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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  November 10, 2022 4:00am-5:00am PST

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>> trormt nicole battering florida with storm surge and heavy rain after making landfall as a cat 1 hurricane. >> more than 125,000 people have no power. >> republicans are inching closer to securing 218 seats in lower chamber this as key senate races in nevada and arizona are still just too close to call. >> as herschel walker and senator raphael warnock are headed to a december runoff in georgia. >> georgia is going to be, once again, ground zero for control of the senate. >> cpi report is set to drop this morning with experts
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predicting prices will continue to rise. >> biden admitted he can't guarantee that he can solve inflation. >> i can't guarantee but i do think we can. >> i have one goal tonight. cma and luke bryan bringing down the gem. >> to unite the country. >> i have one thing to say to all of that. luke bryan for president, everybody. [cheers and applause] >> steve: good morning, everybody. it's 7:00 on this thursday, november 10th, 2022 and we start this hour with a fox weather alert. tropical storm nicole is battering florida, the east coast. storm surge and heavy randz rains. the storm made landfall category 1 hurricane 3 a.m. eastern time this morning. >> brian: more than 185,000 people in florida are without power as systems move inland towards florida's west coast now. >> ainsley: griff jenkins is live in vero beach, florida with
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the latest. griff? >> griff: good morning, this storm is far from done and nicole came on as a category 1 just after 3:00 a.m. just south of where we are in vero beach and the story about the storm right now is the storm surge. we are about an hour, hour and a half from high tide. and this is a particularly large tide coming in. it's a king tide. coincides with a full moon. came at a bad time because it came with a tropical storm. you can see the debris and how angry the ocean is going all the way up about a mile a boardwalk, the structural integrity gave. it had to be closed. we spoke with the battalion chief for indian river county, he said there was one rescue they had to make on a boat. rescuing two individuals that got caught in this storm; however, there have been no major buildings collapsing and we have seen some of that a little farther north of daytona. this is the story of it. i'm going to turn to my cameraman mike just a little bit.
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hopefully not get too much rain on the camera. sees a you look up the coast some buildings and homes and restaurants and whatnot do extend into the water. and that what's what we are going to be watching for the next several hours as the back side of this very large storm comes ashore. but, one thing is for sure, if you live anywhere from daytona all the way down to jupiter and to palm beach, stay put. as you can see a gentleman coming out to sort of see the damage out there, but inland flooding, coastal flooding is going to be an issue as well because nicole is far from done as we continue to sort of see what is happening here in virus row beach historic for november. go back to 1935 to have one hit the east coast. it came this time in early november. guys, send it back to you. >> steve: griff, i know you are a surfer and looking at those waves and thinking i should be out there. and people invariably are out there. i'm looking, you mentioned the high tide from where you are at right now it's about 9:49 this
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morning. the area you are at right now as the camera guy cleans off the lens will be under water. that particular strip of concrete probably, right? it. >> griff: absolutely, steve. the tide come out now. you can see the ocean debris and last high tide got over this wall and came, obviously, under some of the buildings and that's what they're watching. there is actually a public park as well just south of us extends a little bit farther out. it was really getting hit. and yesterday's high tide around 8:00 p.m. last night. that's the concern. and that's why for the next several hours there really have a danger zone. send it back to you, steve. >> steve: got to worry about the storm surge indeed. thank you. be careful. >> janice: griff mentioned the historic nature of this storm. so, when you look back at november hurricanes hitting florida, this is the second latest. the first being kate in 1985.
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and then we have got several of these in the 1800s when we didn't name the hurricanes. so this is quite historic. late hurricane season. boom here we had three hurricanes in the atlantic this year in november, which is pretty incredible. i also want to make mention by 9 way we have a blizzard across the northern plains. we haven't been able to cover that. that's a big deal as well with two feet of snow blizzard conditions. storm made landfall earlier this morning around the port st. lucie area. here is the latest tracking as we go into thursday and friday coming out of the gulf of mexico briefly making another landfall over the big bend or the panhandle of florida. and then coming up towards the mid-atlantic and the northeast as a nor'easter this weekend. so there's the track, the current thinking as it moves across the central florida region. and then into the panhandle and then up towards georgia and the southeast. heavy rainfall certainly. tropical storm force winds. the storm surge is still going to be imminent for the next several hours not only for the east coast of florida but for the west coast as well. and then, you know, we watched
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this as it sort of developed into an extra tropical system and brings heavy rainfall across the northeast and heavily populated neighborhoods along the i-95 corridor. so we will be talking about this friday to saturday. behind it, cold enough for snow. there's the rain forecast as we come up towards the northeast friday, saturday, through sunday. so several inches of rainfall going back to florida where we have the power outages. i think 180,000 already without power. and we still think widespread power outages for much of the sunshine state or the possibility as we head up towards the carolinas and georgia. then we have the tornado risk as well with these land falling three-point line systems. three-point line tornadoes not really powerful ones but one that could cause structural damage and bring power lines down. we will continue to monitor this. pretty incredible. steve, ainsley, brian, another. >> steve: king tide down there beach erosion. >> janice: yes, very concerning. >> steve: meanwhile, let's switch to politics. washington, d.c. as well where
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control of congress still up for grabs on this thursday morning. >> brian: all right. look what is open, nevada and arizona still counting ballots in key senate races. herschel walker and raphael warnock heading to a run off in december. >> ainsley: joins us with the latest from the peach state. >> here we go again. yet another runoff in the state of georgia. the two candidates this time around, they just don't have much time. they got to get right back on the campaign trail because tuesday, december 6th will be on us very, very quickly. less than a month away. senator warnock taking to twitter with a message there to his supporters where he says hey, we are going to do this again. now, we're going to a run off, let's do it one more time. he actually included a little button in the tweet as well to donate to his campaign. >> we got soldier on for a few more weeks, shucks. i have been fighting for three years. i have faith in the people of georgia. and whether it's tonight or a
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few nights from now, you mark my word, the people of georgia are going to get this right. >> i'm not giving this seat up because, right now the georgia people are hurting because there's inflation. the georgia people are hurting because of crime on the street. so i'm going to keep fighting. >> herschel walker saying he is going to keep fighting. he will take that fight today to cherokee county. going to make an 57ance in canton, georgia on the campaign trail and by his side will be senator ted cruz. we expect to see that kind of thing more and more in the next few weeks. big names in both parties descending on georgia to try to help out with the campaign. walker, of course, is looking to improve on what he did in the general election the other night. he under performed the republican governor, brian kemp by more than 200,000 votes. now, the other thing to remember there was a libertarian candidate on the ballot earlier in the week as well. that candidate received more than 80,000 votes. so in a race this close there, will be a big fight for those supporters as well. you know, and the one final note
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to make on this is about timing. we had a run-off or run offs here in georgia the last time around after the last election. there were two runs off then and two months to campaign. this time it's only this race and the next election day if you will is less than a month away. back to you guys. >> steve: connell, quick question for you. i saw that apparently a number of people around donald trump are encouraging him to delay his big announcement next week until after that run off, speaking of timing. do we know whether or not the former president is going to do that? >> we do not. as we know as of now, there is still that announcement set for next week from the former president in mar-a-lago. but, you are right, that has come from a number of big officials in the party. both on and off the record saying that maybe it wouldn't be the best idea timing wise to do it right now with this runoff come up. but, you remember, as you guys remember the last time around, the former president who was then involved in the 2020
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election was very involved in the run-off in a number of appearances here in georgia ahead of january 2021. we will see what happens next weeks. >> brian: right. he is quite angry at the republicans in that state. connell, thank you. i think president one of the weakest technically republican state georgia. think about this, he supported senator brian perdue run against brian kemp. brian kemp crushed him. brian kemp won re-election. he wouldn't against stacey abrams he won wider margin. raffensperger won re-election handily. just about everybody won and herschel is on the doorstep. maybe the most valuable person for him would be brian kemp. >> steve: or maybe ron desantis. >> brian: absolutely. >> steve: ron desantis went one state up to georgia to campaign for herschel to knows. >> ainsley: big donors all over the country are going to be supporting both candidates, the democrat and republican in that. >> steve: lots of money.
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>> ainsley: so much hangs on this one race. >> brian: important point is people talking about trumping and getting involved and not getting involved. huge problem with mi rick scottd mitch mcconnell. one had a leadership fund. the other had rnc senate fund. they would fund certain candidates. others would ignore certain candidates. so mcconnell and rick scott should have really found a way to get a therapist. >> steve: mitch mcconnell did fund j.d. vance to the tune of $35 million because j.d. only had $12 million as of october 19th. mitch mcconnell super pac came in, got a bunch of ads and changed how the people of ohio felt about tim ryan and ultimately j.d. vance won. >> brian: not with blake masters. he left bolduc out to his own devices. obviously trump should have put in more money, too. >> ainsley: one of the reasons y'all went to the polls to the vote because of inflation. inflation is so high right now. we are at a 40 year high. every time you go into the grocery store you try try to buy
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a plane ticket. everything is more expensive. your rent has gone up. it's affecting all of our lives. the consumer price index comes out this morning at 8:30. in a little more than an hour. they are expecting it to go up in october compared to september. but not by much. so we will let you know what those numbers are. they expect it will prices continue to group like air fare and your rent. the price of some goods they are expecting to go down. >> steve: in september the core inflation rate is 6.6. they are expecting it to go to 6.5. but yesterday, when joe biden was asked during his one hour press conference, where he had a list of 10 names and only asked nine people questions, nine people got ask him questions, he was asked about the inflation thing. and what's he going to do about it? and here's the answer because it's impacting all of us. >> what i can't do is i can't guarantee that we're going to be able to get rid of inflation but i do think we can.
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we have already brought down the price of gasoline about 1.20 a gallon across the board. and i think that the the oil companies are really doing the nation a real disservice. so there's a whole lot of things that we can do that are difficult to do. we are going to continue to push to do them. >> brian: he already admitted last week that he told everybody to stop the railing. he took coal, 22% of our energy source, and he says i'm going to close up all coal plants and again he finds somebody to blame these horrible ceos at oil and gas companies how basically told all the major banks make sure you don't invest in them. but it's their fault. airline fare is up 42%. things like margarine up 44%. health insurance up 30%. it's always somebody's fault. hard to keep up because it's vamvladimir putin's fault, saudi
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arabia's fault and horrible gas and oil companies who he basically targeted as john kerry will tell you as joe biden will tell you when people went to the polls. they agree country is on the wrong track. up to republicans to point out the policies that led us there. >> steve: that poll, brian, fox news voter analysis half the country blamed joe biden but the other half said that the inflation was caused by things out of his control. once again right down the middle. >> ainsley: they said it's affecting every country thrill. we are not only one. >> ainsley: hand it over to carley for more headlines. >> carley: wild footage to show you. >> steve: you need to turn on your microphone. >> carley: uh-oh. >> brian: here, you can take mine. >> carley: i don't think it's going to work like that. all right, we will do it this
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way for now. suspects lead authorities for a chase fit for a video game. white van was stolen as the suspect tried to outrun police when it finally cornered darts inside a home and second truck all while on live tv. a driver ran several squad cars before finally being apprehended after officers fired shots into his car when he backed into police. the wild chase reportedly began over that driver's failure to for a routine stop. deadly listeria outbreak is being linked to deli meats and cheeses. 60 infections reported in the u.s. with almost half of those country cases in new york. one death reported so far in maryland. and meta employees are slamming the company for anno announcing layoffs via email. about 13% of its workforce after a major downturn in business. one form of employee taking to
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twitter i just woke up to find out i had been laid off from meta via email. company lay off by email classy. mark zuckerberg has not responded to comments on how he is conducting layoffs. and take a look at this adorable version of the pledge of allegiance will. >> i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america. to the republic for which it stands. >> carley: brian, how cute is that? >> brian: unbelievable. charlotte from ohio. her mom says she passed an american flag on the way home that dale and learned the pledge that day. >> brian: i found -- i see you from a distance but to see your work is truly on -- >> steve: there have been cutbacks. >> carley: i think we should do this now forever. we should get a sweater that says one arm there and one arm
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there. >> ainsley: you all are literal a attached at the hip. >> carley: attached for life. >> brian: i wanted to give me microphone and when she started i was really attached to her. >> carley: so nice to do this for me. >> brian: no problem. a little bit later would you do me a favor, would you tease us out? >> carley: yeah, sure. do i read it? it's ainsley's tease. >> ainsley: go for it. >> carley: okay, nancy grace is up next.ave >> steve: that was tough. [laughter] ronic kidney disease. they're the top two causes of ckd. ckd usually starts with no symptoms. so you can have it and not know it. to find out, check the kidney numbers from your lab tests. ♪far-xi-ga♪ if you have chronic kidney disease, farxiga can help slow its progression. farxiga can cause serious side effects including dehydration, urinary tract or genital yeast infections in women and men, and low blood sugar. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect
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>> ainsley: casey anthony is back in the spotlight nearly 14 years after her toddler daughter cailee was found dead. the florida mother was acquitted of murder charges back in july 2011. the new docuseries claims to take a closer look at her side
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of the story and it will be released at the end of this month. our next guest was actually invited to be part of this interview and declined. fox nation host nancy grace joins us now. good morning, nancy. why did you decide not to take part in the docuseries. >> the first thing i want to say is duct tape. duct tape wrapped three times around a 2-year-old girl's head. that duct tape was found hanging off of cailee's skull. that's one of the reasons i don't want to be part of such an interview. but i'm somehow condoning it, condoning an air brushed digitized version of her truth. she says she is going to tell her truth. her truth is very different from the truth. and i'm not convinced that somehow my questions would not be somehow manipulated.
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there is a reason mom casey anthony did not take the stand to tell her truth. because she could not weather or undergo or survive an intense cross examination. in these conditions, in these conditions, where you have got a producer fluffing you up and throwing you questions that's no cross-examination. also, is going to be nothing but a pack of lies. i don't want to be part of that. the time she should have spoken, many would argue, is in court. >> i think she should have spoken when her daughter went missing. never a public plea. she was not out looking for her. she told one lie after the next, proven lies. why? because she killed her 2-year-old daughter and one more
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thing, i have handled a lot of homicides and i have seen a lot of dead bodies but there is nothing so repugnant, so repulsive as murdering a child. i don't want to be part of that. >> ainsley: what happened to her, where is she now? did she ever become a mother again? >> well, she says she is open to having more children but the only time she pops up on headlines is when she is in a bar fight with another woman over a man and drinks are flung or at a bar in hot pants doing shots with guys. i mean, i'm not judging, i don't care whether a everybody does in a bar on their own time, none of my business i care about a little dead girl flown into a swamp about 10 houses down from the anthony home. that's what i care about with duct tape wrapped across her nose and mouth. now she has a platform to spew
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another batch of lies? i don't condone that i don't agree with that it's wrong. >> ainsley: hard to imagine whether a that little girl went through as she took her final breath. thank you for coming on. it will be on the peacock network. when does it air? >> are you asking me to give an ad but since you asked i will tell you november 29th. >> ainsley: thanks, nancy. as mothers it's really hard to even think about this story. god bless you, nancy. thanks for coming on. still ahead, republicans flipping seats in deep blue new york as voters grow tired of high prices and crime. three of those new congressman join us live. plus, we're tracking tropical storm nicole after the dangerous storm made landfall as a cat 1 hurricane on florida's coast. a live report next.
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brian back with a weather alert. tropical storm nicole battering florida with a strong surge and heavy rain. daytona beach, one building collapsed. residence in a dozen condo
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complexes were forced to evacuate. fox weather robert ray live from daytona with the latest. what's it look like and feel like? >> yeah, britain. this is the boardwalk on daytona beach. look at this. look at the waves crashing in, the atlantic ocean. that's the beach, daytona beach which is no longer a beach right now. still recovering from hurricane ian as the waves come crashing in. high tide at about 853 eastern. look at this. you talk about that erosion and people evacuated from condo complexes. this is the booed walker that has been collapsed by the fury and force and energy of tropical storm nicole which came in as hurricane nicole just south of advisory row beach about 130 miles where i'm standing on daytona beach right now. and all morning long, we have been seeing this wave action, this surge come in. actually, some foam come in that was blowing when the wind were
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really picking up. it looked like a blizzard here in daytona beach as the light has come up very dangerous situation. you can see the fire department and police here trying to figure out exactly this sinkhole, some of the boardwalk is becoming hallowed out underneath this collapse and there may be more compromised situations here on the boardwalk this morning. in the meantime, it has been really a ghost town overnight into this morning as evacuation orders were in place. thankfully, a lot of people have listened to that you see flooding here and ponding as lloyd walks with me here. the surge this morning, haven't hit high crime yet, brian, as you see trash cans floating here, a park bench almost completely under water at this
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point. a very fluid situation here. it doesn't matter whether or not it's a category 1 or a 2 in a situation like this. it's the sustained energy and the width of nicole come in. bat testifying so much on the side of florida. 1935, in the month of november have we seen a hurricane. 1935. that's the year that social security was implemented by fdr. shows you how historic this really is as this system is going to snake its way into the panhandle up into georgia, the carolinas, if you are watching this, do not take the fact that this is a tropical storm now as some sort of ease. the force of this water and the erosion and the high tide cycles is going to cause major issues potentially river systems all across the eastern seaboard. nicole is nothing to mess with at all here this morning, brian. >> brian: all right. thanks, robert.
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we have been following nicole's path and get much more by down loading the fox weather app. steve, you have got very important guest with us. >> steve: indeed, brian. historic victories in new york state for republican candidates who flip deep blue democratic districts bright red. in a h humiliating loss for democrats. mike lawler beat dccc sean patrick maloney, the chairman, becoming the first to oust a sitting house campaign committee chair since 1992. on long island, george san toast defeating democrat robert zimmerman by nearly 10 points in a long island district joe biden won by double digits. and in the next district over, retired new york city police department detective anthony d'espisito winning a house seat held by democrats for roughly two decades. here now on their very exciting week those three new york congressman elect. good morning to all of you. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> steve: all right. so, mike, you know, we have been talking about where's the red
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wave. there walls a red wave on long island. >> absolutely. and across new york state. you know, we are going to send # 1 members from the new york to congress and that will ultimately deliver the house majority for republicans. and, you know, being in the hudson valley, rockland county, west chester, putnam, duchess we defeated the chair of the dccc first time in 42 years. and, you know, today hillary clinton, bill clinton and george soros wake up with a republican congressman elect. >> steve: your win reminds me of when aoc beat joe crowley the number 3 democrat in the house. >> absolutely. i mean, it's not often that it happens. but, you know, sean maloney had sent a memo earlier this year to state democrats demanding they jerry man der new york's congressional map. >> steve: do you blame them? >> it just didn't work out the way he predicted.
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>> steve: george, the democrats threw everybody at you, jill biden, the first lady showed up. the governor showed up. hillary clinton showed up. they all campaigned against you. and you beat them all. >> the reality is they were campaigning for themselves. this was a love fest. it was all about my opponent. he never once spoke about issues that matter to the people. i kept this entire campaign about messaging, talking to the people about issues that keep everybody up at night. and he couldn't help himself on just campaigning on -- one big gun after another. hillary clinton attacking me on social media to bringing in the first lady. i mean, the reality is, americans at large here on long island and in new york state were just fed up. and they just wanted change. and i think we saw that red wave coming out through long island up into the hudson valley. remember, in new york, we are going to be sending a majority back to congress and we are sending four seats. >> steve: we heard yesterday from joe biden he is not changing anything because he has already started stuff and haven't really recognized the fruits of that labor.
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>> he is going to have a really hard time with us coming in if he is not planning on changing then, it's going to be a showdown for us in congress with him. >> steve: no kidding. anthony, we have been talking on this channel for the last year or so about the problem here in new york city and new york state and across the country with crime. as a former cop, i mean, obviously, people look to you and they are thinking, okay, he knows what we are talking about. >> yeah, i think, you know, that walls as both mike and george said, we stuck to the issues that matter to the people in our district. and while the democrats were out there trying to create issues that really weren't at the forefront of what mattered to the people that we want to represent, we stuck to the issues. we stuck to the script. and we delivered home auto clear and concise message that when we get to washington, we have a commitment to america and that's what we are going to follow through. >> steve: and i know that the polls and they are analyzing the polls if the polls were right or wrong in the runup to the election. but your district was lean democrat. >> yeah.
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>> steve: why did they get that wrong or did your message just resonate at the very end? >> i think it was both. we started in a district that biden won by i think almost 14 points. we went leaning democrat, likely democrat. we came to a toss-up and then on election day we saw that, you know, the people spoke and it was clear. when you review the voters, there were people that voted the republican ticket that were democrat and conservative, independence, that's what made the difference. >> steve: lightning round. i'm going to ask each one of you, because you flipped red -- or blue distribution red. how do people across the country, republicans do that mike? >> you have to show up in every community. i represent a district in the assembly that's 2 to 1 democratic. i was the only republican pickup two years ago. this year i flipped the seat with 70,000 more democrats than republicans. i hyou have to go to every community and talk about the issues that cut party lines. >> steve: you just wore them
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down. going to keep knock on the doors until they ignore me. >> candidates part of that community. and i think just being immersed in the community the way that we are just plays a big part in being successful. >> steve: anthony, final word. >> work hard, stick together as a team and make sure you are accessible. >> brian: you sound like a cop. you are. >> i am. >> steve: you always will be. guys, congratulations. >> thank you. >> steve: still ahead on this thursday, president biden doesn't seem to be worried about an investigation into his son hunter if republicans take control of congress. did you hear him say this? >> what's your message to republicans who are considering investigating your family, and particularly your son hunter's business dealings? >> lots of luck in your senior year. >> steve: pete hegseth reacts coming up next. that was my reaction with that little giggle. but, first, here is kelly clarkson performing "you're drunk, go home" at last night's
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over the past two years, jersey mike's fundraiser for feeding america has been a huge success. their efforts helped provide more than 75 million meals,
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when people needed it most. but there's still work to be done. thank you, claire. this year, we'd like to invite you back to jersey mike's for another special weekend. come in november 19th and 20th, where 20% of all sales will be donated to feeding america, helping families in need. together, we always make a difference. ♪ >> what's your message to republicans who are considering investigating your family, and particularly your son hunter's business dealings? >> lots of luck in your senior year as my coach used to say. look, i think the american public want us to move on and get things done for them. the american people will look at all of that for what it is. it's just almost comedy. >> steve: almost comedy. president biden there yesterday in the east room insisting the american people are not
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interested into investigations of him and his family as the republican party vows to probe hunter's business dealings if they win control of the congress. >> brian: "fox & friends weekend" co-host pete hegseth joins us now. pete, is it almost comedy to you? >> yeah. i mean, the reality is, why should he be concerned? what evidence does he have so far that anything he has done he will be held accountable for. there is more accurately on that laptop than anything the trump family has ever done five times over yesterday yet the media covered it up in the 2020 election and the social media was not willing to share the story of the "new york post," which changed an election. and now you have got a pretty tight majority, it looks like, in the house. there is a lot of things the house republicans need to investigate, covid origins, afghanistan. to take your pick. the border, what's going on there hunter will be a focus. but, if i'm joe biden, i look at all the evidence available to he moo today and look at the media not willing to cover one bit of
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it and i'm not worried at all. because of the deep state of the doj and the fbi you go to talk about the biden family being compromised which i believe the laptop shows they are, our intelligence agencies already are an investigative agencies already are compromised on behalf of the biden administration willing to go after petty tax stuff but cover up otherwise. if i'm joe biden, i'm not worried one bit. house republicans will have it and i think there should, but i would be shocked if anything comes of it. >> steve: let's see, the department of justice have got those election protocols where they don't make announcements three months or six months before the election they don't want to impact things. the midterms are almost over. they have got to wait for the final results. maybe they will come out for some sort of indictment for money laundering or tax evasion or who knows what against hunter. it was interesting yesterday, pete, he did not seem interested in the investigation into his family but you mentioned twitter which withheld the story about hunter biden. and he was talking yesterday
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about investigating elon musk and his technical connections to saudi arabia. and other countries. >> pete: no, it's unbelievable. they lose one lever of power, one level of power in twitter. free thinker not a republican. a free thinker in elon musk who is willing to allow an open platform. and they go after it. that's what autocrats do. that's their instinct. they need to control everything and every part of the narrative. a much bigger threat to joe biden than say china which is he theme work with or others which he was happy to benefit personally elon musk for taking over twitter? this is what they will do. consolidate their power and control to the narrative. and so, look out elon but thankfully, hasn't backed down to anybody yet. >> ainsley: if there was paper play you would think they would follow the money and that would be easy to do. you are right. i don't know if we'll ever get to the bottom of this. >> brian: a moment with tony
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bobulinski sitting there in congress and going to be impossible not to cover it on an official congressional hearing. >> ainsley: he claims that hunter owes him money he has never paid. >> pete: it's true. tony bobulinski talks in a hearing. does it matter like the interviews happened before the election? they have suppressed this for their own gain. i do think they need to investigate. absolutely along with the other things. i'm not hopeful at this point. he didn't register as a foreign agent. his dad was the vice president. they don't care. they don't care. >> steve: let's see what happens. we care. we love having you on the show. pete, thank you very much. >> brian: it's okay having him on. [laughter] >> steve: still ahead, fox nation hero dog is back with a story of some truly incredible k canines. >> ainsley: former agent partner their story next. ♪ ♪
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renovating homes are part of this latest round of layoffs. and the crypto currency company is backing out of its deal a choir ftx the crypto currency exchange had $32 billion valuation earlier this year. and now it's on the brink of collapse. tom brady and will give biewnchen likely to lose big. the former couple appeared in ads for the site after striking equity deal for undisclosed amount last year. guys, over to you. >> ainsley: fox nation's hero dog is now back with the story of some incredible canines. >> the dogs are there to protect the white house, the president and his family. we had a jumper come over the north grounds. he looked up and saw something. the second saw that deployed him right away. essentially had a 70-pound dog wrestling a 200-pound man. the individual pulled him up over his shoulder and that's when he slammed him down onto the ground.
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this dog will give his life for me and i know it. >> ainsley: how sweet. that is the story of a canine named hurricane who helped catch a white house intruder back in 2014 when obama lived there. >> steve: and hurricane is here now along with the secret service agent who apprehended that white house intruder marshall and the host of the series outnumbered co-host emily compagno. good morning to everybody. >> good morning. >> ainsley: good morning, hurricane. who do you have there? >> steve: look, is he yawning over there. marshall, you know, a lot of people just, look, oh there is the secret service guy with a dog. you guys are a team. >> yeah. i mean, we go everywhere together, the title says it great "hero dogs" right. he is my partner in imcrew. we do everything together. as you saw in the video, he always has my back and protects me. >> ainsley: how did he take down this intruder? what happened. >> it was definitely a crazy fight that i know sued. the individual is not feeling pain that's not something we train for.
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him and hurricane went to war. hurricane was willing to do whatever it takes and leave it all out there on the field. it was very emotional to watch your dog getting hit and beat that bad as you saw earlier. but, this dog is willing to die for me. i have a partner that i know will always be there for me no matter what. very special. >> steve: unbelievable. it is special. emily, that's the great thing about this series. i love this series because, you know, if somebody just walked in the studio they think oh isn't that a cute dog. you would never know he is a hero and that's why you tell the story. >> ainsley: the dog can also kill you. >> emily: hero dog indeed most decorated canine in american government history. the reps of the season of "hero dogs" drops this season. k canines who left it on the field and took bullets in the line of duty. awesome awe inspiring story. >> steve: the thing about these dogs they put the collar on them, that's it. it takes years to train a dog like that and costs a lot of
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money. >> a lot of money. a lot of government and tax dollars, that's for sure. the training never stops with the dogs, they recert every month go through rigorous tests and a lot of evaluations especially protecting the president and his family the bar is as high as you can set it. >> emily: after that encounter canine hurricane had it be retired because of the journalist he sustained. marshall founded a nonprofit after working dogs are retired their medical bills can be cared for because currently they are not cared for by the government. canine hurricane heroes was the nonprofit born out of that day that canine hurricane saved marshall's life and potentially the president's as well. >> ainsley: who does adopt the dogs after they retire civilians? >> handlers. i never met a handler that hasn't adopted their dog. it's part -- they are your best friend a part of your family. >> steve: no kidding. is there a particular breed of dog that makes a really good. >> belgium how what yous.
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ibrian. >> emily: he is black rare for this breed response team for the u.s. secret service when you connected part of that moment this guy is special this dog. >> never had a dog before. this was my first. only black one i will know which one is mine. >> ainsley: you will never go back. once you get a cog they are always in your life. you fall in love, don't you. >> absolutely. >> ainsley: how old is marshall -- i mean hurricane? i'm not asking your age. >> he is 14. >> steve: now, marshall, what's your age in dog years? [laughter] watch the brand new season the hero dogs right now on fox nation and veterans and active duty military get a free one year subscription goes to to sign up. >> ainsley: i can't wait to watch it. so great. more information coming up.
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skin your face will envy? with olay hyaluronic body wash 95% of women had visibly-better skin from dry to moisturized in just 12 days. be fearless with olay hyaluronic body wash and body lotion. >> ainsley: tropical storm nicole battering florida with storm surge and heavy rain after making landfall as a cat 1 hurricane. >> steve: more than 125,000 people have no power. >> republicans are inching closer to securing 218 seats in the lower chamber. this, as key senate races in nevada and arizona are still too close to call. >> brian: herschel walker and raphael warnock heading to a runoff. >> georgia is going to be, once again, a ground zero for control of the senate. >> carley: cpi report expected to drop this morning with experts warning price also continue to rise. >>


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