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tv   ABC7 News 500AM  ABC  May 1, 2018 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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does the heat up begin today or ahead of us? >> starts today. warming trend as we flip the calendar. hi, everybody. a little bit of a sea breeze, most of the arrows pointing away from the coast and moving inland on dry, live doppler 7. that means we're not going to let the warming trend get out of hand. also meaning a little hazy out there this morning but a lot of sunshine, mid-40s to 50 at 7:00. as we head to noon accuweather 12-hour planner, mid-50s at the coast, the rest in the middle. 60s with mostly sunny conditions. look at the coast. it's going to get breezy at the coast. keeps you in the 50s with the rest of us low- to mid-70s, mid-60s for the rest of us. the rest of your accuweather coming up. here is alexis. >> good morning, mike. looking at fairly empty highway 280 and 17 in san jose. not a lot of folks out moving this morning. it has been a really quiet start in the south bay. no incidents to report there. actually improving quite a bit, westbound 580 tracy to dublin, two crashes along that route.
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they both cleared. slight residual in the yellow at 52. southbound 680 dub lip to mission boulevard, 101 to cupertino look great at 15 minutes. >> thank you. the fight to roll back california's gas tax will likely be on our november ballot. organizers against the tax say they have more than enough signatures. >> meanwhile people for it are worried projects slated to get the money will see those funds disappear. abc news reporter amy hollyfield live in the east bay. good morning, amy. >> good morning, reggie. we're in concord next to highway 4 talking to commuters about what they think about the gas tax. proponents in southern california have done their work. they say they have enough signatures and have delivered some of them to the l.a. county regime ststra registrar's office. they say they have enough to get it on the ballot. legislator passed the tax.
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it pads $0.12 to every gallon you buy. lawmakers say the money will do towards transportation projects around the state. there aren't many people out yet. it is early when we hit the streets. the very first person we spoke to this morning was not in the mood to pay this tax. >> i'm definitely against it. not trying to pay no high gas taxes. it's high enough right now. i commute to the city every day so i'm definitely trying not to get the gas prices bumped up. >> reporter: the tax will spbl hu -- especially hurt this summer. gas prices on the rise. could be the most expensive summer for driving in four years. that could influence voters in november. if it makes it to the ballot, expect a pushback from lawmakers and transportation officials who already have projects planned and say those projects are going to be funded by this tax. reporting live in concord, amy hollyfield, abc 7 news. >> thank you, amy. new details in a crash involving censorship cruiser in fairfield.
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the highway patrol said three people inside white mitsubishi mirage have injuries after rear-ended chp vehicle on the shoulder of i-80 yesterday afternoon. the officer inside the stopped car suffered minor injuries. firefighters cut the roof off the mangled mirage to get to the victims. >> chp post add photo. apparently a pet bunny was in the mitsubishi. officers found it curled under the seat. they say it is doing okay. it is being rurpd to the owner. happening today contra costa board will hear allegations that toxic soil from san francisco was dumped into a landfill in pittsburg. >> radioactive material from hunters point shipyard deposited at keller canyon landfill. epa found petra tech, the contractor hired to dispose of the soil falsified the soil tests. they have agreed to pay for retesting. gilroy police searching for
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a suspect in a stabbing that sent a man 209 hospital. roberto mendoza attacked the man thursday night on ioof avenue across the street from south valley middle school. the victim expected to recover from stab wounds to his face and neck. officers spoke and reviewed security footage. the suspect is considered live and dangerous. >> live update. >> abc 7 mornings. new this hour making national headlines, father of parkland shooting victim fired a lawsuit against disgraced deputy andrew peterson. his daughter was one of 17 people killed in the valentine's day shooting at marjory stoneman douglas high school. the lawsuit a little that deputy peterson could have prevented several deaths during mass shooting if he intervened particularly in the area where his daughter was killed. the prourd county sheriff publicly said deputy peterson
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did not enter the school while gunman cruz was inside. deputy peterson said through lawyers he didn't enter because he was unsure where that gunfire was coming from. the gunman, nikolas cruz and the family and mental health facilities also named in the suit. happening today demonstrations scheduled in honor of international workers day. mayday gathers expected to continue this morning and throughout the day in the east bay of international longshore and warehouse union, rally at the port of oakland at 10:00 a.m. there will be a march at the plaza. in san francisco a noon rally on the steps of city hall. organizers say they are going to be protesting privatization of san francisco's neighborhood community clinics and other worker issues. there will be a mayday rally today in support of fernando corio at his i.c.e. check in. this is video of emotional if
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return with his family. a judge ruled it would not safe to go back to mexico. he was detained for six months after i.c.e. agents arrested him as he dropped off his daughter for daycare. camped outside a border access point in california, four mothers, three children, and an 18-year-old were taken in yesterday at san ysidro. part of a group of immigrants outside the border trying to gain entry. they describe the families seeking asylum in the u.s. >> she's from el salvador, has two kids. one of her children threatened by gang members and given a certain amount of time to flee. what members of the caravan decided to do was stay and set up camp outside the port of entry. >> the department of justice filed criminal charges against 11 people from the caravan accusing them of entering the u.s. illegally. >> never more than seven minutes
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away from accuweather forecast. startcisco. this your destination or just waking up, 47 in the sunset, lake merced cool, ocean beach at 48. presidio, castro mission 49. we've also got 50 in richmond, belmont, 49 fairfield healdsburg, 48 tracy, walnut creek san leandro, check out palo alto, saratoga some of the cool spots at 42 degrees. what will you be doing today besides working? daydream about out and about, maybe out on the bay today. breezy south of the bay bridge, a little choppy. if you are out and about, no worries. have the sunglasses. no, you won't have to dress as warmly as you did yesterday because the highs are climbing. if you're exercising you may notice that. here is a look at temperatures, 55 degrees at 8:00. all right flirting with 70 at noon. we'll be in the mid-70s from 1:00 all the way to 6:00.
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about 65 at 8:00. how about the peninsula? we'll start at 54 at 8:00 with sunshine, jump up to 63, sunny conditions at noon. mostly sunny this afternoon with temperatures around 67 through 4:00 and dropping down to 58 by 8:00. pretty quiet pattern. we'll see if it lasts coming up in accuweather forecast. what are you watching this morning alexis? >> quiet pattern if the traffic center, mike. taking you into one of our east bay commutes westbound 80 from highway 4. a little slowing a moment ago, down to 43 miles an hour. looks like it maybe picked up a bit since then. we do have overpass roadwork during the stretch, both directions of 80. in the richmond area for pavement repair. get that done on time right around 4:30. that should not be an issue for you. quick check of bay bridge toll plaza. we don't have a stack up in the cash lanes. give it 10 minutes, metering lights should flip on and backups in the maze. check on drive times coming up at 6:30.
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now to an abc exclusive. we're hearing from ashley judd after her and her lawyers filed a lawsuit against disgraced harvey weinstein. it a little he blocked her from getting major movie roles as a result of turning down his advances. he told the director of "lord of the rings" she was a nightmare to walk with. she said the comment cost her a role in the blockbuster franchised. >> i was being maligned and defamed because i stood up for myself. i said, no, you may not give me a massage. no, i will not watch you take a sower. i felt sad for the self i was. i knew something was wrong and i didn't know what it was. now we know what was being said that led to radio silence. she said she will donate for the weinstein legal fund. he denies any allegations of nonconsensual sex. "gma" first look at commerce launches an investigation into
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scott pruitt. a whistleblower said he lied to congress. >> in this morning's 1st look, former deputy chief of staff for embattled epa administrator scott pruitt is speaking out saying what he saw at the agency. what he said about it cost him his job describing how a manager told him prewittly. >> he either wants me to fire you or put you in an office he doesn't haveo see you again. >> grilled days ago over alleged lavish spending. he raised concerns about that, like a plan he overheard for the agency to rent a private jet for $100,000 a month. >> i said you realize we can't do that. she said, once again, this is what the administrator wanted me to look spoke. >> it never happened. he said he was fired in february months after raising concerns over what he said was unethical spending. epa says he resigned. more of my exclusive interview coming up at 7:00 a.m. with "gma" 1st look i'm kira
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phillips, abc news washington. another bay taker city banning plastic straws at a restaurant. >> have you seen this pug? a reward offered after someone saw it outside of a san francisco grocery store. the owner said time is running out. >> where we are one month after
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let's take a look back at april especially in san
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francisco where we had one, two, three, four, five, six days, seven days of above average high temperatures over 30-day span. that's about to change. a warming trend on the way. i'll show you in the accuweather forecast. new this morning south korea has begun dismantling huge loud speakers used to blare propaganda. leaders of rival koreas have agreed to a set of reconciliation steps and south korea agreed to this. south korea's news media also reporting seoul detected signals north korea was taking similar steps along its border. you'll remember the koreas third ever summit really made history when we saw south and north korean leaders shake hands along the border. that made headlines last week. it comes before much anticipated between president trump and
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north korea leader kim jong-un. offering an award hoping public can help to find her beloved public. this is phyllo. he was stolen pouts whole foods and he's in desperate need of medication. it appears the suspect was caught on camera. lilian kim has more. >> stephanie has been spending every waking hour searching for the nine-year-old pug she adopted. he was stolen outside whole foots at market in san francisco. >> my dog was right there. >> whole foods gave a copy of the security video which shows a person interacting with phyllo, then sarah huckabee sanders them picking him up and walking away. he's said to have blonde frizzy hair. whole foods said this person has been inside their store in the past. stephanie said time is critical.
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he's deaf, plipd in one eye and needs cancer medication daily. >> i've been going up and down market, every neighborhood in san francisco to try to find him. >> in addition stephanie psi spreading the word face-to-face and through social media. >> i feel like a big part of me is missing, and i just want to reunite with him and take him home. i can't imagine how scared he is right now. >> friends and families are doing what they can to help. many chipped in for a $5,000 reward for phyllo's safe reward. in san francisco, abc 7 news. 5:16. san jose say they have arrested 16 members of a violent south bay street gang suspected of carjackin carjackings, robberies and burglaries. these five juveniles held on charges related to those crimes. some were taken into custody months ago when the police department first targeted the gang in a major operation. >> back in january we conduct
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add last scale enforcement operation against them and took a number of people spoke custody. we recovered quite a bit of evidence. evidence from the operation back in january led us to these arrests last week. >> police say the crimes occurred in late 2017 and early 2018 throughout san jose and bay area. >> facebook is investigating whether an employee abused their role in order to stalk women online. abc news confirmed menlo park company is aware of the claim and is investigating. the company alerted founder of network security program. in a statement zero tolerance for abuse and improper behavior. >> plea hearing for reuben foster has been pushed back while prosecutors study a video by the alleged victim's attorney. foster still facing domestic charges against his former girl friend. she originally accused the linebacker of assaulting her in february but last week she took
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back her story. prosecutors would not confirm what's in the video but suggested it shows foster's girlfriend in a fight with a wo, not with foster. legal analyst steven clark said forensic will examine the footage. >> if they believe that's a possible and the accuser is saying for certain that's what happened, it appears that the d.a. would have a very difficult case moving forward in court regardless of what she said at the time. >> foster's plea hearing is now scheduled for may 8th. >> a second autonomous car company applied for a permit to test totally driverless cars. dmv began offering perlts last month. we told you one company applied april 12th, now we've learned a second company filed papers april 23rd. both companies are not identified yet since the application process is not complete. happening tonight richmond city council expects an ordinance which bans use of plastic straws
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and stirs in restaurants. >> it would coop plastic from harming wildlife. americans throw out about 500 million straws and stirs every year. that plastic takes 200 years to disintegrate t a cam paper to ban straws and other dis posable s used. >> do you remember when you had a capri sun and it wasn't possible not to spill it all over your self. >> i never spilled it. what is this? what are you talking about? no, you just do it carefully. >> you know what i'm talking about. >> squeeze the bottom and it squirts all over you. >> that's because you're a neat person and a good person. >> i color inside the lines. small accomplishments. >> we're going to try to think a little outside the box but we won't go too radical for you. warming trend on the way. i think everyone will be happy, i hope, because this the forecast. we have to deal with it. 5:19 this morning. hi, everybody, slfl, 40 under
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mostly cloudy skies. you may say fog. mostly sunny, breezy near water today. for tonight it will be cool with more patchy fog especially along peninsula coast. extended dry and warmer than average. all right. take a look at microclimates. start with san francisco. downtown 5. daly city 61, richmond 62. sunset 62, mission 65. you can see kind of a narrow range there. definitely not quite as brisk as it has been. all right. for oakland it will be mostly sunny and 68. fremont 70. a little breezy as you head farther south along the bay. a little quieter as you head north. places like richmond are 69. let's take a look at the north bay. 7 in santa rosa, easily the warmest spot anywhere. napa 75, sonoma 75. inland east bay 76 in concord and 6 in pittsburg and san ramon 74. over on the peninsula 67 in san mateo but near 69 opinion menlo park. the coast 61.
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last stop south bay 72 at san jose. milpitas cool spot. santa cruz 68. mid-40s, low 50s again tomorrow. we'll rebound. the temperatures pretty steady wednesday and thursday so i hope you like today thursday and friday and steady as she goes saturday, sunday, monday. what a difference a month makes, alexis. >> no kidding. what a difference a few minutes make, a couple of issues central drive a short time ago but they have cleared up. we're looking at residual delay and normal volumes. westbound 205 to 580. if that's your commute it isn't too terrible. 35 miles an hour westbound 580 approaching 680. we had a crash right around that super change as well. both of those are totally cleared. we don't have any lanes blocked and things are starting to look quite a bit better. drive times looking good for the post part southbound 680 walnut creek to dublin 14 minutes in
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the green. southbound 101 santa rosa to san francisco 50 minutes. northbound highway 17 through mountains highway 1 to los gatos should only take you around 21 minutes. new developments involving year long closure of pig sur. >> the target date from late summer to mid september. they are reconnecting a section of highway 1 buried after massive landslide at mud creek and viper canyon bridge last may. the incident cut off access to big sur from the south. according to the herald it's gone from $40 million to $54 million. a truckdriver in oregon proved dedication to the hall. >> jacob cartwright set out to t deliver a shipment of potato chips last week he put the wrong address in the gps. he ended up stuck in a mountainous area with no cell service.
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he walked 35 miles enthusiastic snow covered wilderness until he made it home. his mom said the first thing he told her was he knew where the truck was and could lead his boss to it. despite the error cartwright's boss is impressed. >> it was pure will and determination that kept him going and the urge to get help and get home and let me know what happened to the truck. >> that's a lot of walking. thirteen hours a day. despite being lost without any food, cartwright did not eat a single bag of these potato chips. >> wow. >> this is a movie, that hero's journey he went on. >> it's a lot. glad he's okay. coming up next, seven things you need to know before you start the day. >> big day for electric scooters. the program on the verge of being approved. >> 49ers quarterback, highest paid player in the nfl.
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number one from live desk, open police investigating double homicide in east oakland. you can see here in our video there's a pretty big crime scene on 89th avenue near international boulevard. details surrounding homicides have not yet been released. >> number two demonstrations are scheduled throughout the area in honor of international workers day or mayday. gathers are expected to begin this morning and continue throughout the day. >> number three, the fight to roll back california's gas tax will likely be on our november ballot. organizers against the $0.12 tax say they have gathered enough signatures and plan to deliver them today. number four, facebook founder and ceo mark zuckerberg will make the keynote address this morning at the f8 conference in san jose. zuckerberg is expected to talk about the company's privacy and security issues. and number five, we've put
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the cool conditions behind us. we flipped the calendar and so has the weather pattern. look at this, we jumped 3 to 11 degrees today and more warmth coming up for the weekend. number six, we have no incidents on the pord right now. >> what? >> as far as traffic is concerned. >> i know. hoping it lasts here this morning. haven't gotten official word but does look like metering lights turned on for bay bridge. once you make it past those 11 minutes into san francisco. >> number seven steph curry will make postseason debut game two warriors playoff series against pelicans. curry suffered grade two mcl sprain in his knee five weeks ago forcing him to miss 15 games. welcome back, steph. we'll come back with more news -hey, did i mention i can save you $620 for switching to progressive? [ engine revving ] you cannot hear me at all,
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good morning 35k 30 tuesday may 1st. thanks for waking up with us. >> whole team is here. we're ready to go. we're starting with a warm-up. i'm very happy. >> i hope everybody falls in line with that. it's going to warm up and stay above average through the weekend. hi, everybody. looking at live doppler 7, dry over us. green in the foothills and whitd in the mountains. that will slide east and south. showers around san jose bay. for us a few clouds in the afternoon forecast. accuweather 12-hour planner. mainly clear, few patches clouds, mid-40s to 50 at 7:00. mid to upper 50s coast throughout the afternoon into the evening hours. 65 across the bay and inland neighborhoods. low- to mid-70s at 4:00 and back to mid-6 at 7:00. pretty quiet patrn other than those showers.
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here is alexis keeping an eye on the roads. >> doing well. a live look outside on the north bay. san rafael 101 starting to see a few vehicles filling in. northbound side light as usual and incident-free in the north bay and actually all across the bay area. westbound 580 cease to dublin in the red. two crashes along that route already today. both cleared. westbound 4 antioch to concord yellow at 20, southbound 101. saw that commute from san rafael to san francisco you're in the green at 17 minutes. >> thanks, alexis. >> if you felt a little shaking in the east bay you weren't dreaming. it hit diablo. just before 5:00 yesterday morning in alamo. seismologist say the small quakes don't necessarily mvp a bigger quake is coming. happening today facebook f8 developer conference. >> this the ninth year for one of these. this year things shaping up to be a little different.
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it's the first time we'll see mark zuckerberg address privacy concerns since he testified before congress. >> abc news reporter matt keller live in san jose. good morning, matt. >> good morning, natasha and reggie, big day today. check out convention center. facebook taking over downtown san jose once again for facebook's f8 development conference. mark zuckerberg is the keynote speaker this morning. here is what he posted on facebook last night. i'm going to share more about the work we're doing to keep people safe and building services to help people connect in meaningful new ways. can you watch 10:00 a.m. pacific time. this will be the first time zuckerberg spoke publicly since he spoke to congress. he's going to reiterate apologies in the wake of cambridge analytica to obtain personal information from 87 million users. at the two-day conference facebook hold fig 50 sessions for developers an businesses to
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see what's next in technology. the company radically rethinking relationship with developers trying to strike a balance between social experiences, protecting people's data and supporting in accelerative developer ecosystem. set up details on f8 on our website, nbc nbc. reporting live matt keller, abc 7 news. matt, thank you. 5:33. a member of facebook's directors is stepping down because of the company's privacy issues. what's app. he sold what's app to facebook for $20 billion in 2014. from our live desk right now oakland police invesgating double homicide in east oakland. i wan to show you this new
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vi we got it into the newsroom overnight. can you see what a heavy police presence on scene there at 89th avenue near international boulevard. unclear at this point when those deaths were reported. we know details around the homicide have not been released. as soon as they get us any additional information we will pass that along. reggie, back to you. >> thanks. investigators looking to see if any unsolved murder cases could be linked to joseph deangelo. that's the man authorities say is the golden state killer. authorities think he killed a dozen people in four different counties. one unsolved case investigated is the 1978 murder of a woman and her four-year-old son in southern california. her boyfriend spent 38 years in prison before being exonerated. because of the number of murders, prosecutors may decide to consolidate the cases spoke one trial. >> ultimately, at least from my
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perspective, the goal is we try to keep these in one county, because of logistics, because of resources, because of victim sensitivity. >> deangelo could be tried in santa barbara, ventura, orange county where investigators believe he committed most of the murders. he's going to be back in court may 14th. uber says it is committed to doing more to strengthen passenger safety following investigations into sexual assault claims against driver. they found 103 uber drivers in the u.s. accused of sexual assault or abuse in the last four years. each of the drivers are wanted by police or named in civil lawsuits. in a statement uber said these stories are horrific and our hearts go out to the victims. we worked with cnn to to understand their find psg and uber did 2.4 billion trips in that same period. this morning we're now learning what special counsel robert mueller wants to ask donald trump. >> "new york times" has the list
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ranging from james comey to tweets. president trump's legal team developed the question after meeting with investigators from the special counsel's office. >> met with mueller's investigators and went through subject after subject after subject they wanted to ask about. what the president's lawyers did is they wrote down all these things and came up with these 49 questions. >> you read these questions and say to your self there is simply no way the president can sit down with robert mueller and answer all these questions. >> why? >> because he's going to inevitably contradict himself at the very least. >> the president responded just a couple hours ago. he tweets. so disgraceful that the questions concerning the russian witch hunt were leak to the media. no questions on collusion. oh, i see. you've made up phony crime, collusion that never existed and an investigation with illegally leaked classified information. nice. president trump's chief of staff
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denied a report he called his boss an idiot. john kelly was reacting to a report on nbc news that a former administration official said he called the president an idiot in private last year. kelly dismissed the report saying he spends more time with the president than anyone else. kelly added that it was, quote, total bs. 5:37. happening today some oakland city councilmembers will join the community to call for legal action against nfl and raiders. they will hold a news conference at noon today on the steps of city hall. the city council could decide whether to sue the raiders over the team's move to vegas. the suit would cite antitrust laws and argue the team ignored its relocation bylaws. they are set to move to vegas in 2020. they will play at home but 2020 remains uncertain. you're never more than seven minutes away from my accuweather forecast. check out temperatures in the north bay cooler than yesterday, 41. dress for that petaluma, canyon,
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geurneville 42. ukiah, mill valley 43. the warm spot vallejo at 49. fairfield, lafayette, san jose, 48 tracy also in san carlos, 51 in alameda. daly city 47. mostly cloudy start down 280 and 17 in san jose. roads, you'll need the sunglasses eventually assets going to be a bright one. the glare may get you in the morning and evening. breezy south of the bay bridge and out. taking a ferry out to the ocean but thought i would mention that, too. mass transit cool to comfy today. east bay breezy starting at noon all the way through 8:00. temperatures will jump from 53 at 8:00 this morning to 63 at noon to upper 60s for the better part of the afternoon hours. grab a coat this evening down to 59 degrees. san francisco also breezy from noon on as temperatures go 56 at 10:00 to low 60s 1:00 through
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6:00 back into the mid-50s during the evening hour. now, give you an idea what to expect. it's a beautiful time to be up in the napa valley, maybe think about going to a vineyard waiting for some warm sunshine. there had it is. mou do you like those temperatures. a good time to be outside. over to alexis, so far looking at your map, a lot of green on it. i imagine some spots to talk about. >> take you up to wine country, too. a new issue in the napa area. solo vehicle crash, not sure about injuries, 29 before you get to old sonoma road. i'm not seeing any delays in the area but chp heading to the scene. keep an eye on that. i don't think that will turn into a huge deal. only one blocked. should be a minor issue. starting to fill in bay bridge toll plaza, metering lights switched on. chp happened at 5:20.
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typical delays starting to build through the maze. once you make it passed metering lights wide open. i will prove it. highway 4 to the maze 20 minutes, 10 minutes westbound across bay bridge. southbound 101 san francisco to sfo looking good in the green at nine minutes. happening san francisco transportation officials will consider implementing pilot program for controversial scooter industry. >> the two-year program would allow five permits to be issued and those permits would authorize 500 scooters each. riders would be able to park scooters unattended on the sidewalk as long as it doesn't obstruct the right-of-way. the permanent application would cost $5,000 and companies would have to pay $25,000 permit fee. the board will meet at 1:00 this afternoon. miss try solved. the owner of this homemade submarine found floating in the bay has come forward. marine scientist said someone
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stole her tiny sub nicknamed fang tooth from the home at the marina. the two-perp sub goes 30 feet deep and used for volunteer community submersibles project. the alameda county handed over to tow truck, now cost $2,000 out of the impound lot. she has to find a way to get that money. >> that's a chunk of change, $2,000. 2,000 calls coming into facebook headquarters. what's going on and how menlo police are handling it. >> parity addressing an issue a lot of people raising concerns about and they are not doing it along. >> this young baseball phenom wins the award
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we need to help more tocalifornians get ahead.d, that's why antonio villaraigosa brought both parties together to balance the state budget with record investments in public schools... and new career training programs. as mayor of la, he brought police and residents together
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to get illegal guns off the streets and keep kids out of gangs, and on the right path. that's antonio villaraigosa. a governor for all of california. it's 5:44 this tuesday morning. i want to draw your attention to the area shaded in green. a chance of thunderstorms today. just south and east of our neighborhood. so if you're traveling out and about or just looking off later on today, maybe see towering cumulus clouds, those are kind of pretty. thunderstorms you see from monterey all the way down to around palm springs, even san diego and los angeles. low- to mid-60s there today. that's definitely cool for them. mountain snows possible in the sierra, no accumulation. another chance wednesday night into thursday morning.
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thunderstorms for friday over tahoe as we get near 70 but the rest of the weekend is going to be increasing sunshine and temperatures in the mid-60s. here is natasha with more news. >> mike, thank you. union and b.a.r.t. are launching a pilot program to clean up unsanitary and persistent problems at san francisco stations. the target, these elevators. you and i both know this well. they are sometimes used asthma shift toilets for people sleeping nearby. they are working with a community organization to hire elevator attendants. they will literally ride up and down with passengers and direct them to nearby bathrooms. >> you can't have some of the stuff that's gone on here in the past continue to go on here. with that, we're still greeting the people and welcoming them and treating them all with respect and honor. >> it comes at a price. it's a $600,000 program. it will be split between union and bart and focus on the union street stations.
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after six months officials will evaluate whether it's worth it. call logs with start links statistics about menlo park. employees have called 911 approximately once every two days. max churny of market wax obtained these call logs. one of the more serious calls involved a security officer sprayed in the face with mayes. business insider crunched numbers, .calls between march of last year. menlo park a good community partner and for the most part a safe place. >> working with facebook as part of their expansion in the city to help support additional officers. it will supported long-term through their increased property taxes to the city. facebook released a statement that reads, "the safety of our employees is paramount and we work hard every day to maintain a safe and
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secure environment for our community." new legislation in response to massive equifax data breach through legislature p information was compromised. a bill would give people more time to file claims against companies who expose their personal data. the measure increases penalties on companies that don't adequately protect your information. the bill now heads to the appropriation committee. >> happening today apple will report its earnings for the first quarter. it's expected to confirm that iphone sales fell well short of expectations. the iphone is by far the biggest product from apple accounting for more than 60% of its revenue last year. >> disney reached a deal to create live shows on twitter. the partnership will add to twitter's growing video offerings and give disney another way to reach digital audiences. details about the show next week. twitter stock rose 4%. disney is the parent company of
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abc 7. you have to see what happens when a baseball coach tells a young player to run home as fast as you can. >> all right. you're going to see 3-year-old lennox heading home but in slow motion. >> oergs, my gosh. >> we did not slow this down. this is how fast he actually went. this is viral. what seems like passive aggressive response. the dad stepped in to encourage lennox to pick up the pace. >> he shook him off. he's like no. >> eventually lennox crossed home plate about one minute after he started running, in quotation marks from third base. >> took him a minute from third base to home. that's 60 feet. >> he's been watching too many highlight reels there on espn. >> he even slow motion dove into the plate. did you see that. >> it was awesome. >> he owned it the whole minute. >> he's committed.
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>> that was me when i was 12. >> did you drag your bat behind you also. >> i actually was being passive aggressive. >> okay. all right. >> hey, dad. >> how fun. >> great time to be outside the next several days with that warm sunshine coming our way. let's talk about it since you're never more than 7 minutes away. it's a little hazy this morning. other than that it's pretty quiet start. let's talk about what to expect with accuweather highlights. mostly sunny today, highs are climbing back to average if not a little above. a chance of showers south and east of the bay area, a dry pattern after that. here is a look. see the cloud cover increasing to the north of us. it's coming due south right along the coast. they will kick up this area of low, which is the last one in this pattern. kick up breezes in the same areas. peninsula, bayshore, the coast, san francisco. it will also kick up extra clouds as we head spot afternoon hours. temperatures 69 milpitas, the rest 70 to 73 in the south bay.
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los gatos, santa clara, san jose, morgan hill 72. mid to upper 60s on the peninsula with palo alto, redwood city warm spots at 69. even reach the 60s along the coast today. to mid-60s downtown san francisco, sausalito. mid to upper 70s through the north bay valleys and along east bayshore temperatures upper 60s to near 70 degrees. some of our warmer temperatures mid to upper 70s, inland east bay neighborhoods. mid-40s to low 50s. look at cloud cover along the coast and spilling into the bay tonight. expect more fog tomorrow and friday morning as temperatures ramp up to 60s at the coast. 70s and 80s by the time we get to the weekend. enjoy. here is alexis. >> taking a look at the roads here this morning, we do have a new issue for central valley unfortunately. westbound 580 past 205 merge. two-car crash, semi, off on the shoulder, chp responding to the scene. that was already heavy for seven
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miles. i imagine that will get heavier here. we'll check that drive time coming up in a few minutes. walnut creek southbound 680 starting to fill in, too. tapping the brakes as you approach higher 84. mass transit off to a quiet start. gps issues continue tore ace 1. we talk to them and they assure us it is running on time despite what the website says, 3 on time, too. 49 trans in service good, normal service and no delays for san francisco bay ferry. a live desk update from jessica castro. >> new video overnight from brazil. it's a huge fire at an abandoned apartment building in sao paulo brazil. one person dead. there could be more victims. police say despite it being abandon abandoned, there were about 150 people that lived in the lower 10 floors as squatters. people missing this hour. the 26-story building eventually collapsed. no word yet what started this
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fire. back to you. >> thanks, jess kachlt new at 6:00, parenting alert. new recommendations about kids and mental health. what you should be asking your children about social media use. >> as
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check out beautiful picture from exploratorium from pier 15, 97% full moon but it's going to be getting smaller as we head through the next couple weeks. all right. take a look at temperatures. we knew may would offer a new pattern. sure enough about 3 to 11 degrees warmer today. i'll show you where that
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compares to average and we'll talk about the hot giants forecast coming up. >> right now talk about the warriors and hopefully steph curry coming back. happening tonight they take on new orleans pelicans at oracle arena. game two, tip-off 7:30. sports director will be there live. dominated in game one, of course. >> getting another look at warriors future home in san francisco. these are new renderings of chase center. they show office towers next to the arena as well as what warriors call a gate house, a small building that will set next to the main entrance on 3rd street. it will include plaza and stadium seating for 250 guests. the chase center set to open next year. 49ers preparing for first full season with jimmy garoppolo. >> he signed $137.5 million. we're getting a look at his contract and the activities he's banned from doing. check this out. boston globe looked at
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high-profile deals and found he's banned from basically any high-risk activity, boxing, surfing, using firearms, also pro wrestling. so there you go. >> i know. >> hi, alexis. >> that is an expensive arm. those body slams, i'm serious, 49ers paid a lot of money for that arm. they cannot have that getting injured. taking a look at the roads, i want to head back to the tracy area westbound 580 past 205 merge we do have a two-vehicle collision. it made it off to the shoulder. sounds like everyone okay but chp rolling to the scene. we should have more information shortly. meantime not helping drive time. tracy to castro valley should be in the red one hour 10 minutes. northbound highway 85 to san jose airport 14, northbound highway 1 to san francisco 10 minutes. let's check in with mike nicco, a nice day ahead. hey, mike. >> i think so. if you like warm sunshine it's coming. a look from sutro tower.
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may march es in warmer. redwood city is the only city below average. you'll get there tomorrow. san jose 72 on average. san francisco, oaklandp a couple above average. all right. the giants are on a roll. 59 at 7:15 down to 56, mostly sunny the stars. it will be breezy as they take on the padres once again tonight at at&t park. >> thanks, mike. next at 6:00, the battle over california's new gas tax. the efforts to repeal that tax is about to take a major step forward just as gas prices spike. >> ashley judd's new accusations against harvey weinstein. the lawsuit she filed claiming the disgraced movie producer ruined her career. >> coming in, one of the most
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welcome to tuesday may 1st. glad you're there. >> never more than seven minutes away from accuweather forecast and things warming up. >> amazing when the calendar flips over mother nature says, pwarmth a little hi, everybody. still breezy in some spots, 13 miles an hour wind at fairfield blowing towards the mountain. still have a little bit of a sea breeze. we're not going to get out of hand with the warmth, just back to average in most neighborhoods. here is how my accuweather day planner breaks down. mid-40s to 50. about the same as yesterday. mid to upper 50s along the coast. a touch warmer but breezy. mid-60s, 65 for bay and inland neighborhoods. low- to mid-70s at 4:00, back to mid-60s at 7:00. we'll see if it's that quiet. we know it's not. there's got to be some issues on the road. alexis is here to tell us about them. >> head to richmond side of richmond side of


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