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tv   Bay Area News at 7  KICU  January 14, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm PST

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the arizona shooting rampage. another victim laid to rest in the arizona shooting rampage. it is friday january 14th, gasia is off tonight. i'm het holmes. welcome to bay area news at 7:00. tonight we're learning more about the deadly gun rampage as another of the six people killed was laid to rest. it is our top story tonight at 7:00. security was tight for the funeral. a federal judge, the 63-year-old judge was remembered for his fairness on the bench, and his
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devotion to his family. investigators say the suspected gunman 22-year-old jared laughner bought ammunition and a black bag at a wal-mart store. he had photos developed there showing him posing in a red g-string holding a 9 mm pistol. meantime more hopeful news from doctors caring for the wounded congresswoman. she is opening her eyes and able to carry out more complex moving. her breathing tube may be removed tomorrow. the arizona shooting has touched a nerve across the bay area, and mourners gathered for
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another vigil. jana katsuyama is gather where the vigil just wrapped up. >> there was about four dozen pt gathered in this plaza all to show their support for the victims in tucson. >>reporter: they lit candles for the lives injured and lost in the tucson shooting. >> hearing all the suffering abt moves everyone. >> a show in walnut creek. s important to all come to together and realize that we have to work together for the future. >> just as a parent seeing all e suffering is really moved us and we wanted to come show our support. >> this is one of the many vigis held this week throughout the nation that led to this attack at the safeway store. >> this test brought to our nats the fact that we should not be talking to each other so bad, especially our leadership. >> but with questions about thee
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shooting and how to prevent another, issues of mental services, and political readiness, it's clear how this -- unclear how this will shape everything. >> when the source of violence m within the country, it's not as obvious what to do. >> back here live in walnut cres one hope tonight that this small, quiet vigil will send a big message for change and peace. in walnut creek, jana katsuyama ktvu channel 2 news. >> bay area state senator says s are trying to determine if there's connection between threats he received last year and the tucson incident. >> i heard that senator keen was
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to nicks sarah palin. >> he received threatening messr he pushed for disclosure of the fees that were paid to sarah palin. you can read more online at and click the link under the news tab. days after the shooting spree in tucson, there's a new toefrpt to make it illegal to openly carry a weapon here in california. state law has allowed californiaens to carry openly an unloaded handgun. new legislation has been introduced back by the police chief association that would end so-called open carry. law enforcement says they waste resources attending to these. a south bay teenager was struck by a hit and run driver
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in san jose last weekend. tonight police hope video will help crack this case. >> carry shaw is trying to stayg for her daughter shea but hard to stay together. >> you're just on auto pilot anu feel like you're dying inside. >> 15-year-old shea has not spod her eyes since early last saturday. she and her boyfriend just left a party, and this video shows the couple walking when a silver vehicle struck her and sped off. she's suffering from a torn bladder, skull fracture, and a broken femur. >> she has a lot of friends, and very vivacious. she's a wonderful girl, and we want her back. >> despite the video, there wasu
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leads. police say -- few leads. no one is talking and shea's family want the driver responsible to come forward. >> give us that satisfaction the enough, that you're human enough to do that. >> doctors are going to try to n her off the medication to see how she reacts. at this point she's in a medically induced coma. reporting from san jose ktvu channel 2 news. >> two people were wounded, onen a shooting in oakland this afternoon. officers arrived to find two gun shot victims at 36th avenue. one of those people is suffering from life-threat injuries. the shooting happened just after 3:30 this afternoon. we have just gotten word that san francisco police have arrested a suspect in a fatal
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shooting of a man yesterday at a cafe. and the suspect is a 30-year-old man that lives in san francisco. and witness interviews and evidence led them to the man. the medical examiner's office identified the victim as 29-year-old terry turner and the gunman chased him into the tea shop and then shot him multiple times. it is the city's sixth homicide of the year. livermore police are investigating the deaths of a 96-year-old women and her grandson as a possible murder-suicide. investigators say friends found the body when they went to visit the women at her home last night. both were shot in the head. the grandson, found dead, had apparently moved in just before christmas. tonight investigators learned that the grandson had a history of drug use and mental illness. neighbors say they're stunned by the news. >> i lost a very, very deer frid
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. we laughed -- dear friend. we laughed together and cried together. >> they have not released the nf the two victims. the new district attorney of san francisco changed his political affiliation. former police chief is now registered to vote as a democrat and made that switch yesterday. he told the reporter that the republican party had "moved away from his personal convictions" he was appointed district attorney last weekend. gastone says he plans to run for da in november. honoring a fallen firefighter. a presession of firefighters and engines made its way through the streets. he died on january 3rd from cancer at the age of 42. a public memorial service was
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held. the firefighter's union believes his cancer was caused by enhailing toxic materials on the job. >> he's the second firefighter s died of occupational cancer and we've had several cancers in between scott and dave where luckily the fire fiekters were able to make a re -- fighters were able to make a recovery from. >> a new study is underway withs to reduce the risks. more than two dozen teachers and low performing san francisco schools are being moved for the district to secure crucial funding. in order for the san francisco school district to receive millions of dollars into grants, it must replace 50% of their teachers in their lowest performing schools. they won't be fired, but instead
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moved within the districts. people at carver elementary, everytime middle school are all -- everrett middle school are all effected. the announcement of jobs comes a week after injury brown says to cut a half billion dollars for the system. the university says 150 workers will be laid off by june. the layoffs won't effect facility. their attempts to recruit out of stated students is working. applications from other parts of the nation are up 11% for the fall 2011 term, and applications from other countries are up more than 22%. non-resident undergraduate students pay almost three times as much as state residents. still ahead tonight, a bay area nightclub takes steps to improve safety following the
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death of a patron and ugly brawl. >> it's called an arc storm, anf it comes the water 10 feet below my feet could end up way above my head. disturbing new report for all of california, still ahead. >> a pleasant day across most oe bay area. coming up, the one area under a dense fog adv. -- advisory.
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>> a military panel is recommending that women be allowed to fight on the front line. report to congress says that it is time to create a level playing field for all service members. women are barred from combat
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assignment. the report found that women and minorities are behind white men in leadership resources. ucf researchers found that almost all of the 268 pregnant women they studied had did he dektable levels of chemicals in their blood and urines, even ddt that was beened in 1979. -- banned in 1979. a popular san francisco nightclub linked to the death of a medical student faces their first weekend of business since that incident. as john reports tonight, club managers are taking extra steps to ensure the safety of club goers. >> temple nightclub is a peacefe . on camera the general manager told us it was tough to rebound
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from the fight that left the medical student dead. >> we did a cleansing ceremony h a deer friend of ours -- dear friend of ours, just really trying to take this as a lesson. >> hernandez suffered a head ins fight and had his organs donated. there was another fight where two men were stabbed with broken beer bottles. the club is adding ichltd d scanners and pat downs. >> if anybody has a problem witt , it's the people we don't want. >> they're taking extra steps ts possible that they're keeping the neighborhood safer than it would be otherwise. >> temple management also gave t in which they express sadness over the death and helping police find the
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killer. in san francisco ktvu channel 2 news. >> governor brown today restorea program that pays for child care for almost 60,000 low-income children. the program is part of a welfare to work program governor that schwarzenegger eliminated last year. the funding restored today runs through april 1st, but expected the program will be part of next year's state budget. the treasury department said they're optimistic that the government will turn the profit of bail out of aig. they plan to sell their 1.6 billion shares in the next 2 years starting in march. the government owns 92% of american international group, and invested an estimated $48 billion in that company during the 2008 financial crisis. if it holds, anle cysts say the u.s. could see a profit of $40
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billion. bank stocks drove the stocks higher today. san francisco fargo said they hope to gain dividends. nasdaq was up 20 points. holiday shopping hit a record high last year, or did it? shoppers spent $462 billion in the last 2 months of 2010, but an analysis by the associated press says that's an inflation-based figure. the ap says consumers would have needed to spend $478 billion to top the prerecession record of $453 billion set back in 2011. the launch of a new newspaper designed just for apple's ipad has been put on hold. media moggle and apple ceo were set to unveil the newspaper next week at the museum of modern art next week. the delay estimated at several
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weeks is to sort out technical issues concerning subscriptions. no word on how much the paper will cost. fans will find new safety rules in place. once the surf is up, competitors have just 48 hours to get to the coast, but fans are being asked to stay away from the beach. coastal agencies are concerned about hazards such as road waves. mav rick officials urge fans to watch the action live on tvs. a weather phenomenon that few people have heard of is getting a fresh look tonight. the federal government in a newly released report says that california is venerable. what's known as an arc storm could do a trillion dollars in damage. our consumer editor reports. >> originating from the trop bsf
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moisture form growing larger and gaining speed. >> imagine storms slamming intoo south for 45 days. though far rarer than great earthquakes, they have hit california last one 149 years ago wiping out much of the state's early economy. >> this event has the same probf occurring as a big earthquake, but costs five times as much. >> much of the valley would be n inland see of run off wiping out the ago ri culture industry. -- agriculture industry. our fraageil fresh water system -- fragile fresh water system would be destroyed. landslides and debris flows would block major roads, miner roads, and property.
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the coast would be pounded mercilessly flooding bays and shore lines and causing massive erosion along the entire coast making pacifica's erosion a minor event. all of this sobering for low-lowing californiaens likely to suffer first. >> all of this is a flood plane. there's not too much you can do about it. >> more on the u.s. gs report on our website >> baseball fans will be offer a look at the giant's this coming season. they announced the season-long program covering the giants from pretraining to october. it doesn't have a title, but still unscripted show a behind the scenes look like hard knock life for nfl. san francisco hosts a grand
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reopening for an architect wall landmark. today's rush to see the maker. meteorologist will tell us how warm it might get in your neighborhood this weekend.
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>> a grand reopening celebration was held today and comes after $21 million restoration project to preserve the land marc. the lagoon was restored and upgrades made and new entrances and pathways added. it almost six years to complete the work. it was built in 1915 wondering if it's a nice weekend to head to san francisco and look around. >> we always have to throw in a condition like chances of rain, but this weekend, temperatures still on the warm side and right now you can still see the activity not here in the bay area, but the rain showers up to our north and way up to our
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north around creston city. here is the forecast, but before we get to the overall forecast, we have a fog advisory. visibility could come down to less than a quarter of a mile and you get the idea that we could talk about dense fog especially for the inland valleys. san francisco forecast low of 47. livermore 44, and concord in the mid-40s. tonight, though, we have this. fair skies, patchy valley fog developing this weekend. warmest locations on track to reach the mid-60s and still holding on to the dry weather pattern and you can see all the activity heading to the north area. and we'll talk about quite a few 60s as we head into the weekend. this will not generate rainfall will scale back on the
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temperatures as well. for tomorrow for your sfras at 7:00, temperatures mostly in the 40s, 43 to 48 degrees, and by 12:00, 43 to 48 and 3:00 low to mid-60s with readings around 60 to 65. santa rosa, 64. antioch 60, and san jose 65, and morgan hill tops out around 66 degrees. here is a look ahead. you will see an if you extra high clouds as we head into your monday. watch out for patchy dense fog in the morning hours, and then the weather pattern with temperatures in the low to mid-60s and party sunny skies by wednesday but not a rain cloud in the seven-day forecast. have a great weekend. >> you won't have to leave the y area weekend to go, in a manner of speaking, around the world. head over to the travel show taking place tomorrow and sunday at the santa clara convention
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center. it offers access to global travelers. the show also includes cultural presentations, wine tasting and a regional food challenge. that is our report for tonight. i'm het holmes. we return here on monday. our coverage continues online at
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