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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  June 15, 2011 9:00am-11:00am EDT

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that you still get to see them. plenty of other stars don't even get to see their families as much as i do. >> steve: we'll see you in our after the show show. join us tomorrow for "fox & friends" because larry the cable guy will join us to get er done. bill: all right, good morning, everybody! thanks, good morning to you! the drama has been there by the day and now has captivated the country. prosecutors in the casey anthony murder trial is expected to rest their case today. good mornings everybody, i'm bill hemmer, that's where we start in "america's newsroom". look who's back! >> alisyn: i'm back! i'm alisyn camarota in for martha maccallum. it's been an incredible trial, this young mother, facing the death penalty for killing her daughter caylee. bill: cindy anthony broke
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down when she saw this picture, a girl wearing the shirt big trouble comes in small packages, a shirt the mother says she never saw. >> i don't remember ever seeing that shirt. >> and you never saw the picture of caylee in the shirt until july of 2009? >> no. bill: wow, so phil keating is live in orlando now. court is about to get underway. phil, give us a sense in that courtroom yesterday when the mother of the accused is called back to the stand for a second time. >> well, everyone truly anticipated there was going to be lot of emotion once again on the stand. there was a little bit of emotion but quite frankly cindy anthony was a really poor prosecution witness yesterday, she was not remembering exactly that the answers that she had told investigators in her previous deposition so they kept having to interrupt the
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testimony to go there up and show her the note pads of what she actually had said in say '09 and '10, but she wasn't the last witness. she ended up going on to the tattoo that casey anthony got on her back and on july 3rd, 2008, after little caylee was missing and as we all now know, both sides agree, she was actually dead. that means in italian, beautiful life. whether that is a tributary -- an attributary tattoo, or establishing casey's new life without the child, the living, the free, the independent, the socializing, going out nightclubbing, not being a mom anymore life, we're not sure. right now, the prosecution is about to introduce its evidence, the two cans that have the air samples, which the defense calls junk science, still cans that supposedly smell like death when you open them up, and
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then the prosecution wraps its case. bill: the defense starts with whom? >> they're going to start by doing a motion with a directed verdict, asking the judge to acquit casey anthony based on evidence, it's highly unlikely the judge is going to do that, then we're probably not going to have much of a day because the first witness for the defense can't get here until thursday morning, tomorrow. bill: fel keating is in orlando. thank you for that. it was dramatic yesterday afternoon watching that. alisyn: obviously it's been an emotional few weeks for casey anthony and her family. the anthonys, literally torn apart over accusations of child abuse, sexual abuse and lying but there's been virtually zero interaction between casey and her parents in the courtroom. well, that changed yesterday when cindy anthony mouthed the words "i love you" to her daughter and watch casey's reaction: >> alisyn: you can see her
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reaction at the moment her mother said that. coming up, we're going to ask dr. keith ablow when impact this will have on the jury and the anthonys going forward. so this has divided the states and the country, wisconsin law stripping unions of collective bargaining rights will finally go into effect, the controversial law was upheld by the state supreme court, giving governor scott walker a major victory in his battle to address the state's $3 billion shortfall. protests are expected today. meanwhile, democrats who fought the measure are already speaking out. >> i think the fitzgeralds almost threatened them earlier this week and said if they weren't going to rule on it they were going to force their republican toss drink the koolaid and
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walk the plank again. >> i was actually very shocked and certainly extremely disappointed with this ruling by our supreme court. alisyn: coming up, we are going to talk to wisconsin senate majority leader and ask him how this law will you implemented and what kind of impact it will now have. bill: on this, a closer look at wisconsin law and what it means, it forces most employees for the state to pay 12.6 percent of their health care cost cost -- cost and that would double their contribution of 6 percent. wisconsin faces a $3.6 billion budget gap over the next two years. there are roughly 75,000 public -- 175 public workers with union representation, 30,000 are state employees, 106,000 are teachers. a bit earlier this year several other states considering a law like wisconsin's, illinois, michigan, tennessee, virginia, and ohio. in ohio, the governor john
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kasich signed a law in march limiting the collective bargaining the rights of 350,000 public workers in that state. they can still negotiate wages, though, and certain work conditions. alisyn: they say it ain't over til it's over, the next critical meeting on our debt crisis is set to get underway on capitol hill right now, vice president joe biden saying he's confident that there will be a deal on the table by the fourth of july. the clock, now ticking down to an august default deadline on the debt, biden hopes to make at least a trillion dollars in cuts, he says. fox's stu varney of the fox business network joins us now. stu, why are these talks dragging on and on so? >> look, the two sides are far apart. we can say that for sure. what i can also tell you is the longer these talks drag on, the more we have to borrow when we finally are allowed to borrow so, more money. alisyn, i'm going to give
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you a very big number. and that number is $600 billion. that's how much we have to borrow, just in one month, just in the four weeks of august, $600 billion. five hundred billion of that is money that we've already lent to the federal government. they have to convince lenders to keep lending it to them. then you've got $100 billion worth of new debt which we have to borrow and that is a minimum. it could be $200 billion, just for that month. so you're looking at an enormous amount of borrowing when these talks are finally concluded, hopefully in the month of august, $600 billion, minimum. obviously, the financial people are getting very worried about this, because it's such a huge number, and these talks are dragging on and on and on, so interest rates just in the last couple of days have started to go up. that's because the talks are dragging on. that's because of that very big number of borrowing in august.
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>> stu, those numbers are mind blowing. do we have any sense right now if they are going to end by raising the debt ceiling? >> well, that's the threat, isn't it? you've got this deadline of august 2nd. that's what you're negotiating towards. so far, no real progress that we know of towards meeting that deadline and allow thank debt ceiling to raise by august 2nd. meanwhile, as i said, the amount of borrowing that we've got to do in august keeps on going up. that's the threat that's hanging over these negotiations. alisyn: stuart varney, thank you very much for crunching those numbers for us, we appreciate it. >> sure. bill: alisyn, it is quickly becoming the largest wildfire in the state history of arizona, now investigators in that state say a campfire may have started it all. across the state line in new mexico, the flames are threatening a small town and evacuation plans are in place for about 200 people who live there. adam housley, live in springerville, arizona,
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again today. what's this about a campfire, adam? >> reporter: bill, a bunch of new information that we've gotten. in fact we just got off the phone with the forest service that gave us more information about the people you're talking about. the fire started in an air, the bear wallow winderness area, and they believe it was started by an unattended campfire. the reports that came out yesterday afternoon, there were two people being interviewed as possible suspects. we're now told there are a number of people they're looking at, anybody basically that was in a bear wallow area, they are looking at as a possible suspect for leaving that campfire unattended that's burned so many acres. right now they say by a number, they mean four, five, six people. they're checking license plates, all other detection devices, anything that -- cameras from gas stations, anything that might point to people who were in that area at the time, they are considered a suspect, as they look into how this fire started bill. bill: adam, thank you. adam housley, live from springerville, arizona, again on that story that's been going on for so long. they just want to douse this
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thing. for more on this, your online source for the very latest, a lot of disturbing images, too, about what's happening there in arizona. you can check it out right now at alisyn: we've had a busy ten minutes and those are just a few of the many stories that we are following for you in "america's newsroom" this morning. coming up, we have more. he sure sounds like a gop candidate. texas governor rick perry, criticizing the president during a major speech on tuesday. does this mean he is running in 2012? we will find out what he's saying now. bill: also there's a man hunt underway for a man described as a real life rambo, where authorities think this notorious militia leader is hiding out. alisyn: plus a stunning new report on a botched u.s. gun program that intentionally put guns in the hands of drug cartel members. leading to the murder of at least one american. >> hef does not want guns. we do not let guns go, under
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any circumstance. those guns are gone. gone. if someone gave you the order to go get them, bring them back, it can't be done.
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alisyn: we have some new video to show you of tense protest necessary greece over the country's debt crisis. thousands of people are taking to the streets of athens, the protests are part of a national strike. tensions are mounting there over new cutbacks passed in order to receive international bailout funding. public employees are furious over a four year privatization deal and tax hike plan. protestors throwing fire bombs at police outside of parliament. riot police responding with tear gas in order to push back the crowd. bill: could be a big deal, right? alisyn: all right, is -- already is, yes. bill: o. now focus today on the governor in texas, rick perry, and a possible run in 2012. perry seen here last night at a republican event in new
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york city. this guy was all fired up. listen: >> the government of the people, by the people, for the people. if we don't do it, who will, if not now, when? are you ready to take this country back? stand with us over the course of the next 16 months elect those governors across those states, make a difference in america, and we will take america back. god bless you, and my god continue to bless this great country. bill: dana perino, good morning to you. >> good morning. bill: he had a very direct message. jobs. >> yes. bill: the economy. get the government to back off when it comes to regulation. how do you think he did? >> well, he's an experienced governor, won three times in texas. texas has weathered the economic recession better than just about any other state. bill: why is that? >> lower taxes, for one, regulations in check, he
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also recently passed a tort reform, lawsuit reform bill, and he spends every day -- i got a chance to meet him about a month -- about a year ago, and he said he spends every day, a little bit of time, calling businesses around the country, a lot of them in california, and saying why would you have your business there when you could have it here, good employees, good tax system, great schools, come to texas, and a lot of them have taken him up on it. bill: he is out recruiting companies. i think he was in l.a. the other day doing the same thing. >> yes. bill: how does he compare with the field as it is set today? >> well, there's a few other governor necessary the race, most notably, romney and pawlenty, you might get an additional one, one from alaska if she decides to run. in addition, he has that little spark. when you said he was fired up, a lot of people have said this field is weak and it's kind of boring, he was certainly energetic last night, but what you don't need to do is publicly make a decision within the next
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i'd say six weeks, because you have to have an organization. you have to have a fundraising capability. fire in the bell gentlemen not enough. bill: does he get in? >> it sounded to me like he was testing the waters. and i don't know about those rumors last week, when gingrich's staffers all resigned enmass. bill: and went to his camp, right? is that true or not? >> it's not official yet, and i don't think they would have let gingrich's campaign if they didn't think they had somewhere to land in this exciting election year. whether they end up with governor perry, i don't know. the other thing i admire about governor perry, he was there, one of his messages was if you want to win and take this country back, you have to elect republican governors and governors is where a lot of this good policy is happening, they're the ones challenging omabacare in the courts and are making significant wins along the way. they also understand they have the most to lose. bill: to that message, too, i think this goes back to the economy, the rnc put out an ad today. just roll that and we'll listen to it here. this is the message you're
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going to hear a lot about. >> turn this economy around. >> turn this economy around. >> there are fact that is back that up that are difficult for this administration and for the democrats, unemployment is up 25 percent, since inauguration day, bill: it goes on from there, for a full minute, it's just part of it now. it's the obvious story line today. is it in october of 2012? >> probably. i think that most economists will tell you that the way that the economy is now, that there's no way it comes roaring back before the election of next year, no president has won reelection with an unemployment rate above 7 percent, but regardless, the republican candidate has a lot of work to do, and a lot of people to bring together. interestingly, i believe that the conservatives in some ways across the country have decided we want a candidate who can win and we're going to stay together and back that. so far you haven't seen the fracturing the that the democrats usually count on.
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bill: your point about getting the ball rolling is well taken. governor huntingman is going to get in next week, tuesday, the 21st, and if perry gets n. that widens the field you, but it seems that neither man is in much of a hurry and do they need to be when you consider mitt romney, the frontrunner, he's been working at this for three years now. >> i would say within the next six weeks, they need to make a decision. starting in iowa, you have the caucuses and things start moving and president obama said he's going to raise $1 billion for his campaign. you can't raise that overnight. it takes a lot of time, and president obama is traveling all over the country to try raise that kind of money. bill: infrastructure has there be -- to be there. >> you have to be on the ground, be able to shake hands. bill: see you next wednesday. >> i'll be in after cash but be back after that. bill: we'll get you on the phone, maybe. >> from south sudan. bill: do they still send post cards? have a great time. go to, click on
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the bya box and leave your questions for dana in africa. kidding. twitter me, bill hemmer, bya, because you asked. thanks, have a great trip. >> thanks. alisyn: that will be fun! what about rudy giuliani and chris christie, the two gop power players apparently did lunch recently. what that might mean. plus bill crystal on his prediction that rudy greuel anie is definitely getting in the race. before you hit the beach, listen up, new regulations for sunscreen. how to know if your favorite lotion is really doing the job.
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bill: going vireual. check out little trin, isn't he cute, saying hi to angie the lion. hey there, guy. good thing there's a thick piece of glass between them, because it looks like angie either wants to play or eat trin for lunch. here's trin's dad on the whole idea. >> obviously, a lion going after your kid, even with two-inch thick glass in between can be a little nerve racking. >> he loves t. he was excited the whole time. >> look at that! >> bill: his mouth is larger than that kid's head. trent seemed to love it. alisyn: he was actually trying to fit that mouth over the baby's head. bill: 800,000 views on
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youtube already. alisyn: i bet. meanwhile, let's talk about this, because sunscreen is a must-have, especially in time of year, of course, but have our sunscreens been tricking us? the fda is cracking down on claims the companies are making about sun block. for more, let's bring in board certified dem tologist dr. doris day. what a great name for this sunny topic doctor! >> i know, thank you very much! >> alisyn: so look, it seems as they our sunscreens have been trying to pull the wool over our eyes and it's not necessary they truth in advertising, so here are some of the things the fo fta wants to change, no more can they say they offer broad spectrum protection unless they contain both uva and uvb protection. what's the difference? >> so we know that both uva and uvb rays are known carcinogens meaning anyone exposed to them over time will ultimately develop skin cancer and we need to
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protect against both. in the past you didn't have to show quite the same amount of protection for both in order to make this claim of broad spectrum and now what the fda has done is created guidelines for exactly what it means to be broad spectrum and to have that stf labeling so they simplified things for everyone and when it says broad spectrum you know it has uva and uvb protection. alisyn: so we should look for that. this next one is confuse, because only those sunscreens that have an spf of 15 or higher can say they reduce the risk of skin cancer and aging. why not an spf4, doesn't that help? >> it does help except they can't make the claim of preventing skin cancer or skaeupb aging, only protecting sunburn, and also, part of the problem is that nobody applies enough, and then the claims above spf15 are allowed to show they do truly reduce skin cancer and sunburns and premature aging, which let's not underestimate how
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important that is, and below that, they have a to a an alert and warning saying they only prevent sunburn, not skin cancer. alisyn: so we should only be buying spf15 and next. next we they show latterring up. they can't say water proof? >> no, water resistance and there are two levels of water resistance, 40 minutes and 80 minutes, no more sweat-proof or water proof and the american academy of dermatology has worked closely with the fda to make it simple. it is overwhelming when you go to the drugstore or your doctor to ask what sunscreen you should use and all you need to do is look for an spf15 or higher and one that says broad spectrum and know you're helping protect your skin against skin cancer and premature aging, as well as sunburns and getting broad spectrum protection. alisyn: at last, they say they can no longer offer an spf over 50. i have some for my kids that
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say 100. that's not true? >> they're saying that above an spf50, you can't reliably tell how much of an increase in protection you're getting with the testing tools we have available today, so what will be capped out at spf50-phrurbgs that's the highest you can get and that's a good level to use. alisyn: dr. doris day, thank you very much for sorting through this information, it's helpful. bill: i'm just going to wear a thousand. you can put a sweatshirt. alisyn: you can't wear over 50. fifty is the highest. bill: put on a t-shirt! alisyn: that's not going to work, either, when it's 85 at the beach, you can't be head to toe in your hazmat suit! that's not going to work. bill: send us a picture of that. we'll put it on tv. is someone lie w-g a federal program that put guns in the hands of mexican drug lords? the disturbing operation that left a trail of blood and bodies throughout the southwest. alisyn: casey anthony's jury gets a glimpse of the family's relationship during
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the events surrounding caylee's death, like this, back in 2008, when the child was first reported missing. >> that has to be my focus right now. that has to be my focus. mom, if that's my focus, which it is, i can't do anything from here. alisyn: dr. keith lab below is going to weigh in on the casey anthony family dynamic.
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bill: there is a federal
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program under fire in a significant way, a program that was supposed to help track guns sold it mexican drug cartels and might have helped kill an american border agent. william la jeunesse as a hearing gets underway in washington. what happened here, william? >> reporter: the guns that the atf put on the street was an ever present here, in fact, when congresswoman gabrielle giffords was shot agents feared that was one of their guns, this follows a congressional report we obtained yesterday. here are a few key points. >> atf does not want guns. we do not let guns go under any circumstance. >> atf agents are trained to stop smugglers from buying or transporting weapons but in the scathing report, agents say they were told to do just the opposite, prompting some to question the essence of operations fast and furious, saying, quote, what are we doing
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here? i don't know. what the hell is the purpose of this? i have no idea. >> those guns are gone. they're gone. we can't -- if someone gave the order to go get them and bring them back it can't be done. >> agent don johnson blew the whistle and others warned the operation was a mistake, that fast and furious contributed to the increasing violence and death in mexico, yet agents say supervisors reacted with giddy optimism, said one agent, i cannot seen anyone who has one iota with concern for human life being okay with this, the blood stopped -- one agent asked another, quote, are you prepared to go to a border agent's funeral over this? the sentiment that was given back to me was that if you are going to make an omelette, you need to scramble some eggs. >> you got people that are dead, weapons that are missing, and you've got an administration who doesn't seem to want to take any accountability for it.
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>> reporter: there will be other hearings, this is just the beginning involving both justice department officials, as well as the firearms dealers. bill this, hearing begins about about 30 minutes. we'll bring you updates throughout the day. bill: thank you for that, and also at the hearings, the relatives of late border agent brian terry will be here, the atf agents will be there. it's sure to be an emotional day. log on,, we have a poll on the home page, should the u.s. do more to stop the cartels, click on the you decide link and we'll bring you the results a bit later in the program. also next hour, senator chuck grassley is hot on fire on this story, he will tell us how a program could go so wrong in america today. stay tuned for that. alisyn: prosecutors are now resting their case against casey anthony, this happened just moments ago as they present their final pieces of evidence to the jury. you're looking -- not right
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there. i don't know if that's live -- that is live, i'm told, pictures inside the courtroom right there. you can see casey anthony listening to the evidence. we're about to show you, though, a cannedit moment from yesterday. first, you see cindy anthony, casey's mom there, she is walking off the stand, and you can see her mouth the words "i love you" to her daughter, and now, watch for casey's reaction to those words, as we're replaying that video for you. dr. keith ablow is a psychiatrist, he's also a member of fox news' medical a team. i don't know if you can see that doctor, but casey gave sort of a shrug when her mother mouthed the words "i love you ". what do you see when you see that exchange? >> first of all i see what i know from my patient, my own family, a mother's love can survive even the possible or certain knowledge that her daughter is a killer. that's the amazing thing
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here. but also, remember this mother knows something about what destroyed her daughter psychologically, and that's an insight that i don't think has been looked at. something led casey anthony, if guilty, to be able to take the life of her little girl. and this mom, cindy anthony, she more than likely knows just what it was. alisyn: well, it sounds like you are referring to what the defense has used as a bit of an excuse, and that is that george anthony, casey's father, sexually abused her, and the mother obviously is in the ultimate predicament, she loves her daughter, yet she'd married to the person that was sexually molesting her. >> i can't know if george anthony did or didn't sexually abuse his daughter. what i will say is it's a very unusual thing to accuse a dad of in the middle of a murder trial. now, look, i don't know fe drowned this child, i doubt that very much, but could he nonetheless have been that
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evil, that traumatizing casey anthony? possibly, and cindy anthony knows. she knows what happened. whether it was sexual abuse or emotional abuse, or neglect, something isn't right with her daughter, and she knows that, and so when she says i love you, and her daughter says -- that may sort of sum it up, hey look, where were you when i was developing into a woman that could kill my kid? >> alisyn: wow. let me play you a jailhouse recording from 2008, between casey and her father, george, and get your reaction to it: >> i'm sorry i've been so tough sometimes. i'm sorry. >> dad, it's not your fault. it isn't. we all do things out of love, and sometimes -- >> some tough love, i know. >> exactly, and it's not a bad thing. i want you to know that. you know how much i love you, how much i've always love you. you'll always be my buddy, even besides my dad. alisyn: you'll always be my
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buddy, even besides my dad. is there something in your analysis that you see that we don't? >> why is he apologize something i'd like to know, if he were here for an interview, i'd say listen, what you mentioned how tough you were, what exactly were you talking about, because to bring that to the jail, look, this is a moment of incredible pathoes, you've gone there to apologize in some sort of code, what are you apologizing for, if not sexual abuse, fine, but what is it? your daughter isshattered, she's an entire mess and you were her dad. what happened, george? alisyn:al a-- alisyn: i wish he were here so you could ask him that. that's an interesting take on this case. >> thank you very much. alisyn: thank you for coming in. i appreciate it. you can watch the trial, all of it is streaming live, the testimony, today and every day, it's on click on the link that you see. bill: just hearing from the courtroom, the prosecution
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finished presenting their case so now it's the defense's term. in the meantime, it's the stock market's turn on wall street. had a big say yesterday and you can tperbgs about all that stuff yesterday because it's wiped off the board in the first nine or ten minutes here. there's a lot of concern frankly about what's happening in greece and the debt crisis, there were protests in the streets a bit early ner athens. looked like there were water canyons -- canon necessary the streets aimed at protestors there, also a negative reading on the manufacturing index that came out from the fed a bit earlier today that suggests a significant slowdown. it's having a lot of weight on wall street. alisyn: there are new developments out of the raid that killed the world's most wanted man, pakistan denied knowing that bin laden was living under their noses. so why they may be trying to silence the very people who helped the u.s. now. plus a devastating blow dealt to wisconsin's union.
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protesters pour going the streets after the state supreme court upholdings the government's controversial wasn't union law. >> there are people who are going to serious suffer by this. that needs to be brought out. we need to talk about that. >> atrocious. judges aren't supposed to have allegiance to any politician, they're supposed to be independent. alisyn: wisconsin state majority leader scott fitzgerald joins us with his reaction.
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alisyn: here's what's developing in "america's newsroom", police, going door to door, questioning folks in the area where indiana college student lawn spierer vanished two weeks ago, police update whag she was wearing, a white v-neck shirt with butterfly sleeves. after months of
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problems, tens of millions of dollars, and after injuries, spider-man successfully opens on broadway. what a wait for this, right? if i could have gone over on wires and been suspended, i would have done that. bill: only in new york can you spend $70 million on a play! >> alisyn: before it opens! >> bill: wouldn't you see it? alisyn: there's so much hype, i'm intrigued, i must say. back to wisconsin, the union bill has divided the state and the nation, hundreds converging on the state capitol tuesday, protesting the state's supreme court decision that upholds the governor scott walker's bill that about limit collective bargaining rights. members say they're concerned about their future. listen here: >> we may be facing child lawsuits because of these cuts where i work, and i couldn't think of a better way to come down and express my frustration and anger. >> you can't stop.
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you've got to keep going and keep fighting, because too many peoples' lives depend on this. bill: we have fresh reaction this morning, republican scott fitzgerald, good morning, sir, welcome back to "america's newsroom". what effectively happens now? >> well, i think now that the supreme court in a unanimous 7-justice decision in regard to the restraining order allows the collective bargaining piece to move forward, it's not something that the legislature once again has to take up in the budget, and i'm just elated that, in fact, they saw that there was a separation of issues that existed and the praoepl corto supreme court dealt with it. bill: you've been dealing with a live wire and have been for months. back in february, the nation was watching there. we just heard from a union member who is worried about job losses. there will be jobs cut as a result of this law?
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>> no, i mean, that's the point, that everyone gets a hair cut instead of mass layoffs. that's what governor walker and republicans, including my caucus, have been talking about for the last three months, is listen, if you deal with changes to collective bargaining for some of these public employee unions to pay for their health care and their pensions, that we won't have these mass layoffs that that protester was referring to. bill: what is your expectation for your budget? because you're deep in the hole right now. how does that affect it? >> well, at the end of this budget that i expect the assembly to pass this week and the senate to take it up later, what you're going to see is we have eliminated -- we will be one of those states that have eliminated the structural decifit, and also have a surplus going into the next budget. that's what many of these states throughout the nation are struggling with, and wisconsin is one state that grabbed the bull by the horns and will put our state back on track. bill: you know, one thing here *r here, and i didn't take notice of this early but i saw it early in the
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notes from you, about permanently freezing your property tax. is this part of that? and if that happens in wisconsin, why was that important? >> well, i think because there would have been a shift away from what we were doing at the state level on to the local property tax payor, and it was something that we felt strong about and governor walker felt strong about. this freeze i think actually will be something that ultimately, again, will make sure that the state and local levels of government are on the right track. bill: well, what the law says, as i understand it, is that you can't increase property taxes. can you decrease them in the future? >> yeah, you know, some of those decisions are left at the local level. there is some unused levy that existed from previous budgets, and they can take that initiative and march forward with it. i mean, these are decisions that should be made by the county board, city councils, and school boards throughout the state. that's where we think these
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decisions should be made. and this budget allows them to do that. bill: you know, that's the one thing we heard in ohio, when we talked to the governor, john kasich, his whole idea was to return power to the local level so they can make budget decisions there on the local level, and that's pretty much the same thing you're saying, also. we do expect lawsuits. i don't know if that can impede what came down yesterday. but in the ten seconds we have left, when will the state employees in wisconsin be affected? >> you know, that's up to the secretary of administration, mike kihch, who will make a determination how to implement the changes under collective bargaining. bill: could be days, weeks, months, depending upon the challenges. >> it could be. bill: scott, thank you, we're going to keep an eye on it, a major decision coming down yesterday. thank you for your time this morning. >> good to be with you. alisyn: a former militia leader on the run, armed and considered to be very dangerous. why are police scaling back the search? bill: also it may not be a happy home coming,
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congressman anthony weiner's wife comg home from back overseas. how that might turn out. >> if you've got a question, go to, and thening t click on the mosomt read tab. o0 we are back in two minutes.
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bill: first it was schools outlaws canada yaat lunch and l.a., banning chocolate and strawberry-flavored milk, l.a. the first to pull the flavored milk from the shelf, they havefuls banned soda. it's a push to make school food nutritious and
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exceedingly boring! alisyn: on a much more serious note, the man hunt for a former militia leader who's been dubbed a real life rambo is being scaled back. off years of run-ins, the ex-con stands accused of firing at sheriff's deputies during a confrontation over the weekend. fox's david lee mill ser live in the newsroom with more. >> reporter: they have scaled back the search for bregert and that's incredible when you consider the law force -- law enforcement agencies that are looking for this man who's been able to elude authorities. somehow, he's been able to elude authorities, and a short time ago, i talked with the local sheriff's department in missoula county and they told -- they told me it is possible he is
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no longer in the area where he was last spotted,y allegedly fired at sheriff's deputies. he's a form militia leader, he knows the mountains of western montana, and he has now thread. authorities say that the road blocks have been removed, but they still have roaming patrols on the ground. for some extent, this could be a waiting game. he may be able to survive for weeks or months in the woods, but authorities want to make sure that no one is injured and right now, they are continuing their search, but they've changed their tactics. alisyn: it sounds like they have reason to fear that that could happen. what more do we know about this guy and his past? >> as i mentioned, he was the said of a former militia , that about 12 years ago was established to try to start a war with the federal government. the militia was called project seven. they had an assassination list of local judges and local politicians. they believed the chinese were going to come across the border and attack the
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united states, some hair-brained ideology behind it, but at the end of the day, this individual was convicted and pled guilty to illegally possessing a firearm, in this case, a machine gun. he did eight years in prison. and one of the conditions of his release was that he not have any more firearms. alisyn: we put up his picture, hopefully that will help law enforcement in some way. david lee miller, thank you. bill: a lot of room to munich in montana. a lot. congress has demanded the white house justify the u.s.' role in libya, a group of lawmakers saying they're done asking and now they are suing. exclusive details in a few moments. alisyn: police officers evacuating everyone within a 1--mile radius after multiple explosions rocked this chemical plant. we'll tell you more when we come back. ♪ hello sunshine, sweet as you can be ♪
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bill: peel start bill: spiel start with a "fox news alert," between john boehner and the president, the speaker blasting president obama on libya, accusing him of keeping everyone in the dark on america's mission, a mission that lasted several months and has no clear end game. good morning, i'm bill hemmer, welcome to "america's newsroom," martha is working a bit later. alisyn: she is? bill: first hour is okay, right. alisyn: so far, so good. bill: the train is still on track. alisyn: let's try not to screw it up, this hour, i'm alisyn in for martha. boehner saying either you concluded the war powers resolution does not apply to the mission en libya or you have determined it is contrary to the constitution. the house and the american people whom we represent deserve to know the determination you have made. bill: now, the group of lawmakers say they are done asking for information, and now they are suing. senior correspondent john roberts live on the story today. what exactly does the lawsuit say there, john? good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, bill.
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we have a copy, a draft copy of the lawsuit, right here, dennis kucinich is this first name on the list and has been against the war in libya and, anti-war member of congress and tried to end the war in iraq and afghanistan and end the car in kosovo and is joined by a bipartisan group of represents, john conyers, dan burton, tim johnson and ron paul saying what the president is doing, in libya, right now is against the constitution. the u.s. doesn't have the authority to go to war in libya because the u.s. was not attacked, and does not have aut tlai -- authorization, under the nato charter and, rule 51 does not apply, either and the suit was written by noted constitutional law professor, jonathan turley, out of george washington and here's his thinking on this. the white house has been counting on the idea that no one has the standing to challenge an undeclared war, but, if that is
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true, and the president can commit troops long term, in to hostile territory it means the framers of the constitution wrote a provision that cannot be enforced and the people who signed onto the lawsuit want the courts to establish once and for all what the constitutional authority is in committing u.s. troops to war, bill. bill: breaking news here, john roberts, thank you, with exclusive details on that, out of atlanta today. alisyn: a "fox news alert" for you now, there are new reports pakistan's top spy agency has arrested five cia informants, who led u.s. forces to usama bin laden. they include a pakistani army major, who reportedly copied down the license plates of cars entering bin laden's secret compound. dominic dinatali is streaming with the latest details. >> reporter: indeed, despite hot denials from the pakistani secret services today, these reports are false and described as baseless, we are hearing from
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our sources, within the pakistani security forces, indeed, those spies were taken into custody, after helping the cia over many months, and that -- the pakistani army to is in and the owner of the safe house the cia themselves actually used to spy on usama bin laden while he was in his compound. in abbotbad. and we believe that the fate of the group will now be unclear. because the isi, the secret service agency here, is so sinister, those who are usually arrested by it are never seen again and that is causing great tension between the united states and pakistan, because, the united states believes that this country should in fact be concentrating on hunting down militants, not those who help america and pakistan in finding the likes of usama bin laden. it is going to complicate the relationship much, much further, alisyn, in particular, we had a visit from the leon panetta, the
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head of the cia who confronted the pakistani authorities with evidence he said proves there are elements within the security forces, helping militants and gave them satellite photos of bomb-making factories used to target nato troops over in afghanistan. and when the pakistani army turned up at the site after the tip-off, all of a sudden the militants vanished and the development and that over the weekend, yet again, widening the breach between pakistan at the time when the two need each other more than ever, if the united states is going to have a hasty and swift exit out of afghanistan. back to you. alisyn: absolutely, dominic, thank you. sure makes you wonder what pakistan is thinking. >> this story, too, out of pakistan, the terrorist grind in critical in tracking bin laden is back with al qaeda and he was the one who gave intel officials the information about his couriers leading navy s.e.a.l.s to the secret compound and he was reportedly released by pakistani officials. and has rejoined the terror
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group. we'll see how that works out. alisyn: back at home, storm clouds have been gathered over embattled congressman anthony wiener, as you know and his pregnant wife returning home to washington, after an official trip overseas. huma, aide to secretary of state hillary clinton, now expecting the couple's first child. and, friends of the congressman said he was waiting for her to come home before making a major decision on his political future and nearly all republicans and many democrats and even the president say they hope he will resign on his own. >> those of us who have been friends of anthony wiener, for a very long time, feel his wrongful behavior is distressing, saddening, and heartbreaking. now, it is clear he needs professional help. that is what he sought. and, that is all i'm going to say about the subject. alisyn: fox's doug mcelway, is
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in washington. >> reporter: his would you have is back from africa with hillary clinton, is an important development, someone from his camp said his decision would largely be based on the opinion and advice of his wife, whether he will resign and she returned home to their washington apartment, pre-dawn today and did not speak to reporters. but, what i've heard from people close to him, mirrors those comments of congressman and dccc chairman, steve israel who said he needed to talk to his wife about his future plans before announcing them to the world, end quote and many people expect, if his resignation is forthcoming it may happen today and, moments ago, i exchanged e-mails with someone close to the weaner camp, asking if there were any changes in the status as of this morning, and, the rig reply, no. alisyn: do we know how his wife is leaning, whether the public pressure might become too much. >> she has not said so. but the public pressure is
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immense, and almost analogous to what forced president nixon to resign and in that case, it was only after the elder states men from his own party confronted the president of the united states, to step down that he did that and we pretty much have that with wiener, nancy pelosi said monday this is beyond stripping him of committee assignments and in addition we have the president of the u.s., saying it is time for him to go away, in effect. >> president barack obama: obviously what he did was highly inappropriate. and i think he's embarrassed himself and acknowledged that, he has embarrassed his wife and his family. ultimately, there will be a decision for him and his constituents and i can tell you, if it was me, i would resign. >> reporter: nothing short of an ethics committee investigation followed by debate and vote by the full house can resulted in his expulsion and, ginger lee, the porn star, exotic dancer and her attorney, gloria allred, will hold a news conference today in new york to explain
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mrs. lee's relationship with the congressman. alisyn: oh, boy. the growing chorus of votes, asking him to resign is getting louder and louder. we'll see what happens today. doug, thanks so much. bill: we have seen polling out of new york and the first national polls are out on anthony wiener and show 25% of voters want him to stay in congress. public policy polling describes it as a democratic leaning group, found 60% of voters, want him to resign, and the same poll showed the scandal, a big poll -- taking a big toll on his popularity. 8% have a favorable view of anthony wiener. 70% say the opposite. alisyn: what do we know about houma aberdeen? his wife? secretary clinton's top aide? she was born to two college professors, he moved with her family to saudi arabia, when she was just two years old and came back and attended george washington university, in washington, d.c. she was staff assistant to the first lady, hillary clinton, in the the white house, beginning as an intern, in 1996.
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and, has been a top aide advisor to secretary clinton since january of 2009, when clinton assumed the post of secretary of state. bill: big job, right? flying all over the place... alisyn: very impressive. bill: 3:00 in the morning, got home. big, demanding job. alisyn: and today will be a demanding day for her. bill: yes, it shall be. last week we reported -- he, rather, reported that rudy giuliani was running for president but, not a peep out of him since and we'll ask bill kristol who he is reporting, on the former mayor, this week. he's on deck. alisyn: when did you see a column of thick, black smoke like this? what fueled the massive blaze after an amazing emergency response, we have can't-miss video. >> and they confessed to attacking u.s. troops in iraq and today are behind bars in kentucky. senator mitch mcconnell, from the h grass state says they should be sent to gitmo. he will make his case on that point, live. where do you go to find a business
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bill: stunning pictures of the series of massive explosions rocking a chemical plant in louisiana. you can see giant plumes of thick, black smoke and fire rising in the sky. witnesses say they could hear and feel the blast for 20 long minutes. it happened in new iberia, a plant which makes production chemicals and this is dangerous, too, despite that danger, everyone is accounted for and no one was injured. alisyn: there are possible new indications that america's mayor, rudy giuliani, may be making a move in the 2012 presidential race. we're getting word of a sit-down between rudy giuliani, reportedly planning to have lunch today with republican rising star, new jersey governor chris christie.
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and, bill kristol is an editor of the weekly standard and last week said he'd enter the race too and what is high reporting this week? let's ask him. hi, bill. >> hi, alisyn, how are you? alisyn: i'm well, what this is latest information you have on rudy giuliani. >> the latest, before his lunch today he's meeting with rick perry, the governor of texas, who as you know was in new york, giving a speech to a new york republican dinner and i think they are meeting literally in a couple of minutes, and are watching fox news, i should say to both of them, rememberer friends at fox, rudy and rick, let us be the first to know whether each or both of you are running, and it's a few blocks and they can stroll over to the show in a few minutes. alisyn: i'll lay out the welcome mat! who does it mean, meeting these top contenders. >> rick perry is seriously considering running and he was a huge rudy giuliani supporter in '07-'08 and, he was a conservative governor of texas supporting a northeastern
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moderate republican and i think they are pretty good friends and are having a candid conversation about whether both will run and be cordial rivals or whether one would support the other and i think either of them are probably both, i would guess, will get into the race in the next couple weeks. alisyn: what do you make of the meeting with chris christie? >> or the next few weeks, perry wants to waited until the texas legislature session is over. chris christie and rudy are close and chris christie is really not going to run, does not plan to run, obviously a popular governor among republicans at least and the conservatives of the neighboring state, if -- rudy giuilani, is generally viewed as not really -- a long shot and, last year's -- news from four years ago and didn't do well four years ago and has been a long time since he has been mayor and if he could launch with chris christie and rick perry, it would give him a chance, let's rethink the notion i'm out of it and i really have something to say in 2011. alisyn: let me put up a recent fox poll for you on rudy giuilani's standing.
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in this poll, he is second to mitt romney. now, he's a distance tenant second and mitt romney -- distant second and, mitt romney 23% and if he got into the race, with his name recognition, could he leapfrog mitt romney. >> i doubt it, but he'd be a serious challenger. michelle bachmann, could emerge as the realty party social conservative alternative and that puts pressure on rick perry, as to whether to get in, but, i have been saying it remains a wide-open race and there's a lot of strong candidates who are not yet in and strong candidates who are in, and, you know, people will make up their minds on their own schedules as they are entitled to do and people in washington are im papatientimpatient, and,, rick and rudy, if you want to walk over and tell alisyn your plans, go right ahead! and the filing deadline is not until november and voters have the attitude -- i talked to a lot of voters, and, a fair
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number the last few weeks and they say, we'll take our time and look at them all and make up our minds and these guys will have a chance to make their case. alisyn: let's talk about governor rick perry for a second. since the defection from newt gingrich's campaign, of top aides, who reportedly were going to governor perry to help him, doesn't that just by definition mean he's going to get into the race? >> no, but i think the gingrich campaign imploding made it easier for rick perry's former top assistance, to come back to him and a lot of them would like him to run and they think he has a good story to tell about texas's relative success while the rest of the country has had terrible economic problems and he gave a strong speech last night in new york and not just governors minding their own business in texas, don't give speeches at new york republican dinners and don't usually have coffee with rudy giuliani this morning, so, i think he is looking at it seriously. but, again, michelle bachmann's performance, monday night, puts more pressure on perry, as they are competing for some of the
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same apart, tea party, more populist support. alisyn: bill kristol, thanks so much for coming on, you have a future as a fox news booker. should you ever choose. >> well, that is my ultimate ambition, as you know. they run our lives... alisyn: that was a great audition. thanks so much, i'll let you know if they get in touch. >> thanks. bill: or walk down the hall and talk to lauren. alisyn: or that. bill: she has your number, right? thanks, bill. interesting stuff, we'll see what happens. and trying to read the tea leaves. in the meantime we found the bold request from the defense in the casey anthony murder trial. why they say the prosecution has failed to prove its cases. and, he was tasered and in police custody and later tied and now his family calls this an execution. >> he wouldn't cooperate with the field sobriety test so our officers decided to pat him down. >> they told us he died from hitting the windshield or his chest from hitting the air bag. [ artis brown ] america is facing some tough challenges right now.
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two of the most important are energy security and economic growth. north america actually has one of the largest oil reserves in the world. a large part of that is oil sands. this resource has the ability to create hundreds of thousands ojobs. at our kearl project in canada, we'll be able to produce these oil sands with the same emissions as many other oils and that's a huge breakthrough. that's good for oucountry's energy security and our economy.
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bill: breaking news on the hill, chuck grassley out of iowas is testifying, reading a statement at this hearing, involving an operation called fast and furious, where guns wound up in the hands of mexican drug lords, and it is highly believed at least two of those guns were found near the scene. where border agent, brian kerry, was shot and killed, and -- terry's family is in the hearing and they'll testify today and as soon as the senator wraps up his statement he'll join us live on "america's newsroom" and we'll ask how it happened and whether or not someone is lying on the inside in washington. alisyn: an ohio man dead after he was tasered by police, an act police are saying was justified and the man's family saying what
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cops did was nothing short of an execution, here's more from our affiliate. >> how could they do that to a person, what if that was their brother? >> reporter: late monday night, she found out her brother died, after a car accident on pearl road, in middleburn heights, nearly 24 hours later, loved ones were floored when they saw the video, showing 41-year-old howard hammond tased by police. >> they told us that he died from hitting the windshield or maybe his chest from hitting the air bag, that is what the doctors told us but i kept looking at his body and i didn't see that. >> reporter: police failed to mention anything about the taser. after 11:00, monday night, hammond was returning to his home in middleberg heights and he was involved in a crash, officers say he appeared to be impaired and during the sobriety test, they found marijuana and paraphernalia in his car. >> he wouldn't cooperate with the field sobriety test at all and so our officers decided to
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pat him down. >> reporter: dashcam video shows several officers struggling with him as he lay on the sidewalk and the police chief said as officers tried to handcuff him he refused to comply and he was tasered twice and a short time later one of the officers noticed he was no longer breathing. >> he had his hands on the roof and he wasn't resisting arrest. >> i reviewed the whole matter, watched the tape. and, made a determination that they followed police procedures. i feel comfortable in still using the tasers after this. i don't believe they caused death. >> reporter: the exact cause of death is unknown, at this time. police say hammond may have been under the influence. >> this is his driving record and criminal history. >> reporter: according to police, hammond spent 46 months in prison for possession of cocaine with intent to distribute. and family members say that he worked at a painting company and was trying hard to get his life back on track, regardless of his past, they feel his death could have been prevented.
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>> this is wrentched. how could they do that to somebody. alisyn: now police say they are waiting for test results from the medical examiner's office. bill: we'll see where that leads then. the fight to get a pair of terror suspects out of the state of kentucky and into gitmo continues and the senior senator from that state is mitch mcconnell and he's here live to make his case as to why. alisyn: and lawmakers want answers, on what they say is a reckless department. and we are joined by senator chuck grassley on that.
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>> alisyn: here's what's developing in "america's newsroom" a. new study out of the university of washington finds that americans living in some counties, mainly in the south, have a lower life expectancy and the rest of the nation, researchers mostly blame smoke and obesity. the labor department, reporting a jump in prices for things like food and clothing in may. overall, the consumer price index rose by 2/10 of a percent that, is the smallest jump in tphaoefrly six months. >> -- in nearly six month. sue: the race is on to strengthen a levy outside of hamburgh, iowa, a last ditch effort to hold back flooding from the missouri river. bill: got some breaking news, because there are new concerns now on two fronts for american intelligence, pakistan reportedly detaining informants to led us to usama bin laden, lead to go questions about
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whether they're truly our allies in the war on terror this, as two men admit to acing troops in iraq are being held in the state of kentucky. my next guest wants them at gitmo. kentucky republican senator mitch mcconnell, sir, good morning to you and welcome back to "america's newsroom". these two men have admitted to attacking soldiers and marines in iraq, why are they in kentucky? >> they had gotten into the country as refugees. and my colleague, senator paul, is going to be looking into how they got in. i have a different concern, and that is the question of whether or not we ought to be trying foreign terrorists in u.s. courts. you know, we've been down this path before. remember when the administration wanted to try the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks khalid shaikh mohammed, in new york? you can remember the reaction of the people in new york. they don't want him tried there. a few years ago, you were reporting this at the time,
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we set up military commissions for the specific purpose of trying foreign terrorists. the perfect place for these and the appropriate place for these terrorists is at guantanamo, to be interrogated, and if subsequently a trial is deemed appropriate for these foreign terrorists, there are courtrooms down there for the military commission trials. there is really no reason to be mainstreaming these foreign terrorists into a regular u.s. court. bill: so what's the holdup, senator? >> what's the holdup? >> bill ill uh-huh? >> well, the justice department made the decision incorrectly in my view to treat this as a u.s. law enforcement matter rather than a foreign terrorist issue. yeah, they were captured in the united states, it waster fisk work done by the justice department and the law enforcement agencies, all of that evidence that's been gathered would be useful in the military commissions.
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the problem is, we've got him in a u.s. court. with all the attendant security problems for the city of bowling green, how much is security going to cost them, what about security for the judge, what about security for the juries, there's no reason in the world to be subjecting any american city to all of the complexities and security problems related to trying a foreign terrorist in a u.s. court. bill: just one more point on this, then i want to move to what's happening in pakistan today, which is tully disturbing. is there precedent for sending somebody here in the u.s. to gitmo? or is everybody in guan man to -- guantanamo bay, have they been brought in from overseas? >> they wanted to move khalid shaikh mohammed from gitmo to new york, they decided not to do that, they claim they've never captured a foreign terrorist in the u.s. and tried him in a military court, but they can. there's no prohibition. foreigners are not entitled to the protections of the bill of right, they're not
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entitled to be in a u.s. court. we've set up military commissions a few years ago, specifically for this purpose. why not send them to guantanamo, interrogate them, try to find out what they know, all the information they know, and then at the appropriate time, if a trial is deemed appropriate, do it in a military commission set up specifically for the purpose of trying foreign terrorists. bill: then you remove the burden on the town of bowling green. >> yeah, or any other american city. you know, bill, there's no requirement that a foreign terrorist be tried in a u.s. court simply because they were captured in the united states. bill: why is pakistan arresting five men who allegedly helped the u.s. track down and bill usama bin laden? >> well, or perfectly frank with you, that's news to me. i'm not briefed on it. i'm not sure i'm in a position to comment on it. but i gather that's the breaking news at the moment. bill: apparently some of these guys were tracking the cars going in and out of the
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compound in islamabad and they gave us information to track him down and find him. if you can't -- if you can't comment specifically, perhaps what does it tell you about our relationship with that country? >> what it tells you is it's a mixed bag. there are parts of the pakistani intelligence service and the government and the military that are sort of on our side and there are parts of it that aren't. i mean, i think all of us know there must have been some kind of faction in the pakistani government that was aware of usama bin laden's presence for five years. so pakistan is a mixed bag. there are people there who are allied with us and there are those who aren't. bill: that mixed bag continues today. i want to shift topics, back to washington, on the debt ceiling, will you vote to raise it in. >> well, it depends on what we do. there are discussions going on led by the vice president, senate republicans are representing those discussion, to see what kind of spending reduction we can get. look, we have a $14 trillion
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debt, it's as big as our economy, that looks a lot like greece. over and above that, we have $50 trillion of what we call unfunded liabilities, promises we've made to future generations, medicare, medicaid, social security, and america is confronting a debt crisis. it's not me saying it, it's standard & poor's, ratings agency, moody's, the rating agency. this is the time togate our house in order and those discussions, bill, are going on, led by the vice president. i'm hopeful that we will do something very dramatic to attack both our short term decifit problems and our long term debt problems. bill: it sounds like your answer is a many, that you could vote for an increase in the debt ceiling. >> it all depends on what we do about the debt. bill: how popular is that, do you think, with the folks back in kentucky? >> well, you know, people want us to do something about our debt, and this is the one time when we have some real levage with the president, when we -- he's asked us, by the way, to raise the debt ceiling, and we're saying in return for raising the debt ceiling,
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you are going to have to do something about the debt and those discussions are underway and i'm hopeful we'll do something important for the country here and get ourselves straightened out. bill: is it safe to say it will be done by the fourth of july, can you even say that? >> i can't put a time limit on it. they've said we need to address this before the first of august. i'm confident we will. the question is can we do something significant about the debt and decifit of this country, which is one of our biggest problems. when the top military guy, admiral mullen, when asked what is our biggest national security problem says the debt, that ought to tell you something. bill: $14.4 trillion, and still ticking away today. senator, thank you for your time, appreciate you coming back here at "america's newsroom" and we will speck again very soon, mitch mcconnell, out of kentucky. >> thank you bill. alisyn: need to bring you an update on the casey anthony trial, her defense team has
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just demanded an acquittal in her murder trial moments ago claiming prosecutors failed to make their case. you are looking live -- actually, that is from early e. they've just taken a recess, while prosecutors are pushing back against those claims of the defense. so how did the prosecution actually do? let's ask judge andrew napoll tan oerbgs fox news senior judicial analyst and host of "freedom watch" on fox business network. as you know on tv shows, dramas, the prosecution always ends with a bang and leaves the jurors' sorts again. that's not what happened -- ga -- agape. how do you think they did? >> i been they -- i think they have prove their case. i think the judge has allowed so much evidence in, she should be convicted and the convicted will be reversed on appeal because the judge allowed in evidence that the government doesn't need and it's highly prejudicial to her.
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to step back, the application to throw the case out by the defense counsel is a standard one and defense lawyers always make that before they start their case. that forces the judge to review all of the evidence that the government has admitted and sometimes the judge will throw some of that evidence out and just allow the jury to consider that which remains. so there's nothing unusual about them doing that today. but in terms of demonstrating the guilt of this womanand, i think they've done that to the jury. the job of the defense now is to have the judge remind the jury you can't make up your mind now, you've only heard the government's case, she still is innocent until proven guilty, now the defense starts their case, and ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the defense tkw*epbs doesn't have to prove anything, they don't have to present an alternative theory, an affirmative case, the government has to prove every element of every crime it says she committed. >> but in order to be successful, does the defense need to provide some evidence, the wild
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accusations they made that caylee actually drowned and that george anthony actually secy abused casey? >> probably kwrergs and that's because the defense made the mistake of making these wild allegations in their opening statement. the defense doesn't have to put on an opening statement, the defense can simply say in its opening statement my client is innocent until proven guilty, she didn't do any of this, we're going to see if the state can prove it, that way, the defense has all the latitude to decide where to go and what to do now after the government's case is in. by telling the jury at the outset of the trial this is how the baby died, the jury is now expecting to hear evidence of how the baby died. so how can the defense do this through their own experts who will say we examined this, we examined that, we're familiar with this theory, we're familiar with that theory and in our opinion, this is how the baby died. if those experts are persuasive, she'll be acquitted, if shows experts are not persuasive, she'll be convicted.
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alisyn: just a couple of words, will they be on the stand or not? >> i don't think she will. it's a very difficult decision to make t. can only be made by the defendant herself, not by her lawyers, but after the court allowed the government to play the many hours-long tapes of her lying to the police, it will be very difficult to put a known liar on the witness stand, have her swear to tell the truth, and try and persuade the jury that when she was lying to the police she was somehow telling the truth. very difficult to do, it will dig the hole she's in even deeper. alisyn: thank you very much for breaking it down for us. >> any time my dear! >> catch the judge, week nights on forecasts business network, 8:00 p.m. eastern. you don't have to miss any of the drama coming out of casey anthony's murder trial while we are on air. it is streaming live on bill: all right. in a moment, alisyn, congress calling federal agents to the carpet, saying a botched operation left a trail of blood and bodyies,
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fueling the drug violence in mexico and costing american lives. it is a heavy charge. how did this happen? senator chuck grassley, just testifying at that hearing on capitol hill. he is our guest, next.
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alisyn: the parents of an 11-year-old killed in a fall from a ferris wheel is speaking out, avaya jones was on a class trip when she plunged 150 feet at an amusement park in new jersey, a report finding the girl was riding alone without restrains and such a fall could be caused by a rider kneeling or standing. the family and attorney are calling for amusement rides to install restraints. >> you send your child to school and you know school is one of the safest places you can send your child, you know they're going to come home. >> we do know with the passenger restraint system, this type of accident can
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happen. alisyn: the amusement park saying there didn't seem to be a mechanical problem and their thoughts and prayers are with the girl's family. how tragic. i've been on that very ride, many times, in wildwood, new jersey. bill: this is a live picture out of athens, greece, and what do we have here? protestors back in the streets, protesting some of the drastic measures that this country must take mou to get its debt in order. this is concern not only across europe but all around the world for how they manage this, and a bit earlier today, we're watching water canons in the streets as police are trying to beat back protestors from getting into a certain area and apparently, they've come back. alisyn: apparently today, there are more announcements of more budget cuts and people feel that after all the austerity measures, they just can't take anymore, and so they are sending a message loud and clear to their bottom. not clear what their government can do, other than more cuts. bill: there's a big rub here, what the rest of europe does, whether or not they give the loans that are required to keep greece in
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business, and there's a big debate inside these european countries, especially germany, as to whether or not they can afford to give greece money, they're not quite sure they can pay it back and if greece is the issue today, there's concern about portugal and maybe ireland down the road. this is where it starts and it's having an effect on us back at hoerpblg the stock market is down as a result. alisyn: down 78 points. you're right, that was one of the conditions in greece, that there be more budget cuts so that they can get more money from other countries, other countries, that feel comfortable loaning it to them, but the people of greece are not comfortable with those conditions. bill: off 77 points. could be worse. good day yesterday. all right. at the moment, the house homeland security committee is holding a controversial hearing on islamic radicalization in america. this is the second one led by new york congressman peter king. this time, he's focusing on our nation's prisons. catherine herridge, watching this live in d.c., what's happening, good morning. >> reporter: good morning,
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bill, thank you. witnesses this morning are testifying that the number of these cases may be low but the consequences are high. one witness points to the well known case of jose padilla, the so called dirty bomber, he converted to radical iz lame while in a florida prison for assault, after his release, padilla joined al-qaeda and traveled overseas where he connected with the architect of 911 to launch plots inside the united states. the commanding officer for counterterrorism operations in los angeles says the u.s. prison system is a target for recruiters because of the sheer volume of potential converts. >> we have the largest incarceration rate, the largest prison of any in the world and prisoners are by their very nature are susetible to recruitment and radicalization by extremist groups because of their isolation, violent tendencies and cultural discontent. >> reporter: another witness testified, a former federal prosecutor from california that the timeline between radicalization in prison and to launching a
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plot can be extremely short, sometimes in a number of cases, just months after they're released. bill: ? stpheupb today who is arguing the other side of this, that prisons aren't an issue for radicalization? >> reporter: well, there is. there's a sociology professor from pur due university and he was just testifying a few moments ago that he does not see the evidence to support the claim that prison radicalization is a major worry. >> there is some evidence for radicalization behind bars, putting the three sets of facts together, if prisons were a major cause of jihadist radicalization, we would expect to see a lot of it, but we don't. >> and the professor added when you look the a the raw numbers, cases of radicalization in prison that leads to plots against u.s. nationals and just gang activity which intensifies because of these connections to prison, he says you see that you really -- it's apels and oranges, the numbers are so different. bull bill catherine, thank you for that, catherine is
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watching that in washington. alisyn: let's check in with jon scott with what's coming up on "happening now". jon: capitol lawmakers saying enough is enough, they want answers about libya. they're about to fail a lawsuit on that. what it means for our role in the conflict. casey anthony's defense team calling for an acquittal. details at the top of the hour. you might have heard the judge talking about alisyn about his opinions. what does geraldo think? he joins us at a critical juncture in the trial. plus or live chat is up and running. we are happy to have you on the chat once again, so log on to now, click on the america's asking tab. we're talking about casey anthony. log on to the chat, weigh in, our live chat is back. alisyn. alisyn: sounds lick a good show, thank you very much. meanwhile, more than 600 sailor, returning home from their mission overseas, and boy, do they have the story of a lifetime!
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what they have experienced that will make them unique for the rest of their lives.
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bill: high profile hearings underway in washington, grilling agents on a gun hunting sting gone horribly wrong. there is testimony from relatives of this border agent, killed by drug runners. chuck grassley just testified, he's senator on the judiciary committee and sir, good morning to you. >> glad to be with you bill. bill: what went wrong here? is somebody not -- lying or not telling the full story? >> of course, one of the problems i and congressman issa have had is getting answers to our questions and getting documents and those
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questions being answered and those documents giving them the capability of answering your question of whether or not anybody is lying. but at this point, what went wrong is selling these guns, knowingly illegal, so that presumably you could follow the guns across the border and arrest drug cartel king pin. everybody at the grassroots of alcohol, tobacco and firearms division said it wouldn't work, gun dealers said it wouldn't work, but they were pushed by washington, d.c. to do it, and consequently, the prophecy became accurate when border patrol agent terry was murder and two of the guns were found at the murder scene. bill: who authorized this? did it come from the department of justice? or is that the purpose of it today? >> i think without it, without a doubt, the department of justice or divisions within the department of justice were involved, but there again,
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without getting the information that we've requested, it's difficult to know other than that there were meetings going on, but this thing was discussed in washington, d.c., as well as in phoenix. bill: darrell issa was on one of the morning programs, cbs, i believe this was, he calls it worse than iran contra. do you put it in that category? >> i'm not one of hose people that try to be dramatic in my work as senator. bill billion an overstatement? >> what i think you have to look at here is this is a applicable's right to know and with the applicable's right to know, you can call tra transparency, whatever you want to, but you get account eub89 and what we're trying to do in our constitutional role of checking the executive branch and balancing our government is to get answers to these questions so that people that are responsible for this ill bee gotten program that led to the
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murder of agent terry are held accountable for it, and i think that heads ought to roll, whoever authorized this. bill: okay. senator, thank you for your time. we'll see whether or not that is where it ends up. and certainly, our prayers are brian terry's family, who iso woel, they are, rather, testifying inside that hearing. i don't know what you say to them, but good luck, senator chuck grassley out of iowa. alisyn: we have a very interesting story coming up. more than 600 sailors returning from overseas and they have the story of a lifetime. what they took part in, you'll want to hear.
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bill: want to share an emotional home coming for some american heroes. watch this: love that sight! how about it? naval officers, members of the u.s.s. carl vincent crew that took part in the


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