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tv   ABC 7 News  ABC  July 17, 2010 4:00pm-4:30pm PST

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>> alan: oakland and b.a.r.t. police officers were involved in the shooting death of a man this morning near the fruitvale part station. five officers opened fire on the man who charged them while wielding a knife. we have more on the story. report report the -- >> reporter: the shooting happened here. investigators say it will be some time before they have a clear idea of what happened and why. a body lay in the middle of 33rd avenue, order to by tarp and surrounded by oakland and b.a.r.t. police officer. officers admit they shot one. >> we believe both b.a.r.t. and opd fired their gun. >> reporter: it started this morning. a caller dialed none one 9-1-1
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to report a map carrying a knife. the officers located the month who took off running. when he reached 34th avenue this, oakland police joined the chase and tased him. >> i saw this man walking backwards like this saying, shot me, shoot me, and shoot me, and the police were out of here. none of the police say anything. >> reporter: by the time the chase reached 33. the oakland police tried to second time to tase the man. >> the man then turns towards one of the officers who attempted to tase him, knife in hand, charges the officer. >> reporter: that's when five officers, three from oakland and two from b.a.r.t. police, fired. >> i hear like six to eight shots. >> reporter: the man died instantly, and those who live in the area reacted immediately. >> this has got to stop.
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>> reporter: they're already organizing a community meeting. their goal is to get their community watch program back on track. a combination of cuts to the oakland police force and an admitted mistrust of b.a.r.t. police by many, is breathing new life into the program. >> we don't want these things to happen. you want the police around. but you want to make sure the police know what they're doing. >> reporter: just yesterday, b.a.r.t. leadership announced the creation of a citizen0s oversight commission in response to the sooting -- shooting death of oscar grant involving bears b.a.r.t. police. >> now the perception of us still isn't going to be that great. i mean, the day after we're doing the sell bratter to thing, we're talking about another killing. >> reporter: i'm told the commission, which starts in january, would look boo- -- into
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an incident like this one. the meeting will take place thursday evening at st. elizabeth school. >> alan: in the next fiscal year the city of oakland will have a $50 million budget deficit to tackle. so next thursday, the city council will consider several tax proposals to add to the november ballot. one of the proposals is a parcel tax that would charge $360 per single family home to pay for police services. it would increase the police force to at least 803 officers. now, as how annual, 80 officers were laid off earl 'er this week because of budget constraints. the city council will consider adding a ballot measure that would race the -- raise the sale tax from the current 9.75%. the government and scientists continue to monitor the cap that has continued to
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contain that oil leak. the oil stopped gushing on thursday after b.p. installed a tighter fitting cap on the well. but the government has added another day to its original 48-hour critical monitoring window to make sure everything is working properly. >> the worst is over. the well is 100% closed in now. >> this is only done when they restore the wetlands andline. >> alan: they base the performance on perform inside the well, and experts believe the reduce pressure is because so much oil has leaked into the gulf of mexico. president obama is vacationing in maine after a good week. congress passed its financial reform bill and b.p. finally capped the leaking oil well. despite all this, his poll numbers continue to sink. dared curly reports from maine. >> reporter: the president escaped the washington humidity
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for the cooler climbs and scenes of maine, even some ice cream. >> excellent. >> reporter: but he can't escape his poll numbers. >> nothing frustrates this president more than the fact he feels he has done all these things he promised to do and the people don't like it. >> reporter: starting with a 68% approval rating, mr. obama has watched the numbers drop as he passed a stimulus bill an overhaul of health care, and financial reform. now his approval rating is just 50%. and even now, some of his own party are complaining after press secretary robert gibbs says there's a chance the democrats could lose control of the house of representatives. >> democrats said, we're going vent our complaints about the white house, and so we have had a week of political intrigue and drama. >> the biggest problem is the biggest victories have not put a dent in the unemployment rate of nearly 10%. the number one issue for most
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americans. mr. obama says he hears the anger. >> if somebody is out of work right now, the only answer that i'm going to have for them is when they get a job. up until that point, from their perspective, the economic policies aren't working. >> alan: now, on tuesday, the senate plans to vote again on a bill extending unemployment benefits through november. last extension ran out at the end of may, leave 2-g .5 million people without benefits. since then lawmakers have been battling the measure. the republicans will only approve if the bill is paid for. $34 billion would be needed. this morning, in his weekly address, president obama accused g.o.p. leaders of playing politics. >> no problem spending money on tax breaks for folks at the top who don't need them and didn't ask for them. but aobject to helping folks laid off in this recession who
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really need help. >> alan: the house voted to extend the benefits but after the death of robert byrd, democrats depends have the 60 votes needed to overcome a g.o.p. filibuster. on tuesday, byrd0s successor is expected to be sworn in. tonight, a major east bay artery to the bay bridge will be closed while caltrans crews perform maintenance. three lanes of 5 # 0 -- 580 headed to the bridge will be closed as well as eastbound lanes of 80. they will be closed from 7:00 a.m. to 7:30 in morning. workers will be replacing old and damaged crash barriers on the highways. they begin at 12:30 a.m. and drivers should expect delays up to 15 minutes. in san france, motorists using doyle drive could see a bottle neck.
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it will be reduced to one lane in each direction. it will happen tonight from 10:00 p.m. until 8:00 tomorrow morning. the single lane restriction is needed for work on the san francisco interchange which connects 101 with 1. coming up, the nationest largest traditional grocery store plans to open in two neighborhoods. and the country's newest national monument is unveiled in coast contra costa county. and a new app designed to help visitors at yosemite national pork. >> leigh: looking live now towards san francisco, we're definitely seeing the low clouds and fog right near the coast. but it is sunny and warm inland. we will run through the current x x
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[ banker ] when ashley's violin teacher told her parents she was gifted, they were thrilled. she's a natural vibrato. oh. we started saving for this music camp in vermont. so i told them about some of the wells fargo online savings tools like my savings plan, which helps them set up and monitor a savings goal. until we found out that maybe her teacher uses certain terms a little bit loosely. rebecca is clearly very gifted. [ banker ] we decided to roll that money into ashley's college account. turns out there's seven gifted kids in ashley's class of nine. [ male announcer ] wells fargo. with you when it's time to save. ♪
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>> alan: good news for east oakland which hasn't had a national grocery outlet for 20 years. kroger is planning to build two stories, one at 66th avenue, and the other at the shopping center. each store will create 100 jobs and both stores are expected to open in two years. >> america's newest national monument opened today in concord. the port of chicago naval magazine national memorial park commemorates a munitions explosion that took place 66 years ago today, that blast killed 320 sailors, most of them
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african-americans. a lot of african-american sailors refused to load bombs on ships bound for the pacific after that tragedy. the military tried 50 of them for mutiny, and thurgood marshal represented them in court. at yosemite national park all crowneds -- campgrounds are open again. and yosemite has a mobile plaiks that features the height of the falls and 22 points of interests round the route. and visitors can easily locate restrooms, shuttle bus stops. a possession of the proceeds will go to the conquer conservancy. >> an unusual day. the mercury rose above 90 degrees in 38 states.
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>> alan: this weekend, scorching hot temperatures are affecting people from coast to coast, especially in the northeast and central parts of the country. this heat wave follows the month of june which was the hottest on record. >> reporter: it seems like the hottest summer ever. >> we're looking at least 48 states, at least one city in each state reaching a high of 90 or more and that's extremely unusual this time of the year. >> reporter: most americans agree. >> too hat. hot. >> reporter: doctors say the old and young must be careful by staying indoors and only exercise in the morning and evening, and watch out for sign office heat exhaustion.
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>> sometimes you don't sweat. you have to watch out. if you stop sweating, that's a danger sign. you become weak, nauseated, headaches. >> reporter: some get the message. >> you have to do a lot of rehydrating. >> i hope everybody is careful. >> reporter: meteorologists say the new england and chicago areas can expect relief by monday. as for the rest of the country? >> the high pressure will stay in place across the plains and that's going to shift eastward and looking at relief in those areas mid-week. >> reporter: abc news. >> alan: leigh glaser here, we're doing pretty good. less less fresno, 106. merced near the 100-degree range, and some of the influence moving in towards our state as well. we had some isolated thunderstorms towards yosemite.
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here locally, it's a split. here's a look from our high definition camera, and you seek the fog bank sitting near the coast and temperatures in the upper 50s and 60s. but antioch, 95. livermore, 90. also have 90 in concord. 84 right now in fremont. san francisco, because of the low clouds moving in, sitting at 62 degrees. we have 59 in oakland, 80 in san jose, and 79 right now in santa rosa. here's a look at a few highlights for you. low clouds and fog will spread inland. it will be another warm day tomorrow mainly inland, and then we will all begin to cool down heading into monday, tuesday, and wednesday, and next week, some temperatures will be below where we should be this time of year. low louds and fog near the coast, and generally a cool day. warm temperatures inland.
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now, i want to take you to live doppler 7 hd. we are getting reports of isolated thunderstorms. you can see it right here. the yosemite village area getting hit with some isolated showers and a few thunderstorms. you can see the lightning strikes there. so keep that in mind. in the sierra, some of the modify -- moisture will feed up there. antioch, 64. 50s across san francisco as well as oakland. and as we head out tomorrow, the fog will be with us across much of the bay area, and a little northerly wind, it should burn back to just the coast a little sooner. so, temperatures tomorrow much like today. 90s inland. 80s around parts of the north bay. south bay locations, 70s and 60s. by the way, tomorrow, for those who may be walking in the
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a.i.d.s. walk, westerly winds 10-15 miles-per-hour. we will have low clouds and fog and temperatures near 60 degrees. here's a look at the rest of the highs. 83 for cupertino. redwood city, 80 tomorrow. half moon bay, 63 degrees. san francisco, 66. south city, 70 degrees there. you tie ya and clear lake, hot there, temperatures near 100. 83 for napa. oakland tomorrow, a nice day with 73. mild, union city, 78. inland interior valleys, heating up. 92 for pittsburg. concord 93. my seven-day forecast. the cooling trend will be with us monday, tuesday, wednesday. by mid-week, inland temperatures, 90s tomorrow. 70s mid-week. >> alan: thank you, leigh. on to colin who is in for mike
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shumann. he is growing introduce us to a golfer you have probably never heard of above. >> the really hard thing is pronouncing his name. but he doesn't care how you say it. sports is next.
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[ wind howling ] [ male announcer ] it balances you... [ water crashing ] [ male announcer ] fills you with energy... and it gives you what you're looking for to live a more natural life, in a convenient two bar pack. this is nature valley... delicious granola bars made with 100% natural ingredients.
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nature valley. 100% natural, 100% delicious. >> it's not surprising a strugglan is leading the 139th 139th british open, what is
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surprising he done have the last name els, gossen or imingman. the last name is. >> oosthuizen. >> win denix heard and it got it wrong. i call him good. the birdie putt on 7, he was 12-under at that point. mark calcavecchia, now tied for 26th. look at this, counting out the sunshine -- nine strokes on five. jim -- jiminez, creativity. tiger woods, finished 12 back. not happy on 13. 73 for tiger, paul casey will join oosthuizen in the final pairing. a 39 on the front nine on his way to a 67. oosthuizen built a four-stroke lead on two of the final three holes. 16, double-breaker. a thing of beauty. in the final round, oosthuizen
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with a four-streak lead on casey, dustin johnson the top american. johnson we can pronounce, as for oosthuizen, not so easy. >> i'm sorry, i can't say it. >> louis -- >> ladies and gentlemen, we're joined by peter... >> louis oosthuizen. >> i'm in complete shock about what its going on in the celebrity event in tahoe. charles barkley in dead lost. didn't see that company. look at this. that's all right. absolutely no confidence when it's the real thing. resorts to a one-handed swing, relatively straight. the round mound of rebound, all alone in last place. hank haney has worked with ray
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romano as well. nicely done. but fourth to last. then, there's former shark jeremy reasoning. he is tied for 6th. curry of the warriors, a point better than michael jordan in 31st place. a news game for the earthquakes. that's not the fat guy in a little coat made famous. joe staley and john smith showed up. this is like 49er game when they couldn't score. quakes best opportunity came in the 89th minute. game ends in a scoreless draw. >> stage 13 of the tour at the france, same thing, statement leader, andy schleck. >> alan: when we come back, it's all about the u. why unicyclists took over parts
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>> alan: coming up in a half hour at 6:00, more than a month after the june primary, there's finally a republican nominee in the race for insurance commissioner. and the level of violence goes up along the border with mexico as the drug gangs use an unprecedented way to attack their victims. join us at 6:00. before we go this evening, everyone heard of the tour de france, but a lesser known
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gathering of cyclists is going on right near san francisco this weekend. the u-games bring together unicyclists of all different ages and skill levels. we saw some of them riding by. they reached speeds of 25 miles-per-hour. today's festivities featured clinics for people who want to learn how to ride unicycles. 25 miles-per-hour. i can't even do that on two wheels. >> leigh: and they're hutting the curves. >> alan: a lot of talent. that's it for us at 5:00. thanksthanks for joining us. we will be back in half hour with more news. insure blrk credit


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