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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  May 3, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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i'm so touched and honored. this university means the world to me. my dad is over there, my grand parents went to this university. so many people in my family did. this is for south carolina and for the earhart family and i'm so honored. >> do we have to call you dr. ainsley now? >> brian: dr. earhart. >> ainsley: you all get a pass. any letter you send me, brian, needs to say dr. ainsley earhardt. >> brian: enjoy your ceremony. congratulations. >> ainsley: all of our medical doctors are like what? we love our real physicians like this doctor over there. thank you, thank you, thank you. love you all. [applause] >> bill: good stuff. good morning, everybody. here we go now. former president donald trump arrives any moment now at the courthouse in new york.
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we expect remarks just like any day before entering day 11 of his criminal trial proceeding. stand by. we'll bring it to you when they're available in lower new york, lower manhattan. meanwhile, it is first columbia, then ucla this week. now another response to anti-israeli protests on campus. this time the nypd is moving in to clear out an encampment at nyu. so good morning as we say hello. we'll see how this goes. watched it earlier today. it is friday and i'm bill hemmer. how are you doing? >> dana: i'm great. how are you? >> bill: i'm better. >> dana: i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom" great to be here with you today. with less confrontational scene at nyu. some protestors obeyed orders to disbursed and they left their tents. after so much conflict and turmoil there is a jewish student at nyu describing living in fear. >> are you regretting choosing
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this university? >> to be honest i'm a little ashamed i go to nyu. my friends all go to scharff yeah university and protected and safe. i've been walking around feeling unsafe. >> bill: you have law enforcement revealing that many of these protestors are not even students. take a look at some of these stunning numbers. showing how many demonstrators have no connection to the school. student numbers on the left and non-student on the right. look at that. reaction in a moment. byron donalds from florida. disturbing encounter he had with the protestors not too far from the white house, in fact. fox news coverage from coast to coast. let's begin from california to new york and at the moment the action unfolds in new york city. molly line at nyu. what do you have? good morning. >> good morning, bill. busy morning for the nypd. they have numbers for us. 56 arrests made this morning between nyu and the new school in manhattan.
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without incidents. the strategic response officers moved in on both of these universities today. they are finishing up at the news school. the university center a and residence hall. protests loud and boisterous. it was the news school that called them in to disburse the illegal encamp. . they started this morning clearing the encampment at nyu. a rough wake-up call a little after 6:00 a.m. for demonstrators at this sight. they were warned of arrest if they didn't leave. very efficient and cleanup underway. columbia very interesting. in the wake of arrests after the nypd was mobilized to clear a campus building there, the stunted tours at the columbia law review are urging the school to cancel exams and give all
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students passing grades for their work throughout the semester or as an alternative suggest mandatory pass/fail. they write the violence we witnessed has shaken many of us. the events leaving peers unable to focus and highly emotional during this time. since april 18th police have arrested or detained roughly 2,000 protestors on at least 44 different college campuses across 24 states. bill, back to you. >> bill: thank you, molly. we'll be back to her with events from there. to the west coast. >> dana: william la jeunesse is in los angeles with the anti-israel protests out that way. hi, william. >> the 2200 arrested that molly refers to arrested across the u.s. in the last two weeks are forcing universities to decide do they enforce consequences for students who violate school rules and the law or not? at ucla360 faculty are deimagineding full legal and
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academic amnesty for the 210 teachers and students and others arrested there. the largest employee union may file a labor complaint against the university for its treatment of protestors. >> the students all they could to peacefully resist this crackdown. >> that's not exactly what the evidence shows. students were asked to leave. then fought police with fire extinguishers when they chose not you. yesterday all were released from jail for trespassing. >> it was a cause i believe in and surrounded by my fellow students. >> portland state police retook control of a lie bear now filled with graffiti and crash. he said if you believe that will impact events in the middle east you are delusional. >> i have seen one of the most peaceful protests i've been
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with. i don't think it was as bad as they made it out to be. >> two dozen tents popping up at the university of washington thursday. wisconsin police removed 34 tents only to see students erect 30 more and madison 90 arrested in dartmouth. at the university of minnesota students agreed to remove their tents after the university is considering divesting from doing business in israel. students have an option now if you are dismissed from a u.s. college for being part of the protests you can get free tuition to attend university in iran. thank you. >> dana: don't call us when you need rescue if you take them up on it. thank you, william. >> how much are they paying you? outside agitators aren't allowed. you are working for a foreign entity. >> that happened yesterday. an anti-israeli protestor
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unleashing an attack against byron donald. good morning to you. that was on the campus of george washington university not far from the white house. i heard how much is apec paying you, you race trader among other things i don't want to repeat. what was your experience there and what did you see and hear? >> well first of all good to be with you. what i saw was you had a large amount of vile people like that protestor and many others. they were shouting a lot of hateful speech towards jews. some hurled it at movement i'll deal with that on my own. at the end of the day what you have in these encampments like you reported are a lot of people not students at these universities. they are using these protests as a way to gin up more fear and more intimidation amongst jewish and other students at these campuses who just want to go to school. so it is really important for these universities to step up and to protect the students and
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not allow these outside forces to take over their institutions. >> dana: president biden had ignored the issue hoping it would go away until yesterday when for some reason, possibly because he was watching morning television on another network, he decided to give a statement. here is part of that from yesterday. >> president biden: we are not an authoritarian nation where we silence people neither are we a lawless country. we've all seen images and they put to the test two fundamental american principles. the first is the right to free speech. and for people to peacefully assembly and make their voices heard. the second is the rule of law. both must be upheld. >> dana: what did you -- what was your reaction to the president's statement yesterday? >> my reaction is the president is weak, the president is soft. his speech was mealy mouthed because he doesn't want to offend these protestors because he doesn't want to lose votes in
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michigan and minnesota. let's call it exactly what it is. free speech is protected. what you can't do is trespass or intimidate or violate the civil rights of other students in the process. that's exactly what's going on on these universities. because of his weak position and weak stance, it is only going to encourage more of this and it puts law enforcement and university officials on the line from trying to maintain order so all students can actually get the academic rigor they went to these schools for or they will devolve into more chaos. the statement was awful. >> bill: house hearing next wednesday. we'll see how that goes. james comer will hold that. encourage our viewers to check out the "wall street journal." they draw an interesting comparison looking back at 1968 and what happened in chicago during that convention and we'll see a little bit of that coming up this summer. bernie sanders alluded to it. bernie sanders, give this a listen here.
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>> this may be biden's vietnam. lyndon johnson in many respects was a very good president and he chose not to run in 68 because of opposition to his views on vietnam. and i worry very much that president biden is putting himself in a position where he has alienated not only young people but a lot of the democratic base. >> bill: there is a lot there, sir. which one do you choose to respond to? >> first of all, what joe biden has alienated is most of america with his terrible policies whether it's inflation, massively open southern border hurting all americans or abroad with a failing foreign policy. bernie sanders can know what he wants. his policies are a joke. joe biden has failed america. if the base of the democrat
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party does not want to live in the real world with the rest of us, so be it. don't drag americans down that road of these crazy policies which has now been proven not to work for the people of our country. >> dana: let's leave on a high note. listen to the patriotic demonstrators singing the national anthem at rutgers. ♪ [crowd singing star-spangled banner] [cheers and applause] >> dana: give you the final word there, sir. >> love it. i would encourage all these students at these campuses to be bold and stand for what's right. stand for our country and stand for the civil rights of all students. if students stand up and take back their campuses from these agitators, the agitators will
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see they are outnumbered. i love it. we need to see more of it. >> bill: a couple things on the bernie sanders comment. in that clip we heard vietnam, young people in america and lbj deciding not to run for a second term. >> dana: that's the part i picked up on. is bernie sanders suggesting biden might decide to drop out before the convention in 1968? by 8:00 we might hear more about that. >> we're learning more about the folks on campus and the rules they live by. the "wall street journal." the spreading protest movement isn't a political accident. it is part of a larger strategy spreading disorder to force colleges and u.s. policy to bend to the left's will and demands as events this week at columbia and ucla show. there was a pamphlet that popped up yesterday. eric adams made it public. the rules they live by are interesting. they follow those rules when you
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talk about reporters trying to ask them questions. they said i'm not trained media. that was a clear indication for those who were involved to not speak to media. and keep the message streamlined. very interesting. >> dana: -- we expect to hear from former president donald trump moments from now as he goes inside the courtroom. stand by. it's another day. we'll bring you remarks when they happen. also this. texas. >> get out, get out. >> a driver told to turn around, dangerous flash flooding across the south and another severe threat today. as we see colleges fall to anti-semitic protestors we're digging into the cost of chaos. here's great news. at newday we've been granted automatic authority by the va to make our own loan approval decisions. in fact, if you've had credit challenges
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>> bill: 13 minutes away from court getting underway. we expect the doors to open and president trump to enter for day 11 of his criminal trial. we expect to hear comments in a moment as well a day after he left a long day of court and went to a firehouse in new york city and delivered pizza. my recommendation would be joe's at bleaker and car mine. i believe that's new york's finest pizza. it is -- that's very good, $0.99 a slice. >> dana: my sister loves $0.99 a slice. >> they closed because the neighborhood went to hell. >> dana: covid? >> bill: no, the neighborhood went to hell. that was the scene at the nyfd.
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the scene outside the courthouse. when it happens we'll bring it to you moments away. stand by on that, all right? first tough weather in texas. >> dana: my goodness. severe weather lashing texas, videos capture a huge tornado outside the town of hallie where cleanup is underway this morning. flash flood warnings are issued across east texas and near houston where the water levels reached the roofs of some homes there. stay up to date in the latest weather with fox weather, scan the qr code on your screen. download the app. >> bill: the doors are open and we expect any moment now the former president to walk in. a shorter day for court. one of the jurors has an obligation at the end of the day and the judge said yesterday we will end today i think it's 3:45.
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>> dana: summer fridays. >> bill: they take wednesday off. this week they took monday off, too. >> dana: they're barely working over there. >> bill: perhaps next week they get back to monday, tuesday, thursday, friday. >> dana: the president is here now. [shouted questions] >> thank you very much. they've asked me to speak a little bit about the job numbers. they just came out and they're horrible. i say that not happily. i say that very unhappily. the numbers are horrible. these people are destroying the country. here is another sign of it. so as you probably know, before i did, job numbers came out. they are really low and bad. our economy is bad and now it's starting to show. you will see it will be getting worse. it will only get worse. we've only gone one way with the
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so-called leadership. there is no leadership. with the so-called leadership we have in this country. that's number one. number two is where we are now, we're at the courthouse instead of being in georgia, instead of being in any one of i would say ten states where i would like to be right now. we have ten states. months ago we were marked down to be in georgia today where we're doing very well in the polls. that's where we were supposed to be. we were supposed to be in ohio tomorrow and supposed to be in florida on the next day doing campaigning, essentially campaigning. so now i have to go through this trial day after day. the trial is -- we're winning the trial. if we had a fair judge, i don't think he would have allowed this trial to take place. i would go and read the newspaper stories today, the legal experts.
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they have come out with scathing reports of this trial, scathing that it shouldn't even be taking place. gregg jarrett, reid, andrew mccarthy, all of them. it's incredible. especially what came out with a strong article. jonathan turley has been very, very powerful. just came out with another article. just read them. i don't know these people for the most part. these are legal experts and they say this trial is a disgrace. yesterday alvin bragg sat here all afternoon at in the meantime there is nothing but violence going on outside. the worst d.a. in the country. over nothing, over no crime. everyone says there was no crime. everything was legal. and they are doing this because
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it is politics. they want to get biden elected. that's the only reason. the judge is highly conflicted and shouldn't be allowed to be the judge of this case. he is trying to make it as salacious as possible by allowing testimony that has nothing to do with the case. he wants it to make it an isolationist case trying to hurt trump. i think it's having the opposite effect. the poll numbers are higher than they've ever been and that's the story. he is trying to make it salacious. he is allowing things in that have nothing to do with this case, nothing to do with it. he is allowing things in but nothing for us. he gives everything to the corrupt d.a. we have a corrupt d.a. he is not doing his job. new york city is a violent city. it has become violent with the cashless bail, i'm the only one that has to put up bail. so i just want to tell you that the case is going fine. we have a corrupt d.a. and a corrupt judge who shouldn't be on this case and it is a
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disgrace to america and a disgrace to our court system. i implore the judges. he refused to listen to the appellate decision. he refused. i won that case. that's the attorney general case. i won that case. he refused to order of the appellate division. he gave them -- you understand that, he looked at them and said i'm not doing this. i'm not doing this. i won't follow the orders. what does he care? he is retiring or something. another corrupt judge. and the third judge you know about him. that was a disgraceful situation. so this is all in new york. the people know, but it is a
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democratic -- corrupt president, this president that is destroying our country. look at the job numbers today. they were so much lower. nobody ever thought a thing like this could happen so quickly. they are trying to get this horrible president, the worst president in the history of our country, they are trying to get him elected with these three judges that i have had in new york. and it is a disgrace. an absolute disgrace. [inaudible question] >> what's my plan for jobs? my plan for jobs is to drill, baby drill, to bring energy down. close up the border, to get rid of all the criminals allowed into our country. our country is being inundated with criminals from all over the world. the jail populations from all over the world, they're driving them into america and dropping
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off in the good old usa and taking them out of mental institutions and taking them out of jail from all over the world. not just south america. and all of this is greatly affecting our country in very negative ways. we'll make america great again. thank you very much. [[inaudible question] ] >> the gag order stops me from talking about people and responding when they say things about me. we have people saying things about me and i'm not allowed to respond. this judge has taken away my constitutional rights. and as the republican candidate and somebody that is leading biden by a lot, i should be able to respond. this guy has me with a gag order. we are filing, i think today, a constitutional motion to get this -- we'll be filing a motion on the constitutionality of it. if somebody says something about me and i am not allowed to
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respond that's never happened before. thank you. [inaudible question] . >> bill: hitting on some of the legal hits touching just about every judge he is up against. he took two questions. usually he doesn't necessarily do that. that gag order really is something that his lawyers have continued to fight again today. mentioned the job numbers. not great. the fed is trying to do to lower the job rate. wall street loves it, stock market will take off in five minutes time. he talked about being in ten different states. very important because trump will touch on that a lot. joe biden was in north carolina yesterday and coming up next hour we'll explain why that state is so important and how it could be really the deciding state perhaps in 2024. or not. just a few things. >> dana: indeed. >> bill: okay. >> they are ruining our lives because of this movement. they just feel angry. i think that tiktok has really
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fueled this division and really indoctrinated an entire generation. >> bill: what about that now? new york police arresting protestors at nyu clearing out the encampment at day break. students are being manipulated by agitators on social media and many say their views on the war against hamas have been shaped by instagram and tiktok. shocker. madison from nyu, good morning. >> good morning, bill. as you can see behind me the encamp. is entirely cleaned up after police arrested protestors here this morning. very real world consequences for a movement they say is being pushed online. >> it is propaganda, social media, it is students are already passionate and upset about an issue and now you have a person whispering in their ear we should take over the building or something like that. when young minds are in that state, it is pretty easy to be
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influenced by somebody who is a professional at manipulation. >> as you said, many protestors have said that their views on the israel/hamas war have been shaped largely by their instagram feeds, tiktok and other social media accounts along what they are hearing from professors. students see posts that call for the globalization of a student intifada. the student movement is stronger than any weapon held by our occupiers or the state forces that defend them. we'll remain in the encampment. the idea to build encampments to occupy spaces is coordinated online. crime, said to be used as a hub for anarchists and antifa activists have recently published lessons on how to protest on campus. in a post they tell students to learn from previous generations
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who also took over spaces. occupation lessons include things like you don't need to convince everyone before the occupation. everyone knows the situation. you just start the party. also saying quote, when you take a building, don't immediately hold a meeting. that's a mistake. start changing the space, preparing it, remolding it to your desires. social media obviously runs the show here when it comes to online. there are also things handed out at protests. we've seen those signs that protestors have. this is something i picked up at columbia on wednesday. first glance it looks like a "new york times." it says the new york war crimes. this is stuff handed out at columbia university for any of the protestors and students there. all the consent that's fit to manufacture. so very much real media, online media pushing this narrative and really rallying these students. >> bill: interesting stuff. clever, too. madison, thanks, here in new
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york. >> dana: crews are being left to clean up the mess from abandoned protest camp. now a debate over who should foot the bill. the universities or the cities? cheryl casone joins us next. i think it should be the students. >> i think the university has plenty of money to cover these costs and one of the big arguments right now that actually was starting in the state of new york before these protests erupted was the fact that last year alone columbia and nyu saved $327 million in property taxes. they are exempt from paying property taxes, as are unc chapel hill and ucla. so if they aren't paying the property taxes yet, the new york city taxpayer or the la taxpayer is having to foot the bill for the police presence that has been requested by these university presidents. then that means the taxpayers are footing the bill for all of this. that's one side of this story. the other is the fact that even new york city mayor eric adams,
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who went on fox five yesterday said we aren't going to pay for this. if columbia wants us to stay until may 17th, the president's request. let us get through commencement, that will be interesting, then fine. but you pay for the overtime of nypd. that's a very fair request. >> bill: that's 12 days, right? >> it's expensive. >> bill: you have the nine new york council members, many of which are democrats. some republicans writing this. columbia created this mess and columbia not new yorkers should pay the clear it up. new york city has real problems. babysitting spoiled students, activist professors and professional protestors on an ivy league campus is not one of them. >> do you know what columbia also? the largest landowner in manhattan. the largest landowner. are they a university or landlords? they're both. do you know how many city blocks
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they level over the last 20 years columbia university themselves? so you can't tell me that you need help and that the average new yorker who is struggling to barely pay rent is supposed to cover the cost of this. residents of l.a. have just as strong opinion as i do as what's happening in my city as what is happening if theirs. >> dana: if i knew i messed up this badly and they had a billion dollar endowment, i would just say we'll pay it. we'll pay for it. stop the bleeding on that piece. maybe the communications team -- >> $90,000 is what it costs to go to columbia. you know who is getting really angry? the parents? why many i spending $90,000? >> dana: president trump entering the courtroom for day 11 of his historic new york criminal trial. eric shawn is live outside the
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courthouse. hi, eric. >> good morning, dana. we heard the former president speak as he arrived here. yesterday the jury heard the former president in his own words talk about the case telling his lawyer and fixer michael cohen to pay karen mcdougal with a check. legal experts say that's important. the revelations paid for the jury in the courtroom coming from a meeting between the former president and michael cohen that they had two months before election day back in 2016. cohen secretly recorded that meeting using his iphone. they were heard talking about arranging the financing to pay mcdougal so she wouldn't go public about her alleged ten month long affair with trump. >> i spoke to allen about it. when it comes "time" for the financing. >> what financing >> we'll have to pay? >> no, no, no, i got this. no. >> you heard it.
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the word check. on the tape the former president tells cohen first to pay with cash, then the check. legal experts say that's very crucial because the defense can claim that means trump thought the deal was legit. a check, of course, leaves a record of any business transaction and nowhere on the recording is trump heard talking about mcdougal's deal to help his election bid for president. earlier the jury heard another recording between cohen and davidson. the lawyer for both mcdougal and daniels who made the deal. cohen said he told trump the agreement with mcdougal was the right thing to do. >> what about me? i can't even tell you how many times he said to me, you know, i hate the fact that we did it. and my comment to him was but every person that you have spoken to told you it was the right move. >> more testimony today from doug daas, the phone expert.
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you heard the former president claim he believes he is winning this case. also saying they will file a lawsuit against the judge's gag order that prevents him from attacking jurors and the witnesses. that really aimed at witnesses specifically michael cohen. back to you in the studio. >> dana: eric shawn, thank you. >> bill: want to bring in jonna spilbor. criminal defense attorney. you are trained to look at the defendant's point of view here. last night you sent us a note and said i cannot emphasize enough the fact there is no evidence of a crime because there is no crime. you call this a kangaroo court. stand by that? >> absolutely. i think all of the legal eagles, we sound like broken records. we all say look, there is no crime. i can only over simplify it like this. you can't take innocent conduct, call it criminal, and create a crime from it. if you walk into a bank and withdraw your own money and walk out with a pile of cash you have
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not committed bank robbery even if you are running for office when you do that. that's what alvin bragg and his team have done here and it is insane and scary. the good news is i think originally everybody wanted donald trump to not lose. at this point i actually do think he is winning. >> dana: that he would be acquitted because it is preposterous. he brought up the fact that people can say things about him but under the gag order he is not allowed to say about him. let's call um the michael cohen posts. see it for yourself . keep messing with me, donald and i won't send any money to your commissary, saying if he goes to prison there. another one that trump is desperate and that we all hope he takes the stand in his defense. michael cohen said i'll pull back on this but he has videos on tiktoks and making money. if anybody says it's unfair in all of this, this is really seeming unfair to people.
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>> it is unfair and it will all come up when he is cross-examined. michael cohen is the star witness. when you have that juvenile rhetoric, it might be the nail in the coffin for the prosecution's case. >> bill: is he more important than storm' daniels or karen mcdougal? >> stormy daniels not important at all. i don't know why mcdougal's name was brought up. this is about the $130,000 regarding stormy daniels. why anybody else was brought in makes no sense. >> on tuesday davidson testified mcdougal sold her story because she didn't want it published and if stormy daniels had the same logic, they were looking for money, right? and they didn't want the public to know about any affair between the two. so we've been told about a catch and kill project, right? but it just seems like they were -- that's what the intent was.
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>> dana: they were selling no story. >> that's b.s. davidson is nothing but a smut broker. this is his niche. some of us represent people hurt. some handle divorces, he targets celebrities with deep pockets to prevent the scandalous stories from coming up. that's how he makes his money. >> dana: this is about the gag order. [inaudible question] >> the gag order is not to testify. the gag order stops me from talking about people and responding when they say things about me. we have people saying things about me and i'm not allowed to respond. so this judge has taken away my constitutional rights. and as the republican candidate and somebody that is leading biden by a lot, i should be able to respond. this guy has me with a gag order. what we're filing, i think
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today, constitution motion to get this out. we'll be filing a motion on the constitutionality of it. if somebody says something about me and i'm not allowed to respond, that has never happened before. thank you. >> dana: we want to ask you about that, which is trump's team will file a lawsuit about the gag order. what do you know about that? >> all i know is that it will be a little too little too late. they'll file it on a friday. if a court stays the gag order so -- i don't think this case will go on that much longer. the next two weeks he can address michael cohen and say what he wants about potential witnesses. that would be a win. otherwise this trial will be over by the time a decision on the gag order is made. >> bill: good stuff, jonna. we'll see what happens today. okay? feel better? >> a little bit. >> dana: we're glad to provide that for you. watch this here.
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nypd body cam footage capturing the moment officers breached the university building occupied by protestors. we have much more of this dramatic footage ahead plus fulton county d.a. fani willis back under the microscope. state lawmakers investigating whether she misspent public funds. >> i don't need anything from a man. a man is not a plan. a man is a companion.
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>> dana: so court is underway as we mentioned. this is friday, so they've had-the third day of court this week. right now we just got information in from shannon telling us that inside the courtroom, the defense team is
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asking a very interesting question, bill. it has to do with the case that was dropped, all the charges dropped against harvey weinstein last week because the defense team here is arguing isn't this the same situation that you are bringing in witnesses that have nothing to do with this case and you were charged for? i don't know how the judge will rule. they are looking at that and also more gag order questions happening as well at the court now. we'll keep you updated as we find out more about that. >> bill: love to have a camera in there. >> dana: pay attention to the weinstein piece. >> bill: meanwhile police in new york releasing some dramatic body cam footage. it shows anti-israeli protestors confronting officers. this was the moment they went inside hamilton hall at columbia this week. [shouting]
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>> bill: this goes on for a while. watched it yesterday and i believe that's daytime video. sometimes you can see out the window. looks like the sun is out. that's not the nighttime video when they went back in. they had the ladder over the cop car in the street and they went into the second floor? nypd had a plan and they executed it and did it quite well. >> dana: i was listening to the daily podcast of the "new york times" and a reporter said he couldn't believe all these teenagers were being treated like this by the police and then we find out that over half of the people arrested are not students. so i don't think that's the teenagers you are thinking about there in that instance. >> bill: that was the scene at columbia this week. it continues in california now. check it out. >> graffiti debasing the university. they got tents.
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all over the quad. they trashed the whole place. >> dana: this video is getting a ton of attention on tiktok captures the ucla encamp. before police moved in. the student tried walking through the area and immediately confronted by masked protestors. also our next guest. he is a senior at ucla. start off by telling us your t-shirt is sending a message here. where do you sit in terms of your opinion about what should be the ultimate good outcome, if we can get there? >> thanks for mentioning the t-shirt. this is from christians united for israel and my message about wearing this shirt is basically that i as a student have 0 tolerance for anti-semitism at ucla campus and i support the existing of a jewish homeland in israel. i was stopped by masked anti-israel protestors who
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mistook me for someone of jewish background saying i was an israeli agitator and physically assaulted me on friday. the last time i was on campus they punched my brother in the head and reached into their hoodie pocket and claimed they had a weapon. i just wanted to free my campus from these people and give my other students an opportunity to be able to access the campus without segregation, without people telling us that we can't go to the library, and i just want to see a safe, beautiful campus where we can all learn and we can all come together for positivity for education. >> bill: they crashed your campus, you know that, right? some of the video you just referred to i think we have that here. you mentioned last friday. i don't know if this was last friday or a few days ago. >> you can take this and get out of here. that's the library that i use. that's where i have classes in. >> would you like to go to the
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library? >> would you like -- you want to walk myself to the library? how about this? my daughter don't need no one to walk her. i'm a grown man and i don't need no one to walk me. >> bill: did you make it to the library? >> we end up being in murphy hall instead because the violent protestors would not allow us to have freedom on this campus. for now my classes are canceled today. i'm hoping that sometime next week or very soon we can get back to normalcy on this campus. really it's about graduation time for a lot of students and this is where we take grad photos. you can see the graffiti and everything defaced the campus, damaged property. they left a lot of mess behind. tents and plywood and other things people had to clean up. i hope we can get back to a state of normalsy at this campus. >> dana: you have a dream of writing a book one day and
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everycome a lot in your life and wish you the very best. good luck in your life. >> bill: good luck. >> thank you. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: i have good news for you, the knicks try to close out the series against philadelphia. game six was this final shot. >> toss it in. he throws it up. it's over. >> bill: about time. >> dana: the knicks win 118 to 115. they will face the pacers in the second round. game one is monday at msg. will you be there? >> bill: probably not monday. it is hard to get tickets. maybe wednesday. also because of monday. can i tell you what? the joint rocks. the garden is lit when the knicks are there. >> dana: never been at msg for a knicks game. maybe one day. >> bill: the series is a tough
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one. survived and advanced and indiana is on a role. the pacers have completed their series against milwaukee. they have caitlin clark starting in a week in indianapolis. >> dana: that's not the same team. >> bill: i'm just saying, that's correct. >> dana: not yet. >> bill: correct on that. she will have her first preseason game tonight against dallas. thank you, charlie, our iowa correspondent fresh in from des moines. >> dana: let's get to this. >> boeing still has issues working to address safety concerns. we're learning about a second boeing whistleblower who has died unexpectedly. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it.
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we pull people off the street and ask them about their hearts. how's your heart? doing good, thank you. is it? i think so. you think so but, how do you know, right? i don't actually know. how do i know? you don't actually know. i'm believing so. with kardio mobile, you can take a medical grade ekg in just 30 seconds from anywhere. kardia mobile is proven to detect atrial fibrillation, one of the leading causes of stroke. this year give mom peace of mind for mother's day with kardia mobile for just $79, check out our mother's day sale at or amazon. >> bill: news now another whistleblower suddenly died.
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he filed a complaint against boeing alleging a key boeing supplier ignored manufacturing defects on the 737 max. dan springer live in seattle with more on this now. dan, hello. >> the deaths of the two whistleblowers are unrelated except both men worked on boeing planes and both men allege shoddy work was being done. joshua dean died after a two week fight of an infection. he dean was fired by spirit a year ago claiming it was retaliation for him pointing out a manufacturing defect on max planes back in 2022. in a statement issued by spirit, they said our thoughts are with josh dean's family. the sudden loss is stunning news at spirit and for his loved ones. john bar networked on the dreamliner in charleston, south carolina. the day before he was to give a deposition in his whistleblower
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suit against boeing he was found in his truck with a single gunshot wound to the head. charleston police have ruled it a suicide. the deaths come as boeing is still facing intense scrutiny following the door plug blow-out in january on a 737 max nine. multiple investigations of the incident including a criminal probe being done by the justice department that sent letters to all the passengers on that flight saying they may have been a victim of a crime. the ntsb issued a finding the door plug had been taken off for an unrelated repair and reinstalled without four critical bolts. boeing is facing some legal jeopardy over the two fatal crashes of 737 max 8s in 2018 and 2019. the justice department has until july to decide whether to drop criminal charges against the company. boeing has already paid out more than $2.5 billion in fines, penalties and lawsuits but some of the families of the victims want boeing tried for a crime.
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only one boeing employee, a test pilot, was put on trial and he was acquitted by a jury. >> bill: intriguing. dan springer live in seattle on that. we'll follow it up. >> dana: attorneys for brian kohberger claim prosecutors submitted key evidence that was altered. they told the judge that audio was removed from surveillance footage that allegedly puts his car near the crime scene. the judge will review it in a hearing later this month. the defense claims kohberger was out for a drive when four college students were stabbed to death in their home. former president trump returning to new york state supreme court this morning for day 11 of his criminal trial in manhattan. right now his defense is cross examining the prosecution's seventh witness. an investigator for the manhattan d.a. who recovered cell phone conversations between trump and his former attorney michael cohen who ha