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tv   Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer and Sandra Smith  FOX News  February 27, 2018 6:00am-8:00am PST

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7:00. >> craig morgan is on our show tomorrow. >> bill: thank you, guys, good morning, everybody. the sheriff in the spotlight yet again facing increasing pressure to step down as reports suggest another critical delay in the response time outside the school while the injured were fighting for their lives inside. disturbing stuff here. i'm bill hemmer. welcome to "america's newsroom." >> sandra: good morning, i'm sandra smith. more details coming in and we're learning about stunning new reports that police were called to the shooter's home in the years before the attack nearly twice as many times as the sheriff has claimed. all of this as president trump joins the nra and state lawmakers calling out the sheriff's department. >> president trump: i got to watch some deputy sheriffs
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performing this weekend. they weren't exactly medal of honor winners, all right? the way they performed was frankly disgusting. i really believe i would run in even if i didn't have a weapon and i think most of the people in this room would have done that, too. >> where the failure took place is with this man and his leadership as broward county sheriff. he owes a lot of innocent americans an apology. >> hold himself accountable for these people he has to investigate for his wrongdoing but he has done none. >> bill: john roberts, reaction at the white house and phil keating in parkland, florida. what's the latest? good morning. >> good morning, bill. there was a hearing scheduled this morning to deal with 17 or 19-year-old nikolas cruz the suspect in killing the 17 young students. it was canceled.
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the prosecutors wanted dna from him. his next court hearing is on thursday. for the high school, teachers returned for the second straight day. planning days all preparing for tomorrow's big return of the 3300 students who were here just two weeks ago when all of the carnage happened. also the broward county commission will be meeting in about an hour to take on a couple of issues. one passing a motion to deal and support with comprehensive gun control and also to request from state lawmakers up in tallahassee the nearly $30 million it is estimated to replace the freshman building, building 12 off behind me. they want that demolished. they don't want kids ever going back inside. up in tallahassee are a group of parents, they rode up yesterday in charter buses and have an all day planned today to lobby for a solution.
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>> people talking guns, mental health, people are talking school safety. we need to do it all. not just one or the other. >> we now have an alternative version of what exactly happened with that school resource officer who has been roundly criticized by the sheriff for failing to rush into the building as the bullets were flying. in a letter released by scott peterson's attorney, he claims peterson reacted to what he thought were gunshots happening outside of the building and that's why he did not storm in. he also cited initial reports that it was believed firecrackers were going off. broward county sheriff israel, despite calls from more than 70 state lawmakers for him to resign or be suspended by the governor, he is standing firm saying he will not resign and newly obtained records show
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when deputies went to cruz and his mother's house it was nearly 40 times. that dates back seven years. the sheriff has cited 20 some. but he caveated that with the past few years. >> bill: extraordinary stuff. phil keating leading the coverage in florida. one of the loudest voices calling for the sheriff to leave will be florida state house speaker richard corcoran live at 10:30 a.m. eastern time. >> sandra: back at the white house president trump promising to turn grief into action planning to meet with senators working on a gun control bill. john roberts is live from the north lawn this morning. good morning, john. >> the president is meeting with republican senators today. the topic of the meeting will be about renewable fuel standards and gun control and gun safety will come up in that
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meeting and meeting with members of congress at the white house tomorrow and that is all about gun control. yesterday he was speaking to most of the nation's governors. the president saying that unlike other school shootings in the past, this time something needs to be changed in the wake of the douglas school shooting. he got pushback from washington state's governor on his idea to train certain faculty and staff. watch this exchange. >> i know that you have suggested arming our teachers. and i just -- >> president trump: not your teachers. arming a small portion that gun adept that truly know how to handle it. >> i've listened to the first grade teachers that don't want to be pistol packing teachers and law enforcement doesn't want to have to train teachers at law enforcement agents that takes six months. i suggest we need a little less tweeting, a little more listening and let's take that off the table and move forward. >> a little less tweeting and a
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little more listening. the president again had harsh words for broward sheriff's deputy scott peterson and other police officers who stayed outside while the killer was murdering students inside. >> president trump: we all learned something when we saw peterson standing outside the skao. he wanted no part of it. he heard the power and he heard probably the screaming and the bullets. and he wanted no part of it. then three other guys came to help. they wanted no part of it. that is a terrible, terrible job. >> where are we with improving gun safety at this point? the president said he will take steps himself to ban the bump stocks if congress doesn't act. he said he supports improving background checks. on the issue he talked about last thursday raising the minimum age to buy a rifle from
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18 to 21, the president has been silent on that since thursday when he tweeted about it and mentioned it when he had the meeting with school students from marjory stoneman douglas. something the nra fiercely opposes and will continue to oppose. the white house said yesterday the president still does support that in principle. he wants to see what sort of legislation congress comes up with about changing the age. breaking news this morning, sandra, there will be some new air force ones on the way. fox news has been told that the president has reached a deal with boeing according to hogan gidley. president trump has reached an informal deal with boeing on a fixed price contract for the air force one program. it will save the taxpayers more than $1.4 billion. the totality of the deal is $3.9 billion below what the white house were original cost estimates of $5 billion.
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the president talked about a cost estimate of $4 billion last year. a billion dollars worked its way into the deal. in washington it's considered a rounding error. we'll do a little more digging. >> sandra: john roberts. thank you. >> bill: at big story. an hour from now one of the president's closest aides, communication director hope hicks will testify behind closed doors for the house intelligence committee. one of those inside the room is with me now democratic congressman eric swalwell is here. thank you for coming back today. first question, hope hicks, what do you want to know? >> we don't confirm witnesses but it is no secret that hope hicks is a relevant witness for us. she is one of the closest advisors to the president. that was the case throughout the campaign. the transition, and all the way up until today. she certainly has knowledge about what the president knew
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about russian interference. any directives he may have made in her presence and, of course, the june 9th meeting his son took one floor below the president's office in trump tower back in 2016 with russians offering dirt on hillary clinton. >> bill: she wasn't in the room, though. >> a year later she was a central part of the response, the changing responses that came from donald trump junior seem to be dictated by his father that she was a part of. a lot of questions that one would have for hope hicks. >> bill: i hope you come back and share how you feel it went, okay? >> we want her to be forthcoming. we've seen too many witnesses invoke new privileges not known to the law only to this trump family and campaign. >> bill: okay. on the dossier. carter page is everywhere in the last two weeks. he is showing up on tv all the time. it doesn't seem like he has much to hide. trey gowdy characterized his past or significance the following way with martha. >> if you had a bunch of other
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reasons to get a fisa application on carter page, why did you need the dossier and a yahoo news article? he is not jason bourn or james bond. why are you relying on opposition research by the dnc and not telling the court where you got it? >> bill: fundamental question. pretty good line. what's the answer. >> i will miss trey gowdy when he leaves congress. he and i are both prosecutors and know a fisa application is the beginning of an investigation, the lowest standard of evidence required. probable cause and it is best to put as much in the application as possible, though, so the judge understands what the body of evidence is. it's not a closing argument to a jury where you have to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. >> bill: it may show you did not even need this dossier. 99% of the requests that come before it. >> if you're not surveilling a guy who had been under previous
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surveillance for dealing with russian spies and having a line to the kremlin and traveled to russia while they were interfering in our election i don't know who you would surveil. >> bill: it is said in your memo you let the judge know that the dossier came from a political group. is it not relevant what political group that was? why would a judge not ask that question? don't you think that's logical? >> so, bill, we don't know what questions the judge asked in chambers, in camera as they call it. we don't have that transcript. it is something that should be reviewed after the case. i don't like the fact we're having this ongoing investigation and looking into it and monday morning quarterbacking it. not monday morning quarterbacking, sunday afternoon because the game is going on now. but the judge knew, i think, enough to know there were questions about the bias of the individual but granted it anyway. that tells me that there was an arsenal of evidence that carter page should have been surveilled. >> bill: hope hicks is there in
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an hour. some could argue with the season, not just the afternoon. thank you. come on back. we'll watch the arrival and see what we get of the hope hicks appearance today. on ward. >> sandra: all right. a campaign promise one step closer to reality. >> president trump: we are going to build a great border wall to stop illegal immigration, to stop the gangs, and the violence, and to stop the drugs from pouring into our communities. >> sandra: a look back at july 2016 there. it's official. president trump is heading to the u.s. border with mexico very soon to check out how plans for that wall are coming along. rnc chairwoman ronna mcdaniel will join us next to talk about that. plus this. >> many decisions that i make have risks and rewards.
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i do not regret sharing this information. i felt that it was my duty. >> bill: there it is. the mayor of that sanctuary city saying she does not regret anything when it comes to alerting residents about ice raids before they happen. the texas a.g. is ken paxton and he will weigh in on that. >> sandra: a heart stopping moment caught on video. a mother handing her children off to firefighters as her apartment building goes up in flames. i just snapped a photo and got an estimate in 24 hours. my insurance company definitely doesn't have that... you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™ liberty mutual insurance.
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>> bill: president trump is planning a trip to the border in california. he will get a firsthand look at the early versions of his promised border wall when he arrives. ronna mcdaniel chairwoman of the rnc back with us. thank you for coming back to "america's newsroom." the trip will be in march, a couple weeks away. which one will he choose? >> i do not know. >> bill: there are eight. >> i don't know. i'll find out and call him after he goes and visits. >> bill: there is a fundraising trip out there. the issue of sanctuary cities. california went for hillary clinton by four million plus votes in her column. what do you gain from that trip? >> there is a lot of congressional races in california that will be in play during the 2018 mid-terms. i think the president is focused on keeping his majorities in congress and helping those candidates and also keeping a campaign promise and he has said we need to increase our border security. we need to make sure we're
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doing things to protect our country. he has put forward the best deal for democrats that they've ever seen with regards to daca. the largest amount of daca recipients receiving a path to citizenship. in return let's focus on merit-based immigration and getting rid of chain migration and the visa lottery. very reasonable. something that democrats would have jumped at under president obama and they reject under president trump. >> bill: doesn't seem you can get that fish to bite this time. >> they don't want to be bipartisan. they don't want to give the president a win even if it's on something they've campaigned on. they're always making the political calculation and not thinking about the people they claim to represent. these daca recipients, these 1.8 million being offered a path to citizenship and they're rejecting it because they're making a political calculus it is better to show they're not working with the president and hopefully gain a win in the
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mid-terms. >> bill: no deal is what you're saying? >> they're the party of no, we won't work with the president on anything. >> bill: late february, do you think they will? >> no. they voted against the largest tax cut for the middle class. they are voting against a path to citizenship for daca recipients, something they campaigned on. they've been the party of no every step of the way with this president. the american people will look at their accomplishment column in november and say they've done absolutely nothing and republicans are making our country better. democrats would be better served working with this president. >> bill: it seems the left has a certain energy and movement behind it. one could argue it is moving further left. some compared the energy, the movement, to what the tea party did eight years ago. do you see a similar momentum, a similar energy when you are out there? >> they definitely are energized around opposition. opposition is one unifying
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factor and this happens when the party not in power tries to get those majorities back. so that is certainly motivating them. they also are doubling down on policies that have fractured their party and putting their thumb on the scale in races across the country where the national party is coming in and putting a litmus test on their candidates saying you aren't good enough for our party. we don't like your thoughts. we'll purge you out of the party. look what they did to dianne feinstein in california this past weekend. dianne feinstein a standard bearer for the democratic party is now too conservative for them. that's how far left their party is going and they aren't hiding the fact that they will put a litmus test out there and put their thumb on the scale and determine which candidates they want and not let the voters decide. >> bill: one last thing here. a week ago you told me you will use president trump a lot during this campaign season. specifically how, ronna? >> fundraising first of all. no greater fundraiser for our party than president trump. he energized our base. we've seen it at the rnc with
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500,000 new small dollar donors since he took office and we'll get him out campaigning. he turns out our base and energizes them. we want our country to continue doing well and that's what president trump has done for our country under his leadership with low unemployment, with jobs coming back, with wages going up. our country is on a comeback and president trump is leading the way. >> bill: i hope you come back and we'll talk more about it. thank you for your time. >> thanks for having me. >> sandra: as we approach the mid-terms in november a growing number of mainstream stalwart democrats could be in danger as more liberal candidates try and take their seats. karl rove is here to break down what it all means. plus this. >> get him, get im, get him. >> sandra: new video coming in of a cop and his canine partner working together to take down some dangerous suspects. >> hands behind you right now. ♪
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you know what's not awesome? gig-speed internet. when only certain people can get it. let's fix that. let's give this guy gig- really? and these kids, and these guys, him, ah. oh hello. that lady, these houses! yes, yes and yes. and don't forget about them. uh huh,
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sure. still yes! xfinity delivers gig speed to more homes than anyone. now you can get it, too. welcome to the party. >> bill: body camera video showing a deputy and his canine partner splitting up to catch two suspects. watch it here. >> bill: get him, get him, get him. >> that german shepherd is named shep. the driver trying to flee on foot and the deputy released shep his way. the deputy gets his man but needs to check on the dog with the other suspect in hand. he starts running to find his partner and low and behold here is what you get. roll it. >> down, down, leave him down. leave him down. down. stay.
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good boy. good boy. that's my man. >> bill: officials say splitting up like that is unusual but in this case got the job done. check that out. >> sandra: you can tell the dog knows he did his job. >> bill: you and i are dog lovers. that's a good dog right there. shep has a story at 3:00 today. >> sandra: love it. >> bill: roll it. >> sandra: all right. breaking news for you right now coming in moments ago after one of jerusalem most holy christian sites closed its door temporary saying the mayor was trying to weaken the christian presence. connor powell has the latest from that church in jerusalem. >> for three days now the church of the holy -- the doors were closed. we have gotten word from prime minister netanyahu's office the effort to tax the christian
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community and taxes here has been suspended. this is a fight about tax policy between the holy christian community here in jerusalem but also a deeper fight, a fight over who speaks for the christian community here in jerusalem in the holy land, is it the evangelical community with deep ties to the israeli government or the greek orthodox church who run the church of the holy -- they say there is a campaign against the christian community and taxing commercial activities of the churches. restaurants, hospitals and hotels, this is part of a larger scheme by the israeli government to try to drive christians out of the holy land. they are very much on the same page as the muslim community here that we saw this summer where there is an effort to change the status quo at the mosque compound by putting in metal detectors.
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the christian and muslim community pointing the finger at the israeli government. these moves undermine the long-term status quo that religious institutions should not be touched by israeli authorities here. we are waiting to see in the next few minutes whether or not the doors will open. there are a lot of signs with the statement from prime minister netanyahu's office the doors will open in the next few minutes or hours. right now this fight between the israeli tax authorities, israeli municipality and government and the christian community here seems to be put on hold. sandra. >> sandra: a developing story breaking right now. connor powell in jerusalem for us. we'll check back in. thank you. >> bill: intriguing overseas. back at home president trump vowing changes to our nation's gun safety laws. >> president trump: we'll turn our grief into action. we have to have action. we don't have any action. it happens, a week goes by, let's keep talking, another week goes by, we keep talking.
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>> bill: he argues if congress will not act he will. what kind of changes are necessary? >> sandra: taking another shot at undoing obamacare. a group of 20 states launching a new legal fight. we'll speak with the man leading the charge. texas attorney general ken paxton joins us on all of this.
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>> sandra: president donald trump promising the current talk about gun control will have concrete results. the president speaking warning he can take action himself if congress does not act and he says he is not afraid of the nra. >> president trump: bump stocks we're writing that out. i'm writing that out myself. i don't care if congress does it or not i'm writing it out myself. don't worry about the nra they're on our side. half of you are so afraid of the nra. there is nothing to be afraid of. if they aren't with you, we have to fight them every once in a while. that's okay.
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>> sandra: joining me now is texas attorney general ken paxton. a lot going on. you have told us on this program you do not see the need for changes to our gun laws or additional gun laws in this country to address the problem that we're now debating. have your views in recent days changed at all? >> i wish we could do something that would actually make an impact. i don't think changing gun laws will affect somebody that's willing to kill people. what's going to affect them is the deterrent which is having people in place to do something about it. secondly, when the gunman gets there having somebody that can actually respond. having laws that are not going to be followed by a gunman don't really end up making much of a difference at all. >> sandra: what about the issue of bump stocks? they're gone. >> i don't have a problem with making the change but i don't think it will make a difference to somebody willing to kill people. we can spend all this time talking about the stuff. the longer we go without defending our children, churches and businesses, the
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more we'll have people killed that shouldn't be unnecessarily killed. >> sandra: the president said he is not afraid of the nra and nobody else should be either. the governor of your state, greg abbott has been criticized for being afraid of the nra. the democrat governor candidate says he has an a plus rating to protect. he is calling on the governor of texas for the special session to promote common sense gun safety legislation. is that something that your state would consider? >> i think if there is anything that we need to do it is back to how do we defend our children? the idea that this mr. white, who is not actually is a nominee net will work. i don't think the only thing people like this understand is force on the other side. we can keep talking about all these regulations but the unfortunate fact is i'm going to be back on these shows over and over until we have people
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in the schools that can do something about it. >> sandra: i know that's a goal in texas. getting back to this -- to andrew white who has taken this opportunity to really go after your governor, he says i'm a gun owner. ifm -- i'm a hunter. we still need changes. are democrats gaining steam on this issue? >> i don't know either way. what matters to me is not the politics of this. he may be taking advantage of this because we've had this horrible tragedy and it is and i understand that people want to immediately fix this, i do, too. what matters to me is what will work? in texas we believe that the thing that will work is having people prepared when these occurrences happen, not creating some gun law that will not be followed by somebody willing to kill people. >> sandra: i want to move on to the issue of immigration. the supreme court rejected the president's appeal on daca, clearly as you saw yesterday the president was not happy
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about that but this does take a lot of pressure off of congress to act by that march 5th deadline. what is next? >> ultimately it will continue going through the circuit courts. i think ultimately you will see the supreme court have to deal with this. it is an important issue for the president and for our nation and for the safety of our country and an issue that needs to be resolved. the truth is this is something that obama did that was unconstitutional and if something ultimately is not decided we'll be back in court to resolve it. >> sandra: the president suggested the supreme court will ultimately side with him. do you agree with that? >> i do agree with that. i think he has every right to rescind an executive order that obama put in place. i don't know how you can say a president can't undo the executive order. i don't see how that ultimately doesn't happen and the supreme court don't rule in the president's favor. >> sandra: nouf we know as far
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as border security is concerned the president will be making this trip to california to view these wall prototypes. what are your thoughts as far as the options on the wall? >> look, this is something we really care about in texas. i know california is a different place. but we have places along the border where we have walls and fences and it has been shown to be very effective like in el paso where crime dropped from significantly in el paso and it became a safe city. we in texas really want the best things put in place whether it's a wall, more border agents, whether it's more technology. let's use all of the best we have. >> sandra: speaking of california the mayor of oakland, a sanctuary city warning residents of ice raids. she is standing by that as you heard earlier in our program. she has no regrets about putting that warning out there to her residents. was it legal for her to do that, ken? >> look, she is going to have some problems with funding.
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the federal government provides grants and there is a requirement of cooperation with the federal government on immigration and turning over people who are criminals. i think it's very unfortunate. she has a free speech right. unfortunate for her citizens she is putting her people at risk. the people that ice is coming after are criminals and she is giving them warning. there may be some way for the federal government to challenge her. i don't know if they'll pursue it. i think at the very least she is risking her own citizens and funding for her city. >> sandra: the judge still tied to the obama budget so still acting lawfully within that budget agreement. but that obviously could soon change. your state is taking another shot at undoing obamacare. you personally are leading this charge. leading a 20-state lawsuit against it. >> yes. it's wisconsin and texas leading the charge, 20 states.
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the original case was interestingly decided. the individual mandate where congress ordered people to buy health insurance actually was ruled by the supreme court as unconstitutional. roberts took into account the penalty and called that a tax and basically allowed this to stay in place because of the taxing authority of congress. well now with the new act by congress on tax reform in december, that penalty was eliminated. there is really no basis to allow obamacare to stay in place. we are very excited and think we have a very good chance of eliminating obamacare once and for all. >> sandra: texas has sued the government more than 60 times since 2008. what will be different this time? >> nothing. we'll win again. i think we've been very successful at defeating unconstitutional actions by the obama administrations and this is going to be no exception. i don't think there is a leg to stand on to keep obamacare in place. we're pretty excited about this and think it will be resolved relatively quickly. >> sandra: a fascinating time
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for this country, ken. so much going on. how would you even say -- what would you say is the priority? we just went through daca, border wall, obamacare. what is the priority for the state of texas right now and i'll throw in there gun control debate happening right now. >> it's always safety first whether it is immigration or guns. we want to protect our citizens. but then when you follow up with things like obamacare that have a significant impact on our health and life and our economy. they are all very significant issues and unfortunately the reason we're having to deal with this is we have a fundamental problem. we had a president that ignored the constitution, that ignored separation of powers and created a ripple effect and significant problems in our country that we're now starting to resolve. >> sandra: sounds like you feel you have a partner in this president. >> you know what? he has done an amazing job. i've been extremely impressed. he has done more for our state, texas and the nation than any
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president that i've seen in my recent lifetime. i'm very grateful for his efforts. >> sandra: thanks for joining us this morning. >> have a great day. thank you. >> bill: 20 minutes before the hour. meanwhile all too common in mass shootings. police often find the red flags in the social media presence after the bloodshed is done. how do we pick up on the warning signs? we have more on that. and is this policing social media or more than that, casey? >> good morning to you. that's really what we're talking about here. it is just how you view it. it is essentially searching the internet and all of the social media out there for clues. and there are a growing number of companies that are now providing this service, offering it to clients more and more of those clients being public school districts. social sentinel is one run by a former police officer and father. the database of harm contains hundreds of thousands of
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behavioral indicators, red flags that have been compiled by linguists, psychologists and members of law enforcement. the complex algorithms are used to scan the web and all forms of social media alerting when the system detects threats, violence or other suspicious behavior. >> we are not a surveillance tool or monitoring tool or an investigative tool. we are like a home alarm system. we're scanning a billion social media posts every day looking for signals of harm based on our expertise and a rather extensive library we've created of behavioral threats. >> there are opponents saying it's a slippery slope raising privacy concerns and saying that freedom of speech could be squelched especially when young people are politically active and engaged. >> it's like putting a
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microphone on a high school kid. no one would say that's acceptable. the social media monitoring is the equivalent of that. whenever you articulate a thought it gets picked up and analyzed. >> it is difficult to judge the context sometimes of a post. something meant to be a joke is not. it's one of these signs of the times where we have to keep our eye on things to try and prevent future tragedies like this. >> bill: no joke in broward county. casey stiegel. thank you. >> sandra: calls for the broward county sheriff to resign continue to grow this morning over his department's response to the barkland school massacre. florida house speaker richard corcoran is one of the loudest voices and he joins us next hour. >> bill: firefighters racing to save children from inside this burning apartment.
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last years' ad campaign was a success for badda book. badda boom. this year, we're taking it up a notch. so in this commercial we see two travelers at a comfort inn with a glow around them, so people watching will be like, "wow, maybe i'll glow too if i book direct at". who glows? just say, badda book. badda boom. nobody glows. he gets it. always the lowest price, guaranteed. book now at
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>> bill: breaking news on north korea. report suggesting pyongyang is shipping supplies to the syrian government that could be used to make chemical weapons. john bolton former u.s. ambassador to the u.n. and senior fellow american enterprise institute. good morning. you've seen the report. what's up with this? >> i think this is potentially very significant. it is a report allegedly not yet published by u.n.'s weapons experts checking north korean compliance with the sanctions imposed on the government of syria. it is said the north koreans are supplying materials that you use in formulating chemical weapons and equipment. valves and seals and what not to protect against the corrosiveness of chemical weapons. we know north korea has an extensive chemical weapons capability. if north korea is in fact supplying syria with this, you have to ask who is helping them? is it russia? which is certainly possible.
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and, you know, it's significant because of syria's previous use of chemical weapons during the civil war there but also as an indication that kind of regime we're dealing with in north korea just to happily making nuclear and chemical weapons. great place. >> bill: i thought of the new sanctions from a week ago that dealt with shipping goods in and out of north korea. is this possibly linked? >> i think it is an indication that north korea has been able to find loopholes in the sanctions repeatedly over the years going back to 2006 when the first international sanctions were laid on north korea. the u.s. has had sanctions since the korean war. the fact is the sanctions have not stopped north korea from selling things around the world to help finance the regime certainly from getting oil and other raw materials they need and from making very extensive progress on both ballistic
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missile system and nuclear weapons. >> bill: the president yesterday on the possibility of talks with north korea. >> president trump: they want to talk. and we want to talk also only under the right conditions. otherwise we're not talking. they've been talking for 25 years. other presidents should have solved this problem long before i got here. they've been talking for 25 years and you know what happened? nothing. >> bill: after so much concentrated effort on building their program so many years down the road, why would we think north korea would surrender their nuclear program anyway? >> they aren't going to. that's the point. the president is saying he has to say i'm always willing to talk. otherwise people would accuse him of listening to me or something like that. but you are not going to chitchat north korea out of nuclear weapons. the point he made that prior presidents over the last 25 years could have solved this much more easily is correct. we face very unattractive
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choices nou. it is not donald trump's making. it is failure of 50 plus years that we're staring in the face here. >> bill: we'll see you in new york soon. 11 minutes before the hour. >> sandra: a horrifying sight for hundreds of passengers, a jet's engine catching fire shortly after take-off. how quick thinking got the plane back on the ground. plus thousands expecting to attend the final day of public viewing for the late reverend billy graham. we have a live report with new details before his casket lies in honor on capitol hill. >> laura and i are honored to come and pay our respects to the graham family. more importantly, to be able to say goodbye to a person who is influential in our lives and influential in the lives of millions. t two weeks!
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>> bill: they were just doing their job. it was to save a family trapped inside a burning home. check it out. >> help me, please. >> bill: a mother and three children rescued outside of houston. no reports of injury as you see the flames on the second floor. at least 16 apartments destroyed. the cause is still being investigated but the people are okay. well done. >> sandra: thousands more people are expected today to visit the late reverend billy graham's viewing in north carolina. george w. bush and bill clinton
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were visitors yesterday. jonathan serrie. >> they're gearing up for former president clinton's visit later this morning. a day after a visit by former president george w. bush and his wife, laura. billy graham's son, franklin and his wife jane met with the bushes for 30 minutes at the billy graham library campus and went inside his childhood home where he is lying in a closed casket. after the visit the former president spoke with reporters about billy graham's legacy. >> there is such a thing as a humble shepherd of the lord, billy graham is that person. >> preparing for today's visit by another former president, franklin graham tweeted my father knew president bill clinton when he was governor of arkansas. the president tells the story of my father coming to little rock during the riots and the calm it brought to the city back in the late 1950s. that was god speaking through my father.
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billy graham's casket is open for viewing by the general public. the visitors come from all over, all ages and walks of life. they say billy graham touched them not only through his preaching but through his example. they say this larger than life evangelist made other people, efrp person he met feel as if he was the most important person -- as if the people he was meeting were the most important person in the room. sandra, back to you. >> that fact that he was able to go to 185 different countries and preach in communist countries is an anointing from god. not anyone can do that. >> his humility and genuine humility brought upon him an over abundance of the grace of god. and that's how you explain him, which means we can't really because it came from god. >> sandra: the final day of viewing for reverend billy graham. many thanks to jonathan serrie for the report. >> bill: we'll have that tomorrow on capitol hill.
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meanwhile awaiting the arrival of hope hicks on capitol hill. she will take questions behind closed doors. congressman brad wenstrup is on that committee and join us live next. stay tuned. is helping build the new new york. once home to the world's image center, new york state is now a leader in optics, photonics and imaging. fueled by strong university partnerships, providing the world's best talent. and supported with workforce development to create even more opportunities. all across new york state, we're building the new new york. to grow your business with us in new york state, visit
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>> sandra: top of the 10:00 hour on the east coast. two big news events on capitol hill. white house communications director hope hicks will arrive to testify behind closed doors with the house intelligence committee as outing nsa director mike rogers faces new questions. >> bill: it's hopping today. back at it. bill hemmer, good morning. hope hicks has been with the president from the very beginning. one of his closest advisors and met with the senate intelligence committee and special counsel robert mueller as part of the russia investigations. what remains unclear is whether president trump will exert
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executive privilege limiting her testimony. here is the democratic congressman eric swalwell last hour when he said this at 9:00. >> no secret that hope hicks is a relevant witness for us. she is one of the closest advisors to the president. that was the case throughout the campaign, the transition, and all the way up until today. >> bill: catherine herridge live in d.c. let's start there. good morning. >> we anticipate that white house communications director hope hicks will arrive at any time for that closed door session before the house intelligence committee and anticipate that she may refuse to answer questions on the basis of executive privilege. the same approach used by steve bannon when he recently testified before the same committee on capitol hill. investigators want to explore what role hicks played crafting a statement about the 2016 trump tower meeting between the president's son and a russian lawyer among others. key moments in the campaign. >> we hope that she will be
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fully cooperative. but at this point i don't know what we can expect except that we expect her to come in soon and hope she willfuly cooperate. >> how democrats say their investigation into russian interference continues. republicans say their report may be finished as soon as as a matter of weeks from now, bill. >> bill: there is another committee deadline only days away. which one is that one, catherine? >> bill: officials have been given until friday to answer a questionnaire when they knew the trump dossier was funded by the dnc and clinton campaign. questions from republicans on the house panel are for senior officials including former f.b.i. director james comey. former c.i.a. director john brennan and james clapper and all of this is part of what the committee calls phase two of their investigation into alleged government surveillance abuse during the 2016 election. fox business network the house intelligence committee chairman
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devin nunes says subpoenas are in play. >> if they don't answer those 10 questions truthfully and fully, yes. >> they aren't ruling out calling more witnesses. >> bill: admiral mike rogers is making news on capitol hill with regards to national security. what's that about? >> the hearing to watch this morning. a rare public hearing from the head of the nsa admiral mike rogers. i have been listening in the last few minutes and made significant news on russia and interference in the mid-term elections. he has already got a plan in the works to deal with the russians but right now he still lacks critical authorities so that he can take the fight directly to the russians in their own home space and he says that one of the issues they are discussing at a policy level is the idea offensive cyber capabilities really are on par with the use of nuclear weapons in terms of the policy decisions. >> bill: thank you. a lot to follow, wow. catherine herridge live in d.c.
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>> sandra: joining us for more on this is ohio congressman brad wenstrup, a republican on the house intel committee. thank you for joining us this morning. what can you tell us that you want to know from hope hicks today? >> i think we'll ask the same type of questions we've asked everyone based on the premise we want to know what you knew when, where, why and how and what kind of response did you have to some of these things that were taking place? we'll see how that plays out. that's what we've been doing for well over the last year and she is the next in a long line. we'll see how it plays out. >> sandra: we will see how it plays out. eric swalwell. i want you to listen to what he said. >> she certainly has knowledge about what the president knew about russian interference. any directives he may have made in her presence and the june 9th meeting his son took one floor below the president's office in trump tower back in
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2016 with russians offering dirt on hillary clinton. we want him to be forthcoming. we've seen too many witnesses invoke new privileges that are not known to the law, only to this trump family and campaign. >> sandra: congressman, are politics going to get in the way of getting real answers here? >> well, politics have gotten in the way of this, as you saw just by having two different memos come out on the fisa court abuse. in this situation we've heard a lot of things from the other side for the last year there is evidence of collusion and time and time again they've been unable to produce evidence of collusion. so this may be another step in that, i don't know. we'll find out. but that's been their message all along to keep this thing going as long as they possibly can and actually been out saying there is some type of collusion taking place. the collusion i have seen comes through the dossier and the democrats with the russians, not with anybody on the other side. >> sandra: when it comes to hope hicks she has already been interviewed by the senate intel
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committee and by the special counsel. so now she goes before the house intel committee. trey gowdy last night says there is limits to the line of questioning that she should face, listen. >> it has to be relevant. we can't ask her about something that happened in high school. i say that because the democrats sometimes do like to go back 25 years to ask questions. we're investigating what did russia do, with whom did they do it, what was the u.s. government's response and disseminating classified information. that's the scope to me. if she was part of the campaign we ought to ask her about adam schiff's allegations of collusion. >> sandra: she was part of that campaign and really a key witness, right? >> i would say so. certainly they do as well. so she will come in and make her case. i agree with everything that trey gowdy had to say. and i have to tell you as a non-attorney, sometimes this line of questioning is so far off base that it makes my head spin to the point during one of the breaks one time one of the
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democrats looked at me and sad brad, aren't you glad you didn't go to law school? i'm on this committee and i want to stick to the issues and topic at hand and not try and get off and go astray in all different types of directions that don't have anything to do with this. >> sandra: hope hicks has arrived. we've been told on capitol hill to begin her line of questioning behind closed doors from the house intel committee. so we'll stay on top of that. meanwhile going back to this democratic memo and something else that trey gowdy said last night. he was really questioning the use of this dossier to get the fisa memo. saying the f.b.i. didn't need to go to these lengths. they say they have a bunch of other reasons they could get the fisa warrant, why didn't they use them? >> that's exactly right. they keep making this case. every time they used it and one time is the only thing they used and then you see a situation with steele where he
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is no longer even being respected by the f.b.i. because he broke his promise, spoke to the media. they used the media outlet as more of the evidence. if you didn't need this why did you use it time and time again? mccabe even said this is something that was key to getting the warrant. >> sandra: so what's next with the republicans' fight here? when the democratic memo came out the president said he felt vindicated by that. what is next? >> well, as far as that goes i think we need to keep digging and i would say this, that the head of those departments right now f.b.i. and rod rosenstein and d.o.j. have an opportunity to shine. they have an opportunity to say we have a problem within our agencies and we are going to make sure we can earn back the trust of the american people in our process. right now it's not there but they have that opportunity and i hope they cooperate with us to get to that point. >> sandra: all right. as we mentioned, hope hicks has arrived on capitol hill and will begin her line of questioning there. congressman, thank you for coming on.
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>> you bet, thank you. >> bill: we're awaiting two big events. the fight over gun control comes to washington house republicans hold a news briefing and less than an hour from now president trump meets with a group of republican senators after talking with governors at the white house as the calls get louder for some sort of action to take place. >> president trump: they have to do something. and they are going to do it, i think, quickly. john cornyn, great guy, senator, mitch mcconnell, paul ryan and kevin mccarthy hopefully will work on some legislation. i hope you guys they started already. in fact, john has legislation in. we'll strengthen it and make it more pertinent to what we're discussing. but he has already started the process. >> bill: mike emanuel watching this on the hill. good day to you there. where are republican leaders at this stage? >> bill, as we await house
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republican leaders the senior gop notes steps the house has taken prior to the parkland, florida attack passing mental health, tightening up the nics background checks and reviewing bump stocks in the same legislation. they're calling on house republican speaker paul ryan to hold a vote on the background checks bill by itself. last year it was attached to a conceal/carry provision and didn't go anywhere in the senate. a key republican talked about his priorities. >> i don't mind expanding background checks. i'm for eliminating the bump stocks. i'm not going to focus on the gun. i want to focus on the mental health side of it. there is a common theme in most of these cases, not all of them. somebody showing some bizarre behavior and people know about it and there is no way to address it. that's what i'll focus on. >> getting rid of the bump
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stocks that make the weapons fire faster and tightening up background checks are in line with the president's thoughts. >> a group of parkland, florida students are here in person to make their case to house democrats this morning. senate democratic leader chuck schumer is saying what democrats want is to make sure that the background checks are tightened up, schumer also wants to close loopholes that allow those with a violent history or mental illness to purchase guns at a gun show on the internet and another democrat talked about his efforts at this stage. >> i have sponsored a whole series of fwhails would change background check process works, who is able to buy guns, when and where that makes it harder for those who are felons or adjudicated mentally ill or domestic violence convictions to get access to weapons >> expect it to be a hot topic at today's senate luncheon.
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>> sandra: calls are growing louder for the broward county sheriff's suspension after a deadly shooting at a florida high school. >> when you have somebody that has been incompetent, neglect of duty. i think it's incumbent for him to be out of office. >> sandra: florida house speaker richard corcoran is one of the sheriff's biggest critics and he will join us later this hour. >> bill: also in washington house republican leaders expected to hold a news conference any moment now working on a proposal to improve school safety in response to parkland. we'll take you there live when it begins on the hill. >> sandra: plus facebook users in shock as a man live streams his own murder. more on this ahead. let's take a look at some numbers:
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>> bill: fox news alert a chilling post on facebook where a north carolina man was shot and killed. his murder streaming live on a social media site. police say the victim was filming himself as he was walking and stopped to talk with another man and when the shots rang out and he drops his phone. investigators have identified douglas cleveland colson as their suspect and he is in custody. >> sandra: highlighting a potential divide within the democratic party. california democrats declined to endorse the state's senior senator dianne feinstein for
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her sixth term. a candidate who has been receiving a lot of criticism from progressives. instead party members supporting her primary challenger kevin deleon. >> i think it shows how far the democratic party is in california. i read a headline this morning. nancy pelosi is the most conservative democrat running in her own seat. think of what the nation looks at where nancy pelosi is and she is the conservative democrat in san francisco. they are so out of step with the rest of the party and so out of step with the rest of the country. >> sandra: let's bring in karl rove former deputy chief of staff to george w. bush and fox news contributor. interesting point by kevin mccarthy just how far left have democrats gone in california? >> well, it's not just in california. it's across the country. you are seeing lots of congressional candidates who are running for seats now held
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by republicans that were carried by hillary clinton who are to the far left fringe of the democratic party. let me give you a couple examples. texas congressional district 7 republican john culverson. six democrats are running. one is so far left wing that there was an opposition research package attacking her because she was so out of touch with the democrats and so out of touch with the district that they claim she couldn't get elected. in california an open seat california 30 being retiring congressman ed royce chairman of the house foreign relations committee in orange county. eight democrats are challenging for the two seats. the problem is that if you have that many people running in california, you have the two top vote getters republican or democrat go into the general
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election. you have the possibility of -- in a district that has a a republican congressman it is a swing district of having a republican and a really lunatic democrat. that doesn't bode well for democratic chances to pick up these seats. >> sandra: demolition derby. a glut of candidates has the party at war with itself. >> it is because we have traditional democrats and we have the resistance. the people whose primary motivation is get to the left of anybody else in their opposition to donald trump and you see the constant theme here of i want to -- i'm going to impeach donald trump, everything he does is evil and wrong. and remember the territory that we're talking about. getting back to let's take texas congressional district 7. the west side of houston. this has voted traditionally republican and was represented in the 1960s by george h.w. bush and had a republican
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congressman for 50 years. it voted for hillary clinton because enough college-educated republicans, particularly college-educated republican women didn't vote for the republican nominee donald trump or voted for hillary clinton. either voted for a third party candidate or didn't vote or voted for hillary clinton and she narrowly took the district. if you look inside the district there are republican state representatives and senators and so forth. this is a swing area. is it going to be attracted by somebody whose message is i hate donald trump so much my principle goal will be to obstruct him at every stop and impeach him? i don't think that's a great winning message in some parts of the country. >> sandra: ronna mcdaniel was on "america's newsroom" earlier talking about how the democrats are still the party of no. listen. >> they have been the party of no every step of the way with this president and the american people will look at their accomplishment column in november and say they've done nothing and republicans are making our country better. democrats would be better
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served working with this president. >> sandra: last thought, karl. will that happen? >> well, i doubt it. the message is this. smart democrats are worried about this. the democratic party appears to have no agenda except blind opposition to donald trump and that's not sufficient in a mid-term. may not be sufficient in mid-term for them to win and if they do win they will have elected a lot of people out of touch in swing districts and likely to be swept out again in house races two years from now if they don't find a way to sort of connect with center and center right voters in these swing districts. >> sandra: karl rove on this tuesday morning white board and all. thank you, sir. >> bill: foggy day in austin today. panic on board a southwest airlines flight. passengers spot flames coming from the engine. that will do it, folks. what happened there. talk about that coming up. also. >> sandra: house republicans will take questions at the news conference.
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>> bill: a moment ago waiting on paul ryan, a host of topics to be discussed. he is speaking right now and talking about the billy graham's body come to the capitol tomorrow and talking about the situation in florida. drop in here and we'll pick it up there. >> first off, i want to say all of us have been deeply troubled by this parkland shooting. this is a time for asking tough questions. how could this have happened? what can we do to make our schools safer in the future? we'll look at the system failures that occurred here. talking about what changes are needed. as you know, the house has already taken action to improve
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our background check system. we clearly believe there is a gap in our background check system that needs to be filled. we also put in place sweeping mental health reform. those reforms still have a ways to go to be implemented. these are the kinds of things we'll be discussing with our members, with the senate and president. i had the good fortune of meeting with people in broward county, first responders and elected leaders to hear first-hand about what had happened in this chaos and the breakdowns that occurred. so this is something that we are very, very, very troubled by and we are going to be having the kind of conversations we need to have with our fellow members to do what we can do to try to make sure something like this doesn't happen again. again, there are a lot of system failures we need to look at here. on a more positive note, i also got to spend time with local businesses in wisconsin last week. learning about how the tax reform law is making them better and making them more competitive. it is really something. these small businesses told me
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the tax reform is enabling them to increase capital investments in their people and equipment and training. i've talked to many business leaders, small businesses who are now confident that they can go make -- take a risk and expand employees. expand operations, giving bonuses, giving raises, adding to the benefits. this is what we are seeing all over the country. wages for hard working americans are increasing and paychecks are getting bigger all thanks to tax reform. and people are actually notice it. new survey last week revealed confidence among small business owners has hit a record high driven by tax reform. "new york times" poll say the majority of americans support tax reform and like the tax law. you saw a lot of the rhetoric flying around in november is not meeting the reality that people are actually seeing in their own paychecks. this is heartening. the american people's
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confidence in our economy is coming back and rightly so. tax reform is growing our economy, it is creating opportunities, and it is helping hard working americans the most. questions. >> when do you think we can see a vote in the house on banning bump stocks? >> the house passed our bill that gives the atf direction to go deal with this issue. also fixing the background checks. we're waiting to see what the senate can do and we'll find out what the senate can do and address it then. >> [inaudible question] >> we think the senate should take our whole bill. if the senate cannot do that we'll discuss and cross that bridge when we get to it. >> how did you all to decide to invite reverend graham's body to lie in state here? >> patrick called me early that morning, patrick mchenry who represents the district the
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graham family lives in. i called mitch mcconnell and we decided it is obviously something we should do. the president called me as well that morning so between mitch, the president and myself and patrick mchenry we made that decision very quickly. >> can you rule out the house considering expanded background checks and do you support the program funding -- that would fund arming teachers and is there any way in which you support going beyond any of the other proposals? >> that's six questions in one there. let me see. i won't micromanage this. second of all i'm not sure what pat and joe are doing in their bill so i can't comment on that. that's the senate bill. we do know there are graps in the background check systems that need to be plugged. we passed a bill to do that and it should get done clearly. let me just say this on -- we
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shouldn't be banning guns for law abiding citizens but making sure people who shouldn't have guns can't get guns. in this particular case there were a lot of breakdowns from local law enforcement to the f.b.i. getting tips that they didn't follow up on to school resource officers who are trained to protect kids in these schools and who didn't do that. that to me is the most stunning one of all. there is a lot we have to look at. we want to protect people's rights while making sure that people who should not get guns do not get those guns. teachers? look, as -- we have sheriff rutledge has a bill we're looking at. the sheriff from jacksonville, as you may know. we're laong at the rutledge bill but that's a question for local school boards and states. as a parent myself and a citizen i think it's a good idea. as speaker of the house i think
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we need to respect local jurisdictions and federalism. >> you talk about -- [inaudible question] what would you view as a defeat on not being able to address some of these concerns from parkland? they have come up here and say engaged in the legislative process. >> i think it's good they're coming up and we should encourage that with our youth. so this is again there are a lot of questions that need answers. and there are a lot of members who are putting their heads together to figure out where the common ground is. we want to find common ground to make a difference. you want to add to that? >> as people are contemplating new laws i think the most important thing we can look at is what about all the laws that are already on the books that were not enforced, that were not properly implemented. it angers me when i see a
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breakdown in law enforcement. the f.b.i. had this guy's name on a silver platter. several said we think he will be a school shooter. he said he wanted to be a professional school shooter and posted under his name and turned over to the f.b.i. somewhere along the way in the f.b.i.'s chain of command they let it go. i think we ought to ask those tough questions and hold people accountable. there are good people at the f.b.i. but clearly there are people at the f.b.i. that chose to let this go. i think we ought to know about this. then at the end of the day when you look at local law enforcement and the sheriff has been very outspoken in a lot of ways, but i think what angered me the most is there was a sheriff's deputy trained and armed at the school assigned to protect the school and he hid out instead of protecting those students and confronting the shooter. i wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for law enforcement confronting the shooter in my case. it is really disappointing that ultimately somebody didn't go into that school that was there
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and armed to protect those kids. >> dealing with the parkland students you have a daughter who is that age. can you look at them and say that you are doing enough? >> first of all there was a colossal breakdown in the system locally. so there was a colossal breakdown and we need to get to the bottom of how the breakdowns occurred. what steve mentioned to the armed officer who was in the school at that time, to the f.b.i. who failed to follow up on a glaring tip that this young man wanted to shoot up a school. that's pretty profound. then we also know that there were problems in the system with background checks where people slip through the cracks. we passed a bill to fix that. we want to finish by getting final law on that thing. of course we want to listen to these kids but we also want to make sure that we protect people's due process rights and legal constitutional rights
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while making sure that people who should not get guns don't get them. this kid was clearly one of those people. >> last question. >> [inaudible question] >> i realize that. the question is enough. i think this speaks to bigger questions of our culture. what are we teaching our kids? look at the violence in our culture. look at what they are getting as far as a culture that is providing them? there are bigger questions here than a narrow law. what about law enforcement and school resource officers and what about the f.b.i.? what about background checks? those are all things we have to get lots of answers to. at the end of the day or the beginning of the day we also have to ask ourselves about the kind of culture creating these kinds of people and then do we have the kind of mental health laws that we need on the books? we passed overhaul of the entire mental health system. the question is, are we making sure that overhaul is doing
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what it is supposed to be doing to making sure that people who are like this do not get those kinds of guns? that's where we should focus our problem to be solved, which is the people who shouldn't get guns without trying to take away a citizen's rights. >> bill: house speaker paul ryan moments ago. some stunning statements from steve scalise who he himself was shot last june and was saved by his own security detail. talked about the breakdowns of law enforcement and the f.b.i. chain of command let it go. the killer sent warnings to a lot of people locally and they were not acted upon. i want to bring in richard corcoran who wants the sheriff in broward county to lose his job. thank you for your time. >> thanks for having me on. >> bill: i understand florida law does not allow the governor to remove the sheriff. if that's the case, what's the recourse? >> well, what the constitution allows the governor to do is
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suspend him immediately and replace him for the time being of the suspension and it goes to the florida senate. the florida senate can reinstatement or remove him. 74 of us in the house representing 13 million floridians sent a letter to the governor saying please suspend him and begin the process. i can assure you it would be removal, not reinstatement if it gets to the senate. that's where we're at right now. the governor did a great job. he immediately called for our florida department of law enforcement to go down there and take over that investigation and figure out what's going on. >> bill: there is a report today that suggests local police were not contacted 23 times as we were told. they were contacted 45 times going back a period of eight or nine years that include the killer and his brother. so what are we to make of that now? >> what we're to make of it is parts we've put in the letter. by sheriff israel's own admissions, a guy who says i
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investigated the school resource officer and all the reports always change. first it was shots were fired. they weren't fired. now they are saying they thought the shots were outside. he fired him. now he is investigating the officers outside that didn't rush in. now he is investigating the guys who had those calls and they said it was only 18 for him specifically but two of them are being investigated because they didn't follow through. now it's up to 45 calls. investigating when law enforcement when they went into the building they kept out first responders. he is investigating that. he is investigating his no arrest policy that he entered into with the school superintendent that said just don't tell us and we won't arrest anybody. then they bragged about arrests being down by 60%. they are committing felonies and no one is getting arrested. the kid, this killer, brought
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in bullets and brought in knives and nothing was done. so all of these investigations by his own admission he is investigating those people but not investigate himself or hold himself to account and call his work amazing. >> bill: he has been asked if he will resign including this moment from two days ago. here is how he answered that. >> i'm the sheriff. my name is on the door. the people responsible are the ones who took the calls and did didn't follow up on them. as with the f.b.i. or any person. leaders are responsible for the agency. leaders are not responsible for a person. i gave him a gun, i gave him a badge, i gave him the training. if he didn't have the heart to go in that's not my responsibility. >> bill: what do you think of that? >> i think leadership is everything. especially in a crisis. when you have a crisis like this is when leaders should step up, work with all parties
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and figure out a way to solve the problem and get whether it's a city, a state or the nation through a crisis. and what he is showing is abject failure in leadership. we see it in the state. we have people ducking down hallways, running into the office. nobody wants to be on record on how to solve this problem. governor scott, president trump we're saying here are the solutions how we can fix it so every school child in florida is safe going forward. that this never happens again. i'll tell you, one of the biggest things we're doing is have a marshal program. the first of its kind in the nation affects the entire state. it is a swarm of law enforcement offices will be able to certify teachers in the classroom protecting kids. when that coward comes through the door. he won't come through the door. he will get executed because he will stare down the face of a licensed, law enforcement marshal in the state of nra. >> bill: the florida senate
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made a move out of committee. they would like to raise the age to 21 for all weapons purchases which would include the ar-15. marshals in school, the program you mentioned there and three-day waiting period for purchase of all guns. is that something that could pass through? >> what we want to pass more than anything else is this marshal program. it's a game changer. the insanity saying our most precious resources, are children, are in gun-free zones and allowing people to come on. that has to change and if we have the marshal program and now you have 10, 15, 20, 30 people, signs out front saying these precious resources are being protected by sworn law enforcement officers with greater training than policemen and sheriffs deputies. more training when it comes to guns and active shooters and defensive tactics on those portions of their training it
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is greater, not less than sworn law enforcement officers. when that happens -- >> bill: the thinking is that just putting that message out there could deter the possibility of a killer taking action. sir, thank you for your time. >> absolutely. thank you very much. >> bill: richard corcoran from the house in tallahassee. >> sandra: some other big stories we're watching today. texas attorney general ken paxton leading a pack of 20 states pushing to get obamacare officially killed and a sanctuary city's mayor warning illegal immigrants about potential ice raids. is that her right or a dangerous move for her state? our panel will take that up next. >> as the mayor of oakland my priority is safety and safety for everyone. when all you want is good sleep? zzzquil: a non-habit forming sleep-aid that's not for pain,
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just for sleep.
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>> yesterday i learned information from multiple sources that there is
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potentially an ice activity planned in the bay area that could be starting as soon as today. my priority is to keep this community safe. it is not my wish to panic people, but to ensure that they are prepared with information. >> sandra: that's the mayor of oakland vowing to protect everyone in her city from federal immigration officials cracking down on illegal residents calling it a moral obligation. let's bring in our panel. rachel campos duffy and adrienne elrod. thanks to both of you for being here. rachel, i'll start with you first. she was very specific. if the feds knock on you are door you don't have to legally answer that door. >> i watched "fox & friends" this morning and judge napolitano was on. he says he believes she has the right to do that. yet she is within the law to do
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that. the question is if that's the best thing for her community. i would argue no and i would argue she is hurting the immigrant communities who also need safety by doing that. >> sandra: adrienne, did you have a problem? she has no regets what they did warning her residents. >> i don't have a problem with it. i actually believe that sanctuary cities are smart policy. she is the mayor of oakland. she understands her community far more than ice or any sort of national law enforcement organization. so the fact that she is warning her constituents, that she is warning the people in community she is in the right to do and smart for her to do it. >> sandra: a lot of people outraged what they heard. her obligation to protect the people and residents of her cities, it is to protect all the residents of her city, rachel. >> absolutely.
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there have been on television people from her community who have been hurt by illegal immigrants who have been protected by the sanctuary city policy. she doesn't seem to care much about them. the president has threatened that if they aren't going to listen to federal immigration officers, to ice, why are we paying to have them in california? he has threatened to take them out. if he did do that, california would be begging for ice to come back. >> sandra: i want to move on to this. we had ken paxton, the attorney general of texas on earlier. his state and he personally is taking another shot at completely undoing obamacare. he and texas are leading a 20-state lawsuit against it and he feels very passionately about this and said this. >> the original case was interestingly decided. the individual mandate where congress ordered people to buy
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health insurance. roberts took into account the penalty, and called that a tax and basically allowed this to stay in place because of the taxing authority of congress. well now with the new act by congress on tax reform in december, that penalty was eliminated so there is really no basis to allow obamacare to stay in place. we're very, very excited and think we have a good chance of eliminating obamacare once and for all. >> sandra: he says he feels that he and his state and the other 19 states doing this with them believe the health law is no longer constitutional and they have a strong case. >> look, this attorney general from texas has filed multiple lawsuits against obamacare since he has been in office and 18 of the 20 attorney generals part of this lawsuit are republicans. so let's keep that in mind. here is the real issue here. 1.1 million textians signed up.
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they want to see their costs lowered. congress can't come together, republican-led congress and instead focusing on obsessively trying to repeal obamacare, focusing on lowering the costs. one of the reasons it's high is market instability because we don't know if obamacare will be repealed or not and the marketplace is all over the place. people in texas want to see obamacare left in place. 1.1 million people enrolled. >> obamacare promised to do a lot of things. none of it came to pass. i think paxton is right. a good time to do the lawsuit. the republican tax plan removed that mandate which was the only thing holding up this obamacare as constitutional. in fact, people are looking at the tax plan itself. when you take government out, when you inject competition into the market and get rid of
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mandates, the public is served better. companies grow, people prosper. so why can't this happen with healthcare? i think taking big government out and introducing price transparency and competition will make healthcare better. good for them for trying once again. >> sandra: a busy news morning. thank you for being on this morning. >> bill: jon scott is coming up next with a preview of "happening now." good morning. >> good morning, bill. president trump saying he will ban bump stocks while lawmakers struggle to agree on what congress can do about gun violence. deputy press secretary hogan gidley joins us live and white house communications director hope hicks testifying before the house intel committee today as part of the russia investigation. will she answer questions or claim executive privilege? at least 11 people arrested in an ice raid in california after the oakland mayor warned her community it was coming. now she is speaking out in
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defense of her actions. more top of the hour. >> bill: we'll see you then. breaking news from the white house on the next election of president trump. we'll bring that to you right after this break. stay tuned. it's absolute confidence in 30,000 precision parts. or it isn't. it's inspected by mercedes-benz factory-trained technicians. or it isn't. it's backed by an unlimited mileage warranty, or it isn't. for those who never settle, it's either mercedes-benz certified pre-owned, or it isn't. the mercedes-benz certified pre-owned sales event. now through february 28th. only at your authorized mercedes-benz dealer.
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>> sandra: new reports popping up this hour that president trump is planning on making a grand announcement that he will be running for president again in 2020. we have not independently confirmed this yet. our white house reporters are working the story. brad parscal is the campaign manager. that news breaking right now and we're working the story. does it come as a shock to
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anybody? >> bill: the first time it's been this early by a mile right now. we'll bring that to you when we get more. urgent plea to those living in the state of washington to leave immediately a 250 foot deep crack continues to grow in a hillside above a state highway. what happens next? dan springer is live in the bureau with more. what's up? >> this has to be the most monitored and studied active landslide in america because it's easy to see. what you see is stunning. take a look at some video shot recently from a drone. it is flying over rattle snack ridge near yakima, washington the crack is over 30 feet wide and 250 feet deep and growing by three inches every day. down slope is 4 million cubic yards of soil. the speed of the landslide was picking up and experts thought it would come down all at once during the current rainy season. but now the movement is holding
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steady. scientists believe there is less than a 5% chance of a catastrophic event. >> the likelihood of the landslide impacting those people and the highway is low likelihood. the consequences of them being impacted are quite high. >> there is a cluster of mobile homes and 50 residents impacted. when the slide was picking up speed they were evacuated and moved into a hotel. emergency managers say those people can go back. they don't believe it will come down all at once. if it does, they will have warning beforehand and be able to warn them to get out. >> bill: wow. watch it. dan, thank you. dan springer in seattle, thank you. >> sandra: republican senators heading from capitol hill to the white house for a meeting with president trump about guns. can they and will they make a difference? you wouldn't accept an incomplete job
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>> we can confirm president trump has named former digital advisor brad parscal for his 2020 reelection campaign. >> this is 980 days in advance. that's the big deal. in 2018 we're on 2020. we have to run. see you tomorrow. >> "happening now" starts now. >> jon: fox news alert with new information about the confessed florida school shooter amid a new push for gun control on the state level. good morning to you. ifm -- i'm jon scott. >> i'm julie band areas. federal law prevented the school from them doing anything about it. sheriff's deputies were called to his family's home nearly 40 times and as there are


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