programs has paid off. they say the push has resulted in better eating habits and healthier lifestyles. they targeted cities with health problems including oakland. evangelist billy graham is in the hospital tonight. the 92-year-old is being treated for pneumonia. his primary physician says graham is alert and no date has been set for his release. a renaissance is taking place in one bay area neighborhood. coming up, the new traffic lights that will help flip the switch for a long-awaited development. meteorologist mark tamayo will tell us how cool it will get in some places tomorrow. >> do not forget you can watch all of our newscasts on your computer including bay area
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news at 7:00. we are streaming live on the web at
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the fresh tasting california sour cream your other food loves.
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bree: sis, help me create my oasis. marcy: ok, romantic garden? bree: oh, is there a castle nearby? marcy: no, but there's a charming farmhouse. bree: right next to my posh castle! i'm sensing a theme here. well, i am the queen, dear sister. >> hundreds of people had been
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evacuated along the mississippi river. hundreds of thousands of acres of farmland are likely to flood paid engineers are tracking levee staley -- and engineers are tracking levees daily. >> it is going to feel like winter once again, gasia. a significant change showing up on the weather charts. we have some fog offshore and the low clouds will be on the increase tomorrow night. here is a look at the weather story, fog on the increase. some gusty winds out there. tomorrow we will warm things up. this weekend we go the other direction and the main clients
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will be making a comeback. showing you some 40s in santa rosa, napa, concorde. san jose tomorrow morning right around 50. here is the eventual temperature range for tomorrow and into friday. 58-72 degrees with skies becoming partly cloudy. on friday we have a cold weather system moving in from the north. temperatures dropping off with showers returning for saturday evening lasting into sunday morning. the coolest day will be on sunday with most neighborhoods only in the 50s. with this setup in place there's the possibility that we could have some isolated thunderstorms. it is cold enough that we could have some snow in the bay area hills, down to 3500 feet. in the short term, some patchy
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fog out their pushing into the bay. that will increase with the sunshine. here's a look at the numbers. we are going to warm things up a little bit. santa rosa, 71 degrees. oakland in the mid-60s. san jose tops out around 66. winds around 10-20 miles per hour. partly cloudy skies on friday. we bring in a chance for some evening showers on saturday. one san francisco neighborhood is taking a big step welcoming new residents. badger state is one of the last steps before homebuilding begins construction will begin
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this summer with the first phase of development. that is our report for tonight. i am gasia mikaelian. our coverage continues with our 10:00 news on ktvu channel 2. "tmz" is up next right here on tv36. have a great night. our planes start flying when it's dark.
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and they don't stop flying until it's dark again. flying all day, every day. you deserve our best. that's why there's so many flight options. [ webber ] southwest airlines has seven daily nonstop flights


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