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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  November 9, 2022 1:00am-2:00am PST

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of dollars? wait, i can repair my credit. is it expensive? isn't living with bad credit expensive? the truth is your credit could be costing you thousands in needlessly high-interest rates. instead, start working to repair your credit at ♪ ♪ >> we are exactly where we want to be in this race. we have a lot of our votes coming in all across the state. you have yet to be tabulated. we are going to win this race. >> i am so grateful to all of you for being here and for standing with us here in nevada. we are not done yet. >> we always knew that this race would be close. so, y'all just hang in there.
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i'm feeling good. [cheers and applause] record want to thank everybody and the campaign staff. let's wait for the members to come in and we will declare victory. >> todd: a big election night continuing to unfold this morning. you are watching "fox & friends first" on wednesday, i am todd piro. >> carley: i am carley shimkus. here is where things stand now 68 seats up for grabs in the house. the republicans inching closer to securing 218 seats and flipping the lower chamber. right now the g.o.p. total telling 200. democrats 168. >> todd: for senate with four seats up in the air this morning. each party with 48 wins in their call impure democratic john fetterman to beat dr. oz in pennsylvania senate race, but republicans notching a win in ohio where jd vance claims victory over democrat tim ryan. >> carley: again and georgia were democrat raphael warnock ahead of herschel walker less than 1%.
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down in arizona, incumbent senator merkley holding a nine-point lead ahead of republican blake masters but only 58% of the vote is counted there. another nail-biter in the fatah. incumbent catherine cortez masto and adam laxalt chocking for the job roughly 400 votes seen in between the two candidates in that race right now. >> todd: the final senate race we are leaning on his wisconsin where senator ron johnson with mandela barnes by 1.5%. in brooke singman has the latest. >> lieutenant governor john fetterman defeats dr. oz in pennsylvania's senate race. fetterman delivering a victory speech early this morning, listen. >> we jammed them up. [cheers and applause] we held the line. i never expected that we were going to turn these red counties blue, but we did what we needed
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to do and that is why i will be the next u.s. senator for pennsylvania. [cheers and applause] >> in ohio republican jd vance defeats tim ryan by 10%. a wider margin than predicted. and here last night. >> whether you voted for me or not the promised gnomic the thing a promise to do is go to the united states senate and fight every single day for the people of ohio. thanks to you i will do just that. i will never do just that. thank you for this honor to serve you. i will fight for you everyday. god bless you guys and thank you. >> ted bud with supreme court justice cheri beasley by the senate race but delivering his victory speech also late last night. watch. >> thank you north carolina. [cheers and applause] >> someone who was born and raised here in north carolina, the states parliament, it is in
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my bones and i will make the old norse state that much better again. >> but it is still too close to call in some of the biggest senate races, including georgia, arizona and nevada. and raphael warnock with a narrow lead over a republican candidate herschel walker in georgia. in arizona, republican blake masters is trailing behind mark kelly. we do expect a longer delay and results from state after reports of ballots glitches and up to 30% of polling sites. in nevada, republican adam laxalt neck and neck with catherine cortez masto by a very narrow margin. laxalt leaking this morning and feeling optimistic. >> we are exactly where we want to be in this race. we have a lot of the votes coming in across the state yet to be tabulated. we are going to win this race. >> as it stands in the senate but democrats and the g.o.p. have 48 seats, 51 are needed for the majority.
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now things can change quickly, guys, so we will keep you updated as results come in carley. >> carley: brooke excellent wrap up there. we will continue to watch the tight races but the race not so tight and for florida where marco rubio beat val demings by double digits. >> todd: also a huge win for his second term. anita vogel lived in d.c. with that victory. i need >> yes, todd and carley good morning. there was a red wave in florida, cruising to a huge victory ending with a 20-point lead. the republic: easily defeating charlie crist even flipping miami-dade county which hadn't been 15 g.o.p. candidate in 20 years. desantis thinking the state's newest residents saying they came to florida to escape extreme policies in democrat strongholds, listen. >> americans have been voting for many years now. they have been voting with their feet, the woke agenda has caused
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millions of americans to leave these jurisdictions for greener pastures. [cheers and applause] florida is where those two died. [cheers and applause] >> americans have been voting for many years now, oh, sorry, excuse me and in new york republican lee zeldin pig for governor fell short as income it democrat kathy hochul wins her first full term despite the projected loss. zeldin has not conceded the r race. >> you will also see election day boats coming in from all across the rest of the state in areas that we have been doing great all day. so there is a little bit of a recap where we are at. obviously, we love to be out here when all of the boats have been casted, have been cast, but that is where we are at. >> in georgia brian kemp defeating stacey abrams for the
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second time. >> i can't tell you how honored i am to be your governor for the next four years. [cheers and applause] tonight, hard work in georgia from all walks of life. spoke with a clear voice. they know which direction they want their state to go. it is forward. >> michigan governor gretchen whitmer holding on for another term as after fierce challenge from tudor dixon. tight races for governor in arizona, nevada, oregon still too close to call. some of these races will not be called for days. carley and todd. >> todd: . >> todd: anita vogel, thank you. over in arizona, the gubernatorial candidate katie ke hobbs leading kari lake 51% to 49% and with more than half of the states counties reporting. election officials say they don't expect to count all of the ballots in arizona until friday.
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that is after 30% of voting sites in maricopa county saw ballot which is an hour into voting. they say printers were not producing dark enough marks on ballots. a judge ruling against g.o.p. lawmakers to extend hours for voters affected by the glitches ruling that there was no evidence that the heirs. look at that, seen outside of maricopa sites including scottsdale. fox news voter analysis remaining the most important issue for voters by a huge margin. 61% blaming joe biden's policy for the inflation crisis. moving over to the crime crisis 51% say they feel less safe under the current administration. and public schools but their focus too much on unnecessary work issues with 52% say, there was too much emphasis on topics like gender identity. 51% say discussions of sexual orientation are not appropriate for ages k through
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eighth. >> carley: republicans are still 18 seats away from taking control of the house. minority leader kevin mccarthy is competent they will do it. >> when you wake up tomorrow, we will be in the majority nancy pelosi will be in the minority. speak with the american people are ready for a majority that wl offer a new direction. that will put america back on track. republicans are ready to deliver. it is a new direction towards an economy that is strong where you can fill up your tank, feed your family, where your paychecks grow and not shrink. a new direction a nation that is safe where communities are protected, law enforcement is respected, and criminals are prosecuted. >> carley: jim mclaughlin partner of mclaughlin and associates to break down where things really stand, jim. what a night. so balance of power to a team, 218 seats and democrats 168.
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where did things stand right now? what are we watching as well? >> as leader mccarthy said at the end of the day here, republicans are going to be in control of congress and that is a good thing. that is one of the things we are seeing voters wanted a check and balance on joe biden and the democrats policies. so, i think what we are going to see is, you know, one of the things that is going on unfortunately, we used to be able to decide elections basically one night. now, we are voting for weeks. >> carley: it is election week, election month. >> look at the comparison places like florida and we saw in the 2020 presidential election they vote early in person and they vote by mail and they also show up on election day here they are telling us by 9:30, 10:00 who won who lost your why can't we do that in other parts of the country? what is going on maricopa county in arizona when you have two big governors and senate races, it is totally unacceptable.
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>> carley: major issues with the tabulation machines. republicans trying to sue with three extra hours of voting but the judge said no. we will get to that in a little bit. kevin mccarthy on the verge of historic gains in new york and you mention florida. four seats along poised to win the entire state of iowa. he pointed out several house races that he thought were special. monica de la cruz won at the southern border in texas. jan higgins picked up virginia beach and detroit john james, houston, wesley hunt. there were also new york races. when it comes to michael oller beating the head of the dccc, that is a big win. even though lee zeldin ends up losing to kathy hochul, that is a big pickup there. >> that is something. republicans nationally in new york, they don't lose lee zeldin with a debt of gratitude. at the end of the day, it looks
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like we will pick up for congressional seats in new york. that doesn't happen without lee zeldin at the top of the ticket and places like michael oller, george santos, anthony d'esposito that all won. lee zeldin won in those districts by significant margins. what we see in the polling was lee zeldin and the republican congressional candidates were getting similar vote to what he got. >> carley: like i said before we go to the senate, obviously you need to take control of the house. what number do you think is ultimately going to happen for republicans versus democrats? where do things stand in the end? >> i think 222 range. >> carley: which is kind of where democrats are right now so sort of a flip. >> that is exactly right, but it is an important flip because again, at the end of the day, congress controls the spending. that is one of the things with inflation. so i think it will give the republicans a lot of power. >> carley: should republicans
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feel deflated about the margins? >> i think republicans will be upset because they didn't get it but they have an opportunity to get the senate. if they get the senate, the house, they can do big things. >> carley: lets head on over there. still up for grabs, 48-48. >> i think ron johnson will win in wisconsin. i think nevada right now, you've got a adam laxalt has that small lead right now. and again, i think you are looking at it in arizona. >> carley: look at that margin. think adam laxalt will persevere here. because it is a more republican area. that is also the gubernatorial
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candidate joe bar was from purity was the sheriff there. he has run strong there and that is helped out laxalt. >> carley: nevada is a tale of two cities in one state because look at all of this red and las vegas has the same amount of votes as the rest of the state. >> that is exactly right. one of the things you will see when you look at the exit polls when they come out one of the reasons adam laxalt, joe a young candidate for governor did well is because of hispanic voters. >> 48-48, say for instance republicans pick up nevada. what do you think about arizona first of all before we just make somewhat of a prediction there appear to be see mark kelly in the lead with 61%. reported, what do you think? >> up by 7%. >> do you think this goes to kelly? not sure because maricopa county. again, that is a republican
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area. i was talking to some folks and they told me not only maricopa or republican area but what happened the problem seems to be in the republican area. so i think it is one of those, luke, we have to wait and see what the process and let it play out. >> carley: in the game of pretend, for instance, nevada, wisconsin and democrats pick up arizona. avril goes goes down to georgia. the devil went down to georgia and in a runoff election, do you see the app in? >> i think it is probably assuredly going to become a runoff between raphael warnock and herschel walker. again. i think it will be interesting last time, the democrats won and it was super, super close. we look at it right now. look how close it is. all the money in that race. >> carley: historic amount of money for it to be this tight. the runoff historically favor republicans but it didn't last
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time but if the runoff election a 5:30 a.m. article walker would have the advantage they are so something to certainly watch. >> i think there is a lot of truth to that. the interesting part the whole check and balance message last time didn't work for the republicans. the voters they viewed joe biden as check and balance. but now because he has moved so far to the left, we have problems with the economy, problems with crime comic problems with the border. the check and balance message -- >> carley: more to come. like you said the election night, the week and possibly the month. jim, thank you so much. stick around and we will check in with us next hour. right? excellent. we are talking more about that gubernatorial race coming up next. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> todd: georgia senate race between republican candidate herschel walker and democrat senator raphael warnock still too close to call. >> carley: guess what neither topping 50% just jet with 98% of the vote counted.
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georgia cofounder janelle king joins "snl." janelle, wow, what do you think about this race and will it go to a runoff? >> i absolutely do think it will go to a runoff but our governor, lieutenant governor, agent car all the way down to labor commissioner thompson. so excited. but i think this will go to a runoff. i think with the race is showing us is the survey polling was a little off. a part of don't think internal polling was. i have said numerous times that i felt like the momentum of the republican side was very interesting. i feel like i was hearing a lot about the governor and not so much about herschel walker. so, i do think this is something not too surprising. and abortion, we found out the abortion topic was a little bit of a wow card and both races. a little bit of a challenge for herschel. however, we are in a position where all eyes will be on georgia. i do believe it will come down
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to georgia more than likely. and that is going to have to drive momentum and drive turnout. this will be a lot focused on turnout. >> todd: okay come if we get to the runoff, who do you think has the advantage? >> so traditionally, republicans have the advantage. i do think herschel walker will go into this with the advantage. it really depends on if we pick up a senate seat in another state or not. i think as long as it comes all the way down to georgia and the senate is hanging in the balance between what happens here, i do think that if that is going to favor herschel walker. >> carley: we talked a lot about how brian kemp's popularity in georgia could have been lifting herschel walker up. stacey abrams did not win. it was even close. could her lack of popularity be dragging raphael warnock town? >> oh, absolutely. matter of fact, we said that last night.
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we were talking about how it looks like stacey abrams was a little bit of an anchor. as well as some may say that vice versa because herschel walker didn't get nearly as much as governor kemp. but i do think stacey abrams rhetoric is really pushing people away from the democratic party. and it is making them question all of the candidates because they are waiting to hear something different. and they are not. but with raphael warnock going into the race i do believe democrats will stick with democrats and republicans will stick to republican. so that means the swing is going to be dependent upon the independents. so now we have to hear and see what the message is to independence and how does that resonate? >> todd: a storm system of competing factors at play going against each other that will lead to a well december 6th if and when the runoff really happens. focusing on stacey abrams for a second, janelle, is this it for her? is this her political career or
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pull a beto o'rourke and run on something successful for a third time? >> she may but i believe her political career is done. i think it was done along time ago and it started in that georgia with the worst place to live. and so, i do feel like it is done. i don't see her going anywhere. congratulations to brian kemp. we needed to beat the goliath. and he did it twice. so i think it was definitely big, big kudos to the governor. >> carley: and some of the parting words on the campaign trail have gotten a lot of attention for the fact that she said black male voters have been fed misinformation. some people interpreted that as a real knock against black men in the state. and she also during the debate said she's not a part of the good old boys club. she was trying to make the argument that she is pro-police. that sort of rhetoric does not work in georgia. >> not at all. my husband started the campaign
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"teens for america" a chairman for american-led action. and definitely focusing in on the black male population but all men in general making sure that we are hearing their needs, their concerns. they do think that the black male population is a forgotten segment of voters. we tend to bring out black men when it comes to police brutality or crime or any other negative stereotype. however, they have something to say and they are saying it today. last night, definitely for stacey abrams spirit about it just shows you cannot fall back on this. you cannot continue to call men toxic and plain masculinity of the reason why not supporting you. you have to have more peer that is what this is saying. we will continue to work on this. i know my husband kings for will be focusing in on this and hopefully we can see results in december. >> todd: 85% of crime rates an important factor in stacey abrams was tied to the defund
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the police movement but how much did that lose her this race? >> oh, my goodness, i think that hurt her terribly. the fact of the matter is when i talk to single moms and low income communities, they will certainly want the police to be funded peer that is something that is important. while she is spending this red bricks, it speaks to the gatekeepers and those living behind gates and not to those actually living in the community spirit it shows a lack of attachment to the people that she is claiming to serve. >> carley: we have got to roll but do you see a presidential run in brian kemp's future? >> it is so funny. we were talking about that yesterday as well. i do believe he continues to stay on the track he is on and another wonderful four years, i absolutely can't see him doing that. but that is my words and nothing i have heard from him. i definitely could see it happening. >> carley: he is busy celebrating his victory right now.
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janelle, thank you for joining us. >> todd: thanks, janelle. >> thank you for having me. >> carley: flipping the state in the blue new york as inching closer took control of the house. >> todd: and fist moaning santos here live. ♪ ♪ ah, these bills are crazy. she has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even a term policy? even a term policy! find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the
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♪ ♪ >> carley: republican george santos flipping new york's third district red defeating democrat challenger robert zimmerman. >> todd: george, let us be the first to congratulate you officially on your win. why, why did you win? what issue was that that drove you to victory? >> you know, i kept the entire race, guys and thank you for having me here, but i kept the entire race about the people. i kept it about the issues
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hurting america here in the third district, whether inflation, whether crime, whether the high cost of energy m education for our kids. while he spent entire campaigns marry me i spent it making it about the people and the people spoke louder. when you run a campaign and you don't offer a solution to the problems at hand, you can't win. this is not a matter of red or blue, republican or democrat but a matter of right and wrong. we have the right message on my opponent at the wrong message. >> carley: president biden won your district two years ago appeared to be able to flip this seat read is no small feat. what is your reaction to the governor's race? a lot was hoping lee zeldin and kathy hochul winning by five points. >> look, the way i look at it is my good friend lee zeldin has done with this race. i still think it is probably going to be one of the most successful races we could have ever imagined. never in a million years did we
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think we would get this close. i just hope new yorkers and democrats -- across the state revive their elections. remember a big part of the state does not want to be ruled with an iron fist like they have been doing. maybe they start to break out policies that keep us safe her and give us more prosperity. again, lee zeldin has not conceded in the race and most projections show him to be defeated by kathy hochul. but i do want to give him the opportunity. you can see i want every ballot to be counted as we can see some county with hand counting because of cyber attacking. so let's wait until the final vote comes in. again even if he loses by five points, he had a successful race. i think an incredible campaign that new york was not expecting or was the democrats here that is what it is all about. about participating and giving it your all and he gave it his all. >> todd: george a lot of new yorkers are worried about
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freedom. new york, they moved to florida. you look at the vote total for ron desantis, ron desantis blue charlie crist out of the water. so, if those individuals had stayed in new york with the results of the race, would it be different? >> yes. the population loss that we had including losing congressional seat due to severe population loss in the state of florida could have resulted in the victory. that is why we had and the terror spoken throughout the campaign, bet and leave, don't flee. a lot of people, unfortunately they have no choice here that is what happens when you are ruled under oppression in a state like new york. but i have faith that this is going to set the state in a different direction that these folks in albany are going to look at this as a real telling story for them. look, we picked up three seats on long island in the republican party. we pick up every congressional seat on long island went republican peer that has to be patrick maloney losing his seat
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has to. they have beat congress and what they are doing. >> carley: speaking of cognizant of what they are doing, what kathy hochul had to do to win their praise. this is deep blue new york and she had to call in the big guns. the president, hillary and bill clinton, vice president kemal harris rallied for her but the issue with this race, the top issue was crime. do you think moving forward because of the dash i mean in new york a five-point margin victory a narrow divided considering double digits but do you think she will change her tune when it comes to crime? she said several months ago she would look at payroll reform in january assuming she would be reelected. where do you think things go when it comes to fail reform policies moving forward? >> if she wants to be a good governor and hold both of
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office, honestly, she should fire [immediately tomorrow. if she wants to gain voter confidence of the millions of people who voted for lee zeldin and the same millions of people who voted to elect republicans like myself to the house of representatives and members of the new york state senate and assembly, she needs to get on this right now. unfortunately, i have little confidence that she will. like i said, i hope they realize this was not something and did not get handed this victory. this was hard fought for her and should not have been in the first place. like i said -- my friend lee zeldin -- >> todd: gave them a run for the money. they had to break out an endorsement. >> todd: congrats to you on your victory. don't be a stranger and check back with us on the hill. >> carley: get some sleep. i bet you haven't went to bed yet so you can do that now.
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>> sure. >> carley: i figured as much, congratulations. a lot of surprises on election night but the voters say the economy is the top concern and blame the biden administration for record high inflation. >> todd: political power panel, brian brenberg here next. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> carley: it's results corian across the country of the voter analysis spells trouble for the biden administration pure nearly three quarters of the country is headed in the wrong direction and most say biden is to blame for the inflation crisis. and kevin with the details, kevin good morning. >> good morning it is actually a chill kind of money for the president who no doubt like the rest of us watching the returns come in last night and had to go to bed feeling pretty positive about how things went for his party, especially when compared with most of the predictions coming into the big race. in fact, we found out the president had a chance to tell some of those in his party the victors, he was very excited about how the night went and said this on twitter, "just got
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off the phone with tonight's winners and including some this year in line to vote. stay in line." of course that was earlier pure pleasantries abound for high-level democrats who like the president were no doubt reveling in the overwhelming, early vote totals and mail-in ballots that paired there give insurmountable leads and victories across the spectrum. but experts say, it is not all champagne and strawberries over at 1600 pennsylvania avenue. nope, with a likely loss in the house, in terms of leadership, it may be time to clean house. >> i think there is going to be some meetings at the white house. if they change the staff, than i think the president will change the agenda. i think if he doesn't change the staff come i think they will stick to it. he wants to stick with his agenda. he does not want to change. he is not a bill clinton who did radically change after these
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kinds of results. >> if it ain't broke, don't fix it. meanwhile on capitol hill, republicans as you probably know still holding out hope for senate majority. they continue to blame the president's policies for the midterm relays among most americans. >> you think about 19 months of inflation outpacing, pay increases. that means that biden has delivered a pay cut to the american people. eight months, eight months over 8% peer a devastating impact for people who grew up like i did. single parent household working paycheck to paycheck. >> the great tim scott great at messaging. i will take you inside fox news voter analysis. 75% a whopping number fate dissatisfied or angry. how about the most important issues facing the country. again the voter analysis showing
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the economy continues to dominate, immigration, abortion climate change down the list they are. you can talk about crime, health care guns and also on that list of things people are concerned about. how about reasons for inflation? 54% say it is biden policies and 46% pay factors beyond his control. how about this, do you think k-8 schools are teaching too much too little, or just about the right amount on issues related to sexual orientation? 51% say simply too much. 23 and 26 say even to little or about the right amount. and i just want to add this quickly cured people are asking if the administration was making, you know making you feel safer. the results of this month gender identity, people wonder do you feel safer? we talk about the crime issue an overwhelming majority 51% say
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they feel less safe and even more to within that. a lot of people say they nearly don't feel safe. they feel like things are getting worse, guys. >> todd: kevin corke live for us this morning. let's bring in the political panel brian brenberg the executive vice president at the kings college and associate professor of business economics. fox news contributor joe concha mercedes schlapp, senior fellow and white house director armed strategic communications. good morning to all of you. kevin corke mentioned the economy is bad so why did this status quo i.e. incompetents have surprisingly not horrible night? >> that is right surprisingly not horrible night. let me tell you, there was a sense and i traveled through many of the battleground states and talk with a grassroots activist. they were motivated, ready to go and get the public's gnomic republicans in office. but i'll spend 2-1, 3-1 in the
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states an organizational standpoint as well. it was a struggle to make sure they get out and vote efforts. something that will have to be reevaluated. with that said, i am hopeful in nevada and hopeful in arizona with these senate races, but the governor's races. i think they will go republican. i can tell you adam laxalt and his team very organized. they were not able to garner thick hispanic vote and blake masters will come from behind and you will see he will take this and it. >> todd: you're the protection here first, joe, when it comes to messaging to republicans in large part stay home because they thought they had it in the bag? >> that is interesting because every analysis we saw from democratic incumbent said it would be a blow out. so the motivation went away. two things i wouldn't want to beat this morning in a poster on the plan and any guy who created a company with red wave 2022. this was not a red wave not even a red ripple and you look at the
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conditions on the ground and everything kevin described inflation, crime, border, hope you opioid overdose is in everything lined up for republicans, yet you see them underperforming the way they did appear at the big story last night, todd, what happened in florida. ron desantis blowing out charlie crist, marco rubio closing the victory and what happened in georgia, brian kemp the governor easily beating stacey abrams. what if brian kemp and desantis have in common? they did not rely on donald trump to bring the victory's home. you have to wonder who really is the leader of the republican party right now? is that the former president or is it may be desa desantis/brian kemp, glenn youngkin the new blood. >> todd: we will have answers november 15th potentially about the presidential run or an announcement, we will seek. brian a lot of people are waking up this money probably conservative voters thinking, we didn't have the night we wanted.
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but if republicans get control of the house, kevin mccarthy with victory, it does not look like that will happen but what can republicans do from an economic standpoint to stop the bleeding in our country? >> they can push back on every single one of the regulations that joe biden is planning to do or has done and having a senate would be helpful for that. they need to be a roadblock. look, if you are the minority party and you have one house, you stand in the way every chance you can get your the best you can hope for with biden government and i tell you gridlock is a a lot better than the agenda we have gotten. so markets will like that come up but this definitely was not a red wave. if i'm watching anything florida, the republican, democrat, independent that is where the resounding message was sent. >> todd: let's focus on florida, is that the template going forward 2024, 2026, 2028, follow what ron desantis did.
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camping like ron desantis and brian kemp in georgia and you will have your victories. >> a strong republican party, state party in fact. they were able to work on voter registration. they lead in the number of republicans voting registering to vote democrat spirit and i also think his policies resonated with so many of these voters, including independent voters which able to bring along. i would say chris christie, charlie crist is a very weak candidate. so. so ron desantis was obviously in a very strong position. with that being said, yes, other states should do what florida did appear at the big disappointing state was pennsylvania where republicans l seats in that area. so i think that is one of the biggest challenges we are seeing here in pennsylvania should be a purple state but it looks pretty blue right now. >> todd: postmortem, and sylvania of the top of the ta table. those analogies even though your wife is a doctor.
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did they have enough of a plan to articulate enough of a plant to actually solve problems and not just come out and say democrats are bad, vote for us? >> that is the thing you have to have a positive message. they hammered home inflation and hammered home crime but when you think about, okay, what is the solution and you get rid of d.a.'s that don't enforce the law for inflation and you will cut spending. but people have pretty good memories in this country and they sold the trump administration spending did not go away. it wasn't cutting down government like we saw in ronald reagan for example. perhaps people did not like what they saw from democrats and joe biden. everything they were feeling but they felt republicans couldn't do any better perhaps. >> what was persuasive as a track record. you had a great track record like florida, you cleaned up. if you are out there making promises about things but nobody believed you would keep those promises --
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>> todd: brian, if you had an 8-track record. >> that is one of the resounding messages. it is their first time running like in pennsylvania dr. oz and you go through the list. they struggled, except for j.d. fans come obviously, did very well. ohio is running those states we saw a strong governor with accomplishments being able to bring a win for republican senator as well. >> todd: quickly, brand does inflation go down because republicans take the house? it takes a lot more than republicans to bring inflation down. this election did not solve it. >> todd: brian, mercedes, joe, thank you for being here. great insight. carley over to you. >> carley: election unfolding for pivotal senate seats and called in arizona, georgia, nevada and of course wisconsin. each party has 48 seats and 68 seats are still up for grabs and
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the house. republicans are inching closer to securing 218, that is the magic number there flipping the chamber. one big winner cory mills in florida. easier to talk about his victory plus leo terrell and donald trump. don't go anywhere. ♪ ♪
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to be in this race, we have a let of our votes coming in across the state yet to be tabulated. we are going to win this race. >> i am so grate to feel all of you for being here and for standing with us here in nevada. we are not done yet. >> we always knew that this race would be close. so y'all just hang in there, i'm feeling good. >> i want to thank everybody and the campaign staff and let's wait for all the numbers and then we'll declare victory. >> a big election night unfolding this morning. you are watching "fox and friends first" on this wednesday, i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: i'm todd piro, here is where things


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