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tv   Americas News HQ  FOX News  April 5, 2017 11:00am-12:01pm PDT

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regime, government, out of power, but now he says, i'm flexible. flexibility will allow me to change my mind. what does he mean by that? we'll have to stay tuned to find out. >> jon: all right. thank you very much for joining us. "america's news hq" starts now. >> jenna: see ya tomorrow. >> melissa: a lot happening inside the beltway today, including an unexpected shake-up at the white house. hello, everyone. i'm melissa francis. right now the president is hosting king abdullah at the white house. the president set to discuss peace in the paoeft and the deteriorating situation in syria following yesterday's horrific chemical attack. also breaking today the president's trusted adviser steve bannen removed from the national security council, reversing what was a controversial decision at the beginning of mr. trump's presidency. chief white house correspondent john roberts joins us live from
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the north lawn. and the president was pressed a bunch of times ab his stance regarding syria and assad and the impact that the recent attack had on him, right? >> reporter: it's clear those attacks had a profound effect on the president who talked repeatedly about the fact that children, little babies, were killed. the white house not buying the syrian explanation that they had a munitions dump of chemical weapons that belonged to the rebels. it seems to be changing white house policy moment by moment. early this week, the white house had reiterated that regime change when it came to syrian president assad was not necessarily a priority. we could read that as better the devil that you know than the devil that you don't know because president trump has said on many times, particularly as a candidate, that often you change these regimes and you don't know who will go into power after that. and who are these people
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fighting against the regime? clearly this attack, this gas attack yesterday, had such a profound effect on him, that his thinking on all of this is changing. listen to what he said. >> that attack on children yesterday had a big impact on me. big impact. that was a horrible, horrible thing. and i have watching it and seeing it, and it doesn't get any worse than that. and i have that flexibility. and it's very, very possible, and i will tell you it's already happened, that my attitude toward syria and assad has changed very much. >> reporter: didn't say what would result in that potential change in his thinking, but this white house has been very critical of the benjamin netanyahu administration for letting the situation in syria fester particularly going back a number of years to the last big chemical weapons attack in syria when president obama at that point said this is a red line
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that assad has crossed, but then stood back and did nothing about it. president trump, just a few minutes ago, was asked if this has crossed a red line for him. listen to his response. >> it crossed a lot of lines for me. when you kill innocent children, innocent babies. babies. little babies. with a chemical gas that is so lethal that people were shocked to hear what gas it was, that crosses many, many lines, beyond a red line. many, many lines. >> reporter: crosses many, many lines beyond a red line. the president, though, would not say how he was planning to respond to syria and to this attack. he may not even have figured out how to respond. he has been very critical in the past of the obama administration for telegraphing its intent. pretty clear here the president has laid down a very big marker. so i imagine we can expect
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something will happen as a result of this. >> melissa: certainly sounded like that. in the meantime what do we know ab the removal of steven bannon? >> reporter: well, yeah. we kno being removed from the committee, removed from the national security council altogether, though he still hrbl able to attend nsc meetings if invited. it was controversial to put his chief political strategist on the national security council. there was talk of president bush doing that in the bush 43 administration. so controversial that they decided not to do it. what the white house is telling us, and they have confirmed that it was the president who did this and just not h.r. mcmaster, is that bannon was placed on the security council initially as a check on the then national security adviser lieutenant general michael flynn who had been tasked with depoliticizing,
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deoperationalizing, as the white house put it, the national security council. and that they have now stream lined that to the point where steve bannon's participation is no longer needed. bannon himself said susan rice operationalized the department during the last administration, so i was put there to make sure it was deoperationalized. i'm told by a white house senior administration official that during the obama administration, there were about 20 or more lines of communication that all led up to the national security adviser. they are you stream lining those to a handful of those. we are told the president wasn't particularly happy at the way bannon had been grabbing the limelight and that may have played into all of this. >> melissa: john robert, thank you. nuclear north korea rattling its saber as president trump prepares to meet with the president of china.
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the rogue nation firing a missile into international waters. but now it looks like the launch was more of a dud. this is expected to be a major part of the discussion that president trump is going to have with china's president tomorrow. right, rich? >> reporter: that's right, melissa. a state department official calls this an urgent and global threat. we expect this very much to be part of the discussions between president xi of china and president trump. the united states has been pushing the chinese to pressure north korea, use its leverage against its ally, to try to get north korea to stop this behavior. stop the missile launches. stop the development of its nuclear missile programs. in a statement, rex tillerson said, quote, north korea launched yet another intermediate range ballistic missile. united states has spoken enough about north korea, we have no further comment. last month secretary tillerson travelled to the region.
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he met with counter parts in japan, south korea, china. with fox news the dmz between south korea and north korea, he said all options were on the table and refused to rule out the idea of japan and south korea obtaining nuclear capabilities to provide a check against north korea as it continues to develop these programs, melissa. >> melissa: so, rich, what is china saying about all of this? >> reporter: the chinese response is they do not see the linkage with what north korea did in the missile launch. it is calling on all countries involved in this to mitigate any type of response they would have to this. china has been very critical of south korea for accepting an anti-missile system called thad, a u.s. missile system. even imposed some economic sanctions on soult korean companies as a response. united states, as a response to
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that, has called on china not to do something like that because it's basically saying that south korea has the right to defend itself. very complicated issues. something that the president, president trump, will discuss tomorrow with the chinese president. >> melissa: no doubt. thank you. international affairs getting a lot of attention today as the trump administration tackles global diplomacy on syria and north korea. for more on all this, we have chris plant, syndicated radio talk show host and zach petcanis a former hillary clinton staffer and adviser to the democratic national committee. zach, let me start with you. the president said he's flexible. he's changed his outlook on syria and assad specifically. what do you think? >> well, my first question is, what took him so long? assad has been a war criminal for a very long time. he has killed women an children and family, millions of people have been displaced. where has donald trump been?
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at the beginning of this week, donald trump said it's no longer the policy of the united states to try to remove assad and that it's up to the syrian people. and now all of a sudden he is saying that he is changing his tune. so my question is, where has he been. >> melissa: yeah. chris, are you wondering where president obama was on this? he drew the red line an still this behavior continues. >> for years and years president obama and secretary of state clinton and secretary of state john kerry stood idley by while hundreds of thousands of people were slaughtered, massacred, chemical attack after chemical attack. it's been on going for years. i love the fact that the democrats have suddenly awakened to the fact that lives in syria matter, too. but, of course, their goal is now to push it onto the plate of the trump administration and stir things up. it's awfully tkeupbs general wows. >> melissa: zach, i mean,
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president president now finds himself in exactly the predicament that president obama was in. and that now he has stepped up and said this behavior is unacceptable. everyone has seen the video and is horrified. he's painted himself into a position it seems like based on his words where he has to do something about it. what would you suggest? >> well, look, i think it's important that we don't rewrite history. in 2013 donald trump weighed in -- >> melissa: wait wait wait. wait wait. stop. hang on. i can't let you go down that road. we are talking about what to do now. what do you want president trump to do now, sir? >> the reason i have to go down this ared, when asked that question today, his response was, not to say what we do forward, it was to say this is the last administration's fault. >> melissa: what would you like him to do now? >> i think there are a lot of options on the table. it's also important that we have to learn from history here. the administration of donald
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trump should listen to the words what he said in 2013 when he said we need to stay out of syria. >> that's your advice? >> melissa: chris, he says donald trump, president trump now waking up but at the same time that he should go back to what his policy was before. chris, do you think that's a good idea? >> well, a little bit incoherent i have got to say challenging him to do something and saying he should stick to his words. >> that's not what i was saying. >> listen, it is a covert ops situation. it has become so complicated. when john mccain and lindsey graham wanted to help the resistance, there was a resistance to be helped, they were largely shut out. isis has a foot hold in the area. al qaeda has a foot hold in the area. there are special operations missiles that could be launched. with russian backing now, which could have been averted early on, the assad regime is pretty solidly in power. unless we're willing, and i
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don't think that we are, to go in heavy, i'm talking armored divisions, to remove the regime, and then we will be left with another mess on our hans, i don't think there's a lot we can do. >> melissa: we're out of time. >> our options are limited. >> melissa: thank you. scary sight in suburban maryland. >> oh my god. thank god he's okay. oh my goodness. >> melissa: a fighter jet crashing in a neighborhood not far from joint base andrews. the latest on the pilot and the investigation. and republicans take another swing at repealing obamacare. the president wants it done before congress recesses for easter. can that really happen? >> this is one of the most prominent promises we made as a party, so that's why we aren't going to take a step back. we're going to keep going at it until we get it right. that's gonna take us some time. you don't let anything
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>> melissa: an f-16 fighter jet crashes in a suburban neighborhood outside washington during a training mission. about 20 homes were evacuated after the crash, but residents have since returned home. military police have yet to give a cause for the crash. the aircraft went down in clinton, maryland, just miles away from the joint base andrews. >> the plane went down. oh my god. look at that. oh my god. is he -- thank god he's okay. oh my goodness. >> melissa: what a sight, right? after ejecting, the pilot was taken to a nearby hospital. he's in good condition with only
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minor injuries. the gop plans to repeal and replace obamacare isn't dead, but it may be on life support. the president and his administration trying to strike a deal to unite house republicans before members leave the capitol for easter recess. congressman kevin brady doesn't want to put a deal on the schedule. >> i actually think consensus ought to drive the timetable. there's no need to rush here. look, let's work through the policy, the politic. let's make sure we know the impact so we can get through those weird senate rules which dictate most of health care. i want to make sure members, we heard from them. let's do it right. >> melissa: mike emanuel has more live from the russell rotunda on capitol hill. what is the latest from speaker paul ryan on the health care push? >> reporter: good afternoon. speaker paul ryan is emphasizing doing this right, overdoing it in a rush before easter recess, ryan notes this is 18% of the
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american economy, healthcare. there are a lot of strong opinions. and so they're trying to work it out. he's really emphasizing the idea that they can be talking about this for weeks and there's nothing magical about the easter recess. again, the speaker is trying to work it out, trying to get this done. >> i'm hopeful that -- i don't want to put -- i don't want to put any specific odds on it for an artificial timeline. members need to start talking with each other. >> reporter: ryan said it is helpful, it is wise for these members to be able to talk to trump administration officials so they can understand each other and trying to work this out, melissa. >> melissa: what are some of the other key players saying after a late night session with the vice president? >> reporter: some of the conservatives are saying they like some of the proposals coming from the trump administration, but they would like to see them in writing. if they can get an agreement you might want to call this pence care because he has been front and center trying to negotiate a deal with various lawmakers.
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he's been on capitol hill recently. after last night's late night session, one key conservative said there's no deal yet. >> there's been no decisions on when we would have a vote. and no deadlines that have been placed. in fact, if anything, i think we're all cautious about setting any arbitrary deadlines that we have to press up against in terms of getting something done. >> would you say it was a very good exchange of ideas with concerns that represent the broad spectrum of our confidence. >> reporter: i should note, we've spoken with leaderships, key moderates and conservatives. we are not hearing any plans of another big late night meeting tonight, so perhaps they're going to wait until after the recess. >> melissa: we will see. mike emanuel, thank you. one of president obama's top aides back in the political spotlight. now former national security adviser susan rice may be called
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in front of congress over the unmasking of trump transition officials. and it has been a knockdown drag out fight over supreme court nominee judge neil gorsuch. it's not even over yet. democrats digging in their heels as republicans weigh their options. senator tom tillis has been knee deep in the process. he's gonna join us live coming up next. >> last night i cut my hand on a piece of sheet metal, had to get five stitches. now that ranks as the second most painful thing i have experienced this week.
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>> melissa: a contentious debate under way in the senate right now over supreme court nominee judge neil gorsuch. democrats threatening to filibuster the confirmation vote, which may force republicans to change the senate rules to get the judge confirmed. senate republicans angrily defending their decision. >> what the majority leader did to merritt garland by denying him a hearing or vote is worse than a filibuster. to accuse the democrats of the first filibuster on the supreme court belies the facts, belies the history, belies the basic truth. >> melissa: north carolina senator tom tillis is a member of the senate judiciary committee. he spoke out earlier today in support of judge gorsuch. you also said the other day that those hearings were as painful as you had sliced your hand open, had six stitches and that had become the second painful thing that happened to you after
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those hearings. what was so painful? >> now it is the third most. i was up between 1 and 3 a.m. last night and heard the senator from oregon just pile on. we went through 20 hours of committee hearings where neil gorsuch qualifications on the bench, his resume overall are impeccable. they're trying to create these sorts of shiny objects and red herrons that get us off the path of getting him confirmed. he's going to be confirmed. chuck shumer knows a lot about filibustering because in 2003 he engineered the plan to filibuster five of w. bush's nominations before they got to an agreement. and he voted for the filibuster for the nuclear option in 2013. what he did in 2003 though was changing a 214 rule in the senate. what we will do is re-establish that, which is not to have a
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partisan filibuster. >> melissa: as you sit there and talk amongst yourself about the possibility of having to change the rules in response to that, what do you see as the biggest downside? >> well, i think what we want to do is tamp down any notion that there's broad support for doing the same thing for legislature. i think 60 vote threshold is what makes the u.s. senate different from any institution. so it's giving people confidence that we're not going down that path. you just saw the behavior of chuck shumer and elizabeth warren on members who are on their side of the aisle would just as soon not filibuster this nominee. then we have to use whatever device is available to fix it. >> melissa: like what? you say you don't want to go down that road, so what do you do? what's another option that's truly viable right now? >> at this point with judge gorsuch, the only option would be for four more democrats to join. after that we're going to take the step we'll need to take to
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get neil gorsuch confirmed to the bench. if we can't get neil gorsuch confirmed there's not a name on that list that the democrats wouldn't filibuster. it's not a standard any mainstream judge can get through. >> melissa: just between you an me, who are those four that you are targeting? are any leaning your way? >> i don't think so. i think it's because there's a heavy hand coming down on them from chuck shumer and elizabeth warren. they're threatening their support in races that many of them will have next year. you look at the map in 2018. there are five states where president trump won by 17% to 20%. you would think that would be an area where the people wanted a different -- they knew the judges that he was going to put forth. i think they're wondering what their senators are doing. there are other states right on the bubble. i have had a lot of discussions with democrat members over the past week or two trying to get the behavior of the senate back
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to a bipartisan field as we move forward on healthcare and a number of other things we need to get done. >> melissa: it doesn't sound like you need to get there. what you worry about, and correct me if i'm wrong, if you do have to go down the road of going with that straight vote and changing the rules, that you worry about compromising yourself in the eyes of your constituents? >> no, i don't. i think at the end of the day, people believe that it's the right decision, that he is extremely qualified and deserves to be on the bench. >> melissa: senator, thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> melissa: president trump accusing susan rice of committing crimes. now congress is talking about trying to substantiate that claim . will the former obama adviser be called to testify. plus ivanka trump defending her new role in the white house. >> where i disagree with my
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father, he knows it, and i express myself with total candor. where i agree, i fully lean in and support the agenda and hope that i can be an asset to him.
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>> melissa: congressional committees now looking into president obama's national security adviser, susan rice and her request to identify members of the trump transition team caught up in foreign
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surveillance. many lawmakers now demanding that she testify. chief intelligence correspondent katherine herrige is live in washington. will susan rice be called as a witness? >> reporter: the ranking democrat, adam schiff, said the committee is open to hearing from her, although said nothing about relevance. in her msnbc interview, rice offered no national security explanation for identifying at least one member of the trump team. the powerful chairman of the senate intelligence committee that's doing its own investigation into russia did not rule out calling rice as a witness. >> if there's intelligence that leads to a reason for us to look at susan rice, then we'll do it. whether susan rice or anybody. if there's intelligence that leads to some value in bringing them in and having them in for an interview, we'll invite them in. >> reporter: government source told fox news the unmasked intelligence was shared beyond
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rice and congressional investigators are focused on whether other administration officials under president obama made similar requests, melissa. >> melissa: i think what a lot of people are wondering is, are we learning more about the contents of these intelligence reports? >> reporter: well, rice said yesterday in her interview that the unmasking was about security and not politics, but a republican member of the house intelligence committee said this morning that it doesn't seem to add up. while the congressman has not independently reviewed the intelligence reports, he was briefed on the contents and was told they do not pertain to russia and seemed highly personal in nature. >> this is information ab everyday lives. who they were speaking with, who they were meeting, where they were going to eat. nothing of any substance or value unless you're just trying to lay out a dossier on somebody. kind of like in a court case where lawyers are hired or investigators are hired to just find out what a person is doing from morning until night then try to piece it together later on. >> reporter: former senior
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official confirmed to fox news that only the person who asks for an american to be identified gets the information and rice would be well aware that there is a comprehensive government paper trail showing who made the request and on what basis, and you have to give to it the congressman. the divorce analogy is a new one in this particular story. >> melissa: really. seriously. thank you. we'll stay on the story, no doubt. for more on this, senior reporter for "business insider." let's start with one of the criticisms that i have heard of susan rice about a dozen times. that she's not an investigator. that her role on the national security adviser within the white house was white house staff. and that she's supposed to be coordinating policy, not investigating things. so that's why this seems weird to some people. what do you think? >> that may be the case, but at the same time, she is one of the top intelligence people in that administration. she is provided with these intelligence reports by the nsa
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every morning. when the nsa chooses to disseminate these intelligence report, that indicates that there's some kind of foreign policy or national security element to it that is relevant and they think she needs to see. whether or not she chooses to go further than that and ask them to then identify u.s. persons mentioned in the report, that is at her discretion. >> melissa: yeah. the other criticism that seems very tough to explain is why was her story so different when she was on pbs two weeks before. she didn't recall. she had no idea what devin nunes was talking about. and then when she responded with andrea mitchell, all of a sudden she had a lot of clarity on what we were talking about. how do you think that could be explained? >> i don't have insight into what susan rice was thinking there, but the only explanation that i would give for that is perhaps that it's very sensitive when a top official requests a u.s. person be unmasked.
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so i would imagine that she wouldn't want to comment one way or another on whether she had asked for that or whether trump transition people had been unmasked. the only plausible explanation i can think of is that she just didn't want to go into the details there. >> melissa: we don't know, there are about a zillion things we don't know. andrea mitchell did not ask who did you share it with. she said she didn't leak it. she wasn't spying. but she didn't say if she discussed it with anyone else. one of the questions seems to be, what happens next? no? >> yes, absolutely. i will say that it's unclear who exactly requested -- there are several officials who receive intelligence reports every morning. any one of them can request that u.s. persons be unmasked. so it's not entirely clear and "the wall street journal" said that susan rice was not the one who requested michael flynn be
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unmasked. there are other people who could have requested this unmasking. for the blame to fall squarely on susan rice's shoulders, that's not an entirely plausible explanation. >> melissa: yeah. at the same time, you're watching as a member of the media the way other parts of the media are treating this. some are acting like it is a witch hunt of her. is that possible? does that have any validity in your mind? >> i think susan rice is -- she has always kind of been a villain for the right especially. that being said, there are questions about why she asked to unmask the u.s. persons and then what she did with that information. did she disseminate it? did she give it to anyone else? did she mention it to somebody who may have leaked to it the press? but she is -- she, as national security adviser, is obligated to only keep that information to herself when she requests it. >> melissa: yeah. we don't know a lot. you mention she's a villain to some on the right. that would go back to the way she went out on the sunday shows
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and said that had to do with that. there was one time she went out into the media and said something that later proved to be untrue. this is the second time. maybe she's taking the fall for someone. that's another theory i heard spun a couple times this morning. >> that's definitely possible. nothing she did was inherently illegal. >> melissa: all right. we will see. natasha, thanks for coming on. many sanctuary cities dig in for bitter fight against the trump administration's immigration crackdown, one country is bucking the trend, taking concrete steps to work with the feds. plus, u.n. ambassador nikki haley throwing down the gauntlet, blasting syrian president assad and his allies for yesterday's suspected chemical attack in that war torn county. what it means for a possible end to the blood shed. >> the united states sees yesterday's attack as a disgrace at the highest level, and assurance that humanity means
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nothing to the syrian government. ♪ ♪ ♪ wanna get away? now you can with southwest fares as low as 59 dollars one-way. yes to low fares with nothing to hide. that's transfarency.
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>> melissa: ivanka trump responding to critics who accuse her of being complicit about not speaking about some of the parts of her father's agenda. ms. trump saying she prefers to remain behind the scenes. >> i don't think that it will make me a more effective advocate to constantly articulate every issue publicly where i disagree. and that's okay. that means that i'll take hits from some critics who say that i should take to the street. and then other people will, in the long term, respect where i have gotten things done. >> melissa: the first daughter is not a paid administration employee. since joining the white house staff, she's focused her attention on women's issues and
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work force development. a syrian opposition group says the death toll from the suspected chemical attack in the northern part of that war torn country now stands at 75. rescue workers are discovering more survivors hiding in shelters near the site of the carnage. in the meantime, u.s. ambassador to the u.n. nikki haley blaming syrian president assad and his russian and iranian allies for the attacks and hinting the u.s. may go it alone to address the crisis if the u.n. fails to act. >> if russia has the influence in syria that it claims to have, we need to see them use it. we need to see them put an end to these horrific acts. how many more children have to die before russia cares? >> melissa: ambassador haley's remarks standing in stark contrast to white house press secretary sean spicer on the way forward in syria. this was just a few days ago.
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>> i think, with respect to assad, i mean, there is a political reality that we have to accept in terms of where we are right now. >> melissa: so let's talk about it with geraldo rivera, fox's correspondent at large. we showed you what nikki haley said. then president trump came out and made a statement a short time ago, saying his mind has changed. this had a huge impact on him. that he's very upset. i mean, what do you make of that change of opinion? >> you know, i think so many thins, melissa, but the main thing i think looking at this video, it is so stomach churning, so unsettling, so upsetting to see the absolute inhumanity of these attacks. but you played the sean spicer sound byte. both the white house secretary and the president of the united states indicated just over the last couple days that maybe
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assad stays, that maybe we can deal with assad, that maybe absolutely destablize the entire region was the arab spring and our drive to get these leaders out, unleashing tumult in these areas, libya, syria, iraq in 2003. but when you see spicer and you see, more importantly, the president of the united states indicating that maybe we can deal with assad. to have assad then two or three days later launch a poison gas attack on his own people, killing these children, i don't know. to me, i have deep misgivings that the story doesn't make sense. what i mean is, why would assad, now that he has the indications of international acceptance finally, after six bloody years, 500,000 dead -- >> melissa: you're saying you don't think he did this? >> what i would like the president of the united states to say is, damn it, i want the
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syrian government right now, we're landing at damascus airport at 12:00 tomorrow afternoon. we want to see the scene. we, and you can bring the russians if you want to. we want to go to the scene of this horrible crime against humanity. i want to see the artillery shells that carried this gas. i want to find out the trajectory. i want to review the radar. i want to know what aircraft were in the air. i want to know exactly what happened. if this was an accident, as assad is saying, or if this was the rebel who did it to make assad look bad, i want to know about it. because if it is assad, and if assad has launched this poison gas attack just days after the president of the united states says, you know, maybe we can do business with you, then he is not only an international war criminal, i want him killed. i want him killed. i want an assassin to take him out as soon as possible. he is a despicable monster who does not deserve to walk the face of the earth. >> melissa: along the lines of what you're saying, there are
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syrians saying president trump said, basically, you can stay. so then he took that as license to go ahead and do this to his own people. that's what some people are arguing. >> but is that -- are they so stupid? are they so utterly without any reason, any logic? >> melissa: maybe emboldened? >> i know syrians. lot of people -- syrians are very sophisticated, educated people. assad's inner circle is very westernized, in a sense. they wouldn't be that stupid as to say, trump says we can do business, now i can poison gas infants? it just doesn't pass the test. >> melissa: you don't think he's gathered that information that intelligence? you don't think he's demanded the same thing? >> why didn't ambassador nikki haley, who is doing a superb job. i am so proud of the former south carolina governor, now our
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ambassador to the united nations. she's articulate and forceful and in many ways is leading our foreign policy in a way rex tillerson is not. but i would like them all to say, let's put the facts first, not the emotions. let's find out exactly what happened. it wouldn't take very long. u.n. can do it in half a day. let's see what happened. we can see who's responsible. because if, indeed, the sirian regime has committed that act of mass murder of babies, then all bets are off. >> melissa: all right. very strong words. thank you. all right. one arizona county bucking the trend of sanctuary city popping up across the country, but not in the way you might think. how sheriffs there work with not against federal immigration enforcement officers. and a california man tries to run from police, but gets caught with his pants down. oh my goodness. my insurance rates are probably gonna double. but dad, you've got... with accident forgiveness they guarantee
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>> melissa: a suspect tries to run from police and they corner him behind a building. he's ready to give up when police order him to hop a fence. that's when his pants get stuck, of all things. the officer forced to tear his pants to set him free-ish before taking him into custody. now that's just embarrassing. sanctuary cities and counties are popping up across the country, giving illegal immigrants safe haven from federal immigration laws. but one arizona jurisdiction is not going along with that trend. the sheriff's tkep department works with ice detaining suspects and calling in ice agents to make pickups. william longeness has more.
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william? >> reporter: well, melissa, as you know, some sanctuary cities give ice zero cooperation. san francisco may turn over some convicted felons, but not others. but in this county, it's an entirely different approach. >> we see both illegals and the drugs. >> reporter: on patrol and in the jail, this is not a sanctuary city. >> if we determined that they're here in this country illegally, then we notify ice and ice will then issue a warrant for that person and we will put a detainer on that person. >> reporter: the size of connecticut, the county is not on the border, but close enough that influences its crime rate. >> people need to understand that illegal immigration goes hand in hand almost always with drug trafficking and with human trafficking. >> reporter: unlike those sanctuary cities, it is not illegal in arizona to ask a suspect's immigration status or birth place. >> how long have you lived on the reservation?
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>> reporter: once booked, jail officials here are trained as ice agents to determine legal status. >> the 287g program allows me to make sure that i'm not putting criminals back in our community. >> reporter: fingerprintsuploaded to an ice database to determine legal status. those found to be here illegally go from jail to ice custody for deportation. unlike sanctuary city, which let them go. >> instead of taking these criminal aliens in a secure environment of a jail, our officers have to go out on the street. not only endangers our officers, but the community at large as well. >> reporter: so this is obviously a political issue. red state/blue state. from the administration's point of view, they just want to increase compliance. there's two ways to do that. number one make the detainers mandatory. i heard ice is issuing warrants to give sheriff s political
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coverage to do what they want to do, which is basically put these guys away. >> melissa: thank you. pepsi pulling the plug on a controversial ad starring their new spokes model, kendall jenner. in the ad she leaves her photo shoot to join a march beforehanding a police officer a can of soda. ah. critics taking to social media claiming the scene is a well known image of a black lives matter protest. no one likes it. the texas legislature taking on chuck norris. guess who wins in that stand off?
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>> so how is it possible that the star of "walker texas ranger" was not an actual texan? that wrong has been righted. chuck norris, native oklahoman, now proud to be called and ho r honorary texan.
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former texas governor had already made norris an honorary texas ranger. what is better, a ranger or citizen? here's shep. >> shepard: first from the fox news deck, a pivotal moment for the united states and a world. a major shift from president trump himself this afternoon during a joint news conference with jordan's king abdullah. the president said the latest acts of barber al-assad can't be tolerated. >> that act on children had a been impact on me. it was a horrible thing. i've been watching it and seeing it. it doesn't


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