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tv   ABC World News Tonight With David Muir  ABC  April 4, 2023 5:30pm-5:59pm PDT

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dav da >> david: tonight former president trump arrested and arraigned here in new york city. only president former or current to ever face criminal charges leaving trump tower four mile ride. secret service guiding the route. eyes locked on the camera on the 15th floor of criminal court. once inside still photographers allowed in the room capturing images somber and surreal. trump flanked by his legal team. former president himself pleading not guilty to 34 felony counts of falsifying business records. tonight indictment unsealed what it reveals about three separate hush money payments before 2016
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election. david pecker, owner of national >> tonight president trump arrested and arraigned in new york city, the only president former or present leaving trump tower, his 4-mile ride to lower manhattan, along with the secret service agents, the nypd and the secret service guiding the room, his eyes locked on the caera as he walked into the courtroom on the 15th floor of criminal court. and once inside, still photographers allowed in the room, capturing images both somber and surreal. trump flanked by his legal team, officers standing behind them. the former president himself pleading not guilty to 34 felony counts of falsifying business records. tonight the indictment and what it reveals about three separate hush money payments before the pivotal 2016 election. and why david packer, the owner of the "national enquirer" could play a key role in the prosecution with the catching kills scheme allegedly paying for stories but then killing them to allegedly help the candidate. tonight trump headed back to mar-a-lago where this all hits next, and one about the other investigations many legal observers see as more significant than this one, dan abrams, kate shaw all here tonight. also as we come on the air, the breaking headline, the life-threatening tornadoes expected in the coming hours tonight, a new tornado watch across several states at this hour and in the next 24 hours several major cities in the path
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of possble dangerous tornadoes. ginger's the times that out. one week after the deadly school shooting in nashville, three hero police officers in their own words right here about walking towards the gun fire. moment they can front and what has now been discovered. a well-known governors one-time chief of staff killed in a confrontation with the fbi following the three week manhunt. a major setback tonight for vladimir putin, this evening finland officially joining nato, and you will see right here how dramatically the nato border has changed. the cruise ship full of passengers falling from the balcony onto a lower deck reportedly landing on another person. the warning tonight from actor hugh jackman in his own words his personal health scare hoping others will be held by his words. and america strong running with the dogs hoping to find them homes. it's working. ♪ ♪ >> announcer: from abc news world headquarters in new york, this is "world news tonight" with david mirror. >> david: we begin with something we have never seen, a president charged and arrested
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appearing before the judge, appearing with 34 felony felony is to ever become a criminal defendant, pleading not guilty, the charge is now unsealed. accusing the former president of falsifying business records to allegedly conceal other crimes. prosecutors say a catching kills scheme catching stories -- >> this is an "abc news" special report. now reporting, david muir. >> david: coming back on the air for a short time after a day of history made, the president formally charged and arrested before the judge, president trump reacting moments ago just hour after pleading not guilty himself to 45 counts of falsifying business records in new york. he's back at mar-a-lago responding publicly to the charges for the first time. here's what he said moments ago. >> as it turns out, virtually everyone on this case, the
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rights and hard-core democrats say there is no crime and that it should never have been brought. [applause] even people that aren't big fans have said this is not the right thing to do. >> david: let's go to rachel scott in the room and mar-a-lago, that's a first reaction to what again is an unprecedented day in new york history, that's why we are on the air to offer the reaction, we listened in to when he specifically address the case and what played out today. and i know rachel you have been listening to a litany of complaints that he has had before, you would have to pack check in real time, we are not going to do that now. but in particular relation to this case and what he went through today and what we watched him fold he a point saying to the crowd that alvin bragg, the district attorney here in manhattan believes it's politically motivated and ran on a campaign he said to go after the former president.
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>> exactly, david, he said before alvin bragg even took the position as district attorney he was out to get him from the very beginning. the former president's goal tonight is to paint this as purely political. in fact he called for all the charges to be dropped immediately. and david, i'm struck by the remarkable change in tone. we saw the former president stoic as he entered and left the courtroom, within hours of being charged, criminal duty charged with felonies he entered this room and what honestly feels like a campaign style event. he worked the room shaking hands, waving to supporters and took his time making his way up to the stage two chance of " usa." and the mention of the district attorney, the crowd started booing, this is a president defiance, a player up for the challenge tonight and very resolute, this is only a sign he will lean into this as we get closer to the november 2024 election, david.
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>> david: rachel scott already covering the race to the white house for us. giancarlo monitoring this all day with me, you and i also took note of the judge in that courtroom, lower manhattan 15th floor building with a warning for the criminal defendant in front of him, the former president before he left that courtroom today. >> an extraordinary moment where the prosecutors handed out copies of some of trump's social media posts calling for death and destruction and threatening the d.a. alvin bragg. and the judge gave a warning to both sides saying refrain from any comments, any statements that could incite violence. so we will see how donald trump is with his attacks specifically on the judge, but the judge and the prosecutor expressed concerns about the safety of witnesses, the safety of future jurors and unsaid the safety of the prosecutors as well. >> with us all day, we appreciate it, our thanks to the entire team, it continues on abc
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alive, "good morning america" first thing in the morning, i am david muir and new york, good night. ♪ ♪ >> announcer: this has been a special report from abc. ♪ ♪ >> david: good evening, as we come on the air in the west tonight, we do begin with breaking news, former president trump responding moments ago after history made in this country today of the president criminally charged and arrested appearing before the judge, donald trump has been charged with 34 felonies, the first president and former or current to ever become a criminal defendant, pleading not guilty, to charges unsealed accusing the former president of falsifying business records to allegedly conceal other crimes. prosecutors say a catching kills seem scheme paying for them and killing them from voters before the pivotal 2016 election. prosecutors citing three different hush money payments to the solitary arrival in
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trump tower today watched on live television, the images all day, the route through the cleared streets of manhattano cn alone in the suv accompanied only by his secret service agents. on the way posting to social media impacts saying "seem so surreal, wow, they are going to arrest me." a wave as he arrived to be fingerprinted, processed, and taken to a lower for to the 15th floor courtroom, his eyes locked on the camera in the hallway, the aides say he was angry and resolute, where the stakes in the images from inside the courtroom where no tv cameras were allowed saying that would lead to a circus like atmosphere, only still photographers allowed, and two behind the defendant's table, the president legal team standing and speaking for himself answering "not guilty" to all 34 charges. and the news conference afterward alvin bragg defending
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the case answering the question why now, saying they have new evidence they did not have senior investigator eric persky leading us off on the day and how the former president is reacting just moments ago. >> reporter: tonight donald trump, the first president in american history to be a criminal defendant. all day in new york city on high alert, police lining the streets around tom mcmahon trump tower as he raised his fist giving a wave as he stepped into a car. as his motorcade made its way downtown, sources tell abc news that apart from the secret service detail the former president road alone. no lawyers, no family, no advisors with him. approaching criminal court and lower manhattan, posting on social media "seems so surreal, wow, they are going to arrest me." outside court, small groups of supporters and opponents come police keeping the peace as the former president arrived. inside he surrendered, he was arrested, booked, and processed like a common criminal.
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his fingerprints taken, but no mug shot. he was taken upstairs in an elevator usually reserved for judges, stone-faced officers escorting him into the courtr courtroom. >> president trump, will you come speak to us, president trump? >> than that first picture, shoulders slumped, hands in his lap, flanked by his lawyers minutes later the indictment unsealed, the former president himself pleading not guilty to those 34 felony charges repeatedly and fraudulently falsified business records to conceal criminal content filling and conduct that hid damaging information from the public for the 2016 presidential election, then walking out of court without a word. >> reporter: how did you plead,
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created a his former friend david becker to pay hush money to three trump was concerned about the effect it could have on its candidacy. and him and cohen had a series
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of discussions about who pay off mcdougall to secure her silence. ultimately the inquirer these are felony crimes in new york state. no matter who you are. we cannot and serious criminal conduct >> reporter: but tonight back
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in florida trump is defiant. >> i never thought anything this could happen in america. never thought it could have been. the only crime that i committed is to fearlessly defend our nation from seek to destroy illinois, tennis ball sized hail and could see tornadoes and wind excess of 73 miles per hour, here's the rest of the forecast, this is not the only area in
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that level 4 out of 5 late-night into the overnight, just west little rock, springfield, missouri, also seeing it. that's the dry line on the front, lots of forcing mechanisms as it passes. overnight mighte b into the morning hours in indiana, ohio, down to memphis. a look the threat all the way to you louisiana >> david: we will watch first thing in the morning on gma, thank you. next one week after the deadly school shooting in nashville, we
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hear from the hero officers right here in their own words about walking towards the gunfire and the moment they confronted the shooter and what ha bsee dniscove tonight. >> reporter: three of the nashville police officers and people across the country praising for ending the school shooting that could've very easily easily taken more lives.s walking into you come i went through that door with purpose. >> kept walking towards the sound of gunfire. trouble knowing a well-known
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governor's chief of staff confrontation with the fbi after a three-week manhunt. here stephanie ramos. >> reporter: tonight a nationwide manhunt for the one time chief of staff to former maryland governor larry hogan, ending in deadly gunfire in tennessee. on the run for three weeks after skipping his embezzled tons from the state of maryland. the fbi tracking him down knoxville monday night, attempting to take him into custody when authorities say a shot was fired
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return fire. mcgrath's attorney confirming he died a short time though it is not clear if he killed by an fbi or died of a self-inflicted gunshot mcgrath said one of hogan's top aides for a limb and we expect in the summer words tonight in a moment. ♪ at each day's staaart. ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to seee ♪
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the passenger fell from a balcony reportedly on to another person on a lower deck. that person was not badly hurt, but the passenger who fell did not survive. when we come back, after hugh jackman's health scare and his warning for others. and did all i could to prevent recurrence. verzenio reduces the risk of recurrence of hr-positive, her2-negative, node-positive, early breast cancer with a high chance of returning, d your doctor when added to hormone therapy. her2-negative, node-positive, hormone therapy works outside the cell... while verzenio works inside to help stop the growth of cancer cells. diarrhea is common, may be severe, or cause dehydration or infection. at the first sign, call your doctor, start an antidiarrheal, and drink fluids. before taking verzenio, tell your doctor about any fever, chills, or other signs of infection. verzenio may cause low white blood cell counts, which may cause serious infection that can lead to death. life-threatening lung inflammation can occur. tell your doctor about any new or worsening trouble breathing, cough, or chest pain. serious liver problems can happen. symptoms include fatigue, appetite loss, stomach pain, and bleeding or bruising. blood clots that can lead to death have occurred. tell your doctor if you have pain or swelling
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>> david: to the index after hugh jackman skin cancer scare, awaiting results with its newest checkup, he has been on with us neinga a no matter how much yout to tan, trust me, trust me, trust me, this is all stuff that happened 25 years ago and is happening now. put some sunscreen on coming will still have an incredible time, please be safe. >> david: hoping his own words will help protect others. when we come back, saving the dogs by running with them. ♪ it's time your skin gets used to a different one with opzelura. for the treatment of mild to moderate eczema opzelura is proven to clear or almost clear skin.
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>> david: friendly tonight, running with the dogs, america strong. just outside tampa, the boys cross country team for years now it has become a tradition. picking up dogs from the humane society of tampa bay and running with them. senior zach harrington. >> out here in the morning, deftly a dog person. >> pairing up with a rescue body, today at scooby. into zack's car and then to the park. they are hoping the exposure and the runs will get them attention and some fresh air and perhaps a new home. >> it's deftly a good team experience. >> sophomore saying they are the perfect workout partners. >> i think that it really teaches responsibility and helps them out. >> that teen credits the dogs with helping them train in bond and make it to the state championships going further 14th this year.
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in credits the team with helping them find homes and tonight their head coach. >> hi, david, we have helped over 100 dogs get adopted. and it teaches that team to care more about others than themselves and i think that it has translated into our success as a team. >> david: no question, let's find the rest of the dogs home too. i will see you tomorrow. good night.
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>> new at 6:00, the i team perspective in the crowd outside donald trump's arraignment in new york. >> what it will take to turn san francisco's empty office buildings into -- sandhya: the earthquake that jolted parts of the south bay and monterey coming up. >> building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions. this is abc7news. >> thank you for joining us, i'm dan ashley. >> i'm dion lim. the hqrtea keuaitedat was a 4.5 magnitude r felt throughout the area all the way to the north bay. >> abc 7 news me meteorologist sandhya is here with more. sandhya: it felt like someone just shook the building. i was on the upper floor. take a look at the magnitude of the earthquake. it struck east of salinas. as we take a closer look it


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